Wednesday, January-21, 1012.- THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. IF GOOD FOR DOGS MANGE IT MAY ALSOHELP FATHER PIFJPLES. BLOTCHES, SORES, ULCERS UD Di Not Fail to Attend PAG2 TT70 "nT'" " " ' Kf IB II 1 II - ag I t 7 -A aTLJ 4 11 ALL BLOQQ DISORDERS GO IN I FEW DAYS Pimples, eruptions, blotches, scales. Hirers, sores, ecsemit and chronic swellings tire caused by bad blood, but don't become discouraged no oth er trouble Is so easily overcome, Casearets are wonder-workers In the cure of any disease caused by bud or Impure blood. They : eliminate all poisons, build up and enrich the blood, enabling It to make new, healthy tissue. Pure blood means perfect health, and If you will use Casearets they will give you good health and a pure, clean skin, free from pimples and blotches. To try Casearets Is to like them, for never before has there been produced as twrfect and as harmless a blood purifier, liver und stomach r egulator as Casearets t'undy ("Hthnr- j ' 'rv '- tic! lie sme to take Casearets and you will surely ha e good, pure, healthy, blood and no more eruptions or disfigurements. A 10-cent box of Cnsenrets will truly SHOWING HIS HEW CROP OF HAIR, THANK TO THE REMEDY BOUGHT TOR HI3 POS "Fidos cure will do for father"; that Is, Fldo's mange cure will do for lather's bald head; and if the testimo ny of some druggists is true it will do lor the dandruff of mother and sister and brother. For "they're using it now". Mange remedy for the various diseases of the scalp and hair, especi ally dandruff and baldness, is much in demand all over the country since it was discovered that it will do much lor those troubles. According to a statement of a local druggist, people in this vicinity have been using the mange remedy for the past few years and they testify that it has been successful where all other remedies have failed. The druggist said that he had been selling the mange remedy to a man for his dog and that one day the man came into TH HAIR " Tue POMERANIAN WAGS MIS TAIL WASH WITH ANP BARKS FOR JOV KNOWING HIS THAT THE HAIR WASH IS PAR TLV FOR MIM . the store and reported that he had ac cidentally got some of the medicine on his hair while he was applying it "on the dog". He said that he noticed it hud a salutary effect on his hair, and he wanted another bottle. Later he returned and said that it had com pletely, removed the dandruff and much Invigorated his hair. The fact that the mange cure will also cure dandruff and baldness seems to have been discovered in much the same way all over the country. As for that. It need not be surprising, since dandruff is evidently a form of "mange," and dandruff causes the baldness, so it Is said. The owners of poodle dogs and oth er "lap dogs" can now share the cure with Fldo. There seems to be no doubt as to Its curative properties when applied to the human scalp. Whether this would apply . to all mange cures Is a mutter to be deter mined. Anyhow some of them will cure and the man or woman who wants' to try, can get the right kind from the druggists, for they all know the brand. The fact that a cure for dandruff has been discovered and that bald heads are no longer necessnry ought to be hailed -with delight. The bald headed one need no longer be the butt of the pert parugrapher and the pun ster. He can go to the drugstore and get relief. There has been much time and mon ey spon't In the effort to discover a sure cure for baldness and dandruff. Hundreds of thousands times more have been spent for these remedies after they were discovered. It's a wonder that the cure in this respect was not discovered long before, for wa are In the habit of trying things that have been "tried on the dog." ' ' ! ' -' -' J. U S. Department of Apiculture. WEATHER BUREAU WILLIS 1. MOORE. Chi ' , LbkTl!3crt zero ::' IZc A. r Z-z C2v-fc5y (Lzz 3ri$sf l L j Ar X o-l fVpz. fin tn . w-amiwitim. ., pwSO W $56 , 4.4- MitoiIWrtlto4i(iAimtnlF.uili7. 1 Ol O A O ta-toi tmmn (tftntx fkmmmx BUM T i0 A V6 - H n oii, ItVw nE&ll, U It nimMlmii TELL WIATHER TEMPERATURE. Asheville.. . Atlanta . . .. Augusta . . . Charleston , . Charlotte . . Jacksonville . Key West . . Knoxville . . )ouisvllle . . Mobile New Orleans New York . , klnhoma . . Katetgh . . . riavsniiKh . . Washington . Wilmington . 3 J v to "S a 31 40 44 36 44 36 52 68 40 34 46 50 34 30 40 48 , 38 42 a u 50 62 5 60 66 78 60 54 64 66 ii 65 58 68 58 '58 Korecttnts until ( p. m. Thursday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair tonight und Thursday; colder tonight. . For North Carolina:, FIr ;, tonight und Thursday; colder tonit'ht in ex treme west portion. Summary of Conditions. , A storm continues central over New England and considerable cloudiness is reported from the northeastern quarter of the country with slight pre cipitation from portions of the Great Lakes and the upper Ohio valley. Rain has aIo continued over the: west Gulf coast und southern Florida with no excessive amounts reported from any point. Present conditions Indicate the continuance of fair weather In this vicinity tonight and Thursday with colder tonight. R. T. LINDL.EY, Observer, Weather Bureau. Normal today: Temperature 36 de grees. Precipitation .14. Klnit t;eorgc at Malta. 