WHY NOT USE COKE IN RANGE? It h dustless, smoke less, very light and makes strong' concentrated heat, very light, and therefore 'greater quantity. . . Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Drhumcr Bldg 5 Patton Avenue. CO I H T IS II TARJjEEL, TOO Like Other Great Men, The Diamond Artist Was Born In North Carolina. CITY NEWS I Grape Fruit 12 l-2o and 15c each. Nice and fresh. E. C. Jarrett Phones S58 or 193. 12 North Pack Sqnare and City Market Phone 473. PATRICIAN PUMPS AND OXFORDS And Guarantee Shoes for men in summer styles are all reduc ed 20 Per Cent. They represent all that's good and reliable in fine foot gear for folks. GuarantecShoeStore 4 South Main St. Auction Notice By sjecial request of our friends and patrons , we will conduct a morn ing sale tomorrow and the day after at 11 o'clock a, m. Everything offer ed by request. Nothing reserved. THE I X L DEPARTMENT STORE S. H. Michalove, Prop. Tt will be a matter of pleasure and prlile to all North Carolina baseball fans to know that the greatest base hall player in the world Is a native North Carolinian. There appears to be no manner of doubt that Tyrus Cobh of the Detroit Americans, is not only a native Nbrth Carolinian, but a western Carolinian, a man of the mountains, where ball players are born as well as made. Here too, as with the eases of many of our great men, Tyrus left the state to achieve greatness, though not before he had learned to play ball., W. N. Cooper of the American Lum ber company is authority for the state ment that Ty Cobb was born In Cher okee county and his Information came from an authentic source. Mr. Cooper has known John, Cobb, who he thinks must be Ty Cobb's father, for a num ber of years but it was only a short time ago that he learned that Ty Cobb belongs to this family. The Cobbs live In Notla township at Cobb's postofflce only a few miles from Murphy, Mr. Cooper's former home. A little over a year ago Ty Cobb visited his relatives in Cherokee and stopped at the Dickey house at Mur phy one night. Mrs. Dickey informed Mr. Cooper of t'ie fact that Ty is a member of the Cherokee family. Mrs. Dickey, who is well known all over the state as the proprietress of the Dickey house, used to live near the Cobbs In Notla township. It seems that Ty attended school a' P.ellvue, a well established school in Cherokee county, and that there he learned to play baseball; that his gen ius was quickly recognized and he was picked up by some minor league in Georgia, whence he made his meteoric rise. It Is generally understood that h? came from Georgia where it is true his fame began and probably no one ever before took the trouble to inquire where he was born. ECTS FOR WJ. G. FAIR Secretary Gudger Confident of Excelent Display Dis tributing Certificates. DUNHAM'S Music House is the best place to get a Piano or Organ. Owen Gudger, the secretary of the Western North Carolina fair associ ation, states that he is confident that the displays at the fairs this fall are going to be very complete. He make this statement from information he has obtained from those who intend to make displays of products. For although the premium lists has not yet been issued, progress is being made along this line. He stated that W. Vance Brown, the proprietor of the Ashevllle Mica company, has promised to have a handsome display of mica products and there is probably no one who is better situated to furnish this. Mr. Gudger Is now busily engaged in sending out stock certificates to those who have already paid for .their shares, and putting the seal of the as sociation on them. The certificates are handsomely lithographed. . The wotk was done by the Inland Press. Mr. Gudger hopes that it will not be necessary for him to go to each sub scriber to collect for the shares. The premium list will be out in few days. Advertisements are being secured to help pay for the printing. Notice to Automobile Owners. Tht laws of the city provide that the owner of each automobile shall pay a special ta of $2.00 on each au tomobile operated In said city. You will please call at my office and pay said tax at once, C H. BARTLETT. City Tax Collector. 