- . - A A tit THS ASSOCIATED "v PRESS DISPATCHES LAST EDITION 4:00 P. Mr" '," Wtathur Tor tout: ' RAIN OR SXOW. mm ; VOL. XVII. NO. 21. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 5, 1912. Sc PER COPY SEEKING LIGHT ON'LIST OF TEN Mrs. Taft Heard Mill Children SHOT TO DEATH Tell of Ovvression and Crueltvl BY YOUNG WIFE Bristow Introduces Resolution to Probe AllegechAbuse of Federal Patronage in North Carolina. POSTAL INSPECTORS CORRALING DELEGATES Leading Republicans in This State May Be Subpoenaed , To Testify to Presi- , . dent's Activity. (.; ;. : :- -. 4 v, (lunette-News Uuronu, f . Wyatt Uuildiiig, Washington, March 5. If Senator liristow's resolution In troduced In the senate yesterday is adopted calling for an investigation of the withdrawal of appointments in North Carolina for the alleged pur pose jif Influencing politicians and also the charge that postoftice inspectors ure helng sent through the south as political emissaries to influence fed eral officeholders to aid In the elec tiun of Ta ft delegates, some of the lending republicans in North Carolina will be. subpoenaed and compelled to testify under oath before a sub-com mittee of the senate. The Kansas senator's resolution asks for a -sweeping investigation of the alleged charges of flagrant abuse of federal patronage In the south, and -authorizes the committee to summons such witnesses as it may'deem neces e'.ry. Mr. Rristow also read a letter from an Alamaba postmanter charg ing that the administration is sending postoffice Inspectors throughout the state in an attempt to Influence fed eral officeholders to work for Taft delegates. TURKS DEFEATED i Y FIGHT Arc Dislodged from Tosts and . ;tt' Routed by Italian Bayo " net Charge. : Washington, March 5. In an en- gngcinent between llHlian and Turkish troops near Duma, Tripoli, a report of whlcli reached tile Italian embassy by cable today, the Turks -sustained heavy losses, their casualties number ing 150. i The Italian troops were attacked near Fort lAMiiburdls, but repelled every assault finally dislodging the links from their positions by a bayo net charge. , The battle raged all day and when night tell the Italian troops possessed all the positions the Turks aud occupied. , '.. Women and Girls Roughly Handled When Authorities Stopped Entraining of Strikers' Children, Witnesses Tell Congressional Committee Boys Tell of Working Condi tions in the Mills Compelled to Pay Weekly for Drinking Vater. t i l 1 f 1 v: mi m&wimn mi f : ''luIK' WW- , V l- j 4 jfa. ROOSEVELT AGAIN STATES POSITION Makes Public a Letter to Re fute Charge He Broko Promise. up he Mrs. Walter S. Harrison Says, She Attempted Suicide, Hus band Tried to Take Weapon, and It Discharged. A FIT OF MELANCHOLIA APPARENTLY THE CAUSE The Woman But Recently Dis charged from Sanitarium Where She Was Treated for Mental Trouble. While lenco of apparently under the iiiflu- spell of melancholia, from FOB 50SUFFHAGETTLS Magistrate Deals Severely with Latest Window-Smashers-Quarters Raided. r A GROUP OF THE LAWRENCE, STRIKERS' CHILDREN WHO WERE SENT TO NEW YORK PfKIH -TO BE CAPITAL Sun and His Advisors Soon to Leave Nanking for the North. -4- l.omlon. March 5. The suffragettet participating In last night's window smashing. campaign in Victoria street. near the house of parliament, were sentenced today to two months' lire prisonment at hard labor. The mag istrate yet has- 150 suffragette cases to hear. Alice Wright, an American residing Washington, March 5. Mrs. Wil liam Howard Taft, the president's wife,, was an Interested listener lday to tales of oppression and cruelty in the Lawrence textile strike, told to the house rules committee, when it resumed its hearing upon the in 1 n .