Fiiid Your Name In The Advertisements On This Pae And Receive a Dollar Read this page not only for the money that you are likely to get but for the information that the advertisements contain. They are short talks from your friends. RON MARCHE'S SPRING SILKS. I The last of this week we expert to We are showing large and varied ,'Ve nno,hcr,sh,iPment of Chalmers assortment of the new Silks for spring wear. The nest colors are depicted In the line carried here. When you purchase Silks be sure to Ret the bent obtainable, than you can expect wear from them. Foulard Silks, all widths, for 69o to $2 yard. Taffeta Silk, 36 Inches wide, chang eable ehllTon taffeta effects, for $1 and 1.25 yard. Messnllne Silk In all colors, 36 In ches wide, for $1 yard. Changeable Messallne Silk, 27 in ches wide,. for $1 yard. Bordered Foulards, 42 Inches wide, fur 59c yard. , , . Seoo Silk, 27 Inches wide, specially priced at 19c and 25c yard, lion Marche's White Goods. Ratine cloth, looks like Turkish toweling, the craze In Paris and New York, 30 to 42 Inches wide, for 50c to l.r,o yard. Pique, all sized cords, are priced at ir.o to $1 yard. Motor ours, and also expect to receive the tlrst It. C. II. Touring car. This II. C. If. Touring car equipped with top, wind shield, gas lamps and gen erator sells for $8.60 f. o. b. factory. ml is one of the surprises of 1912, fur as well as tueing one of the lowest priced cars on tlie.'market it also has Ihe record of traveling 3100 miles In 15 days over the mountains of Cali fornia In the dead of winter. The hnlmers cars expeotett nre the "thir ties" at $1,500, You are cordially In vited to come in and see those cars. Ashevillo Automobile. Cuu Kirkwood Farms have the best Heels and White Plymouth Rocks In the Cnrolinns. Send for free mating list. The Crescent Jewelry company at 1(1 Patton avenue Is now open for business with a complete line of dia monds, watches and Jewelry at prices unheard of in North Carolina. Goods that will bear Inspection. Everything warranted as represented. Watch Jewelry repairing at reasonable prices. Visit our new store and inspect oar lino. . ' Upholstery Goods at 11. REDWOOD & CO.'s: 50 Inch Verdures, Gobelins, Brocades, Velours, &c. Also hand-, some Printed Denims, Crctnnnes, Rur- lapH, SilUolenes, etc. Also Haw Silk 'urtains. Portieres, liiice Curtains, Muslin Curtains and Curtain Fabrics of all kinds. , If You Want the nest Let Va Serve You, With the very best milk and cream in large or small quantities retail or wholesule. The Brown's Creamery Is keeping up to the highest standard their dairy products und serve thou sands of patrons year in and year out because they realize the high quality of the milk and cream that this plant sells. This is a modern creamery with every sanitary precau tion employed to guarantee the purltyi of everything bundled. Our splendid delivery . service is for your conven ience and we want you to feel that It Is no trouble for us to deliver promptly all orders. Remember til phone 327. .' The following new. books are to be had at Hackney &. Moalc Co.: "He Comes Up Smiling." by Ohas. Sher man: "Jno, Raven, by Emerson Hughauthor of 54-40 or Fight; "Pullynoly," by Edgar Jcpson, author of The Admirable Tinker. Ail of the late novels nre now on sale there. The Brown Hook company, opposite the postolllce on Patton avenue, Is making a leader or a high grade cloth llnlsbed pound paper. This is put up exclusively for them, under their trade name "Brownie." and Is sold at the extremely low price of 25o per pound Envelopes to match at 10c per pack age. This paper compares favorably with that which sells at twice the price. COCJiT THE TIME IT IS FOUR WEEKS TO KASTKR. Four weeks Lis enough, hut li is not a day too eajrly for you to begin thinking Aboujt, th selection of your spring suit, dress and other accessories. The most logical beginning of your spring plans tltl be a trip to this es tablishment i.iil view the beautiful new things, thps enjoying the satisfac tion you are f.outid to feel In. -their fresh charm, the invariable good val ue?) and distinctive modish qualities of our assemllage. This store m "full of readiness" with