Tuesday, January 16, 1912. uyYour of Goods Now Grand final clearance and sacrifice of Sumner Sons & ; Company's fine stock of high " grade merchandise continues daily. ' ; Everything greatly reduced from former prices. PEERLESS 40 & 42 Patton Ave. Purest and Best. umford Baking 1 ESTABLISHES NEW RECOF IT This is th Frenc1imnn'",tMio, Tn' hl monoplane at the aerodrome at I'au, , France, beat the world's speed record liy covering a distance of eighty-eight miles in one hoar. ' Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheuma tism, and require no interna) treat ment whatever? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief, for sale by all dealers. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the -power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made by Joseph M. Baxter and wife, A. Bax ter, to the undersigned trustee, dated March 8th, 1911, and duly recorded In the ofllce of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. O., in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. SO at page 480 to which reference la hereby made, and default having been made in the payment of the Indebted ness secured by said deed of trust thereby the power of sale therein con tained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on Saturday,, tlip loili day of February, 1012, at 12 o'clock,, noon, sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, the fol lowing lands and premises situate, ly ing being on the west side of Clyde street in the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and state of North Caro lina and more -particularly described as follows: -4 , Beginning at a stake lu the western margin of Clyde street, southeast cor ner of lot No. 23 of a plat hereinafter referred to and runs thence " with southern boundary line of said lot No. 23 nortii 86 H deg. west two hundred and thirty-six feet- to astake, the southwest corner of said lot No. 23; thenre south 80 deg. east about forty feet to a stake; thence south 86 deg. east two hundred and twenty-two feet to a stake, the northwest corner of loi No. IS; thence north 39 deg. east thirty-one feet to a stake In the west ern margin of Clyde street; thence with westorn margin of Clyde street north 21 deg. 12 mln. west twenty nine feet to the beginning, being lot No. 24 on a plat or map duly regis tered In the office of the register of deeds for .Buncombe county, N. C, In l'fd book No. 136 at pnge 428 to which reference ' Is hereby made for more Information and description, Thta January 9th, 1912. ' W. E. SHUKORD, Trustee. Palace Theatre GOOD VAUDEVILLE and MOVING PICTURES Pictures changed dally. Vau deville changed Monday and' Thursday. Matinee and night. I.Iatinee, 5c and 10c. lliht, 10c and 15c. 1 Supply I - FASHION Sumner's Old Stand Five Children Burned to Deotlv Prentice, Wis., Jan. 16. Five chil dren, two boys and three girls, of John Deering, ranging from one to 13 years old, burned to death when the Deer ing hmne was destroyed by lire today. Leap Year Advice. Although 'tis Leap Year, maidens, This rule 'tis well to keep: Don't take a man because you can But look before you leap! Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Classic Instance, When Handel had -insomnia, In place of counting sheep. He wrote a lullaby, and so Composed himself to' sleep. ' Judge. LAM) SALE. By virtue 6t, tlio Hwcr of erilo con tained In a deed of trust executed on the 26th day of August, A. D, 1.911, by J. A. Wilson to J. H. Tucker, trustee, to secure the Indebtedness therein tie. scribed to Charles Q. Lee, which said deed of trust js duly registered In the office of thf " Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, In book No. 85, on page 211. and default having been made in the , payment of both principal and interest on the note secured by said deed of trust. and upon application and demand of the holder of said note, the ui.der- slcrnod trustee will, on Saturday, the J til day of February, 1912, offer fin- sale, at the Court House door in the city of Ashevllle, said county and state, lying and being in South Bllt more, on the west side of Ridge street, Buncombe county. North Carolina, and bounded