Friday, Jnne 7, PAGE EIGHT GAZETTE NEWS When you sec or hear the name M. & W. INDIAN It is always the sign of quality in coal. Phono 130. Carolina Goal & Ice Company PflST MO VIFWS Can't Sleep Nights W W Willi w I WW w OF BIG POSTERS Scheme of G. W. N. C. A. for Summ:r Campaign 100, 000 to Be Made. Nice Home-grown Cauliflower 15c to 35c. . C. Jarrett City Market. Phone 473 COMMENCEMENT PUMPS Every girl wants the most beautiful in dress for the com menenuent exercises and shoes are most important. PATR CIAN Pumps in white canvas ami white buck $3.50 ami $4.01), are entirely correct i?i every feature with the added attrac tion of unrivaled beauty. GuaranteeShoeStore COMING OF COLUMBUS IT PRINCESS HOUSES 4 South Main M. ICE CREAM FREEZERS Wu excel! in price, use less amount of loe and salt, run easi ly, freeze quickly, with little bother und less work. The I X L Dept. Store 21! ration Ave. Phone 107 One of, tile new advertising feature) that has been decided on by the man agement of the Greater Western North Carolina association i.s to have photograph! of the big posters that have 'men put up all over the south made and reduced to post card size. AbOUl 100,000 of these will lie made, tinted like the original and put in the hotel:-; and boarding houses of this scci ion for the use of quests. These Will be free, and it is expected that It will lie a most attractive anil effec tive scheme, as they will be sent all over Ihe country and will Dear more information than can be ordinarily put in su.'h a small space as a post card. It is just possible that one day will be set aside during the season as post card day, when every man. woman Knd child in the section included in the association, home people and vis itors, will be asked to send one or more of these post cards to friends ev erywhere. Such a distribution would certainty be of incalculable value us an advertising medium. Col. Snnford It. Cohen, the mana ger of the association, left the city Wednesday for Memphis, and while In is away he will cover all the ter ritory in the south not previously cov ered and have I he posters put up. He is expected to return about the first of next week, and soon thereafter tin re will be a meeting of the exec utive committee. At this time the various reports of the sub-committees mi horticulture, agriculture, minis and minerals, and others will be heard and passed upon, and these will likely be put into printed form for distribu tion over the country in the fall cam paign for permanent settlers in this section. Your Stomach is Out of Con ditionThat's All. S Many a disordered stomach has been put in splendid shape with a few days treatment of MI-O-NA stomach tablets. Vuu probably know (hat stomach trouble causes biliousness dizziness. nervousness, tick headache, had dreams, foul breath, desnondency. I weak eyes, red nose, sallow skin and . hiss of memory. If you have any of these troubles ' the chancel are that MI-O-N'A stom- ach tablets will put you all to the good ; in a few days. They relieve after din- ' : ner distress in live minutes. I Be sure and try them and it they j don't do you as much good as you thought they would, get your money j buck, Largo box SO cents at Smith' I drug store and druggists ever where One of Biggest Features Ever Produced at Theater and Airdome. The sill graduate the June iiride the summer girl will he proud i f their daintiness as expressed In a photographic Portrait made by us Expert posing and lighting "liable us to produce portraits of uu'ril- pictures that please. Make an appointment today. HIGGASON STUDIO f X 18 N. rack Bq. 'hone 388. J. E. Carpenter JEWELER "Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty Karres Bros' &. 