Monday, May 6, 1912. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-KET7S. T ft H"1 trvr -m I.. ..I-. ComcTomoi row andlnvcsti gate Special Sale In Our Bargain Basement ......Below we mention a few of ihe many things you'll find in BASEMENT: . '. ' . our BARGAIN Ladies' and Misses' 23c and 50c Straw Sailors for.... .... .5c each ' Ladies' and Misses' $1.00 to $1.98 Sailor and Embroidery. Hats for 25c each 33c "Water Color Window Shades for . .v... ';... . .: . . . . . i .. . i . . . . .15c each One lot of 75c Lawn Shirt Waists for ... ...... ; ...... . ...10c each One lot of Children's Black and Tan Hose, 10c and 15c kind, for . . . . .5c pair One lot of Ladies' Embroidered and Plain 15c and-.25c Linen Collars ...... 5c each 'One lot of Silk and Leather 25c Belts .... ... ... . .... . . . ...... .... ... . .'. .lc each One lot of Ladies' 25c and 50c Neckwear for . . . . . . . . , ...... .lc each One lot of Straw and Fancy Hat Braids for .lc yd . One lot of Ruching, 25c and 50o values, for ........... ? . .....5c, neck size One lot of Chinaware, 10c to ;5c values, for- ......... .:. .... ... . ... .5c each One lot of Hair Ornaments, Side Combs, Hair Pins, Barrettes, etc.. . ...... .5c each One' lot Belts and Silk Girdles, 50o to $1.50 values, for ... ..... ... . .,. . . . .10c each One lot of Silk Cloves, Mitts and' Leather Gauntlets, 50c to $1.50 values, for 10c pr One lot of 25c to 50c Beltings for . .5c yd One lot of Jewelry, such as buckles, baby pins in sets, j veil holders, etc., 10c to :. v 25c values, for .-.v. ; . . : ; rr& tV5. v'.w; ; . ; ; .' ... ........... lc each One big lot of Remnants, consisting of silk, velvets, table linens,, towelings, cur-, tain goods, ginghams, calicoes, percales, dress linen, white goods, silkolines, etc., in waist and dress lengths, all marked down for closing out price to almost nothing. One lot of odds and ends, ladies' silk dresses, voile dresses, challie dresses, chiffon dresses, $10 to $25 values, for $5.00. One lot of Messaline and Taffeta Silk Petticoas, $4 and $5 values, for . .$1.98 ' To make it interesting for Tuesday's shoppers, we will give a splendid discount - of 10 per cent all over the store on irierchandise which has not been reduced. ' People's Department Store 40 and 42 Patton Ave. SPECIAL PHICE OFFER AT PRINCESS THEATER VETEPAN5 SPECIAL LEFT FOR ANNUAL Special prices will be Riven at the Princess theater all this week be tween the hours of 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. A feature of today's program is the singing of Tom Sanders, the lyric tenor and the "Frisco Trio." The fol lowing pictures art on today and to night: '.' . , lill of IVnnnce. Henry Kitchj a young American, arrives in Spanish California in tne year 1820, but hardly arrived when it was his 'good fortune to rescue two younR ladies from a band of ruffian. Refusing to pose as a hero he goes qn his way and presents a letter of intro duction to Joaquin Oarrilfo, and much to his surprise again meets the young ladies he had so recently protecteu. 'He is much Impressed with the younger one,. Donna Josefa, ana as time goes on presses his suit, which is encouraged by the Spanish don. That the young American is not to have a free Held In his love adventure is soon demonstrated. Two Cars Parked Last Night for Accommodation of the Old Soldiers. Sumner's Former Stand. Serra, a Spaniard of means. Is also namored of the fair Josefa. Serra learning that Donna Josefa is about to marry the American, attempts- to prevent the ceremony by underhand methods. Ills schemes are. frustrat ed and the sweethearts elope and are married. A year later Fitch and Josefa re turn to Josefa a home, where upon serra's instigation Fitch is arresiea and tried for violation of the laws of the