THE pace sevnr Jgsehdll 3 FREE C mmmmi LIKE Sill BOYS i I 1 ilMHi II nil r-ssssss-.- s Here s m A The Road to M and a refreshed oner the sure way' K r-the only way isvia a glass of m M crisp and sparkling as frost' M W TV 1 T-k - i m IJ P I 1 P 1 n 11 C Bkf-Ahimrr aW ! ' w.mawM? vii zoning mm Thirst-Quenching rree uemana the Genuine V as maae dv jht tc)in of Coca- hl .mT Whenever ColTvUidicatTon BenV THE COCA-COLA CO. HPL you see an st Chattanooga, for ati WTi r-A .MMM Arrow think the asking. tjrA. of Coca-Cola. NOTICE. The Normal and Collegiate Institute ASHEVILLE, N. O. t'ndcr tho care of the Presbyterian church, offers to young woman ex cellent opportunities tot thorough education. A faculty of Hi trained teachers gives facilities for thorough Instruction In four courses of study. Board and tuition only $ 1 00 per year. Tuition alone, for day pupils, only $:0. I'or .catalogue, address liliWAIII) l. Cllll.ns, President. The fall term begins Sept. IS, 1912. Carolina Commercial School P. Ii. Ilolmnn, Prln. O. Ii. Hull, Assl't I'rin. TIIF. REMAND Foil COMMERCIAL TEACHERS IS LARGE. We Olvc u Special Course of Training to Persons Who Desire to Teach Commercial Branched We give below extracts from a few of the letters received during the past year calling for Commercial Teachers. IOWA We are in need of a teacher of Gregg Shorthand and other commer cial subjects. Salary from f r. 0 to 160 per month. Lenghl of school year, 12 month. OKI-ATIOMA Wo neei a first-class commercial teacher. Salary $50 to 160 per month. Work to begin October llflth. K UNTUCK Y We need a Gregg Shorthand teacher. Work to begin soon. Salary not stated. NEBRASKA We need a first-class teacher of commercial subjects. We are Just In troducing the Conimerclul Department In our school. Salary $75 a month the lirst year, which will lie Increased In proportion to success of teucher. Good penmanship required. ALABAMA Wo are In need of a good teacher of Pilmnn Shorthand, Typewrit ing, and Arithmetic. Term ( Ittl nths. Salary U40-700. This Is a High School. Tlx -so last two letters have been received since May 16th. Whether you wish to teach or work In an office we eun prepare you for the work in at short a lime Ml It Is possible to be done. The tlmo re quired to complete a Bourse depends upon the .'skill and qualification of the atudent. We lire making a special price to thosn who enter at this time, or who purchase a scholarship now. Those who buy scholarships may enter it any ti within 12 months, Call or write to jQJEMISS PEA HI HOLMAN, la'-rnl Itnll.llmr. . Axliovlllo. N. C Asliovllle IIiisIiiom College Is Offering Splendid Summer Course. Scholarship (a) Kookkccplng, Pen manship. Spelling, Business Letter rltlng, Business Practice. Scholarship (b) Shorthand, Type writing (touch method). Spelling, Penmanship, Offlce, Dictation and Ex perlencs. Special Hours: Those desiring re view work or special Speed Practice In typewriting or shorthand can ar range special hours. Please call at the college office, 3rd floor, North Pack square. HENRY B. SHOCKLTflY. ll-tf. Principal. School of Expression 8. I liltv, )-h. I)., LIU. D Pres. Office, noi Pierce Bldg., Huston. Mas. The tweirih session of the Ashevftl Summer Term will open In the High School building July first at a. m. i : June 21, a. m. to 4 p. m. Special id vantages for Dramatic Rehearsal. Fancy steps. Special Students al ipeclal nil. Call or ad drejs the Dean, High School, AshtvllU, N. a VBIHGIIAM VXctl.Lllftllll.liiL lIIOJ 1711X9 11 tmn hi Tim 0crui "I tan, (nu lrod fUir k irmuilMin, who h. pMiptrwl iOf for 0lta nud f..r CkriulM CIIIWMkl tmt MnM 1 ''' ' BINCHM'Shw.'jW" ,H,.nm...i.W by book pwafwt ln HbIIi UftTC pbmkimoomI Sjg tUlMt ialMt inn by Sry Faroalwho hkilnM1 thfn, an by Yrr olkat uub ; hu. Ill lb. lMlrn ""'" i ItSHpuplhbM mlritllnHrbMl rim In lb. Unlto.1 SUU, Ilia Rlfb WUkiv awl kauy II" ' baral u aM la atlun- blab balkllaiu SaaHaUaa tad T iSSlUa .er