r "7 r Vednesday, I'ay 8, 1312 THE ACHEVILLS GAZETTE -NEWS. People's Department Store f 40 and 42 Patton Avenue. Sumner's Former Stand The people of Asheville and 'vicinity' are finding out that our store is the place for genuine bargains. OUR MOTTO (Holds Good) We Underbuy! We Undersell! Everything we sell is as good as flw best and as cheap as the cheapest. Come and Convince Yourself on DiarrhDca, Dysenferj MSPISSISG OH LUKE JURORS ARE DRAWN FOR nj aad kindred troubles mP EffiSSs DENIED Iff L.F.NORTDN MAY UNO JUKE TERMS m 'ft' LSI aquentlv fatal owing to I bykKlaK Answer in Case of Edward H. Both Are Terms for Civil Cases at all times a bottle of I . , ' Jennings vs. ju. r . nonon OLD DR. BIG6EFTS Huckleberry Cordial !t will sootbe and mllar the inflammation instantly. Ask TOurdrUEiist;he knows. Serial No. 7. Price 5 and soe per bottle. Send lor Confederate Veteran Souvenir Book free. Mid. onlr by Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co, Allan ta,Ga. again to have charge of the depart ment of music. The medals were awarded yester day afternoon as follows: Oratorical, F. G. Woodruff; senior essay, F. G. Woodruff; Bible scholarship, C. S. Norburn; declalmer's, C. K, Hughes; Junior essay,- A. C, Gibbs; expression, Lulu Miller. Filed in District Court. and Each Holds for Two Weeks. 7. In the case of Edward II. Jennings! vs: Lee F. Norton in the United States Before the county commissioners nrifoiirned their court vesterdav after- District court for the western district noon the jury nsts for the May and of North Carolina, which was Instl-1 tllne orrn nt u.mprinr court for Ihn tuted a few weeks ago by the filing of ,rlai of ..,., ases were drawn. The a complaint by the plaintiff in the nst for the May term, beginning on case, an answer has been filed in the the twenty-seventh, follows:., , onice oi iepuiy iurK w. si. nyams. I First Week The complaint alleged that the de-1 n M. Whitaker. C.enrire A. Murray. tenaant was trespassing on the prop-I M. Fi Brackett. E. B. Chambers. G. I W. Holcombc, S. L. Forbes, J. C. Cole, II. S. Hyder, J. II. Hall, Fulton O'Kel- ley, A. J. Carver, C. C. Lord, W. R, THE V'JEATHEB UMPKIUTORa, n 33 n Asheville ... ... ........ 67 70 Atlanta . . . UO 70 Atlantic City 46 52 Augusta ...... 66 76 Baltimore ... 62 64 Boston ... 44 52 Charleston ..... . . ...... 66 80 Charlotte 62 76 Chicago ... ... ......... 54 78 Denver ... ... ........... 44 66 Hattoras ... ... ......... 64 76 Jacksonville . . . ......... 70 86 Key West 78 86 Knoxvllle .............. 62 72 Mobilo ... ... 70 80 New Orleans 70 82 New York 46 54 Raleigh ... . 66 82 Savannah ... ....... 68 80 Tampa .-. 74 86 Wilmington 64 78 Normal for this date: Temperature 61 degrees; precipitation :11 Inch. Forecast until 8 p. m. Thursday for Asheville and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Thursday. For North Carolina: Generally fair tonight and Thursday; moderate west winds. General Conditions Past 21 Honrs, 1 ' The barometer is relatively low over the entire country this morning with the principal cyclonic center over 'northern Minnesota where the barom eter is below . 29.50 Inches. Rains have occurred In the eastern lake re glon, the Atlantic coast states, the Ohio valley, ' the southern plains states, the gulf states and southern California. Cloudy weather prevails over the north Atlantic states and over a portion of the gulf states while In other sections of the country it Is generally clear. The following heavy precipitation (in inches) has been re ported during the last 24' hours: Au gusta, 1.36; New York, 1.84;- Savan nah, 1.18; Wilmington, 1.62. Gener ally fair weather is indicated for this vicinity tonight and Thursday. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. ; WEAVERVILLE GflLLE BONDS THE ISSUED ...' For $15,000, for Purpose of Enlarging Faculty Elec tion Honors. At the meetings of the board ot trustees of Weaverville college, held yesterday afternoon and Monday aft ernoon, the matter of enlarging the collego building was thoroughly dis cussed, and U was finally decided to Issue $15,000 in bonds for this pur pose. Those bonds are to be issued at onco and placed on the market so that the work can begin as soon as possible. It is planned to tear down the wing that was erected several years ago build another wing back on the line with the original building. This is to be three stories high. The plans have already been drawn, but they include two wings which will not be erected now,, only the main wing to be constructed at this time, , The trustees re-elected O. 3. Dean president of the college, M. A. Yost, teacher of . languages," Miss Lassie Reeves, teacher of English, The teachers of mathematics and sciences were not . elected.. John Starnes is crty of the defendant by Ashing In the artificial lake at Toxaway Inn and using the lake in this way for the en The society medals went to the foi- I teriainmcni or nis guests, it was aisoisloope D. Uosg R. Edwards, R. L. Francis, R. W. Roberts, W. B. Hunt Richard T. Smathers, J. A. Clinton, J, M. Blackwelder, W. H. Burnett, It, W. Johnson, Second Week. C. C. McKinney, J. M. Herren, J. K. Ensley. M. T. Rhinehart, J. T. lowing: Delphian debaters', R. F. I alleged that means were being used ("rouse; Delphian Improvement, J. F. I to uttract the fish from all parts of Hackler: Delphian deelalmers', C. S. the lake, thus doing irreparable In Norburn; Cliosophic debaters', Hubert I jury to the plaintiff, wherefore a re- Owen: Cliosophic improvement, H. E. straining order was asked, and thie Combs; declamation, N. Rogers. was granted. Ycstcrdav afternoon there was al in the answer it is denied that the mass meeting of the alumni and stu- I defendant has ever trespassed on the I Cowan, G. A. Pickens, E. P. Gilkey, dents, together with tne Doara . oi i ianas or ikb ui me piaintin or ai trustees. at which an association was! lowed his guests so to do. Further, formed in the interest of the school, that when the artilicial lake Was built It is known as the "Students assocla-lby the Toxaway company, water was tion." and the alumni are included in backed up on the property of the de- the membership. Officers were elect- fendant rendering it valueless except ed and there were a number of en thusiastic speeches. The purpose of the organiation is to get behind the lor fishing and that the lake includes large part of the land of the de fendant and borders on considerable .school, to work for its permanent itn-1 other lands owned by the defendant. I tenth A, B. Dillingham, John H. Jenkins, T. M. Tarpley, J. E. Casey, C. D. Thorpe, D. A. Walker, H. C. Black- stock, T. B. Easley, S. P. Reed, J. B. Hill, W. R. Patterson, R. L. Carter, T. M. McElreath, J. H, Banks, R. F. Munday, D. V. Brooks, J. H. Maner, The following list was drawn for the June term, beginning on the provement and to advertise it In ev ery way possible, Guy Weaver of Ashevillo was elect ed president. Miss Lassie Reeves, sec- it is argued mat tne latter has a right I First Week. to nsn on ms own property. D E , Honevcutt. Brewster Philips, ii is men sei oui in me answer i I(laa irum n w noKmhl C O mat me action against the defendant I v -n iimwn t it T.inriKnv retary; J. E. Swain of Asheville, vice cannui oe inaintameu in me uisinci i George White, C. D. Cordell, J. R. president, and