liffMMT WANTS WANTS WANTS POULTRY. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS thirst couldn't satisfy. It goes, straight as an arrow, to the dry spot And besides this, the call for something purely deli cious and deliciously pure and wholesome. Free Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola vindi cation at Chattanooga, for the asking. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. National League. Jasehall Won. Lost. Pet. New York 64 13 .806 Chicago S8 26 .594 Pittsburgh 3 27 .591 Cincinnati 3 34 .514 Philadelphia 28 35 .444 Brooklyn '. . . . 27 40 .403 St. Louis J7 45 .375 Boston 1 60 ,296 American League. Won. Lost. Boston 23 Philadelphia -40 28 Washington 43 31 Chicago 40 30 Cleveland 35 85 Detroit 36 37 New York 15, Bt. Louis 1 49 Pet. .681 .588 .581 .571 .500 .494 .284 .279 Southern League'. Won. Lost Pet Birmingham 48 28 .632 Memphis 38 New Orleans 36 33 34 39 37 40 38 42 .636 .614 Molle Chuttanooga Montgomery Atlanta . . . Nashville . . 89 35 35 12 29 .500 .486 .467 .467 .408 HKSttLTH YESTERDAY. National League. Morning dames At New York New York 4. Brook ivn 10. At Boston Boston 7. Philadelphia 2. At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 11. Cin cinnati 6. At Jt Louis St. Louis 0, Chics go 2. Afternoon (lames At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 3, Cin cinnati 2. At Boston Boston 4, Philadelphia 7. At New York New York 2, Brook lyn t. At 81. Iuls Bt Louis 2, Chicago 3 (Id Innings)- American League. Morning Gpntee- At Phllsdelphla Philadelphia oston 3. M At Washington Washington 12, o Chicago 4, Cleveland 1. trolt 9. St. Louis 1. 0 Chicago I, Cleveland I. t Detroit 7, hi. Louis 0. ilngton Washington 12. delphla Philadelphia I. Satisfies There never was a that Coca-Cola satisfies to a T Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine Refuse Substitutes THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. 9-B At Atlanta Atlanta 3, Montgom ery 4. At Mobile Mobfle-'Nashvllle, rain. Afternoon Games A Chattanooga Chattanooga 4, New Orleans 0. At Birmingham Birmingham 1, Memphis 3. At Atlanta Atlanta 5, Montgom ery 6. At Mobile Moblle-Nashvllle, rain. American AHsoclaUon. Morltag Games At Louisville Louisville-Columbus, rain. At Mlnneapollsi Minneapolis - St. Paul, rain. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 0, Toledo 2, At Milwaukee Milwaukee 2, Kan sas City 7f Afternoon Games At Louisville Louisville 9, Cn lumbus 3. At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Kansas City, postponed, rain. ' At St. Paul St. Paul 9, Minneap olis 5. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 1, To ledo 3. International. League. Morning games At Baltimore Baltimore 2, Provi dence 1. At Newark Newark 7, Jersey City 4. At Bochester Rochester 6, Mon treal 4. At Buffalo Buffalo 3, Toronto 6. Afternoon riamea At Jersey City Jersey City 0, New ark 3. At Baltimore Baltimore 6, Provi dence 4. At Rochester Rochester 10, Mon treal 5. At Buffalo Buffalo 7, Toronto 10 South Atlantic League. Morning Games At Savannah Savannah 1, Albany S. At Jacksonville Jacksonville 2. Columbu 1. At Columbia Columbia 4, Mscnn Afternoon Games At Savannah Savannah Albany At Jacksonville Jacksonville 2, Columbus 7. At Columbia Columbia 0, Ma con 9. ' Virginia League. Morning Games , At Portsmouth Portsmouth 5, Nor folk 4. ' A Newport News Newport News 1 Roanoke 6 At Petersburg Petersburg 3, Rich mond 4. Afternoon Games At Norfolk Norfolk , Ports mouth 6. At Roatooke Roanoke 7. Newport News 1. At Richmond Hlchmond 4, Peters burg 0. Carolina Association. Mornng Games At Winston -Seism Wlneto 1 f m A Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. 