EHfflT FAE TE ASHEVILLE AB1WI . ninrna p mm i n i ribLUI? MUUIIHb in & w INDIAN COAL Stands at the head of the list for real service in the kitchen or wherever coal is needed and used. Barns to little ash and is RED HOT. PHONE 130. (Carolina ( oal & Ice CITY iEWSl Chase Motcr Trucks ENDS IN TRAGEDY Asheville lodge. No. 1. K. 'if P. win hold semi-annual Installation of nine. 1-odKe mti'i? n officers this evel S o'clock. All rthians are wr homed. Parke. Son of Shuford, Killed by Gun's Accidental Discharge. I There will be a meeting of the new Alderman l""1 "f directors of the board of I trade loia triioo at 5 o'clock at which plans for the year win oe ma CU sed. All kinds of fresh veg etable Ci'tv Market. I'll one 473. E. C. Jarrett GUARANTEE PUMPS AND OXFORDS For men and women, fool wear with real worth an i vol ne to recommen 1 thorn; the There will he prayer meetitiK at S:lf o cluck this evening in sssassi Akhevllle Baptist mission. The suh- , , iect will he "Tin? Place of Power," One of the saddest accident- that .-onera! invitation is Issued. has happened In Asheville in many davs resulted In the death of Parke' Deputy Collectors Henley, lliirkins ShiHord. the 12 years old son oi nDt Gllley and Special Employee Alderman W. B. Khuford. of Flint Pritehard and of the Internal street, when a .22 caliber rifle, Which Revenue department midc a raid in he had been shooting in the hark yard u.tywo.'d county yesterday and seized of a neighbor, was In sotrie way ex- ai)d destroyed a huge illicit distillery plode.l and the hul'et penetrated hi- on Harrliran creek, brain. Medical assistance was given at once, hut the hoy lived drily abootl There will he a meeting of the cal- 20 minutes after he was wounded, ci.diir committee of the Asheville Mar When the cartridge exploded the boy association in the office of United was sluing In the back end of a de- states murt tomorrow inorninir nt 11 livery wagon and it is said that the ,,vlcek to arrange a list of eases to stock of the gun was restinc on his i. tried at the adjourned term of the loot with the muzzle nointinu upward. District court of the l.'nited States, It is thought that the hammer of the which will convene August 12. Kiin was pulled back in Some way as members are requested to he slipped or jumped from ihe, wagon, promptly. Hi,, hnv ha.l hoen shootim; pigeons , in the rear of the residence of ( '. V .'. The executive committee of the Balrd with his eompaiilon, Harry ' Western North Carolina Kair asspcla- I Ralrd; and leaving he climbed into a Hon met yesterday afternoon with' dull very Wagon, taking the gun with Secretary Quy Weaver for the purpose j him. He was Been to fall to tie- .of adopting a premium list for the ground by Mrs. Hipirar at the rel- horse department. Two lils were, . I. -ii . ... Of Kenneth I laird and she sum- pr vnlfl. one tor the armors s cms" We have an order at the factory and expect shipment in a wee One Chase. 300D lb. Truek. Price Two Chaw, lOiui lb. Trucks. Price Buu- All these car ars of the open express type and ir yon went one when they come put in your order now and have it reserved for you, lionionihor one trm k in every twelve CHASES. And there's a reason why. Asheville Automobile Co. HOT WEATHER Serge and light-weight coats for hot weather at greatly reduced prices. GEO. W. JENKINS, 18 S. Main St. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Stanford's ax mlnster rugs and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. In and see these rugs before placing your order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for cash. ASIIEVTTiliK CARPET HOrSW IH-20 Church St. Phone No. 228. on the roads today Is a l.' and 1" South Lexington Avenue. The no el SOUVENIRS OF ASHEVILLE Attention Is culled to our window full of them. Handsome loving cups for r.ti and Ti.e; 25.- Asheville view tablets for 10c: 18-view postcards for 5. .ants: also large lot oi' wood napkin rings. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Vve., ! ENORMOUS INCREASE The enormous consumption of coal is one of the wonders of the aire. In 1840 the. soft coal production in the United States was one million tons; in 1910 it had reached the stag gering total of 420 million tons. And none of it was any i better than the Monarch coal we sell in Asheville. PATRICK HENRY ONCE SAID: "I know no better way of judging the future than by the past." He was correct, and we ask you to judge our service and our coal bv the past M & W COAL Leads in point of fuel quality, as most of Ashe ville housewives know. Phone 40. Asheville Goal Co. 6 North Pack Square. bal 1 fee ikI ousei mm e feet while wear 2.50 to ft for la- kin better to iuir them dies; $2.50 l $5 for gentlemen. GoaranteeShoeStorc 4 South Main St. mom. I aid. The hoy was carried to the h .me of his parents, and phy-l- etans W.TKe'l Willi njltl urilll lie .nr... 11 was found that the bullet had en tered tinder the chin and penetrated the base of the brain. The news of the accident spread rapldlv. causing great regrel on the part of the many friends of his par ents an.l companions of the hie whom he was very popular, He was: of bright and cheerful di.--ie.iti. .11 and much he!. .veil both in tin- loon.- and In school. 'I'h. funeral services will he eon- j dueled Irom til.' residence tomorrow 1 mi rnim: at 1 0 "Vii.. I by I: v. I W. Ilynl, who will be assist.-I by Rev . K. Poovey. a' .1 the iniennent i! be at Riverside cemetery. .1 one for the run-about class, both of which were adopted ami were or-, dalned printed In the catalog of the ;.ir. Secretary Weaver and W. .1 Cocke reported that the following had j contributed 10 a fund that Is being j raited for special premiums: The ooard i.' r.ouiiy commissi, uu-r-. the if. of Asheville, the Battery Park, Fresh Nougat Bars CANDY KITCfiEN Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER Means plenty of Pure ,Iee in your refrigerator or ice box. Phone 72 and we'll put it there every day, or as often as you desire. ASHEVILLE ICE CO. MATWOOn STREET NEAR IHJSTOPEICE VISITORS ARE INVITED with ! hank, thi tinpany Wachovia Tank mil the Citizens i Trust IS FOR PRESERVING You will tintl the riffht sort J . f Kettles supply you id pans. We can demand. CI HI1S TREE; THREEBOYS HURT Harry Gee in Hospital, Een Meriwether and George Lochrari Bruised. RATES HUE CONSIDERED The I. X. L. Dept. Store 21 Patton Ave. Phone 107. While out riding In an anionic!. i!i on the Vanderbllt road last night with I Ben Meriwether and George LOUgh Jii in, Harry Gee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gee of Charlotte street, was more or less seriously injured when the machine skidded, hit a Iree and the ... i np.inis were hurled to the Kround. The ether !.oys were rather ha'dlv shocked and bruised hut were g Photographs Of the better sort. Appointments 1'hore 388 HIGGASON STUDIO Z 18 N. Pack Sq. Merchants Will Seek Relief Local Delivery Equipment Is Not Sufficient. Il is possible that the Asheville Mer chants association will lake up with tlu rporaiion commission of the slat" the matter of aliened unjust discrimination in express rales against Aiiheville, ns this was discussed at li-ntth at the meeting of the ano ctutlon last niKht, ar.d most of the members favored such action. The matter has been und.-r consideration for a Ions lime. The BroWn llard- e ire company was elected to mem bership. line of the specific instances in re gard lo the aliened discrimination in upreaS rates was that on bread from Knox V Hie. It was pointed out that the rate on break from Knoxvlllo to Black .Mountain and sotne other towns beyond Asheville is less than the rata To visit my store. Smokers' Articles fetent assortment- where you will find the largest lines of and all Out-dour Sporting (ioods. 'M0 dif in posl cards at 10c per dozen. L. BLOMBERG, Leads 14 Patton Ave. Hie Market Of Quality The .Market Of Cleanliness HILL'S MARKET "Ask Your Neighbor" $59 Asheville, N. C. ' BuicK Trucks Simple! Durable! Economical! Especially adapted to hilly country. Will reduce your delivery costs. Arbogast Motor Co. mmiiiintW Phone 1728. 