ADVICE TO WOMEN M4F WkW yam Women Buffering from any form of illness are invited to promptly com municate with Mrs. Pinkbam at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women. A wo man can freely talk 'of ber private ill ness to a woman ; I thus bas been es tablished this con fidence between Mrs. Pink ham and the women of America which has never been broken. Never has she tin'.. lished a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never iiaa the Company allowed these confidential fetters to jjet out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest , Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. Pinkham bas to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case. She asks nothing in re turn except your good will, and her advice bas helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this gener ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkbam, care of Lvdia . Pirkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Every woman ought to bare Lydia E. Pink ham's 80-pago Text Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as it U too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. Write fox it today. OS mo IT TO E. L 01 TRAVIS NOTICE. By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in him by a certain deed in trust executed by Joseph S Adams, dated 14th day of November, A D., 1S10, and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county in book of Deeds in Trust and Mortgages SI at page 213, default having been made in the payment of the interest on the in debtedness secured by said deed in trust and aaid power of sale now be ing absolute; the undersigned trustee will, on the 2Mb day of July, A. D 111, sell at the County Court House door In the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, at public auction for cash, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land, sit uats. lying and being In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina. On the west aide of French Broad river on New Found road; beginning at a stake and small pine, the Vm. flmilh corner, and runs thence soutb 8 de'rees east 21.2 poles to a stake, Julia A. Sluder's corner; thence north 11 degrees 30 minutes east with said Sluder's line and Ripley's line 62 poles to a stake, Ripley's corner: then north 49 degrees east with Rip ley's line as far as It runs, on this course and passing through his oak corner 21 poles to the middle of the driveway approaching the residence of the party of the first part; thence with the middle of said driveway south 73 degrees east 4 poles and north 14 degrees 13 minutes east t poles to a stake in the New. Found road; thence with said road as re cently changed the following courses and distances: north it degrees 45 minutes west 1 poles to a stake; north 23 degrees west 3 poles to stake; north SI degrees west 3 poles, north 39 degrees 13 minutes west 14 poles, south 97 degrees west 111 poles, north 39 degrees 39 minutes west 12 poles to a stake in said road and Id the line of said Adams' Alexander tract: thence leaving said road and running with said line north 33 de grees 15 minutes west 34 poles to the old black oak now down, a common corner of said Adams' Btradley tract and Alexander tract formerly claimed by Pearson and two tracts formerly owned by Wm. M. Smith, sr.; thence with the line of one of the Smith tracts and the lines of Wm. Smith, Jr., and the Lerkln Smith tract south 4 degrees west 73 poles to a stake; then south 33 degrees east J4.5 poles; thence south 4 degrees west 191 poles to the beginning, containing IS acres. Reference being hereby made to the aforesaid deed In trust for a more particular description of said land. This 23th day of June, A D , 1911. GEORGE A. QRIMSI.ET, Trustee. (Continued from page 1.) ation and undoubtedly the tax assess ing business Is going to be an issue in the next campaign. The assessors for Wake county are Julian Lewis, O. S. Thompson and L. I. Womble, sr. Mr. Thompson it is .stated, is a relative of the Tuckers, but of course it was not presumed that this would have affected his action. Johnston County Kcfiorts. 'The tirst county report to the cor poration commission was Johnston county, which always boasts of being the tirst to settle its taxes with the state treasurer. The increase in the county is approximately 33,050,000 and R. H. Grower, the county asses tor, reports only two complaints at the board meeting. These were uickly adjusted. Mr. Grower was r.ucceesful in finding 14,000 more acres of land in Johnston county than has been taxed previously. The report for Halifax county next reached the commission. J. W. Pierce, the assessor, also doing quick work. The valuation in Halifax Is f 10.872.