Until a short time ago, scarcely one person in a thousand had ever tasted a really; good soda cracker as it came fresh and crisp the oven. Now every man, oman and child in these ;mt S(t cai kiiov: and en joy the crisp good ness of fresh baked soda crackers with out going to the baker's oven. Uneeda Biscuit bring the bakery to you. Millions of people know these perfect Soda Crackers in their original good ness. More millions will enjoy them daily when once they know how good they are. A food to live on. Stamina for work ers. Strength for the delicate. Bone and flesh for little folks. It will cost you just 5 cents to try Uneeda Biscuit. Never sold in bulk, always in the mois ture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT K COMPANY , MOTOR HIIS TROLLEY; T Jamaica, K. T., Oct. 4. James Cnlton "wits killed and' Itwo com pari ions fatally Injured when Culton'a $,000 automobile, running at tha rate of forty milt-a per hour, struck had cn a I xing Island trolley car early to day. , , , t'olum was thrown over the to; ul th street cnr end h i ue i v. as ij.nk. en. The automobile vaj foTu.vl t. Junk. Th. street car also suffered se verely, and passengers were badly shaken up. ).... 235,000 TO TRINITY. A not Iter Ijirge uit to Ilurlmm Insti tution by the Duke. t . Announced. - Say Stephenson's Money c Used He Repeatedly Cautioned His Iaeutenanjts J;o Keep tfa . the Law Followers of La Follette, It Develops, Are Known as Half Breeds; Others, Regulars. Milwaukee, .Oct. 4. Aside from hearing testimony that followers ; of Senator Robert M.'.'LnKollette In Wis consin fire known" as "half breeds," and that they are the political foes of Senator Isaac Stephenson, the sen itorlal committee which is investigat Ing charges that Senator Stephenson's election was secured through bribery yesterday devoted Its attention to dig ging into campaign expense accounts, Alueh of the necessity for expending an amount as great ns $107,793 to net i he nomination for Mr. Stephenson at the primaries In 1908 was declared by witnesses to be due to opposition ex pected by Senator LaKollette's follow ers. To organize each of the 2200 precincts in the state it was necessary .-.at-., rm. 'If. 1 ' 7 Ing the latter part ot 1910, and his father visited him at Intervals. S.'-nn-tor Stephenson Is said to be the rich est mun In the senate, and It Is charged that he spent over $100,000 In ;hla campaign for election. . lie Is an old man. very quiet and reserved, with . dignity as bellttlng such great wealth, ami did not talk much, nt least not to casual acquaint ances. liesides belnjr a senator lut Is a lumberman, farmer and banker and employs In his various enterprises about 3000 men. He was born In New Hrunswick and received a common school education, and later moved to Wisconsin- 1-iater he engaged In the lumber business In Michigan for 12 years. He haa held various political oilices. mostly local; In 190" was Bp pointed to the senate to fill out the unexpired term of Senator Kpooner and was re-elected In 1909. (Hie of the things he Is being asked to explain In the Investigation is how he spent SI 1,000 in stamps legitimate- ly durnlg Ills campaign for re-election. FAMILY TROUBLE IE0; IS Tried on Three ; Counts and Draws Six Months' Sen tence Appeals. Durham. Oct 4. At the celebra tion of benefactors day at Trinity col lege yesterday, gifts In the aggregate of $235,000 were announced. , For building, James Iluchannn Duke contributed $201, 000, and for running; er.pensea $37,E0O, The North Carolina, conference donates $4261 mil the Western North Carolina con ference $1000. - . Preshlent Henry N. Bnyder of Wof- ford College delivered the address. sKVJTyn ISAAC STKIIIIvXSO.X. to fpenil tlio money liberally, they ;iid.