I Cui Oaiia Coiahurclnl School : ' - i " PEARIj LEE HOLMAN, Principal. ..'.. Q. U HALL, Asst Principal. v . To Illustrate the value of shorthand to a business, man, let me tell you the following story: '.''.:.-." - ".' A wealthy New Yorker bought a piece of property for $300,000. Ho strongly suspected that -the middle man was making a large profit, al though he represented he was getting - merely the ordinary broker's commission. ' 'V ' ' . ' In order to get at the facts the buyer put some questions to the owner who verified the broker's statement He put down the answer in i shorthand., having learned it reluctantly in his youth. The fact of the case was that the owner was only to get $200,000 for his property, and a di vision of the difference. As usual with people of .this type, a row, oc curred, and the facts came but five years later' The seller of the property and the broker got Into a lawsuit The seller employed one of the best firm of attorneys In New York. The hoodwinked buyer was" subpoenaed as a witness, and testified from his shorthand notes. The testimony was so accurate and explicit that the Arm of attorneys threw up the case for the original owners and sued and recovered $100,000 for the man ' whose parents had sense enough to give him a commercial course in shorthand. This Investment paid 100,000 per cent dividend and an investment of $70 In our business courses can always be relied, upon to pay a bigger dividend than an investment which you are ever likely to make. Is it not worth while to have a talk with us? Phone 974. PEARL I HOLMAN, School in Legal Building . 10 Pack Square, Rooms 621-622. Ashevllle. N. C. CI PHE.EUTED AGGQUHT Of DUO if Mountaineers and Soldiers Did Not Play Yesterday The . Other Results. STANDING OP THE CLTJBS. Won. Lost P. C. Bristol . . . . ,r . Z Johnson City. . . . ,' . 1 Knoxville . ... . 1 M orrlsto wn . ' . . . . 1 Ashevllle . I . . . 0 Cleveland . . , ... 0 1000 1000 .600 .600 .000 .000 Jascball T I STANDING OP THE CLUBS. National League. Won. Lost. Pet New York.. ' 17 4 .810 Cincinnati.; '.. .. .. 18 5 .783 Chicago 12 12 .600 Pittsburgh .... .. 9 11 .450 Boston ..... 14 .391 St. Louis 9 16 .800 Brooklyn .. .. .. .. 7 13 .350 Philadelphia ...... 7 13 .360 City- Itosiilts Yesterday. At Johnson City Johnson Ashevllle, game postponed, rain. At Morrlstown Knoxville, 4; Mor ristown, 6. " - At Brlstol-rCleveland. 0; Bristol, lj (Called tit end of the sixth, rain. Try Gazette-News Want Ads S OUTHERN RAILWAY, Premier Carrier of the South. - Schedule figures published, as information only and not guaranteed. . EFFECTIVE DEC. Slst, 1011. Arrives from Eastern TlmeDeparts for - Eastern Time No. Games Today. Ashevllle at Johnson City. ' Cleveland at Bristol. . :.-. Knoxville at Morrlstown. 9 Savannah and Jack- . " sonvllle .' . ....... 2:10 p.m. 11 Washington' and " New York, Norfolk r : i , and Richmond ... 2:45 p.m. 12 Cincinnati ? a n d '... Louisville, St Louis and Memphis ..... 2:05 p.m. No. 13 Charleston and Co- , . .: - lumbla 9:15 p.m. No. 15 N. Y. Philadelphia Washington d) ..10:30 a.m. 18 Murphy , and Waynesvllle V . .... 6:65 p.m. 2VM u r p h y and Waynesvllle ....... i 1:65. p.m. 21 Goldsboro and Ral . elgh 7:40 p.m. 22 Waynesvllle . ..... 9:00 a.m. 27 Charleston, Colum- . r. bla, Brevard ..... 7:30 p.m. 28 Cincinnati and Chicago .. ........10:15 a.m. 35 Washington, N. Y, V and Richmond ... . 