XOTIC13 OF SALIi 4 i By virtue of the power and author ity conferred upon the. . undersigned, A Don T. Morrison, by a certain deed of truat, executed by J. D. LoUpelch und wife, Jennie W. Lotspeieh. dated 28th day of June, 1910, said deed in trust being recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe count, in book 78, page 607, reference to which is hereby made; ' default having been made in the payment of , the debt secured by said deed in trust. , the same being now past due, and re quest having been made by the owner 1 and holder of said debt that the un dersigned do execute the powers of ; sole contained in said deed in trust, I, Allen T. Morrison, trustee, will on ;the 16th day of August, 1911, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house ; door in the city of Asheville, Bun- ' combe county. North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, to ithe highest bidder, the following de scribed pieces or parcels of land: i FIRST PIECE: Begins, on a rock on the west margin of the road lead ing across the mountain and runs 'north 83 degrees west 40 poles to a irocK; men norm su qegrees west lit poles to a sourwood in R. P. Brlt taln's line; then with said Brittaln'a .111117 . . u a , yviin j a. " j am's chestnut corner; then with said jLirittaln's line east 19 poles to a j ilckory; then up the mountain south (to deg. east 14 poles to a rock on he margin of the mountain road; hen with the road .12.1 poles (to the jeelnnlnsr. containing 41 acres more or less. A right of . way is also grant- id to the above described land. SECOND PIECE: Beginning at a naple on the south bank of Reems reek and runs north 48 deg. east 28 oles to a black oak on top of a bluff near the mill, S. C. and O. M. Robln- i :ou corner, men soutn z aeg. east !ij poles to a pine, then south 68) deg. ast 14 poles to a stake on the fill or mbankment; then south 46 deg. east 13 poles to a black oak; then south :0 deg. east 5 2-1 poles to a white ak; then south 60 deg. east 8 poles 0 a small pine; then south 60 deg. ast 25 poles to a stake in Caird's ine; then south 8 deg. east crossing he creek 4 poles to a willow on the outh bank of Reems creek; then '.own and with the meanderings of aid creek 70 poles more or less to he mill dam; then south 88 deg. east 1 poles to a small chestnut oak; then outh 431 deg. west 13 poles to a lo ust on west side and near spring iranch; then with meanders of said iranch to the creek; then down with neanderings of creek 10 poles more r less to the beginning, containing l acres more or less. Excepting, however, from this sec nd tract all that piece of land de cribed in deed executed by J. B. votspeich and wife, said parties of he first part, to Mary I Btikeleather, n the 28th day of August, 1109, which aid deed is recorded in book 166, at age 399, reference to which is here y had for more specific description f said exception. THIRD PIECE: Beginning at a iost oak stump near a small pine, on he east t'dn of a ravine that heads outh of one near Weaverville ollege ' and runs south 19 leg. west 10 poles to a' stake nd three pine pointers, all on the rest side of stake; thence south 42 leg. west down left side of branch !2 poles to a stake and pointer, iouble locust; then south 10 deg. west 6 poles to a stake on the left side of ranch; thence south 61 deg. west 78 4oles, crossing the branch to a stake n. northwest margin of an old road; hence south f deg. east 91 polos to a take, a corner of the . mill tract; hence with the lines of mill tract iorth (0 deg. west 26 poles to a small ine; then north 68 deg. west 81 poles o a white oak; then north 60 deg. vest 6 2-8 poles to a black oak; then iorth 4S deg. west 11 2-1 poles. to take on the fill or ' embankment hen north 68 deg. west 14 poles to pine; then north 16 deg. west B inles to a black oak on top of bluff iear the mill, the beginning corner f 8. C. and O. M. Robinson's land; hen south 71 deg. west 14 poles to a take In the road lit J. B. Lotspeich's