just the ecessnry varied assort ment to gratift the desire of the most critical custodiers. We show eltreniely attractive val lies, accept oiir cordial Invitation to share in then Now goods life arriving dally. There is uti over changing stylo show lit this busy store. ' PEKRLESS-FAK1HON CO.. ' 61. Patton Ave. "QUALITY NOT QUANTITY." The Candy Kitchen, Haywood street, near the Postol't'lec, sells the kind of candies that you can take, homo to the children without fear of giving them something stale, Impure or in f rior in quality. Our reputation Is behind every piece of candy we sell. Pure, fresh, wholesome, homo made confections of every description can lie had here at "live anil - let live" prices, our policy has always been i quality, not quantity. I am now In my new location at No. 8 North Pack square. Come and see me. Fine walch repairing a specialty. Respectfully, J. E. Carpenter. , ' The following new bonks are to be had at Hackney Moale Co.: "He Coiries Up Smiling," by Chas. Sher man; "Jno, Haven,'! by Emerson Hugh, author of 54-40 or Fight; "Pollynoly," by Edgar Jcpson, author of The Admirable Tinker. All of the late novels are now on sale there. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Do you know that the Aslieville Carpet House employs the oldest and highest paid carpet men in tho city. which means that they can lay a car pet or rug In a -first class manner. This same firm carries the largest stock of lloor coverings to be found in western North Caiolinu and they carr) only standard qualities, nothing shod dy will be found in their stock. The patterns are the newest and most de sirable and their prices are low when the quality is considered. A special iil mint of 10 per cent is given on all cash purchases for the next two weeks. They also make window shades and awnings to order. PALACK THKATKIt Jessie Livingston . ' "Songs" Adanis and Lewis "Sketch in Musical Comedy." by DON'T TAKE ANY CHANCES Rut send your laundry work to the Aslieville Laundry. When your pack age comes back to you every piece will be done as it should be. We have the machinery and the very best laundry workers to be had. Every niece of laundry we turn out has to pass inspection under the eye of one who knows at a It there Is an.v fault In the work. We are Just as anxious to please you as you nre to he pleased. Our shirt and collar work especially Is of the very highest order. Our collar machines are the latest makes and both the top and lower edge, of the collar is finished so that there Is no rough edges as you usually find on a htiindried collar. This Hot only makes the .collar last longer but does hot wear out the shirt as a rough edge collar is sure to do. Your linens last longer when done the Nichols way, and there is absolutely no ques tion as to the good quality of the work we do. Phono number !r5 when 17 Is busy. ."IN A NUT SHRLL." I have told you about the $2000 tin provements that I have made to make my place as up-to-date as can be but the whole story is simply this: " at Rarbee's and get the best." With the basement huinidore to keep cigars just right you can't make a mistake when you buy here. NO JOli LOTS. All goods bought and sold by T). II. Filter's Sunny Smoke Shop are fresh und direct from the factory. No job lots bought. Magazines, periodicals and newspapers on sale as soon as they reach the city. Opposite Post office, on Haywood street. ANOTHER DOLLAR In advance. buying groceries from Allison. 3-lb Tomatoes, 10c per can. Quaker Oats. 10c. 40s to 50s Prunes, 12 l-2c per lb. 3-lb canned apples, three from 25c Octagon soap, six for 25c. (Vial oil 12 l-2e per gallon. Special price on 5-11) shelled nuts. 10-11) Cottolene, $1.25. 