BBE3HBBBBBBBWBBBiBMWMMWWMwwlfB - in- -r- i snanBnaBepS'A. sw WANTS FOR SALI FOR BALE Dry kindling wood, $1.50 per load, delivered. Phoue 1643 Blltmore Box Factory. l-tf FOR SALE Old newspapers, this office. Call at tf. CAMERA FOR SALE A 1A (21x41) Kodak in first class condition. Cost $12. will sell for $7. C. W. Capell fla.nMa.VaiiTa .,ffi-0 tf FOR SALE Attractive bargains In runabouts, top buggies, surreys, buekboards, single and double har ness; and ladies driving horse. Pat- ton & Stlkeleather's Stables. 120-tf VOn SALE Ralsnm Loilce. one of the best small summer hotels In western X. '., close to R. R. sta tion, splemll.l reputation, always filled, all modern improvements, gas. water, etc.; highest It. K. point east of the Rocky mountains. Splen did location for a sanitarium. Easy terms if sold at once. Reason for selling, owners have other business. For particulars write or see. Dr. F. F. C. Woodward, Balsam, X. C. i2-;;ot PELLAGRA CAN BE PI II ED I have the Remedy and P. nltarium. Private Formula to reputable phy sicians $10 each. Dr. Lee Senm ster, Mineral Wells, Tex. 130-.'!0t FOR SALE Five lots, good dwelling, outbuildings, blacksmith shop, well located in center of town on Main street, very desirable property. Price $1700. W. H. Poteat. Andrews, N. C. 122-40t. WAKTM). J. H. McGINNESS has moved to room 4 Masonic building, Market street, opposite T. M. L Steam dyeing, tail oring and cleaning. Phone 1850. tf WANTED Tour stenographic work. Prices reasonable; satisfaction given. Bee Miss Pearl Holman, 10 Pack square. Phone S74. tf WANTED Tour Notaiy Public work. Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright. 56-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, 3 or 3A. Inquire of C. W. Capell at Gazette-N'ews. tf WANTED Lady student wants pine to stay as companion while In school, for board and room: is will ing to assist in light work morn ing and evening. Address "Student," care Gazette-Xews. 138-6t WANTED T paper your reception hall, (lining room, parlor and bed roomsyou ean easily rent your spare bedrooms to visitors and make your spending money. Phone l.T7, R. L. Fitzpatrick & Son. .WANTED The Ashevillo ''leaning & Pressing club solicits business solely on the ground of giving you B little better service than anyone elc none excepted, Skirts and waists and cloaks, in fact every kind of ladies' apparel cleaned and brightened and renewed. Men, join my club, $1 a month, 3 months $2.00. ,T, C. Wllbar, Phone 389. BUSINESS CHANCES. GET INTO BUSINESS Positively the best business opportunity In the state Is n'ew open. The right man or woman will be given exclusive, control and will be required to In vest from $.r)0n to $1000. Honesty, energy and ability necessary. The business is high class, non-speculative, exceedingly profitable, affords a rare chance to manage a digni fied paying business from the start. Information at interview only. Address P. O. Box 648. 110-tf FOR SALE Only a few Sets of Beautiful 44-Plece Cleo Dinner Sets, cash price $2.65; is manufac tured of the very highest grade of porcellan; in buying a large quan tity of them and - giving you the benefit of our bargain. Sets are beautifully decorated In French Pink Rose Transfer Design and edges and Handles of all articles are trimmed with Pure Coin Cold. These sets make very desirable and a tractive Dinner Service, and contain enough pieces to set table for six persons. We are making a special cash price on this dinner set for $2.65. We charge 10c extra for delivery Id the nit Ossette-News Office. H I on t,l,l . One of the best farms In Western North Carolina, containing about 600 acres, of which 200 Is fins bottom and balance grazing and fruit land. Close to railroad. CANAUV REAITY oo. Ph.. im M74 10 N. Park Miliar KODAK FILMS DKVEIOPKD 10 Cents a Roll All Slses. PRINTS 2 1-4x2 1-4 1c each; 1-2x3 1-2, 2 1-2x4 1-4 ana I l-4x-4 1-4 4c each; 3 l-4x& 1-2, 4x5 and Post cards 6c each. HAT'S STUDIO S N. Pack flduav. No ITT NO PAY HARRY S. BURROWS Tailoring Offices 1 and 2 OM R CITfZENH RANK 0. P. LOTSPEICH f Broker, Room No. Ill, Over K re store. r In municipal, county Hnd onds, and for latest prires on hay, flour snd feeds of all K Rhone WANTS FOB RENT FOR REXT Upstairs apartment of house at 12:1 S. French Broad; all modern convenientes on same floor, with large porch; gas connections. Apply to J. E. Smathers, 45 Patton avenue. FOR REXT Xewly furnished rooms, transient or permanent, one block from postoffice. 58 Haywood St. 126-26t FOR REXT Two connecting rooms on first floor, furnished for house keeping: with electric lights and gas.. IS Grady' SL Phone 839. l?3-t' DESIRABLE ROOMS A few pleas ant, airy rooms at reasonable prices Close In; new house, near High school. Special prices to permanent people. Apply at once at 8 College Park place. FOR RENT Pleasant rooms; all nimlern conveniences; Mock and half of postottke, fronting On large park; fine view: paved sidewalk; gecid table board nearby. No. 7 Aston Place: Phone IL3. l".7-tt'. HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman for inints, auto mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent inducements. The Middle States Oil Co., Cleveland, O. Yol'XO men and women to learn engraving: night classes; good trade pays well. Asheville Lngraving School. E N.W. Pack Sq. 135-Ct MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE bought, sold and ex changed. Easy payments. Globe Furniture Co., 62 South Main St Phone 835. 142-U ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood Street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mrs. P. J. Cocoran. Prop. CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR SHOP Tour old shoes made like new ones. Men's shoes half-soled, sewed, and heels straightened. 90c. Ladies' shoes half-soled, sewed. SOe, It. A. Vlntarski, 30 West College street. 1. '16-261. "EUREKA," 153 North Main, exclu sive private boarding; large well furnished rooms; line porches; mod em conveniences. East street car. lll-26t OOB COFFEES at reduced price. Usual 35c grade at 30c. 30c grade at 2Tc, Good old Rio at 2.1c per pound. Kr gei's Grocery and Cof fee Store, 2 10 Patton Ave. Phone No. 1746. PLANTS! PLANTS: Late Hat Dutch, drumhead, for fall and winter use. Fine late tomato plants, sweet and strong pepper, sweet potato slips. M. A. Creaaman, :: I Flint street. Phone 3 is. ns-:tt TRUNK SUPPLIES Trunk straps any length, corners, casters, hinges, inside linings, and any and every thing needed to rebuild or make a new trunk complete, .1. M. I learn ',,., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. FRUIT JARS 1 Quart. Bf cents; 1-2 .Gallon. 80 rents dozen. Brown Hardware Co., 15 North M:,in. 13fi-2Ut. A NEW . HANDSOME EIGHT-DAT MISSION CLOCK for $2.6 5. The Oa.ette-Xews has a few of the Mis sion (.'locks with which so many of the people of this mountain section of the state have become famllinr. It is an eight -day clock, high grade, serviceable, and altogether very at tractive. For those who come to the office, pa ran!;. .us saving us the cost of delivery. The same price will be made to out-of-town patrons who send cash or money order, and the clock will be ex pressed direct to the address given Hear In mind that the price Is Just $2.65 at our office, or when cash accompanies the order. Send us your order today to Gazette-News office. tf POULTRY. CHICK TROIHLES require prompt treatment and delay Is invariably costly At the lirst sign of bowel trouble or indigestion give Conkey'B Cholera Remedy. Vour money re funded If It doesn't work. For sab by Grants Pharmacy. .It-cod LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal IMtlg. t Pack He. Phone 7t7. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office. 23 S. Main St, Phone M7. Athevillr W. A. WEBB SON have reopened their livery stable at their old stand, XK F.ast CoDese si Everything; new and up-to-date. Sat Isfactton guaranteed. Phone 1483. SIGNS of the hetter kind. ASHEVILLE SION CO. 4 N. Lexington Ave. SHIRT OF STATE FROM THE CAPITAL Sunday Aumsements at Park Arouse aRleigh Ministers Teacher Training Work. Gazette-Xews P.ureau. The Hotel Raleigh, Raleigh, July 19. The divisions of the Xorth Carolina naval mllftia are to hpve their annual cruises during the period of July 27 to August 24 on board the cruising vessel Elfrida. stationed at New Item. The divisions are Hertford. Plymouth, Washington, New Bern and Elisabeth City. Notice to this effect has just been received by .' Ijutant General Lelnsfer of the North Carolina na- tional guard. The dales for the cruise of each of the divisions will be set tled by the commanders of the divis ions 0 the brigade commanders, one of the divisions to ruise at a time. At 11 meeting of the Raleigh Minis terial association just held ft special committee a- appointed to confer with the management of the I'.looms liury park relative to the Sunday amusements that the company is pro viding. For several weeks now the park has been wide open with the roller coaster; merry-go-round and other attractions in full swing. the park orchestra giving snored concerts at the dan lug pavilion free. The ministers are objecting especially to the operation of tl.e roller coaster and the merry-go-round, these being the principal sources of revenue for the park company. The park is three miles from town, the city authorities having no authority over the place, and there is said to be no law by which thi- ministers can proceed against the park people. betters from Candidates. Governor Wnmlniw Wilson writes Governor Kitchin that he finds it will impossible for him to a cept the invitation ol the Wilson Democratic tb, of Ashevllle to attend a big rati- ticatlon jubilee o be held as early as po-sUilo in the impending presidential campaign. Governor Marshall, nomi nee for vice president, writes that he will visit Ashevllle during the cam paign if he can possibly arrange to do so. Governor Kit' bin joined in the Invitations of the Ashevllle club to Wilson and Marshall. The letters of Governors .Vilsoii and Marshall in this connection will he of interest. Governor Wilson says: "Dear Governor Kitchin: It was very gracious of you to join In the invitation 'if the Wilson Democratic club of Ashevllle, In urging my at tendance at their ratitb atic i meeting anil It Is a matter of genuine regret to in. that 1 literally cannot come. I hope you will express to the gentle men concerned my warm apprecia tion and sincere regret. Willi warm gards, et Governor Marshall's note follows "My Dear Governor: Let me thank ou tor your iettir of congratulation and say to you that if i (insistent with the duty that 1 owe to my office and to the national committee, 1 can get Vshoviiie during the campaign, th pleasure and honor will all be mine.' In a statement i-sued by Dr. J. V lyner. state superintendent of pub Instruction, relative to the teacher lining activities in this slate during this vacation season it Is shown that there are over IlOt teachers reeciv Htg special training m the rummer bools of the state ntiiverpil late Normal and Industrial college mil the Bast Carolina Ti .lining hoid. besides hundreds of teach ho are taking special training in in- titi.tes that ale being held in llio: ' the counties of the state and others ho at, availing themselves of other on an- "1 improving- their personal Uitpment for teaching. Numbers of ry valuable educational department a Mirations for the furtherance of the efficiency of the school work an reviewed by Mr. Jov ner, also effe live means uf ; . i .- the inier- st and activities of the local s liool mroltteemen and others. Dr. Joyner lectures that with the tein hers and the school committeemen working t tlier harmoniously and intelligently there vwll soon come about, as has tready been realized in many in- tani i s, an awakening of community i i.i' .""i mi' ' ft ni sctiooi a i lairs. notice. By virtue id the power and au thority Vested in the undersigne Trustee by the terms of a certain Heed In Trust executed by E. M. Dun- and wife Georgia Harnes Dun nil. dated lltn Hay "I ueoomner, I 1, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Huncombi unty in Rook S2 at page 305, and ildault having been made In the pay no ni "f the Interest on a sum of mnn- secured thereby, und live days no- ti e as required by tnc terms oi sum Deed In Trust having been given to the suld E. M. Duncan and wife, thi holder of the note so (erured having lerlared th debt due and payabh nth interest and principal and th ower of sale contained In said deed In trust having become absolute. 1 will sell at Public Auction to tin highest bidder, for cash, at the Coun ty Court House Door in- the City of Asheville, County and State aforcald ,,i in, Ke o'clock noon M'ind.iv Ihe lth day of August, 1S12. the follow Ing des rlbed land and premises ItF.CINMN'G at a stake in tft Eastern margin of ltnlley street, at point 228 feet South of the Southwest orner of G. L. McDonald's lot, w nerc he at date of Deed in Trust resided and run Kouth M degrees 45 East 300 feet to a stake on a parallel lln with McDonald's South line; thenc South 1-2 degree West 75 feet to stake: thence on a parallel line with the first line North 88 degrees 45 mlo. Wert 300 feet to Bailey street; thence with Ualley street 76 feet to the REOINN1NO. And being the same land snd prcmWe mentioned and described In sakl Deed In Trust, to which is recorded In Rook 57 at lytga 112 of the records of Peds In Trust In ths office of Register f Deeds for BuncomW County and Bta of North Carolina. This sal and any deed mads by the undersigned pursuant to said sale will hs made, subject to all the restrictions, reservations snd onditlona contained therein, or cre sted by said Deed In Trust Dated this lth day of July, liU. J. I P.AZIRR OLfiNN, Trusts. ' . ROAD IS TOO BAD TI Rutherfordton Run Abandon edMotor Club Takes Ac tion as to Mufflers. The members of the Asheville Motor club have decided not to make the run p. Rutherfordton to the good roads meet tomorrow on account of the con tinued rains. Dr. M. H. Fletcher stated at the meeting of the club last night that the roads are In such con dition as to make the run Impractica ble. He said, however, that the Ruth- erfordton people had made arrange ments for the entertainment of a num ber of Asheville people and he hoped that as many as possibly could would go by train. li was decided to make a run to Charlotte to the meeting of the state association and an effort will be made to gel a large number of the members interested in this trip. The members also decided to make a run to the summit of Sunset moun tain next Thursday, where a basked lunch will be served, and a commit tee was named to arrange lor the trip. It vmis ordered that the secretary communicate w ith the board ol alder men . ud request that the board take some action to auaie ine nuisance m pining up mufflers on the streets, lus great deal of complaint has been made in this respect. The secretary vajs also Instructed to call the atten tion of Superintendent C. C. Hodges of the Southern railway to two cross- ngs between Asheville and llender- sonville that are reported to be dan gerous. S. P. Burton and J. Ii. Mcpherson were elected to membership. BOMB STORY'S ORIGIN Newspaper Reporter's Joke About Al leged- "Heal" Starting Point of Sensational Rumor. Washington. J' 'y 19. After an un- flicial investigation that lasted hour.:. While House and secret service offi- iuls last night denied the report that omh addressed to President Taft had found its way to the executive ollice, and thai an assistant secretary to the president, Sherman P. Allen, id been injured when he opened the ickage. Mr, Allen showed his hands ever, man who called at the White "use There was not a spot nor a burn upon them. He said he couldn't u count for t lie report. Secret service officials denied the lory in emphatic terms, and Presi- ni Taft apparently cared so little or ii that be joked about it at break- isi in tlie White House, laughed ibout it with callers later, and went o play golf as usual in the afternoon it chevy Chase, unprotected and ap prehensive of no danger. According to Information that White House officials were able to gather, report originated in the press oom at the executive office A re porter for n .New York morning news- ipcr told a friend with whom he as playing chess that the after noon newspapers had missed a great story." The reporter was joking and the riend knew It. tit her newspapermen ho came in later and to whom the lie was repented also understood, but torn the reports that ware taken to a- While House the story took root uuevvberc and yesterday morning it lartbd not only officials, lint the pital and apparently the country as PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. 0. The best and most reasonable house in town, good table, clean beds and homo cooking. Rates II per day. MISS FOSA PATTON FOR AUTOMOBILES THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESVILLE, N 0. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER, Crop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES GLADSTONE HOTEL MOUNTAIN The leading commercial and tourist hotel. SO yards of depot Porter meets trains. 2 per day; special families. Oceanic Hotel Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina Other hotels advertise every room an outside room, but we have more than this. ed that you get the sea breeze constantly. Our si is of the very best nnd our anticipate a visit to the seashore, or to Wrighuville Beach, tliere is no better each room nnd the purest bnthing is fine. Write for Jesse N. Crtiieh, Manager, NO LOOKING BACK IN ASHEVILLE New Evidence Constantly Being Pub- H ijiii. Since the long succession of Ashe ville reports were first published in the local preys there has been no look ing back, Ashevillo evidence con tinues to pour in. and better still those whose reports were first pub lished many years ago, verify all they said in a most hearty and unmistaka ble way. Read the experience of Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Mattie P. Lee, teacher of art, 30 Asheland avenue, Ashevllle, N. C says: "I know that Doan's Kidney Pills are a fine medicine. I suffered intensely from pains in my back and sides and the action of my kidneys was irregular. I often became nervous and had dizzy spells. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I obtained a supply at Smith's drug store. They tiscd me up a short time and I con tinued using ftiem until I was well. As 1 stated in 1911. when I first gave u statement recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. I believe them to be the best of all kidney medicines." l or sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Koster-iiiiourn io., duuhiu, New- York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan s and take no other. HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates 12 per day. Special rates by tho month. Bath room. Free sample rooms, jtanroaa eating house fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. A. W. & ALMA WHEELER, Propra. When In Andrews Stop nt the New HOTEL RUSSELL ANDREWS. N. C. The newest and coziest hotel In Wes tern North arollna. Modern improve ments. Electric lights, elegantly ap pointed rooms, sanitary plumbing. Cuisine the best. Prompt and ef ficient service. Rates $2 and $2.50 per day. Amcrlean plan. Special weekly rates. A. R. SPEARS, Prop. VANCE'S HALL Is on the railroad at Alexander, N. C, ten miles north of Asheville. it is surrounded by pretty grounds, trees, etc. It has live hundred feet r cool veranda. Large, cool rooms. Good service. Excellent table. Rates reasonable. Address, MRS. R. IS. and J. N. VANCE, Proprietors. WELLS HOTEL Murphy, N. C. Few steps from Southern depot, on the right as you enter town. Rates reasonable. Accommodations good. l'.ath rooms, waterworks, and all mod- rn conveniences. R. V. WELLS, Prop. The Ebbitt House Washington, D. C. No matter what yon catae to Washington for hnsinesti or pleasure THE EBBITT is most centrally located to every where. Recently remodeled, refurnished and redecorated throughout thoroughly mod ern in every feature. Uoonaa, single or en suite, with or without bath. Rates: American Plan ta.oo to M.CO per day European Plan, ll.M to 11.00 per iaj P S0mTTT. Proprietor. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE It I'll $2.00 rates by week and month and to WM. JEFF DAVIB, Prop. Every room is so anrang rates are reasonable. Ii you place to atop. Telepbon water in North Carolina.! Sea rates and descriptive booklet, Oceanic Hotel Company, i KNICKERBOCKER DeUgbtfal Bit Appointments Oompleea. Swannanoa-BerKeley Asheville 's Most Modern ot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. Mountain Meadows Inn NOW MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. HOTEL NOW Under new management. remodeled throughout. Modern equipment. European an, cafe in connection. Special rates by the week or month. C. H. Gome Try BLUE RIDGE HOTEL, Hendersonville, N. 0. J. ransiclll, IOUI ibi nuu i uiiinn n i.u uiiukc oi'uouii. niiuniavLiun eici r-i nt ceil Xenlv remodeled. Rates S2 ncr (lav and no. Rooms with or without bath. Excellent sample rooms In building. S. W. MITCHELL, Prop, and Owner. Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. O. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. Famous Everywhere THEJARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST Rates 2.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by Week or month. NO. 3 AS Church STEAM HEAT. Milk and cream from our own cows. I make my guests comfortable. MISS MATT TIE HARRIS Tlione 676. FAIRFIELD INN ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, IN COUNTRY, NOW ri... n..i.i,,,r fa fl.rnllanl mi A 1 . 11 . II t II .in., p. ... WM .H.P. - . - v r will find at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spend lew days or weeks. For information, rates, etc, add ress H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. FAIRFIELD INN. EAGLE, J. T. OMOHUNDRO, Prop. Spe ial attention to commercial Rates reasonable. Summer boarders located in the heart of the Blue cool and comfortable. MAGNOLIA All newly furnished, pleasantly located; rates reasonable. No. 72 College Street. Phone 1828. Asheville, N. C. ATI AMTIP HOT17I morehead city J 1 Lll 1 1J llU 1 ILL NORTH CAROLINA NOW OPEN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS. NEW MANAGEMENT. FINEST FISHING IN AMERICA. Every variety of sea and fresh water fish abound In great abundance. The ATLANTIC HOTEL fronts th ocean beach, which runs east and west, affording the much songht southwestern water front, and its guests enjoy an lnvlgoraUng ocean breeaa throughout the summer. Here you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on the Atlantic coast SAILING upon th beautiful and placid Bogus Sound or the Atlantic Still water and SURF BATHING, Incomparable Sound and Deep Sea FISHING. Many nearby points of traditional and historic Interest. DANCING, TENNIS, POOL, BILLIARDS, MUSIC. 1912 CONVENTIONS AT MOREHEAD 1912 Meeting of tlie North Carolina Press Association will be In bl at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehcad City, N. C, July 13-26. For handsome Illustrated booklet and reservations ad dress Allen A. Dubois, Manager, Morehead City, N. C. 0 o CO. n -3 0 r-H O o r; w z It o CM S rS 8 THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Under new management. The hotel has been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Hteam hoatrd. Rath.., Hot and Cold Water. Caters especially to commercial Formerly of HOTEL KENMORE WAYNESVILLE, N. 0. Centrally located on Main street. Under new manage ment; newly remodeled. liooins with or without bath. ANDREW L. JACKSON, Prop. Formerly of Hotel Sumter, 8. C. The ST. JOHN "r1" Forrnserly Hotel Galea. A modern hotel. I learn Ueau Els vator. Cheerful, home-:ik surround ings. Open all ths rear. Hotel Bus aad Street Cars direct fr om Depot MWSMMwaMWMMasMSMwswssssssSwsnE n I D. J. TATUM Lrvsry. Wi and Sales Stable. Comfortable Vehicles. Saddle Horses a BMCtalty. HKNDKRSX) NVILLB, M. OL Pbov w, WO. TT OOLLBGS IT. PHONE MS. Larue TERMS According to Location of and Up-to-date Hotel. FRANK LOUOHRAN, a i . . a uwner ana v ropnexor. OPEN. Phone 328. OXFORD OPEN Thoroughly renovated and BRANSON & SONS, Prop. R. F. JARRETT, Manager, DOIsboro, N. O. TON PLACE Street. WELL COOKED FUUU THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE OPEN thin uiuiin of th vnsr. snd snortsman SAPPHIRE, N. OL HOTEL MARION, N. O. men. All modern conveniences. wanted by week or month. Hotel Ridge Mountains. Large, airy rooms, COTTAGE men. D. C. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Ysrborough House, Raleigh, N. C fwrtes at 40 .M 1 tCT