I ; Y Y Y I Y Y Y Y I I I Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y I " ' Beautiful Easter y y y ? ? ? ? .? y ? t y ? t Y T ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Our Millinery Department is well stocked the largest assortment of trimmed and imtrimmed hats ever shown in the city for ladies, misses and children, T Our $5.00 Hats equal any $7.50 elsewhere. ' & Our $7.50 Hats equal any $10.00 elsewhere. A Our $10.00 Hats equal any $15.00 elsewhere. f & Our $15.00 Hats equal any $25.00 jlsewhere. 4 - ...... V j.f, . Millmepy Trimmed Hats Values $5.00. to $7.00. - '-irv '-" - '! r -f . L !-, A-" ' ' - it i Special $3.50 02.9& 01.98 Ready-to-Wear Department "We show a popular priced stock of suits, dresses, skirts, etc., that can not be duplicated for the money south of Washington. Styles arc the latest, models the prettiest, quality reliable. ? J . . T Y Y t Y t T Y Y I People's Department $ Store Y Y Y Y Y 40 & 42 Patton Avenue. Sumner's Former Stand Y Y Y Y Y THEGRUNER SANITARIUM Ajtiertlks N. O. No. 2B-S1 Haywood Street. Phone U4. HYDRO-THERMO-ELECTRO and MKC11ANO-TIOTIAPY, DIKTIOS for selected case of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, ' Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronlo diseases. -The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium Is open both LADIES and GENTLEMEN. PUb"C- B1UKful ' Open from S a. tn. to p m. Saturday till 11 p. ra. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Iront and Heating Apparatus. ' W. A. WARD - Vs' 12 Church St hone 449. THE GOSSARD CORSETS , "Thef Lace la Front," MISS HUFF, EXPERT C'ORSETIKRE -ROO.MS 27 and 28 American National Bank Building;. We Buy Anything AND Sell Everything S. Sternberg & Co- Depot Street. .Phpne333 REFUSED TO DIUMCIET Mrs. Pruitt Attributes Her Suf fering in Later Life to the Fact That She Kept Her Condition Secret When a Young Girl. HIGH SO CEQIE , TUXES 0. TOGHT Subject One of National Inter est and Debaters Have Been Studying Hard. JUST TRY A TEH CENT EDX OF GASGARETS Insures You for Months Against Sli k Hctuladie, Biliousness, Con stipation or a Bad Stomach. Hickory Grove, S. C. "I was In bad health before I married," writes Mrs. Mary Pruitt of this place, "but kept It a secret, as most young girls do. . 1 am sure If I had taken Cardul. the woman's tonic, when I was young, course they feel confident of victory. I would not have gone through seven Jit was known yesterday that a large Tonight at o'clock in the High school auditorium the High ; school will meet the Waynesville High school In debate. , It Is . understood that, the men from Haywood county are strong debaters and that the Ashevllle boys will not have a walk-over; but. of years of suffering. Soon after I Was married, the trou- number of Waynesville people were coming In to witness the contest, and i!i,beCan "tTfJ 1 Wa rC.ed ? th. public of Ashevllle are earnestly seek relief. - I tried every doctor 1 1 .,.' ,j , ... -.. TV... -.m saw, and live different doctors in one town. They claimed they could cure me, but all failed, and we decided that Crowded wwuiu never ue wen. i naa sucn aching and drawing pains in my back be no admission charged and it is expected that the house will be Waynesville was given the choice of subject and side, and took the I .1 .! 1 I I- T I -I ! UUIJJLV1 imei inu nrov, ni i vreuiu cry ,,. , ,,,iir,n- "Ho. and scream and tell, my husband that 0,ved That ,he Unlted States own I was going to die. Finally, one day, he read In the I dies' Birthday Almanac about Cardul, the woman's tonic, and got a bottle for me. After taking the first dose, I felt better, and after 'using one bot tle I never did have any More pain. It relieved me at once. I can never praise Cardul enough." Cardul has been found to relieve women's pains rind strengthen wo men's weakness. ' It has stood the test of time. Try it, and manage all telegraph lines of this country." This subject was debated a few weeks ago in the High school, when Hubert C. Jarvls, who was on the affirmative side In the prelimi nary, and Charles Tennent of the negative side were chosen to repre sent the High school. Mr. Jarvls was the winner of the set of books given by Prof. R. C. Goldstein to the best debater in the High school. Wallace B. Wright will be Asheville's alter nate. The Waynesville debaters are Put aside Just once the Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oils or purga tive waters which merely force a pas sageway through the bowels, hut do not thoroughly cleanfee, freshen and purify these drainage or alimentary organs,' and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stomach. ' ' -1 Keep your Inside organs pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thorough- cleanse the stomach,' remove the ndlgested, sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste mat ter and poisons in the Intestines