i!ip PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Mondav, Julv 15, 11 .-. a sssl HOT WfiAlniiR " z ABOVE THE ORDINARY That's our M & W INDIAN COAL Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Special on Canned To matoes, per can 10c; by the dozen $1.10. E. C. Jarrett Two phones, 1920; City Mar ket 473. Better Shoes Always That's a Guarantee policy and is well exemplified in our gentlemen's $4.00 oxfords in tan and gun metal leathers. GuaranteeShoeStore 4 Sooth Main Su I " "o" "re s"r vu?Ja f You will find the right sort of Kettles and pans. We can supply you on demand. t The X. X. L. Dept. Store 22 Patton Ave. Tliono 107. MiMliMMIMMMstMtM I Photographs j Of the better sort. Appointments Phone .'388 HIGGASON STUDIO 18 N. Pack Sq. J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty V D-S Candy Im I CJ HI Uft Kitchen 11 N. Main. Phone 1417 for pure Ice cream, heat In city. Also fresh candles and fruits daily. Orders delivered in city. MORE NEW MACHINERY We have jnst added two new marking ma chines operated by elec tricity ,and now your full name is marked in plain type on id I linens. We now opernte a battery of three of these electric marking machines. Phone 95. Asheville Laundry Where Uaeo Lives Longer. t. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. M College M. Phone 1626 QUICK DELIVERY CIGARS ,t s my h WIBiD CAUGHT; IS HELDJK TEXAS Young Man Wanted by Postal Authorities He Admits His Identity. CITY NEWS Plumbers have beer r.t work at the V. M. G. A. today separating the boil ers In the basement to enable the management to keep the swimming pool running at a tempt i...ure of 6S to 70 degrees at all times and at the Bame time not interfere with the water supply of the baths. W. R. Baird, who has been wanted for the past four years by George Cathay, who was dangerous ly shot several weeks ago at Waynes ville by Marshall Blaloek and who I has been in the Meriwether hospital, .was discharged Saturday. Mr. rathey : went to the home of his mother at iSkvland and returned to Asheville to- the post- ; day. where he is being greeted by office authorities here, has been caught numerous friends who are pleased to and is being held in Texas by the au thorities there. The news hi? just reached Asheville, although Baird was see him on the streets again. The Buncombe County Medical so ciety will hold a clinical meeting to- caught on July Ordinarily there night, at which time there will be the would have to be a preliminary hear- j presentation and report of some inter ing there before a United States com-1 esting meiical and surgical case?-, missioner, when witnesses to prove ' among which will be cases of pelagra. his identity would have to be produc- . tumors and ophthalmia ne tnotorum. ed. and later the case would have to Opportunity will be given the mem be transferred by the United States : bers of the society to exhibit or report Judge of that district there to thi? j interesting cases, district. It is understood, however, that this will not be necessary in this I Kenneth Shelton, a 14 years old case as Baird has admitted his identity . Waynesville boy, was arrested here and waived a preliminary hearing, yesterday afternoon on Pack square He will be brought here for trial at on the charge of stealing a horse and buggy at Waynesville yesterday morning. The Waynesville officials had advised the local officers of the theft and gave descriptions of the boy, horse and buggy. Young Shel ton was driving across the square when he was arrested. He was sent back to Waynesville. Frank W. Polndexter, who resides at 176 Park avenue, found a basket the November term of the District court. It will be recalled that in 1908 Baird was running as railway mail clerk be tween Asheville and Spartanburg and the authorities were having a good deal of trouble about letters being opened and money and other valuables being taken from registered packages. Suspicion was attached to Baird. and two of the secret service men of the postorfioe department were sent her" I containing a small baby on hi porch Leaders in Their Line Chase Motor Trucks 5 Models, 1000 to 4000 lbs. Capacity. to make an investigation. They mail ed decoy letters to be sent on his run containing marked bill and later, when these letters were found opened, it is said the money was found in