-5 y Tt . ILLS GAZETTE-NEV73. PAG 2 ITVE, Mtb Lula and Miss Elsie Alexander I have Bon .tO' Spartanburg to be th guests of Miss Kate Lois Montgomery I who recently visited here. CaIIAiaT rnmnlnvlnn comr from billoof. Impnrlties In the blood, J allOW ViOIiXpiCXIOIl and the fault lies with UmUvw.U is torpid. " RED Z LIVER REGULATOR -... f . ;. ' CTHB POWDER FORM) . .... Is the greatest of all liver medicines. Ita powerful purifying and strengthen ing influence is at once apparent in an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy in the body. When the system has been put m order the yellow cast in the skin gradually disappears and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. Ji r ":- - Sold fry Dialers. Price, Large Package, 91.00. A lor Ox imoIm with tin R-4 U on the hbA If rem ctnao-ratt ramlttou. mrllloRx: , ' It ar Mil fo-tprtd. Uoubom Ltret Rmluorboiit if tin la liquid torn for Uxw wbi. prefer k PttoitLIXlperbottlfc Look lor tke Kai Z UbcL ..,., , , J. H. EEILIN A, CO., Proprietors, SU loats, Hlwoari ' SOCIAL V HAPPENINGS Mlilmmmrr Carnival BalL . : The date of the midsummer carni val ball at the Battery Park hotel la rapidly approaching, and the social sets are on the "qui Vive" awaiting ih EMails nf the function. ' which prOmiSCB W IW WlgCDl BUU IIIUBV . 1 ik. . . a . Drilllall UL uio ; ..n, 1. .mn - nMA.al n.i.llnn rf the color scneme ana aecorauuna vi . k. a nnmlnff hull Th mnln rilnin.-. .. ...III tin iMnHnvmAn try T n a ,m. menaous Japanese snoji, - wan its '' long low roof ana suaing wans en tirely covered .with trailing vines of clematis, -trandreda of clusters of beau tlfully shaded wistaria, and quantities - that ranftnt rw fltsatnociated from Ja pan. Tiny opalescent colored lanterns and quaint' Japanese' lamps will be Its nnlv illumination. as In the. famous Snojl . scents u , wuua.ixia uum .ji. , '- .Francis Qudger will lead -the ger- man, and the name of his assistants " mill va annniinretl- Inter. Manv new and beautiful figures will be introduc ed. Including the- artistic. hoop figure v from the ballet -of the Folles Bergere, .New York. V'V ? - V . ."A ' buffet : supper will be served at midnight, and Mr. Spear will furnish an enlarged orchestra for the occas ion. About 100 couples will partici pate in the figures. ; . MIhs Helen Taylor Hostess. , Miss Helen Taylor was the hostess at a charming afternoon tea this afternoon at her home on Haywood street The guest of honor was Miss Taylor's guest Miss Amelia Beard of Memphis, Tenn. Miss Dorothy Long assisted In receiving. Among the young ladles who called during the arternoon were uiaa cnxaoein mur ... nhv and tier truest. Misa Ellen Wll son; Miss,. Hortense Jones and her guest Miss Mary Louise Manning of . Durham; Miss Elisabeth ."Williamson and her guest Miss Flora Niel of Alabama; ', uiu ,ni.l. nrniUMBAn. UlaA Dam. . thy Long. Miss Elolee Carroll. Miss Laura Meares, Miss Byrd Henderson, Miss Exum Meares, Miss Mabel Stone, Miss Myrtle Qudger, Miss Beth Arbo gast, Miss Ituth Brown, Miss Cath erine Beadles, Miss Elisabeth Battle, ' Miss Mary Rogers, . Miss Elisabeth Given, . Miss Gladys Redwood, Miss Janle Jones, Miss Frances, Miss Beth , and Miss Alice Pelzer, Miss Nancy Merrlmon and her guest. Miss Stew art of Wilmington, Mlas Mildred Car ter, Miss Evelyn McCoy, Miss Mar garet Cowan, Miss Frances Oates and Misa Charity Craig. Mrs. W. Q. Chipley of Atlanta was the honoree at a most delightful bridge party at the Battery Park ho tel yesterday afternoon, on the eve of her departure for Wrlghtsville. Mrs. 8. M. ' Rounsavllle was the hostess for the occasion. Twenty. four players were entertained and at the close of the game a delicious ' fruit salad was served by Mlas Ellen Bmathera, Miss Gladys Anderson and Miss Mabel Kelly. Mrs. Robert Bart- lett of Montgomery won the ' first prlxe. Doulton stein; Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., of Concord won the sec ond, a stiver memorandum, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Chipley, was pre suuiod with a; handsome silver pen- - Cli. .;. .'