Tffl? ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE THREE - Saturday, ttro 1332. People's Department Store t 40 and 42 Patton Avenue Sumner's Former Stand. I: EXTRA SPECIAL A BARGAINS ON OUR MAIN FLOOR X $1.50 white cotton Corduroy Skirt 98c 9 $3.00 white English Corduroy Skirts .$2.00 T T $.r).00 white Corduroy Ladies' Dresses $2.50 T Y $10.00 pure linen Ladies' Norfolk Suits $6.95 Y Y $2.50 ladies' white Ratine and English Y Y Corduroy Walking Hats, for $1.50 m Y Y One table lull of beautifully trimmed Ladies, Y Hals, $4.00 to $6.00 values, for $2.98 Y . . m . Y J 75c Ladies' Silk Trimmed Union Suits, for 39a f Y $1.50 and $2.00 Ladies' Parasols for 98c Jjj IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT J X 12 l-2c Ladies' Vests for I 7 l-2c V X Y A 50c Ladies' Union Suits 25c t I X A $1.00 ladies' House Dresses for 75c X I I Y V $1.75 Ladies' House Dresses for 98c X A $2.25 Ladies' House Dresses . .$1.39 X & $::.;")() to $5.00 Ladies' Dresses $2.50 X A $5.00 Trimmed Ladies' Hats $1.98 & A $:!.r0 Silk Underskirt's $1.98 X I . 4 Hoys' hlouse vest for 19c A Y Boys' Khaki Pants, for 49c A DIY BUSINESS 0UTL00KIS FINE Mr. Flannery Finds Fanners Willing to Receive Sug gestions tor Betterment. A. M. Flannery, assistant dairyman of the state department of agricul ture, has just returned to Asheville from a trip over parts of Henderson and Transylvania counties, which he made in the interest of the dairy bus- THE WEATHER t'lMPIKAIUHl. a S3 A genuine, value-giving "special sale" should make a host of NEW FRIENDS for a store. But a special sale has no ad vertising of fact unless it is effectively advertised of couru .11 . &3 65 Atlanta 58 72 Atlantic City 52 6(i Augusta . . . 58 70 iialtimore 52 70 Birmingham ........... 88 76 Charleston 60 76 Charlotte 54 70 Chicago ... , 52 56 Jacksonville ... 66 86 Key West 72 82 Knoxville ... ............... 54 74 Louisville . , 50 72 Mobile 66 78 Montgomery 64 74 New Orleans 68 86 New York ... 50 68 Oklahoma 60 78 lialelnh 54 6S Savannah 60 80 Tampa 70 80 Washington 52 70 Wilmington 52 70 Normal lor this lUite: Temperature 68; precipitation .14 Inch. Forecast until 8 p. m. Sunday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sunday. For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday; brisk northeast winds. General Conditions lust 21 Hours. The disturbance which was noted yesterday morning over the east gulf has caused heavy rains In the south Atlantic and east gulf states, and the barometer is still relatively low in that section. The northwestern storm is increasing In energy and it has been attended by light rains in the plateau section and in the central portion of the Rocky mountain re gion. An area of high pressure which overlies the northeastern por tion of the country has caused cooler weather In the north Atlantic states while In the rear of this area the temperature is somewhat higher. The following heavy precipitation (in Inches) has been reported during the last 24 hours: Charleston, ,1.26; Bat teras, 2.86; Jacksonville, 1.82; Savan nah, 2.10; Tampa. 2.46; Tltusvllle, 1.22; Wilmington, 2.74. Fair weather Ls Indicated for this vicinity tonight and Sunday. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. iness. He spent about a week in vari ous sections of those counties, most of the time being spent in Henderson. He was accompanied by Charles W. Mason of the land and industrial de partment of the Southern railway. They visited Hendersonville, Fletcher, Horseshoe, Dana, and Brevard, and Mr. Flannery stated that they found the farmers to be very willing to en tertain any suggestions that they thought might prove valuable in ad vancing the business. The primary object of the trip, was to induce the farmers to build silos, to keep better cows and to use better methods in dairying. They had many personal talks with the farmers and investigat ed the possibilities, which, Mr. Flan nery stated, are very favorable in this section for this industry. Mr. Flannery Baid that Curtis By num has just completed the. rebuild ing of his creamery, which hurned down some time ago at Fletcher, and that his business increased during the past month by about ono-fourth; that he will soon be able to handle all of the cream that may be shipped to him. Mr. Flannery will spend several da ys around Asheville, after which he will go to Raleigh. lie intends to return here, however, and make other trips in this section. bAshtrillt hurches , q l U. S. Department of Agriculture. wtAintK BUREAU. I n wiLLlb L. MOORE. Chief. 7 ArTbQW2Jin vvcAintK bureau. ) .WILL'S L. MOORE, Chief. 30. l""1' V I SAP i L- hSajJf . "fcTow i . - . ASHEVILLE. N. 0., I 9 ZqA V bo -V 1 W DO A60 EXPLANATORY NOTES,' Observations taken at . ra.; 75th merldiaiHlmo. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous lines) pass through points of equal air pressure Isotherms (dottod lines) pass through anluut of equal temperature: drawn only for loro, rroeiinc. 00". aud 100". O der: O parUy cloudy; cloudy; rain; snow; report missing. Arrows fly with tho wind. First figures, temporaluro; second, precipitation of .01 Inch or more for past 21 hours; third, maximum wind velocity. J"la,' NOTE Pastors and church officers are requested to send in copy of changes in announcements by 4 p. m. Friday. Methodist Protestant church. Rev. William D. Fugleman, pastor Wor ship In the Y. M. C. A. .Sunday school each Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. The public cordially invited. Christian church, Rev, P. H, Mears, minister Preaching 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. ; Bible school 10 a. in. ; prayer meeting Wednesday 8:15 p. m. The public is invited to all these services. Bethel Methodist church, Rev. H. H. Robbins, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; prayer meeting Wednes day evening. Central Methodist church, Rev. C. W. Byrd, D. D., pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m., F. M. Weaver, superin tendent; preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. First Baptist church, Rev. Calvin B. Waller, pastor Sunday school 9:30 a. m., C. S. Davis, superintendent; morn ing worship 11 a. m. preaching by pastor, "The Lost Power of the Church"; evening evangelistic service 8:15, sermon by pastor. "The Man Who Could, But Wouldn't." Vernon McFee of Knoxville will sing ut both services; strangers welcome. Emmanuel Lutheran church, corner French Broad avenue and Philip street. Rev. C. H. Bernhard, pastor Sunday school at 9:45; morning ser vice at II, theme of sermon, "The Kingdom of Heaven in its Wonderful Power"; song service Wednesday evening at 8. A cordial welcome to all. North Asheville Methodist church, Chestnut street, Rev. W. E. Poovey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., J. H. Weaver, superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor; prayer meeting Wednesdays, 7:30 p. m. Flrrt Presbyterian church, Rev. R. P. Campbell, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 u. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. The pews are all free, and everybody ls welcome. niltmore and Mt. Pleasant Metho dist churches, Rev. J. J. Barker, pas tor Services at BIHmore second and fourth Sundays, morning and even ing. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m very Sunday. Prayer meetlngB Wednes day evenings. Services at Mt Pleas ant first and third Sunday, morning and evening. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. every Sunday. Prayer meetings Friday evening. BIHmore Baptist church. Preach ing every first and third Sundays at 11 a. m. and t p. m. Sunday school every Sunday 10 a. m. Prayar meet ing Friday 8 p. m. Rev. W. W. Marr. pastor. 3, M. Brookshln. Sunday school superintendent. West End Baptrst charoh, Rev. Q. P. lUmrlck, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in., J. B. Grlce, superinten dent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15. p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Haywood Street Methodist church, Rev. W. A. Newell, pastor. Preaching Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. H. H. Dunham, Supt.; pray er meeting Wednesday 7:45 p. m. Sun day school at Riverside .1 p. m. Preaching at Riverside Thursday at '30 n. m. A cordial welcome for all who come. Seventh Day Adventists, 40 Hay wood street, Elder G. W. Wells, pas