a.inr-l UiaBBIT by IM .1,. k.... Aniayaiala of It .aaal Ui. larm of aalraHa aesaatoabo our VHaiaks hi. audt of rapSa, Hilary to uiak. UUnai aad Baa, but loUtan. L Buy your ticket and give order for baggage to be checked, from rotfr residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket Office Mm room, 60 Pattoa Art. MO V I NU AND HTOHAO 'Johnny" Pitched Well but in Usual Hard Luck Er rors Cost Game.. STANDING OF CLCBS. Sliuullng of Clulis. Mor- At Morristown Cleveland istown 4. At Knoxvllle Johnson Clty-Knox- vllle game, postponed, rain. (.aim s Today, Bristol at Asheville. Johnson City at Knoxville. Cleveland at Morristown. National. Won. New York 59 Chicago 49 Pittsburg 46 Cincinnati 42 Philadelphia 37 St. Louis 85 Brooklyn 31 Boston 23 Lost 20 30 32 41 39 50 50 60 Pet .747 .620 .590 .506 .487 .412 .38.1 .277 W. I,. Pet. American. Bristol 34 20 .630 w,m- T'ost- Pct- Knoxvllle 31 27 .534 Boston 58 27 .084 Johnson City 26 28 .481 Washington 52 34 .005 Cleveland 27 30 .474 Philadelphia 48 36 .571 Asheville 27 32 .458 Chicago 45 37 .549 Morristown 26 34 .432 Cleveland 4.1 43 .500 Detroit 41 44 .482 Results Yesterday. St. Louis 25 57 .305 At Asheville Bristol 5; Asheville New York 22 56 .282 Southern. Won. Lost. Pct. Birmingham 53 33 .616 Mobile 47 42 .528 New Orleans 41 37 .519 Memphis 41 40 .500 Chattanooga 40 41 .494 Nashville 37 44 .457 Montgomery 38 48 .442 Atlanta 35 45 .438 State of North Carolina, County Buncombe In the Superior Court J. A. Ten nan t vs. B. K. Karras. No ticc of Summons and Warrant Attachment. S. K. Karres, tho above named de li niliint, will take notice that sum mons In the above entitled action was issued against the defendant on the 3rd day of July, f912, by Marcus Er win, Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, in the sum of three hundred and eighty-six ($386) dollars and interest on the same from date, by reason of a contract entered into by the defendant on the 1st day of June, 1912, for work and tabor done and material furnished in repairing a building on the north side of Pack square In the ulty of Asheville, Bald county and state, which said amount is all now duo and owing to the snld plaintiff, which summons is returnable to the Superior court of Buncombe county at ihc terra of said court to be held on the third Monday before thn lirst Monday in September, being the 12th day of August, 1912, and the de fendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was Issued by tile said clerk cf the Superior court on the 3rd day of July, 1912, against the property of the said S. K. Karres, the above named defendant, which war rant is returnable before said court at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant Is required to appear and answer or demur to th complaint, or the relief demanded will be grunted. This the 3rd day of July ,1912. MARCUS I0KWIN, Clerk Superior Court, Buncombe Co. The Mountaineers supported Wayne-; yesterday in the game with Hristol like a bunch ot school hoys, for ho deserved to win if any pitcher ever did, as he only gave up three hits and walked one man. With all this Bristol made five runs while Asheville was credited with only three. It could not very well have been otherwise, since the errors by the Asheville players were numerous md Schuyler made three, two of which resulted in runs. There was some excuse, nowever, as it was a new line-up and two of the old re- iables were out of the game. White rom Memphis worked at short and made two errors that were costly. hut he had been out of the game for long time and he promises to de velop into a great player, lie made one of the most spectacular catches of a line drive that has been seen this season. Woodward's batting was also l feature of the game, one hit being good for a home run. There were grounds for hope, how ever, that the locals will do better this afternoon, as they tightened up during the latter part of the game yesterday, and as