t " r v LC3 LT'QOl o Flame THE- I r -H n U I til k GREAT .lEDlCHIE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. Templeton Regained. Health through Lydia E. Pinkham'a Compound. Hooper, Nebraska; "J am very glad to tell (low Lydia KPinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me. For five years I guttered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to Jo my work. I took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I bad such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. nnkham s Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take, it By the time I had taken the seventh- bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a well woman. Atone time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. .Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would not take $1000 and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone. "-Mrs. Susie Tem pleton, Hooper, Nebraska, . ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. ' It is a record of constant vic tory over the obstinate ills of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has re stored heal th to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don't you try it if you needsuch a medicine! LOtm JOSETH VASCE in.ih.ai- aria t POLITICAL ANNOUKC3-MZNTS. ANNOUNCEMENT . Editor Gasette-News: X hereby an ounce my candidacy for the nomi nation to the office of Register of Peeda (or Buncombe county, subject to the action of th Democratlo Prl mary. -.. ; , - : 4 ""C. P. .WEAVER. .', . . WsavervlUe, N. C. Mr. Reynold' Annonnoemeat Editor of The Gasette-News: I bet to announce myself a candi date for the democratlo congressional nomination In this, the Tenth district . ROBERT R. REYNOLDS. FOB REGISTER 07 DEEDS Jan., 18, 1111. Editor of the Oasett-News: - -I shall seek the nomination : (or the office of register of deeds in the next democratic primary election and shall be very thankful (or any votes that I may receive. r Very truly, . J.,'''",.:,-; , J. J. mackey. I hereby announcement my can didacy (or Auditor of Buncombe County, subject to the action of the Democratlo Primary. , This the 17th day of February, ... - -. . B. M. LTDA. FOR TREASURER. Editor of The Qasette-News: I hereby announce myself a candl- dldate (or re-election to the office of treasurer of Buncome county, subject to the action of the Democratic prl marie. T. If. DUCKETT. , For County Auditor. To the voters of Buncombe county I hereby announce my, candidacy (or ' County Auditor, subject to action of the next Democratic primary. WE M. CLARKE. FOR TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself a can'JI , date (or the office of tax collector of Buncombe oounty suhpect to the ac tion of the democratic primary. ' B, A. PATTON. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a can didate (or the nomination (or treasur- er of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratlo primary. . WILL W. PATTON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Democratlo prl mary. .., ,. V C. F. WILLIAMS T hereby announce myself as a can dldate (or re-election to the office of County .Auditor for Buncombe Coun ty, subject to the action of the Demo rratlo Primary to be held some time In May of this year. ROYAL J. 8T0KELTJ foii auditor, I beg to announce myself a candl' date before the Buncombe county democratlo primary for the office of County Auditor, and feel that my ex perience In book-keeping and In aud Itlng commercial accounts qualifies me tor this office. Soliciting your support and promising If elected efficient ser vice and courteous treatment to alL Respectfully, JAMES H. CASE. Ooprlga IMS, by ImIi Jomj Van ; CHAPTER XXXIV. A night of velvet blackness, softly opaque, lay .upon land and water, The police launch, shuddering with the vi brations of a motor running at high tension, sped down the silent reaches of Rangoon River like a hunted ghost She ran without lights, these having been extinguished by Couch's direc tions, regardless of harbor regulations or danger. Happily the horr was late enough to relieve them ot much fear of trouble with other craft; the upper reaches of the river were practically deserted. In the bow Couch was handling the wheel with the nonchalance of one from, whom the river had no secrets by night or day. To O'Rourke it seemed ho light task to pilot so slight a craft at such high speed through that Stygian darkness; yet the sub-chief was accomplishing the feat without a discernable trace of fear or tremor of uncertainty. O'Rourke sat beside him. In the stern a police orderly acted -as me chanic, attending to the motor. These three, no more, made up the rescue party. , ' ' Though devoured by Impatience and anxiety, O'Rourke forbore to question Couch, hesitating to divert his atten tion from his task and knowing that as soon as he could the young lieu tenant would speak. From the time when the coolie had yielded, there had been not a second's rest for eith er; neither had had time to confer save on questions of the most imme diate moment; and control ot these Couch had voluntarily and naturally