ne; then with his line and the road iorth 26 deg. west 4 poles to a stake n the road; then north 6 deg. 6 mln 8 poles to a stake In the road; hen north 76 deg. east 19 poles to a take In the road; then north 14 deg. ast 12 poles to a stake In the road; hen north 1 deg. west 12 poles to a intake at a bridge; then with new inlli road north 86 deg. east T poles j o a stake In the road; then north 46 'leu. east 4 poles to a stake In the iroad: then north 10 deg. east 441 I idles to a stake in the road; then ! -iorth 72 degrees east 28 1 ides to a stake In the road; then I iorth 44 deg. east 19 poles to a stake . n road; then north 26 deg. east 6 I '"lei to a stake In road In old Wear I r line; then with said 11ns sooth 881 leg. east 19 poles to beginning, con alnlnir 46 acres more or less. 1 Excepting from the last above nentloned tract that piece or parcel '; t land conveyed by J. B. Lotspeieh ind wife, Jennie W. LoUpelch, to D. 1 Roberta and wife, dated July lOtn ! 009. and recorded In book 146 at i 237, reference to which deed as worded. Is hereby bad for .more (.miilete dcsnr'.ptlon ot said excep- lon. " Al-o excepting from said third tract liut piece or parcel of land described a deed by J. B. Lotspeieh and wife o O. P. Lotspelch and wife, dated nly lsth, 1S03, recorded In book 132 Hk-e 247. reference to which is here v had for further description of said x. .'ft Ion. 1 ol KTII PIECE: Beginning at ,k In the Middle of the road near Coleman Mill In 8. C. Robinson's and runs north 41 deg. west with e road 8 poles: thence with said 1 1 north 10 polos to a stake; thence h said road north 70 deg. eaM 18 !- to a stake In said road; thence . Mh 17 deg. east with said road 14 to a ' ike; then with sel'l road , H .;. wt 27 ....-s to snikil In r ; i f t r " : thi n Uh .. r.-i. 1 rinnh 4t (1 1 ! i a s f il 1 riui'1; t' en I 41 jine r t t-M it n 4 1 p. . FREE Rheumatism CURE Old, Dccp-Seated Cases Take Notice! Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) in the past 30 years, has cured thou sands of Rheumatics after every known remedy has failed. B. B. B. does this by purifying blood direct to the paralysed nerves, bones and joints giving strength and warmth just where It is needed. At the same time B. B. B. kills the active poison in the blood which causes rheumatism. In this way a cure-to-stay-cured is made. If you have bone pain, sllat Ica, shooting pains, swollen joints. aching back or shoulder blades, blood thin or pale skin even if bed-ridden with the worst rheumatism give B. B. B. a trial. We guarantee a perfect, lasting cure. B. B. B. Is a liquid. made up of pure botanic ingredients and sold by druggists at 11.00 per large bottle with directions for home cure. We will send a free trial of this precious remedy by mail, postpaid, to any sufferer who writes for It. Just 011 out the coupon below and mail It to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Name a........................... Address .................. . . . ... land a certain piece or parcel thereof conveyed by deed by parties ot the first part to A. W. Lotspeieh, dated February 25th, 1904, and recorded in book 131, 636, reference to which is hereby made for further description. Also excepting from said 4th tract ot land all the balance of same except acres of land covering the granite deposit on said land. ALLEN T. MORRISON, . Trustee. .. NOTICE. . Take notice that an application will be made at once to Gov. W. W. Kitch ln to pardon Glover Corpenlng, who was convicted at the February term, 1908, of the Superior court ot Bun combe county, N. C for the crime of larceny, and sentenced to serve four years and eight months on the public roads of said county. All parties opposed to the granting of this pardon are notified to forward their protest to our governor. This July 19th, 1911. EUGENE WAT, Atty. 119-2t COMPLETES 100TH VOYAGE. ' Captain Oiarles Alfred Ehvmcustx R.D.aKM-K.. When the Cedric, of the White btar Baa irrived at New York from Iiiverpoel ss4 Que-as