ly, July 15, 1912. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE SEVEN Founded 1838 Chartered 185H TRINITY COLLEGE Its Strength Lies In A large, well-trained faculty; excellent buildings and equipment; full, well-arranged courses; earnest, high-minded students; a large and loyal body of alumni and friends"; noble ideals and traditions; an inspiring his tory of achievement and service. Next session begins September 11, 1912. For catalogue ami illustrated booklet, address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, North Carolina. The Normal and Collegiate Institute ASH ICY 1 1,1.1 N. C. Under the care nf tho Preshvtrinn church, offerB to young women ex cellent -opportunities for thorough education. A faculty of 16 trained teachers gives facilities for thorough instruction in four courses of study. V Board and tuition only $100 per year. Tuition alone, for day pupils, only 1$30. For catalogue, address EDWARD P. CHILDS, President. The fall term begins Sept. 18, 1912. Carolina Commercial School P. L. Holman, Prlti. O. 1;. Hall, Asst't Prln. THE DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL TEACHERS IS LARGE. We Give a Special Course of Training to Persons Who Desire to Teach Commercial Branches. We give below extracts from a few of the letters received during the past year calling for Commercial Teachers. IOWA We are in need of a teacher of Gregg Shorthand .and other commer cial subjects. Salary from J50 to $60 per month. Lenght of school year, 12 months. OKLAHOMA We need a first-class commercial teacher. Salary $50 to $60 per month. Work to begin October 30th. . KENTUCKY We need a Gregg Shorthand teacher. Work to begin soon. Salary not stated. NEBRASKA We need a first-class teacher of commercial subjects. We are just in troducing the Commercial Department in our school. Salary $75 a month the first year, which will be increased in proportion to success of teacher. Good penmanship required. ALABAMA We are in need of a good teacher of Pitman Shorthand, Typewrit ing, and Arithmetic. Term eight months. Salary $640-700. This is a High School. These last two letters have been received since May 15th. Whether you wish to teach or work in an office we can prepare you for the work In as short a time as it is possible to be done. The time re quired to complete a course depends upon the skill and qualification of the student. We are making a special price to those who enter at this time, or who purchase a scholarship now. Those who buy scholarships may enter at any time within 12 months. Call or write to MISS PEARL HOLMAN, Lecal Rnlldlnff. Asheville. N. O. WHY SO WEAK ? Kidney Troubles May Be Sapping Your idle Away. Asheville People Have Learned This Fact When a healthy man or woman be gins to run down without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, de pressed, suffers backache, headache, dizzy spells and urinary disorders. weak kidneys may be the cause. The slightest symptoms of kidney trouble is too serious to neglect. Doan's Kid ney Pills have earned their fame by their effectiveness in strengthening the kidneys and keeping them well. Here is Asheville testimony to prove their worth. Mrs. F. M. Capohart, 3.16 N. Main street, Asheville, N. C, says: "What I said some years ago recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, Was entirely cor rect and I willingly confirm my state ment at this time. I had dizzy head aches and was so nervous at night that I did not sleep well. I was tired and worn out and I had severe backaches. When Doan's Kidney Pills were ad vertised, I got a supply at Smith's drug store. They made me better In a short time and I feel that I cannot speak too highly of them." For ;sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. CLEVEUID TOOK THE LAST GAMES Easily Defeated Mountaineers Saturday Watson Hit; Griner Effective. Standing of Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet, Bristol Knoxville . . Johnson City Cleveland . Asheville . . Morristown . 32 30 25 25 25 28 18 25 26 28 30 .640 .545 .490 .472 .455 .411 Ashe- Results Saturday. At Cleveland Cleveland VlHe. 0. At Johnson City Morristown Johnson City 2. At Bristol Knoxville 4, Bristol (12 innings). came in the eighth, resulting when Kelly singled and Shaw and Town send doubled. , The score: R. H. E. Morristown . . 