and; bowels. . . ' A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great, by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken 1 and cost only 10 cents a box from I our druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Bilious ness, ' Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach of . Constipated bowels. Cascarets belong In every household. Children just lovo to take them. Inspection Being Made of Stale Guard Ambulance Company Providing for Amusement Seekers. ' rV f.'16 t0: ,AdV'ry Buel Hyatt and Leon Ward with Sam in: , ' l. , v,nau.iiuuKa iueuiiue v -u, Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions and 84-page book, ''Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request.. BANQUET OF BARAGIIS PROVES GREAT SUCCESS About 150 PresentThe Teach er, Mr. Craig, Presides Speaker of the Evening. lllipMDBIfjK S3 II. V. Touring Car $000. An unequalled aulnmubllo value Ask users about our IIiirs of cars add take thrir testimony. They are used In Ashevllle and are not a "doubt ful" quantity : 1 i Piatt aB alternate. ' ' , i . The subject is one of national in terest and Is one which our congress la soon to take up. Supt. R. J. Tlghe will preside and Principal Thomas H. Franks of the Waynesville high school will be time keeper. The judges are- Judge Junius G. Adams. Mark W. Brown and W. H. Cole, principal of ' Hcndersonvllle high school. To say the least, the audience will Kiln ome information on this live topic, for all the debaters have put weeks of time on the question. HAIR HEALTH lit Vqu Have Scaln, or Hair Trouble, , Accel Tills Offer. When we promise your money back fnv th. niero nsklmr if KpxaII "93" The banquet of the Baraca class of T. Trtio ilnm not do as wo claim it ho First Baptist church hold at'the wlll you certainly have no reason for Buttery Park hotel last night was a success iu every respect. There was nil attendance of about 150 members, the menu was most appetizing, and a number of Interesting responses to oasts were made. A few Impromptu speeches were delivered by the guests present, and at the conclusion of the bnnquct a group photogruph was made by Ray. E. C. Green, president of the class, reviewed the hiBtory of the organiza tion and told of the growth of the growth of the class, paying high trl bute to the teacher,- Locke Craig. Mr. Craig acted as toastmaster and Introduced each speaker with a few well chosen words. . The first toast was responded to by Judge J, C, Prltchard on the subject Daniel as an Example for Toung even hesitating to try it. We do not ask you to obligate yourself in any way. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonio and continue to sell It as we do, if it did not do all we claim. Should our en thusiasm carry us away, and Rexall '93" Hair Tonic not give entire satis faction to the users, they would lose faith In us and our statements, and tn consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, whew WVauce- you that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimu late hair growth and prevent prema ture baldness, you may rest assured we know what we are talking about. We honestly believe that Rexall 93" Hair Tonic will do more than Men." In referring to the life of Dan-1 any other human agency toward re- lei, he told of the temptations, that I storing hair growth and hair health. It, is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It Is as pleasant to use as cold water. It comes in two sizes, prices 69 cents and (1.00. Remem ber, you can obtain it only at our store The Rexall Store. Smith's Drug Store, corner Pack square and South Main street, had assailed him and how he had overcome them, such temptations as come to all young men. 'Success" was the subject to which R. R. Reynolds responded and he enumerated some of those qualities whluh go to make success, Our Teacher" was the subject of Dr. L. B. McBrayer's toast. He paid tribute to the teacher of the class and then praised the members of the class, which he said Included some of the city's most successful young men. J. C. Martin -spoke on -"Christian Manliness'' and he declared that the world needs young mon who have the courage of their convictions. Rev. C. B. Waller's toast, was, "The Baraca Class and Its Influence," and he dwelt on the work that Is being uono uy liiij omm ub. . ... xr: i Mr. Craig made a few remarks, ex- IQCOreS Hi WUUB wiui, A.uig vui pressing appreciation of the honor of I teaching the class and for the words I lege 7 tO 0 and 7 tO 2, 1GS Ol KinuilCHH irum wie BHeuneis. . Short talks were made by C. S. Da- terdaV AfteniOOn. trl MronDiinv nf WavncMl l llf I v and Judge P. C. Cocke. AM TAKES TWO Spar Tims. I Bingham took both games In th If you have bait an hour to spare, I double header with the baseball team - , 1 . - I , , t"l - i .. . 