virr; it iced to guests means adding to their comfort and your pop ularity. INDIA AND CEYLON OR MIXED SOCIAL HAPPENINGS Again Successful. The Frank MeEntee Pastoral play- era were most successful yesterday afternoon, despite the rain, in their presentation In the Manor greenwood of the "Merchant of Venice," and the audience showed much appreciation by frequent applause. The difficult and leading part of "Shylock" was played by Frank MeEntee, and his , clever acting and remarkably tine " and expressive intonation was the ! cause of much enthusiasm on the part of the audience. The following was the cast of characters, all of whom sustained most creditably their repu- tations for excellent Shakespearean Interpretation: Duke of Venice, Wilson Duncan: Prince of Morocco, Walter von Bock man; Prince of Arragon, George Sommes; Antonio, a merchant of Venice, Leonard Shepherd; Bassanio, his friend, suitor to Portia, Chester Barnett; Salanlo, Edmund Mortimer; Salnrlno, John M. Kelly; Gratiano, Redmond Flood; Lorenzo, in love with Jessica, Dallas Anderson; Shylock, a rich Jew, Frank MeEntee; Tubal, a Jew, his friend, Henry Calver; Launce lot Gobbo, the clown, servant to Shy lock, Teddy West: Old Gobbo, father to Launcelot, William Hammond; Leonardo, servant to Bassanio, Henry Willis; Balthasar, Stephano, servants to" Portia, Arthur Milton, Eugene Wil son; Portia, a rich heiress, Augusta True; Nerissa, her waiting maid, Mll llcent Evison; Jessica, daughter to Shylock, Helena Head; magniflcoes of Venice; officers of the court of Justice; servants to Portia and other attend ants. Scene Partly at Venice, and part ly at Belmont. k e Interesting Toilette Items. The following toilette items will In terest the feminine portion of society: It seems dreadful to contemplate, but we are evidently getting tho Dlree tolre fever just as the summer is upon us, and will put on the high collars that must be boned and in-ter-llned, be they of silk or lace, with a jabot of lace edging, a fan or lace allover or a satin tie and ends after folding it around the neck below the high lace or silk collar which may cross the front in true Directoire style or leave the throat exposed. In the latter cases the Directoire becomes the Robespierre, and is also boned, and in . front turns back in revers or is cut off straight and a jabot or fan of lace brought down on each side. The newest edition to this collar Is a band of No. 7 black velvet ribbon close about the throat, with a tiny bow tied at the corner. Another idea is to wear a locket on the band, ihe more old-fashioned the better. If you wish to be really very smart, go into a Chinese or Japanese store and rum mage around until you find a bit of gay Oriental-looking silk and tinsel embroidery of which to make a band around the hat crown that you wear with lingerie waists; also a bow on a shirtwaist collar or on a lingerie waist below where the collar usually Is, and wind up with a wide girdle, boned or folded without if the silk is soft and finished with the obi scarf bow at the back. k n Delightful Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Rees gave a dance at the Manor last evening for their sons, Dubois Rees and Fritjoff Rees. Mrs. Rees was assisted in re ceiving by Mrs. A. E. Bates, Mrs. "Connally, Mrs. Harald Rees and Miss Rees. The dance was large and was one of the most delightful social event that have marked the sum mer season so far In Ashevllle. Sup per was served in the attractive din ing room of the Manor, where the tables were artistically decorated in cut flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Rees' guests of last evening were: Bishop and Mrs. Junius M. Horner, Mrs. Hugen, Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Pearson, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Cheesborough, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Settle, Mr. und Mrs. Tench Coxe, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lyman, Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Perry Dr. and .Mis. Arthur S. Wheeler Mat. and Mrs. Huger, Mr. and Mrs n C Waddell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Al- ired 8. Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley How- land, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Adams, Judge nnd Mrs. Thomas A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs Frederick Hutl.dge, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hull, Capt. and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Samuel M. Tate, Mrs. Phipps, Mrs. How land, Mrs. H. B. McKee. Mrs. Oonally Coxe, Mrs. Philip Rol lins, Mrs. Price Ballard. Mrs. Connl- Silver Frames I We have the best line of Sterling Silver Photograph f Frames we have ever shown nnd the prices, despite the ad- vance in silver bullion, are less than they have ever been. Jr Compare our prices. Arthur M. Field Co. Z f linreli St A Pntton Ave. Personal Mention, Mewi of tht locietiw, Meetings, Ite. I ly. Misses r.aehel Howlaml, Hender son, Annie Williams, the Mlsse Keeves, Eugenia jonnston, liiiien liar ker, Pauline Pacjuin, Eleanor Morri son, Marjdrle Pearson, Emily Camp bell, Phipps, Therese Chapman, Helet Chapman, Margaret Pennlman, Luc- Minor, Marie Louise Swope, William son, Beaumont Hazzard, Alice Haz zard, Eva Horner, Eleanor Bartlett 'Man Adams, Lucy Penniman, Susi 1 i"iman: Haywood Parker, Haral Rees, Herbert Child, J. J. McCloskey Dr. W. P. Herbert, Dr. P. H. Ringer Hugh DeLacey Vincent, David Harri Robert Harris, Decatur West, Allet Morrison, the Messers. Bradley. Re Howlarid, Roy Watson. Thomas Jone Thomas Pearson, Ellsworth Lyman llonsall Rhodes, John Minor, Alexan der Smith, Charles Hilliard and R. D McDonald. X K Mrs. Corcoran' Reception. Mrs. P. J. Corcoran's reception yes terday afternoon at Rock Ledge fo the members of the American Worn an's league was attended by 75 or 10( guests and was a very successful af fair. The large parlors and recep tion halls were attractively decorate! with sweet peas and ferns. A feature of the afternoon was the musical pro gram, arranged for the entertalnmen' of the guests, to which the following contributed : Piano duet Misses Grace Jenkim and Eva Moore. Vocal solo Miss Othabelle Smith. Piano solo Miss Eva Moore. Vocal soo Miss Pursell of Cin cinnati. Piano solo-Miss Grace Jenkins. Vocal solo Miss May Cocoran. Piano duet Misres Moore and Jen kins. Mandolin solo Miss Mary Corcoran accompanied by Miss Erma Sleben thaler of Cincinnati. Mrs. Perry V. Shoe and Mrs. Myers served punch, and refreshments wore served by Miss Sue Belle Corcoran Miss Hilda Siebentraler, Miss Belle Burnette and Mrs. Collins of Spar tanburg. Mr. Potzlgian and Herman Warshener of New York assisted In the entertainment of the guests. I X Mr. Lo'ughran's Reception. Proprietor Frank Loughran of the Pwannanoa-Berkeley hotel gave a re ception in the ball room of the hotel for the visiting ladles and their friends who are attending the Hoo Hoo con vention now In session in this city Previous to the reception the ladles enjoyed a trolley party over the dif ferent car lines of the city. A num ber of Ashevllle guests were Invited to the reception at the Swannanoa Iterkeley to meet the visiting ladle? who were greeted and made welcome by Mrs. Reuben Robertson and Mrs Jere Cocke, who also served punch An orchestra furnished inspiring mu sic to which the young people present danced. After the dancing refresh ments were served, which consisted of a delicious salad course. The re ception was much appreciated by those present as a charming bit of cordial hospitality extended the guests of the city by Mr. Liughran. Initial Reception. The reception given yesterday after noon by the Woman's Social and Study club, with which the club rooms were formally opened to the public for the first time, was large and success ful. The club rooms which Include a number of apartments and class rooms were decorated in sweet peas and other flowers. There were 200 guests present at the reception, which list In cluded many prospective members. The first display of the afternoon was an exhibition of china