- Hut all fir irf the Stephenson ampaiK'i managers K. A. Kdmunds f Appleton. l II. I'u. hi her of 'Mil waukee. J. A. Nan Cleave t Marinette mil llmliiey Sackett of ISeslin. NVis., testilied that the funds were l-'giii-malilv used. Seiialor Stephenson's llni'.imn slugan nl'teii repeated to iheni when he (save the money, ae- oriliiiK to their testimony, was "keep within liie law whatever you do." While the entire amount expended iy Senator Stephenson in the primary ampain which resulted in his elec tion by the legislature in 1909 was declared to In' $107, "9:1, no one of the witnesses ailmittel having handled the eniire amount. Vun Cleave Handled .-:. IMMI. Van Cleave test Hied remained nt Marinette, Senator Stephenson's home town, and when calls came from Mil waukee and other places for more money, he Went to see the senator. In this ay he said he handled $52, .".(10 but he ilid not know what was done with It beyond that it was sent to the Stephenson headquarters to be -xpended lor campaign purposes. "NVhenever a call came from head quarters In Milwaukee for money you went to Senator Stephenson's office md told him about it was that It?" isked Senator NV. It. Ileyburn, the chairman. "Did the Bcnator readily give up the money?" "Ves." replied Van Cleave, "he nl- ways Kave it up. Sometimes he asked what they were doing with all that money, as the campaign was costing him two or three times as much as he hail thought it would. His only comment was that he wanted to keep Ihem within the law. Not a dollar was spent corruptly," HaiKll.il $9H.IMMI. Ilndney Sackett. who is a clerk In the United Stales senate, testified he worked In the Milwaukee headquar ters and had the handling of about J'jS.aitn. He spent money In paying salaries and traveling expenses ol workers who were sent over the state to boom Senator Stephenson's candidacy. He kept a curd Index record ot the expenditures but after the campaign. finding the cards had been badly worn, he destroyed them after making a copy of the amounts spent. "How, when you destroyed those cards, did you expect to defend your self again a charge that the money might have been used for bribery? Vou have nothing to show now that the money was not spent for bribery, have you?" asked Senator Ileyburn. "No one ever thimght there was going to be a charge of bribery, and there is no ground tor sny now," the witness replied. Jt was while Ednonds was on the stand that Senator Ie Follette and suppportert were referred to as "half breeds." Bcnator Ileyburn Immedi ately wanted to know what the term meant. , "Why," said Edmonds, "it Is well known In V'isconsln. . When' a man Is a republican but not regular he Is a follower of Senator LaFollette and Is called a half breed. The half breeds were opposed t Senator Htephenson, who is a regular." K. U Monteath met his Waterloo in the person of Judge Adams ill po lice court today. He was up on three charges, assaulting and beating his step-daughter, Annie litukiier; disor derly conduct, and resisting an officer in tlie performance of his duty. It appeared Ili.it the defendant had been, in court on the former charge on one r more occasions, but not before Judge Adams, and had got olT rather light. What he got today, however, is not generally considered very light, .tnd that was six jnonlhs on the coun ty roads. In the other two cases the defend- nt was lined $3 and $10 and the costs respectively. Appeal was taken and the bond was lixed at $300. for th't three cases All the liises were tried together. and I lie evidence against Monteath was Kim n ly Annie Hacklier, her sis ter, Jc iiiieii-e, Messrst, William, KUiwdi .md Kniili, neighbors of the Monteath family, and l'ntrolmeti Jones and Ingle. According t the testimony the trouble started about i o'clock this morning In the Monteath home, when the two liuckner ifirls dd not get up as quick the Oelendant thought they should; that ho gave both girls a few licks with a swltoh, which was said to he ot rHther large size. Annie then went to th. kitchen and was making tip bread. when Monteath acain began Dealing hi' ioth with the switch and with his liMs. As evi dence of this the girl had some very bud-looking inaiks on her arm and bruised places on her fure. Several-, Of the neighbors saw and