his posession. Raird was then given a hearing here before the United States commissioner and hound over to the November term of the federal court under a bond of $1000. He gave this bond but did not show up when the ca?e was called. A capias was issued for his rearrest. and the authorities kept a close watch for him. Early in 1311 he again came to Asheville, while court was 111 ses sion here, was recognized and a deputy marshal was sent to the depot to get him. The officer, however, did not get him. The story of it was something lUo this: The marshal went by a barber shop in the vicinity of the passenger station and saw Baird on the Inside getting a shave. He thought that there was no use going In and taking him while his face was lathered, an 1 so he calmly waited for him at the front door. The barber proceeded with the tonsorlal manipulations and Baird was apparently oblivious to the man on the outside. When the shave was completed he got out of the chair, took his own good time about putting on his; collar and coat, paid the barber, tipped the boy for brushing him off and then, all unexpectedly, he darted out a side door and disappeared over the hill on high gear. That was his last call to Asheville, and nothing fur ther had been learned of his where abouts until he was caught In Bal linger, Texas, on July 3 last. The authorities here were notified and a certified copy of the indictment was sent immediately to Ballinger to have tho man held. Any trouble that might have been expected In a prelim inary hearing in fixing the Identity of Baird has been apparently overcome by his waiving of a preliminary exami nation, and U no extradition papers rc necessary to have hltn brought here for trial, ho will probably be on hand when his case, which has been continued from time to time since his escape. Is called at the November term. last Saturday night upon returning from an evening spent at Riverside park. Inquiries in the neighborhood failed to give any clue as to who had left the child or at what time it had been left there. The matter was re ported to the police department and an Investigation has been carried on. but so far nothing whatever has been found out as to who left it. CHASE TRUCKS IN GREAT STORES WHO USES IT is a mighty good test of motor truck popularity. Chase trucks have long been favorites with the big metropolitan stores, as well as with leading grocers, furniture houses, and hard ware dealers. Names that are household words in every community can be seen prominently displayed on Chase trucks. in New York, R. H, Macy & Co., and Abraham & Straus use the Model K. 2000 pounds capacity. Stern Bros, and James A. Hearn & Son take the Model O, 1000 pounds capacity. Only recently we tilled on order: for Model K for Marshall Field & Co.. of Chicago. It would be difficult, indeed, to name five more representatives stores. Chase trucks appeal to great buslnes houses, because of their efficiency, extreme simplicity, and remarkable ease of handling. What the big merchants buy, the small tradespeople are pretty sure to adopt. Thin is the way it goes with the Chase, and the reason I the Chaw leads the world In diversity oi usage. Come in and see the lars. Asheville Automobile Co. 15 and 17 South Lexington Avenue. Serge and JIght-wetght coata for hot weather at greatly reduced prices. GEO. W. JENKINS, 18 S. Main St. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of sanford's ax minster rugs and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. Come in and see these ruga before placing your order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for cash. ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE 18-20 Church St. Phone No. 228. 32 MILLION TONS OF GOAL Have been mined and sold by one Pittsburg coal comapny since their organization in 1878. Some coal, that, yet none of it better than our Monarch jcoa! furnished to our custom ers. Southern Goal Go. Phone 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. WHEN IT COMES To real cold and fuel goodness, the fuel that Rives satisfaction in the kite hen range or wher ever needed our M & W COAL stands at the head, i- i .ji" , in, a class Dy useii purely on account of its real merit. Phone 40 for a ton now. f Asheville Coal Co. North Pack Square. ATTENTION! Ice is one of the great est necessities from the health as rell as comfort standpoint therefore have it good and pure. Pure ice delivered daily into your ice boxes. Phone 72. ASHEVILLE ICE CO. SALE 1110 MAKES ORDER In Connection With Proposed Sale of Property of J. Q. Barker of Andrews. WALLACE NUTTING WATER COLOR STUDIES A new lot of very attractive and interesting subjects just received. Priced from $1.50 to $5.00. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. Fresh Nougat Bars CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE MM S EXPLAINS HIS LOB MER VOT E (Continued from page 1.) lng his election as well as promoting and defeating IochI legislation In which the contributors were interest ed and these otes to controlled ad ded to the votes of those who con- rolled and distributed this fund were ufficient to Kive Lorlmer the voles necessary to secure his election. For these reasons and others growing out of the changed aspect nf this case by the evidence in the sec ond and more thorough investigation made by the special committee in arrylng out me instructions 01 inu i senate in tne resolution ic-w(jchuiB the case, I felt Impelled to vote agxlnst the validity of Senator Lori- mer's election. Neither the evidence taken in the Upon the application of J. Q. Bar licr. Judge . lames E. Boyd has issued a temporary restraining order against W. H. Woodbury. T. J. Hill, trustee, and Sheriff A. if. Dickey of Cherokee county to stop the sale of certain of the property of Mr. Barker for the satisfaction of judgments against him. Those restrained are also ordered to appear before Judge Boyd in cham bers at Greensboro on July 27 and show cause, if any, why the order -hall not be made permanent 'Ihe case is another branch or out growth of the Kanawha Hardwood company bankrupt case, which is now pending on the trial dotket of the District court, a petition of involun tary bankruptcy having been filed early In ihe spring against the com pany, partnership of which Mr. Bar ker is a member, by the Gilmer Coun ty bank, the -North Georgia National bank and the Copper Hill Bunk & Trust company. In the application for the restrain ing order Mr. Barker sets forth that on September 11, 1911, the Bank of French Broad obtained an alleged judgment for (2000 against htm and W. H. Woodbury in the Superior .ourt of Madison county; another judgment was obtained by the Bank of Dahlonego in Buncombe county Sunerlor court on December , 1911, tor 12000; and still another in this county by the Gilmer County bank, on February 5, 1912, for 11600. All these Judgments, or alleged Judg ments, it is set forth, included costs, interests, and It is alleged that they have been paid by W. H. Woodbury and assigned to T. J. Hill, as itrustee, for the former's benefit. Mr. Barker further declares that Sheriff Dickey has been proceeding to lay out his homestead and allot his personal property in Cherokee county for the satisfaction of these Judg ments, executions from which have been secured by Mr. Woodbury. The restraining order was asked because, It is contended. Mr. Woodbury is a lane stockholder In all the banks bringing the action against the Kana wha company and knowf all about this action and in spite of this is forcing a sale that will waste the de fendant's property, and in case the comoany Is declared a bankrupt, de fraud some of the crcaiiora oy sivina VISITORS ARE INVITED To visit my store, where you will find the largest lines of Smokers' Articles and all Out-door Sporting Goods. 300 dif ferent assortments in post cards at 10c per dozen. L. BLOMBERG, Leads 14 Patton Ave. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder riie Market Of Quality Phones The Market Of Cleanliness Buick Trucks Simple! Durable! Economical! Especially adapted to hilly country. Will reduce your delivery costs. Arbogast Motor Co. Phone 1728. 69-71 So. Main St. American Dairy Lunch The only up-to-date restaurant in town. FINEST CLUB SANDWICHES AND COFFEE IN THE CITY. Watch our Windows for Special Bargains. It's a saving of money to trade at Levitt's 52510caendt Store The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. 