i i j - t.-. Absolutely Pure , Tho only Caking Powder mado from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE & HAPPENINGS ' ; . . .. i . '. ! More' About May Day Feto. . The friends of the' different Ashe- " ville girls that are at present at the State Normal and - Industrial . college In Greensboro, among whom are Miss Ethel Bollinger and Miss tiliza beth ilortog .of this city,: will be much 'interested in the following descrip tion of the events of this coming Sat- .- urday: ''The reproduction of the Old Eng lish- May t)ay fete which the students of the' State Normal college will give on May 18, will be an affair of unique interest, in many respects to all who are Interested In a study - of the de velopment of our own Social cuBtoms, ' but North Carolinians will find it of peculiar interest because for them all Old English customs "and traditions bave necessarily a peculiar charm. --"Queen Elizabeth, attended by her resplendent courtiers, will review the , procession , composed of personages from 'alt grades of society and-" from .. every, period, of English history from Queen. Boadica and her large bodied ' Britons down to Sir Walter Raleigh', the queen's own favorite, who rides as the Patron - of our Pageant ' The Bpectacular effect of this procession has been greatly enhanced by the his torically, correct costuming. ; "The costumes of the heralds who lead the march of the Merrymakers are especially interesting ,. to every North Carolinian, because these her- i aids will wear the coat of arms of Sir Walter Raleigh. The various groups! of May pole dancers in their many I bright, colored, holiday dresses and the garlanded May pole, drawn by oxen decorated in festive wreaths, fill us with the old spirit of the May time. The scenic 1 effect is also heightened by the mounts represent ing each, of the seasons. The spirit of spring, dressed In a loose, flowing green robe; is attended by children who represent sprightly Jack-ln-the-Pulplts, summer dresses In white and rose color is attended by dainty pink roses. ' , Autumn, .appears in various shades' of brown, and Is followed by yellow, chrysanthemums, whilst wln- - ter, all in white. Is attended by sprites who carry bunches of green. . In 'her famous crowned hat, . and ruff, and clowlng cape. Mother Goose, from time Immemorial the friend of he children, with many of her celebrat ed little people, such as Jack and Jill, Mistress Mary, Humpty Dumpty, and Old King Cole each, in appropriate costumes, pass before "Good Queen - Bess." . Other famous personages of story land which, we find are King Arthur and his 12 famous knights, each with his blazoned shield. Each knight also wears a steel coat of mall, and King Arthur a handsomo suit of armour in lead with' gold Referring to this May Day fete and the Inspiration of the evening hymn sung by the college girls the Greens, boro Dally News says' ' - . "At the close of the May Day fete, when the trees are casting their long shadows over an undulating carpet of . green velvet and the robins, thrushes and mocking birds from the neighbor ing trees call sleepily . to their , mates, ' as you listen to the college girls sing the evening hymn of thanksgiving, you do not wonder that the groves were God's first temples, but yoq feel that they 'are still his favorite ones and you must lift your heart in grati tude to the- "Giver of every perfect gift" for ;Hls life-giving rejuvenating out-of-doors!" . Trinity College Commencement. ' The following Invitation and pro gram has been received In. this city: .Tho Senior Class : ; ' ' .,': Of 'A' : -'.' Trinity College -requests the honor of your presence 4 at the exercises of ... Commencement Week 'V June second to fifth nineteen hundred and twelve ' . Durham, N C. Commencement Program. Sunday, June 2, 8:30 p m. Bac calaureate addrews, President William Preston Few, Lt. D. . Tuesday, June 4,' II a. m. Bacca laureate sermon, Bishop William Fra cr McDowell, LL D., Chicago. Tuesday, June 4, 1 p. m. Alumni dinner address, Frank ArmDeld Lin noy, Esq., Boone, N. C. Tuesday,. June 4, 8:30 p. m. Grad uating orations. -. Wednesday, June B, 10: SO a. m. Commencement address, Doctor Bnr , noy Washington Mlley, Washington city. Conferring of degrees. . , It H . ' , Mr. (ioarliart In J'orcst School Faculty Paul Howard Gearhart of this city, formerly of Buffalo, who