p Tuesday, June 11, 1912. S8 ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. page agvm ' j4 f Every day cm It's as wholesome as pure water, and quenches the thirst as nothing else Free Our new booklet. telling of Coca-Cola vindication at Chatta nooga, for the asking. STANDING OK TIK CLUBS. Xatiunnl icaguc. Jasehall Won. Lost. Pet. HW York 34 8 .810 Chicago 25 . 18 .581 Cincinnati 26 21 .55:1 Pittsburg 22 20 .524 Philadelphia 18 22 .450 St. Louis 22 27 .4411 Brooklyn 14 27 .341 American League Won. Iost Pet juston 30 18 .625 Chicago 31 19 .620 Mfashtngton 21 .571 Philadelphia.. '. . .. 23 20 .535 Cleveland 23 23 .600 Detroit 25 25 .500 New Vork 15 29 .341 St. Loull '. . . 14 34 .292 southern League. Won. Lost. Pet. Birmingham Poblle .. .. Chattanooga lew oi lcans Mem phi.- . . Montgomery 38 33 25 25 25 20 25 24 24 26 27 .573 .510 .510 .480 .481 2 111 For a midniBht supper, l U. nr uuiu utut f that store-artists can dc -is a It.Burna Oil ItConcen Irtratea Heat JQ-Jfc Watt pi! . t oMewtrsM th beat when yoo .want a and wbwa yo wui it h a ea mac . OMdW sad handier Uwteeal. cheaper thaa 'n tap STANDARD OIL COMPANY (BMOMerataa la Nnr Jersey) Thirst Content many times a day, Drink There's nothing like it will. Delicious Refreshing Wholesome Demand the Genuine Refuse Substitutes THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. i i , M'Oifti'it Atlunta . Nashville 21 18 RESULTS YESTERDAY. National I .oil' 11c. At New Ynrk--.V' W Yo k 'n;- igo 9. Ai Brooklyn Brooklyn 1 p 0. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 10 Cincinnati 7, At Boston lloak :t tti '.u-:.k American ixn.v.ic A I St. Louis St. Louis 2; Boston 3. At Cleveland Cleveland 3; Phila delphia !. At Chicago Chicago i; New York At Detroit Detroit Washington Soiitiicrn League. At Atlanta Atlanta 3; Nashville 4. At New Orleans Ness- Orleans Montgomery; rain. At Birmingham Birmingham 1 ; Mobile 5. At Chattanooga Chattanooga 6; Memphis 2 (Aral game); .Memphis 3; Chattanooga 1 (second game). iillermitioiiul I.nguc. At Italtimoru Baltimore 11; Jersey City 3. At Buffalo Buffalo 8; Toronto 6. At Providence Providence 10; Newark 12. JbaV- 4 Thing in1 Stoves as tor any other meal at any UMt Huner in stoves the best ""o '" W a V 8fc it just seems Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. At Rochester Rochester I trcal 4. Mon American Association. At "V'lumuus Coltiinbus 3; Minne apolis ft. At Indianapolis tndianapolia .Milwaukee 0. At Loulsvllh Louisville 7; Kane City 7 (called by agreement at end the, ninth). South Coiumt Atlantic League. At a -Columbia 6: Albany AI Maeon Macon 8; Savannah 1 I At Jacksonville Jacksonville-Co Itimbla; rain. Virginia 1cagiic. At Itoanoke Roanoke 12; Hieh mond 2. Ai Lvnchbu'rs Lynchburg Nor folk 10. At Portsmouth Portsmouth Danville I. At Newport News Petersburg Newport News 3. Carolina Association. At Greenville Greenville 0; Ander 3on 1 (lirst game); Greenville 1; An ilerson 4 (second game). At Charlotte Charlotte 0; Winston Saletn 3. At Greensboro Greensboro Spartanburg 6. DEALS IN DIIIT. Mary U Ilotsford to 1.. 11. Areoast lot on St. DunHtnn's rnad; consl.lera tlnn $5000. J. M. Ingle to Jennie L. B. Robert Ion on Carter street; consideration $500. H. M. Moody to' F. A. Sondby. Ian on Maw el k; consideration $2000 John Champion to George Green wood, lot mar He una Vista; consider atlon $200. Mattle B. Brooks to George Greenwood, lot In West Ashevill consideration $10 and other consider atlonn. W. I). Robinson to the Board of Ed tiiMtlon of Buncombe county: land Ftnt Creek township; consideration $100. Jonathan Mooney to F, A. Austin lot No. 2 of plat 4if the land ot 8 It I; consideration $800. Thomas J. Itlekman and K. 11 Wells, conimlcslonrrs, to K Y. Israi Innd In Upper Hominy township: con -id' ration $1100 and other consldorn tions. J. I). Penland to W. B. Westnll In West Ashevllle; consideration $240 Gwyn Edwards to W. U Holcombe lot In West Ashevllle; consideration $1250. C. C. Duckett to E. J. Auldridgo land In Handy Mush township; consld eratlon $1000. Samuel Car.U'.T to J. D. Penland, lot In West Ashevllle; consideration $300 Should Have Known Urtler. Birmingham Nws.' The late Gen. I". D. Grant used to lelln funny slory about Hull Run. ''A soldier," he would bealn, "had a scar on hlr face." ",'Where did you get that scar'.1' they asked him. " 'At Bull Ran,' he replied. "'What'' they cried, Incredulously. What, shot In (he fnce at Bull Run? How iSUld Unit lie?' " Well.' explained the soldier, 'It was like this. After I'd run four or live miles 1 vol kind of careless and KNQXVILLE WINS FIRST OF SERIES Waymack Was Hard Hit While Davis Pitched Splen did Game of Ball. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet. Bristol 15 8 .652 Ashevllle 13 1U .565 Cleveland 13 12 .520 Knoxvllle 13 13 .500 Johnson City 10 12 .455 Morrlstown 8 17 ,320 RESULTS YKSTKBDAY. At Knoxville Ashevllle 1; Knox- Hie 7. At Morrlstown Bristol : Morris- town 1. At Cleveland Johnson City Cleveland 2. Games Today. Ashevllle at Knoxville. Johnson City at Cleveland. Bristol at Morrlstown. Special to The Gazette-News, Knoxville, June .11. The homt team walked away wltn the game yes terday, the first of the series with th Mountaineers. Davis pennrmed or, the mound for Knoxville and Way- mack for the visitors. The strikin' out of 13 men by Davis and tin touching of Waymack for 14 hits, tell the tale of the victory. The horn team played errorless ball. Ashe ville's seven hits were not bunche well enough to bring the desired re suits. After the first inning the visi tors had a chance to score twice, but the chance was nil. The batting hon ors went to Woodward and Wynne each getting three hits. However Woodward was only at bat four times while Wynne was up five limes. Two big league scouts, Jack Law and Mike Kehoe, watched the game with ap parent Interest. Score by Innings: R. Knoxville 002 001 31x Ashevllle 100 000 000 1 Knoxville. AB It II PO A K ( 0 Harrison, 3b. Wynne, 1b.. . 0 6 4 1 14 ll 0 1 0 Rhoten, 2b. . (1 Martin, ef. . . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3 . 4 . 3 .34 n 0 Meyer, c. . . Watson, rf. . Morley, ss. . Donahue, If. Davis, p. . . Totals. . . 0 0 0 0 It 9 0 Ashevllle Cahill, Cf. Sharp, 2b. Smith, rf. Woodward, AB R 1 1 PO 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 If. Bmnb, Hi. . Bowers, 3b, Callahan, ss. Kite, c. . Waymack, p tl Totals 31 1 7 24 8 Summary: Two-base hits, Martin Donahue, Meyer, Watson, Wynm Harrison; sacrillce hits, Rhoten. Mar tin; sacrifice fly, Rhoten; struck out bv Davis 13: by Waymack 4; bast a on balls, off Davis 2; off Waymack stolen bases, Meyer, i!umb; passed ball, Meyer; double play, Watson t Ithoten to Wynne; left on bases, Knoxville 7; Ashevllle 4; time of game 1.42; umpire, McLaughlin, Jobbers Protest. Special to The Gazette-News. Morrlstown. June II. By a score of three to one Bristol took the open ing game of the series from Morris- town yesterday afternoon. The game was protested by the home team be cause Burke failed to announce that McKammctt had taken the plAce of Betzel, whom Burke had put out of the game. Williams was rather har hit at times. R. H. E. Bristol 3 8 1 Morristown 1 5 1 Batteries Walker and Munson; Williams und Westlake. Soldiers W in. Special to The Gazette-News. Cleveland, June II. Johnson Ct was defeated by Cleveland here yes terday In a game that was featured by the work of both pitchers. The home team started out In the lead, but the visitors caught up In the fifth Inning. Cleveland made the winning run In the sixth on the single of Schuyler, a sacrifice, and passed ball. Neither team made an error. Score: R. H. Cleveland . . 010 (Mil 00X 2 (i 0 Johnson Citv . 000 (lie 000 1 (I 0 Batteries Norman and Thompson: Hall and Taylor. It Is now well known that not mon than one case of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal Inntment what ever. All that Is needed Is a free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at each ap plication. Try It and see how quickly It will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. Ixiokhlg lor (he Impossible. (Nashville Tenuesseean I. An Englbh woman who Is about to marry an American describes tho Ideal husbuml as a man who dues not drink of smoke, does not eat meat, belleVM In woman stiffraM and re gards a wife as more than a chattel. of course phe had to c ome to Amer ica to find that sort of a husband. The Englishman never lived who could give up his rare roaat beef. . CHESTER MAH Notch COLLAR Ct tt P body (k Co. Troyt W. Ta MRS. STEVENS RECOVERS ' t After Years of Suffering. Tells How Her Health Was Regained. Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou bles for seven years, was all run down, and so nervous 1 could not do any thing. The doctor;, treated me for dif ferent things but did me no good. I got so bad that I could not sleep day or night While in this condition I read ol Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and began its use and wrote to you for special advice. In a short time I had regained my health and am now strong and well. Mrs. Sallie Stevens, K.r.u., No. 2, Comanche, Okla. Another Woman Recovers. Newton, N. II. "For five years I suf fered from female weakness and drag ging down pains. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has restored my health and the pains are gone. Mrs. F. A. PeaslEE, R. F. D., Box 88. Because your caso is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia K Pinkham s Vegetable Compound trial. It surely na3 remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ul ceration, displacements, tumors, irregu lBrities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly v,"hat you need. If you want special advice write to Lydia b. run, ham Medicine Co. (eonll dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by woman and held iu strict couiiden!o- Tax Listers Notice The County Commissioners have extended the time for listing property until Saturday 6 p. m., June 15th. Those who fail to list during this time will be charged extra. R. J. Stokeley Mrs. Racie Adams Listers. NOTICE: LIST YOUR TAXES. All persons who, have as yet failed to list their property can do so before County Auditor R. J. Stokeley at his Office in the court house up to June I5lh, 1912, after which time the pen alty prescribed by law will be en forced. C. P. WHITSON, W. E. PATTON, County Assessor. ' Chairman. lOt NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County In the Superior Court. Annie Gordon vs. Herbert Gordon. ..NOTICE. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Buncombe county, N. ('., for the purpose of htnining an absolute divorce, and the said defend ant will further take notice that ho Is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of snid county to be held on the sixtli Monday before the first Monday in September, 1912, at (he court bouse of said county In Ashevllle, N. C, and answer to the Complaint In said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. MARCUS EltWlN. Clerk Superior Court. This the ,".rd day of June, 1912. J. SCROOP STYLES. Atty. MEN'S ANU YOUTHS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE PRICES A PLEASING VARIETY, A BIG NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. GEM CLOTHING STORE 0 I'ATTOJf AVE. CHICHESTER S PILLS Ss . TUB III Mil, .! Ill: AMI. A l,,IVt.. All.. HI VMtl.Ml l:(t nu.s, ( ) fit. ....... i, 1 1 I .1. 5,14,1, Al .AO.avnKftbn.lt tnmsv .- rvrGvuiipt WATCH THIS SPACE American Commission Co. 29 S. Main St. Buy your ticket and gl order for baggage to be checked (rota your residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket Office tame room, 60 Patton Ave. MOVING AND 8TORAGB I.mhmiI Auk t t.r tfutjrtt ft A 1111 tn It.il UoU mcLMItAV' .lh J)im Ri'jhon. V 1 nLa tin i.fli. It,. -t ..... V Tf WANTS FOB SALI OR SALE Complete portable saw mill outfits in good order. Also skidders, loaders and logging equip ment of all kinds. The Champion Fibre Co.. Canton, N. C. 247-tf OR BALE Dry kindling wood, $1.50 per load, delivered. Pbona 1643 Blltmore Box Factory. 16-tf OR SALE this office. -Old newspapers. Call at tf. 'OR SALE A good paying business for sale cheap. Apply Ashevllle Furniture Co.; corner Pack square and College street. ?OR SALE 50 bushels of mixed cow peas, fresh and clean, $2.00 per bushel. Also Berkshire pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old, $5.00 each, $9.00 for two. Blltmore Estate Truck Farm. Phone 571. 