3 South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. rflLL'S MARKET "Ask Your Neighbor" ,559 Asheville, N. C. ENAMELED SHELF PAPER 30 ft. rolls 10c 100 ft. rolls 25c 250 ft. rolls 50c When soiled wipe with a damp cloth. Clarence Sawyer rtr.t urnnil Investigation connects ..:. i, ,r i.i.rlmcr nominally with the i ..reference to these holding the Judg- corrupt use of money to secure or moments for wnicn execution u fiuenee his election, unless nis cioc pusneu. relations w.'th lee U wcaie iK.rMiinal Hrowne. who controllel ana nanaico a part at least of this itckpot fund and his contribution of money to meet the expenses or Browne s oe fense when he was Indicted for brib ery, shall be so construed, but the evidence taken In the last investiga tion does, I think, show tnai ne wai In his election, the beneficiary of the , nrruottlon fund controlled ana uis- tiibuted by Browne, Plppltt th.lr Brents, and that vitiates election." Grant's No. 14 Cures Cnlda M cent EXCURSION RATES Inaiiauraird nr Aslievlllr ami East Tennessee Railroad for Night Trips. Q'a Co., former! The Mlll. r-I Paint Co. Lucas Pmlat WANTS Effective tonight the Asheville and East Tennessee railway will put on --.. excursion rates at night between n , Asheville and Weavervllle. for the convenience oi ins pieaaurn ikhch and others. The trips for which the rates will be made are as follows 1-eavlnt Asheville at 8 p. m., :10 p m.. an 1 11 p. m.; leaving Weaver vlllo at 7rf P- m., it P- m., and 10:16 p. m. The cars will not wait at WeavervtlU as. they do during th day. and tha round trip may be mad without delay, or a wait of 45 mln YOUNG men and women to learn utea or more may he taken advan engraving; night classes; gooa iraoe tM 0f. pays well. Asheville Engraving ; school. 5 N. Pack f4iuare. ll-t Chambers Waev. : livery. Phone II 53 Patton Ave. Kindling 10c per box. Six Phones No. 1800 Fans Air Agitators Fans The famous Robins & Myers "Standard" Electric Fans represent the skill of sixteen years fan building. Entire sat isfaction, guaranteed perfect. Sizes 8, 12 and 16 inches. Both desk and oscillating types Prices interesting. Opposite Postoffice Note our window display of special values In Diamond Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, SIHerware, Cut Glass, etc. Also Trunks, Salt cases. Hand Bagt and. Sporting Goods. A few special offerings 0-year cases, Elgin and Walt ham Watches, only SS-60 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons 66c to S1.T5 Leather Suit Cases and Hand Bags only $.! First-class Jewelry and Watch Repairing. CRESCENT JEWELRY ft LOAN COMPANY PHONE 1116. 16 PATTON AVE. Peter's Arab Horse Feed Is as much better for a horsa a V well planned course dinner Is better than a whole meal of any one kind of food, because "Arab" Is balanced with a proper proportion of whole clean oats, kiln dried corn properly cracked, alfalfa properly milled and Is flavored for palatablllty with molasses exhausted of excess moisture. .most Everybody Sells It Now." FOR SALE. If you wish to buy a home, see the beautiful hew plaWon Merrlmon ave nue. For price and 'terms .see, DONNAHOE ft BLEDSOE FOR SALE. A modern 6 room now house on Hillside St. Oood terms. See DONNAHOE ft BLEDSOE PIEDMONT ELECTRIC COMPANY 64 Patton Ave. CHALMERS AND HUDSON For Hire Flve-paasenger touring cars $1.00 per hour; special rats by tha day or week. Out of town trips a specialty. Elegant cars and experienced drivers. HENDERSON ft TAYLOR DAY PHONE 228. NIGHT PHONIC ma i ii THE GRUNER SANITARIUM .hmSU V f! No. SS-S1 Hsramvt HtnM. HYDRO-THERMO-ELECTRO and MECHANO-THEBAPT, (or selected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronlo disease The BATHS AND MASSAGE etm.t of hoth LADIES and OENTiilEkEN. " "" " f Open day and Night. "Bloch" Go-Carts PLANTS! Late flat Dutch, a, (or fall and winter use. to tomato plants, sweet and popper, sweet potato slips. REWARD REWARD: If the person called up the Gasette Newi flee Monday with reference to lost advertisement, will the watch to this office of- Citizens Transfer Company nUAX WOODCOCK. Owbtsn FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transf c - Service. Endorsed by V. C. T. bihJ T. P. A. tr $3100.00 dern room near H skAl SBBB BVB in. Go-Carts are like othor standard articles when tlie maker has pride in perfecting the beBt and placing his name on it for yonr protection. The "Bloch" is not only guaran teed best for wear but has the 1 l fcj tajdag obm I eel I ! m trt eai

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