recently re ceived the Important appointment to ' the. faculty of thn Blllinorc Forest Mother of Pearl V CufT linka, vest, and shirt ImMonri, bars fur (soft collars are tho mont appropriate for Huilimcr wear. We can nhoW you thrso in polil, Btirliiig sil ver and golil-fillcd. ARTHUR M. 1II1LD CO. Ch'.iah ft. and fatton Ave U 1 J . j - -J J "" r? pi school now" in camp', at ' "Sunburst," near Canton., writes that he is .much pleased with the new position, finding the work not over difficult and being led, through present indications, to think that this appointment will mean a pleasimt.and prpAtable summer. Mr. Gearhart says that in the case of Dr. Schenck being unusually busy or Dr. Homer House being away that he sub stitutes as lecturer to the school, and also accompanies -the mambers of the school oh' field trips." Mr,, Geafhart. who is a graduate ot the schoofi and who- has ffad much practical experi ence in forestry - since " graduation, finds-marked changes In the personnel of the school but is much delighted with fprescnt conditions. ' Mr. gear hart wilt go west with the school late in the summer, . i - j:.-'y'm: H" ' : t : - Large Attendance. .''..' -About 1500 people from the 1 city and surifoufldihg ' country, . who had received .invitations, went . out yester day afternoon,, to, witness, the.' annual 1 T .. -n ,, p 1 1,'.. 1 ,i z'. ..n j I May drills of the Normal and Collegi ate girls. Miss Gabrielle Sorenson, the physical director of the institu tion, had the drills in charge, and those present considered them to .be the best.that- have ever been-, given at the lhstltute.',The students showed I excellent training, ana tne dances i were without exception nvst grace ful..' ." '. . -:. ? - - What was considered - to be the best of the exhibitions was the ivy hoope drill that was carried out by a num- ber of the young women of the . Insti tute. '.They were dressed in immacu late white robes and - carried -large hoops of English ivy. The figures of the drill were difficult and intricate, I but they wero , carried out without a break, and. the applause was almost continuous,,, ; -j , ' r ' Another of the features of the aft ernoon "was the Scotch, hornpipe. This dance was carried out by mem bers of the freshman class, and the small lasslea wore . becoming, kilts. They were juressed for an encore at the end of the dance, but were unable to. give it until after the rest of the drills. ' The dance-was it long brie and those taking part were too fatigued by th exercise to give &n encore Im hie'dlately.1' J r " f . The other dances of the afternoon included the Daisy chain, the -rustic dance, the minuet and the grand march. The costumes for all were very- becoming and. suitable for the dances in which they were worn, and these were much admired by those attending .the drills. . . . . 'The many friends of J. P. Quarlcs, whom he made during his frequent visits to Asheville as a guest at Ken Uwqrth Inn, 'will be interested In the following pewg of Mrs. Quarles, taken from the Charlotte Dally Observer: "Mrs. J. P. Quarles will - entertain the H800' club at her home on Eliza beth Heights this afternoon." . C :.. . Thew will be a meeting of the board of managers of the Woman's exchange in the tea room tomorrow at iq:30 o'clock. S ,, i AiffA'JH'' - Charles Sullivan-of 'Andrews, 8. C, arrived In this city yesterday for a visit of'Awo weeks. m t 3. Q. Colvin left the city last night for Birmingham on business. t m . Mfc Florence Fisher has gone to Washing loo for ft short visit. . ' . .. k it v Mrs. n. B. Simpson and son iavc arrived for tho summer from Andrews, JH. Ci and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Colvin at their residence ion Woodfln street. The following news comes from Greensboro: "Mrs. Thad Coleman, of Ashevlllo, is spending a few days here as the guest of Mrs. John Gll mcre, on North Elm street .. ; m, m. The Charlotte Dully Observer: ' "Ed ward F. Wellman of Asheville spent yesterday in the city." ev. a. u cobnrn of Hendersnn- vllle Is visiting hi daughter. Mm Paul H. Brown, on West Fifth street." "L. B. Wetmore of the Llmolnton buaine-'ast "'Khl the clty n : , . C K. Hull of thl rllv vrhn ona hurt by a switch engine one day last week at Salisbury, after making tho trip back here. Is doing nicely. ', (t II Proprietor J. I Alexander of tho Battery Park hotol