assumed, deciding, acting and direct ing in the same thought apparently. "Your wife, with Miss Pynsent said Couch abruptly, without looking round "at least I presume it's Mrs. O'Rourke, from: what you say have been kidnaped by a gang of highbind ers and are now aboard a junk in the lower river, which will sail for God- knows-where at the turn of the tide. That's the on.y thing that saves 'em We'll be on 'em before they're able to force a way down the river." O'Rourke groaned, holding his head with both hands. "My wife , he said brokenly. . "J know," Couch Interrupted grim ly; "I know how you feel. Miss Pyn sent is there, too, you see." "Oh," said O'Rourke, "I didn't un derstand that . . , I'm soxry." He dropped a hand on the younger man'i shoulder ynd let it rest there briefly. "Pleasa . God," he said reverently, "there'll be many another polluted yellow soul yammering at the gates ot hell this night!" . "Amen!" said Couch. . . . We sha'n't be long now." Silently O'Rourke removed his coat and waist-coat his collar and lawn tie, and turned back his cuffs. "Even ing clothes' are hardly the thing to fight In," he said; "but I'm thinking 'twon't make a deal of difference to me. . Got any cartridges for a Webley mark IVT .- ,f ' "Wheeler ! has. Give Colonel O'Rourke a few, Wheeler," said Couch, addressing the orderly. .. The latter rummaged in a locker and pressed into O'Rourke's hand half a dozen- cartridges, with which the adventurer proceeded to replenish the empty chamber in his revolver. ; "I'd only discharged one," he ob served, ''but 'Us likely we'll need that even, with only the three of us against a Junk-load." i "Oh, I telephoned for reinforce ments, of course," returned Couch. "They ought to be there ahead us." "What did the coolie tell ye, if ye've time to talk?" Couch laughed. "I daresay you're wondering bow I made him speak at aU." - "That's the true word for ye." "I threatened to cut off bis silly pig tall and send him naked and dishonor ed to the ghostly halls of his ances tors. It's wonderful how much those callous bruteB dote- on that decora tion. I told him further, that if he lied, when I found It out I'd return and shave him bald as an egg, even if he were dead by that time. So I per suaded the truth from him, the Whole story from his side of it" "I'm listening., . ; ' (To Be Continued.) J. If. Woodward for Register of Deeds. - I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds for Buncombe, subject to the action of the Democratlo primaries when held. J. H. WOODWARD. Democrat N. C March It, It It. " FOB COUNTY TREASURES. Oaiette-News. X hereby announce myself a candl date (or the office of Treasurer ol Buncombe County, subject to the mo tion of the Democratlo Primary. J. EDD. BROOKSUIRB, . inlM. N, a ,3 ALCOHOL 3 FEB nivT AgefableRieparattaiErAs similarM teftoo" amlltaJiiia (IngtlieStomadisaiuiBowiof FrortiotesDitoHoiiXlieeffii ness and RestXonialns neidur Opium J4arphioe narMmraL MOT NARCOTIC. ttfoujkatmima JbcJam Him For Infanta and Children. Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought - Beard the Signature of Aperfect Remedy forConsflf tion . Sour Stoinadt.DlaiTl!Ki WonusjCoiwoiSKmsjewnai ness and Loss OF Sixep. TatSinSe Signanut of NEW YORK- Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years f t t ? T t 5 Reels Daily 5 ; -". ... The Place Where Everybody Go es r n ' ' '" " ' TP A TO I I III II J I II I I I M . Showed to more people last week than all Vaudeville, Moving Pictures and Theatres in Asheville combined. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? sCA ? ? ? f t t ? I People of Asheville Recognize Quality 1 Music and Pictures That are Really Worth While. -Electric Flat Irons 6 lb Irons $3.50 , 81b Irons $4.50 . The convenience and albor savinj? advantages as well ns Hie economy in cost of opera tion should appeal to every modern housewife. SEE OUR DISPLAY I Asheville Power & Light Co : PHONE 69. ? ? ? I t t t t t f t t t ? t ? t ? T SPECIAL MATINEE PRICES This Week Between Eleven A. M. and Six P. M. FIVE, GEM' Is there anything In all this world that Is of more Importance to you than good digestion? Food must bp eaten to sustain life and must be dl Kcated and converted Into blood. When the dlgeBtlon falls the whole body suf fers. Chamberlain's Tablets are a ra tional and reliable cure for Indiges tion. They lncrenae the flow of bile, purify the blod, strengthen the stom ach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to s natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers. Make ever "Ppwtsa Bale" tvmiu tlvat yoar ad readers Isani U Irs lb I boK feb seJ. . A EEMINDER. Those old DasTierreotypes of grand fnther and grandmother and Aunt Mnry. and then the quaint pictures ol father nd mother taken Just after th war money couldnt buy them from you. lr , ' Are yod forgetful of the fact that future generations would cherish Jusi such pictures of youT HAY S HTUDIU, Orer NW Iii.l'S K1"0 btcr, ' f f f, t' t : f;: t: ;: t: f:: f, y:: X:: When It Is i lorlng Logan- queatlon of good tal--thufs all. UMAX, i Tailor to Ladle and qentlemen. Legsl Building, Pack