69-71 So. Main St. not seriously injured. It Is not known is from Asheville to those towns. An- just how badly youm: Gee is hurt, other complainl was in the matter 01 lie is at the Meriwether hospital the delayed delivery which was placed here the boys were taken by Dr. fin the hands of the transportation Meriwether, w ho notified of the tied-I committee, tl seems that there Is no dent, went out for them, it is feared blame at Inched to the local employes that he may be internally hurt. of the express company, but it is It is said that the yountc men left I claimed that the equipment is not u (ti the square about 12 o'clock Inst niht dent for a town of this size and thai for I ride, with Ben Meriwether driv- very often things that should lie de mg. They aere out on the Vanderbllt Itvered by K o'clock In the mornln,; 'road, when in attcmptlni; to avoid a ire not received until tl o'clock. mudhole, he lost control of the ma- The association did not approve of ITALIAN OLIVE OIL (PURE) -'2 gal. cans, full measure $1.25 Gallon Oans, full measure $2.40 This is yh grade oik Compare prices with those von have been paving. Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. Kindling 10c per box Six Phones No. 1800 ELECTRIC FANS Robbins and Myers Standard Funs, when economy, service and su preme quality are considered, we (ret the order. See our fans before you PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opposite I'ONtofflce. . 04 Patton Ave. Ilefore buy in;, call In and inspect our complete stock of Trunks, Suit Cases, and Hand Ha(rs. Special value- In samples of genuine Alligator Traveling Bags, purses and novelties. .Note our low prices on unredeemed diamonds, watches and jewelry of every description. Liberal loans ndvnnccd on Diamonds, Wat lies, Jewelry, Etc. Fine Jewelry and watch repairing. CRESCENT JEWELRY & LOAN COMPANY PbOM Lite. l Patton Ave. ft J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty Kitchen chine, or it skidded and struck tin tree, which he had not seen. The? struck the ground with such fore. fiat Ihev were rendered unconscious, Ml ' it was some time before they re-Co- red enough to summon aid. tl dvertlsing feature in connection with certain maps of tbo city that are itiR prepared. Thi was an all-members meeting Etnd was very well attended, the mem l.ers taking great Interest in the dls- .isslons. BEFORE SENATE BAR Judge r libalil Appears Today Tiial (Joes info Conference Willi Attorneys. for 11 N. Main. Phono 1117 for pure Ice cream, best in city. Also fresh candles and fruits dally. Orders delivered In city. Washington, July 19. Judge Rob ert W. Archibald of the commerce court, the ninth man in the United Stales to he Impeached by the house appeared before the liar of the sennte for trial today. He arrived from his home at Scranton, Pa., and lit once went Into conference with his lawyers The house demands an Immediate trial. Tlw judge followed the announce- COLLECTED FIDS FROM "TIGERS" Peter's Arab Horse Feed Is as much better for a horse as a well planned course dinner Is better than a whole meal of any one kind of food, because "Arab" Is balanced with a proper proportion of whole clean oats, kiln dried corn properly cracked, alfalfa properly milled and Is flavored for palatal. inly with "lolasses exhausted of excess moisture. "MOSi Everybody Sells It Now." CHALMERS AND HUDSON For Hire Five-passenger touring cars J3.00 per hour; special rates by the d or week. Out of town trips a specialty. Elegant cars and experienced drivers. HENDERSON & TAYLOR DAY PHONK 828. NIGHT PHONE 51. MORE NEW MACHINERY We haVe just a'ldeil two new marking ma chines opera! '1 Ity elec tricity .and now your full name is mnrketl in plain type on nil linens. Wo now operate n huttery of three of these electric marking machines. Phone 95. Asheville Laundry Where Llnrn Idrea Longer. i. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. M Cotleg M. (Continued ,--om page 1.) offering a bribe to Governor ftiense or the pardon of Oils DeFord. He lenied nlao that he bad done a big pardon business with the governor Mr. Xlcholls ul-o denied that he -..its a delegate to ii t more as nas m. ni of the sc. rotary with dose atten- lioen HjB,,0i ,mt ,tated that he "may lion. Assistant eorgeani-ai-nu. , .tnfpm,nt. while tin- Rantdai made the format prociama- i(r ,hc lnfiufn,.t, f whiskey. He de tlon: "Robert v Arcnnnui appear i,e(1 ,hat h(, n.1() wrp(, HePd tn come .m l answer the charges made against ,n Spartanburg to close the pardon leaneo iu.w,,. ,eal. und said that any telegram to listen. I 'hut effect was fnked Attorney Worthlngton snm, me respondent Is present in person to an- Com, to Balaam. N. C. Week-end wer. Worthlngton submitted a mo- r tttp li)M nai,,am, $4.50 Supper Sat tlon for time in which to prepare ami lirdy sight, after breakfast Monday Mil, mil an answer lie nameu no uaie, . Dancing Saturdav night but asked for da s. 138-Jt August 3 war lixed as the limit lor all formal orders, rno court aujourneo . , , ii.,,,,,,....! until July L' witnout naving oeeioe Tnc wor,d owp(I , a ,lving,' uh. iher trial anal gone into inis ,houted the excitable theorist. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder summer or he continued until fall Archhnld must answer the charges July 2 The house mnnagers wen ordered to present their rebutUl and answer on August 1. "Well,' replied the serene rltlxen, you're alive, aren't yon 7" trsnt's No. J4 Cures folds. 2S rents f.ovcrnnicnt I iiiiiuIimio ii Imlli'ted. Washington. July 19. Five local Inundrymen were Indicted today by federal grand Jury on charge of con spiracy to defraud the gnvernmi-nt by shutting nff competition In laundcrlnp towels used In the government de partments. WANTS FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms, completely furnished, every convenience, large grounds and norches. Phone S94. 139-31. I'idw I'ursiuw Assailant. Phone 1626 QUICK DELIVERY CIGARS That's my busineu BARBIE'S (hattanoogn, Tenn., July 1. News reached this city last night of an attempted assault on Mrs. Klbert Har ris, wife of a white resident of Ring gold. Oa., by an unknown negro. Thi negro whs frightened away by the wo man's screams. A porae of nearly 10C Oeorglans la In pursuit. FOR BAL.F1 A timber and mill prop erty on the A. C I R. R.. 7T.O0 acres, timber rights, pine, balance cypress and gum, saw and planlnr mills, dry kilns, logging equipment houses, etc. Price $100,000. F. M Messier, American National Hani-. Building. 131-Jt LOST Between 138 Cheftnut and Riverside br nt park, sterling belt buckle with Cuban coat-of-arms Please return to above number Reward. Ult AlMMllle Paint A .i Co.. The Mllli r-Rbe Pnlnt o. lou-as Pain Chambers A Weaver. Uvery. Phone 1) WANTED Board with northern pen lie. not on ear line. Address "O 11." Ueneral- iulivery. llt-lt Watch our Windows for Special Bargains. It's a saving of money to trade at Levitt's IsaS Store The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. 3 South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. DREAMLAND THEATRE BEAUTIFUL Keith's Star Acts. GEORGE CLAY Comedy, Cartoonist, Clever TOGETTI & BENNETT Man and Woman in a Classy Pantomine Dancing Act. THE WESLYN TRIO Singing and Talking Skit, a whirl of fun. Matinee, 3:30 p. m. Evening performances, 7:30 and 9:15. PLEASE NOTE By request of our theatre pa irons, we have changed again the matinee hour to 3:30 p. m A genuine, vaiue giving '.'ipecial sale" should make a host of NEW FRIENDS for a store. But a special sale has no ad vertising of fact unless it is effectively advertised of courw FOR SALE Nice lot 90x210 on Merrlmon Ave nue, faces the. Bast. Price $100.00. Hood terms. See FOR SALE Nice 4 room cottage. I 'rice $1400 $100 down and (20.00 per month. Sea DONNAHOE & BLEDSOE DONNAHOE ft BLEDSOE Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owns. FURNITUR E MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. BXlmwiil by V. 0. T. sad T. P. A. $3100.00 I the urice of u modern s even room house, near in Terms: $200.00 down, balance $20.00 month. MARS TELLER & 00. H0 Haywood StrMt rtAlALt Great Fire Sale Bargains AT THE Gem Clothing Store 6 PATTON AVENUE THE GRUNER SANITARIUM a t.iii is n iav in.m n. ... ,uui stwwi HTDRCTHEHMO-ELBCTBO and MKC HAN O-THKRAr T , uiavi for selected cases of Nervousoess, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Aaw- Stomach. Rheumatism. Dlaeaaes of Women and other cbronlo aiseasea The BATHS AND MASSAGE P,P'rtmen.t. of ..'LC both LAUIE8 and UkNf UUIkN. Open day and Night. Our Porch and Lawn Furniture Awaits yonr inspection. The "Old Hickory" Chairs and Rockers, for H75 Folding Lawn Benches Special in a Green Kocker flff Worth $2.50. f rlifAttNsflisff GREEN BROS. 45 Patton Are. t 4 "I .813

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