1 ! ' MESSAGE OF 60V. BLEASE IS two l m -- EE6UUTE STDHACH,LlV HZTdS I Oa aw k AIi6oaa4 00 MM Onia Itara EXECUTIVE ORDER MADE ANENT flDBAL CARRIERS Political Ailiations Not to Be Taken Into Consideration, jeets. shall take no active part in political management or 1n political campaigns. Any rural carrier taking such part shall be removed from the service or otherwise disciplined. recommendation as to the penalty to be Imposed In each case to be made liy the clvn service commission." IjongHhoreman on Strike. Norfolk. Jan. 24. Norfolk & West ern railway freight pier longshoremen struck today wThen tnelr demand for an in wages ol from 15 to 20 cents per hour was .refused. J An executive order was received here today by the postoffice officials relative to the placing of rural car riers under the civil service commiS' sion. This order Is dated December 31, 1911, and Is signed by Mr. Taft This order places the rural carriers practically on the same footing as the other employes of the service and is as follows: "in all cases selection shall be made with sole reference to merit and fit ncss and without regard to political considerations. No Inquiry shall be made as to the political or religious opinions or ufflllations of any eligible, and no recoiuinendutlon in any wav based thereon shall be received, con sidered, or tiled by any officer con cerned In making' selections or ap pointments. Any suth recommenda tions in writing .forwarded to any such officer shall be at once returned to the writer with, attention Invited to the purport of this order, and atten tion hereto shall be similarly directed in connection with any verbal recom mendatlon. Where -It is found that there has been a Violation of these provisions by any officer concerned In making selectionar appointments, such facts shall her qause for the lm mediate aremoval of such officer from the service, and the commission shall make prompt report of any such case for appropriate action to the postmas ter general, or, as to presidential ap pointees, to the president. The ap pointment of the rural carrier con cerned, If effected, shall he coneoled. "Persons employed as rural car riers, while retaining the right to vote iv they please, and to- express their opinions privately on all political sub- View the beautiful display of Ladies' llnder-Muslius at lliis store. Keo window. Discount Sale Continues A 13 Saving Ladies' and Misses' Winter Garments at a saving of one third. Come see these fine values. Alterations without extra charge. Peerless-Fashion 51 PATTON AVE. THE FAVORITE LAXATIVE One nt Night Makes the Next luy Bright; No Charge If It Doenn't. Because of Its extremely gentle and effective action, Rexall Orderlies have become the most popular Remedy for Constipation. We are 'so positive that Rexall Or derlies will do all that is claimed for them that we positively guarantee to hand back the money you paid us for them upon your mere requefrt, if you are not entirely satisfied. ' Rexall Orderlies are eaten like can dy, are very pleasant to the tanto, do mrt gripe, cause nausea, or any other uiiuoyance usually experienced when ordinary cathartics are used. Rexall Orderlies Imve a positive regulative effect upon the bowels unci tend to provide permanent relief from Constipation and the myriad of asso ciate ailments, llesldes, they help to overcome the necessity of the constant uso of laxatives to keep the bowels In normal condition. ' We honestly believe there Is no Hint liar medicine so good ns Rexall' Or derlies, especially for children, aged. or delicate people. They are prepared in convenient tablet form in three wines of packages. Prices, 10c, 25c. and 50c. Why not try them at our risk on our guarantee? Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained In this community only at our store The Rexall Store. Smith's Drug Store, corner Pack square and South Main street. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 1, 191L ZILLICOA AND RETURN :00. 6:18. :S0 . m. ' 6:30 and every 15 mln. until V:00 p. m.; then every hour until 11 p. m Cars to Santee Bt, ttala line, evry 16 mln. 8:00 to 11:00. RIVERSIDE PARE DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE 5:46 and 6:00 a. m. and every IE min utes until 1:15 p. m.; then every 7 l- mln. until 3:45 p. m. Tbsn svery 15 mln. until 11:00. ' ' ' DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE. 6:00 and every 15 minutes unitl 10:t)t p. m.; then every 0 minute tttt 11:00. '.. . MANOR 6:06 a. m. and every 16 minute till 11:00 p. m., except no c In . to Square at 10:11 p. m. - CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 7:00 a. m, then avery 16 minute tlU 8:00 p. m. 