117-141 Tou can put our Ice In your water or milk. It Is absolutely pure, being made of 'steam from distilled water. TOR PURE ICE PHONE 72. Asheville Ice Co. GANG OF SMALL BOYS III THEJLICE COUtl Two of Them Sent to The County Home, the Rest Lec turedAll Very Penitent. There- are no Interesting develop ments In the trial of the case of Gil bert vs. Hopkins, In the Circuit court the United States. The attorneys are still discussing the legal points connected with the case. - , The board of pension examiners has been examining applicants for pen sions and increases today. ' The board Is composed of Dr. I. A. Harris of Ju piter, Dr. Zoz Hoblnson of Weavervllle and Dr. J. T. Sevier of Asheville. Archibald Nichols purchased yester day from F. V. Hunt the house and lot on Montford avenue, next to the park, known as the Millender prop erty. Mr. Nichols will make exten sive improvements on the place and will reside there. v . In Superior court the trial of the case of W. C. Morris vs. R. S. Brooks is now going on, having been taken up this morning. The plalntff is suing the defendant for damages for tim ber which, It is alleged, the defendant cut from the land of the plaintiff on Hominy Revenue Agent Sams has received reports of the seizure of tnree illicit distilleries recently. Deputy Collectors Shepherd and Hendrlx and Special Employe Weaver seized two distiller ies in Carroll and Grayson counties, Va., and Deputy Collector Davis made a seizure in Alexander county. Wallace Shelton and Serena Hunt, both colored, are to be tried before Magistrate James this afternoon for disorderly conduct. It is charged that they were with a crowd of negroes several days ago and cursed and hreatened Deputy Sheriff Tom Parker is he was going to his home. Mark Allen and Claud Rogers of the Hominy section were bound to court by Magistrate Gudger this morning, charged with assaulting each other with deadely weapons. The affray took place sometime ago In a general row, in which Rogers received a se- ere wound on the head and Allen was shot in the foot. The Asheville and East Tennessee railroad is very popular with tourists and the people of Asheville end Wea- erville since the night schedule has been put on. In the evening a car leaves Asheville at 8 o'clock. Return ing it leaves Weavervllle at 10:10. It leaves the square again at 11 o'clock nd returning, leaves Weavervllle at 11:45 and stops at the barn. This schedule is not run on Sundays. Joe Gregory, who has fiffurcJ in the urnlng-up of numerous blind tigers in the past, was up before Judge Adam In police court this morning charged with larceny and with obtaining money under false pretenses. The evl Jence produced was rather conflicting and pertained to the truffle In block ade booze. Probable cause was found and Gregory was bound to Superior court under $100 bond on both countB. Vice President tipencer ' of the Southern railway is expected to arrive here today to confer With the board of trade and the city authorities with reference to the purchase by the city from the Southern of about five acres of land for a site for a furniture fac tory to be erected by F. S. Kennett of this city. At a recent Joint meet ing of the board of trade and the board of aldermen It was decided to donate the land to Mr. Kennett pro vided he would erect the factory and run it for a term of ten years. The local battalion of the N. C. N. G., composed of Companies F and K., with the First Regiment band and the hospital corps, left today for More head City where they will be in camp for about ten days. The troops were In heavy marching order and were bravely equipped. The companies formed et the armory and marched to the square, where they massed and the orders were read. Officers of the day and of the guard were appointed and they then marched to the depot and took the train. They are sched uled to arrive at Morehead City early tomorrow morning. The hospital corps is composed of about 40 men. Chalmers Motor Cars . Always Leaders .' . . ' ' ' -'V-V'.'