50 Patton Ave. In the Drhumor Build ing. Office of '.. ' Carolina Goal & Ice Company M. & W. INDIAN COAL . PHONE 130. DRIED Fill ITS Cleaned Currents Best. 1 Seeded Raisins beat. , Golden Dates best .. .' Fard Dates best '. . . . Apricots best .. . . . . . . Peeled Peaches, best .' . . Peaches not pealed . .20 lb .15 lb .10 lb .16 lb .25 lb .20 lb .16 lb I E. C. Jarrett .y .',.,, Phones 158. or 192. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phono 473. . None are Quite So Comfortable As a pair of PATRICIAN Shoes for women. They fit snugly, yet do not bind any where. In patent, tan and plain leathers, at $3.50 arid! $4, and Buedes at four dollars. GuaranteeShoeStore .V South Main 8s. Hi.. . The Artistic KNABE PIANO V I J r .- i f ii ? i The best in the world ' 'at DUNHAM'S Music House SUIT IS0T1 TRIAL G Ibeit vs. Hopkins, Involving Hall In terest in 60,000 Acres Land, Being Tried. . . CITY-NEW The First Regiment band will be a musical attraction at the Theato "Air dome tonight, in addition to Harry Talley, the tenor. 'After the crowded dockets of the last few days In police court all the "sinners" evidently decided yesterday to give Judge Adams a rest today and as a result there were .no arrests and a blank docket this morning, the first time such a thing has happened in weeks. - -. :, The Sunday school of Central Meth odist church went to Weavervllle to- of fSilhert v. Hnnlrln. Involving th. ar 'O' Picnic. TWO special cars title to halt interest In about 60.000 were fu"hed by the Ashevtlle and acres of land in Graham county, was!East Tennessee railroad. The picnic taken up this morning. This case " u,u nis creea camp was heard last year when it resulted wn,cn now PB" i coi In the Circuit court of the . United States for the ; western ' district . of North Carolina, the celebrated In a mistrial, and occupied several weeks. Though the evidence and documents are voluminous and the points . are very complicated, it is thought that the time can be some what shortened this time. Most of the morning was consumed in the se lection and empanelling of the jury and in reading the complaint and the answer. The case will be hard fought as some of the most prominent attor neys of the section are engaged. Judge Boyd announced that , during the hearing the sittings would be from 10:30 to 1 o'clock in the forenoon and from 3 until 6:30 In the afternoon. The jurymen In the case are: . John McCracken, J. H. Parrls, L. D. Spivey, John Wheeler, Will Ayers, W. T. Bum gardtner, J. F. Jones, E. V. McCon- nell, Mark Jones, James Haynes, G. O. Hopson, John DeHart. Thft omnln In! In th punt la not I very long, consisting principally of a'"" 1h.ad,ed a ve!y fln Prin. whlch claim of one half interest in the lands A CAR LOAD of Bristol glased stoneware Just received. Yellow mixing bowls, milk and fruit jars, wa ter coolers, bean and flower pets, oval meat roasters. Stone Jars, all si, from a quart to fifty gallons, . I X L DEPARTMENT STORE 4 .,, 8. 1L MJCIIOIAVE, Prop. 21 Pattoa Ave. Phone 107 lege campus. The regular monthly meeting of the Ashevtlle Poultry and Pet Stock as sociation will be held In City hall this evening at 8:30 o'clock.' The final plans for the big December show will be made at this time and the finance committee and the committees on catalogue and rules will be appointed. Indications point to a record-breaking show this year and the poultry rais ers are busy preparing for It : ) Lloyd Frady, Vance Lance, and E. J. McClatchey are being tried before Magistrate Gudger this afternoon on a charge of trespassing on the lands of Miss. Rose Chapman at 8kyland. The offense with which they are charged la that on last Friday night they cut a "bee tree' on. Miss Chap man's estate. It happened that the and in an action of ejectment, set ting forth that L. W. Gilbert and W. H. Peet secured some 45 grants of timber land in what Is now Graham county and that I W. Gilbert died possessed of a half Interest in this land. It going to his two daughters, who are bringing