church and territory, and con demned to imprisonment and banish ment, unless he will produce penance and reparation that can be noticed through the whole of the. Pueblo. Good Father Vineente suggests to Jo. Befa that Fitch secure a bell to place in the empty tower of the church, as the original one had been stolen many years before. A month The special train bearing the Con federate veterans of this section to the annual reunion in Macon, left the city this morning at 7:30 o'clock, ac companied by District Passenger Agent J. H. Wood. The train will reach Macon at 8:30 o'clock tonight, There was quite a large -number of the veterans aboard- when, the train pulled out from Asheville and they all seemed happy at the thought of an outing and a chance to revive some old time memories of the days of 01 05.. . ' Two coaches of the train were park ed on the yards here last night so that Junlpperro aI)y wn wished might spend the night there, and this courtesy of the railway was taken advantage of by a good many of the old soldiers. They as sembled at the coaches early and a few hours were spent in story and song before they prepared for a little rest before the long trip today. THEJ1KET8 New York, May 0. Acute weakness was shown In the stock market's open- Inn prices today. The general ten dency was downward. -.-' Further recessions were recorded in the first hour. , '.'' , United States Steel was apparently later I singled out by the short interests and Fitch stands before the three Judges. J was steadily offered down to 05, a A midden commotion eoes through loss of 3 5-8 points from Saturday the whole court; everyone Is listening The low level on the early trading re AJ r-mA - J U. S. Department of Agriculture. . WEATHER BUREAU. OnV WILLI L..MOORE. Chief, 4-a 9 L6 4V 5Z. i ; ASHEVILLE. N. 0., May 6, 1912. ' 1ST J?' m i i ' in 'YQ"74 4U US A 6 O 300 " : EXPLANATORYlNOTRS Observnllonit token Bt I .' 5l5th merldlnn time. - Air pressure reduced tofse lewl." Isobars fcontlnbou lines) Ps toronitlj po'"? or equal air pressure. (Isotherms (dotiud lines) pass tliroucb points of c4ualu:mporature: drawmouly for aero, Ircniuu, air, ami iiw. O clear: partly cloudy; O Wloudy: rain; no; report mlailng., ArjowaBywItbi'hewUiarl'lrstnKures, temperature; secoud, pri-vlpiuiilou' of .01 iuchfor more for pastzt hours; tbird, maximum wlDtvelocUy.mi?-f-. 1 to an unexpected sound. The bell that was silent now rings again Young Fitch, addressing the court, says: 'This is my penace and repara tion, which I offer to the church. Its voice can be heard and noticed throughout the Pueblo, and will, in timet o come, proclaim the wisdom ;ind clemency of this court.' " Vaiil In Own Coin. Marguerite Morcland goes for a drive in her runabout. On her way she has to cross a railroad track; the sate is open and a train rushes by, destroying-the machine and injuring the young lady. THE I'EATHED fcBMPIRATURB. 7 IS it fl Is Asfinvlllo 61 72 Atlanta 04 76 Augusta i. 08 82 Haltlmore f(l i C! lllrmlnghain 4. 04 80 Charleston . 73 78 Charlotte .i. . 04 1 70 Jacksonville .... 70 84 KnoxVille . 62 80 Mobile ... 6X 80 New Orleans a.. 0B ' 8(1 New York . ... .. . 40 54 Oklahoma ....02 82 Halelgh h. . 04 78 Savannah '......... 70 80 Spokane i. . 42 00 Tampa .' t.. 70 88 Washington - . 68 66 Wilmington ... ... ........ 06 70, Normal for this date: Temperature CO; precipitation .11 Inch. Forecast until 8 p. m. Tuesday for Aolievlllo and vicinity; Local showers tonight' or Tuesday. , . For North Carolina: Local showers tonight or Tuesday; moderate south to southenst winds. - ' - " ;-iii-rnl t'ondltioiiH I'ost H Hoirtrs. A moderate disturbance which Is centrul over North Dakota has cauned rain in the northern plains states n.nd tho upper Mississippi vsilley.' Rain hns also occurred In the Atlantic const states, the lake region, the Ohio val ley and the gulf states. Frost Is re ported In Nebraska, Maine, Monti-cna, Utah and Wyoming. Tho following halvy rains (In inches) have been .re ported during the lust 24 hours; Cin cinnati, 1.24; Corpus Christ!, 4.34; ('ulvoston, 3.64; Houston, 3.78; Fort Worth, 1.12; Meridian, 1.18; New Or leans, 2.44. : Locul showers are lmll en tod for this vicinity tonight ior Tuesday. ., i' , DiH-k Fin S!or. ' The following scores were made In the Y. M. C. A. duck pin tournament Saturday night: ' ' Total Askew. .... . .117 110 99 3I!6 Preston .. . . . .108 105 87 300 Cooper . . . . .102 97 81 280 Young .. . . 91 109 87 287 Vanstoi-y .... . . . 93 84 , 86 209 Barnes! . . . . . . 93 84 86 209 K. U Clones ... 91 77 75 243 Hurt 77 97 . 77 233 Williams .100 101 112 319 Hamm.erslough.. . 75 84 77 230 Honesa . 98 114 90 302 Terry ...... 93 . 106 110 309 IJpinslcy . . ., . .100 ' 85 101 280 Carter -i. , .... 82 81 102 265 Thomas' Jones... . 78 75 86 239 Johnson 101 92 100 293 Allen .105 100 98 303 Juckson .... .115 113 108 335 suited in a complete loss of a major Ity of the gains made during the rise of the past six Weeks. A feeble rally In the second hour was followed by renewed offering of United States steel In blocks of 1000 shares at further loss. Some improvement was noted in the noon hour, market leaders holding better. Selling pressure show ed signs of relapsing generally. Cotton Advances; Market Nervous. New York, May 0. The cotton mar ket opened firm today at an advance of 15 to 19 points and before the first hour ended sold 22 to 25 points higher or nearly half a cent above last week1 When the young lady is able to get low level on active general covering "Uncle flabrlel, nr.e you In favor of votes for women?" . "Docs you all mean, sun,- dat me un' lAm does favah It, den. Ifcnt would be 84." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. around with the aid of a crutch, her father engages the services of- Her bert Hammersly, a young lawyer, and n the association he loses his heart A suit for heavy damages Is instluted ind the railroad attorney pretends to assist the plaintiff. He invites her to automobile rides and dances, which sho is ill-fitted for, but she consents, thinking it will please him and assist her case. At the trial the lawyer shows his hand and brings witnesses to testify that the girl could not be much injured when she can enjoy the atmosphere of tho ballroom. The l-case is ldstrand finally the young lady is restored to neaitn uy the aid of a famous surgeon, who per forms an operation. The association between Hammersly and his client de velops into a strong and beautiful love. After Marguerite is fully re stored her beauty attracts the atten tlon of tho treacherous lawyer, and he falls mad'y in love with the girl he has trlcl.ud. She permits him to offer her moderate attention, until he can no longer control himself and he proposes to her. Herein Is her re- veneo: she refuses mm anu scorns him and has the satisfaction of seeing him retire broken-hearted." Cardinal WmIsy, . "King Henry the VIII. Is giving au dlence to his courtiers, surrounded by his chief advisors, including Cardinal Woolsey. Among the guests who at tend this Impressive reception is the Anne Bolnyn, one of the young ladies-In-waltlng to the . queen, displacing the estimable and admirable Cath erine. He confides his desire to one of his sycophants,' who makes It pos ailtln fni him tn fret n. D-lininne nf Anne at her toiletto in the seclusion of her h'"n 'I'Por i.,ii wabasn "Ho appeals to Cardinal Woolsey to Wauiisn set aside the tenets of the church and consent to his divorce from the queen. The cardinal absolutely refuses to do unvthlnir ttn inimical to' h i office, as ronrrt.nnliil Vn nf f ho Hnlv Son. This I May angers King Henry, who Induces theJ"ly Archbishop of Canterbury to call special council, by order of the king, through which he divorces himself from Queen Catherine, In punishment for his refusal to accede to the king's wishes, the car dinal Is exiled to Leicester abbey. He Is a sick man when hi- enters the monastery, and ho dies three days aft erward, conscious that he had bus talned the sacredness -of his office, martyr to his faith and of service to his king." Panama iHthmus, 1012. ."In this film, which was taken tin der the auspices of the United States government, the auditor Is taken on an Intimate Inside trip across the en tire canal zone. The first scenes show the Pedro Miguel locks and the whole process of building these gigantic walls and gates of concrete and steel. We are shown huge cranes carrying snnd, rock and cement to the mixers. Then the carrying to and dumping of the cement upon the locks. . Mlra- flares locks, the top of the gates at Qatun, the huge conveyors and cranes at Gatun, and , on Interesting pano rama of (Intun lake and locks gives us a thorough understanding of this phase of tho great project. Then we are tnken to tha.Culehra cut region, where wo follow the work as it pro greases rapidly under the porfoi-t sys tem directed by the most skilled U, S. A. engineers. -The drills, stenm shovels spreaders, trains, dupmers, etc.. are all shown and we and bull support. The tone was nerv ous. Trading was rather less active late in the forenoon and the market ruled 4 or 5 points off from the best, STOCKS. Open. Atchison 1051 Amer. Locomotive Amer. Smealting Atlantic Coast Line.... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Baltimore & Ohio Amal. Copper ........ Canadian Pacific ...... N. Y. Central , Colorado Fuel & Iron Chesapeake & Ohio 78 Erie ... ... 342 843 109 82 2571 118 Close, 105 42 83 140 82 108 80 250 117 . 27 78 34 Consolidated Gas 142 130S 408 118 Great Northern pfd . . . Illinois Central Mo., Kans. & Tex Louisville & Nashville. National Lend Missouri Pacific Norfolk & Western . . . Northern Pacific People's Gas ,, 108 Pennsylvania 123 123 Pvock Island 27 Ilock Island pfd Heading 172 Amer, Sugar Refining Southern Paclllc Ill St. Paul 107 Southern Railway 28 Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Copper .... Union Pacific 168 IT. S. Steel 7J U. S. Steel pfd 110 1302 127 .... 27 157 157 .... 55 40 112 118 20 54 172 128 109 100 28 73 42 108 05 110 i.fd NEW YORK COTTON. .0 BUICK, Model 43, $1875.00. F. 0; B. Asheville. : ARBOGAST MOTOR GO. Nos. 69 crJ 71 South Main St. : - ' Phone 1728 August ... . September . . October ... December . . . Spot 11.80. Open. Close, , 11.23 11 . 11.30 11 . 11.37 11.04 . ..... 11.04 . 11.50 11.71 . 1158 11.85 NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. This Li to remind nil Democratic candidates for Congressional, Judicial, County and Township Offices that their nnmes must be filed with the undersigned Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Hun- combe County on or before 10 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, May the 8th, as provided by section 14 of tho Primary Election Law for Asheville and Hun combe County. J. E. SWAIN. Chairman Democratic Executive Com mittee. . Office 402 Oates Building,. Asheville, N. C. 74-3t THE MOST PLEASANT EM PLOYMENT FOR WOMEN Is office employment. Situations are secured every week for graduates of the A. P.. C. Miss Allenla Ball was placed this Week al. steno-bkkpg In tho city; also engagements were closed for two young men to bogln work by the twentieth. NEW PUPILS: Mr. Leon Ward, leave Tuscola, N. C, will enter Monday and Culebra after viewing an Interesting "there are expected next woek to nnnnrnmn of the entire cut. We are make up a new class in snonnana now taken to. Panama City, on the anci typewriting. Pnrlflo coast, and after viewing tho hituatiunb: rne following sunn irnrlr shifter and Its almost human tlnne are unsupplled: Hook-keeping functions, we can Indeed say that we nnl gcnerol office work, girl preferred have seen the canal tone and Us vast work under better conditions than most of those who travel to the sone In jierson. small salary to begin; stenography, railroad company, man, $70,000; book keeping and stenography, city, ready Mav 80th, very good salary. THE NEW CIAS8 In shorthand New Shirt Waists Are you a good judge of shirt waists? If you are, hers an opportunity to display your knowledge. f you are not, you can't go wrong Either way, come and see what an extraordinary value iu a waist we have on sale for 98c. :- New Silk Petticoats, Hosiery, Neckwear, New Lac es and All Overs; Gloves Muslin Underwear. New Wash Dresses A complete showing of Wash Dresses for juniors, misses and women, juiced from $1.25 to $12.50. Black Serge Skirts " A new model in All Wool Serge Skirts, - that is worth $(i.50, our special price $4.98. Pongee and Linen Coats Dusters at $2.49 and $3.98. Silk Pongee Coats at $10.00 to $17.50. Hep Coats at $5.98 to $8.95. , Linen Coats at $5.00 to $8.50. Children's Long Coats, Ages 6 to 14, at $3.98 Rain Coats A wide range of Bain Coats for women, misses and children, priced from $3.50 to $10.00. Also Rain Capes for women and children. Linen "Coat Suits Here you can find just the Linen Suit you had in mind, at the right prices. Linen . Suits up to $10.00. Wliite Cotton Corduroy Suits at $7.50. Cream Serge Suits and Skirts Cream Serge Skirts at $fi.OO. ' ! .' If in need of a white serge or cream serge suit, come here we can save you money. Teacher The right to have more nt typewriting will start between the than one wife Is called poloygamy. h and th of May. Would be glad a-lfo is ai-;" v PLK . Llppln-! I'"' HEN i. ii .h.. tiv .in. ifn la al. to nave you join mis nos. TTIIIIl IB H " 1 ...,, rf-.. .11..,. ,Y1 .. .. k mimr. north HENRY 8. SHOt'KLEY, Principal. lowed a man? Willy Monotony, colt's Magazine. -Tr JTOC'rrtArm'C YOU MONEY" i Madame Janette De Canter HAIR DRESSER AND BEAUTY DOCTOR . ' OF ' CHICAGO AND NASHVILLE, TENN., WITH The Asheville Dry Goods Co. Showing a most comprehensive line of natural hair goods Newest ideas in switches, puffs and transfor mations made from Your Own Hair Switches and curls made while you wait. Try Madame De Canter's Hair Tonic. It will re move dandruff in six to twelve treatments. ,We will he pleased to have the ladies call. '", .."....d THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY l..r.... I Mu'am.- I t5 i7'' ' - l J I I tHiRKNlnpnflMaaahMfcOMH ASHEVILLE. N.C. -iMl-IHMPIM''l" "a-" 19 I LllMIMIWWIMIMMIlUMMttlllllllWIIIIMIIHMliW Q Tax Listers Notice We,-the undersigned ; Tax Listers and Assessors, will sit in the grand jury room on the second floor in the county court house on Wednesday, May first, 1912, and each day thereafter during the month of May, as directed hy law, for the purpose of receiving the tax lists of all jiersons and cor porations suhjoct to tax in the corporate limits of the city of Asheville. ' This April 29th, 1912. P. STIKELEATHER, w: W. WEST, MRS. RAC1E ADAMS, Tax Listers. 1 AMERICAN COMMISSION COMPANY 29 S. Main St. Come and save $5 on your New Suit. i, $2 saved on Boys' Suit . MKN'S AM YOVTIIS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE PRICES A PLKASINO VARIETY, A TilO NEW STOCK JUHT ItKCKIVrcn. GEM CLOTHING STORE lTTO AVK. On lag wven you will llml tin- con dition governing tli Springtime I.ji lc loiitclt. . . ';

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