'2 Peoples Department Store 40 and 42 Patton Avenue Sumner's Former Stand. Bargain Basement of Special Interest 12 I 2c Ladies' Summer Vests y 2c f)0e Ladies' Summer Union Suits I' 2fc 50e Ladies' Night Gowns ' - 39c $1 ,00 House Dresses 75c j;1 .50 1 louse Dresses " " Qgr $3.50 to $5.01) Ladies' Dresses . !.!!!!!!!!!.'! " ' $2 50 25c Boys' Blouse Waists " .. 19c 75c Boys' Blouse Waists 4ge 75c Boys' Khaki Pants 49 $1.00 Boys' Khaki Pants ..... ... ...... V.'.Y.'.Y.'.'.Y. 69c There are six hundred more bargains in our basement for which we have no room to mention in tins advertisement. Come and investigate. believe rum IT Police Investigate Raleigh Tragedy Two Applicants for Court Clerkship. U' S,!F?"tf. Agriculture. "c'ncK BUREAU. W1US L. MOORE. Chief. &Za . iff? e i k - yrVifti - rViLi ASHEVILLE. N. 0., m June 25. 1912. VAia. EXPLANATORY NOTES.' Observations taken at 8 arm '75th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous lines) pass through points of equal air pressure. Isotherms (dolled lines) pass through points of equal temperature: drawn only for zero, freezing, 90, and 100. O clear: Q partly cloudy; cluudy; rain; snow; report missing. Arrows fly with tho wind. First figures, temperature: .uiond. precipitation of .01 inch or more for pastiil hours; third, maximum wind velocity. . tiw wtf .. 0 Gazette-News Bureau, The Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, June 25. Maj, J. J. Barnard and MaJ. Leo D. eartt, both of this city, are appli cants for the position of clerk of the mted states court at Raleigh, It was id today. Petitions are said to be rculatinK in their behalf. No vacan cy exists yet, as George D. Qreen, horn . Judge Connor had in mind. would not have been appointed until this week. Friends of George L. Ton noffski, the deputy clerk, are suggest ing that he might enter the contest. was said here, however, that the ppointee will be a resident of Wil son. The police are now strongly in- !ned to the belief that Levern Betts, the 15 years old boy under arrest, lied his brother, Clifton Belts, by ctdent. Raymond Hetts, another brother, says that Clifton told him the utting was accidental. Much sym pathy is expressed fur the boy and his brothers. The funeral of Clifton Betts was held yesterday afternoon. A solid carload of local democrats left over the Seaboard lor Baltimore sterday. The Raleigh men will eep in their PuUnian and will not run the risk of not netting quarters I hotels. Grand Master W. B. McKoy of Wil Ington last night, installed the offi cer? in the three Raleigh Masonic dges. A social hour followed the business session. A charter was Issued yesterday to the Saluda pharmacy of Saluda, Polk ounty. The authorized capital Is 2500, with $1050 subscribed for by O. Bradley, F. H. McMullen. W. H. ebbard, Dr. J. O. Hooper and Dr. M. Galley. Charley Miller Seeks Damages on Ac count of Mental Anguish and Personal Injury. THE WEATHER 4 fS ,t e) SIMPER ATURB a a 5 3 II Ashuville , GO 73 Atlanta (10 7S UKUSta . , 0(! 8S Baltimore 08 Boston 70 ill) Charleston OK 78 Charlotte 84 82 Chicago 70 82 Jacksonville 72 8S Km Wist 78 88 Xm.xville f.2 74 Louisville Oil 7X Habile (1(1 84 New Orleans 08 84 New York 6(1 84 Oklahoma , 04 78 Portland, Ore 02 78 Raleigh 00 82 San (VaocifiCO 50 00 Savannah 72 80 Tampa 74 88 Washington 60 84 Wilmington 00 78 e Normal for this date: Temperature 70 degrees; precipitation .10 inch. forecast until 8 p. m. Wednesday id- Asheville and vicinity: Probably showers tonight and Wednesday. For North Carolina: Probably showers tonight and Wednesday, light variable winds mostly east and south east: General Conditions Pust 21 Honrs. There is no well-daflned storm on this' morning's weather map although there arc sliiilit depressions over Min nesota, Arizona and the east gulf states. Rain has occurred In the middle and sooth Atlantic states, the east gulf stales, southern Texas, Colo rado and Utah. The pressure is rela tively high over the central plains states and the central portion of the Mississippi valley, and faith weather prevails over that section. Tempera ture changes have been slight In ml tactions. The following heavv pre cipitation (in inches) has been re ported during the last 24 hours: At hlnta, 3.92; Hrownsville, 1.18; Macon 1.98: Wilmington, 1.20. There will probably- be showers in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. Charley Miller, by his next friend, James Miller, has filed complaint in the office of the clerk of Superior court, in a 82000 damage suit against the Southern railway for alleged men- al anguish and personal injury. It is contended that