-j trial struggle in the mill city. Miss Tenia Kamitta, a Sunday school teacher and a im-mbcr of one of the committees that sought to get he children out of Lawrence, told of ?cencs at the railroad station In Lawrence. "Women und children were hurled nto a struggling mass by the police," she said. "I saw the police clubbing n Fans, was among inose wiiuniiw to two months' Imprisonment at hardl fmeil ft ,n,trol wagon. The wag- Xanking, March 5. To restore or der and Inaugurate a stable govern ment as mioii as possible. It is under stood' lr. Hun Vat Ken and his ad visors loday decided to go to I'ekln and 'make tlwit city temporarily the new republic's capital. This step was regarded us advisable becausn of the mutinous spirit of the troops near Pekln. The plans provide for an enrly removal of the entire official machin ery. Knroutd officials will be guarded by 200W veteran troops. Tientsin, March 5. Two United Slates gunboats have been ordered to proceed from the Yang Tse river to Taku. Three battalions or Japanese troops are expected to arrive liQre to night to reinforce )he International garrison. The city generally Is tiulet. but decapitations occur dally. Most of the shops have been hioted. . CONCORD MAN SLAIN Muiiford Klchlo. Wealthy Merchant, Is Killed by a Kurim After li l ist light. labor, for window smashing. ' Tha ud- imprisonment is a new departure and caused dismay among the women. The much advertised meeting of the suffragettes In parliament square last night to protest against the re fusal of Premier Asmiith to receive n deputation, proved a fiasco so far at concerned uny sensational display of militant prowess and cunning, which was predicted by the organizers. About 50 women were arrested, but the damage done was Inconsiderable compared with Friday's raid. While the militant suffragettes were vainly endeavoring to Itrcak through Ihe cordon of police round about -Par liament Hfiuarc, 200 medical students oi'Knnlzed a raid on the suffragette nromlse to nay them back In their own coin. Marching to tho biilldlnc occupied, by tho women's press In Charing Cross road, where there was a big display of suffragette literature, thev bombarded it wilh stones, smasn- Ing all the windows to an accompani ment of cheers from delighted spec tators. Another band, bent on retaliation, attacked the International SnfTragp shon In Adam street, the Strand, smashlne a big plate glass window and wrecking tho front of thn build- ni. Meanwhile the BufTragcttes were be- inir balked In all attempts to hold a Hieetlng through elaborate pollco pre- autlons. Mounted police were sta tioned at short Intervals along tne main thoroughfares leading to parlia ment, while solid phalanxes of officer? on foot lined the curl. firiistlng women about with their lubs." She saw more than one wo rm n beaten, She said. It was while Miss Kamitta was Un ifying that Mm Taft arrived at the the station house iours with women and children in the cell." I'rlsoni'rffj 'ot Ted, in the police station where he Was locked up Knebel said, all day tho ehlldri were not given anything to eat. There were 15 or 18 of them. "Some were children at the breast," he continued, "Home husbands whose wives were locked up' brought their children to the mothers to lie nursed. "When the case' eome up some children were forcibly taken from their mothers to 1 taken to a poor farm to he cared fpr." "Were children ajtually locked up In the same kind j;of cells where thieves and criminals were locked up?" asked Representative I'ujo. . "They were," nid Knebel. Miss Margaret Sanger of New ork. it, UuUiu- Jwiwv wKAik ihHtruwMuitaf In taking the children from Lawrence to New York, ted Hied that the con- l dilion of many of tho children was 'horrible. "Out of 119 children only ' four had underwear on," said Miss miin. Sho appeared to take great . Sanger. nterest In the" proceedings and re- "These people were working in mined throughout the morning. ! woolen mills?" asked liepresentative In all eases where children were ; Stanley. be taken to Philadelphia." asked I "Yes," she answered. , Chnrlotto, March !! Mumford Ritchie, avwealthy and prominent hardware merchant of Concord was shut and mortally wounded late yester day afternoon by Marlon Hamilton, a well-to-do farmer of Marshville, Union county, Hamilton visited Concord on a shopping expedition and met Ritchie In a department store. Kltchle ap proached the farmer relative to an account due him and heated words led to a