4-lb. Cottolene 50c. G. D. Allison, Thone 35 Remember the place to buy your Raster suit. Right Price Right Quality No fit, no Pay. HARRY S. I'.URROWS. Over Citizens Rank. CltRX CARPF.T AVI) RUGS. Wo have Jnsl received a large ship merit of CreX Carpels and Rugs III all sizes. Price from noe. up. u-t us show you our! stock. - DONALD & DONALD, I I S. Main St. - SEE 1 1. R KI)V( HID H CO. fur Spring Dress. Hoods of every kind: Flue Silks, Wool Suitings, Linens. Marquisettes. Sheer Silk-like Cottons. St. Also of course a big supply of Fine Dress Ginghams, Percales, Mad ras Suitings. Printed Batistes, &o. DON'T ENVY the well dressed man tie one. Have us tailor your clothes to .measure, then tnjfy will einnoay- yoiir personality, be made of all wool fabrics, and priced moderately. El, IAS & HoPSON, 1S-19 Electrical lildg. Opp. PostofflCO I am now In my new location nt No. 8 North Pack square. Come and see me. Special prices on Jewelry this month. Fine watch repairing a spec ialty. Respectfully, J. E. Carpenter. DOUBLE PRECAUTION. You not only get fresh laundried towel every time you are waited on in nn- shon but to please the particular class I have Installed a sterilizer that .subjeets evsry towel to.- 220 degfoes of heat which Insures nosoiuieiy safety from Infection that might pos sibly come from an ordinary launder ed towel. St. Charles Barber shop, 7 Unvwood street. L. F. Mallicote, Prop. CUTLERY. This all important line has received a great deal of our thought and atten tion. In pocket knives we carry every thing from a boy's knife with a chain nt 10c to a line Pearl handle combina tion knife at $4.00. .We consider the Robeson pocket knives, made at Rochester, the best American made knife. The price is very reasonable .,.i ih nonlitv verv high. See sam- ,,!,. m our display case In front of uir.i-o en II In and try one. We also carry a few of the celebrat ed Goo. Weston holm & Son. made at L.1..H1..M t'ni.ii.nit You know what ihpv nre. Our scissors Is the best American . , t v'ta .fc- Sons. Newark, N. J. They nre made of solid steel and fully nun 11 n t oorl. ' In Razors, we carry J,Wiss & Sons, I Catarongiis. H. Baker, Keen Cutter, and the Robeson. ' They arc all guar anteed and you run no risk In buyins, any of these makes. Safety Razors, we have them nit. but tho Enders Dollar is tho pick ol thmn till. Tinners' Snips. J. Wiss . Sons are so ., . i..... . ,.,m llnd and the price is way low Call on tis and let us show you these g Is. ottls Green Hardware store, on the square. . P.ETTF.R THAN HAND WORK. Irf-t the Quick Service Pressing club nt ;:9 Patton avenue do your work. This shop is equipped with the latest made Sanitary Steam Pressing ma chine and can do your work more thoroughly than It Is possible to do bv band. Join our cluh ana gei monthly rates. Phone 904. IT. REDWOOD & CO. mention best of values In White Goods of all kiniis All Linen Suitings in many widths, T.lnens. Planes. Flaxons, Persians. Kiw.rettns. Klrehenes. India i Linens, NYUnsoolis, Cambrics, Long Cloths, &e AT 27 NORTH MAIN STREET. That Is my new location., 1 have opened up With a big new stock of furniture that will be sold at prices that Is sure to interest you. My friends helped me to unload mite a lot of my old stock by buying it prices that were great bargains. 1 am still making the same reduction on all of my old stock and will con tinue the sale until I have entirely lused it out. When 1 say old stock I mean the stock carried at my old stand. The . best place to buy household furnishings Is where you can always t vour money's worth.. Come down and let me convince you that this Is ilwnys the case when you buy from me. W. L. MOORE. CONSIDER COMPETENCY. A place for all tho people to buy drugs Is the place where competent la first considered.1 To meet the de mand has been the constant effort of this store. How well we nave sue ,.u,.iu,i la nroven bv the constant in crease In our business. The public has nlwnvs appreciated our erroris 10 crtvo the best In drugs and the best uarvlnA The nubile has a' right to i. ..,! ti,iipipnt and iniiniui sei ol..a wViarn life or health Is involved aii ,Hieitiea sold bv us are fresh and - . pure. A full and complete mm u Eat Pan Calies mane from Wheat Hearts Self-Rfclng Pan-Cako Flour, Superior toButpkwheat easily digest ed. Mix with equal measure of sweet milk add nothing. Fry on hot, well greased griddle. Pure wheat product with soda, salt and phosphate ad ded, Makes the most delicious cakes light, porous and done through, and through. The basis of this flour Is Wheat-Hearts cereal in which the starch Is dextrinized by superheating thereby preventing