a matter of fact they lost the game by a small margin. Walker of the visitors did good work on the mound, although he walked four merl. In one inning he passed the two first men, and even with that the locals could not score. There were other times when a hit would have meant one or more runs. Hristol scored two runs In the sec ond inning, as the result of two er rors by Schuyler and Betzel's single. Asheville made one in the second when Woodward doubled, went to third on a passed ball and scored on Watson's sacrifice fly. In the fourth Bristol made another, coming from ii wild throw by White and an error by Bumb. In the fifth Hetzel hit for a home run. Smith tripled In the sixth and scored on Waymack's single. A fumble by White and wild throw by Waymack allowed Hristol another run In the seventh. Woodward's home run In the eighth was the last scored. Asheville. AB. R. H. PO Qcka, cf 4 o o 2 llansling, ss 4 0 0 2 RESULTS YESTERDAY. National League. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 2; Boston 8 (first game). Cincinnati 7; Boston 1 (second game). At Chicago Chicago 8; Philadel phia 9 (lirst game). It innings). Chi cago 4: Philadelphia 2 (second game). At St. Louis St. Louis 10; Brook lyn 2. At Pittsburg Pittsburg-New York, rain. American I All games postpone sue. rain. Southern League. At Birmingham Birmingham 3 Nashville 2. At Montgomery Montgomery 2 Memphis 3. American Association. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 5 Indianapolis 3 (first game). Minne apolis 10; Indianapolis 7 game). At Milwaukee Milwaukee do 5. At St. Paul St. Paul 7; ville 3. At Kansas City Kansas Columbus 12. (second 3; Tole- Louis- City 4 International League. At Richester Rochester 1 ; Toronto 4. At Buffalo Buffalo 4; Montreal 5. At Providence Providence 0; New ark 4. At Baltimore 11 iltlmore - Jersey City, rain. Motion Picture Entertainment RIVERSIDE PARK EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY 8:30 O'clock PROGRAM "A Whirlwind Courtship" Patlie comedy. "His Mother" Patlie comedy. "The Wooden Bowl" Luhin drama. FILMS CHANGED THRICE WEEKLY Free elaborate fireworks display every Thursday night immediately following motion pictures. Weaverville Line Special Night Rides Leave Weav. 7:15 Arr. Ashe. 8:00 Leave Ashe. 9:30 Arr. Weav. 10:15 Tave Ashe. 8:00Arr. Weav. 8:45 Leave Weav. 10:15 Arr. Ashe. 11:00 Leave Weav. 8:45 Arr. Ashe. 9:30 Leave Ashe. 11:00 Arr. Weav. 11:45 Round-trip tickets good for these trips only will lie sold o ntlie care for 25c. ASHEVILLE & EAST TENNESSEE RAILROAD Try Gazette-News Want Ads A. 0 Rath, 3b . Sloan, rf . Qarret, lb Shelby, If Betzel, 2 b Munson, c Walker, p .4 A . .4 , .4 .3 Totals 31 5 327 9 1 Asheville AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Schuyler, 2b . Zenelll, 3b . . . Bumb, lb ... Smith, rf Woodward, If Watson, cf White, bs Calvin, c Waymack, p . 1 3 2 0 1 4 27 13 MEN'S AND YOUTHS' HIGH GRADE SUITS at LOW GRADE PRICES A PLEASING VARIETY. A BIO NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. GEM CLOTHING STORE PATTON AVE. REMOVAL NOTICE New York Installment Co. Hits moved to 29 S. Main St. formerly located at 4.'! E. College. We Buy Sell and Exchange Fur niture, Fixtures, etc. Asheville Furniture Co. 29 S. Main St. Phono 1851. Totals 30 Score by innings: 11 Bristol 020 110 100 Asheville 010 001 0) Summary Two base hit. Wood ward. Thre base hit. Smtlh. Home runs, Betzel, Woodward. Sacrifice hits, Shelby (2). Watson, Waymack. Bases on balls, off Walker 5; off Waymack 2. Struck out. by Walker, 8; by Way mack 4. Wild pitches, Walker, Way mack. Passed ball, Ualvin. Left on bases, Bristol 3; Asheville C. Stolen bases. Sloan, (iarrett. Time of game, 1:48. Umpire, Burke. Jobbers Defeat Cleveland. Special to The Gazette-News. Morristown, July 19. A new um pire, Wilkerson, directed the giimt here yesterday In u very satisfactory manner. The locals had very little trouble in taking the game from Cleveland, although the visitors did some great fielding and thus kept down the score. The home team made four runs off Norman in three innings. He was replaced by Fry In the fourth, who was batted hard hut allowed no more runs. Score1: R. H. E. Morristown ... 