5, Greensboro 4. At Spartanburg Spartanburg Greenville 5 (eight innings, called to allow teams to catch train). At Greenville-VGreenvlile 3, Spar tanburg 4. At Charlotte Charlotte I. Ander son 7. Afternoon Games At Charlotte Charlotte 1, Ander son 0. At Greensboro Greensboro 0, Win ston-Salem 2. Tells Consumptives How He Got Well. Tuberculosis is said to be curabl by simply living In the open air and taking an abundance of fresh eggs and milk. Undoubtedly, some persons are benefited In this way; but an effects remedy for Consumption Is Eekman' Alterative. Do ail you possibly can to add, to strength and inurease weight Eat wholesome, nourishing food Breathe the cleanest and purest air and add the tonic and beneficial effects of Eckman's Alterative. Read what it did In this cade: 609 West St., Wilmington, Del "Gentlemen; In January, 1908, was taken with hemorrhages of the lungs. My physician, one of the lead ing practitioners, said that It was lung trouble. My employer (Llppin cott & Co.. Department store, 306 to 314 Market street, Wilmington, Del.) recommended Eckman's Alterative and I began taking It at once. This wus about June, 1901. I continued faithfully, using no other remedy, a I now have no trouble with my lungs, I firmly believe Eckman's Alterative saved my life. "I regard my recovery as being mlr aculous." (..igned Affidavit) J AS. SQUIRES. Eckman's Alterative Is effective in Bronchitis. Asthma, Hoy Fever; Throat and Lung Troubles, and In upbuilding the system. Does not con tain poisons, opiates or habit-forming ii in For rale by all leading drug gist. Ask for booklet telling of re coverlet and write to Eckmsn l-nbnr hi. ii : Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence. Aahevllle, N. C, July 2, 1112, By direction of the Freight Claim Agent I will sell at the Freight Depot of the Southern Railway company. Ashevllle, N. ('., Saturday, August 3rd, 1(12 at 10 a, in., two cars second hand Suw-mlll Machinery and two Hollars which wen consigned to S. Sternberg 4k Company, Ashevllle, N. Isam. N. C, 6, 1(11, nd name remain on hand refused. Bale for cash to pay freight and othsr charges. W. P. Maher, Agent Buy roar ticket and give order for baggsgs to h checked from your residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Xailway Ticket Office s&mt WPattonAvw. ajOVWO AJfD r "i GAME !N TENTH With Score Tied and Two Out Pope Knocked Home Run and Won. Standing of Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet. Bristol 25 16 .610 Knoxville 28 20 .583 Johnson City .... 21 21 .500 Cleveland 22 24 .478 Ashevllle 21 26 .447 Morrlstown 19 29 .420 Results Yesterday. At Ashevllle Morrlstown 2: Ashe- llle 7. Second game Morristown 5; Ashevllle 4. (Ten innings). At Johnson City Bristol 1 ; Johnson City 2. Second game postponed, rain. At Knoxville Cleveland 0; Knox- llle 1. Second game Cleveland 0; Knoxville 2. Games Today. Morristown at Ashevllle. Johnson City at Bristol. Cleveland at Knoxville. After making a desperate fight to win the game- from Morrlstown yes terday afternoon, it was lost in the tenth Inning, after two men were down, when Pope knocked a home un. Morristown early took the lead, but twice Ashevllle caught up, and in the ninth inning the score was tied making it necessary to play the tenth Inning. There were two strikes on Pope when he knocked a home run It was a very interesting game, but there were no special features except to number of home runs. Four were knocked during the game. Watson twirled for the locals and was In very good form. Clyde pitched for the vis tors. It had been reported that he was not much of a pitcher, but he showed up otherwise yesterday. There were no runs made until the third inning, when the Jobbers passed one across the plate. Mills drew four balls, Clyde struck out. lloch got an ntled hit and Mills went to third on a passed ball and came home on wild throw by Watson. In the fifth the A'isitors made two more. West lake went safe on error of Zenelli and Mills knocked a home run. Ashevllle scored twice in this inn ng. Kite walked to iirst and Watson knocked a home run. The locals made on ,nore In the sixth, when Bumb knocked a three bagger, "Woody" went safe on a high throw and Smith got a hit and Bumb scored. Woodward was caught trying to come home on the same hit. The Jobbers made one more in th seventh. With one out Westlake go a double, Mills singled, and Westlak scored on Clyde's hit. Ashevllle evened the score in th eighth, when Smith scored a home run. This tied the score and no runs were made In the ninth. It was Pope's home run thn; won the game In the tenth, as the locals were unnbl to score. Morristown. AB. R. H. fO. 3 1 1 0 3 0 16 16 0 A. E Hoch, cf 6 0 1 1 Hill, If 6 0 0 Pope. 2b 5 nruiib, 3b. . Hummell, s. Glaze, rf. . Westlake, c. Mills, lb. . Clyde, p. . Totals 39 n Ashevllle. Schuyler, 21). AB. R. H. PO 6 0 12 A. 1 Hart, ss 6 Sharp, cf. ..... i Bumb, lb. . . .6 Woodward, If. . .4 Smith, rf 4 Zcndli. 