heard the iudurl ance, and one o( them telephoned for a policeman. I'ft irolmen Jones and Ingle responded, and after taking stock of the affray they summoned Monteath to appear in court this morning. This, they said, he refused to do, whereupon they took him in hand and Mr, Jones started to the city hall with him. It was on the way, up that the al leged resistance took place. The defense put up the plea that Monteath used only a small switch, and did not use bis fists at all In the assault. He and Mrs. Monteath both testilied that the girls were unruly, and would not mind. Further, that they cursed and abused their mother -ind step-father. ( They . contended hat the whipping was necessary. - As o resisting the oft leer, Monteath said hat ho made no resistance and only ooked around In order to tell a friend o come and go his ball. It was a rather badly mixed affair, nd Judge Adams said: "This condition of disobedience and he use of abusive and profane lang tage ran be traced to no other cause han that ot the parents." He advised hat It might be best for the girls, who ire young, to be sent to the children's tome, where they could stay untij hey could And other homes. Mrs. Monteath asked trw coort to et them return, however, and the, plea trs granted, after she was given some nstructlons. Thesa were that when he girls needed correction for her to lo It herself. Further, that tba t oaja Usement should 1 for some cause md not m result of the trial this morning. . . . For sore throat, swollen tonsils, pimples on the tongue, gargle the throat or rinse the mouth with DAR KY 8 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID dllut rd la a little water. It will quickly restore normal conditions, nathe the skin with tt to re-luce swellings, cure Insect bites or stings, wash out ragged wounds, old Sores or barbed wire cuts. It disinfects the wound and heals the llcsh. Price SO cents per bottle. Solu by all druggists. ' The Lax-Fo Way. Vaudeville, Opeia IImiwi, i-sill;', ' If yon had a medicine that would strengthen the liver, tha stomach, tha kidneys and the bowels, and at the same time make you strong with a systemic tonic, don't you believe you would soon be well? ' That's "The Loi-Fos Way." We aalc you to buy the first bottle on tha mumey-baek plan, and you will ask your tirugglst to sell you the sec ond, .It keeps your whole instdea right. There . Is nothing else made like l4ix-Kos. t lteinuv.iber the name LAJt-KOS. WEALTHIEST SENATOR QUIET AND RESERVED Spent C'otwMUerablo TUoe In Aalievllle, During Residence ol Ilia boa . , Here, llccently. Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wis cor sin, undergoing an investigation In connection with charges of bribery and corrupt usd of money lu his elec tion to thi United States senate, which Is now being held at Milwaukee, for merly spent oumrtdersble . Hm In Ashevllle. His son, who esme here with his wife and two children for his heclth, lived for about a year In Oalax cOi! g In Albemarle park dur- Aortal Soot Work. London Telegraph. . As an example of what German ?illltary airmen are already able to lo, the performance of Lieutenant Muckenthun on Monday is cited. In I space of thkrty-tlve minutes Lieu enant Mackenthun, who was acting 'or the lied force, rose and flew llong the enemy's front and was back in the ground at hi headquarters ready to report. To obtain the same results would have taken a .' strong torca of cavalry four hours. . , Suits, Dpesses, Coats, Sllirto, H i Shirt Yaisto, do. m t k D Styles THAT WILL MEET WITH" YOUR APPROVAL D . n IjTHAT WILL APPEAL (J YOUR P0CKETB00K Q Assortment Q h4t is vai hr"' Values VARIED BUT ABSOLUTELY1 UNSURPASSED ' ' v4'. 'V . , rr fi: v Quality Q THAT IS UP TO THE VERt HIGHEST STANDARD, . 0 Workmanship Q JTHAT IS OF A CTARACTER MUCH DESIRED Q Exclusiveness W THAT IS ONLY FQUND IN XARGE SPECIALTY STORES Peeriess-Eashion Co. 51 fatton Avs, , ,5 IHE WEATHER 1 i i ; I i'i TEMPKRATURK. I a 9 5- 5i Ashevllle :. , , 6!' 7 Atlanta ,. .. (a - ! Augusta. ' D HO Charleston . . 