town oa July 10 Captain Charlei Alfred Bartlctt, R. D, R. N. R, complete the outward trip of his on hundredth round voyage as a commander la tht Whit Star service. As a junior officer Captain Bartlett s iered the Whit Star serrlc in 1894, ha sg begun his seafsriDg career as as sp jrentlc boy oa a clipper ship to the Fai Sast, eat of Dundee, Scotland. I aunt rants wr takes to Australia and the. in vessels west to China for tea esrguss. WOMAN IS POLICEMAN. Sino h-r sppolormrat ss the tnri SOfnsa p-HI policemsa la rnjl.lu-p't. N. T, i:is ifartlia T. Krnofkl bu rorro a vnliiabl asslstaat to ClUif of Ah!.- -h h" ha ea th for- fsr U than a we k th has had W tor tU silTcr badf wliirh sh received a a Mfttr bol of hr ifco-!.. Vfry r,iuf. Then the wedding wasn't alto gether a success?" "No; the groom's mother crlej Vtyjcr tlmt the brt'le's mothrr. It wn form: ilfreij Vfry bwi t'o." v.'a-'':!nUa. EeraLl. ICS rh.-Hiriut Ft. rtione 115. O WIWOOU lit a m n mm IS EOT PAID Executricei of Estata of Ute Capt . Thoa. 0. Johniton to Appear Before Clerk Sept, 4. . W. W. Jonesr- receiver of the West ern Carolina bank, has filed in the office of Marcus Erwin, clerk of the Superior court, a petition praying the clerk to issue an order requiting Mrs. Leila Mae Waddell and Miss 8. Euge nia Johnston, executrlces ot the last will and testament ot the late Capt. Thos. D. Johnston, to appear before the clerk and show cause if any why the judgment . secured In Superior court in 1910 against the Thos. D. Johnston estate should not be paid. The receiver as complainant sets forth in his petition that it is his opinion that the estate is worth $200,000 and that there has been in the banks al ways sufficient funds since the judg ment was rendered to settle the ac count. The clerk has issued an order requiring the defendants to appear September 4 and show cause why the 1500 judgment should not, be paid. PEOPLE INQUIRING ABOUT "PLAGUE" IN MITCHELL CO. Associated Press Item Bore Asheville Date line and Secretary Buck ... nee Is "Queried.", Secretary Buckner of the board of trade Is very much concerned over the story that went out from Ashe ville about July 17, to the effect that there is a fatal plague or epidemic in Mitchell county, which Is baffling all the efforts of skilled physicians, and which manifests itself by "small bloodshot stains on the tips of the fingers, passing through the arm Into the body and resulting in death within a few days alter tne nrst sign ap pears." - The story was published as an As sociated Press item under the "Ashe ville, N. C." date line, and Mr. Buck ner has already received letters con- tanlng clippings of the story asking about the plague at "Asheville," the writers evidently not realising that Mitchell county is many miles re moved from this city. Mr. Buckner also thinks that cer tain people in other towns are mok ing capital of the story, although any town In western North Carolina would be In as much danger as Asheville, granting the disease exists and is con tagious For summer diarrhoea in .children always, give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure Is cer tain. .; if or sais ot au oeaiors. , i:, WOMAN ACCUSED OF INJURY TO PROPERTY OF RAILROAD Alleccd Jean Carver Mutilated First Fulkttan Car Operated Into ' WaynesvlUe. W. Haynes of the law firm of Haynes St Oudger ha returned from Warnesvllle where he went to ropre sent clients in civil actions set for trial at the present term ot Superior court for Hsyr.ood county. Mr; Haynes says, however, that the entire term will be taken up with the trial of criminal cases, the "blind tiger" cases being foremost on the docket 8everal of the "tigers" have been convicted while others have oeen acquitted One of the most interesting cases en trial this week is the case against Jean Carver, a woman of that place charg ed with malicious injury to property. It is alleged that when the first Pull man car was operated into Waynes vlUe the woman stood near the track and with a knife