Horace Sawyer, treas- court as there Is already a similar ac-1 Teasrue Ben Morris, J. J. Parker, L. urer. uon penaing in me Btate court irio. Jones, O. A. Sterson, T. P. Brook- ' F. M. Weaver and Rev. W. A. New- iransyivania county on tne civil shire w. P. Roberts, H. M. Gudger, ell of Asheville were anions those who docket, and that a temporary re-1 T t, rlrn-o,r, m n r-!iiinw!.v w w made talks. straining order against the defendant P'atton j j Noland, C. S. Kerlee, J. MR. ALLEN TO DELIVER NOMINATING SPEECH was in force when the other action was instituted. It is further set forth that the Dis trict court could not hear the case, as the property Involved is not of the value of $2000, and it is therefore W. Nichols, B. L. Truxler, Second Week. W. T. Bradley, J. C. Plemmons, Vir gil McDnris, J. M. Sluder, W. H. Watts, W. A. James, C. B. Mclntyre, T. H. Dei nle, L. P. Aldridge, T. S. Will l'laco Crals's Name Before the '!ed. tJlJZ, ,e.m'd h'illin. EH Musiin, J. II. Carter! State Convention at Raleigh, and the restraining order which was! issued be dissolved. Arguments will be heard before Judge Boyd in the District court this Arrangements have been made by Afternoon, Immediately after the court which Felix E. Alley of . Webster, Lonvene8 for the attJnoon session aB .InrkRnn nnnntv. will TilnrA the name I . ..... . . :' B. M. Jones, D. H. Lipe, C. E. Fish H. M. Moody, M. M. Sluder, A. I. Brown, J. E. Bell, C. M. Gorman, S. A. Johnson, W. M. Lonon, W. B. Val entine, J. M. Edwards, Jackson county, will place the name of Hon. Locke Craig In nomination for governor at the state convention, which Is held in Raleigh June 6 Mr. Alley Is a very eloquent man, and more than ever before impressed this fact on the people of the congres sional district when he placed the name ' of Hon. Walter E. Moore in nomination for congressman from the Tenth district. Mr. Alley Is solicitor of the sixteenth judicial district. to whether the case be dismissed or put on the trial docket, also, as to I whether or not the restraining order I which was Issued bo dissolved. TIE NHS In "Country Life." MORE FILING CASES FOR CLERK ERIIi'S COURT In the Issue of May 1 of "Country Life In America" there Is a two, column article ' contributed by N Buckner, secretary of the local board of trade, on the good roads of this section, including sections from the Grove autoway, the Kenllworth and Beaverdam roads and one other. It is an excellent article and serves a I Yesterday the county commissioners purpose In advertising Asheville and I authorized Clerk of Court .Marcos Er mis section most aumiratuy. New York, May 8. Further selling of stocks was suggested by the mar ket's heavy tone at the opening to dav. Dealings I were In moderate volume. Reading's erratic course featured the first hour. Its strength was help ful to the remainder of the list and Old FlleS COmtlletelV EXhaUSt- recoveries were general. ine marRei luuliuucu iu nave ... ed by Recent Disposition , ;,of Cases. . ;.-.. unsettled tone during the early ses- slon. Trading was Increasingly dull in the afternoon, the market showing no leadership. Cotton Nervous and Unsettled. New York, May 8. The cotton mar- kef opened easy today at 12 to 16 win 10 pay a section or steci- nung i Hniin Prir. -non rallied cases for the tiling of papers In his I. points from tl)e openlnK figures. U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. willis L. MOORE, Chief. .. i ASHEVILLE. N. On May 8,1912 L 2L99 On 9 EXPLANATORY NOTEB,' Orawrvatlnns taken it I "m.f 15th mrTiflUn time. Air prruure reduced to 8c leol. Isobars (conttnnorja linos) tsm thrnngh points of equal sir preskure. laotbcrms