3b. . . .4 Kite, c 3 Watson, p. ... 4 0 2 6 2 1 12 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 7 0 0 2 Totals 38 4 8 29M3 -Third out In tenth as Hummell liner hit Grubb, running bases. Score by innings: Morristown .... 001 020 100 1 Ashevllle .... 000 021 010 0 Summary: Two base hit, Westlake Three base hit, Bumb. Homo run Mills, Pope. Watson," Smith. Saerlfl hits, Grubb. Ix-ft on bases, Mori i town 5: Ashevllle IS: struck mil, i Clyde 5; by Watson 7. Basi h balls, off Clyde 2; off Watson Stolen bases, Schuyler, Hart. Doub play, Sharp lo Bumb. Wild pitch Watson. Time of game, 1:45. Umplr Burke. Two Whitewashes. Special to The Gazette-News. Knoxville, July 5. The Reds took both games from Cleveland yesterday morning and afternoon. In the who eighteen Innings only three runs were made snd these were credited Knoxville. Two of these ere scarcely earned', but the locals Utplayed the visitors in both gHmea. It Is estimated that 2700 fans saw the afternoon game and 1200 th" morning game. In the morning game there was no score until the ninth. In the second the two runs were scored by Knoxville In the first Inning. Harrison singled and advanced on a sacrifice, going to third on Rhoton's single. Knox walked and Rhoton advanced. Harrison scored on Martin's sacrifice fly, and Rhoton came home on a wild throw. Score by Innings: is. H. E. Knoxville ... 000 001 0011 6 1 Cleveland . . . 000 000 000 0 Wilson and Meyer; Grlner Thompson. Afternoon game: R. Knoxville ... 200 000 OOx 2 Clfvtland . . . ooo 000 000 0 Davis and Meyer; Gudger 4 and H. R. 4 1 :i 1 and Thompson. Soklli rs Win. Special to The Gazette-News. Johnson City, July f. The local learn won the mrrnlng game here yes terday fron Bristol In a hard fought pitchers' battle. While Brlitol out- batted the home team their errors were costly. .' Score: R. R B. Johnson City.. 010 100 0002 t 0 100 000 000 I I 1 Merchant snd Tuylor; McKammett and MuiiHon. . -A record-bresklng YOU CAN'T AFFORD to be without Conkey's White Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is a positive relief from this dis ease which kills thousands of chicks yearly. Price 50 cents. For sale by Grant's Pharmacy. 3t-eod FOR SALE Only a few Sets of Beautiful 44-Plece Cleo Dinner Sets, cash price 32.65; Is manufac tured of the very highest grade of porcellan; in buying a large quan tity of them and are giving you the benefit of our bargain. Sets are beautifully decorated In French.Pink Rose Transfer Design and edges and Handles of all articles are trimmed with Pure Coin Cold. These sets make very desirable and attracUve Dinner Service, and contain enough pieces to set table for six persons. We are making a special cash price on this dinner set for 22.66. We charge 10c extra for delivery In the city. Gazette-News Office. tf NEW HANDSOME EIGHT-DAY MISSION CLOCK for (2.65. The Gasetto-Newa has a few of the Mis sion Clocks with which so many of the people of this mountain section of the state have become familiar. It is an eight-day clock, high grade, serviceable, and altogether very at tractive. For those who come to the office, pay cash, thus saving us the cost of delivery. The same price will be made to out-of-town patrons who send cash or money order, and the clock will be ex pressed direct to the address given Bear in mind that the price Is Just $2.5 at our office, or when cash accompanies the order. Send us your order today to Gazette-News office. t rowd gathered at the ball park here yesterday for the game between Brls- ton and Johnson City, only to be dis appointed by rain which began to pour just as play was called. The game was postponed until today. First Thames Steamboats. The first steamer on the Thames was the Marjory, In 1814. The Richmond followed her n year Inter. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The KM You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aVbihgiiait SOLI!. eHM ,$ ASUVKUP lit'.lti 11M Njw tORS US 'tilt: .":.t BTaTMl has btn tonduted ill i-mn liy Tkrpl U M "tlHaM I llmtlawtrm, Irc-u. sinnd .:hr tu smndKxi, who Uve pi . pare il IIOHI l"r MK an.', r CfcrtatUti Cluirn.1T,, ;vi r llMI ItW. II NGHAM'S limtb Mary rlr uf ll rronu, lmfc l ji hrifk parapet I'lrti tValli have txien pn.iwunciJ Ilia Haleat ealaatl'lraby fcwry rarentwho hiuiimiiecttil thorn, and ly ry other (MM ; whortaa. lo llio last iO yeart mora Hum .400 popila have pcrlihad In Btaaol I'lrai InUio United Stalea, ,11 ID High BaildlBfa, and many Otouaandc here tcn bnmt to laala In oUicr hijh Mldlno. HanltaUa and VaaUlallan pro ttwnced llio BEST l,y ISO ducton. Avoraja lain of ID pound! .ha tarm of antrancea. aentufttai oitrl'lliaata.l'ara andl'lira of npUa, SUItaryl to wnfca Cltlaeaa and Baa, not aoldioraw I, July Scholarships at the Asheville Business College. Complete you at a time when you will have the best opportunities for employment. ENTER NOW at the Summer Rates ind wo will extend the time if you do not complete in the Summer Term. DIPLOMAS were issued today to the following graduates: Miss Madge L. Dunlap, Hendersonville; Miss Al wlne Dorothea Stocklnger, Bremen, Ind.; Miss H. Myrtle Hemphill, Brldgewater, N. C; Mr. S. Sum Green, Canton, Ohio. . SITUATIONS secured: Joseph More, City; Sam Green, Canton, Ohio. A GOOD TIME to enter would be '.etwern the first and seventh of July. W Can nrcivi twenty new students una would be glad to see you If you :tre Interested in a successful business ,ir shorthand course. Please call at the College office, 3rd boor Wagner Building North Pack Squai HENRY S. SHOCKI.EY, It Principal. School of Expression 8. S. CURRY, Ph. D., Lltt D Pres. Office, 301 Pierce Bldg., Boston, The twelfth session of the Ashevllle Summer Term will open In the High School building July first at 9 a. m. Registration June 29, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Special advantages for Dramatic Rehearsal. i'ancy steps. Special ttudents at special rates. Call or ud dress the Dean, High School, Ashevllle, N. C. THF. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OK AtsitlCt'LTt'HE AND ME CHANIC ARTS. The Rtata's Industrial College. Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical ami Me. lumb al engineering: In Chemistry: In Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year enures In Mcelumle Arts .. -vl In Textllo Art- One-year and Two year courses In Agrlenltm-e. These Courses are both praetlesl snd scien tific. Examinations for sdmbwfcm are held by the County Superintendent St all county seats on July I HI. For Catalog aihtreaw THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. a " 1 1 ; Ashevllle RuMlnrss oil. ire Is Offering splendid Summer Ouurses, Scholarship (a) Bookkeeping, Pen manship. Spelling, Business Letter Writing. Business Practice. Scholarship (b) Shorthand, Type writing (touch method), Spelling, Penmanship, office, Dictation and Ex perience, Special Hours: Those desiring re view work or special Speed Practice In typewriting or shorthsnd can ar- J lU-tf. Principal. FOR BALE Dry kindling wood. $1.10 per load, delivered. Phone 1643 BUtmore Box Factory. lt-tl FOR SALE Old newspapers. Call at tf. this office. CAMERA FOR SALE A 1A (2x4.) Kodak In first class condition. Cost 112. will sell for $7. C. W. Capell Gazette-News office. FOR SALE Attractive bargains in runabouts, top buggies, surreys, buekboards, single and double har ness; and ladies driving horse. Pat ton & Stikeleather's Stables. 120-tf FOR SALE Five lots, good house outbuildings, blacksmith shop, good tools. W. H. Poteat, Andrews, is C. 122-40t FOR SALE 4 and 5 room houses, on easy payments. D. K. Lyerly. 