made a scar the en tire length of the car. The case Is feeing vigorously prosecuted. HARD PROBLEMS FOR DEMOCRATS (Continued from page 1.) senators favored this particular agree ment Some of them contended that If the Canadian pact was allowed to go through without being made a part of the free list bill that the free list hill would be pigeon-holed. It seems that this very thing Is going to hap pen. The farmer will have to be con tent with a high tariff on everything he buys while every article that he produces is put on the free list Representative John II. Small of the first North Carolina district and the majority of the rivers and harbors committee left Washington last night for Pittsburg, where they will be the guest of the city for several days. They will make an Inspection trip of the Ohio river down to Cairo,. 111., ana theft return to the BmoVy City, where they will again b takes In tow by th ePittsburgnra Misses Mary Belle and Katherlne Small, daughters of the congressman, arrived in Wash ington yesterday morning and will accompany pie congressman1 on their trip. . . TOBACCO CHOPS ' RUINED BY HAIL (Continued front pace i) term, 1911, of abandonment and serv lug sis months on the roads, the gov crnor Saying "Two reputable physi clans certify that In their opinion It Is necossary for this prisoner to be sen to a hospital to have one of his eye r-moved In order to save th othr (Yom total blindness. A conditional pardon Is recommended by th sollc itor, the attorney for th privet pros ecutlon and- the road commissioners nnd tnr.7 citlaens. Th prisoner Is to Klv I&00 bond as a rjmranlee of pay mnnt of 110 pi r ninnili towards th support of his wifo." flummr Fun Wheat-Hwir! Flour. 1 y " -. made from . ilng Panrnli ftf. All groc.i LeJang' KNICKERBOCKE R "SSS" ST Delightful Situation, ' : Central Xjocatton, ' Largo Ebady Grounds. Appointments Complete, Tim MS According to location of Boom. r THEXIANOH AXBEUARLE PARI ' : AN EXCLUSIVE INN. , Near golf linfra. Attractive aocommodatioiiR; ennd aatvica excellent table. m ' : 9 SOUTH NCW inftnAKfemftnt. A marina n anil msnea tlirouirhout. 1 RtAsh.iriiivn Americans 12.00 per day,' Commercial itrge sample reomn free, FAIEFULD mtf NOW OPEN AND FISHING IS FINE JUOT.UUU, ,cov xeet. Lake Fairfield. In tha hMntifni R&nntllA MHllllM la fa. Aaaat a.i mm , . thS World for a Vacation, and tha tron right now. Oet yonr tackle together, close up your desk, and corns up for a few days weeks. You"ll get a taste of real sport Modern hotel with K.tfe. mnA aikk Mia. h.a- .,, - . , . " servlcs, first-class cuisine, boating and funnia lwaiHaa i a . .nlnlu uu oiroot and September. Tat InformaUpn, rates, stc, address a- , - r -awaaaaa..a.w FsJrfleld Inn. COMMERCIAL THE KENTUCKY HOME HOTEL Endorsed by the T. P. A. and U. a T. Traveling Men. y The best Sample Room in the Battery Paris Hotel '.' ASHEVIIiLiK, K. O. '. i ', , OPN THROCGHOCT THB TBAK, , Famous Everywhere T H E S W ANN ANOA A STRICTLY Family and Transient Hotel Bates ll.fi 0 a day and upward. Hetell Kenmore .:VS, WATNESVUaLE, K. O, - 1g., ; :.. 5;. Opea Throughoat the Tear, T sTTRICTIiT HIGH CLASS BERVICB AL.WATS. ' '' ? t. ' , O. H. and MRS. L. W. KUIGHT. THE BON AIR L1ADIUO COi: DUCTAL AND ' TOURIST HOTEL . OT -V ) .7ATNE3V ILLS, N. C. - ' ., i SALLDE Z. CORY, Proprietreu. Open the Yew Round. ETHELWOLD HOTEL In heart bf Beautiful Sapphire Co tintry. Altitude 11E0 feet Rates fl per day. Tempting Terms to Tourist Reservations' ' " MRS. BREVARD, W. 0. ... a aaaaaaaaa-a aaaa, ll I I GLADSTONE HOTEL To right of Southern depot Only European plan hotel In the city. Rooms 71 cents and $1.00 per day. ter meets all trains. Commercial tr , , Hotel Raleigh; A New-Modern-Mentorious Hostelry. It appeals to those who know what's what and why. . .HOWELL COBB. - Hotel Balsam. Several thousand dollars in Improvements. Fourth consecutive season under earn management Features: Running cold spring and hot wst In every room 410 mosquitoes or Insects. Altltud tttl