. - .... .. '., '..H St A few Ashevllle peop'e with quite a number of their visiting friends will open a cottage at Montreat about the middle of the month tot an extended camp. . The members of the party will take several trips from the camp, in. eluding a walk to Mitchell. In the party are Mrs. George Knox and daughter of Pittsburg, Mrs. Iiabcock and Miss Babcock of Brooklyn, Miss Saunders and Mr. Saunders of Balti more, Mrs. Moss and Miss Marion Moss of Philadelphia, Lawrence Ched ester of Brooklyn and Hugh and Will Chedester of, this city. I Miss Lena and Miss Rosa Bosse en tertained with a bridge party yester day afternoon at their home on Blake street . The guests were Mlas Mamie Chambers. Mlas Esther Pearson. Miss Frances Hartaell and her guest. Miss Mary Hartsell of Concord. N. C: Ml Elisabeth Vowell, Mrs. Jake Bchra- Delivery Guaranteed We carry insurance poli cies covering all shipments by sealed registered mail end by express, and guar anteo all shipmcntsrif sent in this manner, to or from us airilnst loss. Ve b!..o uaran!eo all sliipmcnhof silver cri!a;5 nm la Ly us efiinit breck- A'. MP! ' ri. i::id co. ''Villi. New Mrs. avenue. days Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. meek of Augusta, Mrs. Victor Stern I and Miss Mary Orr. ,;. , I Miss Edith Holmes will be the hos-1 teas Thursday at a BOO party at her home on Baird street in honor of M Katherlne Schmelts of Portsmouth Va., who Is visiting Mrs. Phillips ol Virginia, who Is spending the sum mer In Ashevllle. , .. H It ' Mrs. Galllard 8. Tennent's studlf was again open to the public thle afternoon . from 1:30 to 6. Quite e large number of people testified to thr popularity of Mrs. Tennent's work by their. attendance at the exhibition yes terday. -It t The regular weekly dance at thr Battery Park hotel will be held Frl day evening, as usual, and those at tending are. asked to bring their sea. son cards to be presented at the door. It K Mrs. Charles Bryant was the hostess at an informal bridge party this after noon at her home on Cullowhee stree in honor of her cousin, Miss Poole o' Cincinnati. ' It It The regular semi-weekly dance wil take place tonight at the Manor an,' will probably be attended by a largt number of the younger set. It It The regular monthly meeting of th a P. C. A. will be held In the Y. M C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4:30. It It Among the recent arrivals at Cher okee Inn are Mr. and Mrs. A.' W Rows of Florida, M,lss Catherine Hun of Katonah, N. Y., Mrs. T. B. Krame . . . T. mr . s. Barker of Stanley, ni c, Miss ricy I of Winston-Salem, Mrs, J. W. Powell Miss Powell and Miss Vroom of San ford, N. C.i E. E. Wright of Indiana A. E. Long, W. H. Culbuter of a C. K. R. Hendricks of Guilford College- C. W. Thompson of Richmond, Va. Mrs. C E. FltKhugh ef Nashville, CUf ton Green of Nashville;' W. IS. Den tot of Charlotte, J. 8. Andrews of Au guata, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Elme of Nev Orleans, H. A. McMullen of N. Y. Miss Bertha Hoeklna and Mrs. Glady Hoskins of Georgiu. ' Mrs. Maggie L. Patterson and Ray mond Patterson are .visiting in Mar Hill this week. . . - . It It Miss Eleanor Bartlett, who has beei visiting her mother In West Ashevill for several weeks . has returned tt Chicago. . It It Mr. and Mra Vance Brown leav the latter part of the week for a visl to Dr. and Mrs. Charles) Jordan li HIawasse, Mass. . It . Dr. F. L, Hunt has returned fron Chloago where he attended the meet ing 'of the National Dental association It It Charles Simpson of Laurens, S. C. who Is spending the summer In Mon treat spent yesterday in the olty. It It ' : Mrs. Frederick Fulmet and - chtl dren have gone to Inman, 8. C, t visit-Mrs. Felmet s parents. Rev. ani Mrs. J. A., Cook. . , it n , ,Mr Ftederlck Blgby has returns to hef home In Columbia, 8. C after i Visit to her sister, Mrs. Elale Dufour. . .