To have pure fend wholesome " food,' be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. V The Label will guide you yRoyal is the only baking v -: Powder made from Royal ;;J.'v': i i Grape Cream of Tartar,'-. I ' v'y ;r vi jJ'i .'o Alum No Lima Piiosptiatcs t-l ' 1 i J 1 u-iu i-iji . . -a' n-i-j jga rl . . ... . . ' . .. 'jrrfrr a ; ' Tonl Mention, UulAL ' tfews of the HAPPENINGS SS& , . Cadets' Danco at the Manor. ' , Tlw annum Thanksgiving dunce of the -Bingham Cadeta was given last evening In the ballroom at the Manor and . w a, big event of the autumn. The "ballroom was artistically decorat ed -for 'the occasion and the lights were delicately shaded with pink. The cadets, appeared In military full dress and, witji the numbers or pret ty girls ihe 'city present, the scene was ' an . attractive one. The music , waa'furnrahed by Spear's orchestra and Was very fine. ' , The dnoclng continued until a late hour in.. then .a sumptuous spread of wvT;il . courses was served the guests. ,-, The jpunch bowl in ballroom was very popular during the entire evening. The fiance wa , chaperoned by Mrs. Zebulon Vance, Mrs. Theodore y. Davidson. Mrs. E. E. Greenwood and, MA R. TjOrlnnan. Those pres ent, besides the cadets; were: Missel Margaret Pennlman, Sarah West, Helen and Theresa Chapman, Eliza beth Williamson, Lillian Adam. Mar garet Porter, Emily Campbell, Frances' Carter, Mary, and Margaret Millender, Marguerite Canaday, Tate of New York, Elizabeth Murphy, Cowan, i Lila Brown of -Atlanta, Mc Klnnon of Decatur, Ala., Doris Daven port, Frolence Martin, Lytle, Gene vieve Theobold.'Ruth Gray, McClung; Mr.. Bafiey, Dr. W. P. Herbert. Allen Morrison, Mr. Brazelton and Mr. Walles.3 . ' , : . '-V r ...'' . -'. It ft ' ,u Annottnccmentl of Interest. f An announcement of interest has been recrlved In Ashevllle, the Interest being duo to the connections of one of the contracting parties in this city. This announcement la of the engage ment of Miss Mary Carlisle, daughter of Mrs. Culderon Carlisle of Wash ington, to Walter Bruce Howe of New . York. -The date of the approaching wedding Is not given but It will be one of the leading social events of Wash ington this winter. The bride-to-be l a. niece 'of Mrs. Connally and Mrs. Richmond Pearson of Ashevllle. The late fnthcr of Mlsa Carlisle was for a number of years, before hla death, a prominent political figure In the na tional capital and Mre. Carlisle Is a leader In the aoolal circles of that city. . ft it - ' Confederate Sfml The Christmas seals of the Daugh OR twenty-thres Field Company have been advert! ing and offering the Asheviile people merchindiss such as is found in . high dau jewelry establishments ; and . , not ones bv they misrepresented the . Talus or quality of aa article either at a special or any other sale. This repre sents their PAST and FUTURE POLICY. They art part of Aahevills snd havs helped most all worthy and some tin-, worthy Asheviile enterprises. Their pay rolls alone have amounttd to a quarter of a million dollars, most of which has been spent in this city. PDo they deserve the patronsge of whit (Asheviile has to offer? . . . COMPARE THEIR FRICES a r'-M' K ters of "the Confederacy are both unique and 'attractive, sjrhe seal was designed ttnd copyrighted by Mrs: Ed gar James of Florence, Alabama, who formerly resided in this city and who died here last September.; It haa a cotton holt surrounded by a I holly wreath on a Bethlehem Star. Around this, on a gold back-ground, the Con federate fluga are artistically arrang ed and underneath is the word "greet ings." . ': V .: ' ' ft rmportanl V. 11. C. Meeting-. The Ashevllle chapter, U. D. C, will meet Thursday at 8:30 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. J. P. Sawyer, 114 Montford avenue. Members arc urged to attend, an business of Im portance is to be transacted and re ports will be made by delegates from the general convention at Richmond, and the fltate convention, at Wlnaton Salem. - . " , ' ' ft ft The board of managers of the Lind ley Training school met this morning at 10:39 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. E. Milliard, 101 South Main street The reports for the past year were read and were very encouraging.", A