fermentation and presenting the nutriment In an easily digested nnd assimilable form. Rec oiiiinetided to dyspeptics Wheat Hearts Co.. Health-Fond - Mannfac hirers. USE P.1LTMORE WI1 RAT-HEARTS the Ideal Breakfast Food, a Real Health-Food. Appetizing- Easily di gested. A Pure Wheat Product. Hy a special process of superheating the starch granules are ruptured nnd a considerable portion thereof dextriniz ed, thereby preventing fermentation and presenting the nutriment In an easily digested and assimilable form. Three minutes ill actively boiling wa ter prepares It for the table. Use four measures of water to one ' of Wheat-Hearts and Stilt in the prnpor tlon of a heaping teaspoonful. to a quart of water. I'.e sura to add enough salt. Wheat-Hearts Co., Health Food Manufacturers. The, following new books are to be had at Hackney & Moale Co.: "He Comes Up Smiling," : by Chas. Slier man; "Jno. Raven," by Emerson Hugh, author of 54-40 or Fight; "Polly-only," by Edgar Jcpson, author of The Admirable Tinker. All of the late novels are now on sale there. THIS WEEK ONLY AT T1IF. VARIETY FAIR. Maiigiiltlconl : Kaimonas, regular price $!(.r,(i for $4,110 this week only. Come down to 12 Battery Park -place and see the many beautiful things that 1 have to show you. A tine selection of Manderine Coats, Ki monas, Luncheon Sets, Laces of all kiniis; Dress Patterns, Crepe de Chine and Pongee Dresses; Baby Irish I jn o, etv. If yon fall to visit this exhibit you are missing the most elaborate dis play of the above goods ever shown In this city. You are sure to tind things you want and at prices to suit you. if you Hon t want 10 nuy, come oown anu feast your eyes on the many pretty things this store contains. A cordial welcome awaits you. Respectfully. T. RAZOOK, : Buy n Durham Duplex Demonstra tor, and shave yourself, no stropping, always ready. Price 35n. Blades 50c. Raysor's Drug store. THE TIME AND THE I'LACF. Tills is time of the year for everyone to brighten up fhe home with paint and fresh wall paper. .The place 10 buy the material is the Hxeelslor Paint -Paper House..-." 34 N. Main street. 'Phono Ul". We will lie glad .Mrs. A. I. to help you in planning vour decorations and if you give us your contract the work will lie -rtrmw bv verv best workmen. We are sole agents for F.ecker. Smith &. Page, the noted manufacturers anil design ers. 4000 rolls of late patterns of wall paper for you to select from. No contract is ton large for us to han dle. This is why we get government cunt racts. . W. ONLY EXPERT WORKMEN do work when you have R. L. Fitzpatrlck & Son on the Job. Our line of Im ported wail paper this season Is ex tremely line and shows a decided change from anything ever attempted In novel designs. It us help you plan your spring "decorations. Con tracting a specialty. A few odd pat terns ol wall paper cheap. Do you know Gudger that when you burn the genuine "M. & W." coal you are getting more heat for less money. This Is so. because there Is less waste in this coal t:ian other coal sold at the same price. The genuine "M. & V." isonly, sold bv. the CuroliimCoil Tcer Co.', '3D Patton '"avenue. 'Phone 130. The following new books are to be hnii nt Hackc.ev & Moale Co.: "He Comes Up Smiling," by Chas. Slier man: "Jno. Raven." by Emerson iriiBh. author of 54-40 or Fight "Pollyooly," by Edgar Jepson, author of The Admirable Tinker. All of the late novels are now on sale there. No home Is complete unless sup plied with a first class Range and Modern Sewing Machine. We have both at attractive pi'teen and terms to suit nil. Our Cameron Range Is un surpassed. We handle In Sewing Ma chines, The Standard, New Home, White and Free, all high class ma chines. We solicit your inspection of our Standard "Sit Straight" machine. Would lie glad to have you call in and see our line 111 me i,ckhi euiiiims Aslieville Sewing Machine company. Phone 1509. EVERY HOME , NEEDS GOOD MUSIC. The best music can lie had if von have a Holmrt M. Cable Piano. This Piano Is remarkable for its fine sinuinir dualities, sweet tone, easy ac tion and great durability. Our club method is meeting with great buc- ccss. Let us toll you about It. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE, The Aslieville Automobile company sells Columbia Dry Cells for 30o each. Denatured alcohol fur K5c per gallon. Whiz Metal Polish 40c quart, liTie for half gallon and $1.00 per gallon. Why pay more? LOGAN. MERCHANT TAILOR, im porter of Woolens, announces arrival of New Spring Fabrics for ladies, and irenllement. IBal building, Puck Square, Aslieville. YOUR SHIRTS To fit properly and wear satisfactorily should be made to your measure. r ....1. .... .ip lnrn ilianhlV nnd S0- ,M17. ' ' - ,1 i,iiiii in, -1 ...ii toilet requisites both imported ana 1(i(,t ymir )1!lttprns today. Made to measure shirts arc great values ai CONCERNING FLORIDA V KG F.T AISLES. The season for Florida vegetables' has opened. To the delight of house keepers, the appearance of a vnriei of fresh vegetables insures a change of menu, which has become monot onous during the scarce winter months,- As usunl this bm- wvlt he fur in the lead in quantity, quality, variety nnd low prices. Grocers, ho tels, boarding houses and housekeep ers should get our lists and prices be fore buying. Ownhoy's. the Vegetable leader, 25 Monlford Avenue phones 56. People who wait till the last minute to buy what tliey know they will want soon, mav do well to begin to look for a. bariiiiin in that line. Now Is the lime to begin hatching little chick ens, and the best place to buy an in cubator is from J. M. Campbell,-ai Sinner's Cash store, a bargain In new and second hand ones. Let J. R. RTCH CO. enumerate: that the public may know that they an get any quantity of the following materials tnai tney nesire irom men store at No. 21 North Main Street, we keep a large supply on hand at all times. Bath Tubs, lavatories. Water Closets, nil kinds of kitchen sinks. laundry tubs, range boilers, Jacket heaters, laundry stoves, hearing stoves. ranges and conk stoves, stove pipe, 11 and water buckets, tinware, pig lead, sheet lead, lead pipe and traps, nickel plated and brass fittings of nil kinds for plumbing fixtures. Valves In pijie, we have Soil, Terra Cotta, Farm Drain, Stove Flue and Chimney Lining, we have galvanized and black water and steam pipe of all sizes. Pipe Fittings of every size and description. Myers Bros, well pumps. We have a tin shop and are prepared to do any thing In tho metal line. Remember that plumbing and heating 1b our main business, we want your business and we will use our every endeavor to please you and to correct any mis take made. J. R. RICH COMPANY, Three domestic at right prices. C. C. Bea- well s, South Main and Willow street Phone 201. The Ashevllle Automobile company has taken the agency for the Chase Commercial cars and expect a car load shinnient in about a fortnight and will he glad to show these curs to those Interested. Will nave 00m full panel and open express bodies, mnire from $900 up. They de- oil on the Chase curs only after several years of study of the qualities necessary in a commercial car. MR. MERCHANT HOW MANY PEOPLE KNOW YOU? Advertising brings the buyer llor together publicity W'nds small cost. ELI AS & HOPSON, 1 S-1 9 Electrical Bblg. Opp. Postoffice nnd the vi'W ADDITION ...i.... i'i.r,.f Emnorium rKehns IO nt nun . w". Sanltiiry Soda Fountain. , MOTTO: "Purity and Cleanliness; every ( glass sterizncu. Expert dispenser in charge of foun t..ln. This Is the only fount In tlu city whore every glass is sterilized. Have vou any broody hens to sell? if '. Paul Brown or phone No. 79. . EASTER 1-OOTKRV NfW HEADY. NICHOI SHOK COMPANY. If von would blow your horn, toot for Oils summer shoes, they are here In great abundance. Ymi are reitllj ,"wlng H-bout something rea and . 1 .unltv In comfort, goon look, and long wear, besides keeping -i... t. linns nir them m down prniuiior ',. , lv easy-wearing shoes. steiining lively often makes opportunities." ,,..,.1., .w.Qiionce begins when .1 i satisfied with Us present methods. The world keeps moving be on the lookout Present your name and wares with Kirkwood Farms have the best Reds and White Plymouth Rocks in the Cnrolinas. Send lor free mating list. Why not save money by using a coal that gives you more heat and less ashes. Hundreds of families in Aslieville are using the "M. & . oal. Just try the genuine "M. once and you coiiiu nni uc iihuuch use any other. The real article sold lily by the Carolina Coal & Ice Co.. .'ill Patton avenue. Phone l :. Manor. Our Oris styles asy-wenrniK mi-..". ... ... 