fist fight. Hamilton, w ho claims that the merchant was getting the best of the eneounfW, drew his pistol and fired five shots, one taking effect In Ritchie's left breast. CASE FOR ALIENISTS 3liiu Who Attempted to Klioot Banker Rothschild Remanded for Med ical r.xamlnatloii. Ihalriiian Henry, "did you have the mreiils' consent?" " "In every case," she said. "There was nothing In the nut lire f kidnapping?" "Absolutely not," she said. Simon Knebel, another member of he commit ten from Philadelphia ami in organizer ol tho tndustit;.! Work ers of the World, was the next witpesit who told . of what happened at the uwrence depot on J.'ebruary 2 4 r.aid: Tells of Police ltrutalil.v. "We started the children out of a lepol door.,- Just as we left the door, Ilie pollen started their bloody work." I'hey tore children from their moth ers. 1 bey were screaming anil mere ic most unearthly yells. "When I came out, I waH stepping ivor four or live ctuuiren. 1 couicin I lee women and children nun that way. 1 didn't care It 1 was getting murdered that day." 'Mow many women did you. see eaten that day?" asked Henry. "I taw a whole wagon load Injured. I suw one wogan, not a striker, club bed by a policeman. She wan struck :everal tiriies on the back. - Klnally they arrested me and I was kept ut "Was the clothing wool?" , "No; most of tho clothing was nigs," was the reply. , Alius Sanger sulci doctors examined the children in New York and most of I hem "were sick unci emaciated. tllrls and boys, I I and 15 years old, striking mill workers from Uiwreiiee, testilied yesterday before! tho house' committee on rules which Is consider ing a resolution to Investigate- condi tions which followed attempts to send children from Hie strike-ridden city. Children told of working long hours for low wagcis, how they had to pay Ihe Aiui'iicaa Woolen company live cents a week for drinking wlnil Ihev described as "canal water: some told of seeing women beaten by police unci children knocked dcwii and burl ed into wagons "like bundles of rags' at Lawrence a week ago Saturday. Representative Victor lierger and Samuel (lumpers,, president of the American federation of Labor, were again before the committee. Moth made statements about the rival union conditions at Lawrence .and both were cautioned ugalnsl the use of personalities. After testimony of seven or eight children hud been taken, Max lioga tln, a salesman, of Philadelphia, one of the socialist committee which went to Lawrence to accompany strikers' children to homes in Philadelphia. was questioned regarding the charges of disorder and brutality at the Law rence depot. Ho declared a soldier tried to keep him In the station by guarding the door with a bayonet. "1 saw the soldiers pick the child ren up by the legs, like they were rag?," he said, "and I saw one woman choked by a soldier. "1 was beaten by one of flic police men and still have wounds on my back where they -beat me." Miss Jane Rock, also of the Phila delphia committee, corroborated much tf I Ificii tin'a tostlitiitliv. - VI- WwMrthtiMiiMcR4iHwlk'i c car and held there so that' 1 'couldn't' move, said she, In describing the scone at the Inwrenco depot. "The hllclren were screaming and many were dragged to a military irucK ami literally thrown there." . Samuel C.olelcn, 1(1 years old, testi lied he revolved l.14 for three clays work, and never made more than 1 0 In a week. He said children paid live cents a week for drinking water whether they drank or Hot, and were .docked an hour's' pay if they were. late. His father never made more than $! a week." he said. "Are you a striker?" asked Repre sentative Pou. "I am," returned the lad. preeuclly. "Mel yon see any women clubbed?" "I sow one policeman grab a wo man by the throi.t and hit her wilh .1 club." Charles Varseriski, IS years old. said he went to sc hool until he was I I and then went to work. "I would have kept on at school, but we didn't have enough in cat,' said he. "Ho you ever go hungry?" "Sonielimcs; wo never have any butter." August Walite, a French boy,- 1 veins obi, said he paid 10 cents a