committee, composed of Mrs. T. F. Davidson and Mrs. 8. P. Ravenel, was named, to arrange for a Christmas "cheer" for the school.. . ft ft .' The All Souls' church branch of the Women's' auxiliary meets at S:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Pnrish house at Biltmore. This year's officers a no Miss Annie C. Williams, president; Mrs. R. R. Swope, vice president; Miss Mary T. Jenkins, sec retary ajid Miss Helen Murphy, treas urer. , ... . - ' . ;K 'ft ft The, Altar guild of All Souls' church, P.lltmore, .. will meet la the Parish house tomorrow at J p. m. The offi cers are Mrs. C. D.. Beadle, directress; Mrs. Iewls Ellas and Mrs. Thomas P. Cheesbornugh, vice directresses; Miss Annie i C. Williams, - secretary and treasurer.' v ' . lK . . ft ft . ' The Ladles of - Central Methodist church will give a silver tea and apron baa-ia r at the parsonage on Church street toinorfow afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock. After a short program, re freshments will be served, and a social hour enjoyed. It is hoped that ir.any yean the Arthur M. 1 will rr,t ilio ronllnl Invitation thai i fc extended tv all. i k 'The Anna Aston Missionary soclety of Central Methodist church met this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church and the principal business transacted was the annua) election of officers. ' A r St ..: ,- iThe ladies at the Maccabees (met this afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Joseph MeOurey at her home.. Special business was transacted by the bazaar committee. n . Mrs.' Mary Coleman left today for Whitmlre, 8. C, where she will spend the winter with her son and daughter, Thad Coleman and Mrs. Will Coleman. The Woman's guild Of Trinity church, will; meet with Mrs. C. P. Mitchell, . Aston Place, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.. . i . ' y It ""7 r'V J. L). Nash of this city has gone to Richmond, where he entered the St. Luke's hospital', for an operation. ftN AUSPICIOUS OPENING OF YAV.GJ. GYMNASIUM The Gymnasium of the Y. W. C. A. opened last evening under most favor, nble conditions. . An enthusiastic aud ience enjoyed the program and the opportunity for inspecting the newly fitted up gymnasium. Rev.: J. s. Williams opened the- exercises with prayer, followed by a brief sketch of the association history by the presi dent, Mrs. V. A. Hull. Rev. R. F. Campbell, in his usual pleasing way, gnve the opening address and ex pressed appreciation for tftls new de partment of the association, ' which will mean much to the girls and wom en of Ashevllle who take advantage of u ' . ,. .? .-. . The work done by the class of jtm Inra .was attractive and most credit able. JtfisH Florence A. Foster, a grad uate of the New York Normal school of Physical Education, showed much ability In her direction -of -the class and the association' is fortunate . in having secured her as physical direc tor. The exhibition by the class last night represented different kinds of work, English and Swedish folk dances, German and SwedlH drills, apparatus work and games. Claas work in the gymnasium1 will start. Immediately, and enrollments may be made at the association otlice at any time. - . Answer Filed. An answer was filed late yesterday afternoon in the office of clerk of the United States District court to the pe tition that was filed Beveral days ago by Cowan, McClung A. Company and others, aa creditors, asking that the Canton Co-Ooperative company be ad judged a bankrupt.' 'n this answer the Canton Co-Operative company ad mits the allegations of the petition, that It is insolvent and unable to pay its debts, also that the creditors have provable Claims. It Is therefore asked that the company be adjudged a bank rupt by the judge of this district. The answer is made by; Jasper Clark, the president of the' company; and It 1b further stated . In the answer that the company, recognizing Its Insolven cy, had made an assignment on No vember 15 to Harry M. Gilmore, as trustee, for the benefit of -the credi tors of the company. . Duck Pin Scores. In the duck pin tournament at the Y; M. C..A. alleys the following scores were made- last night: - i . ; . Maxwell .... . 88 87 78263 Neeley. . . ; . 79 . 100 . 85264 Askew ..... . 