103-12t IAMERA FOR SALE A Seneca 3 1-4x4 1-4 plate camera; In good condition. Price, $4.50. Inquire of C. W. Capell at this office. "OR SALE Six-room house, modern conveniences, lfarge lot, close In. Apply 97 Blanton street, or Phone 1816. FOR SALE Indian Runner Duel Eggs, half price. Phone J. H. Me Connell. 107-3t FOR SALE Six-room house, large lot, modern conveniences; price $1050; terms to suit purchaser. Apply 97 Blant,on street on phone 1816. AMERA FOR SALE A 1A (2Jx4J) Kodak In first class condition. Cost $12, will sell for $7. C. W. Capell Gazette-News office. tf FOR SALE Seventy-five thorough bred Shetland Ponies. Ages from one year to six years old. Colors, bays, blacks and spotted. Prices reasonable. Henkel Craig Livo Stock Co., Statesvllle or Hickory, N. C. June-1-8-15 S100 AND $15 PER MONTH buys a 5 room cottage, 492 South French Broad avenue. For information phone 409. 106-Gt DIRT FOR SALE We have dirt to dispose of at the Burrough's house. North Main street; also at Paragon building. College street side. Wrenn & Garland, Building Contractors. 196 St. TO M ATO PLANTS Ea rliana ,1 0c per dozen, :! dozen for L'5e. Apply at 42 Walnut street. 10G-:',t WJLKTBD. I. H. McGINNESS has moved to room 4 Masonic building, Market street, opposite Y. M. I. Steam dyeing, tail oring and cleaning. Phone 1860. tf WANTED Your stenographic work. Prices reasonable; satisfaction given. Bee Miss Pearl Holman, 10 Pack square. Phone 974. tf WANTED Your Notaiy Public work. Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright. 56-tf WANTED Your old silverware to plate or repair. Best quadruple plate. Done under our special guarantee. Established 1894. Finger & Anthony Silver Co., 15 Church Ct Phone' 9u0. W. A. Steele, Ashevllle Representative. 9:i-2Bt KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, 3 or 3A. Inquire of C. W. Capell at Gazette-News. tf WANTED Boarders after June 10th, suburban home; no sick people taken. Mrs. M. C. Stockton, 348 Merrimon avenue. Phone 1116. 103-tf WANTED To clean, dye and press your suits of woolens or silks or linens; modern methods; modern appliances and machinery. Kid slippers and long and "short kid gloves beautifully cleaned. Ashe vllle French Dry Cleaning Co., J. C Wilbar. Phone 389. WANTED To paint your house and make it look new and atractlv Makes the house last longer and adds much to the selling or rental value. Phone 1157 for man to come and tell you what it will cost. K. L Fitzpatrlek & Son, North Main street. Ashevllle. 100-lf A COMPETENT ACCOUNTANT A young married man of good habit;; and now employed, wishes to secure a position with a responsible eon corn in western N. C. or adjacent country. Address, "Accountant," i are (Jitai lie-News. 97-261 A NEW HANDSOME EIOHT-DAY MISSION CLOCK for $2.65. The Quxette-NeWS has a few of the Mis sion Clocks with which so many of the people of this mountain section of the state have become familiar It Is nn eight-day clock, high grade serviceable, and altogether very at tractive. I' or those Who come to the office, pay cash, thus saving us tho cost of delivery. The same price will bo made to out-of-town pntrons who send cssh or money order, and tho clock will bo ex pressed direct to the address given. Bear In mind that the price Is Just $Z.8R at our office, or when cash accompanies the order. Send us your order today to Gasette-News office. tf WANTED A self-propelling Invalid chair. Address Postnfflce Box 685, Ashevllle, N. C. 105-St. LADY wishes pleasant furnished room for the summer with gas. M. ., cire GaxettelNews. 10S-eod-3l FOB BALE. One of the beat farms In Western North Carolina, containing about (00 seres, of whten 100 Is fine bottom and balance grazing and fruit land, (Tloae to railroad, CASTADT BKAtrT JO. Phono in 10 N. Pack Square. WANTS MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE bought, sold I changed. Easy payments. a ex Globe Furniture Co., 61 South Phone 885. St. 141-tf ROCK LEDGE, 61 Haywood Street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated. across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park ho tat Mrs. P. J. Cocoran, Prop. SUMMER TERM Ashevllle Business College; regular Instruction in all branches of business and short hand. Special short courses if you desire. Enter now. College North Pack Square, 3rd floor Wagner building. Henry S. Shockley, prin cipal. 