- --lt It'.. . ' Mrs. David Skilling and two chll dren of St Louis, Mo., are vlsltlm Mrs. Skllilng's brother. A. M. Sinclaii on Soco street - k al Mrs. Jake Schramlck of Augusta who has been the guest of Mrs. Victo- Stern for some time, returned tod a: to her home. It t Allmond Jones went to Tnxawa yesterday to attend the cotillion las night H H Mlks Louise and Miss Gertrudi Jackson and Miss Elisabeth Cooper of Lenoir City, Tenn., passed througl Ashevllle yesterday on their way U Waynesvllle where they will visit rela tives for several weeks. It Robert Cook of Inman, B. C, re turned to his home yesterday aftei several days with his slater, Mrs. V. M Felmet . k I Miss Claude Shore and Mlas Beulal Long of Wlnnton-Salem, Miss Eunlct flynt Miss ltuth Fttyne and Mis Gladys Ualley of Rurale Hall have re turned to their homes after vlsltln Mra A, A Featherstone on Wood II i street It H Mrs. M. J. Crisp of Rutherford col lege, who has been spending severs days with her niece, Mra Frederic! Felmet, left yesterday for Fontana. st st Mra John'O, Stelnhelmer of Way crosa. Go., will arrive thla afternooi to spend sever! weeks with he- mother. Mra A. U Bcott on Ilaywoot street ' Ireest and newest Tine of post csrds 10c doa at Brown Hook Co. It. liuMt TP"W",,1' -'I5" N"'W. All t.., p.'.u.l mako-. st uti" Uilrd tf Mason Alexander has arrived from I York to visit his parents, Mr. an 1 1 J. L. Alexander on Montford I It K Miss Ruth Brown will come In from Arden this afternoon to spend several I with Miss Helen Taylor on Hay wood street . - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., and I Mrs. York of Concord arrived In the city several days ago and will spend some time at the Battery Park hotel. They were joined yesterday by Miss I Nan Cannon, a sister of Mr. Cannon. I m m Miss Grace Lumpkin and Bryan Lumpkin of Columbia 'will arrive in the city shortly to visit their sister, Mrs. B B. Glenn. St Miss Mary and Miss Jennie Allen of I Greenville, S. C, will arrive tomorrow to visit Mrs. O. H. Henry on Oak street. ' . St St ' Mr. Marsn or wasnmgion is mei guest of Mrs. O. H. Henry on Oak street. ' Mrs. Newson and children and Mrs. St It King of Montgomery are guests at I "Overbrook," in South Blltmora. .. Mrs. Honefleld and daughter ' of I Mrs. O. H. Henry on Oak street t Mrs. Lucy"Halyburton of Charlottt Is the guest of Mrs. Brookshlre In 3outh Blltmore. t K It Miss Hortense Jones and her guest Miss Louise Manning, went to Artier I tresterday returning to the ouy toaay They were the guests of Miss Rutli Brown. . t ! Mrs. W. L. Moss and her daughter Miss Marion Moss of Philadelphia ire the guests of Mrs. A, L. Wile; in Patton avenue. t Miss Poole of Cincinnati Is th ruest of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Bry int, on Cullowhee street t ! Mrs. A. McG. Wallace of Gate City Va.. is visiting Capt. and Mrs. W. H Bird, on South Main street ; si si Edward Kohlman of New Orlean ho has been spending some time It :he city hr.i gone on a trip to Nev York and Atlantio City before return ng to his home. DTI FORK WATER IS TO Approximately Fifty Tnousan Gallons Were Sent From Here Last Night. V-- ' T"? " l . i The. people of Charlotte are today privileged to drink the same pure, tparkling North. Fork water that the oeople of Ashevllle. drink every day. The water was shipped last night over he lines of the Southern railway In icld cars loaned by the Champion bre company at Cariton. : The cars .rut into Ashevllle yesterday af ernoon and placed on a siding near Zoberta street where water could b mured Into them through fire hose torn nearby plugs. The Ashevllle iremen went down last evening and horoughly cleaned the cars and made .hem ready to receive the water. The Ive tank cars held approximately 60r )00 gallons and they were Oiled and '.he water on Its way to Charlotte be fore midnight There la little change In the situa lon in Charlotte, it Is learned here, he authorities gladly accepting all rater tendered by outside cities. It probable' that unless the situation In Tharlotte improves soon Ashevllle will nd more water to aid in relieving he distress of the