- 31. an increase of 32.318. $85. Clarence Moore, a negro charged with breaking into a store in Sanford last week, was picked up here by the o- ice yesterday. It seems that while n the store the negro put on a new uit of clothes and left his old ones. in a pocket or wmcn was a piece o. paper on which was written "Miss Blanche Finch, 707 W. Lane street, Raleigh." After ordering a special venire of 0 men to try the murder case against Willie Weaver, who killed a white man' named Kd Pearce, Judge Peebles granted a motion for a con- inuance of the case until the Sep- emlH-r term of court and ordered the call for the venire cancelled. In court yesterday Judge Peebles ave a n-gro named Lonnie Hall ten ears in the penitentiary for highway robbery, the victim being John Har- s. Krnest Jones, another negro. was found guilty of manslaughter nd sentenced to four months on the roads. It seems that he was in a runken row and shot at Richard lupkins. the bullet wandered and hit ohn Jeffreys, killing him. Foley's Honey arte Tar Compound Is effective for coughs and colds In either hlldren or grown persons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. vent. For sale by all dealers. TRUSTEE'S BALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made ty Harvey Corper'ng to the under signed trustee, dated the lath day of June, 190S, and duly recorded In the office vt the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 33 at page 41, to which reference is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the In debtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tive, the suld undersigned trustee will on Saturday, tlte 2tb day of July, till, at It o'clock, noon, sell at pub lic auction for cash at the court house donr In the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe, N. C, the fol lowing lands and premises, situate, lying and being on or near Sassafras treet In the city of Ashevllle, county of Hiincombe and stats at North Car olina, and more particularly described as follows: ' ' I'.ebinnlng at a stake, the southwest corner of the Alice Steel lands, and runs thence with her line south 34 ilu'tffi enst 31 feet to her southeast ( mmht; then N. 9 degrees east fifty . ( to a stake; then N. 34 degrees w-t Hi feet to a stake In old Caleb I ' i n line; then south t degrees t 1,0 feet to the beginning, being - wiveyed to J. Kuykendnll by TV. Pat ton and conveyed to Jacob ' too by said Kuykendall. '. 1 June 17. 1911. W. K. PI If FORD, Trustee. KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE EM 'A ) i 4 J ! i-- . JILL OUT OF SORTS Has Any Asheville Person Nev- er Felt That way? Feel all out of sorts? . -Tired, Blue, Irritable. Nervous? Back feel lame and achy? That's the story of sick kidneys Bad blood circulating about; Uric acid poisoning the body. Just one way to feel right again. Help the sluggish kidneys; Do it with Doan's Kidney pills. Doan's have cured many Asheville people. Here's one case. W. M. Barnes, retired minister, 23 Central Ave., Asheville. N. C, says: 'For at least five years I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble. My back ached and they secretions from my kidneys bothered me by passing irregularly. I tried any number of remedies, but none of them did me any good until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Smith's Drug Store. This preparation was so benenllal that I gladly recommend it." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the Cnltel States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. MBBMaMMWBMMMMSS MMWMiiliiH I Leading Hotels and Boarding Houses) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special benefit arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer line on College street, near foot of Moun tain, of this city, within the city of Asheville, as provided by law. partic ularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all amendments thereof, has filed its re port as required by law. In which said cost and expenses of the improvement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by It to be beneficially affected by said improve ment, the names of owners of prop erty, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parties In whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or in cases where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying same, being as follows: Mrs. Loftaln, Mr. Led better, Philip S. Henry, they and each of them, and all parties interested in said property so beneficially affected by said Improvements as aforesaid, are hereby admonished that the report of said jury as above set forth is now on file with the city clerk of Asheville, and that they and each of them are hereby required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of alder men of said city, to be held on the 4 th day of Aug., 1911, at 8 p. m., and show cause, if any exists, why said report should not be approved and confirmed by said board of aldermen of the city of Asheville. This the 25th day of June, '.ill. A G. HALTBURTO.N. till ,Tuv 1 ".v "rt- TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS la our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry any anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTELN Loan Office. 