the plaintiff was forcibly and roughly ejected from a train by a conductor because he was attempting to ride on a half-fare ticket; also, that he was under 12 ears of age and had a right to ride for half fare; that he received rough treatment at the hands of the conduc tor and suffered much inortifl"atlon. MRS. C. C. ATKINSON Salves Can't Cure Eczema In regard to skin diseases, medical authorities are now agreed on this: Don't imprison the disease germs in four skin by the use of greasy salves, and ilnis encourage them to multiply A true cure of all acsematous diseases ran be brought about only by lifting Uw healing agents in the form of a liquid. WASH THE GERMS OCT. A slinnle wash: A cniiipniind of Oil of Winiergreen, Thymol, ami other In gredients aa combined in the D. D. I). Prestrlptldh. This penetrates to the disease germs and destroys therrii then soothes and heals tho skin as nothing else has ever done. A 16 cent trial bottle will start the cur.' ami wive JroU Instant relief, We have made fast friends of mort ;han one family by recommending this D. I) I). Prescription to u skin sufferer here and there, and we want you to trv It now on Ottf positive no pay iruarantee. .Smith's drug stoic South Main street and Pack square. Veule Illness of Only Two Pays 'terminated Fatally Yester day Afternoon. y-rr g gglTSJMBMWI '' i "' Tl Good Meals at Camp Comfort Tho txxrs mi Cuno Comfort are using tho game Hove that they Had last year. Iath beat they could geC It was a ion TicwVtrfcd Oil Cook -stove Tab tWy got a Ntw Parlsction Oswr Ah a New ParfadlM Taaatar AW UW TmitOkm Bmkr aigwisigg -rs juu is ss iii aii - hr Aa kesss st (or 0 I lak.kas' was! ssd as sa Tkt Maw Perfection atova wkk mn am. CmS i Bc aW tn jam mwim i m ism Mrs. C. C. Atkinson of 159 North Main street, who had lived in Aslte- vllle for the last nine years, coming from Uiuisvllle, died yesterday after noon after an acute Illness of only two days, Mrs. Atkinson became India posed last Saturday, but her condition Wiis not thought to be serious until leu bous before her death when the original trouble was complicated witl heart weakness. Mrs. Atkinson wa iti,. wife of Clifford C. Atkinson, by whom she is survived. Surviving alia nr., unn sun George Atkinson of Kans as ('it v. ami two sisters living l-onisvllle. She was the daughter of Dr. George C. Buchanan of Louisville and before coming to Asheville occn pied all Important place In Louisville society Mrs. Atkinson had made man friends hire. She was a woman of strong personality, great culture and i elinenicnt. and her death will cause much regret among a wide clrih friends. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson cam here for the former's health and sh bad conducted n boarding house at 159 North Main street for some yeai The body will be sent to Iouisvlll for interment on the arrival of th son from Kansas City. F.ach age ol our lives has Its Joys, Old people should bo happy, and they will be If Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tal lets are mild and gentle In their ac Hon and especially suitable for peopl of middle age and older. For sale by all dealers. Deals In Dirt. 8. D. Hall to A. C Reynolds, lot West Asheville; consideration $10. W. C. McLuuchlln to S. It. Keesler lot In Mountain Retreat; consldera tmn 8177. II. R McGuffy to W. M. Fisher, 1 on Led better street; conslderatlo $250. II. O. Alexander to 8. R. Keesler, Innd In lllack Mountain townshli consideration $480. Licensed lo Wed. W. H. Rice and Inn Arwood of Hun combe, white. L N. Cronsmnn and (limits l.lndsi of lllllicombe. while. Gurlleld King of Smith CVrotlns sn Low Kdwnrds of Hnneombe, white. B. Courts and Janle Khaw of Hu cnnVbe, colored. 'ine Oil and Greases FOR Automobile Lubrication Polarine Oil leaves C (radically no carbon, t "stands up" under any speed and heat. Sold in 1 and 5 gallon cans the gallon can flat shape, easy to handle ; also in barrels and half barrels. For Sale Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Lacorpoiated in New Jersey) SUES FOR $2000 It Is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism In ten requires any internal treatment what ever. A'l that is needed Is a free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at each ap plication. Try it and see how quickly It will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. KF.POItT OF THE CONDITION of THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RANK of Asheville, at Asheville, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 14, 1912. RB.SOiIRCr.S. Trfians and Discounts $1,057,159.91 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits Premiums on IT. 8. Honds Honda, Securities, etc. . . . Hanking house, furniture and fixtures Due from National Hanks (not reserve agents).. Due from Slate and Pri vate Hanks and Hank ers,, Trust Companies, and Savings Hanks ... Due from approved Re serve Agents Checks and other Cash Hems Notes of other National Hanks Fractional Paper Cur rency, Nickels, and Cents Specie $:ir.,u:i2.50 lxgal-tender notes .... 