Friday, ITovcnlcr 17, 1C11. ' FACIj TWO THE ASHE VILLI GAZZTT2-1IE13. "King Cotton's East Gift 7 The snow-white cotton fields of the Sunny South are the source of Cottolene. It is a vegetable product, without an ounce of hog fat in its make-up. From Cotton Field to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Made L IS T Succeeding G. F. Stradley, Resigned Graduate Scale of Dues Adopted. At the monthly meeting o the Anheville Merchants association last night Archibald Nichols of the Nich ols Shoe company was chosen to suc ceed President G. K. Stradley, who resigned at the last meeting, and Mr. Nichols will till out the unexpired term. For some time the officers and members of the association have been considering and Investigating a grad uated scale of dues for the different classes of members. Last night this svstem was adopted, and by it the members will be divided Into four classes and the dues will be based on the benefits derived by classes. This system Is the various said to be large having it I Cottokneismade. It is a pure product, packed in a cleanly way with patent air-tight top pail, to prevent the in vasion of dirt, dust and germs. It is more economical than butter or lard because it goes one-third farther. only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY working successfully In several towns and cities of the state. The reports of (he officers were en couraging. A number of new mem bers will be received at the next meet ing and the following were elected lust night: Asheville Grocery com pany, Harris-Barnett Dry Goods com pany, Karres brothers, O. K. Grocery company, W. R. Nixon, W. H. Merritt and Shopc & Patton. Iliiiitllcap KowliiiK. In the Y. 11. C. A. handicap bowling tournament Inst night the following scores were made: 1 2 :! Hd. Total Williams. . .17.1 17? 17 .. 519 Ed. Hrown.. . 13S 141 141 .. 441 Miller . ... 134 115 14S 30 447 Sevlc-r ....ITS 191 17.". . . i44 Nichols . . .191 195 14ti 13 547 flrandt. . . .158 199 is:! .. 540 NVeley .... 134 1118 1 77 . . 497 White ... .161 139 1 40 30 470 Grlfw-t ... .177 142 19 45 333 Wrisht. . . .137 114 129 30 410 Benn 178 159 164 15 516 Only One "BROMO QCTNIXE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE. Look for the signature of K W. Grove. Used the World over t Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. RE, MO We announce our Printing Office to No. 78 Patton Avenue Increasing business has forced us to r quarters; ' Your made the move occasion to express our In a few days our entire plant will be ;ihr stalled at the new location, and we inVite Vbd then to inspect the best equipped' printing shop in this section. The 78 Patton Avenue f ft i -HW. Niatuefe Gift from the Sunny South" BALLOONIST A SUICIDE? " LOSar. w MiX- Edgar W. Mix, t balloonist, who bai won many honors in America In In ternational contests, ia believed to hare1, (committed suicide In Jumping from frail steamer crossing from Dover, la England, to Calais, In France. Always Inter -tins, pictures at Thentn. Trace ! .H'. -- i- .W-T-. I .gist' VAI the removal of s 3 patronage and A necessary, we take this thanks. . .' m r inland Press TRIED TQ STEfif u i liCTOF moo Smooth Game Overated in Wake by Unknown Forger, Who Disappears. 1 Guxette-News Bureau, The Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, Nov. 18. Impersonating Marcus Martin, a lumber man of this county; forging the names of John W. Vlck and his wife, Sallie D. Vtck, to a deed convey ing 104 acres of property; forging the name of Justice of the Peace Stalllngs of Little River township; having the deed . registered in the court house, and attempting to borrow 11500 on the land these are the crimes charg ed up to an unknown white man, who endeavored to pull off one .of the smoothest frauds ever reported In this part of the state. Had it not been for the shrewdness of E. P. Maynard, a lawyer in this city, the Impoater and forger would have got his money, and somebody would have lost exactly that sum. ... The story came to light when Mar cus Martin, a white man, was arrested for the crimes. . Mr. Martin was brought from Wendell to Raleigh and confronted with his accusers "I don't know anything about It," he said. B. C. Beckwlth, who drew the deed for the other Marcus Martin, said: drew the deed for Marcus Martin, but that alnt the man.