painting done under the direction of Mrs. J. E. Gudger. The display was most Inter esting, well executed and artistic. The club will be open Tuesday and Friday afternoons every week from 2:30 o'clock for visitors who may be in terested In the work. tt Mr. and Mrs. James B. Duke, ac cording to recent London news, have taken Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry. Smith's house In Grosvenor square for one year. Town and Country says: "Mrs. Duke will be generous in en tertainlng when she takes this house, for though she has achieved social success very quietly, she now has many friends in England. Her beauty JCKT RECEIVED. Shipment of Iver-Johnson and Ra cycle Bicycle, made up In newest combination of colors. These are beauties -ou 1 1 and see them. J. M. HBABH ft CO., Battery Park Place, Phone 448 vard popularity. At her country ome in New Jersey, her own rooms re snow white. Including even the ugs and the lilies put in vases and er boudoir robes asd dinner gowns in delicate pink. These Ideas re part of her personality. Mrs )uke was formerly Mrs. Inman of At- anta, but only in her quiet and leis- rely manner does she show the traits f the southerner." X The Newton Enterprise: The Lin- olnton cavalry troop will start next veek on a 10 days' march, under an 'nited States army officer as instruc-! or. They have organized a baseball earn from members of the troop and vill play games with local teams on hoir line of march. Theyi will play he Newton team on the Catawba age grounds next Tuesday afternoon t 4 o'clock, and will probably camp lere for the night or eo on to Hick- ry. The route they have laid off is y way of Blowing Rock, Linville, I Vsheville, Hendersonville, Ruther- 'ordton and Shelby. W. A. Fair, ex- 'ditor of the News, is captain of the troop. K K The dancing set will be glad to 1 lear that the usual Friday night lance will be given at the Battery rark hotel this evening, and all I nembers bearing season cards are ordiallv invited to be present. K e Mrs. William S. Whiting will enter-' ain with a card party tomorrow ! nornlng at her home on Montforci i venue in honor of her sister, Miss . Margaret Link, and Miss Alice Thurs on Pender. tt tt Miss Alice Thurston Pender of Tar ort, who is visiting Miss Elizabeth lurphy, was the guest of honor at in informal reception given recently y Miss Elizabeth Williamson at her -lome on Pearson drive. K The Charlotte Observer: Mrs. 'harles W. Johnston will leave this norning for Black Mountain, where :he will spend a few days with her laughter, Mrs. E. J. Braswell, before roing to Asheville to spend some time. . . . Mrs. J. L. Caldwell and laughter, Miss Lida Caldwell, will 'eave today tor Kanuga, where they will spend some time. Dr. Caldwell will accompany them and spend sev eral days s Kanuga, returning to Charlotte next week. During the next six weeks he will divide his time be tween Charlotte and Kanuga. tt K The Greenville News: Mrs. S. M. Bright is visiting friends In Asheville, N. C. . . . Mm Joe Lawrence of Asheville is the guest of Mrs. Barle liartsell on West Washington street. r. K Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Goodman of this Ity spent several days recently visit ng relatives in Connelly Springs, tt R Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus W. Cole man of Whitmire, S. C, are the guests of Mrs. Coleman's mother, Mrs, Thad deus, Coleman, sr., at her country home near Weaverville. where Mrs. Coleman and her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Sidney Porter, are spending the summer. X X Miss Leo Greene of Spartanburg is a visitor at the home of Mrs. W. P. Mahers on Central avenue. X X From the Connelly Springs items in the Hickory Democrat: Mr. Shaver and family of Ashevllle have become residents of our little town. We be speak for them a cordial welcome from all our people. X Mr. and Mrs. John Rumbough are spending the summer with Mr. Rum bough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rumbough, at their home on Zillicoa street. ' ' X X Hugh Selbles of