300 050 000 8 16 2 Johnson City . 000 000 0202 10 0 Batteries Clyde and Westlake; Kelly and Taylor. i Jaseball New York 1, St. Louis 6. At Washington Washington 4, Chicago 2. At Boston Boston 4, Detroit 0. Or- Southern Leagne. At Atlanta Atlanta 2, New leans 7. At Nashville First game, Nashville 1, Birmingham 0: second game, Nash ville 5, Birmingham 0. At Chattanooga First game, Chat tanooga 1, Mobile 5; second game, Chattanooga 4, Mobile 5. At Memphis Memphis 10, Mont gomery 3. STANDING OF CLUBS. 1, In- Natloiml. Won. New York 58 Chicago 46 Pittsburg 43 Cincinnati 41 Philadelphia 33 St. Louis 33 Brooklyn Boston . .30 . .22 Aim-i ii an. Won. Lost. 18 28 31 38 38 49 46 58 Lost. 'RIKftll A M ASHEVIILt uinvuniw H.C Nl.llllilll,llt UtaHlflU 1753 'aUlKK IN THE I MTFD STATES bll been oondai 119 j run by Thre flenwetWai of HeaAmsten. from eraod- faUtsr to fraadaoD, whit have prepared BOTH for CaHefa and for Cbrlitlaa CttlaaasMp aver nine-1793. Bl NGHAM'S Slaato Starr Palrioi Met: rooms. Mparaatt br hrlck parapet Fire Wp.h have been prow aneed the Safest against lira by Ererj Parent who has inspected them, and br every other visitor ; whereas. In the last ID years mora than 1400 pupils have perished I nVhaol Vires In the United States, all in nifh nalldlngs, and many thousands have been barat ta) death In other high buildings. Hanltatlea nod Ventilation pro nounced the BEST by 1M doctors, averaregaln of 10 pounds the term of entrance accentuates onr Hires!., Para and Cats) of Pupils, Hllltsirl to make Oataaas and ., not soldiers. Buy your ticket and glvs order for baggage to be checker", from 'your residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket Office tame room, 60 Patton Aye. moving and svoiuea School of Expression S. S. CURBV, Ph. D., Lift D., Pres. Office, 301 Pierce Bldg., Boston, Mass. The twelfth session of the Asheville Summer Term will open in the High School building July first at 9 a. m. Registration June 2, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Special advantages for Dramatic Rehearsal. Fancy steps. Special students at special rates. Call1 or ad dress the Dean, High School, Asheville, N. C. Asheville Business College In Offering Splendid Summer Courses. Scholarship (a) Bookkeeping, Pen manship, Spelling, Business Letter Writing, Business Practice. Scholarship (b) Shorthand, Type writing (touch method), Spelling Penmanship, Office, Dictation and Ex perience. Special Hours: Those- desiring re view work or special Speed Practice In typewriting or shorthand can ar range special hours. Please call at the college office, 3rd floor, North Pack square. HENRY S. SHOCKLET, 116-tf. Principal Games Today,. Asheville af Knoxville. Johnson City at Cleveland. Bristol nt Morristown. Boston . . Washington Philadelphia Chicago . . , Cleveland . . Detroit . . . St. Louis . , . New V ork . .50 . .45 . .43 . .32 . .39 . .22 . .21 32 35 35 41 42 65 53 Pet .763 .622 .581 .519 .465 .402 .395 .275 Pet. .691 .610 .563 .551 .507 .481 .286 .284 American Association. At Milwaukee Milwaukee dianapolis 0. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 4 Toledo 1. At St. Paul St. Paul 2, Colum bus 3. At Kansas City Kansas City 2 Louisville 1. International ensue. At Baltimore Baltimore 0, New- irk 1. At Jersey City Jersey City E, Prov- dence 4. At Sorcnto First game, Toronto 10, Buffalo 9; second game; Buffalo 9, Toronto 1. At Montreal Montreal 7, Roches ter 6. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe In the Superior Court. W. A. Ilexford vs. James Courtland. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. James Courtland, the above named defendant, will notice that sum mons in the above entitled action was issued against the defendant on tho 28th day of June, 1912, by Marcus Erwin, Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, in the siim of one thousand ($1000) dollars and interest on the same from the 24th day of June, 1910, by reason of a breach of contract of warranty in a deed of con veyance of land by the defendant to the plaintiff, dated -the 24th day of June, 1910, which said deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county in Book 170, page 229, all of which amount is now due and owing to the said plain tiff, which summons is returnable to the Superior Court of Buncombe coun ty at the term of said court to be held on the third Monday before the first Monday in September, being August 12, 1912, and the defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court on the 29th day of June. 1912, against the property of the- said James Courtland, the above named defendant, which warrant is returnable before said court at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will lie granted. This the 29th day of Juno, 1912. -M. EK WIN, Clerk Superior Court, Buncombe County. 