103-fit ASHEVILLE NURSE BUREAU fur nishes you with competent trained, practical, and confinement nurses. Day and night. No charges. Phone 912. 80-26t THREE-IN-ONE OIL We carry this famous oil in stock would not be without It. Good for oiling, clean ing and polishing the llnest ma chinery. Large size 25c, small size 10c. J. M. Hearn & Co., Bat tery Park Place. Phone 448. STRONG, Earllana, Stone and Ponde rosa tomato plants, egg and pepper plants. $1.00 per 100, 15c doz.; from pots 25c doz. Full line bed ding plants 50c to $1.00 doz. Woolsey Greenhouses. Phone 713. 77-26t NEW CLASS: In shorthand and type writing starting this week at the A. B. C. Also those desiring to in crease their speed in shorthand and typewriting and secure a situation should begin now. Also special summer instruction in bookkeeping given. Call at the office of the A. B. C, No. 8, 3rd floor, Pack square, for further Information. N. B. Bookkeeping students are not or ganized into class. 105-6t FOR SALE Only a few Sets of Beautiful 44-Piece Cleo Dinner Sets, cash price $2.65; is manufac tured of the very highest grade of porcelian; in buying a large quan tity of them and are giving you the benefit of our bargain. Sets are beautifully decorated in French Pink Rose Transfer Design and edges and Handles of all articles are trimmed with Pure Coin Cold. These seta make very desirable and attractive Dinner Service, and contain enough pieces to set table for six persons. We are making a special cash price on this dinner set for $2.65. We charge 10c extra for delivery In the city. Gazette-News Office. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT 9 room house with a sleeping porch; all modern; $21 per month. Room 9, Hevell Build ing. F. P. Ingle. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, electric lights and gas. 1 Grady Btrect. Phone 839. 37-tf FOR RENT Three nice adjoining office rooms on Weat Pack square, second floor. Apply to W. A. Nltzer, No. 15 Revell Bldg. eod-tt DESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices Close in; new house; near High school. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at once at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT FURNISHED No. 203 Merrimon avenue, 5 room cottnge, two bed rooms and sleeping porch, with servant's quarters in yard. One of the best located in city, plenty of shade, high, level lot. Phone 1062 or 974. 104-3t HELP WANTED PERMANENT RESIDENT MANA GER wanted for North Carolina by large New York corporation; must have $500 cash to cover stock, etc; only high class hustler need apply. Good salary. Address with full par ticulars P. Th Gazette-Newe. WANTED Practical, trained, and confinement nurses to list with us. Wo guarantee you position or re fund you money. Phone us. Phone 912 80-26t WANTED Several good boys to earry the Gazette-News. Must not be un der 1L' years of age. Apply at Gazette-News office. 104-3t WANTED -While girl for light house work. Phone 1104. 106-3t. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is our specialty. Money to loan .in diamonds watches, jewelry iud anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIIf Loan Office. 23 S. Main St, Phone 887. Asheville. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Irons and Heating Apparatus. W. A. WARD 12 Church St. Phone 449. For the best Smokes and Drinks SCHAS' Segar Store and Sanitary Fountain 6 S. Main St CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING mar kets marketable thinsja, and maxaa all oUthU- china? "markatabl." KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED 10 Cents a Roll All SI sea. FRINT8--S I-4xS 1-4 le ". h; 4 1-2x3 l-i, 2 1-2x4 1-4 and l-4x-4 1-4 4o each, 8 1-4x5 1-1, 4x11 and Post carda 5e each. RAY'S STIT1IO S N. Pa. I. square. mm r to mm