Columbia Is in Asheville. X X from Ridgecrest, where he delivered yesterday an address before the Southern Baptist assembly. X X Col. E. D. O'Bryon of Lawrence, Kan., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Buchanan. X X E. P. Brownell returned last night from the east, where he has been on business interests. Mrs. Brownell, who has been with him, will return about September 1. X X Frederick Arthur Woodcock and a party of .friends, Including Mrs. Thompson, Miss Flora Thompson nnd FOR SALE Valuable suburban homo, large building and grounds, commanding magnificent view. Modern In every particular. This is an ideal home for summer or winter, at a bargain If sold at once. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Heal Estate and Insurance 27 Patton Ave. CRYSTAL DOMINO SUGAR Is the finest grade of cut loaf sugar made. Five Pound Boxes 55c. YATES & McGUIRE, Phones 1715 and 1716. Where tne Dollar m. MMK. D'MILl.K'8 t ' . HEACTV HINTS.!tK. (From the Journal of Fashion). "No woman who prizes true beauty will 'neglect her eyhrows and eye lashes. Brushing the eyebrows trains them to grow arch-shape and apply ing pyroxln will make them grow thick and silky. Pyroxln applied to roots will make the lashes grow long .and fcilky. "To keep the skin clear, smooth fair and pliant, use a simple complqfc- ion beautltler made by dissolving an original package (.l mayatone in half - pint of witch hazel. Gently mas- 'gage face, neck and arms with tin col-'and you will escape freckles, tan and sunburn. It prevents that slimy look and will not rub off or show like nowder. while it gives a lovely, soft and vouthful complexion. "Anv person desiring abundant glossy hair should use a dry shampoo frequently. Mix four ounces of pow- dered orris root with an original pack lage of therox and .sprinkle a teaspoon Iful of this mixture on the head am brush it thoroughly through the hair Therox makes the hair light and fluffy 'anfl beautifully lustrous. "Paste made by mixing water with a little powdered dolatone and ap nlied to a hairy surface will remove every trace of superfluous hair or fuzz Leave the paste on a minute or two then remove and wash the surface This treatment is safe, sure and speedy and leaves the skin hairless firm and smooth." Mr. Wrenn, from the Imperial bote at Canton, will arrive here tomorrow- en route to Knoxville, and while her will visit Mrs. James A. Miller at Rose cottage, on Walnut street. X Miss Carrie Wagner, who reeentl underwent an operation at the Mer wether hospital, is recovering and has been removed to her home on Pear son drive. X R Miss Mary Miller of Lincolnton visiting in Biltmore. X X Frederick Clarke of Charlotte is i the city on business. X X Charles E. Waddell is in Bnsto where he was recently called on bu. Iness. X X W. S. Adams of Biltmore Is in Nf York on business and Is not expects home for two weeks. X X F. N. Challen of this city is In Ra elgh, where he was called on bus 1 ness. X X Eric Rawls anil Allbright Cham hers, who are on an engineering tri near Canton, are expected horn shortly. X X Edward Bhippen West is visiting his parents, Capt. and Mrs. William Whitehead West, on Chestnut street. X X L. R. Duvall, who has been critically ill for the past few days, is reported to be considerably improved. X X Mrs. John Ashley Jones and daugh ter. Miss Mary Allgood. and Miss Pierce of Atlanta arrived here today, We have just received for stock. a Handsome line of Electric Portables All are In the latest de signs with the latest in art metal glass shades. A perfect beauty at $4.75 the prices are surpris ingly low. J. H. LAW 35 Patton Ave. LADIES' PUMPS AND OX FORDS (Blacks and Tans Only) Greatly Reduced. To make room for our fall stock; you can't afford to miss this opportunity if you like Good Shoes Cheap. BOSTON SHOE STORE The Cash Shoe Store. MILLINERY Trimmed Hats Reduced SPROAT'S Oatea Bulldlug. 21 Haywood St. t Does Its Duty. White Low Heel Pumps We are ready to fit women low heel, wliitc canvas pumps and strap slippers in ight and heavy soles, targe variety white heels ior dressy wear. Buck $:5.)0 and $.!.50: Canvas $1.7") and $2.50. Try nir cash system for saving- Nichols Shoe Co. ash Shoesters. On the Sq ind are staying at Miss Mattie Har ris. They will spend tne summer in Ashevllle and at Mountain Meadows inn. Miss Allgood and Miss fierce are bringing their saddle horses, and sion of the twenty-first annual meet will enter them in the horse show. , . .,,, thi mrnin hi . i adjourned in a few minutes in order The field agents ol the Raleigh and ,() mrp Um to eammlnee meet harlotte agencies ot the Equitable .p. mmi,, ,-,. , who have made certain records in business will spend next week at the Battery Park hotel, the holiday being In the way of a reward for good bus iness. Dr. Wells of New York, med ical director of the society, will be with the agents here. X X It is learned that ex-Sheriff R. J. Rhodes of Henderson county is very ill at his home on Mills river and I i tt It- hope is entertained for his re covery. X R Architect II. C. Meyer of Hender sonville is attending the architects' convention. X X Judge J. C. Prltchard and Dr. M. H. Fletcher leave tonight for Ruther f ordton, where they take part In the program of the good roads meeting to morrow. Forestry Investigation Asked. Washington, July 19. An invest i gation of expenditures in the forestry i service by a special senate committee is asked in a resolution presented to day by Senator Overman of North Carolina. The committee would in vestigate during the recess of con gress. Come to Balsam, N. C. Week-end rate Hotel Balsam, $4. 5ft Slipper Sat urday Night, after DreaitTalft Monday morning. Dancing Saturday night. 138-2t. CASH PAID For Broken Pieces of Old Gold and Silver. Jewelry and Watches repair ed at moderate prices. The Store of Odd Designs. VICTOR STERN, Jeweler. Haywood St., Opp. Battery Park. FOR SALE VALUE EXTRAORDINARY Very choice lot on old Asheville Female College Park. Owner wants money this week. Terms. Natt Atkinson & Sons' Co. Real Estate. FOR RENT IJNFI RMSIIKD The most desir able seven room house in Asheville. Has just been thoroughly overhauled; painted on the outside and floors and walls gone over. Has a large sleeping porch in addition to other pori lies. One block from car line. Montford section. Price $25.00 per month. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. Telephone 479. 48 Patton Ave. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. Ielias TAX & HOPSON TAILORING It-II Electrical BIdg. Opp P. a MILLET SEED This is largely sown as a catch crop. It requires at least one bushel to sow an acre. Less quantity makes a coarse growth which is exhaustive to the so:I and ohjcotionnble as a feed. Very little millet is to be had and It is advisable to sup ply your needs early. EVE7RY THING IN DKUOS AND BEF.D8. Grant's Pharmacy i Agency for Lainlrvth's fticd. FOR A BIG ASSORTMEN T of Trustworthy Goods Call on Us We began buntieen here in 1881 and have been paying close attention to business ever since. Our store corn prices the four double floors at 7 and !( Patton Ae., where we have ample room and excellent light in which to show our large supply of : : : : : Fine Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Fancy floods, Rhus, Trunks, Matting, Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, La dies' Ready-to "Wear (larinents, etc, etc .'. Wc mark all Roods in plain figures at lowest prices ami one price to everybody. j H. REDWOOD & COMPANY Committee Meetings Held By Hoo Hoos This Morning Ladies Given Trolley Ride over City Last Night 30 Kittens Were Initiated into Order "Session on the Roof" Was Enjoyable Occasion. The Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo convened for the second business ses- the anterooms of the ballroom of the Battery Park hotel, where the conven- Hon is being held and linished their reports. This morning at 10 o'clock the ladies who are attending the meeting were given a trolley ride over the city, taking in all the points of interest along the lines of the Asheville Power l& Light company. After the ride they were entertained with a reception at the Swannanoa-Berkeley hotel. This afternoon the visitors left the. Mattery Park hotel at 2:30 o'clock In carriages for a drive over the Biltmore estate, which will take up practically the entire afternoon and tonight a mil. sirale and ball will be given in their he 'ir on the roof garden and in the ballroom adjoining of the Langrcn ho tel. The trip to Sunset Mountain yester day afternoon was much enjoyed. After the serving of refreshments on the mountain the visitors were photo graphed, and after being pressed, Mr. drove, who was present, stood with them for the picture. Immediately after this Locke Craig made a short talk in which he thanked Mr. Grove on behalf of all present for the after nooh'0 entertainment on the moun tain, and in addressing the visitors referred to Mr. drove as one of th city's most progressive citizens, whi had done more for the city, posgibls than any other one man nnd is now planning to build a quarter of a mil lion dollar tourist hotel that will be another most valuable addition to the city. Kvoning Session. Last night the annual concatenation proper and the Dutch .supper took place. The former as well as the lat ter part of the program was very much enjoyed by those whose eyes had already been opened, and they initiated into the mysteries of the or- TRY SOME Boiled Ham, Tongue, Partroma, Cavaealete, Swiss Cheese, Pimento or Pine Olive, and above all, some of my Corned Beef. Banks pay you 4 per cent on what you save; we pay you 2 1-2 per cent on what you spend. Investigate. M. HYAMS Cor. N. Main and Mer. Ave. Phones 49-243. HTJPMOBILiE S3 H. P. Touring Car $900. An unequalled automobile value CARS WITH AN ESTABLISHED REPUTATION We carry a complete Uae of AUTOMOBILE Supplies and ac cessories; AGRICULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS, wagons and machinery. Oarage open day and night. Repair work guaranteed; prices lowest for quality. Western Carolina Auto Co. Walnut and Leslngton. We Buy Sell Everything S. Sternberg 4 Co. Depot Street. der some 30 "kittens." This part of the ceremony was In charge of the following: Snark E. Stringer Boggess, Senior Hoo Hoo J. F. Judd, Junior Hoo Hoo H. B. Darlington, as-istcd by E. C. Gordon and J. C. McGrath, BoJum G. M. Murray, A. B. Cone, Jabberwock Alfred Ruddy, assisted by John Rutherford and H. Rotha; Cus- tocadlan T. L. O'Donnell, Arconoper, L. W. Wilson and Gurdon J. T. Wild er. The following kittens were Initiated: C. C. Bell, J. A. Weems, W. M. Currier, P. U Brainard, G. M. Llepiar, Isaac Newell, Joseph Ford, A. S. Guerard, H. G. Etswailer, C. J, Parnell, Ottis Green, L. S. Perny, H. C. Hanaker, R. E. Holcomb, G. N. Carter. O. F. Wil liams, R. t . bleb, A. A. McLinde, C. D. Kinsland, Paul Gerhardt. W. S. Smith. W. E. Cunningham, J. P. McLain, D. S. Oakley. Robert Greenwood, C. H. Hodges, T. M. English, E. L. McKee, J. M. Westall and J. M. Acee. The Dutch supper, known as the "session on the roof," began at 12 o'clock and lasted until a much later or earlier hour, and those present en joyed a most appetizing menu. Judge Henry B. Stevens acted as toastmaster in a very itnerev-ting manner and a number of excellent and entertaining speeches were made by the following: Scrivenoter James H. Baird, Nash ville: V icegerent Snark J. M. English. Ashevllle: Frank Chapman, Asheville; W. A. Hadley, Chatham, Ontario; F. W. Trower, San Francisco; T. L. O'Donnell, Mississippi, and E. D. Ten nent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Buckwheat ec lipsed by a flour that makes better and more healthful cakes Wheat Hearts Self-Rising Pancake lour. Manicuring and Hairdress iug Shop. A complete line of Hair Goods and toilet articles. Combings made to order. MISS CRUISE Phone 16. 23 Haywood St Cadillacs Hupmobiles I.H.C.AutoWagons Rambler Cars Get Illustrated booklet of 40, 000 mile zigzag "around world" journey of 20 H. P. Hupmoblle. Phone 80. Anything .Phone 333 MMMIiMMIMMMOHHIIMMMMHI

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