feet 100 yards from Southern depot Amusements: horseback riding, etc . - The Worth Carolina Hot Springs MOUNTAIN The ideal resort for health, pleaaur Cool nlffhts. no mosnultocs. Free department In charge of s.ientiflo M0 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., returning Booklet Special attention to Dinner THE JMIRETT CPRCIC3 IIOTZL OOMMKUCIAL. ANDTOVKIST Rates tt 00 per day. Hot and Cold Laths. tipeclnV Rates by Week or Month. . r. JAKRLTT. Manager IMllNboro, N. C CONNIE CREST, - - - SKYLAND, N. C. Eight miles south of Asheville. a horn for people of refinement and Is beautifully located In n extn-iv grov of beautiful pines. Flv trains and three mail dally. Writ fr rates t. , . w . y,'.' T. IT. IM)I fkyland, N. C. One of the most b- i:ou:;tak; An llitil place to il me r- -KnKliI. Co or:, re. No. CO ration 'ol ilt Ik s ,,r,. - , -o ... .. , Hotelo and E'dardia ' ASHEVILL1!. N. 0. HOTErL MAIN ST. mi.wAM nttAHhntji mr kam ve. nn . . trade oliclted. ' ; O. 1; TATES. Vron.' wwaiuua mm .u UllVOl WFV ,1, flahln-r- mrmm ana, v. w I. wvui irami , vitcuiu fJBUW, mu DUy all out-door sports. Music, dancing. a . . . . xo ins notei. epeciai rates tor June VMf .liaHHHO) v.. ..................... .... . . -v .. fUimhiM. v n TOURIST town. Henders'onvillei N. 0. HIGH GRADE , FRANK IiOTJGHRAN, Owner A Prop. "TREE SAMPLS ROOMS" Ivade. ' Write for Quotations and FRANCENIA HAMILTON, ' t r , Proprietress. Il II I it tl Cat la connection. ' Baths free. Por ads solicited. FRANK BLAKE, Manager. Raleigh, N. C. Opens June S3, 111, BALSAM, K. C. J Tennis, howling, dancing, music BALSAM HOTEL) CO, Proprietors. Jon, . liaynorK, Mrr. PARK HOTEL. and recreation. " Every amusement from dumpneas, fog and smoke, naming Masseur. Trains from Asheville dally, Jl:o ana :qb p. m. wruo ror Parties. - - - S. B. ROBERTS, Mgr. around Anhevli'e. ( rn T""T Ilevatlnn I. COO feet niiriil-. 130f)jf't above Aahevllle. h." ri my Uia tLrg from Cily Ticket i ARE YOU Goma TO THE Art , The ATLANTIC HOTEIi, at Morehcad Cltj, N. C, offers snpertor attractions, vnezceUed accommodaUons, the largest variety ot amuse ments, and guests berg enjoy the most Invigorating and : healthfal climate on the Atlantic Coast. ; . ' ' ;. 'i Ideal Surf Bathing Beach Finest FiaMng' la the Word Safe SaUInc on Inland Water or the Atlantic Ocean Largest Ball Room In the South ConvenUon Hall Tennis Courts Bowling Alleys Pool Billiards. " - SPLENDID CUISINE f . BOCTHERlt COOEINO A FEATURE. , , The Snnuner Home for Mother and Baby Cool S Air the best tonic. Special Rates tor families. Low Kate SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEED-END eicuraloa fares .via i , (k .;:( . RALEIGH or G0LDSB0R0 - i -cT,f. s , NOPJOLK SOUTHERN R. R. ' Hotel Rates, $H.B0 to, 921.00 per week. " , T. AJLEX. BAXTER, VgrH - HORE1IEAD CIT1T, N. C. Formerly Manager of Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 3 V. -i Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI. OHIO. : Overlooking New Slnton Park. Ev ery room outsld with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vege tables from our own farm. American Plans .. $3.1. IS.M and tl S nr day. , . R. B.. Mills, Prop., formerly of Hotel Bennett, Blnghamton, N. T and Grcnd Hotel, New York City. Sixth, . Mound and Kenyon Streets. HOTEL DENNIS -1. Atlantic crrr, N. j. v With Its new fireproof addition now offers 160 guests rooms, each with' private bath or running water. Combining every . modern, appoint ment and comfort aiul is ons of th beach front hotels still maintaining an unobstructed ocean view. Always open. , WALTER J. BTJZBY. WANTED ; At the IXEMMING HOTEL) at Ma rlon, N. C 75 Summer Boarders, rates tt to T per week. Children half price. Larg cool rooms, tour hundred feet of cool porches, there is no better place on earth to spend your summer months, good water and th best of climate. T. . WILLIS, Mgr. PATTON HOUSZ, ' Murphy, N. 0. Th best and most reasonable house in town, good table, clean beds and homs cooking. Rates