-, I saw the other Marcus Martin Tuesday." The prisoner was carried before Mr, Maynard, whe declared that, "ain't the man; I'd swear that." Justice of the Peace H. H. Roberts then released the real Marcus Martin from custody. . "I tell you I was mad," declared Marcus, "and when Mr. Honeycutt ar rested me I cussed and raised sand." When Mrs. Sallie D. Vlck, who came to the city for the preliminary trial, expressed her opinion of the ras cal who tried to sell her property by saying: "Don't we wish we could get that man!" ' Deed Signed October 14. The conveyance transferring 104 acres belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Vlck near vvakeneld to Marcus Martin was dated October 14 and was filed for reg istration November 1. A few days la ter the forger called on Messrs. May nard & Peele, lawyers, and endeavor ed to borrow $1500. He was told that they did not have that much handy, and he waa sent to Mr. Brown Shepherd, another lawyer. Mr. Shep herd was investigating the matter, on a tip from- Mr. Maynard, when the forger disappeared. The arrest of the real Marcus Martin followed. The following la the note sent Mr. B. C. Beckwlth, the attorney who drew up the deed for "Marcus Martin," the note purporting to be from Justice of the Peace Blake Stalllngs, certifying that he had examined Mrs Vlck prl lly and signed up the conveyance pa pers: "Mr. Becwlth If f have sined these secure support , , - -1 I Included in this lot are some very pretty Reversible Coats . i 1 and a num'ber of Evening Coats patterned after the rawest . . ' : - French models. y ' ';t ' ' y v , ; I. : it Zt . ..- :r J.-.,-: . '- '.-. , l 'i , ' : j ' . .i ' ,. C- ' We Have Marhed Theni For Quick Selling so do not Delay 51 tmtirtUMIate4. rim imUmrmkmtmmtm, papers Right you flx them all Right for me they were slned willing by me Justes of the Peace Tllake 8tnlllng Wake Co. little River Township." "Marcus Smith" did not want the title to the 104 acres of good land In vestigated; he said he knew the title was good and felt no misgivings. He also said he would come back and pay Mr. Beckwlth 5 for drawing up the papers, but he did not. Mr. Beckwlth says he would know the man If he ever saw him again. The fellow is described as rather slim, about five feet four Inches high, with reddish-brown and brown hair. He Is about SO years pld. Knew Ills Business. , Whoever the fellow was he knew the property he was describing. He had every angle right and gave his attorney all the assistance necessary. Mr. Vlck heard of the matter about a week ago and of course he was wor ried. He will have to have the court declare the alleged sale of Ills proper ty Invalid to clear thy! title. Officers are on the lookout for the "Marcus Smith," and If they succeed In catching him he will be placed safe until he Is tried. Deputy Sherlm Jim Honeycutt of Wakefield served the warrant on the real Marcus Smith, traveling twelve miles to t saw mill to do so and sit ting up all night.' HAIR HEALTH Tae Anvantage of Tills Offer. Generous Tour money back upon request at our store if Rexall "9J" Hair Tonic doesn't do as we claim. That's our guarantee. You obligate yourself to nothing whatever. Could you ask Or could we give you stronger proof of our confidence In the hair restoring qualities of this preparation? , We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "J" Hair Tonlo and continue to sell It as we do, If It did not do all we claim It will. Should our enthusiasm have carried us away, and Rexall "IS" Hulr Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users; they would lose faith In us and our state ments, and In consequence our busi ness prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair la beginning to unnaturally fall out or ir you have any scalp trouble, Rexall ,'S" Hair Tonic will promptly eradi cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth, o,a prevent premature baldness, or the above guarantee becomes opera tive. Two sixes, 50c and $1.00. Sold onry at our store The Rexall Store. Smith's Drug Store, corner South Main street and Patton avenue. The Woman Suffrage association of France has increased Its membership 10 per cent during the last 12 months. , prostrating effect of disorders In the female organism the misery of It and Its depressing Influence on the mind. Many wome.i who formerly eufTf from these disorders owe their pres ent health to DR. SIMMON'S SQUAW V1NK rOMPOl'ND. It exercises a powerful restorative Influence on the fenmle Rnt'r'itlve system, hnlld np s VriHn body, r'tori healthy fetsolar Iv nod iTfUfHitt" rhi'ft fiihn w nml n ft.-ir, r.y or,' -,- i.m 1' 1 1, t m ..,- t - I ! " i s jLtAzsissasaA 233 loitimalMllaiWilliIMiilKt ' H vllS SwnoM mil si wmthtn. Q ( nk IWTa V GhoiGeiOlS Patton Avenii& , THE WEATHER h si Asheville 39 G5 Atlanta . , 48 ''72 Augusta , . 48 72 Charleston ............ 54 .72 Charlotte .. 38 6ii Huron It 25 Jacksonville ft 11 Key West 74 84 Knoxville . . 