'7' Tun ashsvills CAzriTn.:;:: -;x Tuesday, Eertcnilcr 5, 1C11. 1 1M School Supplies School Books 1 AD QUART Eia FOR ' : : ;-- no t -h - . .... . :'''. t ' School BcioBSs , i i NO. 3 7EST PACK SQUARE. The most complete line of School Books and School Supplies ever shown in Asheville. MAKE YOUR PURCHASES EARLY. School Supplies FREE BooK Covers FREE 21 I School I Books M0RBIS0F1 SPEAKS FOB LABOR MEN The Pressing Necessity for Workmen Combining for Protection. Binghamton, N. T., Sept 5. In his address at the Labor day celebration here yesterday, Frank A. Morrlaon, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, aald: "Antaitontem ty hostile associations of employers toward the men of labor la a potent argument for the trade unions. It clearly depicts the strug gle and emphasizes the pressing ne cessity of workmen combining for mutual protection. To stunt and re tard the growth of our movement, every means which can be conceived by subtle minds has been Invented. In an open and fair contest before the bar of public- opinion, even with an unfair press, the cause of labor has steadily advanced. With the full knowledge of this, these antagonistic organisations of employers, driven with desperation, having no regard for the inherent Mgr-ta of men, or any form of law, are aeeUlnr by various means to destroy the organ izations of labor. To make false and criminal charges without any fouif- datlon whatever, appears to be their present mode of warfare. "In the kidnapping of the Mc Namaras. taking them by force, with out complying with even the simplest forms of law, transporting them across the country, Is apparently con sidered by the men committing thin outrage as permissible. These em ployers' associations do not hope for a Hnal conviction of the men charged, their purpose being to cast odium on our entire movement They appar ently are determined by fair meann nr foul, to strike union labor fatal blow. In this the present difficulty, the members of labor organisations of our country should, with one ac cord, resolve to give to the full limit of their ability a sufficient amount of funds to guarantee to the McNamuras a fair and impartial trial. "The chief question of Interest to the trust today is how they can pre vent their employee from becoming members of unions, thus minimizing the possibility of a demand being made upon them for an Increase In wages .or shorter hours of labor. The trust are employing the ablest men that money can secure, to perfect plana to more effectively bind the Workers to the. Industry. One of the most plausible and at the same time most vicious system that the repre sentatives of great corporations, are trying to fasten upon the workers at the present time, is the so-called divi dend scheme, a scheme in which the employes cannot make a suggestion. either as to wages, hours or hare of the profit. This scheme of the trusts to hold their employes in particularly interesting, when it is known that a roll call of the corporations that favor the system will reveal the facts that they are the corporations and trusts that have absolutely refused to per mit their employes to organise, aye, more, they have demonstrated their willingness to expend millions of dol lars to keep their employes as help less to change the eondittons under whldh they labor, as the slaves were helpless to do other than the bidding of their masters. Some will say there is a difference that the employes of the trust can quit and look for work elsewhere, whila the slave could not hut I ask you where can these men secure other employment when you take Into consideration the constant influx of over a million aliens a year. About 260.000 men are working for the steel trust few, If any of those men are today members of a trade union. The steel trust in the late strike defeated he union. .The Influx of aliens constantly coming to our shores to secure employment at any price, because they must live. Is used as a club by the trusts to prevent men from quitting work for fear that they cannot secure employment elsewhere." FDBH GQYEfiSDRS WILL ATTEKD GREAT MEETING Many Topics of Wide Interest to the Nation Will be Discussed. Many SnBcnng Woman Drags herself painfully through her dally tasks, suffering from backache. headache, nervousness, loss) of appe tite and poor sleep, not knowing her ilia are due to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt return to health and strength. No woman who so suffers can afford to overlook Foley Kidney Pills. For sal at all druggist Spring Lake, N. J.. Sept S. For the first time within rwept American history the governors of approximate ly forty of the forty-six states will