2:40 a.m. Vo. 36 Memphis and Chat- , , tanooga . ; . . . . . . , 6:50 a.m. No. 41 Charleston, Macon, Atlanta, Brevard ..11:15 a.m. No. No.. No. No. Vo. No. No. No. 5To. No. No. 4:10 p.m. 3:05 p m. 2:25' p.m. 7:00, a.m No. No. No. No No. No. V, 10 Savannah, Jackson- ville, Brevard .,.. 11 Cincinnati, St. Lou- is, Memphis and , Jioulsvllle . ...... No. 12. Washington, N. Y., .'v, Norfolk and Rich mond . No. 14 Atlanta, Charleston and Brevard -. ...... No.;16 N. Y ,; Philadelphia, Washington (d) 17 Waynesvllle , a n d Murphy . , , ... . . . 19 Waynesvllle and Murphy . . . ; . . . 21 Waynesvllle ... 22 Raleigh and Goldn boro . 27 Chicago and Clncln. natl 28 Columbia, Charles- . ton, Brevard ....10:24 a.m. No. 35 Memphis and Chat tanooga . ..10:30 p.m. No. 36 Washington, "," Rich- ' mond and N. . Y. . . 7:10 a.m. No. 42 Atlanta. Macon and New Orleans ......8:30 p.m. Special to The Gazette-News. Johnson City, May 15. The second game of the series between Asheville and this city , was "postponed yester day afternoon on account of a oown pnur of rain. The teams went on the field with the Intention of playing it the rain stopped, but there was no indication of its slacking, and Umpire Burke declared It off. - The lart game of the series will be played fills afternoon and there Is much Biieculation among the fans as to who is going to work and what the outcome will be. The Mountaineers euve tomorrow for Bristol, where they will play the last three games of Iho week. - "7:00 P.m. 8:30 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 9:05 a.m. 7:50 p.m. Knoxville Defeated. Special to The Gazette-News. Knoxville, May , 15. Morrlstown won the second game of the season from the locals here yesterday after noon in a hotly contested game. Th score was tied twice and was finally lost by errors on the part of the locals, The following is the score Dy in nings: " ' . . . . R. U. r Morrlstown , . 111 001 0015 8 1 Knoxville . . . 000 201 010 4 10 4 Batteries Williams and Westlake; Wilson, Silvers and Williams and Franks. .. . y No. 101 Bristol, Knoxville No. 102 Bristol, Knoxville & . and Chattanooga . .10:65 p.m. Chattaneoga . 7:20 a.m. Through sleeping cars dally to and frorn New York 2), Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston (2), Cincinnati (2), Memphis (1), Jacksonville, Savannah, St. Louis, Louisville , and At lanta, . ; .;.'- -;-' , .'..-' Through chair cars Goldsboro and Waynesvllle, trains 21 and 22. "Carolina Special," train 27 and 2 8, Charleston to Cincinnati, have full dining cur service and observation si eeplng cars, trains olectrlclly lighted tnrougnout O C. WILSON,- C. P. & T. A. f i. H. wood. u. r. a. It f ; f : f : f : f, f : f : f : f : f : f : f : f : Logan made clothes embody every-' thing that one expects in fine ap parel skilful tailoring, beautiful woolen fabrics and correct lit. 4 LooAir, Tailor to Ladle ami Gentlemen. Legal Building, Pack Sq. Phone 797. ' AheIIU. N. C. American League. . ; Won. Lost. Chicago. . .. . , . ., ..216 Boston . . ......... 15 8 Washington .. .. .. 12 12 Cleveland ........ 31 11 Detroit 1- 14 Philadelphia .. .. .. 9 12 New York. . .. .... 6 14 St. LOuts ... . . ..... 6 10 Pet. .80S .652 .600 .600 .462 .429 .300 .273 Southern League. Won. Lost Chattanooga ..... .. . 16 10 Birmingham .. .. .. 19 13 Memphis 15 12 Mobile . 17 . 14 Montgomery 14 16 Atlanta.. .. . . v. .V . 12 14 New Orleans . 11 16 Nashville 9 17 Pet .615 .594 .656 .648 .467 .462 .407 .246 RESULTS YESTERDAY. National League. 