19.860.00 Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer (6 per cent of circulation) . . 397 300,000.00 00.000.00 1B.218.47 32.2(10.00 97.901.01 37.405.1 5 1 2.300.4, J8.927.99 7.242.4 15,000.00 640.0 '.4,892 14,750.0 ? 3 :,.'. i." Total $1 I.I.Mtll.ITIKS. ( 'apital stock paid In .... $ Surplus fund 1'ndlvlded Profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Hank Notes out standing Due to other National Hanks Due to State and Private Hanks and Hankers . . Individual deposit!) sub ject to check 4.15,264.0 Demand e-ertlllcates of deposit Certified checki; Cashler'a checks out standing United States deposits . . Deposits of IT. 8. disburs ing officers Notes and bills redls- minted Bills payable, iiuelildlns certificate of deposit for money borrowed . . 100,000.0 15,000.00 1 8,978.4 300,000.0 82,152.0 50,02; 187.066.0 1,088. 9,159. 47,818.39 LAND SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con- ained in a deed of trust executed on he Oth day of April, A. D., 1909, by M. F. Roberts and wife, M. S. Roberts. o J. H. Tucker, trustee, to secure the ndebtedness therein described to Slayden. Fakes & Company, which aid deed of trust is duly recorded in he office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, in Book 73, page 435, and default havin been made in the payment of both principal and Interest on the note se ured by said deed of trust, and upon pplicntion and demand o the holdei f said note, the undersigned M. E Tucker, executrix of the last will am estament of J. H. Tucker, deceased will, on Thursday, the 25th day of July. A. D., 1912, offer for sale at th ourt house door In the city of Ashe llle, said county and state, to t lie highest bidder, for cash, the followin -.ieces or parcels of land, situate, lying end being near the town of Jupiter Buncombe county, state of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of D. W Roberts, Jasper Roberts. Hlx Roberts md others, and bounded and mor particularly described as follows: First Tract: Containing three (31 cres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to the said M. S Roberts by llix Roberts, by deed dated February 2nd, 1897, and duly recorded n the. office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county. North Carolina in Book 110, page 208 et seq., to which reference Is hereby made fo more particular description of the same. Second Tract: Containing two and one-fourth (2J) acres, and being the ame land conveyed to the said M Roberts by V. S. Lusk, M. J. Lusk and others, by deed date d April 12th 1898, and duly recorded in the offic if the register of deeds for Buncombe county. North Carolina, in Book 1 Of page 334, et seq., lo which referent is hereby made for a more partieula description of the same. The above two tracts of land con stinting the home place of the Sal si, S. Roberts and M. F. Roberts, an being tho place where they now re side. Also three (3) head of cattle, two (2) of which are milch cows and one (1) a bull; also four (4) head of hogs. all of which stock is now on the prop erty above described: known as the home place of the said M. S. Roberts nd M. F. Roberts. Also all the right, title, Interest. I.'iim and demand In and to the crop of the said M. S. Roberts and M. Ft Roberts, growing and to be grown on the lands above described during the ycaf 1909, the interest in said crop be ing the Individual interest In tin- Crop of the said M. S. Roberts and M. F. Roberta, and also their part of the crop of said land cultivated by tenants. This the 2Gth day of .lino, 1912. M. K. TUCKER, Bzeoutrfx Of the last will and testa ment of J. II. Tucker, deceused. All House Dresses Bear 30 Per Cent Reduction Tub Dresses, Linen Dresses, House Dresses, bear a 30 per pent reduction. Come and Get Your Share of These Bargains Wash Skirt's ranging in price from $1.25 to $3.95. All Millinery at Half Price Wool Coat Suits are Greatly Reduced 'thcI row rajs' Wt you money-1 TAKE A KODAK WITH Y0U Let us show yon how simple picture taking and picture finishing is by the Kodak Method at our store. AVe have everything for the amateur Kodaker's pleasure. We loan Kodaks. ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE 3 HAYWOOD STREET. Watch our Windows for Special Bargains. It's a saving of monev to trade at Levitt's tsfS Store The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. 3 South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. Tickets Being Placed for the Opening Banquet Tickets for the opening banquet and ball at the Langren hotel, the evening of July 4, which is to be the iccasion of extending the felicitations of the people .of Asheville to the builders of the hotel, may be secured at the hotel office, at The Gazette News office, or from F. N. Challen. The following have secured tickets: W. W. Barnard. W. M. Canaday. K. K. Kiihler. W. It. Patterson. A. H. I kiit.. (2). Citizens Bank (2). Battery Park Rank (2). American National Bank (2). H. W. Hummer (2). A. Mel Mil-.. John A. Gnffey. Harmon A. Miller. W. H. Daniels. S. II. Cohen (2). Dr. C. V. Reynolds. Dr. 11. If. Brlggg. M. Myers. Mountain City Laundry. M. V. Hoffman. S. O. Bradley (2). II. Redwood & Co. (2). Henry B. Hood. AshevlUe Steam Laundry (2). Mrs. Stuart Robson will play a lead ing role with Henry 10. Dlxey in th sketch. Room 44, which Frances Nord strum has written for Mr Dhtey. NOTICE To Taxpayers 193,711.20 75,000.(10 Don't you think ; would lie nice to nrgnniae a party and so out tomorrow for a day's outing In an nutomoblleT v..,. ,.,.nt,i ei. more of the country than you over dreamed of seeing in this 2nd day of JiJhe, ltlt such a short time, and your enjoy-1 PAI'L P. RRoWN o ( ni would be a abound. .1 , We can j furnish you the best machine In th Correct Attest city for hire, and ur rates are the j standard. Public Service Motor Com I iany. 'Phone two-Oll-two, three I r.hf L . All advalorem taxes for 1911 ii.oi3.5o are now past due and must be paid during this month. X tvope that every one will ap preciate my indulgence enough 1$. A a.1 ill 1 14 V i S lllsl Total $i.7 35.09.'.. 7s iinai wn will snow it uy cwm- , oi North carotins, County "f inj promptly and paying up all ,"'l"l' jenkms. president of ti.e (balances and save future em- above-named bank, o solemnly swe ai hsirTnjumpnt to them and hU- thai the above sbilfinent Is true td the best of mv knowledge and belief miliatlOn tO me. ' ' junk ins Lefg get together and settle President. I , . , Subscribed and sworn lo before me WlthOUt any Sales tnlS year. All special and dog taxes are Burton & Holt. R. C. Daniel. W. R. Whitson. Arthur M. Field (2). A. C. Brand! S. Llpinsky. Frank S. Smith. Dr. Wexler Smathers. S. T. Logan. N. Buckner. Mai. W. W. Holliiis. 1'ot' Jlarlon. Julian A. Woodcock (2j. K. W. drove I'urk (ti). G. Llchtenfels. S. Sternberg. M. V. Moore & Co. (2). D. C. Waddell, Jr. S. A. Lynch. William J. Cocke. J. C. MePherson (2) H. Taylor Rogers. D. L. Jackson. Dr. i Held Russell. Ottls Green. J. M. .-stall. Dr. li. B. McBrayer (one or more). Mrs. M. H. Harris (one or more.) Smith & Carrier. C. Falk. J. C. Wilbar. J. M. Chiles. Loyalty to your favorite store is a fine trait. Be also, loyal to yourself by keeping in constant touch with its advertising. Antique Furniture Shop. We buy and sell Antique Furniture. Also repair and r. finish. OIBBS & KISER 23 N. Main st. Phone 1816. Seeom. Floor. 109-261 THE NORTH CAROLINA Mechanic Arts. The State's Industrial College. Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering: ill Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manilla, turing and Dyeing. Two-Veur i mi re-, ill Mechanic Arts niul ill Textile Art. One-year and Two year courses in Agriculture. These itmrses are both practical and scien tific. Examinations for admission arc held by the County Superintendent at all county seat? on July 11th. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. Notary Public. 'also due, and we have plenty nf ff rrm and nmeitram An honrt J l M Kit It I M. IN, S" " C It 1 IF. WITT, W. R. PAT" Respectfully, Palace NOT PACKED LAST NIGHT! BUT! DID YOU SEE THE SHOW? GET WISE AND GET HERE TODAY! All Seats 10c THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the Stato for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachera in the State. Fall Session begins Sep tember 18, 1912. For catalogue and other Information, address JULIAN I. FOUST, Pres. Greensboro, N. O. Dreamland Full orchestra S feature acts, Keith Headline; 2 reels Motion Pic tures: Hay Mejeis. Singing Comedi enne; Spencer and Elliott, Comedy Singing. Talking and Dancing. Vincent Trio MI SICAI, UT WITH TRIMMINGS AND SINGING. Adminslo i Matinee, B-lOe; Night Prices, 10 -lie. Reserved Seats, tSc. 3 H X 0. H. BARTLETT, 0. .T 0.

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