meet In conference here Tuesday, Sept 12. Thirty-seven chief execu tives Ua'e accepted the mil out-right several from nearby commonwealths have yet to be heard from and of the small remainder thuse who can so arrange their duties will attend for at least a portion of the time. The orig inal conference at the white house, held upon call of Pnnliiunt Koosevelt In 1907. was attended by thirty-three conferees. The full five days of the program will be devoted to tlisrusslon of ques tions now uppermost in the minds of statesmen, while eoilnl affairs will be kept in the background. Last year at Louisville a round of entertainment was provided which took so much time that the business of the confer ence was curtailed. When they ad journed to meet at Spring Lake, the governors told Gov. Wllapn that they wanted to come this year for serious '6 I i - 1' STATEMENT OF CONDITION i SJBnBXBBBsBBBnBBBSBBBBSBBflBBnlBBaBBBBts r nil i fa ASHE.VILLE, N. C. r ! At the Close of Business Sept. 1, 1911 Condensed from Report to Comptroller of. the Currency 4 ' . RESOURCES Loans and Discount ... .... . .$1,003,33 J.1 5 Overdrafts'.;. .V . 403.55 IJ. 8. Bonds to Secure Circulation ...... 300,000.00 U. a' Bonds to Secure TJ. S. Deposits .... . 00,000.00 Other Bonds, Stocks and Premiums .. .. .48,418.47 Banking IIouso and Fixtures ... 98,010.01 Redemption Fund .. 15,000.00 : ' ' , ' Cash. "WitH Reserve Agents... . ... .$ C8.625.51 "With Other Banks ......... 45,805.84 ' ' Cash on Hand .. . 12G,5G1.24 241,082.59 $1,706,014.77 LIABILITIES CapitalStock ............... ... ... ...$ 300,000.00 Surplus'..-....."... ..... ... ... .. ... 15,000.00 Undivided Profits . . .... 18,849,40 Dividends Unpaid .. ............. .. .. . 1 77.00 Circulation . .:.'.; . . . 300,000.00 Notes and Bills Kediseounted. . . ... .. .. 128,048.00 Bills Payable 55,000.00 Deposits ' ;: Individuals ... ... ... .. ... .$052,834.74 ' Banks.. .290,505.03 9P.339.77 $1,70014.77 C. J. IIAr.r.13, Vice-President. L. L. JENSCI3, President. J. C. ::::r.i::c:r, Vice President. "r . r ti f::" r t1 3 ht:r:-t cf err c"-1 ri.. Your r; :--3 c:r, II. RTDWCOD, Vice-rrc-cst R. II riTZ?ATHICX, C bisr. "j iiv'.,:Iu.ic"rt::tf;::: ' jye business, and would leave the social end to their wives and others who might accompany them. Accordingly Gov. Wilson and the committee have refused to allow any entertainments to be arranged, except a reception which he and Mrs. Wilson will Hive at the state cottage at Sea Olrt Sept 11 and a dinner to be given the fol lowing Thursday. On the program, which has already been announced, are topics of wide spread Interest. To the discussion of employers' liability and worklngmeo's compensation lavs an entire day will be given and the state control of pub lic utilities will be discussed another full day. Oov. John A. Dlx, of New York. Will discuss the new inheritance tax law passed lust winter, and the question of fixing Intrastate traffic rates will also be considered at a sep arate session. Gar. Herbert 8. Had ley of Missouri, will be a speaker on this subject Added Interest to the gathering will be given by the presence of two prom inent democratic governors, Judson Harmon of Ohio and Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey. President Taft may be present for one day' and address the meeting, but this has not yet been definitely arrange-'. Governors ot the western states will leave Chicago on Sunday night, Sept. 10, on a special car which will reach Spring Lake Monday afternoon. Townspeople of Spring Lake are plan ning a big celebration for that night by way of welcome. CONTRACT AVARDEQ FOR NORTH BIIOM ROAD TWELVE PIANOS SOLD SIX PIANOS LEFT Hallet & Davis Piano Exhibit is About to Finish up Must Get :v .(, 0- 1"".... .. :. a y a . " . , . 1 ( Xi 3 . f Away to Exhibit at Other Points --Pianos are Going to The Best Homes In the City And Vicinity Come Now While There Is Yet Time to Se lect a Sample Piano and Get It at Factory Billing Price v, Open Till 9:30 P. M. 6 Battery Park Place. Corpening and Ramsey Complete Grading in 120 Dayg. to Carrying out the new road policy, determined on some weeks ago, by which the important highways of the county are to be built and Improved by contract labor, the board of county commissioners has awarded the con-, tract for grading certain portions of the Iturnsvilie road, from Btocksvltle to Democrat, to J. M. Ramsey and Capt. Corpening, both well known contractors of the city. The work la to begin within ten days and la to be completed within lit days. The con tract only calls for heavy grading where the road has been re-located. The distance between these twx places Is about live miles and It Is one of