1, nitons, bltien- ro the preuiesi ers, in tan and black, gun metal and ,,.,. You've but to come hwnm iee them to appreciate the lug to everybody. Prices range l.o $:. 50 to $5.00 and IS.00. iilwavs got vour money's worth ami wr guarantee more. Our women ..." . onient and dull call 1 I) in hi ...... , nn electric sign every night. It br.ngs new business i,i,, to bold the old. Result-bringing advertising is wbnt an Investor wants t-nono Let's figure on an Electric Sign! ASHEVILLE ELECTRIC fO. Homescekers should seek V: Our lists are very complete and we assure you of strenuous and intelligent effort In your behalf. ,,....i, should see us. lie protect the bread-winner in his lab. r 1 . m I. I luf 14 IT A 111- and the fruit or ma ". surnncerUte and Accident J"'"' Employer s Liability, Court and Fidel ity Bonds. Ray-Campbell company No. 1 Haywood, opposite poslofflce. THR RELIABLE. Will give vou jour money's worth and then some. $1.00 ii.-. ineinliersnin. or months. This entitles you to ! have one suit and one extra pair of pants sponged and pressed eac . French dry cleaning by experts. Phone 445 The Reliable, 14 Church street. HOW MUCH COAL DID YOU WASTE THIS WINTER? Kltrhtv per cent of the heat is wast ed up the chimneys wnen open gnue. are used. Stoves nnd Hot Air Fur naces nre also wasteful of neat. In Steam and Hot Water systems the coldest water always surrounds the flrepot nnd extracts and ansoros all tho available heat; nonce mu bi-.i-. economy. Tho dreariest, dirtiest, most 111s tnsteful household drudgery is to carry coal nnd ashes to nnd from stoves' and grates 110 need to do this whore a Hot Water or Steam System Is used only one -fire to care for, located next to the coal bin. !.ot us toll you more about' It. We Install heating systems that heat, and plumbing that gives satis faction. ' I'VION PLUMBING COMPANY, Phono 432. 23 N- Milin S1' "PALACE THEATER Jessie Livingston "Songs" Ailnms and Lewis "Sketch In Musical Comedy." jhi-fHowlng new books are to-be K hud at Hackney & Moale Co.: ne Comes Up Smiling," by Chas. Sher man; "Jno. Raven," by Emerson Hugh, author of 54-40 or Fight; "Pnllvoolv," by Edgar Jepson, author of The Admirable Tinker. All of the late novels are now on sale there. QUALITY OF MILK. I It Can Easily Be Determined by Uiintj Wt tandle Test. Ilcre ts a very simple way tn whlcn WE Durham Dupie.t Demonstrator., a safety razor that shaves. Trice 35c. Blades 50c. Raysors Drug store. he found parading the street In II. 1 sasaAll WO nwx Liniwirtpnfl or wen '" men. Before getting your now Easter Shoes come here by all mean ..-, utvles over and ou 11 llnd, as others do, tnai ""'"'"" ! s Is a waste or no.-. , repairing: called for nnd dcll- Alwnvs on me munic. 1 . tnhaccoS. Renders come aim " ' your favorite magazines in ...... . McFarlnnd & Co.. the ColloRe Smoke Koum, College street. New One Dollar Bills are all right and we will accept them up to any amount In payment for cigars, cigar ettes, tobaccos, candy, magazines, pe riodicals of nil Kinaa anu ir .....- 1. . nte of time. We do ex-. .,.... nnd lee tis! -We port repairing: called for nnd dellv-1 ,eadllf popuUr brands of ered. Alwijn n 'cigars! Remember our Millinery Depart ment und your Easier hat. JOHN A. GUI'FICV, Tho I Allies' Outfitter. Telephone 471. It will be worth not one but many ,iiiurs to vou should you tnKe aa vantage of tho low prices and big' values which the Beaumont Furniture company are offering In Ranges for vour kitchen. Their Monitor nanne is strictlv high grade and fully guar anteed both by them and Its makers tn cive vou perfect nnd lasting sai-s h.iin It enmex In the plain but artistic stylo now so much admired 'riiio eniiittanv handles uud recom 11, Procress Range ulso for those who wish the best range made at a low price. The Bt .iumont Furniture company will do everything in their power ' hold th contidence and esteem of