and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake In the West margin of KUlge street (also known as Summit street), where the North mar gin of an alley Intersects the same, and runs thence with said North mar gin of sail Hlley South 63 deg. 65 mill. East ono hundred (100) feet to a stake, the Southeast corner of lot A, as described by a plat hereinafter re ferred to; thence North 38 deg. 41 mln. West seventy-five and 45-100 (75.45) feet to a stake, the Southwest corner of lot B; thence with the line of lot B North 56 deg. 13 min. East ninety-nine and 8-10 (99.8) feet to a stake In . the West margin of said Ridge street;-thence with said margin of said street South 37 deg. 55 min. East eikhty-two (82) feet to the mar gin of said street South 37 deg. 65 mln. East eighty-two (82) feet to the Beginning; being lot C of a plat of lots made for Fannie S. AVI 1 son by B. M. Lee, surveyor, which Said plut Is duly recorded in the office of the reg ister bf deeds of Buncombe county, Nbrth Carolina, in book No. 154, on page 18; also part of the same lots described In a deed of conveyance from S. H. Reed and wife, Jessie M. Reed, td Fannie 8. Wilson, by date of December 8, 1890, which said deed is duly recorded In book No, 74, on page 360, of the Record of Deeds of Bun combe county; and also the same land conveyed to the said J. A. Wilson by Fannie . Wilson, on the 18th day of April. 1911, by deed 'TecordcJ In sr. Id Register's office In book 174, page 646, to all of which records reference Is hereby made for a more particular description of the said land. This January 16, 1912. J. H. TUCKER, Trustee. BOOK-KEEPING Is useful always and everywhere. The first sign of life In any business is book-keeping. The last , breath it draws, is book-keeping. The Book keeper is Indespensable and always will bd. A knowledge of book-keeping as taught at the ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pays dividends through life. Our course In Book-keeping is adapted t business and manufacturing as It is done In the south. We have the spe cial right for Western North Carolina on this course. ONE HUNDRED PUPILS Completed the book-keeping course last year. Our Winter Term opened lust Md.;day. Enter now and be with the beginners. Henry S. Chocklcy. Principal. Powde? American Hi: . . W t 1 fl 'I i 4 SEEKS "BOTTOM OF WOELD." CAPTAJ2T 'BOB " BARTLETT, Friends of Captain IJobert A. Biirt letit, commodore of the steamship Ilooaevelt on Commodore Terry's diisli to the North role, say that the exnlorer Is planning an expedition into the' Ant arctic to reach "the bottom of the world." It is said that the expedition Will start from San Francisco. He Karned a Diploma, The celebrated Abernethy, who was noted for his bluntness, on one occa sion, while he was performing the du ties of examiner, at the CoIIokb of Surgeons, thus questioned a youthful, but exceptionally muscular aspirant for the diploma: "Mr. , if you were present when a man was blown up by an explosion, what would bo the first thing you would do?" "I should wait till he came down again, sir," replied the student. "Just so," said Abernethy, entering Into the spirit of the joke. "And sup pose, sir, -I were to kick you for the impudence of your answer what muscles should I put In motion?"' "The flexors and extenscrs of my right arm, sir; for I should Moor you Instantly," was the reply. Philadel phia. Knnulrer. Wood's Seeds For 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cuta log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We are headquarters for - ' Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it. T. VV. WOOD O SONS. Seedsmen, - Pichcsd, V., TE2 ASH2 TILLS QAZITTJS Whom Pope JO 1 4 HINTS FOR THE -BUSY HOUSEWIFE A Convenient Closet For Holding Pot Covers. In the design for a closet for holding pot covers herewith illustrated the sides of the cover closet are cut as shown and shelves are nailed between them at a slight angle. No dimensions ma given, as the space and the sizes of the covers are not always the same. The Wok Is covered with thin boards placed vertically. T'-e front can be covered with, a curtain or a paneled door, as shown. Popular