1 i.n -j x i v , ! I I, IK EffilE, BILIOUS, EHEATH E!D, ' STDMECH. CflOTraHE CiSlETS Sick headaches! Alwayi trace them to lasy liver, delayed,, fermenting food In the bowels or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, instead of being thrown out, Is reabsorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, awful throbbing sickening headache. Cnscarets remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making the poison move on and out and purifying the blood. The effect is almost Instantane ous. Ladies whose sensitive organisms are especially prone to sick head aches, need not surfer, for they can be quickly cured by Cascarets. One tak en toniEni win Biraigmen you out .., . , a clear head Don't forget need a, good, KE6UUTE STCXACH.UVER i-KEElS TOTEKCa-KEVa X "II v.- . . . CJOCIAL 3 HAPPENINGS IlnHkct Ball at the, Young Women's Christian Association. During the last few weeks several basket-hall.- teams have been organ ized at the Y. W. C, A. gymnasium. The following schedule, of games has been arranged and the team winning the largest number of games Is entitl- : to the championship: Ijist Friday the Juniors played Ashevllle Girls school. yesterday,' AHheville Girls' school played the High school. Thursday, March 1, High school vs. Junior. Monday, March 11, ; Juniors vs. Ashevllle Girls' school. Friday. March 19, A. G. S. vs. High school. Thursday, March 21, Juniors vs. High school. There Is a great deal of interest be ing shown In the game, and the teams are all playing excellent ball, the teams being very evenly matched. The first game of the series played last Friday between the Juniors and Ashevllle Girls' school resulted in a tie, score being 6 to B. The second .- - .. IK....Jn.i ... Q.QA n jouur was iliiyiru J ueouu.v, Ml o.ou j. ni. netween ine nign scnooi nna Arhevllle Girls' school, and resulted in a. score of 4 to 6 in favor of the A. O. S. ' This being the first series of such games among the girls of the gymna- sium there is considerable enthusiasm land each team is mllying loyal sup- ( porters. All of the teams deserve credit for their good work in such a short time. ' it at . Looking Backward. The following suggestion Is part of an exceedingly clever article of recent appearance In one of the leading mag azines of fashion, and will Interest all women who desire to be well groomed. The article is entitled "Looking Back ward," and contains pome valuable suggestions: Dear women, do try to remember that you are not always approaching people, Sometimes, and oh, so very often, you are seen and judged only from the hack. ' You may he harshly criticised just because of those strag ling hairs which have slipped from your harretle, or the heels of your shoes which you forgot to polish. Keep good friends with your hand mirror, and don't consider yourself dressed until you have scrutinized Well your hack view, from the crown of your hat, or the top coil of your hnir, to the heel of your little shoe. at at For Miss Whitlock. ' The following comes from, the Hlatesville Landmark, and will he of interest to the many friends' of Miss Carrie Whitlock In this city: . "Mrs. William Wallace gave a card party Thursday afternoon at her home on Walnut street, complimentary to Miss Carrie Whitlock of Ashevllle. DEPARTMENT WILL OPEN MARCH IS If you have a special income, fund, or savings you wish to conserve for the purpose of purchasing any article in our store, for yourself, for a wedding, birthday, Christmas, New Year, Easter, or other gift, you can leave the money with us in any amounts from ten (10c) cents up, and we will pay you four (4) per cent interest on your money until the selection ia made. , , Dims department will be called a prepay interest-bearing deposit account department, which, we hope will be used by hundreds of our customers who, we believe, will then find it agree able and easy to purchase that wedding present or diamond nog. i Under this plan you may deposit l with us any sum of money you wish to place in our keeping ana your pur chases from time to time will be charged against this account. On your balances the brat or each month we allow and pay you interest at the rate of four () per cent per annum. Under this plan any money deposited with us to be used for the purchase of merchandise draws a substantial interest and does not lie idle. THIS DKPARTMENT DOES NOT DO A BANKINQ BUSI NESS. The funds on deposit with us are to be used only for the purchase oi merchandise irom our store; but, U you mould desire to withdraw your money, you can do so at any time. We do not want the deposit of