Atlantic Hotel "Summer Capital" "Summer Capital" MORE.HEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA OPENS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12TH Grand Opening Ball Saturday Evening, June 15th. Music by Splendid Orchestra. Special Low Round Trip Sunday; Week-End Season Tickets by All Railroads Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Sailing, Billiards, Tennis, Dancing. Completely Re-Equipped Kitchen and Attractive Internal Improvements. Artesian Water, Unsurpassed Cuisine Perfect Sanitation SPECIAL RATES FOR FAMILIES For the convenience of its patrons the Norfok-Southern Rairoad will operate a special train from Goldsboro and intermediate stations to Morehead City and return, Saturday, June 15th, account Grand Opening Ball. For rates, reservations, and illustrated booklet, write ALLEN A. DUBOIS, Mgr., Morehead City, N. C. Tax Listers I Notice The County Commissioners have extended the time for listing property until Saturday, 6 p. m., June 15th. Those who fail to list during this time will he charged extra. R. J. Stokeley Mrs. Racie Adams Lister?,. MKN'S AVI) YOUTHS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE PRICES A PLEASINC, VARIETY, A BTG NEW STOCK JI'ST RECEIVED. GEM CLOTHING STORE p-vrroN ave. 'MU STEK'S sale. P.y virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed o( trust rnado liy Clyde Ward tQ John A. Campbell, trustee, dated .May 1(1, -10 10, and duly recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Buncombe county, N. c, in honk of mortgages and deeds of trust ?: al page 619, to which refer enee is hereby made, and default hav ing been made in payment of the in debtedness seeured by said deed of trust, whereby the power of sale therein eontained has beeome opera live, the said undersigned trustee will, on Tuesday. June (be tStb, 1913, at 12 o'eloek noon, sell at public auction fop rash, at (he euurt house door in the city of Asheville, comity of Bun combe and state of N'orlh Carolina, (he following lands ami premises sit uate anil lying and being in the coun ty of I luticoiobc, N. C, and more par ticularly described as follows: Re ginning at a stake in the northern margin ot Lookout road it runs N. 39 deg. 20 min. E. 61.7 ft. to a stake; thence with western line of lot No. .17 N. 37 deg. W. 7(1. .'.3 ft. to a stoke: thence with southern margin of South Lane S. 63 deg. W. (10 ft. to a stake; thenees with eastern line of lot No. f,9 S. 37 E. 85.12 ft. to the beginning, being lot No. 58 of Chestnut Ridge Park, and shown on a plat recorded in office of Register of Deeds in Rook of Plats No. Kit on pages 52 and 53. This May 17. 191?. JOHN A. CAMPHELU Trustee. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. 8 Pa, k So Phone 77. VAUDEVILLE PALACE THEATRE RADCLIFFE & HALL in "Two (JiHs mid n Hobby Horse." AL. NASHE Thai Imitating ( !oon. 2 REELS FINE PICTURES-2 Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Buy a Gas Range $15.50 to $25 HAVE A COOL KITCHEN THIS SUMMER Cnsh or liberal erotlit terms. Have our repreaen- tative call and explain the merits of gas for cooking. Asheville Power & Light Co. PHONE 69. notice OF EXECUTION SALE. State of North Carolina, County of 1 (uncorrfbe - In the Superior Court. Wingo, Kllett .V Crump Shoe Co., vs. J. 11. Ingle and Mary V. (lentry i'.y virtue of seven executions di rected to the undersigned from the Superior court of r.niicoinbe county, N. (, in seven certain actions, all en titled as above, I will, on Monday, the 1st day ot July. 1S12, at 12 o'clock, M., or as soon thereafter us saiil sale can be made and before 4 o'clock p. in., at the court house door, in the city of Asheville, in the said county ol Ituncombe, slate of North Carolina, sell tu the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and interest which the defendant .1. I"). .Ingle has, or had at the time of the docketing id' said judgments, In said Superior court, on the 23d day of January, 1 S It 7 , in the following de scribed n al estate, towit: Two certain pteCM, parcels or lots of land. Situate, lying and being in the said county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, one being situate on the west side of Kant street in the city of Asheville, ami tile other in (he town of Inanda and hounded anil more particularly described as follows: 1st bd; Situate in the city of Asheville on the west siite of Hast street, as aforesaid, ad joining the lands of Mrs. Alma Reers on the south. Adolphus Hoone and w ile. Jennie Hoone, on the north, and Karl von Ruck on (he west, anil more, particularly bounded as follows: He ginning at a stake on the west mar gin of East street al the eastern end of a fence, that formerly run through the middle of a well, the well being now tilled up. ami runs with said mar gin of East street north 3 deg. 30 min. east 110 feet to a stake, corner of Adolphus and Jennie Room's lot. thence with their line nearly west S3 feel to said Karl von Ruck's line, for merly J. c. .Moore's line, then south 3 deg. 30 lain, west with said von Ruck's line 05 feet to a stake in the line of .Mrs. reef's lot; thence with In r line east S:, ,eet to the beginning, being the same land ami premises conveyed to the said J. R. Ingle by i. V. Rallard and wife, Elizabeth Mallard, by deed bearing date the l.Xth duv of January, ISM, and registered in book Mj on pages 544 and 54.r of the Records of Reeds of Runcombe county. Second lot. Situate in (he town of Inanda. as aforesaid, adjoining lh' lands of tjonnle is. Plemmons, 8. 