Mechanics. Chicken With Dumplings. Take a three or four pound chicken, one tablespoonfui salt, one teaspoonful pepper, two onions, one tablespoonfui flour, two tnblBspoonfuts butter, one half pupful miil!. two cupfuls prepared flour. Cut cbicKen in ten pieces and place In saueopAn, add salt, pepper and onion, cover with boiling water and cook till tender; then mix flour with butter and thicken with gravy. Ten minutes before serving mix prepared flour with butter and milk and two eggs beaten to a froth. Out with a ta blespoon small portions from the dough, drop them into the gravy, cover, boil sii minutes and remove the sauce pan' to side of stove, where they may stop boiling. Mince Pie Without Apples. Mince a pound each of boiled beef, neixlorl raisins, suet, cranberries, half a pound of mixed citron, orange and lem on peel. Mix with n pouud of sulta nas, a pound of currants, grated rind and pulp of a fresh orange and a fresh 1 lemon. Add a level tablespoonfui of salt, a grated nutmeg,, a level tenspoou ' ful each of mace and clove, two tea ' spoonfuls of cinnamon, a quart of ci- tier, one to two pouuds of ugar. Boil ; everything biit the meat ami cranber i rl2 half nn hour, stir them in. let Stand without boiling half an hour ; looser. Mlsed or one kind only of ' nuts may be uwd in this; also prunes I In pluce of cranberries and gnipe juice ' or Jellies melted with water Instead of ; elder. . . Creamed Potato 8alai. Boll eight medium sized potatoes un til thoroughly done, dralu nnd place on back of stove to steam dry. When Cn sn JUll lu)t mash liiruui;h.a coiun- f - NKfUI. Honored This Photograph, the First Taken Since His Elevation, Shows John Cardinal Farley in His New Robe of Office. der.- Then cream them with one-halt teaspoonful of mustard worked Into one raw egg, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two of cream, two of milk. When thoroughly mixed add one-half cupful of vinegar, one-half teaspoonful of salt and beat until frothy as Ice cream. Pile roughly and lightly iuto a heated dish, garnish with parsley, minced pickles and onions. Boiled Salad Dressing. Mix three teaspoonfuls of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of cornstarch and one teaspoonful of salt. iBeat the ingredi ents into the yolks of two eggs, add three tablespoonfuls of cream, either sweet or sour, one-half cupful of vinegar and the beaten whites of two eggs. Cook until it thickens, stirring constantly; remove from the stove and stir in four tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Molasses Doughnuts. One-half cupful of molasses, one-half cupful of sugar, one cupful of sour milk, one large teaspoonful of salt, one half teaspoonful each of ginger aud uut meg, one teaspoonful soda, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream cf tartar, two eggs, one tablespoonfui of sweet cream, flour enough to hand'e easily. Sift all ingredients together before adding the milk and eggs. Have lard piping hot and turn doughnuts but once In it Apple Ginger. Wipe, pare, core aud chop two and one-half pounds of scur apples, Put in a stewpan and add one and one-half cupfuls light brown sugar, the Juice and rind of one and one-half lemons, one-hnlf ounce ginger and just enough water to prevent npples from burning. Cover and cook slowly for four hours, adding water if necessary. This may be kept for several weeks and Is nice to serve with goose or pork. Baked Hamburg Steak. Take about 25 cents' worth of ham burg steak, cut a good sized onion up in it, seasou with salt nnd pepper and beat an egg into it. Put In dripping pan with meat drippings of any kind and about a cup of water. Bake until done, take out meat, make a brown gravy, pour over roast nnd serve. It is alsp fine cooked In tomatoes. Ponr can of tomatoes over it before putting into the oven. - Standard Brown Bread. Take two cupfuls of sweet milk, one cupful of New Orleans molasses, one cupful of rye flour, one cupful of gra ham, one cupful 3t cornmeal. one tea ppounf ul of soda, a little salt and steam five hours. Very Likely. "Fan," snid George, "you know bow I feel toward you. Do you recipro cate?" "George," . Fan said, with a shy glance, "does this mean annexation?" Chicugo Tribune.. Architectural and Mechanical Draw lug, Shop Mathematics at Y. M. C. A. Night school. Chas. N. I'arker, drafts man t Hmlth & Currier's, Instructor. Two nights each week. Rate $2.00 per month. Enroll now. iil-it. Bankets forts at Special i Are you iu need of Extra (Werinjr! If to, come here, our sloi'k affords good selection nt Hijr, Induction. Svcat"r, Cloves, 1'nde I'wear. 1 leiivv (liter (Inrmenls nil Bear Red 1 tmS TO THAT SAVtS YD'.' 