has returned to the city from his home In Walhalla, 8. C, where he was called on account of the ill irk of his mother. Mr. Alexander's friends will be especially glad to hear that his mother, who was thought critically ill, Is entirely well and that Mr. Alexander has thus been enabled to return to his hotel duties. . t Mn. A. T Xfni-Hn nf fthln nUv .hn has leased Franklin Inn in Brevard for the coming season, Is at present I J Charles ,1 s. Mets,' visiting her rtauKhter, Mrs. CI; James Mets, In Atlanta. Mrs. who was Miss Esther King Mnrtln or this city, Is living at her country! place jiiot outside of Atlanta. Mrs. TTPFWUITKn tabm:s. In flolilen Onk, and MIsKlun flnlnh. A sm:UI drawer for the stationary on the l, rt, and a neat llltle slide leaf on the riglit. The nlreKt thing we've Seen for Hit- money. Come In and see ours bo I't.r ln; 'hi H'-ev b,i e. .1. M. I i WIS & CO., l,i ( i-y 1 ;n iv i.i. ii. l'hotio 4 4 3. MaTtirt '7irrnii"n'"lnT"rpfurn W 'jthli ily. BQ to Brenrd. where she has completed; (or h''4l arrangements f.r the ueason, and where she will form ally open the Franklin Inn. The inn- Is located at the end ol the new automobile road going south and will probably on this account be of of the objective point of may automobile parties and delightful ; rides, during the cummer. Judge Joter C Prltchard returns this afternoon from Richmond, where he has been attending the sessions of the United States Circuit Court of Ap peals, occupying a seat on the bench of this court. II. C Daniel has returned from an extended stay in Richmond and- hi! home in Virginia. mm A. 1 Fralin of Virginia, who has been In the city for the .past two weeks, left : yesterday afternoon for ICnoxville. t K '- Mr. and-Mrs. Frank Gudger were In the city yesterday from Henderson ville.. ' -:V" ';': H" It ' Mm W. H. Bird is Visiting at the Odd Fellows orphanage in Goldshoro for several days and on her return will stop for a few days with friends In Greensboro. v.- .. - Mrs. Thaddeus Coleman Is visiting Mrs. Julius Gilmer In Greensboro for a few days. ' K Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Spear have gone to New England to visit friends for several weeks. '-:.. ; R -K Mrs.; E. W. Melon, has returned to her. home in Charlotte, after a brief visit to her niece, Mrs. L. I Jenkins. Miss Elsie Gudger has gone for a visit to friends In Minneapolis and 'the weat and will be away from the city for several weeks. ..... t . Mrs. J. M. Chiles has returned to the city, after an extended visit to rel atives and friends in Indiana and Cincinnati. ' . Rev.- Samuel A. Templeton leaves tomorrow night for Louisville, to at . , . . T , ... . i , . . tend the Presbyterian General As sembly. He expects to return in two weeks. - Mrs. Herbert Miller and small daughter have returned from Atlanta, where they have been visiting for the past week. PAPER BAG COOKERY BEING DEMONSTRATED 'Mrs. J..MV Whitted gave her second demonstration In the use of gas and gas range cooking at the Y. M. C A. auditorium vesterdav afternoon from a. -in in r.-an n'nionit Tk i WH Well attended by the ladies of Ashe- ville who displayed much Interest In the demonstration, a great deal of in terest being elicited by the -use of pa per bags, the theory of which is hew but simple, namely that by sealing up food and then cooking, It,, the flavors, juices and food values are retained. This cooking in . paper bags Is a very Interesting process and instructions- are given as to. how to obtain the best results. Besides the Instruc tions given, smalt booklets are dis tributed Jn which every , detail, from placing the article to be cooked in the bag to taking it out of the oven is given.'-'-, .:-:;-..','''. ,,'. y"' The stage of .-the auditorium .. has been fitted up suntll It presents the appearance of .a model and up-to-date' kitchen, and' It is arranged for the greatest convenience of the oper ator, about as scientifically as some laboratories, which It really Is, and this Is not the least Important re quisite of modern and scientific cook ing. The- whole scheme Is arranged about the range, which itself suggests quick results and great convenience. ; Besides the Hamburg steak which was. cooked in the paper bag, Mrs. Whitted prepared and served brown sauce, potatoes au gratln and French Apricot pie, Hamburg steak Is one of the most economical meat dishes of the present day and any method For Rent UNFURNISHED Attractive home near center of city; 9 rooms; modern. Reduc- e(j rental if taken within ten mays. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Real Estat'o and Insurance '..,. 27 Tatton Ave. MMMIMIHIHHMMMMIHHI SCRUBBING BRUSHES If you "want Komctliing really good in 1 hir line you will find wo liavo tho kind that will please you. 1 All sizes and all prices. YATES Cz LlcGUIRE, ' conk! n4 ' it i an Hm raijin the ulcej must be welcomed as the want the Juices is why it is not oftener bought. ... , , The following menu Is being given this afternoon: Roast Chicken, cn paper tag ; Rice Border Mushroom . Sauce , Potato Salad : Cooked Dressing. . Wheat Gems. The menu for tomorrow afternoon will be: . - ' . Veal Cutlets, cn, paper hag Tomato Sauce , Spanish Omelette Black Chocolate Cake Boiled Icing. These menus are cooked, recipes ex plained', and served to 'ladies' in two hours' time. , ,1 : , Y.f.l.G.fi. WORKERS WILL GATHER II SILVER BUY CiUipiuvcu iucu flic uuviuub I Forward to Big Event of the Year. The big event of the year to which the men employed in Y. M. C. A. work are looking ut present is the confer ence of, employed officers of ' North America to be held in Silver Bay on Lake George, N. Y., June 14-18, in elusive. Possibly the largest gather ing of the asociation workers of the country ever held will be present for this conference. Those who have ever paid a visit to Silver Bay are delighted with ,the beauties of the place and the excel lent opportunities afforded there for a quiet working conference, and along with this the pleasures afforded by mountain climbing and boating. The accommodations are splendid, and the men will be - given special rates to and from the conference. The following Is a part of the pro gram that will be carried out: ' Opening address Friday evening by Dr. Charles R. Brown, dean of Yale Theological seminary, on "The Asso ciation and the Religious Trend.' "Survey of the Relation of the Em ployed Officers to Present Day Ten dencies and Problems of the North America Association Movement," by L. Wilbur Messer. Short inspirational addresses each day by Augustus Nash, F. W. Pear sail, W. H. Morrlss. " Uniform Memperships in Ameri can Associations," George W. Mehaf- fey, chairman. "The Training of Men for Industrial Leadership,",!, Charles R. Towson, chairman. ,-, i A Study of,, the Men and Religion Forward Movement and Its Bearing in the Future, of, the Young, Men's Christian -Association," William Knowles Cooper, chelrman. The following have arranged for group, conferences with strong pro ijrams: Genera), secretaries, religious. educational, ; physical, membership employment, boys, railroad, Indus. trial, army and navy, county, state. , The lnternatjpna,! committee have extended , an .(nvifatlon to all , men who return! hy way of. New York- city to be their guests at an informal re ceptlon at the new , International building, 124 East 28 street, on Thurs day, June 20, from 12 to 8 p. m, BEST UNION MEN Three in Hospital After Fights - With Strikebreakers Kinploycd by thp Atlanta Georgian. i Atlanta. Ga.,', May 15. The ' first violence In connection with the press men's strike on Hearst's Atlanta Geor gian occurred . ; last night. Strike Journal engaged In a fight. Three union men. Including F B. Brlgman, in a hospital badly beaten. Cook With Alcohol Qenerate your own gas. Cleanest, safest, cheap est. A Portable Gas Stove without the ob jection of being a fix ture to the source of supply. Ask for Prices. J. Hi LAW 35 Patton Ave. HAIR GOODS. ""MantcurlnR, Shampooing, Facial and Scalp MiiBsaie. Chiropody work done for ladles ami gentlemen. Bring Jn your combings and let up make them up to order. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP, 23 Haywood St. Phono 10. . CASH PAID . For Broken Pieces of Old Gold and Silver. Jewelry and Watches repair ed at moderate prices. The Store of Odd resigns. , ! ' VICTOR STERN, Jeweler. ' Haywood 8t Opp. Battery Park. MILLINERY Advance Summer Styles. SPROAT'S Oatra Rnlldlng. WILL CELEBRATE 1 Juniors Will Observe " Stag; Night" Tomorrow- Biff Attendance Expected, French Broad council No. 97, Jr. O. V. A. M., will observe tomorrow nipht as Flag night, and in addition to the regular order of business there I will be a big social gathering of the I members of the order - and their friends. Refreshments will be served, and there will be a number of speak ser for the occasion who will enter tain those present ? A cordial invita tion is extended by the council to all . i ..... : . ' .. .1 .... .7 I, It la hoped that there will be a full at-1 tendance of the local membership. . I The occasion Is In celebration of the fifty-ninth anniversary of the founding I of the order, the organization begin- ning In Germantown, Pa., on May 16 1853. The celebration of the anniver sary will take place In practically all the lodges of the country, some In a large way and others in a modest mariner, but the celebration hero promises to be one of the best ever held by the local council. HOLLAND TD THE ROADS - v f FOR NINE MONTHS TERM Slaver Of J. M. Edwards Sllb- v I I i mitted by His Counsel to Manslaughter Charge. , Before tli trial of the Brewer case umn reaumefl when . Sminrlnr enlirt I opened this morning, J. Frazler Glenn counsel for Walter J. Halland, who was charged with tho killing of J, M Edwards, addressed the court and pro-1 posed to submit his client as guilty of the charge of manslaughter. ' The plea was accepted, and Judge Long ordered that a judgment be entered that the defendant should serve nine months on the county roads. C The crime for which Holland Is sen- tenced occurred several months ago at Mud Cut near the depot section of the city. Holland said that he found the deceased with his wife In the wpods at point after he jvarnec I him smid that Edwards started at him with I C UCtllCU 1 jf IW OUtJ CI J Hum nc iic stick and he fired. He afterward took the stick and beat Edwards on the head. The case was heard at the last term of court for the trial of criminal cases and resulted in mistrial. Mr. Holland was ably defended, and con- sidering the fact that he best the man latter he had shot hhn, lt Is general ly thought that he received a reason able sentence. See the Country Club Grow. 1 110 linKS Xliai Will maKe Asheville famOUS. Open to tlie -. . ' , pilblie. ' haturday atterilOOIlj May l8, from 4 to 7 p. m...Vau- aevine ana tea at jmn nouse, Admission 25c. 81-4t I WANTED A six-room residence to cost I njjout $2500.00, Address, BOX 339. M.WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. Phone 72 for Pure Ice Asheville Ice Co. FOR FORAGE We can supply Virginia En silage Corn, SoJu Beans, German Millet and Cnne Seed. Don't neglect to plant a patch of Stock Beets for' your cattle. Being rich In sugar they make a nutritious feed. . EVE11YTHINO IN DRUGS AND SEEDS. GRANT'S PHARMACY Agent! for Indreth's Seeds. 1 ELIAS&HOPSON I TAILORING ' li-Ii Elx trlcal lllilg. Opp F, O. II fi fPPWLS COURT MEETS I Likely That Tamous Gilbert- Hopkins Case Will Be Called Early. The United States Circuit Court of lAupealtf convenes In Asheville next ITuefiday tor a two wceKs' aajournea scrslm, and those who will sit on the bench at this term of the court will be: Judges Nathan Golf, presiding officer; J. C. Prltchard, James E Boyd, Benjamin FY Keller, H. G. Con nor and Henry A. M. Smith. Reser vations for all these, except Judge Pritchard, who lives in Asheville, have . .3 .. .. . 1. .. n . . . r ,. fir kital where they w ill be entertained upon the occasion of the first sitting or tne court here. Henry T. Maloney. clerk' of ' the court, and Claud M. Dean, deputy clerk, will arrive in the city Sunday I to get the do?ket In shape and have all arrangements made for the session by the time it opens on Tuesday. At this session the court will only take up the cases that have been car ried up from the districts of North and South Carolina, but these will In elude Some very important litigations. and the sessions of the court will be attended by some of the best . legal talent In the two states. The case of most local Interest will bo the famous Gilbert-Hopkins case that was tried here in the District court last August and was carried up on appeal to the higher court. This controversy Is ' over large tracts of land in Graham and Cherokee coun ties and will attract wide attention .. , I. : 1 K..l V. .1 K ...... T . : .. nMnK wiuicj udiii; iicniu iu;it;. ' ji lo yiuu able that it will be among the first leases called. ' ' . WILL HOLD MEETING TO DISCUSS FUTURE PLANS t-IU A Baseball League May lie Reorganized on Other Plans. The captains of the four teams of the class A