4t Special to The dazed-News. Cleveland, July 15. The local team easily defeated the Mountaineers Sat urday afternoon, making it three straight games that they have cap tured from the huskies and again wrested from them the fourth place. The pitching told the tale. Griner had the visitors at his mercy, strik ing nut nine men and only giving up three hits, while Watson, pitching for the visitors, was touched for nine safe hits. The locals' three runs in the second inning resulted from two singles, a sacrifice fly. a walk to first base and a double. Thrasher's home run and three singles counted for three more runs in the eighth. The batting of Kite and Hales featured. Asheville: AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Schuyler, 2b 4 0 1 2 2 0 Hart, ss 4 0 0 2 1 1 Sharp, cf 4 Kite, lb 1 Woodward, If. ... 4 Southern. Smith, rf. Zenelli, 3b. . . Galvin, c Watson, p. . . Totals . Cleveland: Whltaker, 2b. Donohue, If. . (31 0 3 24. 6 3 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Thrasher, cf 4 Dales, 3b Crockett, lb. Zimoskl, rf. . Thompson, c Westmoreland, Griner, p. . ... 0 14 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 Won. Lost. Pet. Birmingham 51 32 .614 Mobile 45 42 .51 7 New Orleans 38 37 .507 Chattanooga 40 39 .506 Memphis 40 39 .506 Montgomery 38 46 .452 Atlanta 35 43 .449 Nashville 35 43 .449 Carolina. oj 'lso'i uom Anderson 43 25 .632 Charlotte 39 28 .582 Winston- Salem .. .38 32 .543 Spartanburg 21 37 .456 Greensboro 30 39 .435 Greenville 24 46 .343 RESULTS YESTERDAY. New New National. At St. Louis St. Louis 3; York 2 (first game); St. Louis 4 York 2 (second game). At Chicago Chicago 6; Boston 5 At Cincinnati Philadelphia 2; Cin rinnati I. American. At Cleveland Cleveland dclphia 2. Phila- LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. 8 Pack S, Phone m, . "The Best Picture House in the State" A Show That Appeals to Everybody PRINCESS THEATRE The place to spend an hour of Innocent Amusement and Fascinating Entertainment. FIVE PIECE ORCHESTRA Children 5c Adults 10c Totals J Score by Innings: Asheville Cleveland Summary Two-base Home-run, Thrasher. 9 27 13 1 R. noo 000 000 0 030 000 OOx 6 hit, Griner. Sacrlcflc fly, Southern. Ai Mobile Mobile 4; Atlanta 3. At Montgomery Montgomery Nashville 8. At Memphis Memphis 4; Bir mingham 10. At New Orleans New Orleans 3 Chattanooga 5. Thompson. Stolen liases. Sharp, Zi moskl. Struck ou,t, by Watson, 3; by Griner. 0. Base on balls, off Watson, 1 : off Griner, 1 . Hit by pitcher, West moreland. Time of game, 1:55. Um pire, Burke. Twelve Innings Game. Special to The Gazette-News. Bristol, July 15. It took 12 inn .Ings to decide the contest between the local team and the Reds Saturday afternoon, but 'he Boosters succeeded In winning at last. The odds seemed to be with the visitors in the first part of the game. Catcher Meyers was injured and had to quit the game early In the twelfth and Watson, who took his place, was not able to keep the locals from stealing second. When Hicks reached lirst he went safe to second anil scored on Bath's hit. An error of Watson's In the eighth let Bristol tie the -core. Score: R. H. E. Bristol . . 001 000 ORO 0015 12 3 Knoxville .000 100 000 0004 7 3 American Association. At Kansas City Kansas City 2 Louisville 3. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 1; In dianapolis 5 (first game). At Columbus Columbus 6, Savan nah 1. At Macon First game. Macon 1, Columbia 0; second game, Macon 2, Columbia 1. famlina league. At Charlotte Charlotte 7, Wini ston-Salem 0. At Greensboro First game. Greens boro 4, Spartanburg 1 ; second games Greensboro 0, Spartanburg 10. j At Greenville Greenville 10, An dersou 1. OLD FASHIONED REMEDIES Virginia Ix-agne. Ae Newport News First game. Newport News 2, Petersburg 5; sec ond game, Petersburg 6, Newport News 1. At Richmond- r.ifhmond 6, Nor folk 3; second game.Richmond 3, Nor folk 7. t Portsmouth First game, Ports mouth 1, Roanoke 0: second game, Portsmouth 0, Roanoke 3. Science in surgery and electricity has advanced much in the past 30 years, but the treatment of disease by the old fashioned remedies made from roots and herbs, has never been Improved upon. This may be seen by the great suc cess of Ludla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, and known today as the great remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to her self who will not try this famous medicine. , ...-.. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wcs TnE D1AMONU ItKAMs jS-v l-auleat Ask j oar Uruarflat for 1 JwSL Sf'-'fcaa-letfl Plum, JTlrondAX I "Is I i II, d an.l tiolJ mttslHcl . sUeJ h Ulna Klbboa. V V ! Ike " law. Bu of yoj,- V ll.8.TEHsT jtj-ninrlat. A.i(,( Ul.(jlfK UlAMIi.ND KUANfJ MLIAfaU years known as lltst. Safest. At wsvs RattaM Sfll n rv iwrifiKTs rvmvmrvt South Atlantic League. At Albany Albany 3, Jackson ville 10. Local Investments From $1000 to $50,000 C. F. White Room 51, Amer. Bank Bldg., Asheville, N. C. RESULTS SATURDAY. National League. At Pittsburgh First game, burgh 1, Ilrooklyn 4; second Pittsburgh 3, Brooklyn 5. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 2, delphia 1. At St. Louis St. Louis 2. York 7. At Chicago Chicago 5, Roston 4. Pitts game, Pblla- New American Ix-ague. At Philadelphia First game, Phil adelphia 1, Cleveland 6; second game. Philadelphia 11, Cleveland 2. At New York First game,, New York 5, St. Louis 4; second Saroe,. RIVERSIDE PARK Tuesday Night, July 16th One Night Only American Champion Long1 Distance MER OCEAN SWIM- j CAPT. L. D. BLONDELL , Marvelous feats in the water. The lake will be illum inated with coast guard torches. The (heat Water Spectacular. A SHIP ON FIRE AT SEA, MARINE FIRE WORKS AND EXPLOSIONS See the beautiful ship floating on 'the lakfe next Sunday. Asheville Power & Light Co. PHONE 69. Ratteries Walker and Wilson and Myer. Munson; Jobla-rs Defeat Soldiers. Spec ial to The ( lazette-News. Johnson City, July 15. The whole Morristown team combined to literal ly slug their way to victory in the game with thv al team Saturday. In addition to tueir hitting they did Unusual fielding, and It was with difficulty that the Soldiers saved themselves from being shut out. The visitors bunched hits In two innings and eight runs resulted. The three in i lie first cann from the singles of Hoch, Orubb llnmmall and Perrltt. Five were rolled up in the llfth when Gruhli walked am! live safe drives fol low tl. The two runs of the locals REMOVAL NOTICE New York Installment Co. Has moved to 29 S. Main St. Formerly located at 43 E. College. We Buy Sell and Exchange Fur niture, Fixtures, etc. Asheville Furniture Co. 29 S. Main St. Phone 185L Open Air Performances In the Greenwood of THE MANOR Under the Auspices of the Asheville Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. AVednesday, July 17, Thursday, July 18. The Frank Mc Entee Pastoral Players A company of twenty selected Shakespearean artists, including Frank McEntee, for years leading player and director for Ben Greet, and fourteen bf his former associates. Wednesday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, "As You Like It." Wednesday evening, at 8:30 o'clock, "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Thursday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, Merchant of Venice." TicketB on sale at Whitlock's. Prices $1.50. $1.00 and 75 cents. The U. D. C. wll give the teachers of Asheville schools the usual dis count on IJicJtej for tc heajygajeare plays. GE.NE.RAL 20 Per Cent Reduction Sale For Thirty Days, Beginning Monday, July 15th This generous discount is offered to cash customers for the next 30 days. We must reduce stocks to make room for advance fall shipments. Supply your household needs from our large and well assorted stock of furniture. UMONT FURNITURE, CO BEA 27 South Main Street

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