WANTS WANTS AUCTION TOR SALS rOR BALE Dry kindling wood, J 1.50 Der load, delivered. Phone 1844 Blltmore Box Factory. ll-tf FOR SALE Old newspaper this office. Call at tf. CAMERA FOR SALE A 1A (2x4i) Kodak In first class condition. Cost 112. will sell for 17. C. W. Capell Onzette-News office. tf FOR SALE Attractive bargains In runabouts, top buggies, surreys, buckboards, single and double har ness; and ladies driving horse. Pat ten & ctiirolpflther'a Stables. 120-tf FOR SALE Roller top desk, one Mosler safe, one floor case, one counter case. Phone 1851. Ashe vllle Furinture Co., 29 S. Main St. 126-tf FOR SALE Balsam Lodge, one of the best small summer holels In western N. C, close to R. R. sta tion, splendid reputation, always fliiort nil modern improvements, gas, water, etc.; highest R. R. point east of the Rocky mountains. Spl All did location for a sanitarium, i t..t-,,,v if anld nt once. Reason asy for soilinir. owners have other Inisin ,-ss For particulars write or see. Dr. F. C. Woodward, Balsam, N. C. 129- V lit PELLAGRA CAN EE CURED I have the Remedy and Sanitarium Private Formula to reputable phy sicians $10 each. Dr. Lee Seam ster. Mineral Wells. Tex. 130-301 FOR SALE Five lots, good dwelling, outbuildings, blacksmith shop, we located in center of town on Main street, very desirable property Price $1700. W. It. Poteat, Andrews N C 122-40t FOR SALE Vacant lot adjoining Grove Park, 50x172, $600 cash. F. M. Messier, American National Bank Building. 133-3t. FOR QUICK SALE Two houses and lots close In for $100 $600 cash, balance $10 month. Rent for $17 month. F. M. Messier, American National Bank building. 133-3t. WABT1B. WANTED By a single gentleman of quiet habits, a large unfurnished room in good family. (Not board ing house) and not more than 2 or 3 blocks from Pack square. Per manent resident and not sick. Ad dress "W. P. C." Gazette-News. 133-3L J. H. McOlNNESS ha moved to room 4 Masonic building. Market street, opposite Y. M. I. Steam dyeing, tail oring and cleaning. Phone 1850. tf WANTED Tour stenographic work. Prices reasonable; satisfaction given. Bee Miss Pearl Holman, 10 Pack square. Phone 171. tf WANTED Tour Nottiy Public work. Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone 9. Jas. W. Albright 66-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, 3 or 3A. Inquire of C. W. Capell at Gazette-News. tf WANTED Your business when you want to hire an automobile for any kind of a trip. Our rates are stand ard and equipment de luxe. You cannot help being pleased with our service and our guarantee to you Is safety. Pv 'lc Service Motor Com pany. Telephone 202-3 rings. tf WANTED You to call two-OH-two, three rings, when you want an au tomobile for a ride over the city, a trip to the country, or any of the neighboring towns, to carry you to the station, bring you back or meet your friends. Our cars are new and our chauffeurs experienced. Public Service Motor Company, 4 North Pack Square. tf WANTED To catch the attention of men who care about their appear ances at dances, and other society functions, as well as in their daily business walk, to experience the perfect service we render In our pressing club, $1 a month, three months $2.50. Asheville Dry Clean ing & Pressing c lub, J. C. Wilbar, PhOtM 3S9. W VNTED To paper your reception hall, dinlm? room, parlor anil bed rooms you can easily rent your spare bedroom to visitors and make your spending money. Paoae 1ST, R. L. I'itzpatrick & Son. IllISINESS CHANCES. GET INTO BUSINESS Positively the best business opportunity in the state Is now open. The right man or woman will be given exclusive control and will he required to In vest from $500 to $1000. Honesty, energy and ability necessary. The business Is hleh class, non-speculative, exceedingly profitable, affords a rare chance to manage a digni fied paying business from the start. Information at Interview only. Address P. O. Box (41. 