air old ana t ew customers. Don't tail to visit their store at 27 South Main street. It is the "Home of Furniture Values," and values count "IT'S OLW BUT TUCK."' ml....... la nn old anvlntr "Villi Clin appeal lo a mnn through his appe tite." We appeal to our i'ii""""" bv offering superior service, quality The Stnr Market Is known throtigh and variety In Meat Food sold, out tho state as "Successful caterers to a variety of appetites" we live up to It. Star Market. Phone 66. w ore hannv to, notice that our Mtrw WHITE CHAIRS meet the ap ..mirnt of our many friends and cus tomers. Our greatest desire is to please our customers, regnrdles of ex pense. We will make several unc. Ing Improvements In early spring. Come and see us, and wo will show vou a Sanitary Shop In reality, if" Cross Barber Shop, No. 1 Patton ave nue. Parkins & Williams. I mil now In my new location. No. 8 North Pack Square. Come and see me. Speclnl prices on Jewelry this month. Fine watch repairing s specialty. Respectfully, J. E. Car penter. Every Buncombe, roter should shave. Durham Duplex Demonstra tors will do the work, with safely and satisfaction. Price SSo. Blades otic. Raysor's drug store. T Dr. C. L. Nascher. M. D., special lecturer in Geniatries, Fordham Uni versity School of Medicine, N. 1., says: "You should have good tootn ana chew vour food well or else feed upon mush." Do vou like mush? Go to Dr. Matthews nt once before It is too late and let him restore your lost teeth without a Plate. Office 55, 2. 27 New McAFee Bldg., cor College and Spruce atrueta near tho court house. Phone 949. P.PTTERICK Is the Sign of Quality, Get vour Patterns of II. RKDW'OOD CO. Butterlck Experience, Butter irk Influence in ill the capitals 01 tie world. Butterick Knorinons capital the three combined have given an enviable supremacy. COLIG11TI.Y" ON THE PPJCF.S ON THE SQUARE." Before the dissolution' of the firm of Deal nnd Goliglitly and the open ing of tliis store bv the present com pany -(the Gulightty Furniture Co.) the following phrase had become a household saying "We give you a square Deal and Goliglitly on tho prices". We ve changed me punise hut not the principal and back up the statement in the strictest sense. Wo are In the business to stay we look to the future ar.d every trans action is made with "an eye to tne r,,t,o Mutinied customers. mean i.i.i-mnnenL natrons and valuable pub licit v that cannot be bought through ti,., ne of nr titer s Ink. come neip 11s with a new start to lay tne inun dation for a successlttv nusiness. You'll llnd us willing to meet reason able demands as to the payment 00 what vou may purchase from our wen assorted stock of new and second baud goods. GOLIGIITI.Y FURNITURE CO. . 10 N. Pack Sq. Buy vour boy a fine suit for Easter. II. REDWOOD & CO. have Just open r,, :i big lot of tempting designs. IN NEW QUARTERS. The A. I Mcl-ean & Co. Sheet Metal Works have moved to new quarters nt 95 and 97 Patton avenue. They nre now occupying tne nuiioitm next to tho Southern Express t o. office, which Elves them spnetous iiiinrinn for handling the large amount of business they phono 705. I am now in my new location nt No, S North Pack square. Come nnd see me. Fine watch repairing a specialty. Respectfully, J. E. Carpenter. do. Tcle- PA LACE THEATER Jessie Livingston "Somrs" Adams and Lewis "Sketch in Musical Comedy." a nt'ESTlON AND ANSWER. Is there nny difference between the flickering & Sons Tlano una me CIHCKKRINO BROS. PIANO? If there Is, It is generally acsnowi edgeil by the Trade that the Chieker ing Bros. Is the Superior Piano. For sale at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE. PALACE THEATER Jessie Livingston "Songs" Adams and Lewis "Sketch In Musical Conwily." IMPROVE THE FURNISHINGS OF YOUR HOME. We show a most extraordinary line of handsome furniture. Through fortunate trnde circum stances we offer great values. Tho display comprises everything desirable, nn linoqualed assortment. Every piece of furniture has been chosen for Its high standard. Each year shows style changes even In furniture of proved popularity. We center our efforts on tho selec 'tlon of high grade products. If you appreciate