124-6t FARM FOR SALE For sale or ex change, 230 acres of land within 41 miles of Franklin, N. C; 80 acres un der cultivation; specially adapted to stock raising and fruit culture Prices and terms reasonable. Ad dress P. O. Box 020, Ashevllle, N C. 125-3t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Three very attractive lots In West Ashe ville; prices and terms reasonable Address P. O. Box 626, Asheville, N. C. 125-3t FOR SALE Nice, gentle horse; suit able for lady; also buggy and bar ness. Phone 589 or 1545. 125-3t FOR SALE Sweet potato slips for late planting. Call J. H. McCon nell. Phone 1434. 126-3t FOR SALE Roller top dcrk, one Hosier safe, one floor case, one counter case. Phone 1851. Ashe ville Furlnture Co., 29 S. Main St 12C-tf FOR SALE Lease and furniture of an 18-room boarding house, large grounds, garden, etc., good location F. M. Messier, American National Bank building. 127-3t WAITIB. WANTED Limited number of board ers, suburban- Koine,'1 on car line, modern conveniences. 348 Merri nion avenue. Phone 1116. 126-tf A VISITOR in Ashevllle has $20,000 and will lend it on improved real estate, as a whole or In blocks of $5,000. Apply by letter, describln security. Box 985, Asheville, N. C 120-7t I. H. McGINNESS has moved to room 4 Masonic building, Market street opposite Y. M. I. Steam dyeing, tall orlng and cleaning. Phone 1860. WANTED Your stenographic work Prices reasonable; satisfaction given. See Miss Pearl Hoi man, 10 Pack square. Phone 074. WANTED Your Notary Public work Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone 98. Jaa. W. Albright. 66-tf WANTED Your old silverware to plate or repair. Best quadruple plate. Done under our special guarantee. Established 1894 Finger & Anthony Silver Co., 1 Church St., Phone 950. W. Steele, Ashevllle Representative, 93-26 KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, or 3A. Inquire of C. W. Capell at Gazette-News. tf A COMPETENT ACCOUNTANT young married man of good habits and "ow employed, wishes to secure a portion with a responsible con cern In western N. C. or adjacen country. Address, "Accountant care Gazette-News. 97-26t WANTED Your business when you want to hire an automobile for any kind of a trip. Our rates are stand ard and equipment de luxe. You cannot help being pleased with our service and our guarantee to you is safety. Pv, 'ic Service Motor Com pany. Telephone 202-3 rings. tf WANTED You to call tto-OH-two three rings, when you want an au tomoblle for a ride over the city, triii to the country, or any of th neighboring towns, to carry you to the station, bring you back or meet your friends. Our cars are new and our chnuffeurs experienced. Public Service Motor Company, 4 North Pack Square. tf WANTED Ladles to know we d hnnd laundering of dellcato lace waists and dresse, silk gloves and other articles of like nature. Care ful workmen of long years of ex perlence under the supervision o our Mr. WHbar, Insures perfect sat Isfaction. Anheville French Dry Cleaning Co., Phone 389, Pack Square. WTNED New houses and old houses need painting, coat of paint ndds to length of life and slue of the property, snd If for rent It will bring more rent properly painted Rooms papered snd calclmlned Phone 157. R. L. Fltspatrlck Son North Main St. WANTED- Men to learn the barber trade. F. w weeks completes. An other ru.h for barbers this season Best trade In existence today. Good money, tight, clean Inside work Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 123-flt WANTRD Position of trust by lady of good appearance. Fins stenog rspher snd thoroughly capable. P., care Gasette-Nsws. 124 -8 1 FOR R A laft. One of the best farms In Western North Carolina, containing about 000 seres, of which 200 Is fine bottom snd balance grazing and fruit Ian. Close to railroad. , CANADY REALTY CO. 14. .. ,.io if. Pack toaare. FURNITURE bought, sold and ax- changed. Easy payments. Globs Furniture Co., II South Main 81 Phone 886. 