7 101 84 !64 Trantham . , . . 96 - ' I' "98289 Brown .... .105 , -76 5--76 Sevier . . ... . .105 90' 137 33S White.'. . ... . 87 10 105 195 Williams 93 85 88261 Brandt 110 88 101299 Terry . ... . 85 , 111 89 284 Morrla . . . ... 79 79 83241 Jackson ... , .102 97 98 292 Neeley ... . . 97 : 98 108 303 Merrtmon . . , .102 105 106318 Graham 83 104 96 289 Grlsett , , . . . 94 80. 78250 Take your pictures to Brown Book Co. to b framed. . . TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Our Typewriter Repair Department Is In charge of a man with fourteen years' experience in repairing all makes of machines. Let us or'rv haul your typewriter and you Mil be abla to get better service from 11 and your tetters will have a much neater appearance. No. Battery Park Place. Phone 448. J. M. 1UCAUN CO. PREPARE TOR WINTER Corrfortable steam heated room9 and apartments in Ade laide and Meriwether build ings on Ilaywood street, and Morselle Building on Patton Ave. See us before they are all rented. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Real Estate and Insurance 27 Patton Aye. FRESn YARD EGGS '- For jiuar'hiiig boiling nnd taking raw 42c per dozen. YATES C: McGUJRE, :- -ir-. ' i:. r:i. C73 limifOIULiS EH Offered by Poultry Association i . Many 'Demands for the . ' List, Just Out. SEVERAL STATE CLUES MEET HERE AT SHOW Numerous 'Cups. Klbbons, ami Kpe- . ttal Prises of VarioiiH Soils - ., ' Offered. Many requests are being resolved for the premium list of the fifth an nual show of the' Asheviile . Poultry and Pet Stock association, which Is to he held hero for four days, beginning Decemher 12. The list has just come nnntuininh- nvnr KO i)hit nnri helil . the list of premiums, giving the rules . and regulations by which- the show and entries will' be conducted. There ore manv liberal premiums:, and in the aggregate they are probably more valuable thnn: -those1 of any show yet held. F. J.v Marshhl'l of College yark, Gaifwill judge the birds, and ns he Is looked upon as one of the bent judges in America, it is expected, that many breeders will enter their birds, If. only to have him pass on them; The pre miums will be awarded by the com parison method;, hut those who wish may have, tlie-ir birds Judged on the score card basls. Mr. Marshall has judged at many'show and fairs and the management feels especially fortu nate in securing him. i- This show comes just after the Spartanburg snd Morrlstown shows, and a number of breeders have sig- ulfled their lnt,entu,n of shipping their birds from those shows to this place. The -birds may then be ship ped to the show at Greensboro If the owners desire to, compete in' that show. , Seven jd State. Clubs. . Several of the state poultry clubs meet here at the time of the show and these will give silver cups; and some of the national clubs will give ribbons to those who are members of the na tional associations. In all 17 silver cups will be awarded. There aro also many valuable specials, both cash and merchandise.' . , -. . . . , The association ;has .determined to make this show one of the best In the south. Last year's show was a uccess, but It Is expected that this will be bigger and better.' - A unique feature of the show will be the arrangement by which the cham pion birds will he "shown in four single coops In the center of the show room, after thJWg'4s-done,'-' The siw 'wIIKWWndw'tetf -trader the -rul tt. sHca PetfRry 4s- sociation,- ot., wstj.nhft local associa tion IS H-jne'mWjbn-i Several special rules are &is prnred, "-j. '.'-,:. .. y . . SH'lal; Pri-tes. .". Among the handsome' special prizes are the following, sir In gold: - For" the largest numbers. chickens of merit by-a- North Carolina, exhibitor,; 110, by. JV, R. Hewltt.W. V sams, open to exhlbaors bud flf the state, 610 fy the local association; Jf.' P. Polk gives two $6 prizes for tne best Rhode Is land red cockerel and pullet from Just received another shipment of BANNER Smokeless Oil Heaters They all sire satisfaction 4. H. Law,' II Ptta JLf Bay your ticket and give order for baggage to be checked from your residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket Office same room, 60 Patton Ave. MOVIXQ AND STORAGE FOR SALE Take Notice Everybody.' For (3760 you can buy an attract Ivs bargain In a nlns room house near car 11ns snd center of city. j ' NATT ATKINSONS SONS Co. Real Estate Dealers. PI .SOS i rPK.s furni!.hcn ny hirtl;-Mnftfin Kolx-H Bun gives $5 for the sond bebt pen .in the show, bantams exeppted.' '. 