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock cars run. through to Golf Club. PATTON AVENUE 6:00 a. m. and every X6 mlnutM 11:00 p. m. EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERRIMON AVENUE 6:00 a. m. and every 16 minute till 11:00 p. tn. 6:00 a. m. and every 30 minute till 8:00 a. m. Then every 16 minute till 8:30 p. m. Then every 10 minute un til ii:uu p. m. BILTMORE Depot and West Asheville via Southside Avenue. 6:15 a. m. and then every lb minute until 9:00 p. m.' Then every I min utes until 11:00, last car. 6:45 and:00 "a. m. and every minutes rntll 10:10, last car. 10 A train of 124 empty gondolas re cently passed over the tracks of the New York t'entral road at liataviu. It was 5360 feet long. Sunday schedule differs la the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 0:00 a., in., return 6:15. Car leave Square for Depot via Southside Ave. 6:16, :80, 7:00, 7:80, 8:00 and 8:30 a. m. Cars leiivo Square for Depot via French ISroad Ave. :16r 6:30, 6:45, 7:16. 7:46 and 8:16. Var KOr uepui leaves oqumn o.iu, uom ouumamv miu i- i i i uwu. Vlrat mt Imvoi Kniiiirft for' Charlotta street at 8:45. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:30, next 8:45. First car for West Asheville, leave Square 8:80. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at I a. m. and continue same a week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera House, the last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leav ing Spare at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opera House. Car leaves Square to meet No. 85, night train 30, minute before ached ale or anounend rrlvi. . Legislature Votes to Eliminate Objectionable Portions of Executive Document. Malta. Jan. !4. King Ooorge and Queen Mnry, on their arrival from India aboard the Medina today were accorded a great Anglo-French wel come. The British Mediterranean fleet is present In full strength and a squadron of French warships Is here. Their majesties remain until ianu ary,.27., .,., ,. tiMmnaitc Pains jr are quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's1 Liniment, It'a very penetrating, got tuatgni K we sore spin. , HERE'S PROOF Mils Eutb HiimiT, 239 Ttou Are., thlcago, ill., writes: "About two yis ago my mother broke down with rheumatism. Tha doctors didu't do uy good. My mother was per snnrtpd to try Bloan's Liniment, and In three weeks M entirely well and I believe she ia cured forever." ' " Mrs. A.WwnMA. of 403 B. Thomp. knn St., Maryviile, Mo., write: " The nerve ia aiy leg wa dnatroyed five years ago, aud left Die with a jerking ' A friend told ins to try your liniment 1 t -... ) .1 nnA Wlthniit it. I find after it use J eaa g to sleep ( mil 1 i ! ' i i C ), - ' 4 it a , t . . i.t i f r tliiot," as'.'.,!,, t'olumbia, Juii. K 4. The house of representative of South Carolina leg islature late last night adopted the report of the judiciary committee re commending that most of Governor IUease's veto messuge on the so-called libel bill be expunged from the Jour nal of the house. The vote to expugn the portion of the message reflecting on the Integrity of the press of the state was 8 to 8. ' This I said to be the first time than any portion of a governor' message had been expugn- ed from the Journal of either of two house of the legislature. The governor, cm January 19, sent to the legislature a message with his veto of the so-called libel bill.' The governor message made frequent use of the word "dirty," ""He," 'scurrill- ous" and "cowardly' and denounocd the newspaper generally .... . A A Big i -'-. e - Coming lllil hr Froe C'aiuU for V. K. Will. Washington, Jan. - H. American ships, would use the I'lmama cunnl free of cost, while foreign vessel would pay a ' charge not exceeding 81.26 a ton under the terms of a bill Introduced yesterday by Senator Brad ley of Kentucky. If an American ship, however, is owned by a railroad com pany and la operated to offset the ex pected reduction in cost of freight transportation it, wfll, py,dpuble the foreign riite. j Stray Boy Adjuit Identity. Ah Ii4eiisely Interesting Drama !'-'-- 1 ,,.lli-.Jl.Jl!i" rrrrsssstm Vi, ' 4 S?f " if 66" W'3 -Owfe tlie BiBf? " 1: 1 Mi Greeley, 'Col.. Jan. 24 which surrounded Wentity of i who was picked ni n r heie day nearly frozen' wfler lie hnd lltrown irn-m h frelt-'ht iv!n, h solved. The boy l.v..- und Rae Mm iijiii' iif Shi'thinii. ' !' , ' "Aii-Evil Pei'" g o 4 T Si i SI''