110-tf BUSINE88 OPPORTUNITY We are offering an exceptionally well estab lished good paying business for (800.00 cash If taken within the next week. Can show a profit of 100 per cent above the average busi ness. Good reason given for selling Address P. X., care Gazette-News. R Itt-tt FOR BALK Only a few Seta of Beautiful 44-Plece Cleo Dinner Ma, cash price $2.S: Is manufac tured of the very highest grade of porcellan: In buying a large quan tlty of them and s-i giving yon the Benefit of our bargain. Bets are eautlfally decorated in Frensh Pink Rose Transfer Design and edges and Handles of all article are trimmed With Pure Coin Cold. These sets anak very desirable and attractive Dinner Service, and contain snmafB faeces to set table for wt persons We are making a special cash price on this dinner set for SMI. We charge 1c extra for delivery la the t T T 1 4 III I VMWh WW W II FOK RENT FOR RENT Upstairs apartment of house at 122 S. French Broad; a modern conveniences on same floor, with large porch; gas connections. Apply to J. E. Smathers, 45 Patton avenue. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, transient or permanent, one block from postoffice. 58 Haywood St. 126-26t DESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices, Close In; new house; near High school; use of gas range for light housekeeping. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at once at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, electric liirhts and gas. 18 Grady street Phone 839. 37-tf FOR RENT Two connecting rooms on first Boor, furnished for house keeping: with electric lights and gas. 18 Grady St. Phone 839. 125-tf DESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices Close in; new house; near High school. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at onco at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur ntShed for housekeeping and also sleeping porch for 3 or 4 parties. Meals opposite. 25 Starnes avenu. 118-tf. HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman for paints, auto. mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent Inducements, The Middle States Oil Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED White woman for gen eral house work. Apply 245 So. Main St., or phone 1810. 134-3t WANTED For United State army: Able-bodied, unmarried men be tween age 18 and 86; citizen of United States, of good character and temperate habit, who can apeak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 307 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 3 South Main St., Asheville, N. C; 3301 Bouth Elm St, Grensboro, N. C; 1521 Main St., Columbia, & C; 2041 West Main St, Greenville, 8. C; or 1671 West Main St.. Spartanburg, a. C POULTRY. MOST DISEASE comes from germs. Kill the germs and you kill disease, t'onkey's Nox-i-cide mixes with wa ter and kills the germs. For Poul trymen. Stockmen and Housekeep ers. Guaranteed by Grant's Phar macy. 3t-eod MISCELLANEOUS FURNI3URJS bought, sold and ex changed. Easy payment. Globs Furniture Co., 62 South Main St Phone 886. 142-tf ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood 8treet 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mr P. J. Cocoran, Prop. 'EUREKA," 153 North Main, exclu sive private boarding; large well furnished rooms; fine porches; mod ern conveniences. East street car 111-261 SCISSORS AND KNIVES SHARP ENED We do it just right because we are prepared for this work. Scissors 10c pair, knives 5c to 10c each, according to size. J. M. Ileum & Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 418. FOUND On Riverside car, Tuesday night, July 9, rain coat Owner fall at Gazette-News office and -uentify property. 132-St lll.TMORK CREAMERY BUTTER Limited quantity. 86c per pound. Hams at cut price, choicest brands 17c per pound. White, fat Mac k eral 10 to 12 oz. line flavor, 2 for 25c William Kroger, 240 Patton avenue. Phone 1746. MASSAGE- Facial, body and scalp Massage using vacuum machine. Treatment given at your home, or 106 Haywood St. Phone 1954 Honrs 10 a. m. to 12 m and 2 to 6 p. m. 133-6t FOR SALE. One of the best farms In Western North Carolina, containing about 601 acres, of which 200 la fine bottom and balance grazing and fruit land Close to railroad. CANARY REALTY CO. Prion BT4. . . . 10 N. Pack 8onri TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FTNKELSTEDI Loan Office. 23 8. Main St Phone Ml Ashevill. SIGNS the better kind. ASHEVILLE SIGN CO., 4 N. Lexington Ave. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE, PRICES A PDEAHINO VARIETY, A BIO MEW HTOCK JUBT HEOEIVTO. OEM CLOTHING STORE PATTO AVE. Sale PROPERTY ON CORNER OF FRENCH BROAD AND HAYWOOD STREET. This is without a douht the most valuable property (that s available) in the city of Asheville. SALE WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th, 11 A. M. ONE 10ROOM HOUSE AND TWO VACANT LOTS, $35,000 Would be a low price, con dering its location, but it will jo at auction to tiie highest lidder. Each lot sold separately and hen as a whole. The right is eserved to convey the wav that's most advantageous to owners. Look at this property and he on hand. Wednesday JULY 17 Southern H C fi la) fb aft iV Ar Land Go. Auction We Sei! Lots and Lota of LoU 225 to 228 Legal Bldg. Bob Boone Charged with En couraging the Shooting of Ed. B. Swinney. Bob Boone was arrested Saturday afternoon and is being held at the city Jail without bail on the charge of encouraging the shooting of E. B. Swinney, who was shot a short while ago by Clyde Melton. The case against him was to have been called in Police court this morning but was continued until tomorrow morning. The case against Boone was worked up by Capt. Mark Sprouse of the po lice department, and he will be one of the principal witnesses at the pre liminary hearing. Another witness will be Mr. Moore. It is understood that evidence will be brought out at this hearing to the effect that Boone urged Melton to kill Swinney and told him that he had a perfect right to do so, the conversation between them oc curring, according to report, immedi ately before the shooting. Another important case which was continued this morning was that of Jim Johnson, a young white man, charged with burglary in the first de gree, the specific charge being that he entered the house of Miss Cora Bell Rich in the night time and stole $15 and a pistol from a trunk. The case will be called Thursday morn ins. When Johndon woa arraigned this morning Judge Adams called him from the dock and told him that he Was charged with a crime which, if proved, would send him to the elec tric chair, and asked him if he had any money or friends who could fur nish him with a .defense. The de fendant said that he Is from High Point and has a few relatives there, ilso that he thought he could raise some money. Judge Adams said that he wished to give him every chance fnd that he would, noia tin- case uer nd try and get some lawyer of the local bar to take the case for John son. The defendant stated that he is only 20 years old, and it was understood that he had made a confession of the rime. He said this morning, how ever, that he did not enter the house. He is not a Imd looking fellow, and seemed to draw the sympathy of hose in the court room today. There were a number of assault cases before the court this morning. nd Judge Adams dealt rather severe ly with them. Lewis Reynolds was convicted of an assault on Charles Collins and was fined $20 and the costs. Collins was found not guilty of a counter assault n Reynolds. Maggie Green and Mollie Ilreland, two negro women, were charged with in assault on Mack Cooper, hut were ound not guilty. Cooper was also barged with an assault on the two women and was found guilty in the case of the Breland women, for which he was fined $40 and the costs. The court later agreed to reduce this fine o $20, and still later Information was received that caused the court to hold the caa open for further considera tion until the characters of the two women could be Investigated. The trouble occurred Saturday night. l.ula Jones was before the court on the charge of assaulting Rebecca Kemp with a knife, the trouble oc cuirlng about four weeks ago. When the evidence was given a warrant was sworn out charging Rebecca Kemp with a counter assault: and she was lined $r and the costs, l.ula Jones was found guilty ami fined $20 and the costs. Both the women are ne groes. Robert Penland, colored, was found guilty of an nssnult on Louis Redmon, young negro girl, and was sen tenced to serve a term of II days on the county roads and pay the costs. Joe Warner was another defendant. who was taxed with the sum of $20 and the costs, having been convicted of assaulting Felix Harris. Will Owens