funds except from those who intend using them In ini purcnase ot merchandise. Aa special security for this depart mcnt we have deposited with the Citizens Bnk a Bond for Fifty ($50,000.00) loousana uouuu Ton are invited to try thia plan and see if it is not an agreeable, pleasant, useful, and exceedingly easy way of Making purchases. This department will be open March I.th,igi3. AUIIICB M. FIELD C0J ny morning a 10-cent box means and perfect health for months. the children their little insldes gentle, cleansing, too. Children gladly take Cascnrets. . because they taste good and never gripe or sicken, . OEM SICKEN Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. Bridge was played at six tables .and the high score prize,, a pink brocaded satin scarf, was won by Miss Elvy McElwee and the low score prize, a deck of cards, was awarded Mrs. B. U. Webb. . The visitor's prize, which was presented .to Mrs, Jossman, of Michigan, was a pair of silk hose. Each guest received a unique box of bon bons as a favor, and two courses of refreshments were served. Pretty potted plunts added to the attract iveness of the home." at Lenten Recital. In the absence of Dr. Rodney Rush Swope, F. F. Harker will give a series of Lenten recitals at All Soul's church, Blltmore, Thursday afternoons, the lirst of which will take place tomor row afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, to which the public are cordially wel comed. . The following program will be given: Concerto In G minor, No, 2 Ca midge. s ; .' Movements AAagio, Allegro, An dante and Gavotte. . . Allegro Cantabile, from Symphony No. 6 Widor. , Fugue in E flat (St. Ann) Bach Murche Funebre, Op. 40, No, 3 Tschaikowsky. . .Eventide, Op. 52, No. 2 barker. Grand Chcur, ; (Alia Handel' Guillmant . at a The Coiffure. In studying the new spring 'huts and. their relation to the coiffure, it is noticeable that the pompadour-roll, the rat, the bunch, of many puffs. In fact,' anything that tends to broaden or enlarge the shape of the head has been discarded. The soft, low pom padour or a part and a simple coll of hair at the back, especially using the side part In the hair If becoming, seem best suited to the size and shape of the new millinery. , The psythe knot is passe except for those girls of the younger set who are putting their hnlr up for -the first time, and is being replnced by the soft coll or chignon, placed Just above the nape of the neck or a little higher, at n To Issue) Booklet. The children of Blltmore and the friends of the children are much In terested In a pamphlet to be publish ed shortly by the Blltmore industries, pertaining to the beautiful carving and other work done by the children The pamphlet will have on the cdver a picture of one or the boy at work carving a nut howl. It 'will be arc predated by all who are interested in children and their work. k at May Return Here. The many friends of Miss Blanche Folsom, formerly of this city, will be Interested in hearing thnt she con templates returning to Ashevllle pos' slhly In the summer or fall from Aberdeen, Wash., where she has been the superintendent of the city hos pital. Miss Folsom has met with suc cess In her profession as nurse while In the. west,' and her friends will be much pleased to hear of her pros pectlve return. at ,. . Now at Panama. . Ensign WnesB oft the battleship Maryland, who often visits . Harry Then bold and Mrs. L, M. Theobold of this city and who has other friends here, writes that his squadron has been ordered to Panama, where he is at present. Some time ago his squadron win ordered to China on ac count of the troubles there but Is now stationed at Panama. at at Announcements are being sent out for the spring millinery opening . qf Henry Hood, which will occur Satur day at his store on Haywood street. The opening will last all day Saturday at at The ' Woman's guild of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. Foreman, 93 Church street, tomorrow afternoon nt 3:10 o'clocki . at It The Rector's Aid society of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. Samuel Tannehlll, 35 Panola street, tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. at at The Philathea class of the First Presbyterian church will hold the usual monthly . business meeting to. morrow afternoon at 6 o'clock In the MR. MERCHANT You can Increase your, patronage and serve a larger number of custom ers, by using one of. our "Sterling Car ry-AU" Bicycles, equipped with our own make of Delivery Carrier that will carry 160 lbs. See the display we now have In our window, of these wheels, equipped