? .""..'.- ". ' V ' " ' Asheville: Automobile Cos, Telephone 1311. ; 15-17 South Lexington Ave. A Nice 'Assortment of Pure Home-Made Candies Taffy, Caroinels, Kisses, Gum Drops, Nut Brittles, etc. CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE .V BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING Many thousands of titles of books from standard authors to the recent copyrights. Every new book on the market in New York may also be obtained here. Our library of 60 cent books of recent Action Is unsur passed. V ROGERS' BOOK STORE it Patton Ave. Phon 254. Attend the Sale that is going on at BBOMBERG'S Cigar and Sporting Goods Store. 20 Per Cent Off MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND ri'MTS at greatly reduced prices in order to close them out to make room for fall goods., ,.- 29 S. Main St, Phono 135. Barbee's MEANS GOOD CIGARS 14 Patton Ave. For thoroughly cleaned ooal from the best amines, try a ton from us and be convinced of its superiority over others.- , Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. 10 North Pack Square. otessz: Phone 40 M. & V. Coal . Asheville Coal Co . 8 North Pack If. , ttMHMMI MMMMIIilJ BROILING AND ROASTING CHICKENS : Plenty of broiling and roasting chickens. . Some fins spring . lamb. Phone ua for meat suggestions. Hill &Young Phone 4 Mid Sot. City Market "Home Rendered Lard," Removal Notice J. E. Carpenter, the jeweler, ha moved hit place ot business from 12 Patton avenue to 11 West Pack Square, in Moore's Furniture store. Fine Jellied Coal , Th ICeal fuel. It'a Ik., ,, , JZLLICO COAL CO. City office phone SSS. Yard phone 619, . Special prloes on car lota. On all Sporting Goods for the next 20 days, vBLOMBERG'Si On the Avenue. Cigar and Sporting Goods Store. Established 1887. EDUCATOR CRACKERS-JUST RECEIVED. In 1 pound tins, 25c each'. ' Golden Mnise, Animal, Bran Cookies, Water Crackers'," Graham, Wafers, Toaster ettes, Oatmeal and Fruited. 1 i "( ' v' ' i- " , , i, - ,V :;' ' Educator Mks, large tins, 75c. . ,. "w . Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Are. Six Phones N. 1800. HE GRUNER SANITARIUM Aalievllle, N. C. ' No. 89-31 Haywood Street , Phone 84.i IIYDRO-TIIERMO-ELECTRO and BIKCHANO-THEKAFY, DIET1C8 for selected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism. Diseases ef Women and other chronic diseases. , The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium la open both LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Open from a, m. to I p m. Saturday till 11 p. m. Thinks Football Stimulates Scholarship. . t : hot. Ton won't he if you do your Ironing; with our Harwood Electrlo Iron; you can get out on the porch and by being comfortable do twice the work in half the time. nfTQ Harwood la the Iron that don't burn out. Piedmont Electric Co. Asheville, N. C. . - Opposite Postofflce, New Haven, Aug. 1. Captain Howe of Yale's eleven believes that schol arship can be stimulated by football. Ha has Inaugurated a policy of free srfson passes for students of the New Haven public schools standing high est in the grammar and high school grades. Hot Stuff In Crater of Kllauea, New York, Aug. I. A Carnegie foundation scientist has Just succeed- In police court his morning a num- ' d , tMUn, the temperature of boil ing lava In the volcano of Kllauea, Hawaii. Pyrometer lowered Into the lava registered 1850 Fahrenheit. i OOOD AND TRIE WORK Just sucfi work as Is requir ed to bring you back to health and happiness; Just such work ss your doctor expected when he wrote out the prescription. It Isn't slways each Ingredient In a prescription that - cutti you it's as often the way It is put with some other Ingredient rumpnunded good prescription work. Lt us fill your prescriptions. Pcrcgcn Pharmacy C. r. N. Ta. k fi. A Market EL J. I 1 a 1 ISSO. ber of smalt urchins, most of whom hsve been frequenters of the court before, were up for trespassing In one of the vacant stores on Battery Park place. There were' seven In the bunch, including Craig . and Robert Styles, Carl