suit. Also that the defendants have wrongfully, tnd un lawfully taken possession of the lands and have ousted the plaintiffs from their rightful possession and have re moved much valuable timber from the tracts, damaging It to the extent of about $26,000. The answer to the complaint is rather lengthy and goes into a full history of the various transactions by which the present defendants came Into possession of the property deny ing that Gilbert died possessed of it and that the plaintiffs - are barred from recovery by the statute of limitations. It Is set forth that Peet and Gilbert secured the land of a man named Calloway and executed to him a note or bond of $10,000 for payment; that Gilbert never contributed anything to the payment of the purchase price and that he conveyed the land in his name to Peet. That after Peet died Wil liam A. Bartlett was appointed ad ministrator and that the estate of Peet owed debts to the amount of about $-10,000 which. It Is contended, Is the same $10,000 that was owed for the land. That in order to pay these debts tt was necessary to sell the land; that after obtaining an order from the court, 'this was done In 1881, the sale being made to the Beldlngs and their associates for $16,000; that after sev eral transfers, during which attempts were made to develop the property. It came Into the possession of the defen- furnished water for "Roscragan," home of Miss Chapman. Jhe A civil case of some Interest was heard before Magistrate W. A. James this morning, a Jury being called to decide the Issues. Lee Pleramons was suing J. D. Pinner In settlement of a partnership, the amount Involved be Ing about $120. The Jury returned a verdict giving Plemmons judgment for $10.8$. Pinner gave notice of ap peal. The two men were doing con tract mason work and had been in partnership for a few months and the dispute was as to the amount due Mr. Plemmons. . , , The Morganton amateur baseball team defeated the Asheville Athletics at Riverside park yesterday afternoon In a well played game by a score of 4 to 3. The teams made two . errors each and though the Athletics hit as well, or perhaps better, than the vis itors and several times were able to get men on bases the necessary hit was not available. In the third in nlng the visiters made three runs which cinched the game. Both pitch ers did good work. There was a very good attendance. It is likely that another game will be arranged be tween these two teams at an early date. , . - ;. ' . ',, THE MOIIEY III iTHuUlfIG CHILDREN'S SANDALS and Oxfords at reduced prices for a few days. GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 S. Main St. Phone 125. Chalmers Motor Cars Always Leaders ' '.,; !,- ' -,.-:,':; - s - i - ,: ..V . Asheville Automobile Co., ; Telephone mt:-; 15-17 South Ixington Ave. SUMMER READING FOR VISITORS AND HOME FOLKS ; A great showing of the newest fiction from the pen of the best authors of the country. An enormous number of popular titles recently copyrighted books at -fifty cents.- Keep your eye on our windows. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Ave Phone 254. TRY A TRIP DOWN TOWN FOR SUPPER THIS EVENING " The change w ill do you good. CANDY KITCHEN ,SSSS TO AUTOISTS, HORSE BA CK RIDERS, BASEBALL PLAYERS, GOLF PLAYERS, FISHERMEN And those that enjoy touring, remember Blomberg'a , when you need a duster, auto coat, ladies or gent's riding suit, fish ing tackle, golf, baseball supplies, tennis goods, croquet sets, bathing suits, a full line post cards. Many other lines fo the Summer Sport, too numerous to mention in this ad. Don't? need to remind you about your smokes at the same old stand, 17 Patton Ave. BLOMBERG'S. . Est. 1887. Barbee's .MEANS GOOD CIGARS ' 14 Patton Ave. For thoroughly cleaned coal from thev best mines, try a ton from . us and be convinced -of its superiority over others."' 1 1 .' Southern Goal Go. Phone 114. f 10 North Pack Square. tZZZZZZ'. . -j. m. n-a. , ; ; THE KITCIIIN ' ''' ' ' t m SUMMER Is made more comfort- I t -able if you use M. & .W. t Coal. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co 8 North Pici Z. enit$eeiMMeMeMMHi BROILING AND ROASTING CHICKENS - X ,:. '," f'i'f . - ll ' 'Plenty of' broiling' and roasting chickens. Some fine, spring lamb. Phone us for meat suggestions.. Hill & Young ; Phone 4 ul K'' Cltf Market "Home Rendered Lard." Removal Notice J. a Carpenter, the Jeweler, ha moved his place of business from 31 Patton avenue to 11 West Pack Bqnare, In Moore's Furniture store. Fine Jellico Coal ; The Ileal fuel. It's boi. JELLICO COAL CO. Ulty oirice phone S2S. Tard phone 110. ' Special prices on car lota. White Enameled Shelf Paner i danta whose ownership was never be- Leastwise Magistrates Creas- man and James Find it so Specific Results. fore questioned. It is said that the plaintiffs will contend that Gilbert made the deed to Peet, if it was made, because the war of the states began and he, being native of New York, thought that he could hold It better In that way; also that the heirs of Peet recognised this and conveyed the Interest back to the Gilberts. However, in the mean time, the land had been sold by Bart lett. the administrator, to settle the debts of Peet. This afternoon the specific Issues in the case were brought to tne at tention of Judge Boyd. Per rolL 100 feet long. ... ... . ........ . . . . i . ; . ,25o .-When soiled clean with a damp cloth. Cheapest and best, that!s alL. i '. Cjarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. Six Phones N, 1800. Improved Hot Water Heating System ; .rUsMsa? - Let us install in your home our improved hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in f uel j consumption and assures you summer heat throughout your house in the coldest of days. We employ none but skilled ' workmen and use the American Radiator Co's boilers and ra diators, and guarantee perfect satisfactidn, .. , ' Ball, Thrash 2 Co. 5, 7 and 9 East College Street There are two magistrates in Ashe ville who do not care very much whether court keeps or not so far as finances are concerned. They are Magistrate Creasman and Magistrate James. They have learned the secret of getting money from the soil. Mag istrate Creasman has a small garden. about 66 by 6 feet Most of his veg etables are rather late but during the past month he sold about $80 worth of garden truck and his garden Is Juct now In its prime. Magistrate James has a much larger amount to his credit from his garden. He has more ground, too, about two. fifths of an acre. He began selling stuff before the first of May and this season he has sold $364 worth; since May 1, $234. The beauty about the V I n I. .ho I. Atm w4- I. n ir .a h. Accidentally Snot Himtell nnila Cnai-Ci(ed. Much of the stuff is sold to neighbors and nearly all or the orders I come over the telephone, Mr, Jaims I stated that he had not sold any at all I to the markets. The people like to get the vegetables fresh from the gar- I den Ashevino, N. C. Ho. 29-31 lis ywood Street Phone 081. HYDRO-THERM O-EliECTKO and MECHANO-THERAPX. PIETICS , for selected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronio diseases. The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium la open co 'ine puuuc ojmiiiui hudqwiu xur both LADIES and UKU TLKMEN. Open from $ a. m. to t p. m. Sat urday till II p. m. TRAGIC DEATH IN HI Ina ' Rabbit Well Known Newspaper Writer. Triiculara ef the tragic death at his home at Pink Gap, Yancey coun ty, 40 miles from here late Monday afternoon of Alvln Horton were re ceived here last night from a gentle- in frnm Yancev. Mr. Horton. a COMPLAINTS We will thank' anyone who is not receiving per fect service from our wag ons or drivers to either write us or call us on phone 72. ' . We always endeavor to pive perfect service, and : fcupi'lv the purest ICE. A tXIKXUt O.V UE.LTU Tou Can't corner the whole mildly or health. Hut there Is n.) rt-Hmm why you can't 1ft as liiitto a lii ick of Health Btofk im yu rt-yulrs. We it hi!lli broker Wo pm-'v on (l.'jna.nl of your