Thsraday, May 16, 1912 THE ASHE VILLE " r-rrn. k PAGE FIVE Stops Falling Hair and Destroys Dandruff Makes the Hair Grow Long, Heavy and Luxuriant and We Can Quickly Prove It If You Wish to Double the Beauty of Your Hair at Once, Just Get a 25 Cent Bottle and Try This Surely try a Danderine Hair Cleanse if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair with little trouble and at a cost not worth mentioning just moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of Dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthen them. It's exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing proper ties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling bril- liancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, after which two or three times a week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire. Ypu can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will just get a 25 cent bottle of Know him's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed. IVfVI IB IV mm HH: nter at Margn Terrace, left vester- day afternoon for Pittsburgh and other points north and east. F. W. Thomas went to Raleigh yes terday to attend the Yepiildican state convention. Miss Myrtle Emory is here (rem Chattanooga on h visit to friends. K Miss Alma Williams, who has been visiting friends In Williamsburg. Pa., has returned to the eitv. t , Mrs. Seth ("ark of Clyde under went an operation for appendicitis at the -Mission li spitul yesterday. It K Miss Lois Hemming, who has been VlMtlng friends here, has returned to her home in the eastern part of the state. tt K C. E. Hull is able to be out today, havinu partially recovered from inju ries received at Salisbury last week, when he was hit bv a switch engine. K Mrs. C, W. ft. Kadcker, Miss ttade ker, Mrs. fiorton, Scott Radeker and Junius Itadeker motored ever to Hendersonville yesterday for the day. THANK YOU SHE SAYS JUS8E NIDLB PREVEIT ARTISTIC CREATIONS ON THE GAS RANGE About 75 women were present yes terday afternoon at the Y. M. ('. A. auditorium, where Mrs. J. M. WUitted is giving demonstrations and lectures s OCIAL Happenings Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Ito. Dolly Madison Breakfast. Mrs. Clorlnda D. Chunn will short ly leave for Washington, D. C, to at tend the "Dolly Madison" breakfast. While in Washington Mrs. Chunn will be the guest of Hon. and Mrs. Henry D. Clayton of Alabama. Mrs. Clayton will make an address of wel come at this breakfast, and a num ber of toasts will be offered and re sponded to. Says the Washington Post; "Speech making will be an im portant feature of the Dolly Madison breakfast to be given at Rauscher's next Monday, May 20. Mrs. Henry D. Clayton will make a short address of welcoine.. Mrs. Albert, S. Burleson, Mrs. Martin W. Littleton, and Mrs. Norman K. Mack are arrlong those wo will respond to toasts. All speeches will be limited to ten min utes. The time for sending In ac ceptances has been extended from May 12 to Friday, May 15. All ac ceptances must be In by 6 o'clock on the latter day. "Among the interesting visitors who will be here at the time of the Dolly Madison breakfast are Mrs. S. W. Ral ston, who will be a guest of Represen tative and Mrs. W. A. Cullop, Mrs. Urey Woodson, who will bring a guest with her, and Mrs. George Baker of Frankfort, Ky., who will be a guest ' of her sister, Mrs. Jerome Connor. "Mrs. Henry D. Clayton has with her for the breakfast her mother, Mrs. Davis of Georgetown, Ky. Mrs. C. W. Hancock of New Orleans will be a guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Representative and Mrs. Wlck llffe, and Mrs. Mary Scott Thompson applause from time to time Miss Whitehead Is a perrormcr of the high est type. She is graceful and easy in her appearance. She is perhaps strongest in the dainty delicate and soulful numbers but her phrasing touch and interpretation in every ren dition were perfect and many musi cians in the audience predicted for her a brilliant musical career. Although much of the honors i T the evening Jell to Miss Whitehead, Miss Potts' part in the program can not be forgotten. The duet, "Kan tasie," rendered by Miss Whitehead and Miss Potts was a beautiful finale for so brilliant an evening. K Y. W. C. . BaM-Jiall. The third game of the season was played at the Y. W. C. A. gymnusium for the championship between Ashe ville girls school and High school, ending in favor of the Asheville Girls school with a score of !) lo 0. There was a very enthusiastic audience and a good crowd present. K K Mrs. Ixiuiae M. Brucker, the mother of