Pinner, Millard Wilson, Llndsey Moody and Marco and Charlie Mascart. The reputation of this bunch of youngsters around town Is that they are frequently starting some sort of mischief and Judge Adams stated that he was going to break it up. Craig Styles and Llndsey Moody were thereupon sent to the county home for DO days, as they were considered by the court to be the ringleaders The others were turned over to the probation officer, but before they were taken from the court room tney were lined up In front of the Judge's desk and given a lecture. The two young unfortunates remaining in tn dock were pointed out as horrible ex triples and the prospect of their working on the farm, feeding cows, getting water, carrying wood, etc., wm vividly pictured to them. They were then' Informed that If they came up again or violated the rules of the probation officer they would share the same fate. This lecture was accompanied by profu tears from the two Tnlsoreants In the dock and nine years old Pinner, among the li-ctured. The latter w undcrprolng his first police court ex perieure and said he would keep ou of this rnmpany In future. It was wn-!MKon" pr," w-lnn that filed out mid a very and, repent It pair that mi a. ed ,ihtii(l. Chambers A Weaver, livery. Phone 11 The elegant home and adjoining lots of the Vance Place at Black Mountain, N. C, will be divided Into lots and sold at auction Monday, Aug. 7th, at 10:10 a. m. 141- Tt, E. M. Andrews, Manager J. K. Chambers, livery. Phone 1HT Oraut's No. 14 eaiss Colds. II cents Souvenirs ol Asheville post cards lOo dos. . Kodaks and supplies, devel log and finishing. Brown Book Co. WANTS FOR SALE Fresh milch cow; gives about II gallons milk dally. Phone 111. J. H. McConnell. ltit-tf FOR BALE Fsrm about half value new 4-room house, on easy terms Would take horse and buggy for part payment H. C. Hunt, 11 Main St 1S0-I FOR RENT Unfurnished eight-room house, modern conveniences, Inrlud Inn gas on throe doors, laundry, rhlcken house and yard, ringe. , Mpit fine park, on car lln 1'hone 1 z 4 1. 150-31 I'THN'HH I :i rooms for rent. iillt I.I n lll'-ove TrW ,'iouh,', V-!,:. 'i , 4 Jn, lilit lifcf I.MIH-t - ' ! , .!. I'!.. .:. I two ftn u!l Improved Hot Water : t Heating System Let ns install in your home onr improved hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in fuel consumption and assures yon summer heat throughout your ! house in the coldest of days. We employ none hut skilled workmen and use the American Radiator Co'a boilers and '" diatnrs, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. v t Ball, Thrash 6 Co. 5, 7 and 9 East College Street. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. IHMmHMHMMMMMMHIMtlHHnMIIIIIIIH VISIT RIVERSIDE PARK REMOVAL! H. M. Frost t Jeweler and Optician front 50 Patton Ave. to S Haywood Bt MEN'S SUMMER SUITS HALF PRICE GEM CLOTHING CO. 6 Patton Ave. Anything Electrical , w. award FREE Motion Picture Entertainment each evening, beginning', at 8:30. PboM 441. No. 11 Charcfa Bt, Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods TeL 426, 80 N. Lexington Ay J.n.,WAVEIl,Mgr. WesLvervilte Line A NINE MILE TROLLEY RIDE THROUGH A BEAUTL FUL COUNTRY, . j . Every hour on the hour from 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Also 6:30 a. m. and 11 p. m. TAKE THE RED CARS FROM PACK SQUARE. : Asheville & East Tennessee Railroad ""'Hill MM Progress and Princess Steel Ranges Latest styles, lowest prices. Fullv enarantAfiii. Monov Deal & Golightly z . main si. . ( ' Phone 354. J unit i ,7. North Main. Street. Citizcno Transfer Company flTIA WOODCOCK, Owner. FURNITURE MOVING. Prcrt Eagage Transfer Servlct. I Oorscd by V. C. T. and T. P. A. FO.R RENT Cott.v-:o on V r 1 Aver: 20 0:) r i i h. Program Changed Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday -" " ----'r r I. r,,ir T 1 ;-w'a J WW UU AUv) F' : l?-C Va Cnftjt t , Let us make your, porch comfortaWe. " With' VUDOB jorch Shades and ,u UDOU Hammock. Shades from $2.2 up. Large Strong Haruinbch double 'woven in the center for $2.00 and up. ; - GH T I Hint r l'.r i . I