doc- I r. nijirn of iirt!y In nietll- , ; . : -t ra H i. will riM'l.ily tinn ... if i to ii- Breaklng Ground For Great Exposi tion. San Diego, Cat, July $0. Over 30,- 000 persons Joined In celebrating the breaking of ground yesterday for the in in 'r'' ' p,.imldllornlt npoSUon to be ,T ' ..d muulM ar-1 held In 111$ In honor of the comple- u.w-k- I ..... ,K T... tlclee, was visiting his old home tor a p- ' - .hort stay. It seems that ne was on . . . ...w b. h tm m Mtlllll. OUl th. vard. BteDDlng Into the nouse - he took down an old mussle-loadlng 1 ATTT7rWATT nn. that had not been used for a CLAIRVOYANT. Co., formerly inn. time and returned to the yard or a shot at the little animau aim pnoP. 8AAVEE America's greatest 1 i.. i.m. ran off and Mr. Horton ioi- lowed. After going a short distance from the house he stepped on a piece if rotten rail which broke beneatn his weight and as he pucnm ur Urt the sun fell to the ground and xploded, the bullet entering Mr. ilnrtnn's left side, ine repon i m .itr.rtMl ihon. In the house to .h mnct where thev found Mr. Hor. -n nn the around in a dying condi tion. He lived only about . ten min utes after the bullet entered his body jut long enough to tell those who ent to him that ths shooting was an wi.iMnt also how It occurrea. Mr. Horton was well known In shevllle and elsewhere In the rtats ,..rxinilv and throuith his writings. During the past few years be had -ontrlbuted a number of Interesting jtort... to tianers picturing 1 "n1 enis in Yancey county. Recently i..in of his contributlm were ac . cl.led ty leading norths; B papers .mi hi work imiat favovalily com- 'iiented jiion. Clairvoyant and Palmist, tells you your name and what yon called for, If you have troubles or doubt and everything goes wrong. If marriage. love, divorce, business changes, in ves'.ments, lawsuits, sickness an thing of Importance, see Prof. 8a.vee. 103-110 Haywood stree Psone 144$. ' 1S I. LEVITCH. Jeweler and Watchma ker. First-class work. lowest prices, work guaranteed. Watches, Jewelry for sale. $ College stree 13(-24t th ha E GRUNER SANITARIUM . . HOT. ' . .' ' ' - Tou won't be If you do your Ironing with our Harweod Electric iron; you can get out on the porch and by being comfortable do twice the work In half the time. The Harwood la tne iron tnat don't burn out. . . Piedmont Electric Co. Asheville, N. C. . Opposite Postoffioe. Furniture Deal & Golightly THE BABY STUDIO Wa make the best baby photo graphs because we make them quick est, 1-10 of a' second. Cat them laughing, playing, etc Btuaio cooiea by large fan. RATS BTTPIO, It Pattoa Ave. Anything Electrical : yt. A.WARD PtMNM 440. ' Ho. IS Church Bt Mountain City Steam Laundry : Modern Mctho&J Tel. 42G, 30 N. Lexington Ava J. IL WEAVES. Mgr. . Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. 4tMtMMMIIIMHMMlllHHHHMMiHMMIHM VISIT RIVERSIDE PARK FREE Motion Picture Entertainment each evening, beginning at 8:30. -. " 1 1 !'"' . Program Changed Every . '.. . '."- Monday, Wednesday ': t and Friday , 'iy;M ... -i . . Hi.niiti i u A NETS MILE TH0LL2Y RID2 TIIROUCa A BEAUTI FUL COUIJTr.Y 'v Evrr.Yi:our. ciiTiiEiioun 9 A. VL to 7 P. II. TAKE THE Z A: D CAf.3 rr.c:i pac square Monitor Steel Ranges This is a High-Grade Range at a low price, and fully guaranteed. Let us put one in your home. Cash or Easy Payments. I T ) ?i r 2 Beaumont Furniture Co. Phone 1002. 27 S. Ilain Ct. Try Garctte-Novo Yixni T-do uuOllli. WANTED- Every feature of cleaning and dyeing business received careful study for years That accounts for the great hrong of patrons that will take no other service. Expert workers who are fls careful In handling your gnr ments as you are yourself. Quick service. I'ttone SS9, J. C. Wilbur, on the f i nire. 7 l.'aUi train L'ln.t. A. Summer t is mi I p.. 1 C A full stock of seasonable goods . Screen Screen Wire, Ice Cream Freezer?, Oil nr, Cook Stoves, Htwo, Sjirinklers and Kpmy 1' Ideal Fin ! s (1okers. i). OOMTl-FI i.y rt'i M . it. v. 1 1197 room r. SHTitf n to v t n f I IS I I r