Mrs. L. M. Theobold. arrives to.lnv from Richmond, Ind., to lie the guest of Mrs. Theobold and her family for the summer at Mrs. Theoliold's resi dence on West Chestnut street. Mrs. Brucker has many friends in Ashe ville who will be glad to hear of her arrival, as it hns now been some five years since she was here. At present residing with her son In Indiana, Mrs. BrueWer was formerly of the provinces of Alsace-liorralne In the much con tended territory between France and of Fairmont, W. Va., will visit Dr. and trie German Empire, and frequently Mrs. Grove, U. S. N. Mrs. William Jennings Bryan, who comes to Wash ington this week for the Dolly Madi son breakfast next Monday, will be the guest of Representative and Mrs. Henry D. Clayton during her stay." tt ft At the Country Club. The Asheville Country club is ar ranging for this coming week end, when the public of Asheville Is to be given a cordial welcome and asked to Inspect the club and Its tennis courts and golf links. In every possible way that will serve to add to tne cneer or the event as a social occasion and lo Indicate to the people of Asheville the desirability of membership in the club. The club will also use this afternoon to express to the public appreciation and gratitude Tor the help that has already been given the club by the people of Asheville. Trie tennis committee had previous ly contemplated nrranglng a tennis tournament to be played specially on the occasion of Asheville day but have ince decided that a better arrnnge iiicut "ill provide for practice play Instead of tournament matches. To day at the club the first playing In a men's singles handicap tennis tourna ment will begin and much Interest If anticipated, ns a handsome loving cup will be the trophy offered. The ten table Batjirday afternoon will be pre sided over by Mrs. Charles I Minor. Mrs. George W. Vanderbllt und Mrs. Tho. P. Cheesborough. ft K dpartanburg Journal: Beforo a large and cultured audience, Miss Susie Whitehead of Salisbury, N. C, gave her graduate piano recital at 'unveiuo college last evening. She wax assisted by Miss Florence Potts. The audience was appreciative of the very excellent Work of these young artists aa was shown by tho hearty Mother of Pearl Cuff Jinks, vest, and shirt buttons, bars for soft coltars are the most appropriate for summer wear. We can show i hi these in gold, sterling sil ver and gold-filled. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. HrRBAK at mi Pi""" Ap . makes trips abroad to her old home K tt S. J. Shulhofer, who spent the winter In Aiken, S. C is a guest at The Elm. Hi' leaves tomorrow for Richmond, thence to New York, where he sails on May 29 for Europe, where he will spend the summer visiting abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Shulhofer started to make the visit abroad last summer, but when they got as far as Philadelphia Mrs. Shulhofer was taken suddenly 111 ami entered n hospital where later she died, and Mr. Shul hofer's visit was postponed until Ibis summer. tt tt Mrs. A. I.. McLean and two small children leave today for Knoxvtlle, lor a week's visit to relatives ana friends. tt tt Mrs. Arthur McDowell Is visiting Mrs. Kimsey Howell In Waynesvllle. tt tt George E. Evans or Wl hlbi. Kan., who has been on a visit to his par ents at Candler, Is In the city for a few days. tt R J. E. Harding Is here from Greens boro for a few days. tt tt Mr. and Mrs. Luke Heawell of Charlotte are visiting Miss Susie Hoffman at the Knickerbocker. R R Dr. and Mrs. M. I Stevens are In China Ortrv visiting .Mrs. .Stew Ij'tl mother, Mrs. I. Frank Patterson, for a few days, after which they will re turn to the city. R R Dr. C. B. Cotton, who has been in the city on business, has returned to his hums at Black Mountain. K R Dr. F. F. Abel rtturned to Waynes vllle yesterday, after spending several days In the city. R tt W. M. Can ad T left last night for Dlllsboro on a huslness trip. K R Mrs. C. M. MfCrurken und .i. milli ter. Miss Elisabeth McCnicken. are In Waynesvllle visiting Mrs. Kims, v Howell. R R Miss I.yda Brown and her a mil.' Miss Mary Brown, who have spent the An l .'- . Holutlon. It don't tako much figuring lo solve this problem Which Is the most ... ... mimical. Jtuy a new umbrella for $5.00, or have, us put the same grade Because, After Doctor's Medi cines and Everything Else Had Failed, the Woman's Tonic Brought Long- Sought Relief. Copper Hill, Va. "I must thank von.'' writes Mrs. Ida Conner, of tills place, "uecausjc you have done much for me. Cardtii is a Wonderful medicine, and It's a pleasure to write about the lien elit received from its use. Many years I had in stay in bed. sick with nearin-dow n pains ant pain in my side. 1 had given up .ill hopes of ever getting well, because doctors' medi einps which I took :il different times gave me no relief, nor anything else that anybody told me to try. Finally, I began to lake Cardui, th woman's tonic, three limes a day. After a few doses, the pain in my Side grew less, then emit, and it hasn come back since. 