1 ... tl.,.M,.la don't go end spend It with a man who hasn't-Sldney Lewis! . i tiaauiacsi' ma 4 Hupncbiles I.RC.AutoWago8& Garage Opeii Night and Day, Shipment of 32 H. P. Ifupmo biles ana I. It, C. Auto Wagons en route from fiictorles. !0t Illustrated booklet of 40.000. mile zigzag - "around world" journey of iQ UP. Hupmoblla, WAGONS MACHINERY Agricultural Implements A complete line of the Light Running "DEEUINQ" HARVEST- t EUS, Mowers and Rakes, Dlsp Plows, Harrows, Planters, "Blus Bell" Cream Separators,' eta, ' "Superior" Corn i Western Carolina Auto Co "Walnut & Lexington. Tmirlng Car to Rent by P. II. Johns CHrollna Auto, Co., or I'lione HI, Phone S90. X -Invo mils at Oarage of Western lVIilady Toilet Tfable of King collcgo of Bristol at Riverside ark yesterday afternoon by decisive scores. The tirst was won oy me score of J to 0; while the score of the second game was 7 to 2. The visitors were simply outplayed, at at) singes' of the games. Norton's home' run for Bingham whs the feature of the after noon. ' this aftefnopn the King college team plays the team of the ABhevlllc High school In the first or two games, the second to be played tomorrow af ternoon. Thq local team Is confident of winning, and as this team hus di vided honors with BlnnUam, the odds itro net unfavorable, 5 RALEIGH NEWS NOTES Raleigh, April 5. Five metal boats, cedar canoe and a gasoline launch are being placed on Lassiter's pond, few miles west of the city, for the benefit of amusement seekers this summer. . The pond extends lor a mne upstream and boating will prove an Interesting diversion. Col. Thomas Newton Wood, United States marine corps, stationed at Bos ton, Is a visitor in Raleigh. Colonel Wood's grandparents lived in this county and he has been on a visit to the old home place. Col. S. Westray Battle of Ashevllle. surgeon general, and Major William ,yster of Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., med ical corps. U, S. A., are In the city to Inspect Ambulance company No. 1 of Raleigh. . ' The funeral services over the body of Mrs. Orange Hervey Ashe will be conducted from Christ Episcopal church tomorrow , afternoon. Mrs. Ashe was a young matron and was bright and attractive. As Miss Her vey she was ono of Raleigh's moiit popular girls. A charter was Issued yesterday u the Citizens Mutual Burial Insurance association -lot .-Ashevillc; no capital stock; Incorporators, Roy Palmer, John W. Nipson and. p.thers. . DO YOUR EASTEJC SHOPPING HERE -.. . . , . ..." Now Spring gooik arc awaiting your visit Suits, Dresses, Dress and Street Hats. , Shoe section is display ing a most complete linef higli and low white foot wear, afso Oxfords for men, women and children. Beautiful Spring and Summer Hats, Prices. . . . . .$1.50 to $10 ; . Coat Suits $15.00 to $40.00. Dresses $3.98 to $39.75. Skirts $2.50 to $15. Spring Coats at $12.75. Evening Coat Suits in Pastel Shades.. ............ $27.50 JlUwe;of BoysVSuits'for Easter, f "7 T .- '1 JTOff TWr SAVtt YOU MONEY I Great Money Raising i- - "Sale sof FURNITURE is drawing the crowds. We feel gratified with the splen did showing we have made so far, Many are buying now and saving money on every purchase. Why not you? Everything reduced. Quality tlie highest, prices the . lowest." ' NEW DEPOT Southern Hallway Is Building It. for Freight at Biltmor -Old One. Burned. PREMIUM LIST FOR OUR BIG LUTELY FREE SALE ABSO- To every customer making a cash purchase of to $10, one Beautiful Framed Picture 20x24 Iik-Iipx. Those pictures are real works of art. Sec them in our window. With every cash purchase of $10 to $25 we will give, absolutely free, a beautiful Velvet Bug,, size 27x5-1 in.; assorted patterns. With every cash purchase of $25 to $50 wo will give a beautiful $5 Japanese Art Square; size 9x12 feet. . . The southern railway is building a I new freight depot in Blltmore, which! comes as a most acceptable Improve-1 ment to tha-residents of. that village, and those people sending freight and express from the Biltmore Btation. Since the old freight depot was burned last summer, the business has had to be carried on in a freight car placed on a siding in the station yard. The new building is going up raDidlv and promises to be a fine structure. BEAUMONT Furniture Co. 27 South Main Street DEALS IN DIRT. A simple home, treatment that keeps tlm htilr fine, clean, fluffy and glossy, Is dry shampooing' once or I wiio a momn vfii moron. To pre pare the powder, put a. cupful of 'urnnicul (or four ounces of tioW' 1 1-red orris- root) in a fruit jar and mix with ll a small original package of tlWrux. Kurlnkle.a little on the head and brush It out thoroughly, and It will luko all dirt, dandruff and exscss oil with It. A luxurious everyday toilet neces sity of the choicest material can be nmdii at home at little cost by sim ply dissolving an original package of mayatone In a half-pint witch hazel. Cover the, face, neck and arms with tnis solution, anu