1 Medical Society Passes a Reso lutiori Favoring' ' Contiru-; ' ance of Quarantine, ):( - It would seem that the ruling of the state board of health In abolishing th'e quarantine system in smallpox is not exactly meeting the approval, of the medical fraternity of this city. ..Last night at a meeting of the Buncombe County Medical .society, . a. resolution was pasted favoring the continuance of the quarantine system by the city and county authorities, and it is prob able that a committee will go before the board of county commissioners this afternoon and ask that it act with the city board of health in keeping the rules In force. Dr. M. H.. Fletcher was before the board on another matter this morning and took occasion to say that he wish. ed to Prteet against the treatment of allpox patients by physicians, paid ,the county." as a tax payer,' not Kinst the quarantine, however; but he said he was opposed to the county feeding and furnishing medicine to people .who could avoid smallpox by the simple expedient of vaccination, Woodmen KIH-t Officers. , - At the annual election last night of the Balsam camp. Woodmen of the World,, the following .officers were chosen: Past, consul commander, A. I-Henry; consul commander, 8. II. Chedcster; advisor , lieutenant, T L it'llne; Ranker, W.- B. .Marlow; clork It. I. Sma thorn; escort, A, Vf Cordcll watchman, M. H. Carver: sentry, V S. McBee; physicians, Or. Paul Ring er and Dr. Arthur F. Reeves; mana gcrs, one year. IJ. T. Tiller, stwo years, Kev. .w. A. . Newell, three years, A. L. Henry. , ' , ,, . . . . 1 , ; , 77 nu j Restores color to Gray; or Faded hair Removes Dandruff, and invigorates, the Scalp Promotes a ) luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling -out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye $1.00 uid SOo at Draf Store, or direct opoa recipl of prio. and doalrr. um. Send 10c tor amplo koto.. Pkile Haf 8saialna Co'i Nawark, N. J U. S. A. . REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES - For sale and rpconitnended by Smith's Drag Store, Grant's Pliarraaoy. Invalids eat cakes made from Wheat-Hearts Self-Rising Pan-Cake Flour. Delicious and easily digested. All grocers. FOR SALE Suburban home of eight rooms. One minute walk from street car line. Lot 150x230. Fine 6hade and fruit trees. Un surpassed views of the moun tains. House has modern san itary plumbing, electric lights, cement cellar and up stairs sleeping porch. Nice garden, chicken yard and good stable Further particulars on applica tion to i t The H. F. Grant Realty' Co.! 48 Patton Ave. f ' . Phone 479. HOLIDAY BREAD Why worry , with baking bread, when you can get full 16-os. loaves of our Justly famous . BUTTER CRUST why It Is cheaper than you rah bake It at home, and., the. best that baking skill rsn produce.' Ask your grocer, or phone (22. Asheviile Steam Bakery Cor. Patton and Ashcland Ave. . THE BERLIN SAMPLE STORE Great values In lAdlcs Coat Suits and Long Coats, ranging In prices from 9.1.QO to flg.ftO. N. Pax-k Squares- SprbatS MiM.iNr.nY ' Oata Building. ALL TRIMMKD HATS ItTOrCKft . FLOWER BULLS : , . . ... i We havs a new shipment of Dutch and Roman ' Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus,' Jonquils, Daffo dils, Chinese Llllea and Narcis- sua. Try Tall planting ef Sweet Peas but bs sure to put them In at least sis Inches deep. Everything in rrfisr and Seeds. C RANT'S riIA?.MACY frrs rr-"-i ! r - Try Ttis Faras Fi3 "Pir.t GfCcugh Syrup" Family Supply for 50c, Saving $2. Ths 8urest, Quickest Remedy You Ever Used or Money Refunded. : A couch remedy that saves yon 82, and la uuurHiitced to cive ouu-ker. better re- sultH thnu anytliins else, is surely worth trying. And one, trial will show you -why I'iiiex in uneil iii more homes in the U. 8. SDiH'anailft than any other couch remedy. . lotl win ue pnni.n,ii'y iunjimm . iirc way it takes riKht hold of a congli. aiviug almost instant-relief.' It-will usually stop the most- obstiuate, deep-seated cousu tu Zi