1 At Cincinnati Cincinnati-Boston postponed, rain. At . Pittsburgh Pittesburgh-New York called second : inning, rain. At ChicagcH-Chicago 2, Phlladel phla 0. At St Louis St. Louis 6, Brook' lyn 0. ,' "' i ? X 6 f t t f t ? Representing all Lines of INSURANCE Fire Life Liability Health Accident Bonding Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service and ABSOLUTE PRO TECTION Our Boast. :, . . ,- : r -: ; .- P. F. ALLE.N Manager Insurance Department Wachovia Bank and Trust Company Office Up-stairs in Bank No. 36 Patton Avenue Phone 166 4 r Y-V- f ? ? ? ? ? '? ? ? ? ? f y t t American Ijengne. At New York New York 1, Do troit 5. At Washington Washington 2 Cleveland 2. s . At HoHton Boston. 0, St. Louis 5 At Philadelphia Philadelphia 0 Chicago 7. ' Southern League. ' At New Orleans New Orleans Chattanooga 4 (5 innings). .,: At Birmingham Birmingham Atlanta 1. - At Montgomery Montgomery Nashville 1. At Mobile Mobile 0, Memphis 7. : . Bristol Wins Asaln. Special to The Gazette-News. Bristol, May 15. The home team esterday afternoon repeated the doso administered . in the first game , to Cleveland and won 1 to 0, in spito of the fact that in the five Innings played only one hit was made oft of Griner, the visiting pitcher. The game was stopped at the end of the fifth on ac count of rain.. The following is me score: , ' . . R. IL E. Bristol . . . 00 011 1 3 Cleveland . . . . . 000 000 3 5 BaVerles Stultz and Munson; Gri T and W'hitfleld.- The" Lax-Hi" Way. ' tf yon had a midline that would itrengthen the llv the stomach, the kidneys and the towels, and at the same time make you strong with a systemlo tonic, don't you believe you would soon be well T i . That's "The Lax-fos Way." We ask you to buy the first bottle on the money-back plan, and you will ask your druggist to sell you .the sec ond. . It keeps your wool Insldea right There Is nothing else mads like tax-Fos. ' Remembnr the name LAX-F08. American Association. At Toledo Tpledo 6, Louisville 5 , At Milwaukee Milwaukee 2, St Paul 8. . , At Indianapolis Indianapolis 0 Columbus 1. . At Kansas City Kansas City 16 TRUSTEE'S SALE. 'By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by V. L. Slgmon and wife, J. B. Sig mon, to the undersigned trustee, dated July 13th, 1911, and duly recorded in the office" of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 80 at page 487 et seq., to which refer ence Is hereby made, and default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale there in contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on Sat urday, the 25th da; of May, 1B12, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door in the city of Ashevllle, county of Bun combe and State of North Carolina, the following lands and premises, sit uate, lying and being on Main street in the town of West Asheville, county of Buncombe and state of North Caro lina, and being the same lands and premises conveyed to R. M. Wells, trustee, by V, L. Sigmon and wife, J. B. Sigmon, by deed of trust dated February 25th, 1911, and duly record ed In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 84 at page 117 to. Which reference is hereby made for metes and bounds. This Aprl 23rd, 1912. R. M. WELLS, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE. Having qualified ' as administrator of the estate of Robert C. Lee, de ceased, late 6f Buncombe county, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to. exhibit them to the undersigned at Skyland on or before the day of date to be twelve months from date of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate .payment. Administrator of . R.. C. Lee. This 24th day of April, 1912. MRS. N. T. CASE, V ;.. Administrator. CHICHESTER S PILLS m THK 111 A MUtts? HUANIIl Ijtdleat Auk yHir Drue lt for J 111 If lo Urd kfitl ii old meUlIUA boitt, sealeJ with Elua Ribboo. 