f 1 per day. : MISS ROSA PATTON. COMMERCIAL HOTEL C N. JUSTICE, Prop. Canton, N. C Excellent table, good servloe. Reas onable rates. Free sample room. Hot and cold hatha Under new man agement Strictly trst class.. HOTEL -ELNTSLLA BHYSON crrr. Headquarters for traveling ma and lumberman., Rates II per day. Special rate by th month. Bats room. Fr sample room. Railroad atlng ho us fronttnf Southern depot Uvry in connection. A. W. A ALMA . WHEKLEK, Frosjrs, SPECIAL PRICE3 It win pay you to ask for our prices on rugs and matting, also awnings, window shades and house cleaning of all klnda. Asheville Carpet Hotise. No, 18-20 Clran b St , Iton Ma. ; 10 Pa? Coni ?!T! '"""i r- A m TTTT Ov TTlN ' ' - NOTICE. ' " 'i WHEREAS, Frank W. Hunt and wife, Clara E. Hunt, executed two certain deeds of trust, one of which is dated February (, 190. and th other April 20, 1909, by which said deeds of trust the property hereinafter de scribed was conveyed to the tinder signed trustee to secure two notes, as will more fully appear by reference to said deeds of trust, which are duly recorded In the office of the Register ef Deeds of Buncombe county, In Book 75, at page 180 and page 111 respectively, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the principal and interest of both of said notes, by reason of which default the powers of sale contained In said deeds of trust have become operative; NOW THEREFORE, at the request of the legal holders of said notes, and under and by virtue of the powers of sale in said deed of trust contained; 'I, the undersigned trustee, will, en the Slut day of July, 1011, sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bid der, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, Buncombe county, North Carolina, between the hours of 13 m. and 1 o'clock p. m., all of that certain lot of land situate, lying an being In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and state ot North Car olina, and on the east side of Mont ford avenue in said city, and bounded and more particularly described as follows; Lot Nb. ten (10) In block No. nine (0) of a map or plot of lands registered on pages 60 and 01 in Book No. 89 of the Records of Deeds of Buncombe county. BEGINNING at a stake In the east margin of Montford avenue, the northeast cor ner of lot No. 11 of said block and .linnln. thor ra yinrtH Vi a a a a. M-aala of said Montford avenue, north tS degrees 45 minutes west ninety (90) feet to a stake In the edge of 'Tarsi Place;" thence with th south boun dary line of said "Park Place" and Montford Park north 10 degrees 15 minutes east two hundred and four and 4-100 (.04.04) feet to a staks In the west margin ot an alley; thence with the west margin of said alley south 17 -degrees It minutes east ninety and i-10 (90.6) feet to a stake In the same northern corner of said lot No. eleven (11). Thence with the northern boundary line of the latter south 50 degrees IS minutes west ole hundred ninety-four and 16-100 (194.16) feet to th begin ning, and being the same land con veyed to B. Burnetts, by M. C. Mil lender and wife, Mary Mlllender, by deed dated February I, 1907, and duly recorded in the office of th Register of - Deeds of Buncombe county, in Deed Book No. 140, page 528, and fully described in said deeds of trust to which reference Is hereby expressly made for all purposes. ' t This the 29th day of June, 1911. ZEBULON WEAVER, ' 4 .!-. : c, ' TTOSte.'e The Cheerful Man on a Hot Day Wear a smooth-edge properly laun dered collar. Let us luundor .your collars and you'll feel better for it - ror we exercise every care in hand ling linens they last longer look better and are minus a "sow edge. PHONE.70. ' A trial is all w ask. Svannanoa Laundry "We Treat Tour laundry V hit.;" Ci G 1 KrnCTIAXT 1 ' Lal L:. K. i ll ... : rs A lisven of ri t f"r tlie liim'rii'SS CIIALL .V-v . a -a-a.V. ..... ,,. ..., ' The prlres of P"II ire controlled 1 ! 'I "Of Bint in i) I .... 'tied diunor!. I !' 1 V I r."it for !- of the rn it In I 1.: