Friday, July l, AGl TWO THE ASHE VILLI OA3ETTE-NEWB. Price is a Factor, Too When the Quality is Behind It Saturday will be one of the big days in clothes-selling at R. B. Zageir's that's tomorrow. Have you got your share of the good, new, high-grade suits we are selling at reductions? You might as well save $3, $4, $5 or $7 on a suit. Every time you save a dollar you earn one. In this case you save and gain both. The House of Kuppenheimer made most of the suits we sell so much for quality and style. $25 Values for $20 HAYWOOD COUNTY ICHITECTS HEBE TEACHERS' SESSION m CONVENTION Well-Attended Institute Now Held First Session This Morn Being: Conducted at J ins ftt Langren Hero for Waynesville. Special' to Th. Cay., f if -News.-Vaynes Mb , July t: --'.V' Hay. One Day. Members of the Virginia. N'orth ana South Carolina and Georci i An'hltec- wood count) UjstJlute for tea, hers l " 7" " , I Ins hi annual session In i In ballroom no.y In. session. On the ml day 7 jof ,,, i.,,vn hotel.witb apout 75 teachers' had enrolled. Kvefy teacher 'present. The meeting is for n da;' who expects to teach in' the- Schools ihl and pom very IpterestiUK ad- ..i this comity is present. Th. institute"""-"" "" Program .n.viiu; the riai of i he architects here, is being conducted by .si.pennlen.lent .,.,, ,,,.st ,ion ,, mrn,is was I. ' . 'iMIIItl ' ' l Al.ilH'Il .'ilitl ,l IS. .u. . $20 $18 $15 U u 44 44 $16 $14.40 $12 Remember, it's our half-yearly sale of all of our spring and summer suits. Sizes and styles for all and savings that count in the year's clothing bill. R. B. ZAGEIR 3 South Main St. "Just a Whisper ofl the Square." jGareiasen of Onlii.shoro. While the methods art- rei-etying due attention, I the en-educutors ar doinii in- actual I work of the class room, 'tiding the Iteachera as pupils, Spi-dintr. reading, i fang iiiiEi, writing, drawihtt ami geog raphy ::re Ileitis cipccralli mphn iSiKed. A daily svlieiliib' f.,r a scvcii j grade, one teacher school is Im-Iiik prepared .mil an 'I'tiesdaj of n r I tl-eck lie- teachers "ill I" ilMded in ftet'en (Trillins ami mis M-heduh will i i - Carried i. -it by the emn'lui-tors diir. in).:- Hi.- "model s. la... I day." i "ii Krila. of next u..K. iln-re will : l. a joint scnkIoii ol teachers iiitd .school committeemen. , special pro riam lias i.e. n urrnni.'H ami an ef ' fori will lie mail. i.. la in.- aims) a 1 ' ' I i" i p. rati. I tie o Iw .. im bonis. led with the ' a place for in t" be in it Hi pOrtaJil la tor- Tli. mmi.'I- is linpn fa. i thai tin inslifiiti niirk. Tin t. a. her. all t. la k i ar. I SUITS Fi COLLECTION THREE EXCELLENT ftCTS OF HOTES ARE FILED AT DBEAMLND THEATtR American National Bank j Tojotty and Bennett, George lelesti .1 a nil an- V. I fn p:i 1 I in ail tli. ill . Ils-dons. 'I'll.- i la CM I l-rillhl) Kl.hoOl ill Slfe bands Will auch lea. In Is. u p.rvisors and directed in their ivorl i.-. Sill" rintendeiii It. A. Sentelle. 'I'. .. i n'-' . st. at Ih.-ir . t't'n-i.-ia is ilia 1.. his intelligent ami careful super ision. .tallies Me.lfn.-.l I. -II off flume ai Qnlhland, breaking hi 1 right aim. (lev. A. H Ami. is. .11. th.- minister ailed by tin- Presbyterian ehnrvh. ar rived Tuesday evening ami will preach ins lirsl sermon Punday morn in:'. Itev. Roy Shelton of I'lat Itoclt I: hen on" business. Oround ha-- been broken ror l he tw additional brick store-rooms to thi Massie hi... k 1.11 Itepol street. Misses Mar Hawkins ami Nannie Davis ot t'rablrce, are guests at 'rin.s. I'li.-.i's residence. John Hiihes is a gin-st at Xtrs. Mar Byoitm's. liiluoenitic primaries to nominal--(;ount olfiei-rs havir he-n .ail.. I lor August a. Sheriff W. 1 1. 1'iilmer. the iiaumh.-nt. has npparentiy bad no nitponilbiu, l-ut it is rumored thai tie r. will be four other candidate .1. 1'. l-tennett, l,wr - Mardi-n, Carl Hllloek ami John 'nl.e. so-.-i.i I musical service will be belli this e-eing at tlrace Rplscopa i-hnreh. opened w ith an Invocation lc. . Ir. Charl. s VV. Hyrd, and' thi.'' Was rolb.w -j al by an aiddfiMM of Welcome lc I l.oi-ke i"taig on the part ot tin- eilv. 1 Wr.'tYalg spoke for only a short litrte inn extended to the Visitors a most Jlt. triv w -let iivie to Ashi-vilh- and the I - I. mil of the Sky."' j lie ;potiHM9 to this address of . l 11. in.- Were made by t. C. Wilson of 1 ' -. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . t . presitb-nt of the s it Ciir- "iina assoi-iation. and '. II. Rogers of Charlotte, vice presldeul of the j. North t'ai'olinn assm-i.i 1 i' a. Roth I men expressed apprwiati..n for Ihem-at-lves ami their associtai.'ti- lor the ! hospiiaMty extended to ili. ni lo-re, an I ilicn tli. priro-ipal address of the I morning w as made by f -tin Urown, seereiary ol the America r Insfinne 01 Arihilects, of Washington Mr. Brown told fully of Hit- oriranl zallmi of this national instil in .mi th.' asoeiatlohti of the stati-s watrklnK w iih it ami the objects th :' lis promo-b-t-s wislntl to attain throtivii iht ..r iranizatioii. He said tha 1 Ii . annul ments so fat- bad not been a, to their expe(atloiis but in spit. ." ibis some very eveellent work ha. I ! . 11 done, and I told in detail of thi hit! thiups that h oi been done for III. I., a. til ol' .ii in the lito's represent-a. Mi- iid dress was Interesting' ntwl hi b Id the I . is,, atention of tli.r- pn-.-fn; lllionfboiit. n i - eiirive business r. ..n was opened this- afternoon si 1 .i o'clock and when, the Visitor- will be riven .-. drive to the points . t interest in aad around the city. 'hi Hie program for tone In I here Is ii n Ulusl rated lecture I. ll nr R Dillon "t Cblcajro, one "i Hi' leading arehileeis ol' the eounii He will lecture on the right ami wroni; mit el' I'oiis-tructiiig butldtiiftrs of . II I Indi and will "ini'basixe lb.- points with pliolnur.-ipha. Ills lecture will touch in various 'bases tif hnil inn-. and proiiilst-M to e nt much it. i. i. - i. Thtt ). i l.J a- are invited to titleiitl. Peerless Fashion Store 51 Patton Avenue Unusual Good Values l-'or Pr."; Iilit Night Woolen Snitfl, Linen Suit-, Silk, tMm, and light weight Wnni.'ii Coal , Costumes, Evening Dresses, Lingerie DresiMa, Wftfih Ehsee, very pretty lion e Hitesses, Skirls Parasols, Miislin Underwear, Hand Bags, Irish Crochel Collars ami Wokwear, Hosiery, silk. Linen and Lingerie shirt W'ai ta. In order to reduce our largo stock of merchandise liberal discounts are offered on above mentioned articles. .1-. gjilL BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND ARMS Mors m w TV t;i i s ski Rirr to tiii: won i.o. Plaintiff in Actions Be gun Today. The American National bank ha Instituted suits acainsi three parties I'll- tile Collection of I he ValUl of certain notes which tin bank holds against them, which It is alley.-. I un due and unpaid. The three complaints wert- filed today. Judgment is asked against .1. : llerren and others lor $.'itiii with in terest from Januarj 1910: airain-i Hall Thrash & t '... for 1 I interest from .Inn.- I::. 191": Snowbird V'ullej Itullwa Clay and the Weslyan Trio Are Appearing. l.irRe crowds attended the perform iti. es a i i he I Ireamlaiid theater yes- "iday alien n last nlKht. ami II Were W'-ll pbaSetl vvilli tin- show. I w ..s simply t;reat from start to Mn sb. ami tin- only ohjectlob to it wis that it .li.l not last h.m.' enoiicb. Tojetty .v lieniiell heatle.l Ihe I. ill With a paliloiniiie ilalicinK a. i ami I - null, a hit. Tile ail W is well villi I planned ami nave opportunlt.i for the litis. I exhibition of hi verj line dain ini;. any J Their sinuint; was also eooil. ami the. for $1550.12 with .in. -r.-ai from April ir.s , ie, much well deserved applause. 20. 1912, and $:J May .1, 1912. ain with mi. i st iroin TICKETS SELL WELL Gate I'.eeeipls l iypei ted lo '. a) I peiiM's t' the Third Part National Convention. ChlCOffO. Jtlly 111. - Tile sale of Mck eta to the thud parts national con vention in Chicago, AuKust w is opened at headquarters yesterday Within a tew hours it was announce'! $lull bad been r Ived. $1000 .a this amount being lor Tiii in lo ts from one man. whose name was not given out. Medlll Mcl'oriiilek said it was plan ned to have Hie receipts from the tick ets pay most of the convention ex penses, estimated at 125,000, A general committee of nrrati-e-ments with various subcommttte.ts w as appointed j eslerduy. Ilnlph C litis, who lias been al tiyster Hay enn mlttng with CoIomI Rooaevelt, was made cbairtnan. The committee is to have churKe of all details, including disposal of ticket and Una nces. Spain t iff ends Portugal, .Madrid. July 19. Spanish-l"t.rlu-ffiiese relations suffered a violent wrench after Imving been badly strained for some time. If Portugil were stronn i muii'li tln re would b a clash. Some s,,rt ,,f 0uM may yet. oceiii If the Portuffueac can get for elun baoUl(, Which Is pnsslhb-. For some time thi' Lisbon govern ment has complained that King XI fonHo has been encouraging the royal ist rebellion In northern Portitcai. leorget'lay. couied . arioonist. wa. II lb.- big hit, ' hi his appeu ranee he entertained tor .. feu minutes with an exeellenl comedy monoloRUe an I id. u brought on his easel and crayons .nl gave some euinedy aketchinif, Hta strokes ar.- defl swlt'l and the pii-llires are i I. Thej have expres sion, and it is a treat to watell the strokes that r;n. this expression. 'I'll.- vVeslcyan trio was tin- lam act ol: the hill, and the three making up iln a t i.iail" a combination that did well in the comedy singirig.-lalkiiiK skit wbl.-b they gave. Their act was run Ruiered by man) to be the bast, which is coinpliini nling It very highly. This show will he here the last part of this week. t not her ship. i 'apt. I'.loiulell. the long distance ocean swimmer, who is announced to line one more of his novel water ex hibitions at Hiverside park on next Monday niuht, will complete his mod el uf an ocean steamship tonight. The model in built on the same lines of the "Titanic" recently wrecked near the great banks. The captain will mount the ship on car final and exhibit It over the lines of the Ashe ville Power and Light company on tomorrow, Saturday, and Mondn. This will be his third model of a min iature constructed ship, which will I.. very attractive. He rciuests Ihe la -died and ! till, men to have their :o oaks ready ami take a snapshot. He will give a scene of a wreck at sen, distress signals, lifeboats leaving Ihe ship, and explosion.. He works from inside the ship. I TCI lb -i'si l ipiioii You an Prepare at Your i ht o Home A! ii' women tal.e perfect rare of their and clothes. Vet neglect their hands, Hough, red hands are almost as unattractive as ill-Kept eelh. It is a simple, i s matter to keep our h .mis sn lb and beautiful. The following pies, i iiilioh. which you can rnmpol ii-l al your own iiome, is fam ous: for the marvelous, Instantaneous I'MlIt ,t gives: i:.i front your druggist one ounce of Kulak Compound. Pul it in a two oiihce bottle, atttl ipinrter "f an ounce of witch lia. I. hll wl'.h water and dial;.' well. oil will I" surprised at the result w Inn apple.: to your bands, arms or in-, k. Itlvnilshes of everj kind ms.-ip-peiir as it . magic I're. kb-s. tan. rough skin, coarse pores, yield instant ly lo ib application. Tins is the private prescription of a famous I'ar- aian heallty. rtCI BENtRT DAY SI PRINCESS THEflTEfl DemiH-ratc 'orce Yote Agreement Th. mite esterday isil deni- I ills late l oe tak- VVasblngton, July 111 reached an agreement tat to vote upon tin- three pri i. . ra tic tariff and tinnm . i.eyl w.ek Tin- measures ell up a - follows: Wool tariff, Thuradu; Kxelse lax hill, H'ridaj-; sugar tarlli. Saturday. 'in.- calendar day Wll be devoted to ea- li measure: a nieHii 1 1 1 e 1 1 ta will In perniitll'd an-l a shorl ileiial" allow ' d. aad th. Mi., I vote ol each W ill i.c taken before, the day's adjourn ment, Tli.- agreement filibuster which had tor two das held up the consid eration ol the big sundry civi' appro priation bill and which threatened to i an y the session of . ongress beyond Heptembi r 1 . PRIZE ME HAS ! ARRIVED IN CITY Will Be Given to Bent Lady Rider at Horse Show in j August. The $1-"" -addle mare, which is to be given as the grand prize at the horse show ul th. intei-SUite Horse Show association to he held In re Ali en. i 1,, 19 and L'U to the beat lad rider competing at the show, has ar rived in Hi.- i ity ami will he exhibited on th- streets a- soon as she has rested up from tin- three days' trip from Louisville. (She is a beauty, a chestnut cob, and is being greatly" ad mired by all who sc.- her. The com petition lot this great prize is ex pected to he verj gnat, and the win ner will In- well repaid tor h.-t' pains. It was announced several days ago ihat the show here Would be an ex elusive night show, hut this Wll not he the case. There will l.e both an it hi and night exhibitions. Interest in the coming show i:l glowing daily and already horses ars arriving in the city to In- exhibited. Mrs. J. A-bli-y Jones and daughter, .Miss Mary Allgood Jones, and .Miss .Marguerite McKee of Atlanta arrived in ihe city this morning with thelf lints, s for tin- show. Miss- Jones and .McKee arc tw.. oi Atlanta's most ex pert horsewomen and will contribute greatly to th.- Httiactiyeness and In terval of the show. I.. L. Jeiikin , president of th. American National hank, has just brought in n l. amis. .me, llve-galted saddle horse fur tin- show, and I.. I). Party of Kentucky has shipped a galled s: ,nie i. ,i h a that will ar-re,.- in i toW &y& i.. load horse from I'.irmingbam has already arriv ed as .an entry. Mrs. Conhalry-Coxa has announced that sin- will give a handsome cup to add to the premium list of tin- show and the .lasses ill which this and Hi., on., that ha- Leon donated l.y Mrs. (jeorge W. V itiiiet bill are to he given, will be announced later. It is expected 'bat there wll he several other cups to he announced in a few K. Whistler, proprietor of the Colonial Indel of Columbia, president of Iln- Camden Pole club and one of Iln- promoters of the Nike I is cola company at Henderaonvlllo, who is also president of the HenderaonviMe Horse show association, was in the it', yesterday and said that the Hen dersolivllle show i-s now assured as all the money neceaary for tt has been subscribed, and the rbow will be pulled off three or four days alt er the show here. I Jr. I.. II. Snyder of Terra Haul.', who is an experienc ed horseman, is acting as secretary of the ils.Mii. ial toll. Pat (to doetori "If oi live, doctor, sure di ll have you lo thank for it.' Pal's Wife (somewhat prejudiced against the doctor) "And If you die, Pat, you can thank him, loo." Judge, Two things of Which there is enough for all: Fresh Air and Sunshine ib-t vour.s! Come to Balaam, N'. C Week-end rate Hotel Balsam, Jt.fiO. Including Slipper Saturday Night, anil breakfast Morulas morning. Dancing Saturday night ns-'Jt One Car Load Western Horses and Mares At Auction At J. K. CHAMBERS' STABLE, N. Lexington Avenue, Asheville, N. C, Sat'y, July 20, 1912. This is the Best Car Load of Unbroke Western Horses and Marcs ever shipped into the State of North Carolina. Auction begins .10 a. m., Saturday, July 20th. These Horses can be seen at any time. iCome and see them. M. F. BRANNAN. "Hoi" cried the poei with delight, "They taste like sun and .'11111111111 blended." Then penned a toast straightway to Pott, "Here's to your Toasties they're BplendUL" Wiltten by '. M. SNYDER. iff Itlvendde Drive, New J'ork City. One of the r.O .Tingles fur which the Post urn Co., Battle Creek, Mich., paid tlOOO.OO In May. Today Is benefit day for the V. W C. A. at the Prlnceafi theater. A very interesting program lias been ar ranged, two reels of comedy ami one drama picture will be shown. The live-piece orchestra, which has re ceived such favorable comment from tile people of Asheville, will furnish instrumental music throughout Hu ll a. v. Miss I'earl Shope will situ: Il lustrated songs at both evening and nlghl performs nces. The ladies con nected with the Y. VV. c. A. and thoae in sympathy with the gobil work which is being done by this organi zation have sold tickets throughout the city, and they will doubtless real ize a good sum as a reward for their efforts. The Hame management gave a Y. W. 1'. A. benefit day Inst summer at the alrdome on Haywood street, which was a great success for the association. FOUL TIPS line of Hart's lingers Is nlmosl nf nod as ever. Sharp Is still on crutcht-fl on aOC-OQttl f a sprained ankle. Although Hah. Memphis, he fs the son of a fnrntef pastor of the l ira Maplisl church of this city. Thete urc limes when a Rood batter would Ci CM In handy. When Hutnli makes an error there must be something nvrong with the whole team. Wnymack says himself that he la' Ihe original "hard luck kid." Saturday Morning 9:0 O'CLOCK Bed Sheets 25c Pillow Cases 10c We place mi sate live bundred (500) Ladies', Misses' and Children's Unt rimmed Shapes and Trimmed Hats at :i GREAT SACRIFICE. .. . , GRAND LEARANCE SALE nf every hat in the Iniuso. Come and sec us today if yon want a bargain in Millinery. N'"v is Hie time. Don'l forget fo sec us today, fiargains in Children's Presses. Bargains in Ladies' Evening Gowns, Street Dresses and Ladies' Tailored Suits. A sample line received. No two alike. Come and sec us the money saving store i Asheville in you. See our $1,50 Ladies' waists (ot tomorrow 98c (im !n! 4 inch. IHc Ribbons, special 10c Sici i;il Bargainn in (he well-known brand of Black at Hosiery for L'ldios, 'Misses and Children. PALAIS ROYAL S5Maifl St. ill m Y A T2l