was liefore the court on two charges, carrying a concealed weapon and being drunk and dis orderly. For the first offense he was fined $20 and the costs, and for the second was taxed with a fine of $6 and the costs. Henrietta Davidson waa -sentenced to the county Jul: for term of $0 days for being drunk In the city. She FREE C Motion Entertainment RIVERSIDE PARK EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY 8:30 O'clock PROGRAM "Rivals" Wig 'drama. "The Bogus Professor" Cinea comedy. "The Swastika, . - Melies Western drama. FILMS CHANGED THRICE WEEKLY , Free elaborate fireworks display every Thursday it immediately following motion pictures. 11 he onlv defendant In the court toriar-oaarged hagie ofleaae of being drunk, something very un uaual'for a Monday morning docket. Berry Heneley was before the court on the charge of retailing whiskey to J. M. Ray, but the case was nol prossed with leave, and the defendant advised to go to work and stay on the Job. COT. BLONOELL TALKS 3 OF SWIMMING POOLS And of the Exhibition He Will Give at Riverside Park Tomorrow Night. Capt. L D. Blondell, the champion ocean swimmer of America, who has been secured by the management of Riverside park to give an exhibition tomorrow night at Riverside lake, has completed his arangements for the exhibition and has launched his raft on the lake. It is u mo-it shapely creation and is attracting no little attention. In fact it is raher hard to keep the people rowing about over the lake from getting aboard or breaking it up with their boats. As an example of the curiosity that is being evidenced over it two young ladies were rowing around It and fi nally, not being able longer to view the raft from a distance, rowed up and jammed the prow of their boat against the side in order to get a closer view. They were told to get away as there was dynamite abourd, but they pooh-hooed the idea and sat isfied their curiosity before leaving. There was really no dynamite there, but as a matter of fact there will be later, and If, perchance, it had been placed on the raft before their arri val the young ladies might have been sent skyward. The exhibition tomorrow evening promises to be a' most interesting one and will doubtless draw a large crowd as Capt. Blondell has appeared here before and the people know what re markable things he can (U under and on the water. He will build a raft while swimming, cook a meal, eat, drink and smoke above and under water and do all kinds of fancy swimming. At the last he will give a reproduction of a ship on fire at sea, giving the distinct signals and every thing else in the most vivi dmnnner. One of the most interesting fea tures of the whole exhlbtlon, how ever, will be a lecture on the art of swimming and life saving. This lec ture will also touch on the Import ance of having a swimming beach or pool for a city like Asheville. Capt. Blondell has been an ardent advocate of public swimming pools all his life and has built numbers of them nil over the country. It Is of Interest to kno' wthat he drew plans for one here about seven years ago, but for some reason it was never constructed. The people are becoming more per sistent in their demands for such a place of recreation and the remarks by Capt. Blondell along this line will fall on sympathetic ears. Hendersnn vile, Spartanburg, Greenville, Char lotte and many other towns and cities around Asheville have tthese pool:-. rapt. Blondell is anxious for them to h.ive ... ""1 he says '.oat mst to Show that he Is interested he Is will ing to dra4". more plan for one and without any cost whatever to the city. He said that there are numerous ra vines near the center of the town accessible to business men where a pool could be constructed and that the waste water from the city system would be more than tiufflclent to keep the water fresh and clear. Capt. Blondell guys that re. ently he prepared plans for n swimming pbol on the Gould estate near Rlchmund. PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. 