Charlotte people. . l!ASS MEETING WILL BE HELD AT COURT Oitcuii Advisability of Asking Commli- ifoneri to Borrow $50,000 , lor Roads, . The directors of the board of trade, he Retail Merchants association and he Good Roads association have de eded to hold a mass meeting at the .ounty court house next Monday night 'or the purpose of discussing the ad- Hsablliy of asking the county com nlBsloners to borrow $50,000 for lm rov!ng the roads of Buncombe coun y. ,At the recent meetings held at ilack Mountain and Democrat, In the nterest of the Central highway, this lan was advocated by several speak- ira. The principal speakers at the meet ng will txt Judge J, C. Prltchard and -Ion. Locke Craig. There will also a several short talks. What the Taxicabs Pay. New York, Aug. I. Taxlcab com anles pay hotels, cluha and restau--ants $113,000 a year for permbuilon o occupy street front a municipal nveatlgator reports. One hotel re lelves $30,000. ,11........ . a . .f fff WWWr fresh pniLADELrniA cheucs 'mrcn cliiiento cheese TLoho make Fiilondid sandwifhos for luncla. S YATES C: Men's Oxfords Reduced If you would make a dollar or more, save it on a pair of low shoetf. They are the best leathers, including calf, vici, , ; A 14 The paieui, Uiu biuu uun uau. prices are $5.00 for $3.95; $4.00 for $2.95. Some narrow toes we arfi diSCOntinuine: at" half :xa'mM.B AnA i orODOltion. We Can fit VOU in will to uauvao u juu uuuiv uuw We do repairing, Nichols Shoe Co Cash BhOeSterS. On the Sq. t n it it it n n t it it it n n t t : MENU FOB THURSDAY. t . " tnnstttittitnititititititititit BREAKFAST Blackberry Mush ' Sugar and Cream Broiled Veal . Kidneys . Potatoes au Gratln Thin Corn Cake Coffee . LUNCH Ragout of Liver " i Diamonds Iced Tea Coffee Fritters . DINNER - Mutton Stew Scalloped Tomatoes Boiled Rice Lettuce i French Dressing Wafers Cheese Sugared Fruit ' ' Coffee COFFEE FRITTERS. Trim a loaf )t stale bread free from crust and :ut Into fingers one Inch square and our Inches, In length. Beat well to- tether three eggs, add to them one :upful of milk, one and one-half cup ula of moderately strong coffee and t pinch of salt. Dip each finger in :hls, lay on a plater and pour over .hem the remainder of the mixture, urnlng them at Intervals until all is ibsorbed. Have', rady in a saucer me well-beaten egg and a large plate. ful of stale bread crumbs. Dip each finger into the egg, then roll In the crumbs. 'Drop tw or three at a time imq .-aeep aa-upepan parity niieu with smoking bat,, fat and cook until goiaen Drown an .over.. Drain on un glased paper for a moment, dust with powdered sugar and serve. MUTTON STEW. Use the breast of mutton for stew; have the bones sawed In several places in order to cut in convenient lengths. Make thin gravy with one tablespoonful of s AFETY AVINO ERVICB In Wear-Ever Aluminum Utensils cannot rust, cannot crack, cale or form poisonous compounds. The Ware That Lasts a Generation House Furnishing Dep't J. H. Law, 31 Pattoa Ays. Notice The firm of LaBarbe, Moale and Chiles has been dissolved by mutual consent Mr. La Barbe retiring.; ' The business will be contin ued by the undersigned under the Arm name of Moale, Chiles tt Redwood. ' August 1st Itll. , , ; PHILIP R. MOALE. JAMES M. CHILES, WILLIAM M, REDWOOD, , i i.IcGUIR! yN' ' 7S ' saaaaaaWsaf LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS, New effects in White, Cardinal and Navy Just received. Fine valuea . , New things just in in MEN'S FINE HIGH ART CLOTHING for fall. Stetson's Fall Hats also Just to hand. Let us show you these.' " " drippings and two tablespoonfuls of flour browned together, salt and pep per to taste and add one quart of wa ter. To this add the meat and simmer gently for an hour. Add two onions, cut fine, one cupful of diced white turnips and one cupful of diced car rots. . Half an hour : before serving add one pint of -diced and parboiled potatoes. When In the serving dish sprinkle over the top one tablespoon- ful of finely chopped parsley. T" (Continued from page 1) have deprived