11 North Main St. Ph"ne 1417 for pure lee rream. best in city. Also fresh candies and fruits daily Orders delivered in city. LINENS DONE THE NICHOLS WAY LIVE LONGER, So say the women folk aiid THKV KNOW. Phone 95. Askeville Laundry Where Linen Lives Longer. J. A. NICHOLS, .Mgr. 5 College St. i in next Monday the Princess thea ter and Princess airdome on 1'atton avenue Will bine a btg feature pic ture, "The Coming ot Columbus." in three reels. This will be shown at the theater fi- m n o'clock In tin morning until 11 it night, end at the airdome In the evening from 8 to 1 I o'clock. This will be one of the biL'g, t features ever shown in the city and is . onsiilered the great est historical picture ever rcleasd. Such a feature is expected to draw a record breaking attendance at these two amusement places, as the story of COlumbU und the discovery of America is one of the lirst that Is learned by Americans of all degrees. and one that is cherished by tiuni always. This picture shows In the best dramatic form the whole story ol the life of the great disi overer, his voyage across the stormy Atlantic and his Anal discovery of the North Amer ican continent. It Is approved by everybody, the press, pulpit and ad vanced educators. Itesldes the feature, the regular program of other pictures will be shown Monday und an excellent ma i ic program arranged. CITY NEWS In the Y. M. C. A. indoor baseball the second team defeated the hrst yesterday afternoon by the score of 7 to l. Last night about 1! o'clock on Southside avenue near the intersection of Victoria avenue Ihere was a collis ion ol a street car ami a mail Wagott. Little damage was done. The senior class play, which was to have been given on the Normal and Collegiate campus this afternoon at I o'clock, has been postponed until to morrow afternoon at 3:'.',0 on account of the unfavorable weather. At the regular weekly meeting of Ashevllte lodge No. 106, K. of P.. to night, the chief business will be the election of officers. All the members of the lodge arc urged to be present and visiting Knights are cordially in vited. The season for classes it. C and D of the Y. M. C. A. baseball closes next week, but a new one will be started immediately. A new schedule is al ready being prepared. The remainder of the games i". these classes will bo played in the morning. At the annual session of the Health Officers' association to be held at Henderson ville June 17. R. 1!. Wil li. mis of Aslieviile will deliver the ad :'ri ss on "How to llring Indictments lor Vlolatli ha of the Health Laws." I.yle Joms of franklin was on the povi-ional program for this address as was stated yesterday. Deputy Collectors Hurt and Miller have reported to Revenue Agent It. IV Sams the seizure of four illicit dis tilleries in Russell coiintv. Virginia. two in Dickinson county. Virginia, anil one m Wise county, irginia. Deputy Collector Shelton and Special Employe Kanine have reported the seizure ot one ether in Gaston county. Oscar Wilson was found guilty Ibis morning In Police court of carrying a concealed weapon and was lined $15 a ol the eoatl. Probable cause was also found against him in a case charging him with committing per jury by swearing falsely before Jus tice oT the Peace W. R. tludger and h. was bound over to Superior court under a bond of JfiOO. There were no other cases of interest before the court today. Chalmers Cars are Worth a Comparison During the Chicago Automobile Show, a mar. walked Into our exhibit and said: 1 have seen tiiem all. If It were possible for you to take each person who really wants to buy a cur around this show an 1 make an Individual comparison for him, the Chalmers Company would sell its entire output in one week." The man who made th it statement owns a high priced car. llut he knows ears, and he picks the Chalmers "Thirty-Six'' as the best automobile value on the market. So would you, if we could only get you to make a few careful comjjaris cms. Comparisons by cople who know have already sold seventy per cent of the Chalmers output for 1912. If we could get all buyers to make comparisons, we would sell twice as many cars as we can build for 1012. Have you seen a ear at any price with all of these desirable features? Lmg stroke motor; (4 1-4" x 5 1-4"). Compressed air self-starter. Five speed transmission. Large wheels and tires; (36" x 4"). Continental demountable rims. , Long wheel base; (115"). Dual ignition. Carhurotor adjustable from driver's mat. All metal body. Deep upholstery (full 10" thick). , Beauty of line and finish. Then add to these features the price of $1S00. Come and see this big-value ear. "30," $1500: "Thirty-Six." $1800: "Six," $32r0. New shipment of '3(j" Chalmers just received. Come in and seo them. Asheville Automobile Co. 15 and 17 South l.cvimjon Avenue. Wear Biltrite Shoes. They Look better, Wear Better and Cost Less. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 S. Main St. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Sanford's ax mlnster rugs and are offering entire stock t bargain prices. Cme In and see these rugs before placing your order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for cash. ASHL'VILLK CAUPKT IKWSE 18-20 Church St. Plinee No. iff i Because of thoQaulity 0f j I M. & W. COAL it is without doubt the ltl'iT lWttxiilno I . - tun,, eoai sold in Asheville, THE EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR $1. It Is always ready lor a good easy shave anywhere, any time. .I lozen blades and holder lor $1; new blades ten tor fifty cents. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. Fresh Assorted Caramels CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STRKKT NEAR IHISTOFFICE AT BLOMBERG'S On the Avenue for your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes and Sporting Goods. Your home papers. Souvenir post cards, 300 assortment, at 10c per dozen. BLOMBERG'S Established 18i7. Patton Avenue. License to Wed. CLASS DAY EXERCISES HELD III HIGH SCHOOL The Graduating Exercises Will Take Place at Audito rium Tonight. The graduating class of the Ashe ville High hool held the class day exercises this morning at the High school auditorium in the presence of a largo number of the students, patron- und friends of the school. Everything went off nicely and tin various numbers were much enjoyed by those present. The progiam Ing of till' class Roberta, Then number by the Tin i las: proph Claia Walla the class si Then the I by David 11 Viva." Hamilton lass poem began with the read hlltory by Miss Susie followed a musical High school liiinu sey was read by Miss and it was followed b 10 in 1 1 . rati and O s were given the class sang Mellow. II which he thin was followed l.y the "Ben King's llrlde" by rus. The program ended rend the class composed, and Uie ringing of the cho wllh tin class will l.y Margaret Wiley. The final exercises will take plnei tonight at the Auditorium, at which time the tn memliers of the gradual Ing class will lc presented with their diplomas by Judge Oeorge A. i'hu lord. This Is said to be the largest Since 1HS. Phone 1626 QUICK DELIVERY CIGARS That's my business BARBEE'S Write lyrle for the springtime On account of the unfavorable weather It Is necessary to postpone the Senior Class play which was to hnvi been p, 'nented 1'rlday afternoon at o'l lock on the rumpus at thi Normal and Collegiate Institute. play will he given at .1:30 p. m. Katurday '"lensi noli. bin of hour. It Oram's No. 14 Cdr Coids. II cents cut lor every one accepted. Chambi AsIm vIIIc Paint tilmm Co., fornv-rl) I be Mlllrr-Uh e Palm ... LshsjS Palm T. H. livers of Haywood and Annli Morgan of Huncnmbe, white. RESOLUTIONS or RESPECT. Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has removed from our midst our beloved friend and faithful president. Henry T. Collins; und Whereas, we bow in humble sub mission to the will of Him who douth ill things well, and Whereas, it Is our desire to give tumble expression to the grief we feel mil pay a tribute of love and respect to the memory of our departed friend ind fellow-worker; rherefore, be it resolved. That in the ilcatlvof Henry T. Collin-, the so lely tor the Prevention of Cruelly to nlmals has lost a never-tiring worker ind a faithful presiding officer, and the cause of humane work In Ashe ville has suffered a grievous loss; a public spirited and progressive char- toter has been removed from the hus- ness activities of the city; and his family and friends have sustained a oss beyond words to express; for he was a devoted husband, a loving futh- r, a faithful friend; " lie it further resolved. That a MM of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Society, a cops mailed to the bereaved family, and a. opy published In the newspapers of the