10 $ Charlotte . . Kg ' 6fi Jacksonville ., ..,"(' 14 Key West ,. . . 7 XX Knoxvillo . . . . x 0 Mobile. 7$ New Orlenns , .. 74 93 N -w Voi k , . M llalelgh fit CH Savannah M 90 NVashlngton ,, $1 C4 Wilmington . . ,, $1 .7 Norm n I today: Temni-rntnre 60 de grees, Precipitation .Os. Foret'asts until $ p. m. Thursday for Ashevllle and vicinity: Fair weather tonight and Thursdai; cooler Thurs. day. For North Carolina: Henerally fair tonight and Thursday: Warmer to night exeept In extreme west nortion: cooler Thursday in extreme west por tion; moderatei variable winds. hamiiiar or Conditions. The storm noted vesterduv over North Dakota haa made further pro gress eastward and now overlies the Great Lukes. .Rain is reported from practically the entire region Included between the MUaourl. Vallev and north and middle Atlantic states. The greatest amount of precipitation noted was 1.34, at llreen Hay, NVis. An area nt high, haromelrln nrea- sure, accomiHinled by generally fair and colder weather Is advancing from s A Step v Toward Health POOTUM , , Tu place of folTeo "There'i a Reason J the eastern slopo ot the Hocjty Moun tains and present conditions Indicate fair Weather In this vlclnltv innlvht ami-Thursday, -with Ptjlder- Thursday. It. T. I.I.NDM.f, -observer .Weather Bureau.. GOV. WILSON ENDORSED BY STATE I i ; New Jersey Executiviri'Poi plete Control of Democratic Gathering at Trenton. . . Trenton. N. J., Oct 4. Onv. Wood row Wilson was the predominating In fluence In the democratic state con vention which met yesterday for the purpose of adopting a party platform. The convention under the provisions of the Gefan election luw was made of 7 men, Governor Wilson, the dem ocratic hold-over state senators and the democratic cand'.dates for the sen ate and for the assomhly. The platform adopted was eulogis tic of the administration' of Governor Wilson, and only I he governor' ear nest appeal lo the convention pre vented the adoption of a resolution endorsing him for the democratic presidential nomination negt year. . The platform adopted begins tylth these words: . , . . , . , "We, the domocrata of New Jersey. In convention assembled, endorse the able and , brilliant administration of Gov.' Woodrow , Wilson, - an express our entire approval of the progressive legislation enacted during the winter Of l14)1li." ;.,tM.-.', The platform sets forth certain ri..iuiriii uiiiii wnirn ins nemo- cratg ask tne support or the voters In the. fall's election. -The first propo sition demanded a reform-4n t sys tem of selecting grand Juries and petit Juries. The second proposition advo cated a change In the system of taxa tion In the atate with a view to eo util ising taxes, but mnde no specific rec ommetidatlon. . . H n at H X m H at st It K It K H t . .. . i ,.- st A SII.KKX I4 STRK It n T( TIIK Ill'Uim HAIR. It 1. ,j 4 H Ksttltltstltatlltltltltltltltltsi 1 ,.,'..., . - ' i ; . f MMona Ifirror.) . . ; ' , t 'Troper rare of hair and scalp does not mean" time-consuming nd "x pensive trips to tha hair-dresser's. Simplicity Is the keynote just an oc casional brushing; of scalp and hair on which haa been sprinkled a table-, spoonful of dry shampoo mixture. This Is brushed through and oat of tha hair, and with It comes all dust, dandruff and excess oil. : "To prepare the dry shampoo, uilx together either 4 ounces of orris root or' corn meal and ounces therog. Keep In sifter-top ran and use once. or twice each-week. .After, a few shampoos dull, 'stringy, lifeless - or brittle hair grows wonderfully soft, silky and lustrous. Continued using Induces a luxuriant growth." . Vaudeville and pictures. Opera Hou.ne. What a man thinks Is his self-respect is mostly swelled head. U S. Department or Ajriculturc, , v WEATHER BUREAU 1 ; d - 11 - S!i " rt vV1 XMSiil " ' J rr-ci- V- rr-rr ,7i U t I X C. I A aaat Ml W Hm lrnasi Sn4 e axTaakl , 'r. ! f SMBBt hurt . -y i. , t 1 (MM aascrw, t-" "' 'Zt " "". w

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