23 S. Main St. Phone 887. Asheville 'WILSON RID. Wilson Reld, sged seventy-three, it stil able to bandit the reins over a fast borse with the best of them. Ia a recent trot ting meet in New York Mr. Reid drove ia three races ind won every one of then. K3tltl(i;KX3t3t3tStlt at tt t A PARIS 1I1XT. 3 It Stl(ltKKKRK3tSt KNICKERBOCKER NO. 7T COLLEGE ST. PHONE 1SS. Delightful Situation. . Central Location. Large Shady Grounds. Appointmen ts Complete. TLB MS Accord I ng to Location of Boom. THE MANOR a t.titm A tet.h PARK ASHEVILLE, N. 0. AN EXCLUSIVE INN. Near golf links. Attractive accommodations; good service; excellent table. ' WINDSOR HOTEX 4 SOCTH MAIK ST. New management. American and European. Overhauled - and Refur nished throughout. Rates Europ ean, 0c, 75c and $1.00 per day. American, 32.00 per day. Commercial trade solicited. Large sample rooms free. , C, 3. TATES, Prop. FAIRFIELD INN NOW OPEN AND FISHING IS FINE Elevation. 1,250 feet Lake Fairfield, In the beautiful 8a pphlre country, la the finest spot ,n the world tor a vacation, and the trou t fishing waa never better than it is right now. Get your tackle together, close up your desk, and come up for a few days or weeks. Tou'U get a taste of real sport. Modern hotel with baths, hot and cloth water, electric lights, bell boy service, first-class cuisine, boating and all out-door sports. Music, dancing, tennis, bowling. Telegraph line direct to the hotel. Special rates for June and September. ' For information, rates, etc., address H. R. ROBERTS OX, Proprietor, Fairfield Inn. Sapphire, If. C. COMMERCIAL TOURIST THE KENTUCKY HOME HOTEL Endorsed by the T. P. A. and U. CL T. Traveling Men. The best Sample Boom in the town. Hendersonville, N. C. SEASHORE ARE YOU GOING; TO THE The ATLANTIC HOTEL, at Uorehead City, 2. C, offers superior attractions, unexcelled accommodations, the largest variety of amnae menta, and (neeta her enjoy the most tavlgorattng and bealtbfal " climate on the Atlantlo Coast, JitA2l: 1ZZLl. Ideal 6urt Bathing; Beach -Finest Fishing In the World 6afe Sailing, on Inland Waters or the Atlantlo Ocean Largest Ball Boom In the Soutli Convention Hall Tennis Court Bowling Alleys Tool Billiards. ' r .---L,-t -j-.: -.t i 7 , '. ' SPLENDID CUISDIE " ,.' SOUTHERN COOKEfQ A FEATURE. . k ' ' The Summer noma for Mother and Baby Cool Sea Alrjne hest tonic. Rpwlal Kates for families. Low lute SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEED-END excursion farca via - RALEIGH or G0LDSBORO " ., ... AND - ..... 1 ; NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. notel Rates, $13.50 to $31.00 per week. . T. ALEX. BAXTER, Mgr., . --ir-wn1..wr. MORKHEAD CITT, N. C. Formerly Manager of Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. EOBL Battery ParK Hotel . . ASHEVILLE, N. C ! ' ... OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. - ' Famous Everywhere THE SW ANN AN OA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE . ... I Family and Transient Hotel Rates 12.50 a day and apward. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner Prop. Hotel Renmore . V WATKESVILLE, H. CL . Open Througbont the Tear. STRICTLY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. C H. and MRS. L. W. KJflGHT. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST . HOTEL OF WAYNESV ILLE, N. 0. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietreji. Open the Year Rounds - "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" ' WFIFJH AVENUE AND THIRTIETH STREET 85 FAMOUS MANY YEARS jl As the Centre for the Most Exclusive h . of Gotham's Visitors ; ; COMFORTABLY and LUXURIOUSLY APPOINTED M to meet the demand of the fattidioui or democratic visitor JJi offering, a) moderate rates, the comfort, elegance. . t . Ji , and entertainment demanded by conoott- . t . 'i tcuri as the best in Hotel-life. Under ma a as emant ' that hsa Ions, catered., to the demaada ofdis crlmlnatina visiton. - Grand Hotel Ntw York City A Famou Home, with New Annex On Broadway, at Stat Street One Block from Pennsylvania R. R. Terminal. Also eoaven tent to Grand Central Terminal A house mads famous throucn Its splen jd serrlcc, and persoa al attention to patrons tha Grand counts its friends by the thousands. Special attention liven Southern People who are so accustomed to polite and courteous treatment. Aa for transportation f shin ties. New Tork's subways, Sla vs ted and surface, cars are all practically at ths door. Tbe tres and ahopplag districts also immediately at hand. Personal BORaca transferred free k' and from Mew Peanaylvasjla scattoev i Splendid Moorish dining rooms are but one of the fa mous features of the the New A ones. Abaolsjtely ilre-pronf. Bales I IAS res Day,-Upward GEOBGB P. nURLBERT. Pres. and Geu'l Mgr. Aao The Oreee. hurst, en Lake