the most Important roads In the county. Part of the road, on the Democrat end, has been graded by the convicts and the work of surfac ing this part with send-clay Is to begin at once. The people of the section through which the road passes will be employed to do some of the work It they so deelre. ' Borne months ago a movement was started to have the commissioners borrow money to put the roads of the county In shape, It being evident that ;the convict force Is not sufficient to 'bull1? the roads that are needed and keep the present roar's In repair. The commissioners decided not to borrow ; Vli. inuncr m , ...... . w j let the construction of some of the i roads to contractors. . The Hallet A Davis Piano Company of Tloston will soon have fulfilled their mission here In Asliovllle and will move on to other cities t fur ther advertise and promote the Inter est In Hallet Davis tjoda. The big exhibit which lasted one week wss a splendid success, and now the rile of the beautiful samples Is more than half over. Every home In this city should have a piano, and the oppor tunity now to secure a piano at fac tory billing will never be offered to yon again. We are going to place them ail here la the best homes to be able to secure other sales by showing them from time to time. All we ask you to do Is to show the Piano If you buy one to people who refer to that par ticular style from time to time. There is no two alike here, all are different, and yours will not be like any of lb others In case design. The price Is leas all the dealer's profit, agent's commission and the many extras that are usually tacked on to the price. - We hide nothing at all; on the oth er hand we show you everything out where you can see it. Come now; don't wait If you want time to pay for It the terms can be made to suit your particular case. Remember, only a few moretdsys and all will be over, then If you are left out you will regret It Open till 1:10 p, m. No. f Battery Park place. tlons will be experienced over the problem of adequate guarantees for the maintenance of Germany's eco nomic status in the Moroccan empire, It being the belief that the questions of French political 'predominance In Morocco and compensation to Ger many In the shape of concessions of territory In the French Congo are of easier arrangement The resumption of ' the Franco. German negotiations did not create optimism on the bourse, the tone be ing generally weak. The French ambassador, whose "Illness," a is Intimated, was due to the reluctance of France to resume the negotiations on the anniversary of her defeat at Sedan, called at the for eign office and communicated. In a short Interview with the foreign mln. later, the docislons of the French cabinet Germany's reply to the pro poeala is expected shortly. No pub lic statement was Issued relative to the Interview between the French am bassador and the German foreign minister.. , As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for throe or four fctfeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Ltnament freely as soon at the Injury Is received, and observing the direc tions with each bottle, a cure can be effected In from two to four days. For sale by all dealers. t. R. Kerne's Condition Favorabto. ' London. Sept. S. Surgeons attend ing James K. Keene. who underwent an operation for stomach trouble, re port the financier's condition favor able. " Do not allow yout kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kid nay Pills. They give quick results and stop Irregularities Un aurprlslng promptness. For gale at all drug- Diarrhoea is always mors or less prevalent during Heptember. lie pre pared for It Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Remedy Is prompt and effec tual. It can always be depended UHn and la pleasant to take. For sale by alt doalera t OS! EiTl'lTD 15 STILL EG tiSSSaSBi Two nations' Eepresentatives Meet in ElTort to Set tle Dilute. AN ATTRACTIVE ADVANCE SHCVTHIQ 07 i a New anil Pfetiy Fall Garments AN INSPECTION IS ALL WE ASS if Berlin, Srpt . The Oerman for. We extend to onr frienda and patrons and the pub lic in general a cordial invitation to visit this 6tore and view the pretty new, fall styles in tailored suits, dress es, costumes, shirts, waists, coats, etc. The showing U very extensive and will prove quite a treat to all who admire correctly fa'-Lioncd, Ftjli.sli apparel. All lifht weight garments arc marked at quirk pt 11 ingi prices i:any choice values nwr.it you here. e n't -a - elgn nilnlMT, Ilorr Von Kiilerlnn Jwaerhter, and the Frent h aiuuassa (dor, M. Cnmbon, met here yesterday to d!t. uhs rrnmr-'s Jrijii!ul to C-r- r 1"' ' ' r t) a -t f-f v i .