0. The beat and moat reasonable houee in town, good table, dean beds and home rooking. Rates It per day, MISS POSA PATTON VANCE'S HALL Is on the railroad at Alexander, N. C, ten miles north of Asheville. It Is surrounded by pretty grounds, trees, etc. It has five hundred feet of cool veranda. Large, cool rooms. Good service. Excellent table. Ratea reasonable. Address, MRS. R. B. nd J. N. VANCE, Proprietors. Picture KNICKERBOCKE Appointments Complete. Swannanoa-Berkeley Asheville's Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. Hot and Gold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. Mountain Meadows Inn NOW OPEN. MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. HOTEL NOW Under new management. Thoroughly renovated and remodeled throughout. Modern equipment. European plan, cafe in connection. Special rates by the week or month. 0. H. BRANSON & SONS, Prop. Come Try BLUE RIDGE HOTEL, Hendersonville, N. 0. Transient, tourist and commercial patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newly remodeled. Rates $2 per day and up. Rooms with or without bath. Excellent sample rooms in building. S. W. MITCHELL, Prop, and Owner. Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ol'KX THROPGWOyr THE TEAR. Famous Everywhere THE MANOR ALBEMARLE PARK ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Local and Long Distance Telephone in every room. Near Golf Links, i NO. 3 AS TON PLAOE Church Street. STEAM HftAT. WELL COOKED FOOD. Milk and cream from our own cows, I make my guests comfortable. , MISS MATT TIE HARRIS Phone U70. FAIRFIELD INN ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, IN THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY, NOW OPEN The trout fishing la excellent at this Benson of the year, and sportsmen will find at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful apot to spend a few days or weeks. For information, ratea, ate, add resa H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. . FAIRFIELD INN. SAPPHIRE, N. a EAGLE J. T. OMOHTTNDRO, Prop. MARION, N. O. Special attention to commercial Wn. All modern conveniences. Ratea reasonable. Summer boarders wanted by week or month. Hotel i seated in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Large, airy rooms, cool and comfortable. MAGNOLIA COTTAGE All newly furnished, pleasantly located; rates reasonable. No. 72 College Street. Phone 1828. Asheville, N. 0. ATI AXTTir UATM MOREHKAD CITY NOW OPEN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS. NEW MANAGEMENT. FINEST FISHING IN AMERICA. Every variety of aea and fresh water fish abound In great abundance. The ATLANTIC HOTEL fronts the ocean beach, which runs east and west, affording the much aoaght aouth western water front, and its guests enjoy an invigorating ocean breeae throughout the summer. Here you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on tho Atlantic 'const SAILING upon the beautiful and placid Bogue Sound or the Atlantic. Still water and SPKF BATHING. Incomparable Bound and Deep Sea FISHING. Many nearby points of traditional and historic Interest. DANCING, TENNIS, POOL, BILLIARDS, Ml'HIC. 1912 CONVENTIONS AT MOREHEAD 113 Meeting of the North Carolina Proa Aasuolatiou will he held at the Atlantic Hotel, Moreliend City, N. C, July 2-2. ' f For handsome Illustrated booklet and reservations ad dress Allen A. Dubois, . Manager, Morehead City, N. a THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Under new management. The hotel haa been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Steam heated. Batha, Hot and Cold Water. Caters especially to commercial Formerly of HOTEL KENMORE WAYNESVILLE, N. 0. Centrally located on Main street Under new manage ment; newly remodeled. Rooms with or without bath. ANDREW L. JACKSON, Prop. Formerly of Hotel Sumter, & C. . The ST. JOHN "r1" hotel. Bteant Heat Inge. Open all the year. all the year. Hotel Bus and Street Cars Mreot D. J. TATUM Livery, Feed and Specialty. BKNDERaO Canton LucaMaav Large Shady fMNa TERMS According to Location of Boom. PRANK LOUGHRAN, 1 . 1 owner ana rropnetor. i) i -n Phone 328. OXFORD OPEN rei HOTEL NORTH CAROLINA men. D. O. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Yar borough House, Raleigh, N. a Hotel Galea. valor. Cheerful, hogie-Hke surrooad- from Depot. f . JOHN o lea. Saddle Horses a NVILLB, N. O. . Oaaette-Mewt OSee, tf

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