Cbatauoa, Jamestown N. T. Open July 1st to October 1st Pine Automobile Bulla Guide to New York wltb ' Maps) and Special Rata Card -t rsqasal, vETHELWOLD HOTEL In heart of Beautiful Sapphire Co untry. Altitude 2250 feet Rates it per day. Tempting Terms to Too lint Trade. Write for Quotations and Reservations. MRS. FRANCEJJL. HAMILTON, BREVARD, If. C. Proprietress, . I Centrally located, near all railway terminals, theatres, shopping cen tres and commercial districts. . Public Dialog Room New Crill Alter Dinier . Uiige. ;r , . , , i -t-- i Santa, iar tamei r ALL TIA1 IS BEST LH HOTEL UTI AT CCXSISTlYT MTES W . Royal Suites V Rooms' . . '. Single orE Salle Mth or without bath Private Diaiag Saloon lor Ladles- GLADSTONE HOTEL To right of Southern depot. Only European plan'hotelr In ths city. Rooms 7t cents and $1.00 per day. Cafe in connection. Batha tree. Por ter meets all trains. Commercial trade solicited. . - FRANTS BLAKE, Manacer. 16 P.iH Vn.,s M1I UVr JJtKBI lufTnteV, to Ikt'-A Uur U Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, WZ. i A New-Modern-Meritorious Ilostelry. ., It appeals to those who know what's what and why. . .HOWELL COBB. Opens June SS, 1011. BALSAM, K. G. Hotel Balsam. Several thousand dollars in improvements. Fourth consecutive season under same management. Features: Running; cold spring and hot wat. Ih every room .no mosquitoes or Insects. Altitude Ittl feet 100 yards from Southern depot.- Amusements: Tennis, bowling,' danolng, music, horseback riding, etc. BALSAM HOTKL CO, Proprietors. -i J no. O. Baydork, Mgr. THE MANOR. Announces the presentation of ' " The Coburn Players .. .. . .. . - i. . ..., Monday, July 17th Matinee and night. Matinee: Much Ado- . About Nothing; Night: The Canterbury Pilgrims.. - V .". OpenAir Performance : Tickets at Whitlock's. Sale begins July 13tbv ! i i 4 " a The North Carolina not Springs WANTED At the FLEMMIXG HOTEL at Ma rlon, Nv C, 71 Bummer Boardera, rates i to T per week. Children half price. Irge cool rooms, four hundred feet of cool porches, there is no better place on earth te spend your summer months, good water and the best of climate. T. J. WILLIS, Mgr. HR0ADWAY and 1ITH STWXT htVYUKX CITY wkm yf lw ref Twry roint ef ltrrt. II. If ltlnrk from .Mmafci-r'S. D If'nw will ml ttix'llinf 1'i.irirt. Irt SM iimwltn Stir r.UfiU.i'K. EUROPEAN PLAN. y Jstlj d'tlot Urcskrst SPs. f VTM.TAYl.r ZiZZ lf!r.c. : ? V 'MOTOtfAlPAltK' HOTEL;' ' iJ '! The ldal resort for heaitnpleasiir and recreation. Every amusement Cool nights, no mosquitoes. Free from dampness, fog and smoke, Kathlng department In rharge of scientific Masseur. Trains from AahsvllW daily. T:10 a. m. and I:0S p. m., returning 12:49 and l;06 p. m. Write for Booklet Special attention to Dinner Parties. - 8. B. ROBERTS, Mgr. THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL COMMERCIAL AMI) TOIRIST " Rates 3.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by Week or Month. . It F. JAHRETT. Manager. blllxburo, N. a ' BONNIE CREST, - - - SKYLAND, N. C j Eight miles south of Asheville. a t.-me for people o( renpement and is beautifully hx-ated in an extensive grove of beautiful pines. Fivs trains and three malls dally. Write for rates to . . MRS, T. B. DOE, Kkyland, 5. C ... Try Garette-News Want Ads City Livery Stable W. V. ISRAEL,' Prop. RrVM V. :mX iVIU.E, K. OL rmnti nmi to co!HM!:r.ial travi r.ri:. p. set of mat i si.t T.a.L l. . and pri.C-Lmt ; v! .i, il -r .J ' -t t t a cfy, atl cu', i r i. I ' LIITIC CI' ritjh jj : I V ; Ths Leaiiag Resort Mouse of the WeHd -I I Ull-ri-r t.iii PertKelsth Attrectlve DeHef '!' l liil ' " ,u" Ju4y' September ' , ' J i i Atlantic's Great Summer Season. v c h 1 t . t'spwdr line. Tws Rlorka i4 umntntrtl oc.s r ! Sjn'- Tf front faring Smith mnA overtnalc IH the liima lt.arti- N V-C lrtsl halh&MK-k with an mnA trrh wmivr. . JX n! Jhessrvs in both Amxw.n and U C.rt. I)ir.m li-""', I I tfcTSi. R. Kuuiits nuinic. iAI. kullins i hirt 1 h I 1-. WvJX T" '". rim .Kalitit, UuUrt. (, bans Ith r I FrVlLj sralslorkwi mall. A U JUOlA rVHITB 4 SONS OOUPANT. The Phoenix European and 4 PATT0II HOTJ315. ', American Hotel. , , The best ananlMtrsalonablshouo., On Wert College Blreet In Rlomber, Ln ll???''1, building, nesr po.toltlc, and Patton hom' VJVm ' Ave. Rooms 10c, 76c, i per day. Free ILjiJ L,UJi iAiiUil. . bathe Cater only to best putronage. - 1 B. BKA1TMAN, Prop. TLk . - Headquarters for traveling men ' - tad lumbermen. Rates II PT Cv. V C0M1IERC1A1. HOTEL 8p ul b' Blonlh- 1 lh rt w ji-K-rin- - room. Free sample rooms. lisJlroad Ufl.llllK,nos. . , tlng house fronting Boutharn dJot ' Ointon, N. O. Uvery In connection. Eicellent table, good srvlc. Haas- . w . atl m.,.., . ,.. eiwtle rates. Free asmple room. w- AUMA 1 - " rr Hot and cold bstha t'nil--r new man- - agement Blrlctly frat rUas. C3lU J Oi V. C ft ' ' t I. ' ,:A I ,11, ,; ..

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