SPRINGTIME LYRIC CONTEST Style and fit And the price of it, Are important when clothes you buy; And quality, too, So whatever you do, See Whitlock before others you try. 112 Havwood Street. Iu wiring a house, or lighting a town; ' For lighting the world when the sun goes down, The Piedmont Company's contracting away Making tlie night as bright as the day No order too large; no order too small, For the Piedmont Company is after them all. 7 C. G. TEEHUNE. Did you hear how Jones' cow Broke through the fence and ate his grain? The trouble was he did Not use a Brown and Northnp chain. L. C. BELL. A. M. The Electric Iron is only one of the many things we offer to make your house duties a pleasure this hot weather. Piedmont Electric Co. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE All Desirable Sizes in Stock Brown, Northup & Co. 33 Patton Avenue. Style, fit and price are the three most important require, ments in clothing. Whitlock 's twenty-five years in the clothing business assures you of all three of these and their guarantee of quality will always protect you when you buy from them. $ WHITLOCK'S "TI1K YOrNG MAN'S STORK" 41 PATTON AVK. PIIONK 2l. CONFIDENCE Since 1881 This is the keynote upon which we have built our large busi ness. We aim to sell reliable and dependable merchandise as low as it can be sold. Our own profit is not large. Confidence, all folks must gain (And some must seek long years in vain), For public faith is based on fact The public judges every act If. Redwood's store has stood time's test; For thirty years among our best. C. G. TER1IUNE. H. REDWOOD & CO. 7 and 9 Patton Ave. One Price Store. Ladies' Suits and Dresses; Coats, Skirts and Waists; Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery and (Moves; Embroideries, Laces, Veilings and Ribbons. Fine Dry Goods, Silks and Butterick Patterns. Men's Clothing, Furnishings; Shoes and Hats for Every body; Trunks and Bags; Umbrellas; Rugs and Mattings. s s ('HAS' place is the one for you, EGAR dealers all know it, too TORE is handsome, clean and new. AN1TARY drinks are sold, ODA, creams and ices cold TERILIZED glasses, too, we're told. -C. G. TERHUNE. "Schas Leads Watch Others Follow." s CHAS' EGAR and TORE s ANITARY ODA FOUNTAIN 'Every Glass Sterilized." 6 S. Main St. Brown Hardware Store's not hard to hunt; It is the one with the new front; It is at 25 North Main; It's where you'll go, and go again; It is the place they "treat you white," Where goods and prices are just right. C. G. TERHUNE. Our adjustable screens are made to fit any window. Large or small. All you have to do is to call 87 and our maa will take measurements and furnish estimate with no obligation on your part to purchase unless price is satisfactory. Brown Hardware Co. Phone 87. 25 North Main St. Have your laundry done "the Nichols Way," By the Asheville Laundry, the satisfied way. 'Immaculate linen" is the motto there, Everything handled with the utmost care. Prompt delivery, laundry rightj I They work to please and give delight. MRS. E. H. MILLER. DO Starues Ave. The popularity of the Nichols way is apparent to most Asheville people, judging from the increasing volume of business. Remember that women and linen live longer when the latter's done "The Nichols Way." Asheville Laundry J. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. Phone 95. We want it every morning; We want it every noon. If it's on the bill for supper It caij't come around too soon. Its the brain and body builder, Tdcal Bnter Crust Bread, Made by tht, Asheville Bakery, In the lead and stands ahead. MRS. E. H. MILLER. "In the lead and stands ahead" this is the way all who use our famous Butter Crust bread talk about it. It's always pure and wholesome the brain and body builder. Ask your grocer or phone 622. Asheville Steam Bakery Corner Patton and Asheland A' enues. Microbes in the water; microbes in the air. , Microbes in the soap and towels; microbes everywhere. Now, when you want a shave or hair- cut, do not stop Till you arrive at Antiseptic Barber Shop. Their methods are modern; their patrons the best. Just go and trv them vou'il find out the rest. CORA RANNIER. Messrs. Parkins & Williams of the Antiseptic Barber Shop have opened the Langren Hotel Shop. This shop is one of the best equipped hotel shops in the south. Every modern sanitary equipment, the best workmen tht can be had will be employed in this shop. One of (he best lady manacurists in Baltimore has been employed, a lady of ex tended experience. Mr. Prkins will have charge of this shop, while Mr. Williams wishes to say that he will do business at the snme old sand, and in the same old way. They hope with the help of our many friends and customers to make these shops a great success. Come and see us. PARKINS & WILLIAMS Maude Muller on a summer day, With electric iron, ironed away The Judge rode by; she heeded not; So cool she was (the iron so hot) Her thoughts were of the clerk who sold An iron worth its weight in gold. Care The Inland PresH. -C. G. TERHUNE. FLAT IRONS DOMESTIC ELECTRIC IRONS .'Mb. Irons . ., $2.60 Mb. Irons 3.60 8-lb. Irons . ., 4.50 These irons give perfect satisfaction and insure service that cannot be found in any other electric heated iron. Asheville Power & Light Co. PHONE 69. Is it porch shades you want? ' Or a porch seat or chairt You'll find them at Meaumonts, ; The best anywhere. And the prices are lower by far, you will fimf, Than anywhere else for goods of this kind. A. G. MILLER. 26 Bennett St. , Why worry and fret with ashes and heat? Buy a gas range and keep cool and neat. No fuel to carry, no fires to make, Bnt always ready, night or day, to bake. 'Hie Asheville Power & Light Co., try For the be t in this line that money can buy. MRS. E. IL MILLER. 90 Starnes Ave. Quartered Oak Pa rlor Tables 24 inch Tops Special $1.69 Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main St. COOK WITH OAS THIS SUMMER AND YOU WILL USE A GAS RANGE ALWAYS A gas range must be tried to be fully appreciated, this is I specially true if you value the economy of steps, time and cost. By the use of gan for cooking you have the assurance of a hot fire on a minutes notice, and the lack of an over heated kitchen. YOU STRIKE A MATCH THAT'S ALL. Ranges enn be purchased from $15.50 on up to $25.00 and they are of the latest improved type, such as will add to (he saving of time and labor in the "preparation of the dally meals. Have our representative call we would like to have the opiwrtunity of explaining in detail the advantage of using a gas riuige and also our easy payment plan. ASHEVILLE POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PHONE 69.