1 '1 alt no outer, liny f i MAA1UND JjitANI PILLS, for fMn kaown ks Best. Safest, Alwtys KctikblS SOLD BY OKUGGfSTS FVIHWhTRE Minneapolis 3. ' Carolina Association. At Greensboro Greensboro 2, Wln- ston-Salem 1. . i : At y Spartanburg-i-Spartanburg 3, Greenville 6. .i. At Anderson Anderson 5, phar lotte 1. College Games. v At Washington Catholic universi ty 8. Virginia'' 5. ' " ' v pee Cook si Lessees i :AND: United States League. Reading Reading 10, New At York 4. ; - ; At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 0, Cleve land 1 (called In fourth Inning), ; At Richmond Washington 6, Rich mond 0 (10 Innings). Second game Washington 3, Richmond 1. Duck I'ln Points Virginia League. '. At Danville Danville 2, Ports mouth 4. . At Petersburg Petersburg 0, Rich mond 3. At Norfolk Norfolk 8, Roanoke 6. At Lynchburg Lynchburg 2, New port News 6 (13 InningsX. The following .Bcores w.fn made In the handicap duck pin tournament of the Y. M, C. A. last night: Hdk. To. 77 85 911 45 800 84 91 102 88 85 116 85 92 84 83 84 85 102 85 105 Hammerslough Kurt .... Llpinsky . . . Williams ; . Askow .... E. B. Brown . Maxwell. . Terry . ; . . Cooper . . . . Smith . . . . Preston . . ; . Vanstory - Barnes . . . . Allen ... . , Jackson t'4"'v, 24 24 V 82 i 80 100 .88 91 . 95 117 . 72 95 . 82 82 , 89 73 . 89 103 ,104 82 86 99 83 83 87 92 108 18- 18 21 24 18 24 24 27 98 93 104 310 313 262 2X6 292 280 283 832 274 265 278 308 323 295 Miss Eleanor M. Colleton is one of the two teachers appointed to make an Investigation among the children of the public schools of Boston for the purpose of learning how the schools can become most helpful In giving vocational Instructions. International League. At Buqalo Buffalo 13, Providence 6. ... At Rochester Rochester 5r New ark 4. v At Toronto Toronto 6,. Baltimore 1. , At Montreal Montreal . 4, Jersey City 7. Co- South Atlantic League. At Jacksonville Jacksonville 2 lumbla 1. At Albany Albany 0, Savannah 5. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Sift nature of GAS RANGE DEMONSTRATION :rv . . v . . ; r Lectures by Mrs. J. M. Whitted all This Week Y. M. C. A. 3:30 to 5:30 Daily The Public Is Cordially Invited to Aitend and Profit Thereby Mrs: Whitted gives you expert advice and demonstrates the accuracy of each statement during her course of lectures, which the ladies of Asheville will find highly entertaining and instructive. . ; ' ' The dishes comprising the menu prepared daily are served to those in atten dance. N Asheville Power & Light Co. . ;? "0 fl .1. 11 I I 11 J PK r 5 CENTS TO EVERYBODY, 1 1 A. M. TO 6 P. M. PRESENTS TODAY PATIIE'S WEEKLY TROPICAL . ............... . .'. . 4;..'..t .PATHE, AERAIIAII '3 SACRIFICE . . . 2 ................ HAND-COLORED BIBLICAL STORY HELLO CENTRAL DRAMA . . LUBIN THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S DAUGHTER DRAMA . . .EDI30N ORCHESTRA SELECTIONS OVERTURE BOHEMIAN GIRL SERENADE SELECTION . . . . INTERMEZZO . . . BALFE ' . VICTOR HERBERT rrrrrti I X ' .-' - i ess ' ) 11 '.I If H .. I! !.J, s A . 11 U 'Mvl "V:

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