202 000 OOx 4 7 1 CleceUnd .... ooo 290 ooo 2 5 o Batteries Williams and Weatlnke: Norman, h'ry and Thompson. Wanted to Surprise the Foreigners, A member of (he Ixmdon county council was regretting the lack of art sense displayed by his fellows when they placed an open space at tin rll posul of the people. He pleaded elo quently for fountains, gold fish In or namental basins, lions and unicorns in stucco, and emerald-green garden sea ti. "Why," said he. In a splendid peroration, "we want something home ly and countrylike u little arbor hern and there. If a foreigner came to this country and asked to see one, we've never an arbor worth showing t.i iiimw him." I T Then up and spake another mem ber, who prior to the height Of his civic ambitions, hnd been a pet ty officer In the Mat I "Oh, we 'aven't, 'aven't we? And wot about Portsmouth 'Arbor T" From the August Strand. League. Jacksonville 1: South Athinti At Jacksonville Albany 2. At Savannah Savannah (i; Colum bia i. At Columbus Columbus 7; Mucon 4. Virginia IjenKHC. At Roanoke Iloanoke-Newport News, rain. Double-header tomor row. At Petersburg Petersburg 2; Nor folk 5. At Klchmond Richmond 7; Ports mouth 2. Carolina League. At Greenville Greenville 2; Greensboro 1 (11 innings). At Winston-Salem Winston -Salem 5; Anderson 0. At Charlotte Charlotte 4; Spartan burg r. Deals in Dirt. Elizabeth R. Holllster to J. C. M. Valentine, lot on Church street; con sideration $25. V.. W. Queen to Maybell Ensley, land In Black Mountain township; consideration $1900. Charles Beers to Alma Beers, lot on East street; consideration $10. C. P. West to Mick Brothers, lot In Weaverville; consideration $500. Southern Baptist Assembly to A. D. Stoner, lot in Rldgecrett; considera tion $100. R. J. Roberts to Peter Wilson; land on Sweden's creek; consideration $10. J. C. Arbogast to W. A. Wright, lot on Cortland avenue; consideration $500. J. C. M. Valentine to Mona Oever Ich, land in Weaverville; consideration $3000. NOTICE Ol' DECREASE OF CAPI TAL STOCK. Stale of North Carolina Department of State. In compliance with Section llii4 of I he Kevisal of 1905, notice is hereby given that the paid-in capital stock of Asheville Paint and Glass Company, of Asheville. N. C.. has been decreased from $19,800 to $10,000, by certificate of amendment filed In the oflice of the Secretary of State of the Stato of North Carolina on the 5th day of July, A. D. 1912, which said original certi ficate of amendment Is now on Die in my office. In Testimony Whereof. I have here unto set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal. Done In Office at Rreglt, tlm -Mb day of July, A. I), till. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of Stale. Local Investments From $1000 to $50,000 C. F. White Room 51, Amer. Bank Rhlg., Asheville, N. O. A. M. GOODLAKE Contractor & Builder. Shop and Office Cor. N. Main and College, No. 9. Phone 976. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portnhle Lamps, Electric Irons and Heating Apparatus. W. A. WARD 12 Church St. Phone 449. 8:10 a.m. 7:00 a.m. No. No. 0:15 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 2:45 p.m. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Pi emier Carrier of the South. Schedule figures published as Information only and not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE JCNE 3, 1012. Arrives from Eastern Time Departs for Eastern Time No. 2 Ridgecrest & Black Mountain 6:45 p.m. Columbia . 2:10 p.m. Brevard and Lako Toxaway .11:30 a.m. No. 8. Brevard and Lake Toxaway No. 10 Savannah, Jackson ville, Brevard No. 11 Cincinnati, St Lou is, Memphis and Louisville No. 12. Washington, N. Y Norfolk and Rich mond 2:25 2:0G p.m. No. 14 Atlanta, Charleston and Brevard 7:00 9:16 p.m. No. 16 N. Y, Philadelphia, Washington (d) ..10:30 a.m. No. 17 Waynesvllle and Murphy . . 19 Waynesvllle and Murphy 21 Waynesvllle .' .... 22 Raleigh and Qolds boro 27 Chicago and Cincin nati No. 28 Columbia, Charles ton, Brevard 35 Memphis and Chat tanooga 10:30 p.m. 36 Washington, Rich mond and N. . Y. .. 7:10 a.m. 6:50 a.m. No. 42 Atlanta, Macon and New Orleans 8:30 p.m. 1:16 a.m. No. 102 Bristol, Knoxville & Chattanooga 7:20 a.m. and Chattanooga ..10:55 p.m. Through sleeping cars daily to and from New York, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston, Cincinnati, Memphis, Jacksonville, Savannah, St. Louis, Louisville and At lanta. Through chair cars Goldshoro, Waynesvllle, Augusta, Iake Toxaway. "Carolina Special," train 27 and 2 8, Charleston to Cincinnati, have full dining car service and observation sleeping curs, trains electricity lighted No. 1 Ridgecrest & Black Mountain No. 3 Columbia and Char leston No. 5 Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1 No. 7 Brevard and Lako Toxaway No. 9 Savannah and Jack sonville No. 11 Washington and New York, 'Norfolk and Richmond . . . No, 12 Cincinnati ana Louisville, St. Louis and Memphis No. 13 Charleston and Co lumbia No. 16 N. Y., Philadelphia Washington (d) .. No. II Murphy and Waynesvllle No. 20 Murphy and Waynesvllle No. 21 Goldshoro and Ral clgh No. 22 Waynesvllle No. 27 Charleston, Colum bia, Brevard Mo. 21 Cincinnati and Chicago 1 No. 35 Washington, N. Y. and Richmond .... o. 36 Memphis and Chat tanooga No. 41 Charleston, Macon, Atlanta, Brevard . . No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvllle :65 p.m. :55 p.m. -.40 p.m. :00 a.m. No. No. No No. 7:30 p.m. 10:16 a.m. 2:40 a.m. No 6:30 p.m. 9:05 a.m. 4:10 p.m. 3:05 pm. p.m. a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 7:65 p.m. 9:10 a.m 7:60 p.m. .10:24 a.m. No. throughout. O O. WILSON. O. P. T. A. I. Tf. WOOD. D. P. A. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1912. ZILLICOA AND RETURN 8:00' :15 !8 m- RIVERSIDE PARK 6:30 and every 15 mln. until 11 p. m. 6:45 and 6:00 a. m. and every 15 mln. DEPOT VIA until 1:16 p. m.; then every 7 1-1 SOUTHSIDE AVENUE uunnm m- Then every 15 DEPOT VIA 6:00 and every 15 minutes until 11:00 FRENCH BROAD AVE.. p jr A vrrr 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes till MAN0R 11:00 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET 7:00 a. m. then every 15 minutes till TERMINUS 11:00 p- m- PATTON AVENUE iloAV"'1 " mlnUt"" U EAST STREET '' 00 " m and eVBry 16 m,nutM tin 6:00 a. m. and every 30 minutes till GRACE VIA MERRIMON 8:00 a. m. Then every 16 minutes till ttmrm 10:30 p. m. Then every 10 minutes till AVENUE 1L00 p. m. 1:16 a m. and then every 15 minutes BILTMORE till 10:30 p. m. Then every 10 mln. till 11:00, last car. DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE 6:46 and 6:00 a. m. and every It) VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. mln. till 11:00 p. m.. last car. - i Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 6:00 a. rn., murfi 1:11. Cars leave Bquare for Depot via. Southslde Ave. 6:16. 1:10, 7:00, 7:11, 1:00 and 1:10 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ave. 1:15, 6:10. 6:45, 7:11, 7:46 and 1:16. Car for Depot loaves Square 1:46, both Southslde and French Broad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 1:41. First car leaves Bquara for Riverside " 30, next 1:41. First car for West Asheville, leaves Rquare 1:11. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at I a. m. and continue same as week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at Auditorium the isM trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Bquara at regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square to meet It, night train, II minutes before acheduia of announced arrival. V.sssa.BW.

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