12:31 R I V.r.': t'U.Vrftf -fcatrfut-V irfii Vaj.Vfej. :J.'V ..wiiv.' --. M fel ' :' --( W-..;i-.rH'VIV., '.'fj.''r'?;V(r"" a ftf '-nii'iini-tiii-i-'iiiiTli 'J 'P HEBIWETHEH BQSPITM. LL Plans Not Yet Completed But It Will Ee Modernly Equipped. It is understood that Dr. F. T. Meri wether is to build an addition to his bospitul on Grove street at an early date. This Is one of the largest pri vate sanitariums in the city, and is beautifully situated in one ' of the prettiest parts of the city. Since it I was established by Dr. Meriwetner a few years ago it has grown wonder fully in patronage. At almost all times now it is tilled to its capacity and for this reason the addition has become practically a matter of neces sity. The p In tis for the addition have not yet been fully made, hut it is learned that they will be completed within a short lime and building operations will likely start at an early date. The addition will include private wards 14$? 11 l'U' ''njVtmimi t I BuyOrangas and Grapefruit by the Box and Cut Yoar Winter Fruit Bills in Two Which means that your family can have twice as many oranpes and grapefruit taking the place of other food costing more, and saving you money also on doctor's bills. For there is no food so appetizing, so dainty, so healthful, as ripe oranges and grapefruit especially when bought in the original boxes direct from the groves of Florida. , It's the juice you buy citrus fruits for the element that con tains the citric acid and Florida oranges and grapefruit contain 40 to 60 per cent more juice than other kinds. While all oranges and grapefruit are good, and Florida-grown oranges and grapefruit are better than others, you can get the best only in the boxes shipped by the Florida Citrus Exchange. Ask your dealer for fruit in such boxes and insist on having it. For economy's sake and for health's sake, buy your oranges and grapefruit in boxes bearing in big red letters this mark , Each box con tain! a booklet of alius fruil re cieM, and rou ponooodlorhalf the yrico ot cut clnu. and s!vcr tableware, etc. SESSZ llfSi'"' rains jliaAi "RED HOT" BARGAINS -IN-- COAL STOVERS You pan buyanytliiiifr you want from our big stock of new anil second liniul Furniture, Homo Furnis!iin,' Goods, Stoves, Ranges, FAc, nt HALF PRICE cash During thiis li dissolution sa'o now going on. Come! DEAL AND GOUGHTLY Wo (.Ive You a "Square J)cal" nnd "Giillglitly" oil the lrii. PAQ THB23 Com ana 1 ociions nere and possibly-nn .operating room and I will be equipped in the most modern and sanitary manner. The hospital will bt oni' of the moat complete and up-to-date of 'any in thi section of Hip stale, when the additions' and Im provements are completed. The present structure,', situated in commodious grounds on Grove street, was formerly one of the city's best residence houses. The building Is of brick,' is throe stories hiqh and has larue airy rooms with high ceilings. A small addition to the building was constructed about a yenr ago.. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stom ach and Diver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases, for sale by all dealers. i;i;;lit Killed in Wast Furnace Explo sion. Duisliurg, Germany, Jan. 16. Kight iron workers were killed and two others were injured by a bursting blast 'furnace here today. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy will ward oft an attack of' croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth ers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. (RoolUt with, out coupon tent to any addreai for (our celt in . postage by lite Florida Citrui Exchange, Tampa, FiaJ

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