city. JAS. E. ItKCTOR, Vice-President. F. M. ALEX AND Kit, Secretary and Treasurer. I id Watermelons Cantaloupes Peaches And Other Fruits at Market Prices Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. Kindling lUc per box. Six Phones No. 1800 ILLINOIS Is the second state in the union in the production of coal, though, possibly no coal produced in that state equals our Monarch coal we are sup plying to Asheville people. Southern Goal Go Phone 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. PHONE 40. i Asheville Coal Co. 6 North Pack Sq. WE Buy Your Furniture, Fixtures o Anything you have for sale. ASHEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY Pack Square and College Stg. Phone 1817. Let Us Show You No Rim Cut Tires You are undoubtedly convinced that you should use No-Rim-Cut tires. Every motorist has read about No-Rim -Cut fires again and again in the magazines and newspapers. You have read how the 10 per cent oversize aud No-Rim-Cut fea tures cut tire bills iu two. You have wanted . these tires. They arc now here. Let us show you. Arbogast Motor Co. Nos. 69 and 71 South Main St. Phone 1728 American Dairy Lunch Tlic only up-to-date restaurant in tbwn. FINEST CLUB SANDWICHES AND COFFEE IN THE CITY. Note our window display of special values in Diamond Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Bilverwnre, Cut Clans, etc. Also Trunks, Suit cases, Hand Hags and Spurting Uoods. A few special offerings 20-year cases, Elgin and Waltham Watches, only 8.G0 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons 50c to 1 75 Leather Suit Cases and Hand Bugs only .93.75 First-class Jewelry and Watt u Repairing. , CRESCENT JEWELRY & LOAN COMPANY PHONE! LIIB. - 16 PATTON AVE. WANTS FOR RENT KIKNISHKD No. 201 M' M inion Rvenue, 5 room cottage, two bed rooms and sleeping porch, with servant's ipiarters In yard. One of the best located In city, plenty i thudc. high, level The Market ul Quality. The Market of Ulcanlluobn Veribest Cooked Corned Beef HILL'S MARKET Phone 4 "Ask Your Neighbor."- IS EVERBODY DOING IT? We are POOLE BROS. Cleaning gloves, 10c and 15c, by our New glove machine just installed. KEEP COOL It doesn't cost much to keep cool the price of an electric fan. Our special for the Iwmi an 8-ln. disk or bracket fan complete with plug and cord, J9.00. Other sizes and styles for every purpose. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC COMPANY 61 PATTON AVENUE OPPOSITE POHTOFFICE. WE AVER VI LLE and LAKE JU ANITA Car Leaves Pack Square EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. ASHEVILLE & EAST TENNESSEE RAILROAD 7 NORTH MAIN STREET. FOR SALE. FOR SALE lot or 74. Phone 10S2 104-31 One-acre I i" .i hi ii ni pip i.n Sunset Orite. Price $8r.0. See A A new (-room house tin good street, ,rre 13000. Kor particulars and terms see D0NNAH0E & BLEDSOE DONNAHOE & BLEDSOE & w Phone U HALESMAK WANTED Man wllh grit and determination, to sell doe tors and mtichant In Asheville and surrounding territory for reliable house; good proposition for right man. Address B. W care Uasette News. 1 , 104-lt KOIt RENT Two steam heatnd busi ness rooms. In Morey-Hunter bldg.; vsry nice locstlon. Addrast A. H. Morey. HendersonvlHe, N. C. 101-f.t. WANTED A seuinstrc. to wo, the da'. one uble to cut and 'II. l'liona i -' ltf: .1 . ii - WANTED Severn! good hoys In Mry Uhe Oasette-News. Must not I tin l "Cr It years of sge. Apply at Ga zette News office. I " I i Phone 611. Phono 619. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK. Owner. FURNITURE MOVDNO Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. by V. O. T. and T. P. A. -V Watch our Windows for Special Bargains. It's a saving of money to trade at Levitt's gcS Store The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. 3 South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. cm am a FOR SALE Nix-room bona on corner lot, price $11000.00. third oHh, balance in one an d two yours. MARSTELLER & 00. 20 Haywood Street. Terras, one- Old Hickory Furniture takes you buck to nature. It combined strength, beauty nni comfort. V Let us furnish your porch and lawn.' GREEN BROTHERS' FURNITURE STORE "Vudor Porch Shades." "Eddy'-JRVrig14,