week for drinking water. "Was It good wnter?" he was asked. , "It was canal water we got, re- nlicel Wante. Waiite said he got fl o cents a week for snendlng money out of his wages. New York, Mar. 5. To dear : c onilictlng statements aa to what ! has said in the past regarding the! I presidential nomination, Colonel I .Roosevelt today made public a letter! , he wrote last January to Prank A.l Mousey, the publisher. Roosevelt's 1 object in giving out the communica-1 tion, he said, was to refute the charge ' that he was breaking a promise in agreeing to accept the nomination if I it were offered him. He called par-1 licular attention to a passage in which,! while ftatinr that hp wmelH no! ho 11 I candidate, he declared he would not I whll h eeniB she has suffered at in- go on record as being unwilling to ae-nervals during her married life, young cept the nomination. Mrs. Walter A. Harrison shot n.l To every man I talked to," said almost Instantly killed her huahonri Roosevelt, "I made in substance that their home. 116 Bartlett Btreet chant same statement, and I made it In lit- 7:20 o'clock this morning. When seen erany nunureus oi leuers. by a newspaper man this morning When Roosevelt reached his edito- she had come to a realization of what nui onice irom uyster nay ne lounu she had done, as she Bat In the kitchen nuinocr oi politicians awaiting of her horn- and indicated that s.i. him. . (desired to make a atutomont whit her whole frame was racked with paroxysmu of grief and excitement. She repeated that it was in her heart what she wanted to say but she could not say It, except that she did not mean to do It and was "so sorry." Said She Attempted Suicide. Young Harrison was a railroad man, a fireman, with a good record. had only been married a few years. nftrl from urVlut j.un ha lnumn 1 . ,.,,,1 1W0 UnUCtren inrOWn JcrOmlhls wife lived in peace and harmony The negr. cook, Marjorle. Hallams. FIVE BURNED TO DEATH A Window and Saved From the Flames. hau jui 3i Into the vhouse to get I break taTWl"!nte heard a shot fired. land InifelSljiiely Jllrs. Harrhson caino lscreamiiffelKt Jte kitchen telling the I cook to sana Tor a doctor. Tho cook Iran to Mr. Moore's horn across the Koppel, Pa.. March 5. Plve per-(street, and called him, and when h sons were burned to death when llrelentered the bed room he found youtig. destroyed a boarding house here to- Harrison lying on -The bed with a bul- lay Ills hildren were saved when from a second story window. RAILROAD SERVICE IS FURTHER REDUCED l Newcastle, 1000 More Men Are Thrown Out uf IOmploymciit as Result of Strike. oal shortage, necessitating restricted ain service. At Newcastle 1000 men ere today added to those thrown out niploymeiit. Cross-channel service between I'tunce und England has been educed to one steamer dally. RESOLVES TO PROBE THE SHIPPING TRUST SAYS THE WEST INSPIRED TERRIBLE SGENES THE EVERGLADES CHARGES ENACTED HA Gilchrist Sees Railroad Scheme to Stop Immigration to Florida. Discharged Soldiers Murder and Loot in Hong Kong . and Canton. . London. March 5. William Tlbbltts. arrested for attempting to murder Icipuld He Rothschild by tiring three revolver shots, was remanded today by a magistrate for medical examina tion. Tlbbltt's Is a manufacturers' agent. 30 years old and has been known to the Rothschild family since his childhood. . He has been assisted by them many times. Washington, March 5. Governor A. W. nilchrist of Florida is hero to tes tify in the house everglades Investiga tion. Gilchrist declares that Florida Hong Kong, March 6. Discharged soldiers have begun murdering and BRIDGE COLLAPSES WHEN TRAIN PASSES Seven Are Injtiiod When Kleeier on ( auaillaii Northern RaJIriaul Drops :lf) Feet. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March B. Tim rear sleeper of a Canadian Northern passenger train rolled down a 30-foot embankment Into Saskatchewan river with seven passengers today. AH were badly hurt and one may die. A bridge collapsed as the train crossed, hut all the cars except the last one passed safely. EXPERTS TO RATIFY THE PEACE PACTS Arbitration Treaties Come up in the Senate for Final Disposition. THREE PARP0NED people are aroused over the charge looting. Assassinations are frequent. that the everglade reclamation pro ject is a scheme to further land cor poration. Interests, expressing . the opinion that the attacks were Instigat ed by the western railroads, "which wish to have this great Immigration to Florida stopped. Corpses are seen dally floating down the river. Terrible scenes are being enacted In Canton. AMERICANS LEAVING ' MEXICO IN NUMBERS 11)00 Killed in Fighting. DEPOSITORS RIOTOUS Police Kequlrecl to IlcUire ftailer Him on KmlmrrMsaed New York Hank. In 'Vew York, March 5. Several hun dred eKcllod persons gathered at the private hank of Morttz & Rosett today to. withdraw their savings. There was so much disorder that a police de tachment was required to restore eiulet. The run was precipitated by the appointment of a receiver U i the bi'llk. Welhulwol, China, March 5. ft Is estlniatod that 1000 people were killed luring recent fighting between repub brans and villagers outside the British concession here. Tha (tern-rat Kxixlim from Disturbed Na tion Continues Reln-ls In Pokmcs- - slou of Chihuahua, F.I Paso. March 6. A train with republican I mny Americans aboard left Chlhua- troopa now completely control the I hua today according to Mexican Cen- situatlon. tral officials. It' Is due here tonight. The rebels are reported to be In peaceful possession of , Chihuahua, Chicago, March G. District Attor- making ready for an advance on Mox- ney Wllkerson today announced that I ico City Government to Rest In Parkers Trial. the government might real Its case In the packers trial tomorrow'. Several conferences between rounsel have been held In nn effort to shorten the government's case. " ' Washington, March S. The general exodus of Americans from Mexico City and other parts of .Mexico con tinues, according to reports to the stale department today. Oscnr Poti-et of M IKell. I. II. Cheek of Yadkin, F.ugene Fox of Ashe, Freed. Oaxotte-News Bureau, The Hotel aleigh, Raleigh, March R. Oscar Poteet, convicted in McDowell county In 1907 of highway robbery and sentenced to 10 yearn In the pen itentiary, was granted a conditional pardon by the governor today on re commendation of the Judge, solicitor, sheriff, a mayor and others. J. H. Cheek, convicted In Yadkin county In 1901 of murderjn the sec ond degree and sentenced "to 17 years, also was pardoned. The prisoner Is In poor physical condition, has a good record and the judge, juror and oth ers asked for hia pardon. Eugene Fox, convicted In Ashe county In 1910 of larceny and sent to the roads for three years, gets a par don. His father la Insane and the boy Is weak relinked. Many urged a pardon, Including th trial judge. Washington, March 5. America' arbitration treaties' with Great Britain lend France, which have been pending la the senate since August, will final ly be disposed of before the "legisla tive day," which began at noon today, closes. Advocates of the treaties are in constant consultation wilh admin istratlon officials, have been marshal lug forces, for months and express confidence in the ratification of tb treaties unamended, with an amended resolution of ratilicatlon Interpreting their scope so as' to safeguard the sen ate's traditional treaty making powers. Under unanimous consent, reached home time ago, consideration of the treaties was to follow today's routine proceedings. Sugar Tariff Dili Reported. ,-. The dead Include . the laueJtoTd, ! let Jit his j-hfeist an In a dying condl- thrown bullion, March 5. Railroad work- rs thought the United Kingdum con- iiiio to be cllseburged because of the been asleep the man was dead when he arrived. Other neighbors soon camo and they found a pistol lying in a bureau draw-, er which was partly open. " Mrs. Har rison told Mr. Mooro that she had 'shot Walter, but I didn't, mean to do it." When a patrolman arrived on the scene she stated to him that she had tried to kill herself, and her husband had tried to get the pistol -and It was discharged. S6me of the neighbors