Judge Badger that the board could well have given Mr. Har ris the Job. The water situation In Raleigh Is not the beet yet, and there is some fear of a water famine here. A few showers have relieved the situation some but it has been found necessary to cut off the Southern' railway com pany's supply. The Wake company hopes to be able to get along all right E. B. J, - Pan-cakes made from Wheat Hearts Self-Rising Pan-Cake Flour. Delicious and digestible. All grocers .Kodaks and supplies, developing and finishing. Brown Book, Co. . .. At the PALACE THEATRE , Complete change of Vaude ville and Pictures on Monday and Thursday. ' 1 Night 10c and 15c. . Matinee 5c and 10c. DR. MATTHEWS, Dentist Offices Cor. College and Spruce, near court house. All work painless. Phone 4. Sproats MILLINERY PARLORS Oates Building. Mid -Summer Millinery. , TURNIP AND RCTA BAOA SEED Bow Ruta-Baga early and In drill then follow with the reg ular Fall and Winter varieties and lastly the salad varieties. We can supply all the stand ard white and yellow flesh kinds snd the salada Sow 1 1-1 lbs. In drill or two pounds broadcast Everything In Drugs and Beads. GRANT'S PHARUAGT Agency to Wood's Seeds. BREAD IS TnE STAFF . s . OF LIFE , -x Tlicrcfore have it good, which means you can hayo the BEST if you use BUTTER-CRUST BREAD The very highest attainment of thfl Bakers' Science. At all trrocvrs or phono C22. ' SuflS HIGH MlCl THINKS Ashevillc Steam T f cry EDVOOD f ' JF V. Jt W - f - Excellent Values In WHITE QUILTS, 88c up to $3.00. Also In comfortables in a big variety of styles. Two specials both extra good In TABLE DAMASK on display center aisle one lot at 50c a yard. One at 85c Both great valuea FALL WEDDINGS Let us show you samples of Engraved Invitations and Announcements. HACKNEY & MOALE CO. ON THE SQUARE. V i BATTE.RY ASHEVTLLIE, N. C J. P. SAWYER, President X T. C. Coxe, V-Pres. t Capital ... ... ... ....... X Surplus and Fronts TRANSACTS A GENERAL Spevial attention given to collections. Four percent Interest paid X T on time deposits. - fTMTTC r.OST of Dlumbinflr is insignificant -L in comparison with house. Yet the plumbing Viavi Health Tall; You are invited to attend a lecture for women by Dr. Agnes Haviland of New Orleans at THE VIA VI OFFICE, 210 Legal Building, on Thursday, Aug. 3, at 3:30 p. m. Asheville Creamery Co. Producers and Distributors of Dairy Products. Sweet Cream and Sweet Milk. Pure Ice Cream a Specialty, quick delivery. Special prices to Hotels and Boarding Houses. Give us a trial. We guarantee to please you. . ASHEVILLE CREAMERY CO. Phone 1581. ' , No. 45 East Collogo Street. Trimmed Hats REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. FOR SALE. iirht room house on West Ashevllle car line one and one half acres of good level land, price II. 000.00. easy terms. J. D. PENLAND & SON LOGAN MSrHCUANT TAII.OR. Lapd Bldg. B. Fm k fcre Ibone III. 0 sasaa. LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES something very special two lots $1.26 for goods that were $2.00 and $2.60. $1.75 for goods that sold at $3.00 and $3.60. Remember, we are closing out lots of SUMMER GOODS at 1-2 Price and less. All sum mr stuffs much reduced. ; ' ' - PARK BANK E. SLUDER, V-Pres. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier J ... ... ... ... $100,000 ? ... ... . . .wu,uuu BANKING EtTSTNESS. X ttitM! 3a . . . t . . -. . .. . J"- - i .." i: tfcit,jailJ&SIiM a. aaaaa A a a a a a the total cost of a exerts more influ ence on home com fort than any other feature of the household equipment Let us better your plumbing by installing UndoiKr fixtures. j. c. Mcpherson, No, 35 & ST E. College St riione 133. , 1W 1II1XINERT ft Hajwuod M, FOR SALE Two Choice Lots on Collets Campus. Very attractive price. NATT ATKnOITS' ZZ co::rANY. IrT' r-TtT-,Ti -i.-.J j o i .. J Mnnlciirliitr, I niiil K. Hip T i '-1 1 1 fin 1 1 Mi!; M. . !.. 'I..HV .f I I lr, . ;. -I li ! li. 1 1 . -1 i.t. c.r.l ii- ! i v h o i t , f til I r f t" v ii. a (

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