tor. Services every Sabbath (Satur day), Sabbath school 10 a. m., devo tional services at 11 a. m.; a cordial Invitation to all. The Salvation army. Adjutant and Mrs. Bouters in charge Officers' headquarters, 3 Aston park, telephone 1613; shelter and hall No. 1, 38H South Main street, salvation meeting every night at 8 p. m except Monday; Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Hall No. 2, 504 Spring street; salvation meeting Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m.; Y P. I meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. and Sunday at 6 p. m. Sunday meetings 9:30 a. in., dinner meeting 11 a. m. holiness meeting 8:M0 p. m,, salvation meeting. Their motto: "Holiness untt the Lord." Their wa'r-cry: "Sinner, there is Salvation for you." First Church of. (Jhrlst Scientist, new church building 64 North French Broad avenue, near Haywood street side entrance. Services every Sun day mornlne at 11 o'clock: Sundav school at 9:46: testimonial meeting Wednesday evenings at 8:15. The reading room ls in the Electrical building, 62 Patton avenue, room No 29, and Is open every day except Sun day, from 10 to 12 and from 4 to 6 All are cordially welcome to the ser. vices and to the reading room. CHILD KIDNAPPED ' BY STRANGE WOMAN ' SOPHIA lS&Ef' Special Values In Muslin Underwear Center aisle specials for today. Corset covers, skirts, slips, drawers, gowns, chemise, combination suits, all marked at substantial reduction. Shop Here Today Coat Suits of pure linen, wash skirts, wash dresses, white felt hats, Blazer Coats. KODAK TIME IS HERE Bring that next roll of films to us if you want the very best work and appreciate good clear, brilliant prints from your films. We loan Kodaks FREE. ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE 3 HAYWOOD STRKET. Prospective tenants, nine-tenths of whom read advertise ment, will begin too "look up" your property the day you be gin to advertise it. Sophia iWelsberg, a pretty little girt Tour years old, has been kidnapped 'a New York by a strange woman while playing in the street in front of ter home. This Is the second mysteri us case of kidnapping in a week and the police of Nutv York are puzzle bver It. AliTOMOBK.F service de luxe. By the hour. Telephone 202-3. PUBLIC SERVICE MOTOR CO. A PA1US HINT. ' VAUDEVILLE, PALACE THEATB.E RADCLIFFE & HALL ' in- t f "Two Girls and a Hobby Horse." AL. NASHE ' ' That Imitating Goon. 2 REELS FINE PICTURES 2 First Regiment "Burnt bread" colored straw hal rimmed with ruby and black ribbon.J Unison Allx. ' No Humorist- "What of his sen of humor? "Well, be has to see n joke twice helore h "sees It once." i Ijlpplncott .. AUTOMOII1LK service de luxe. By the. I Telephone 202-11. PHIiMC HKRV1CE MOTOU CO. BAND CONCERT Sunday Afternoon, 4 O'clock Riverside Park Admission Free PROGRAM SUNDAY, JUNE 9 Overture Zampa .Herotd March Greater Asheville Lieib Waltz Vienna Beauties Ziehrer Selection Ernani i Verdi March Regimental Review Panella Selection Chocolate Soldier Straus INTERMISSION. March National Emblem Bagley Overture Poet and Peasanl Suppe Romance Heart to Heart Trinkaua Selection Reminiscences of the Plantation. .Chambers MaKch -Characteristic Morris Sextette Lucia Donizetti h - - J : The Coming of Columbus THE PRINCESS THEATRE and PRINCESS AIRDOME, on Patton Avenue, t Will Feature "The Coming of Columbus," in Three Reels MONDAY, JUNE, 10th 00 THE WORT D '8 GREATEST MOTION PICTURE. The one picture that is uniremlly endorsed by educators, press, pulpit and public. The one story in history that is known to everyone, is that of Columbus and His Discovery of AmertCft. A Historical Pilm that will never be equalled-THE LIFE STORY OP CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS and the DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Told in vivid, thrillinir all absorbinir dramatic reality Inspiring in its indescribable grandeur and elegance Heart-rendii ha its pathetic appeal, perf ect photography, elaborate setting, correct historic detail. EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD SEE THIS PICTURE. PRICES THE SAME CHILDREN 5c, ADULTS 10c.

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