tdotted lines) pass tbrouiib polnu of equal temperature: drawn ouly for oro. froeiiug, J, and lou3. O clear: Q partly cloudy; cloudy; rain; anow; report mining. Arrows Hy with the wind. Flnt figures, temperature; aocoDd, precipitation gf .01 Inch or more for past M houre; third, maximum wind Telocity. Hrv 0 lolliee, similar to those that were In 1 stalled just after the new court house I was erected. The section will contain about 112 flies, which, it is thought. I will meet the requirements for a few I years. The files are" manufactured by the Art Metal Construction company I of Baltimore, the company which fur Inished the other files. The market toward 11 o'clock 'Was nervous and unsettled, active months still showing a net decline of from 4 to 8 points, Prices gradually worked up to with in 2 or 3 points of last night's closing figures on the old crop and fully re covered early loss on the new crop nnultlnna In til Into fnrpnnnh. Prieps Mr. .rwin stated tnis morning mat i, mMl, , nP . nni, nfr trnm exiinusieu hiiu ii, was necessary inui I more be Installed at once. During the past few terms a large number of leases been disposed of and more files I have to be provided for the accommo Idation ot the documents. The commissioners also accepted the I report of A. A. Hamlet, agent for col lection and foreclosure in the matter I of delinquent taxpayers. STOCKS. CASES TRANSFERRED I From Biiiu'oiiilie .Superior Court District Court Are Suits for Damages. i. ' ' '" '. , .' . " ' ' : '-'''' " ' '' fBUICK, Model 43, $1875.00., F. 0. B. Asheville. I ARBOGAST MOTOR CO. Nos. 69 end 71 South Main St. , Two civil actions' were transferred this morning from the Superior court of Buncombe county to tho United States District court for the western district of North Carolina. These were R. E. Russell vs. Champion Fibre company, Frank Mitchell and Erastus Cook, and H. R, McFee vs. Champion Fibre company. The suits were Instituted In Super ior court only a few weeks ago and are for (20,000 damages each, the plaintiffs claiming this amount as the result of alleged serious and perma nent injuries received at the worl the defendant company. . defendants and plaintiffs are of differ ent states, and for the further reason that the amounts asked. In each ex ceed $3000. COURT OPINIONS Among TIiom Handed Dmvn Today , Are Throe From Mitchell County.i Gazetto-Nows Bureau, The Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, May 8. Among the opinions handed down this sftornonn by tho Supreme court are the following: P. II. Abernathy vs. South A Western railroad company from Mitchell, no error; Job Murdock vs. C. C. & O railroad ,from Mitchell, no error; Gus Forney vs. Black Moun tain railroad from Mitchell, affirmed. TAFT FIGHTINcTbACK Ohio Crowd Yell Willi Dellcht M the lrrtillcnt Simula IMiiince and Defense. Portsmouth. O., May 8. "I'm up against the h1I and I'm being hit," shouted President Taft In a speech het- today. "I'm being hit below the belt and I'm here to light." The crowd yelled with delight. "When I cm charged with belnR under the Influence of the Interests I hnv. m rlirht to fluht bnek and defend Phfifio !77$vmy n,,niB ""d lno m ' the 1 llViil administration," said tho president, Open. Close. Atchison 1053 106 J Amer. Smelting ... 8!t 841 Atluntlc Coast Line 1391 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 821 Baltimore & Ohio.. f 109J 109 Amal. Copper ..... I ... . 80. 811 Canadian Pacific 256 256, N. Y. Central . . . 118J 118, Colorado Fuel & Iron... 27, Chesapeake & Ohio 781 781 Erie 843 343 Consolidated Gas 143 Great Northern pfd .... 1313 1311 Illinois Central 125 Mo., Kans. & Tex 27S Louisville & Nashville i. 1578 National Lead 66 Missouri Pacific 411 41 Norfolk & Western 1121 Northern Pacific 1191 119J People's Gas 1071 Pennsylvania 1231 123j Uock Island 27 26J Itock Island pfd 54 Reading . 1701 174 Amer. Sugar Refining...' 130 Southern Pacillc 110. 110J St. Paul 101 107 Southern Railway .... 271 Southern Railway pfd... 73 73J Tennessee Copper 421 Union Pacific 1691 16911 U. 8. Steel 651 65 U. S. Steel pfd 110 Utah Copper 61 611 Wabash 81 Wabash pfd .... 21 NEW YORK COTTOH. Open, Close. May 11.33 11.30 July 113 11.44 August 1142 11.60 September 11.48 11.48 October 1155 11.61 December 11.66 11.71 January ... 1L61 1169 Spot 11.80. ' CONVENTION DECIDES THE TEXAS RESULT Texas Contest Between Taft and Roosevelt Not Yet DcHnllely Determined. . ,. Misses' Skirts Tan and Gray Whip Cord $3.98 An exceptionally well tailored Misses' or small "Woman's Skirt of the season's most wanted material, whipcord, in tan and gray, at $3.98. Silk Dresses at $6.98 For a few days we olT?r a number of Silk Dresses the season's newest models, at $6.98. lilack Serge and Panama Skirts; the best values in the city, at $4.98e Also others ranging in prwe from $1.50 up. , ; . . . . .. Wash Dresses $1.25 up..- Linen Drosses $4.98 up. Long Coats from $2.98 up. Suits, from $8.95 up. All millinery hears big reduction. Xew Shirt Waists at 98c. Silk Petticoats $2.98 up. Gloves, Hosiery, Wash Fabrics, Silks, Corsets. ; Good shoes at reasonable prices. Mothers, are you acquainted with our Poys' Cloth ing Department? You can save money in your Poys' Suits, shoes and Furnishings. " "" " ' ,,... jnTrlC JTOwft THAT tArtl YOU HOMEy" t MstVlbMC, I, Palace Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BLANCHE BISHOP Texas Hot Tomoly Girl MONTGOMERY AND WARD Comedians worth the while. , Amateur Night Friday Night - Don't miss this, more fun than a circus. Dallas, Tex., May l.-It will require tho state convention, which meets May 28, to decide between Taft and Rooseve.lt on the Texas preference for tire prefldimtlal nomination. Roosevelt had a eubstantlal load over Taft In the county convention returns received this morning when three-quarters of the ..'ountlcs had been heard '.rom. "This morning's figures were: Roosev.1l, f 2 state con vention votes; Taft. 46; unlnstructed, ! 40; contested, 8, "Nicholas Nickleby" ;:;AT DREAMLAND This Afternoon and This Evening Three Other Good Films MISS NELLA BROWN Will render a number of Vocal Selections HENDEHSOMIILLE ELECTS A DEMBCMTIC TICKET Light Vote Polled in Munici pal Contest Lightning Strikes House. Special to The Gazette-News. Hendersonvllle, Mav 8. The demo cratic ticket won in the election held here jesterdny for town comnilssion m - ,Thc candidates and their vote wff as follows: - Democratic J. C. Orr, 209; C. 8. Wlllbrlght, 215; T. L. Durham. 218. Republican W. J. Davis, 181; J. A. Brock, 154; M1. T. Pace. 165. , Tlte vote was light. v : HoiiHe Struck l)r lightning. Hendersonvllle was visited by a se vere storm last night, when the house of J. O. Morris was struck by light ning. Fire started, but was soon ex tinguished. None was Injured. A holt also struck a tree near the residence of Judge C. II- Pace and other damage was done. ... , Write lyric for the Springtime Ii.vrle CmilcMt. The fJaaetle-NewM will pay Hfly ecnln for every one accepted. AMERICAN COMMISSION COMPANY . 29 S. Main St. Come and save $5 on your New Suit. $2 saved on Boys' Suit 29 S. Main St. MUM'S AMI YOUTHS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE PRICES A PLKAKINU VARIETY, A DIG NEW KTtK'IC JUST RKCK1VKD. f GEM CLOTHING STORE rTTo. avi;. 4 m t

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