'V, Baldwin and outers: Reginning at an iron pips on the western margin of the Brevard road, northeast corner of lot No. 2 of a division of a tract of land made by (',. W. Rallard, said lot No 2 now being the property of th -.aid l,onnIc I,. rb-mmons, and runs wilh (he said lirevard road north (1 deg. west (I poles to a stake, 8. F I'aldwln's corner (formerly J. D Drake's); then with the said Raid- win's line south 4!) deg. west 10 poles to a stake on the margin of the road leading to the l.lndley home; thence with the said road south 31 deg. west 7 poles and 14 links to a stake, I .on nie R. I'lemmon's corner; then with the said Ijonnlc It. Pleinuion's lin north 89 deg. east 1 4 i poles to th beginning, being known as lot No. in the said division of land made h ',. W. Rallard and being the same lot of land conveyed to the said J. B, Ingle bv the said 6, W. Mallard ami wife, Rttsabeth Ballard, by deed bear lug dale the llth day of February 1N!M, and registered In bonk sr, on page H32 of the Records of Reeds of Runcombe county. This the 31st day of May. 11)12. C. F. WII.I.AMS, Sheriff of Runconil County, N. C J KNICKERBOCKER NO. 77 COLLEGE ST. PHONE 17,3. Delightful Situation. Appointments Complete. Central Location. Large Shady Grounds. TERMS According to Location of Room. SwannanoaBerkeley Asheville 's Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. GLADSTONE HOTEL MOUNTAIN The leading commercial and tourist hotel. BO yards of depot. Porter meets trains. 1(2 per day; special rates by week and month and to families. WM. JEFF DAVIS, Prop. Mountain Meadows Inn NOW OPEN. MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. Phone 328. HOTEL OXFORD NOW OPEN Undor new management. Thoroughly renovated and remodole) throughout. Modern equipment. European plan, cafe in connection. Special rates by the week or month. C. II. BRANSON & SONS, Prop. Come Try BLUE RIDGE HOTEL, Hendersonville, N. C. Transient, tourist and commercial patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newly remodeled. Kales $2 per day and up. Rooms with or Ithout hath. Excellent sample rooms In buflding. S. W. MITCHELL, Prop, and Owner. NOTICE OP SPECIAL TERM OP SUPERIOR cui ltT. All persons are hereby notified that a two weens special Term of the Superior Court of Runcombe county has been ordered by His Excellency W. W. Kltchln, Governor, to convene at the county court house of Run combe county on Monday June loth 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the trial of civil cases only. This may 26, 1012. E. W. PATTON, Chairman Hoard County Commission ers, Runcombe County. ltt On account of the unfavorable weather It is necessary to postpone the Senior Class piny which wns to havo been presented Krlduy afternoon at o'clock on the campus at the Normal anil Collegiate Institute. The play will be given nt 3:30 p. m. Saturday flense notice change of hour. It CPHEnMSPILLS THE UliMnf.'t imams Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. C. """"" OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Famous Everywhere THE MANOR ALBEMARLE PARE ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Local and Long Distance Telephone in every room. Near Golf Links. NO. 3 ASTON PLACE Church Street. STEAM HEAT. WELL COOKED POOD. Milk and cream from our own cows. I make my guests comfortable. MISS MATT TIE HARRIS Plione G76. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER. Prop. RATES S2.00 ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATH THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESVILLE, N C. MRS. SALL1E E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" TRUSTEE'S sale. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust mad by Nat I. Koscnfeld and Sara Rosen feld to John A. ' mpbell, trustee. I'd May 10, 1910, and duly record in the office of Hie Register of ds lor Buncombe county, N. ('., book of mortgages and deeds of (rust 7!) at page 620, In which refer- nee Is hereby made, and default hav ing been In payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, whereby the power of sale therein ontained has become operative, the lid undersigned trustee will, on I'uesilay, .lime Die I Kill. I III:!, at 13 'clock, noon, sell at public auction ir cash, at the court bouse door, In he city of Asheville, county of Ran- Oltlbe, and state of North Carolina, the following lands and premises sit uate, lying and being In the county of Ituncombe, N. C, more particularly escribed as follows: l.ot No. G: Re- ginning at a stake i the eastern mar iin ot River rond it rims thence wilh the northern line of lot No. G N. 70 leg, B. U.O ft. to n stake; thence with l he western margin of Front street 30 di g. W. 60 ft. to a stake; thence wl'h the southern line of lot No. 7 S. 0 deg. W. UiO ft. to a stake; thence with the eastern margin of River road 8. 20 E. AO ft. to the beginning. LOW NOB, f.0 61: lKInnlng at a take in the northern margin of Look out road It runs thence N. 3 deg, B. (12.74 ft; thence N. 3!) deg, 20 min. E. 01.7 ft. to a stake: thence with the western lino of lot No. 69 N. 37 deg. V. ft. to a slake; thence with the Southern margin ,,l South 1,-ine N. lot No. f,2. H. 37 ft. to stake; thence with the eastern line of lot No. 62. 8. 37 deg. E. 102.5 ft. to the beginning, being lotn 6, 60 and 61 f Chestnut Ridge Park, and shown on a pint recorded In office of Regis ter uf Deeds In Rook of Plats No. 1.14 on pages f2 and C3. , This May 17. 1912. JOHN A. CAMPBEI.l Trust "e. HOTEL ENTELLA rrysois crrr. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Bates 22 per day. Special rates by thi, month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Ballroad eating house fronting Southern depot. Livery In connection. A. V. & AliMA WHEELER, Proprs. PATTON HOUSE Mnrpby, N. 0. The beat and most reasonable house In town, good table, clean beds and home cooking. Bate f 1 par day. MISS ROSA PATTON tssSSt Hotel mm. or 18 NOTICE: list voi r TAXES. All persons who have as yet .ailed to list their property can do so liefore County Auditor It. J. Stokeley at his office In the court house up to June lf.lh. 11)12. niter which time the pen alty prescribed by law will be en forced, c. P. WHITBON, W. E. PATTON, County Assessor. Chairman, lot No matter what yon earae to Washington for business pleasure THE EBBITT most centrally located to every where. Recently remodeled, refurnished and redecorated throughout thoroughly mod ern in every feature. Rooms, single or en mite, with or without bath. Rates: American Plan M OO to M.00 per day. European Plan, $1.50 to tt.00 par day G. F SCHTJTT, Proprietor. NOTICE OF REMOVAL FAIRFIELD INN ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, IN T HE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY, NOW OPEN The trout Ashing la excellent at this season of the year, and sportsmen will find at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spend a few days or weeks. For Information, rates, etc., add ress FAIRFIELD INN. H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. SAPPHIRE, N. ft EAGLE HOTEL J. T. AMOHPNDHO. lrop. Special attention to commercial men. MARION, N. C. All modern conveniences. Kates reasonable. .Summer boarders wanted by week or month. Hotel located In the heart of the Itlue Ridge Mountains. Large, airy rooms, cool and comfortable. Raleigh, N. C. A New-Modern-Meritorious Hostelry. who know what's what and why. It appeals to those HOWELL COBB. THE J ARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST Rates 12.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by Week or month. R. F. JAR RETT. Manager. " Dllhooro, N. O. THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Under new management, The hotel has been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Steam heated. Baths, Hot and Cold Water. Caters especially to commercial men. D. C. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Formerly of Yarborough House, Raleigh, N. C. Hotel Kenmore WAYNESVILLB. N. OL Open Through t tlx Tear. STRICTLY HIGH CI ASS SERVICE ALWAYS. ft H. and MRS. Ii. W. enioht. r. i-. u. Mnciair wishes to an nounce that after Monday, May (, he will be at his old location, Cor. Pack Hq. and P. Ave., In the offices with Dr. Ed. Evans. Come and see n-Mt The ST. JOHN "T." rmlj Hotel Gates. A modern hotel Steam Heat Elevator. Cheerful, home-Uke surround ings. Open all the year. Hotel Bus and Street Can Street from Depot ST. JOHN m SOW. D. J. TATUM Livery, Feed end Sales Stable. Specialty. HENDERSONVILLE, SJISS MS J ... ,j ' . , ., , t,i. Comfortable Vehicles, Raddle Horses a N. C. tYsM at All PINE HILL COTTAGE TETON, If. 0. Open the year rouvi Delightfully located. Magnificent mountain scenery from please end snn-psrlora All the cemforts of an Ideal home without the cares of hooeek,clng. Open fires; rooms ensulte with baths in mam house. Beautiful walk-, horseback country. Northern man agement Telephone,

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