us purity, nnenem i . v -p.., -rj p and velvety ioftness will prove deslr-1 AddreBSOS Dy K6V. r.. Cm able and refreshing to the most sen altlve skin. It beautifies without that 'powdered" anpeurance and holds as no powder doea A solendld remedy for sores, skin erubtions, pimples, eesema and slm liar beautv destroyers Is Mothers galve. It heals cuts, burn and scalds I The Worker's Institute hold yester- without leaving a scar, and Is recom-lday at the nrst Baptist church came mended for obstinate sores. It-Is an-1 to a close with the session last night, ttseptlc as well as healing and tends I which was attended by a large number to nrevent blood poisoning. I of people. There were addresses oy ' Probably nothing Is more humlllnt-lRev. P. E. Burroughs of Nashville and lnr to a woman than hairs on her I Judge J. C. Prltchard; and Rev. C. B face. However, these rsn be quick-1 Waller presided ly removed by applying delatone puste. Mix enough powdered dela tone with water to cover the hnlrs leave on for two minutes, then wipe off, wash the skin, and th hnlrs will b gone, L. H. Merrell to A. B. Bagwell, one- seventh Interest In land adjoining the! lands of Augustus Pinner and others, consideration $200 A. F. Mathews to Roy Schreyer, lot I in West Ashevllle; consideration $350.1 B. Li. cunningnam to a. a. uagweii, , . , . 0KQl,,fKr one-sixth Interest lit land adjolningp""'" mai Blc u.u,v.v t,u. land of W. J. Tow and others; consul-1 v OT1iv flS o-ond. hnt better eratlon $200. . . ' ' .. k. a. Moss to c. c. Ramsey, landman Mother used to make. In Leicester township; consideration $50. B. D. T. Roberson to D. V. toie. lot In Leicester; consideration $2000. J. A. Fine to C. C. Ramsey, land on Turkey creeK; consideration ou. Board of Education of Buncombe county to D. V. Cole, land on New found creek; consideration $1. J. B. Buckner to C. IL Buckner, lund adjoining lands of E. Morton and others: consideration $1100. T. M. Andrews to P. D. Anders, lot In Hazel ward; consideration $75. J. It. Sellers to S. D. Hall, lot ll) West Ashevllle; consideration $10 and other considoraUons. j. W. Keener to A. U' Morgan, lot In West Ashevillo; consideration $1, 000. W. N". Whi taker U A. B, Bugwell, land on Burleson mountain; consider ation $13.88. J. Z. Ktroup to Andrew Bagwell. land In Falrviow township; consldera. tlon $70. C. H. Cunningham to A. B. Bagwell, land, tiu Llnifslono township; consid eration iyv i, f ; CAKES AND PIES Made fresh every day of ma- All kinds of cakes and small cakes for parties, dinners etc. Asheville Steam Bakery Why Not increase your earning power by taking a Course in business at the Asheville Business College. Do not think so much what It costs to get the training. Think what it means to have the training. A knowl edge of BOOK-KEEPING AND BUSI NESS is indispensable In every suc cessful undertaking. A knowledge of Shorthand and Typewriting pays divi dends through life. Neat, Rapid Pen- miinuhln tu I n vu 1 111, hi o. Why not get this training now at the Asheville Business College, April Is a good time to begin. We want thirty new pupils to enter this month. HENRY S, 6HOCKLEY. 4D17t. Principal. z fiSTlTOTE PROGRJM CIIRBIED OUT Bur roughs of Nashville and Judge J. C. Pritchard.. PIBH 11 II The program for the day, which was published recently, was carried out. Those Attending were much pleased with the work accomplished and It was decided to hold similar meetings every three months, i Fa- Bring lioatlwd by .Vslievlllc People. A little backaclui at first. Dally Increasing 'till the back is lame and weak. Urinary, disorders may quickly fo low; Propsy and often Bright's disease. This frcQuently Is the downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Follow the advice of an Ashei'ille citizen. J. C. Williams, 62 Woodtin street, Ashevllle, N. C, says: "When I used Doan's Kidney Pills tliey did good work and I am glad to again recom mend them. " The action of my kid neys was Irregular and the kidney se cretions were unnatural. My back botred me and at night I was rest less. Mornings when I got up, I felt all worn out. I heard, about Doan's Kidney Pills and getting a supply at Smith's drug store, used them. - They put a stop to the difficulty and made me feel fine. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tht nam Doan's add take no otbsr. f t i ? t i Sewing A Pleasure To IIkj tired seanistress it seems impossible that sew iiiK coulil ever be a plea sure, but it can. Let ah elec tric motor tin the bard work. Then all the woman lias to do is to guide lier seams. It sounds almost impos sible it is true. Motors may be attached to anv standard machine, then it's good-live to all the back- I y ? t X ? ? ? Y aches that used to accompany te Fall sewing. Phone .y us for infonnation, or better still call. Asheville Power & .- - ,. ,' u Light Company Phone '69 r ? Y ? ? ? ? ? r t Y V Y Y Y Y