unlimited variety nnd moderate prices, deal here. Favor this store by a tour of In- SEE H. REDWOOD ft CO. ror ns,,,,iny,ra'r(, welcome, in r-m'seta Thev carry R. R., Nemo, Warners. Ferris' nnd other proved makes. Gauze Underwear lately opened and more now on Hie T.OII1C FOR NAME HERE. Find vour name In this nd. and get rending free. Prof. Gorfton, Clair voyant, Spiritual .Meuiuiii, riui' and Astrologer. Are you In trouble, worried about business or aomestu affairs, not aide to see your way cienr : Come nnd be convinced of my ability to help vou in all affairs of life. Ev erything revealed: past, present, fu ture, business, love, marriage, reunites the separated, removes all evil Influ ences, brings happiness and success Satisfaction guaranteed. Free tests. Special 50c Readings for Two Weeks, mrs in e race. Hours 9 to 9 dally nnd Snnilav. TI1K OZARK, 78 N. Main St. w hen leavlne Aslieville or when re luming to Aslieville be sure to let the Vahevlllo Transfer Moving ii storage company handle youv baggage. Your baggage chocked straight from house to destination when you show your ticket nt our ofllce. Large moving vans and brick storage warehouses, torage rates reasonable. Olllce 60 Patton avenue. Phone 210. Estab lished 20 years, and reliable. Mrs. E. to test the quality of the milk y buy. First siir tho milk with a spouu in order to disseminate Into the whole liquid the cream which may have come to the surface. Theft one vol- umo of milk Is poured Into fifty vol umes of water one fluid ounce to two and a half pints. A candle la lighted . In a dark room. Take an ordinary ' drinking glass with a tolerably flat j and evea bottom and hold it flgUC above the candle at a distance of : about one foot from it, so as to be ! abla to see the flame of the caudle j through the bottom of the glass. Thett ' pour slowly the diluted niillc Into the glass. The flame becomes less bright as the level of the liquid rises Into the j glass. The flame Is soon reduced to a dull white spot. A little more liquid j slowly added, so as to avoid pouriug j an excess, nnd the flame becomes ab-1 solutely invisible. All that remains to be done ts to measure the height or the liquid in the glass, this being most conveniently ascertained by aipptng Into It a Btrlp of pasteboard and then measuring the wet part It should measure not over one iuch if the milk j is pure. With good quality milk, di-1 luted and tested as stated, the depth ; will be about seven-eighths of an inch before the flame is lost to view. A j mixture of one volume of milk and a ; half a volume of water should show 1 a depth of one nnd a half Inches. A t depth, of two inches Indicates either 1 partlaily skimmed milk or a mixture! of one volume of good milk and ouej of water, and so on. I I The process is based upon the close ! '. relation between the opacity of lullk i nnd the number of fatty corpuscles contained tn It Both (skimming and Hie adding of water work in the same direction namely, to decrease the opacity of milk. The same canuot be j said of tho density. Skimming in creases it Adding water decreases It I aud the common test that consists in the mere introduction of the lacto- densimeter in milk is worthless, , skimmed milk may have a uornial , density if care has been taken to pour Into It a certain amount or wuter. New York World. J. I SMATHERS & SONS way. Mammoth Furniture Store, 15-17 North Muin St Have you any broody hens to sell? If so, see Paul Brown or phone No. 7, . 1. Great Guns et Old. We are uccustomed to think of large ( cannon as a very recent Inveutloti. Yet as long ago as 1543 it certain Ralph Hogge of Buckstead, in Sussex, cast large guns, and a pupil of his, Thomas Johnson, In 1595 made for the Karl of Cumberland "forty-two cast pieces of ti-reiit ordnance of Iron." These weigh ed 6,000 pounds-three tons-aplece and, we are told, showed very tine, smooth workmanship. All the smelt ing was done with charcoal, of which it took three tons to smelt each ton of iron. Also all the ore vt-as carted from the mine on pack horses, which took a load of about 0 pounds each. The immense amount of labor and eMieuse may be imnglnHd.-Loudou 0-ubiC . 1