thought from the position In which he was lying, that Harrison must have and ho did not reach Washington, March 5. The house oday unanimously passed a resolu- lien calling for an Investigation of the lleged "shipping trust" by the mer- bant murine and fisheries com- ilttee. SCOTT IS HANGED Man Who Murdered Jlrt for Refusing to Itecome 11 In Wife Pays Penalty. Harrlsburg. Pa., March 5. Joseph Stott, aged 29, was hanged today or murdering Blanche Taylor last June because Bhe refused to become his wife. Stott's mother, who lives at Syracuse, N. Y was forced to do washing to raise funds to have him buried at horniJ. The aged mother and Stott's brothers and sister came here to bid him good-bye. 3000 BACK AT WORK Lawrence, Mass., March B. Three thousand operatives returned to work toduv and the strikers ranks were slichtly thinned. The desire to re turn to work Is more general. There was no disorder today. Civic Federation Meeting Open. Washington, home from his work until after mid night. Han Iteen In Low Spirits. According to the neighbors Mrs. larrlson has been low spirited most of the time and had come from a san itarium for mental treatment only ibout three months ago, after being treated for several weeks. It Is said that she had before tried to kill her self; and tallkcd almost constantly of her baby, seven months of age. which Is now with her mother at her home In Hickory. The dead man was about 25 years of age. He came from near Salisbury and had worked for the Southern as llremun for almost ten years. It is said that he stood for a good position and was well thought of by all who knew him. A lady with whom the young couple had boarded Bald that he was very kind to his wife and they never quarrelled and the cook mads tho same statement. The deceased was the son of former Engineer Har rison of Salisbury, who has been notl lled of the tragedy. Seems In Serious Mental Condition. Mrs. Harrison appears to be little more than a girl. She was a Miss White before her marriage and lived In Hickory, where her parents now re side. She seems to be In a serious mental condition. For a long time after she had shot her htishand sho sat silent and would say nothing, and It was two or three hours afterward that she began grieving and expressed a desire to see the body of her hus band. It was after this that she said she desired to make a statement for the paper, but she could not control her feelings to a siimctent extent, sue Is a sister of Mrs. Perry Young of this city. The coroner arrived about 10:30 o'clock and after a short Investigation March B. Discussion - .. , i , ,1 I ,1 ...... .1 .hot Via lui.U. ,u remnvpd te Of the reealion oeiween eeeepeuym bciu uiucicu mi. ...v wp . Lemployo featured the first r"ay's ses- an undertaking hoiiBe for the inquest, sionof the tw lfth annual eon, -essi alter wnicn me uruicen icuuu ,.r ,v, Vutu.nai riv e Federation to-1 men. 10 wnicn tne aeau man weunn . day. Cardinal Gibbons was the first I will take charge of the remains. The i, ha was followed by Seth I deceased was also a member of the lxw. Judge Martin A. Knapp and . F.agles of Salisbury, others The cardinal presided dur-l Mrs. Harrison Jailed. Ing the opening day. President Taft presides over the session tomorrow and Thursday. Patrolmen Jones and Lannlng ar rived at the home soon after the Continued on page sis. Washington, March 6.nrThe sugar tariff revision bill was reported favor ably to the house today by Chairman Underwood's ways and means -committee. The excise bill providing for an Income tax to make up for the loss of revenue wilt be reported later. MY CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT If I could Select the Mao I Woald Name Name. . IH.eee.ee Address . ..... Cut this ticket out and mall It to The GatetleNewa. or tuund It In at this office. If jrou do not care to write your name on the ballot, you can write It In a registry book provided at tlie offk. Results will be published from time to time and In tw 'us will tli name of the voter be jiren oat less so requested.

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