142-tf ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood Street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mrs. P. J. Cocoran, Prop, EUREKA," 153 North Main, exclu sive private boarding; large well furnTshed rooms; fine porches; mod ern conveniences. East street car. lll-26t A RARE OPPORTUNITY to respon sible man as bookkeeper by a good prolltuble manufacturing business. One who is able to invest $1000 in stock. 'This is not a speculation. Salary to start with $85 per month. B. C, care Gazette-News. 124-3t REMANUFACTURED TYPEWRIT ERS All makes look like new guaranteed to be as good as new. At about one-half price of new ma chines. Easy terms. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place. Phono 448. WHITE Label Breakfast Bacon, 3 to 4 pounds average, 21c. per pound. Hams, best brands, 10 to 12 pounds, average 17c. per pound. William Kroger, 240 Patton avenue. 119-tf LOST Pocketbook with T. D. Hagen's name on it. Return to Langren hotel. 126-3t. LOST Ladies gold filled watch, Elgin movement, has picture in back. Finder plaace return to Crescent Jewelry Co. and receive reward. 126-3t. PLANTS! PLANTS! Late flat Dutch, drumhead, for fall and winter use. Fine late tomato plants, sweet and strong pepper, . sweet potato slips. M. A. Creasman, 34 Flint street. Phone 378. 126-3L FOUND On Sunday, northeast corner Church street, small gold bar pin with name. Call at this office and identify. 126-3t FOB RENT ipOR RENT Would sell nine-room house, modern, splendid location, 5 acres. Phone 815. 127-6t FOR RENT Ten-room house, with bath. North Main street. Call J. H. McConnell, 122 or 1434. 126-3t FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, transient or permanent, one block from postofflce. 5 a Haywood St. 126-26$ FOR RENT Desirable rooms, fur nished for housekeeping; every convenience. Phone 894. 125-3t FOR RENT Two large rooms and side room for cooking. See W. R. Payne, No. 89 Grove street. 127-6t FOR RENT Two unfurnished and one furnished room, very reason able. Phone 1817. Modern. 125-3t DESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices. Close in; new house; near High school; use of gas range for light housekeeping. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at once at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, electric lights and gas. 18 Grady street Phone 839. S7-tt FOR RENT Three nice adjoining office rooms on West Pack square, second floor. Apply to W. A. Nltaer, No. IE Revell Bldg. eod-iL FOR RENT Two connecting rooms on first floor, furnished for house keeping; with electric lights and gas. 18 Grady St Phone 839. IJit-tf fbESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices. Close In; new house; near High school. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at once at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT Furnished six-room cot tage, first class condition; modern conveniences; nicely located. Room 9, Revell Building. F. P. Ingle. HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman for paints, auto mobile oils and lubricant:. Excel lent inducements. The Middle States - Oil Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED At once, white man to meet all trains and solicit busi ness. References required. The Colonial. 62 N. Main. 125-tf WANTED Teachers wanted for the public schools. Address D. T. Bald win, Agua Nuev, Texas. 125-5 1 WANTED Position by young man as auto, repairman or driver, telegraph operator, hotel clerk. Can furnish good references. Address X., cars Gasette-News. 126-t I.XPERIRNCED Chauffeur wants po sition. Qualified to do any kind of work about the house or premises. 2'JK South Beaumont St. 116-lt BUSINESS CHAN CK8. GET INTO BUSINK8S Positively the best business opportunity In the state la now open. The right man or woman will be given exclusive control and will be required to la vest from $600 to $1000. Honesty, energy and ability necessary. The business is high olsss, non-speculative, exceedingly profitable, aft ores a rare chance to manage a dlgnl- Ad i

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