40 (4 Louisville 41 50 Mobile (5 -73 New Orleans SO 76 New York 28 38 Oklahoma SI 74 Raleigh SI 10 St Louis . . . . .... . . . . 50 52 San Francisco 60 14 Savannah .. .. .. ,. , . 51 74 Washington ...... .. .. .. 21 44 Wilmington .. .. .. .. 44 8 Forecasts until I p. m. Saturday fcr Asheville and vicinity: Unsettled weather, with rain tonight or Satur day; warmer tonight, colder Saturday. For North Carolina: Rain tonight or Saturday; warmer tonight; colder extreme west portion Saturday; mod ernate to brisk east to north winds, Summary of Conditions. Atmospheric pressure, although steadily decreasing, continues rela tively high over the middle Atlantic coast, with fair weather generally not ed over the southeastern quarter of the country, exclusive of Florida. The advance of a storm of consider able Intensity from Colorado to north ern Illinois has caused unsettled weather throughout practically the en tire Mississippi Valley, with a general rise In temperature. The continued eastward progress of tlie dlst' bance will be favorable for unsettled weath er in this vicinity, with rain tonight or Saturday. It will be warmer tonight, probably followed by colder Saturday. R. T. L.1NDUSY, Observer Weather Uureju. Normal todar; Temperature 44 de-giWsj.-- Prclpltiition ; ,. t . i lacioriTzvs. souther:i Case in Which Damage Is Sought for Wound Inflicted by an Employe. An answer has been filed In the case of W. K. Cloivti by his . next friend, J, E. Clonts, vs. the Southern Railway and Alfred Williams. The complaint was filed some months ago and alleged that the plaintiff, while in the office of the railway company at Alexander several months ago, where he went to use a public telephnBe, whs shot in the fool l.y the drfendunt, Alrrt'd W 1 1 1 1 ii in x, whu wits an employe of tl't rullrullit i'onii;itiV. Tile niiwt.n r i whti'intM tiuif the -I .Ln-'f iM l"t i nt'-r IIih il. p"t for i. Co. U. S. Defiartment or Agriculture, WEATHER BUREAU . WILUS L. MOORE, . Chist 7 he made no mention of telephoning; that he was simply In the office with Mr. Williams, who was a friend of his and that-while Mr. Williams was showing the plaintiff ft pistol It was discharged, the ball taking effect in the plaintiff's foot; also that the plaintiff had been In the office for some length of time. Steel dies electricity. now are engraved by CATARRH OF THF. STOMACH. Pleasant, Simple, But Safe . Effectual Cure For It. and COSTS XOTHIXG TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to In curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult r breathing, head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. . There Is often a foul taste In the mouth, coated tongue and If the, Inte rior of the stomach could be seen It would show a slimy. Inflamed condi tion. . : The cure of .this common and obsti nate trouble Isl found In a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the .stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion Is the one necessary thing to do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. . ' , According; to Dr. HarUnson, the safest and best treatment Is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase,. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Ooldon Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now d found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy ap petite and thorough digestion will fol- . low their regular use after meals. ' The plan of dieting is simply an other name for starvation, and the use of prepared foods and now fangled breakfast foods simply makes matters worse as any dyspeptic who has tried them knows, As Dr. Dennett says, the only reason I can Imagine why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not universally .used by everybody who tf troubled In any way ( with poor digestion. Is because many people seem to think that because a medicine la advertised by a trademark it must be a humbug, whereas, as a matter of truth, any drugglgt who Is observant knows that Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets have cured more people of catarrh of the stomach. Indigestion, heartburn, heart trouble, nervous prostration and run-down condition generally, tmtn, than all the patent medicines snd doctors" prescriptions for stomach troulile combined. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the (fet preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion, catarrh of the stomach, billousnem, sour stom ach, heartburn and bloating after mehls. V V For snle by all druKKist" at K0 cnts a box. Si'ixl your nnme nod niMre-- toibtr fur a t tii il i .. (. , hi. I . If A ! i i A. f 1 '"'I

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