wltn Carriers and Baskets. Come and see us about one, J. M. HEARN CO. Buttery Park Place. - Phone 4(8 " am , ' wsf sure Baraca-Phllathea building. Visitors are welcome. .. . It It the Auction Bridge club was enter tained this week by Mrs. J. W. Faw cette at her home on College street. The Ashevllle' chapter, U. D. C, will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at 83 Hillside street , Mrs. Thomas S. Rollins Is entertain ing Informally with a bridge party this afternoon. X t Mrs. W. R. Hormon has returned from a visit of several weeks with friends In Hot Springs. .Ark., and Knoxville. at it ' Mrs. W. C. Britt who underwent an operation recently at Mission Hospital is rapidly recovering. t t Miss Margaret Penniman has re turned from a several weeks' visit to friends and relatives In Baltimore and other eastern cities. t H ' Miss Eva Miller has returned to the city from a visit to friends In N'nsh ville and Knoxville. ,-. It D. Q. Ward left yesterday afternoon for Jacksonville. H at Mrs. D. Q. Ward left Inst niKht for Atlanta. at 1 It George Smith left for Wnshlngton last night. It It Frd Clark of Charlotte was In the city yesterday. R. D. Mayer ' of Chicago nrrlved yesterday in the city. at at Miss Madeline 'Terry of New York is a guest In the city. at at Arwin Welsh of Nashville Is In the city. at as Dr. Robert S. Carroll Is visiting his daughter at Bryn Mawr, and before returning to the city will go to Wash ington, and New York. ,, K Edwnrd. Simmons . of - Charleston who visits Ashevllle every - sum mer and has numbers of friends here, expects1 to go abroad this summer and will Joinhis daughter, Miss Sara Sim mons. In Liverpool. as . as J. I). Fry of Virginia Is In the city and Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. at at F. C, Todd will be out of town for a few days on business the latter part of the week. at at Pierce Gregg, Is In Philadelphia with Duff Merrick, for a visit. at Mrs. L, C. Wright of New York Is In the city and is a guest nt the Bat tery Park hotel. at at Mrs. Morgan Moore, formerly of this city, is expected for a few days as the guest of Miss Nena Hodges at her home on Montford avenue. Mrs. Moore will stop on- her way from Memphis to Washington. at it Miss Mary Louise Swope, In the ab sence of . Dr. and Mrs. Swope, wh left yesterday for Summervllle, S. C Is the guest of Mrs. Dunn McKee at her residence In Victoria. :, as E. M. Chllds of Ypsllante, Mich., who came to Ashevllle In Fehrunry, left today for Chattanooga.. Mr. Chllds ia greatly pleased with Ashe vllle and Its climate. as at Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Revel, who have been at the Battery Park hotel for the past week, will leave tomor row for their home In Oklahoma. at at - L. G. Thorn and Hugh' Love nre expected to arrive here this afternoon from Waynesvllle, making the trip, on horseback. at at The .many friends of Miss Lela Young will be pleased to hear that she has recovered from an operation she recently underwent at the Bllt more hospital. . , " Delphian Literary Society Anniversary The following Invitations have been received by a number of people In the city: ' i The Delphian Literary Society of Weaverville Collego , extends to you a cordial invitation to attend their Thirty-sixth Anniversary to be held on the evening of March ' sixteenth, nineteen hundred Buckwheat Kcllpstvl by a flour that makes better and more healthful cakes Wheat Hnsrta Self-Rising Pancake lour. For Rent FURNISHED. , Modern Montfonl avenno residence' completely furnished for quick jpental $00.00 per mo. Moale, Chiles & . Redwood leal Estate and Insurance tt ?atto Art.' STUFFED OLIVES IN BULK , These iire nice sized stuffed with sweet red- poppers. They are fine for sandwiches, and this way . they are economical. ";' ' .. -... . Pint Jars, 30c. Quart Jars 60c. . YATES & McGUIRE, S3 Eaywood Ct rra mots or WXEl ILL AT OFFICE Having Spent , Several - Hours Lying on the Floor, This Young Lady Finally Suc- ' ceeded in - Getting " " Home. Back to Work ; ,- v ' ' in Two Weeks. Norfolk, Va. "tor ever a year I suffered with a P'n 1n my left side," writes Misff Trtx footer of this city.- "One day I was taken sick In the office, and, being alone, had to stay. I walked the floor, lay down on the floor on newspapers, sat In a chair al most doubled, and , finally the pain got so severe, I could stand It no long er, so I closed the door and went home. 1 stayed in bed for two weeks on the flat of my back, and couldn't even move my foot. Being disgusted with trying doctors' medicines, poor mother, after trying everything that could be thought of, finally come into my room with a bot tie of Cnrdul, the well-know woman s tonic. Before I had taken one-third of the first bottle, I began to Improve, nnd before a week had elapsed, I was nblo to turn over in bed alone. I constantly grew better, and In less than two weeks, I was at work again. Cardul certainly nla Oil it clnlmea for me." ' For quick relief from all forms of womanly trouble, Cardul hns been found to have no equal. Are you a sufferer? Cardul Is proh ably the medicine you need. Try it. pi n. Write to: Ijidles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co, Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions. nnd 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plai wrapper, "on request. and twelve, ., College Auditorium, 8 o'clock. There will be a debate on the quns Hon: "Resolved, Thnt the inlatlve an Referendum Is the Best Method Directing- State legislation." Th affirmative will , be taken by C. Camp and F. G. Woodrull; the neua tlve, by G. L. Simpson and J. Hackler.. ' There will be two declarations 1 R. F. Crouse and C. S. Norburn; an two -orations by G. C. Hull and E. EdwarTls. : W. Campbell wljl preside over th meeting nnd M. Groves will be secre tary. The marshals for the occasion are Carson, Simpson, Coman, Joync and Filer. STORM KILLS MANY Craft Wrecked and Town .Demolished In Hurricane Which Sweeps the FIJI Islands. Victoria, B. C, , March !. Man lives and vessels were lost In a hurri cane in the FIJI and, Caledonia group of islands, according to news brought by the steamer Mak lira today. At Noukulofa every launch in the harbor, was sunk and half the town was de stroyed, i . . Hilton, to Defend Title. 1 New York, March 6. Harold !!. Hilton, the English international Rolf champion, has annonnced definitely thnt he would again visit America tills fall' to difend his title. Hilton's plans were disclosed in a letUr received to day by the United States Golf ciation's executive committee. Handy Potato Baker Prevents burning pota toes on side. Will hold six potatoes and bake them evenly Price 15c Each They're great J. H. Law 3X Patton At. ' '. NOTICE MISS CKl'ISK'S SHOP 25 Haywood 8t ' Phone 10, Shampooing, manicuring and hair- dressing. Chiropody for ladles and gentlemen by expert operator. We make up hair combings and cut hair into Switches, Puffs and Pompadours. EXPERIENCE COCNTS Let us remodel your broken Jewelry Into odd designs at a amall cost All kinds of Jewelry repair! done at VICTOR STERN'S Haywood 8t. Jeweler Opp. Battery Park and P. O. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Iron! and Heating Apparatus. W. A. WARD 1 12 Church St. Phone 449. rhoM 221, 171 soon oorncm Seasonable Shoes Wet Weather Oris Shoes Rainy-cliiy shoos iB all the reigning styles, wet proof as near as possible, for ease and race and comfort, too. There's nothing like an Oris Shoe. Our whitlow display of summer shoes is nothing short of a leautv show. Have a look. We Do Repairing. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. - On llie So. For Rent FURNISHED We offer for the next two months, to well people only, an attractive furnish ed cottage In Arbnrval Park. Has a beautiful view. Jf taken at once will rent for $25. 00 per month. Nice ly furnished. The H. P. Grant Realty Co. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 479. GARDEN PEAS Bow the early varieties as soon as the soil can be worked and at the rate of one quart to 100 fet or drill. Row Wood's Excelsior, Alaska and I,m dreth's Kxtrn Kiirly, liciuilre ' no slaki s. GRANT'S PHARMACY . , FvoryililiiK In liniRs and 8''K ? t ? T r ? ? ? y T ? t t t ? ? ? t t t t T ? t y ? ? ? ? ? ? '? r ? ? ? ? ? ? v ? ? ? ? Y HOOD'S Millinery Op Saturday March 9th HACKMO FABRIC 25c per pound. I'.nvolopes to match, 10c per package. Hackney & Moale Co. PURITY BREAD In Asheville is I'.ntler Crnsl, the bread of jii.-i! ity, and in pound loaves for ." ccnls straight. Keeps moist longer and not honey-combed with holes. Look for our label. Phone 022, or ask your grocer. Asheville Steam Bakery MILLINERY SPRING HATS SPROAT'S dales Itiiililing. SPRING OPENING v,. - ' OF " Imported Models and Tail ored Hats Thursday, March 7 M. WEBB & CO. Haywood St. J enitig f a ELIAS & HOPSON TAILORING 1H-11) Eleetricnl Iildg. Opp P. O. WHO IS IT A? FOR SALE Delightful Country Home near Hill more. 10 rtoom House. All Modorn Con venlem es. 10 acres of land. Will change for ehoiee Asheville resi dence. . ., , . Natt Atkinson Sons Co. Real Estalo' Dealers. y ? ? t ? ? ? ? th f f ? ? T ? ? y T ? ? v ? ? ? ? ? V t t ? ? ? ? ? Y Y t ? ? ? ? ? V