hours, and is unequalled ior prompt results in .whooping couch. A S0-ceiit bottle of finex, wnen mixeu with home-made snsar syrup, mnkps a full pint of the best cough remedy ever used. Easily prepared in live minutes direc iinns in oackace. '. ", ' 1 he taste is nloasanr rnuuren taxe it willincly, Stiinulatps the appetite and is theutly laxative both exi-ellont features. So eudid for crotiu. hoareness. asthma. bioncliltis find otner tnroat irouDiee, sna S lucbly successful remedy ror incipient lutis: troubles. - Pinex is a special snd highly concen trated compound of Norway White Pins extract, rich in guaiacol and other natu ral healing pine elements. Simply mix with sugar syrup or sttaiued lioney, in a pint bottle, and it is ready for use. . l'inex has often lieen imitated, but never Kuccesxfully. for nothing: else will produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give alwolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guar antee is wrapped in each package. Your druggist lias l'inex or will gladly get It for you. If not, send to The rinex Co. Ft. Wayne. Ind. . . . , ' . Heater firewood. Phone 1683.1 v .:;-' ALL KINDS , of expert Jewelry Repairs done Right In onr store, having ee sured the w-rvlces of B. 'II. " Cosby to" do same." Long prac tice In -remodeling and design- , ing. . VICTOR 8TKRX. , Ilaywood St. , Opposite P. O. F01 Holiday 5ale of Jewelry and Silverware Tj encourage early buying and lessen the rush and hurry that always comes just before CHRIST- MAS, we will offer for ten days, beginning Wednes day, December 6, a few unusual values. We beg to especially mention a few of our most Important ten day sale articles, giving only a very limited idea " of the large variety of our HOLIDAY STOCK which is now on exhibition in our main store and annex. A FE.W OF THE UNUSUAL VALUES .',;.v., OFFERED ;v ; ; in the annex;; : ';,;';:,' ' 40 odd pieces of silver-plated butter knives, pickle forks, spoons, etc., at 20c each. . , - , , i . , . ,IN THE MAIN STORE Solid Silver Thimbles, 12c each; solid silver pic ture frames, 25c and 35c; solid silver bodkin?,,: 16c, 20c, and 35c each. - . 'Solid gold scarf pins, wish bone, horse shoe, and crescent designs, 60c each. , , j ,.. A VISIT to our store not only means a SAVINQ TO YOU, but also an opportunity to make selectiorw V' from one of the most dependable and up-to-date lines of jewelry and silverware to be found. No telephone or mail orders. December 6th to December 16th, only. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. Private Greeting ; Cards ; This yer we are prepared to show an unequaled book of samples', which includes a very large variety of styles. Leave your order early. V , , HACKNEY & MOALE CO. STATIONERS. ' MANICURING . Shampooing. IlalrdresslnK. Facial and Scalp ..Maseags. Electrolysis for Expert Operstor. We do chiropody for ladles and gentlemen, . MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Phone) It. S3 Haywood St. Our Great ; Stove And R.anrje Values BEAu;,;om '' ' ' I ;.- ! -' l I '. Shcesters to the Xmas Shoppers ; Our holiday stock of shoes, slippers and children's foot wear is complete. . Do your Xmas shopping early this year while we have your size. ,.J; Children's high button boots in patent or dull calf, price $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50, accord ing to size. ."We've white can vas a A buckskin in women's at from $3.50 to $5.00. Se us if it's shoes. ' :'; ' We do repairing. . Nichols Shoe Co. Leading Shoesters. On the Sq. REMOVAL NOTICS The Paris Millinery baa moved to No. 78 PATTON AVE. BSZt door to ths Palace Theater. .. 'MBS. j. KROMAH, Profr.' ''"' VsTthliui l KlUttts7 IOEZJ S WEST PACK SQ. Trimmed Hats Reduced M. WEBB CO. r i The fact that our customers stay with' us from month to month snd j from year to year testifies to the qusl- ! Ily of the laundry work we are doing l . - . . i for them. Not a slnele feature In the trip of your linens through our blf sir plant but that has the sttentlon nf l those skilled In that particular work. Whether shlru, collars or cuffs, shiit aalsts, dresses, underwear, or what not ll get precisely ths same euro In handling, and the same careful - amlnatlon lfore acndlng them to you. Mountain . City, . w i.