1 feel like a pew person now, and cannot help but recommend such a good medicine." There is ho reason why any woman should suffer from pain, such as Mrs. Conner describes. Cardui is a remedy for just such conditions. Thousands of women have found relief in Its n:.e. You will find relief, too. Don't give up! Give yourself one more chance. Take Cardui. He Must Serve Road Sentence if He Appears Again in Court. Absorbs Skin, Chases Wrinkles Young Again in the jso of gas and the gas patige, und'jr the auspices of the Asheville Plo-wer and Light company, and every one seemed greatly interested in the successful results obtained by the de monstrator. The menu yesterday afternoon contained several prepara tions and most of them, if not all, were of such nature that their pit .per cooking is A difllcult matter and must be treated with as much care as a scientific experiment. Everything was successfully carried out, however, literally accordingly ty program, anil the various dishes were ready to be served by the time the hours were up. They were enough to make one's mouth water. The first to be prepared for cook ing was roast chicken in paper bag. Just here it might be well to men tion the advantage of the gas range. Mrs. Whitted put the chicken in the bag into the oVen and paid no more attention to it until it was ready to take out. With the gas she was able to tell exactly how long It would' take to eook the chicken, and when she took it out and broke the bag, testing home on Orchard street, after an 1 1 1 it by sticking in a fork, everyone of many weeks. Although his could see that it was very tender. : death comes as ,i shock to his family I' was also a beautiful brown. The I and friends it was realized several fat in the bag was later used in the I weeks ago that lie could not recover. Judge Adams . look steps in police uurt this morning to stop Arthur llensley from drinking intoxicating liquors. Whether it works cr not re mains to be se. n. but there w'il cer tainly l.e an influence against llcos- ley's drinking or engfit-ing in iny way in pursuits thai are not allo- ethcr lavv-aliidlng. The judgment entered against him this morning was thai lie i.s to pay the costs for being drunk on this OCi aeicn, and a 20-dny rond sentence is provided, the exe cution ol Which i.- stayed until lie appears hefore the court again. There were two caaea in court against "tluli" While, charging him with Obstructing a public, sidewalk, but he. was found not guilty in hoth. Italph Arlfogast was arraigned for vic biting two automohile ordinances, exooedlng the speed limits and passing a standing street car on the wrong side. lie was lined (10 and the costs In the lirst and $f and the costs in tho other. Dave .McAllister was found guilty of cursing and utilising VT y Drown and was lined $." ami (.he costs for the offense. lie appealed the case, and bynd was fixed at $50, but this appeal was withdrawn before court adjourned. There was one ether ease in court, that in Which Fred Fowler was charg ed with an assault with a deadly weapon, hut this was continued on account of file necessary absence of impor fan t wit nesses. 'The slunk at beholding myself in i he glass a Iter nine long weeks abed nearly caused a relapse," writes Kmily Coif on in Home Queen. "The faded face, with its lines of Illness und wor ry, seemed 30 years older. Xow, I '.hotight, I could not attend my chum's wedding, II days off, to which 1 had looked hopefully forward. 'She herself came to my rescue1. She procured an ounce of mercolized wax, which she hade me spread on like cold cream, washing it off next RlOrhlng. Applied nightly, this ap parently absorbed the withered skin, so gently I experienced no -discomfort. Upon the wedding morn the pallid complexion had entirely given way to one of youthful olor and love liness. " "And there wasn't -n wrinkle. This lue to a wash lotion made hy dissolv ing an ounce of suxolito in a half pint witch, The daily face hath had persed every line. V N. H. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tetin.. for Special In structions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment tor Women." sent in plain wrapper, on request. mushroom sauce and a border of rice squeezed through a funnel bag, was placed around the chicken. Meanwhile Mrs. Whlltedi hod been preparing other things, everything proceeding In an orderly manner without a hit-h, as she knew just how long it would take for each to cook, and every dish was ready just when she needed it. One' of the most beautiful dishes was a salnd prepared from potatoes and tomatoes, cut'in cubes, and stuf fed olives and the golden yell iw dress ing that contained many things. This was called cooked dressing and while the cooking was going on, Mrs. Whit ted gave the proportions of the va rious ingredients and which should he mixed together flrtt. Most of those present had note books and wri te down the instructions. The following menu is for this afr ternonn: Veal Cutlets, en paper bag Tomato Sauce Spunish Omelette Illu,ck I'b is olate Cake Boiled Icing. JAMES W. BYNUM Well Known Business Man Dies. After Desjiorate Illness of Several Weeks. James Bynum, a well known and re spected citizen of the city, died this morning just before 2 o'clock at his Mr. Bynum was, a Mason, a Shriner, and was also a Woodman. He had lived in Aslrevillo for a long time and had numerous friend, lie was a man of decided character. lie was an ex pert penman and i k-k'eeper, and in recent years had been employed with the various foundries and machine shops of the city, in positions of re sponsibility. Surviving are the widow and two children, a son. Kmmett, who is em ployed by the W estern Union In Vir ginia and who is now on his Way here; and a daughter, Lois, about 1 r years of age. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. STATUE IS UNVEILED Great Crowd Attends Exercise Raleigh ill Honor of the Late Dr. Mclver. Mr. linlnml Leaves. Ernest M. koland, railway postal clerk on the .Murphy Branch, It. I'. O., has been transferred by the de partment to Portland, Ore., and Ban yan B. Brooks of Portland has I n transferred to Asheville to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. Roland. This change will become effective June 1. Mr. Koland is a native Caro linian and has been In tho postal ser vice for some time. His many friends will regret to see him leave this sec tion permanently. So l.nsft Made. Cakes from Wheat Hearta Belf-Rle-Ing Pancake flour require nothing but milk. Delicious and digestible. Get the Real Flavor From Your Coffee Coffee made In a Manning Bowman Percolator Is healthful. Saves one third. Ask to see styles and prices. J. H. LAW, Patton Ave. ' Gazette-News Bureau, The Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, May 16. While 400 Normal girls sang Ih song he loved best, "The Old North State," the Hag dropped from the statue of McTvcr in capita squaT yesterday. The exercises were at tended by a great throng, who stood without fear of a threatened rain and wore presided over by Dr. J. Y. Ji tier, chairman of the monument com mittee. The invocation was made BIShoD Strange. Addresses were de livered by Dr. C. Alphotise Smith the University of Virginia and Presi dent ,1. I. Foust of the State Normal The statue was presented by Dr. Joy ner and accepted hy the governor. A poem by North Carolina's poet laure ate, Henry Jerome Htockard, was read and a song was sung by school chil dren. The statue wa-s unveiled by Miss l.ula Martin Mclver. i MOVING PICTURES DIB MUSIC FOR PRINCESS The the III IVert a N'aac Anvl 'Arro following program is delightini: Irons of the Princess today: re, "Poet and P asant .... Suppe . . Y. Herbert . 1 1 Trovatore Patlie Orania I'ommutcr's Wife'' . . . Kdison comedy 'Kirst Women Jury in America".. Vitugraph comedy Ranch Mirl's Mistake" , . . Kssanay drama College irl a Suicide. Danville, Va., May 1C. Miss Ahhie Laura Lyle of DartoW, Pla., 18 years old, a student at Randolph-Macon In stitute here, was found dead in her dormitory yesterday, having swallow ed carbolic acid. Her only message Was to her sister and was scribbled on the wall beside her bed: "P.ornico. I am so sorry," "so" underscored, and signed "Laura." Miss Lyle was unu sually vivacious previous to the sui cide. No motive caa be found for the act. THE OOSSARD CORSETS "Thef Laeo In Front. MISS HUFF, EXPKRT CORSETIKRE ROOMS 27 anil 28 ftmerletin National Rank Rulldlns. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist 01 Oreensburg, Ky., says, "We use ('ham berlain's Cough Remedy in our own household and know It is excellent. For sale by all dealers. See the Country Club Grow. The links that will make Asheville famous. Open to public Saturday afternoon, May IS, from 4 to 7 p. in. Vau deville and tea al Club Iiousp. Admission 25c. 81-4t WANTED A six mom residence about $2500,00. A to rost 1 (HII'CSS, BOX ::::!). M. WEBB CO. Imported Mtllinery Havwood St. For Rent UNFURNISHED Attractive home near center of city; Ofoonis; modern. Kedne ed rental if taken within ten days. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Heal Estate and Tnsiiiaiiet' 27 Patton Ave. HAIR GOODS. Manicuring. Shampooing, Facial and Scalp Massaf.c rhlropcidy work dupe lor ladli s aid ntlemnji. Bring In your combings and let us make them up In order, IrllSG CRUISE'S SHOP 2:1 Haywood SI. Phono HI. CASH ?AID For Broken Pieces of cild Oold and Silver. Jewelry and Watches repair ed at mod' 1 ale in ices. The Store l)f Odd Designs. VICTOR STERN, Jeweler. llnyw I SI.. pp. Itnllery Park. MILLINERY Advance Summer Styles. SPROAT'S Oatcft llulldlng. HMMIMMIllllMMMHMMHIIHHHIMimMHIMI! CRYSTALIZED GRAPE FRUIT This is a brand new (aide eQsfectioii and is fine lor I aid r dinner. POUND BOXES 75 CTS. YATES & McGIJIRE. I flWWWfftl I . 11 1 I 1 .1 Mi. WMiatK THR 1,I,R DOBS IT1 rm in 1 I 1 HHMlf COT "v 4 m mvmm II Phone 72 for Pure Ice Asheville Ice Co. Our Laundry Service res periuanen satisfac tion li patron. 1110.- exaetiug - 1 none A trial Commencement Slippers We ran sbvr yon guessing vlicre to gel dainty slippers lor all kinds of dressy wear. We've while, black, blue and red satin, price $3.50. Also suede and velvet pumDS. dressv reel wear and gun metal and patent oxford strap pumps for walking, priced right low, al ways for cash. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters, On the So. For Rent (UNFURNISHED) 6- room house $18.00 7- room flat on paved street near In $12.50 fi-rnom cottage $14.00 9-room house 2 blocks from Square $26.00 7- room house, just off Cumber. land avenue $25.00 8- room house, 5 minutes walk from town $.10.00 The H. F. Grant Realty Co. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 479. we a i- Swannanoa Laundry We Treat Your Laundry White. FOR SALE VALUE EXTRAORDINARY Very choice lot on old Asheville Female HoIIcrc Park. Owner wants money this week. Terms. Natt Atkinson & Sons' Co. Real Estate. For the best Smokes and Drinks SCHAS' Segar Store and Sanitary Fountain f S. Main St. BREAD AND CAKE (let 'em both here, bread and cakes of purity and made under absolutely sanitary conditions. Ask for BUTTEB CRUST BREAD stays moist. Try our layer cake, pound cake and strawberry short cake for a quarter FINE, Phone 622. Asheville Steam Bakery k Tin VEST POCKET KODAK newest creation of tho Eastman Kodnl,- nA T his the man's vest pocket may be dropped into the la dy's shopping bag. If's ttnobstrnctive and fascinating convenient. Take one with von. Stationers HACKNEY & MOALE CO. .1 West Pack Sq. Inn i k ASHEVILLE J BACKING C0S1 :XTRA H.Gfl ICETABLE SPE6 $WRANTTED ANALY5l5"i FOR FORAGE We can supply Virginia En silage Pom. Sola lieans, Herman Millet ami Cane Seed. Don't neglect to plant a patch of Stock lleets for your cattle. Ilelng rich in sugar they make a nutritious feed. KVKUVTIIl.Mi Hi DlillOfl AM) SKKIIS. GRANT'S PHARMACY Agents for Iinmlroth's Socdd. ELIAS & HOPSON TAILORING ' Mt Ifl.- trlcfil wag. tx p. . . - Avail phos. acio NITROGEN EQlW. TO AMMONIA IF- POTASH 1 ( MANUTACTuRf D BV HEVIL1F PKfifO - ACunn i r in r . .-A Y'-i'il ill ii ""-''- v; . ,J .4 9 iris i A Good Garden will supply half a living. A Good Truck Crop Will bring in lot of money. To secure earlincss, which means extra value tnA profit, teudernei& and high quality, Grow your Vegetables Quickly. You can do this by using our 8-5-5 Extra High Grade Fertilizer None better Few to Good. We are not in the Trmt. Patronize home folks and keep your money in cir culation at home. We give Hon as t Goons at a Fair Price. We will ship one sack or aa many aa you want. Write for prices if your merchant won't order for you. Order today, we ship tomorrow. Send for our booklet. Asheville Packing Company, ASHEVILLE, N. C. It will pay you to ItlMllt on having our tooda. HTuPMOBDjC 13 II. 1". Tonrlnc Car $!)00. An nne.tun.llod automobile value Cadillacs Hupmobiles I.H.C.utoWagons (let Illustrated booVlet of 40, 000 mile zlRxaK "around World?' journey of 20 II. P, llupmnhll. CARS WITH AN E8TAHMSIIF.1) III PI TATION Wo enrry a complete line nf AUTOMOHIf.R Ruppllea and ac cessories; AiiKlCiri.TUHAT, IMI'I.RMKNTS, wagons and machliwrJV Onrajrc open day and nlrht Ilepalr work Ruurnnteed; prices lowest fur .pialHy. Western Carolina Auto Co Walnut and Lexington. J Itiooe HtMi iittyfaajaaajaa 'imm