Sq. - Phone 77. Asheville. N. C. , iit ill tx IA V To Everybody. Evening Prices, FIVE AN! Six Until 10:30 P. M. ) TEN CENTS ? ? t t ? t ? ? ? t t t f ? ? t t t ? ? ? ? ? ? SALE OP IiAND 17XDEH TUI3ST OEEU. Default having been made In, the payment of weekly and monthly In terest as provided for by the terms of a certain deed In trust to the under signed, made by J. J. Hill and wife, M. E. Hill, .to secure promptly the payment of a certain sum of money mentioned and dest-rlbed therein, In consequence of which default the whole debt secured hus become due and payable and the power of sale contained therein operatlvo, notice Is hereby given that on Monday, May 20th, 1912, between the hours ot 12, noon, and 1 p. m.. at the front door of the court house In the city of Asheville and State of North Carolina, the un dersigned, by virtue of said power und NOTICE The undersigned, the Piedmont Di rectory Company, Publishers of vol ume. No. 11, city directory for 1912, desires to state that the name of Dr. M. J. Costello was erroneously listed In said directory as "retired," when us a matter of fact, he was then and Is now a practicing physician In the City of Asheville, holding license from the Medical Boards of North Carolina and Pennsylvania. We recognize the Injustice which such publication might work to the practice of Dr. Costello, and to over come the same we have taken im- V. 1 ... f.ipii.l III Ih.i terms of trust deed, will offer for salol' -"- to the highest bidder, lor casn, me following described piece, parcel or lot of land, to-wlt, a certain lot situate, lying and being In the city of Ashe ville, county of Bundomli.i and state of North Carolina, and described by metes and bounds as follows : Beginning at a stake In the south margin of Coleman aver.o. In the city of Asheville, the northwest corner of lot No. 13, of Bloc 2 of plat of lands of Woolsoy Improvement company, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe county. North Carolina, In Record of Deeds No. 132. page 200, and runs thence with said margin of said avenue north eighty-six (8(5) degrees west sixty (60) feet to a stake In the south margin of Coleman avenue; thence south four (4) degrees seven (7) minutes west sevenly-scve'.t and forty-three hundredths (77.43) feet to a stake In tho line of lot No. 12 of Block 2 on said plat; thence with the line of said lot south eighly-slx (8fi) degrees east sixty (60) feut to a stake, tho common cornor of lots Nos. 11. 12. 13 and 14 of Block 2 on said plat; thence with the line of lot No. 13 north four (4) degrees seven (7) minutes east seventy-seven and forty three hundredths (77 43) feet to the beginning, being a strip of land sixty (00) feet In width on the eastern end of lot No. J2 of Block of said plat, and the -same conveyed to said M. E. Hill by W. I Moore, by deed dated April 1st, 10S, and recorded In the olflcc of the Register of Deeds afore said In ltecord of Deeds No. 153, page 698. For further particulars reference Is hereby made to said deed In trust as recorded In book 66,'page 103, of the Record of MorUagos and Trust Deeds for the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina. , , This April 17th, 1912. F. 8T1KEU2ATHER, reeled In each directory issued where in the same error appears, and cause this notice to appear In each Issue of the daily papers of Asheville for a period of thirty days. PIEDMONT DIRECTORY CO. Men's and Youths High Grade Suits i -at- LOW GRADE PRICES A pleasing variety, a big new stock just received. Gem Clothing Store 6 Patton Ave. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Ironf ; and Heating Apparatnii. W. A. WARD 12 Church St Phone 449. CHICHESTER S PILLS I.B.Mo.1 A-kl..rll,MH A M.obfft.-r,a l(I.M,jI(PKIIA I'MUla II. d .! ...Id ,,M..lk h..c ie!..l ma 111. KlUwn. V scuiwc:wiSL,.u;,.:::i AMERICAN COMMISSION COMPANY 29 S. Main St. , Come and save $5 on your New Suit. $2 saved on Boys' Suit 29 S. Main St. TltUSTKE'S SALIi By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by W. H. Haynes and Emma llaynes to the undersigned trustee, dated the 14th dny of February, 111, and duly' recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C. In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 86 at page 73 to which refer ence is hereby made and default hav ing been made In tho payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale there- -In contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on Monday, the 27th day of May, ut 13 o'clock, niMtn, sell at public auc tion, for cash, at the court house door In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina on the North fork of Big Ivy on tho Henry McKInnlnh branch and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a beech near tho branch, a corner of the ll-nry McKlnnlsh tract and runs northwent with the McKlnnlsh line to the north west corner of tho McKlnney tract; thence north to 'Wesley Burllson's line; thence with his line to the Mc Klnney line: thence with tho M-Kln-ney line to the beginning, containing forty cres more or Ii-sh, This April 25th, 1912. ' (Signed) JOE M. BUULI:!OM. Tim'.