league of the Y. M. C. A. Druid Wheeler, Herman Wilson, Clar ence Young and George Craig, held a meeting with Secretary Ed. B. Brown of the associtaion yesterday afternoon in regard to forming plans for the continuance of the season, and lt was decided that another meeting will be held tonight, at which time the tenta tive plans will betdlscussed, and will likely be adopted. me new plans suggested are tna the four captains choose teams as 1 the other classes of the league an continue tn season in this manner in stead of as clubs. The season started off with the High school team, the Montford club npd two teams captain ed bq Wilson and Young. Several of clubs lost some of their members, and It was found that the season could not b carried forward under that plan It WU3 llltJlCl'Jip LIU lit; u 11U u while. If the plans for a. reorganization are accepted by those interested tonight. the four captains will choose the members. of their teams and lt is hPed lhat the season may be started I acrutn nn KriflaV A orhaHn1o will talsrt be arranged at the meeting tonight If he 1,1S8 18 reorganized, It will be possible for any boys who wish to play to got in. If there Is a berth, and ap- P"uaUon.8 for J,,laces must be mad0 Burkwtiretl llnpsed by a flour that makes better and more healthful cakes Wheat Hearts Self-Rising Pan'.ake lour. UESDAY " VEST POCKET KODAK The newest creation of the Eastman Kodak Co. It fits the man's vest pocket may be dropped into the la dy 's shopping bag. It's unobstructive and fascinating convenient. Take one with you. HACKNEY & MOALE CO. , Stationers Vs 100 LIS " ASHEVILLE PACKING CO FHFTARI P Ptf: mwmmo analysis pi. r AVAIL PH0S. ACI0 , I XA E0UIU TO AMMONIA t' POTASH MANUrACTuRfO BY EVILLEPKGGO ASHEVILLE N. C IICrMOBILB S3 II. P. Touring Car $000. An unequalled automobile value CAItS WITH AN KKTAltI,ISIli:i) BKPITATION W carry a complete line of AUTOMOBILE Supplies and ac cessories; AQIUCUIrURAIi IMPH'MICNTS, wag'WS and machlui-ry. Garage open day and night. Repair1 work guaranteed; prices lowest for quality. Western Carolina Auto Co. J Walnut and lcxlnlon. Commencement Slippers i We ran save vou . guessing where to get dainty slippers for all kinds of dressy wear. We've white, black, blue - and red satin, . price $3.50. Also suede and velvet pumps," dressy street wear and gun metal aud patent oxford strap pumps for walking, priced riglit low, al ways for cash. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. On the Sq. CLASSIFIED AD VERTISLN G mar kets markatabla things, and makes all Malil ttUmro uuiarkatsblA.n For Rent (UNFURNISHED) 6-room house. .. 118.00 7-room flat on paved street near In... ... .... 112.60 6-room cottage. ..... ..... .. .$14.00 S-room house 2 blocks from Square. ..... ... ...... ..$26.00 , 7-room house, just off Cumber land avenue... ... ... ... IZ5.00 8-room house, 5 minutes walk from town. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30.00 The H. JT. Grant Realty Co. 48 Patton Ave. v Phone 479. FOR SALE VALUE EXTRAORDINARY Very choice 'lot on old Asheville Female College Park. Owner wanta money this week. Terms, Natt Atkinson & Sons' Co. ' Real Estate. For the best '.,; Smokes and Drinks SCHAS Segar Store and Sanitary Fountain 6 S. Main St. EAT GOOD BREAD The kind ' that is made of pure flour and other ingredi ents full of nourishment and health giving qualities insist on BUTTER CRUST Bread. At your grocer, or phone G22. Asheville Steam Bakery ( 3 West Pack Sq. Money in Potatoes? .Yes you bet! .VSTw potatoes will bring in Jtuw ud July. J Be the Early Bird and Catch the Worm! . To grow them quMk!y,Bic, dean, tig, ovei, not scabby like stable Kianure aukes them, use 4 sacka to the acre ia planting row, of ttir High Orad B-4-4 or S-5-5 Vegetabl Special HertHUer. Keep them clean and well worked and yo will get Many Barrels of Potatoes and a Barrel of Money, liV will ship 70a on mcIc or tooro Write for prices 1 f yonr merchant woa't supply yon, iSead (or eqr booklet ASHEVILLE PACKING CO, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Cff wln r '"' z7f om hmvlag ear norfs. Cadillacs; t Hupmobilcs I LlLCAutoWagors I Get lIlUHtratcd booklet of 41, J 000 mile ftlfreair "around worlil" Journey of 20 H. P. Ilupmohlle.' I'i. a x win i?k th" iM.nn ior s its ivtt. tl liAvnwon ST. f i S !! I ! 8 I 5 3 IS 5 I s ! S ! I f 1 1 I ! 1 1 II II H t