Friday, August 2, 1912. THE ASHEVTLLS OAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE FIVE Served hot no tea is better. Served iced no tea is as good as INDIA AND CEYLON OR MIXED Miss Zimmerman was hostess las: npp WANDS AND ATMYR fwuuii: mi a. party given at ner nous' COCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Eton Miss Oates' Dance. Miss Frances Oates entertained last evening with a large cotillion at the Battery Park hotel in honor of her house guests. Miss Helen McCullough of Atlanta and Miss Sadie Lipscomb of Gaffney, S. C. The ball room was decorated with ferns and palms and the lights were shaded with pin' The cotillion was opened with a march, which was led by Frederick Oates and Miss McCullough. John Carroll and Miss Lipscomb led the first figure; Richard Loughran and Miss McCullough led the second; and the third was led by Leicester Chap man and Miss Lipscomb. The cotil lion was chaperoned by Mrs. James Hush Oates, Mrs. Hezeklah Gudger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rnwls, Mrs. J. K. Cowan and Mrs. R. S. Lipscomb. Punch and refreshments were served during the evening. The dance was a charming social success much enjoyed by Miss Oates' guests among whom were, Misses Lipscomb, McCullough, Bessie Hinton of Raleigh, Beaumont HaiSard. Dorothy Lytle, Margaret Penniman, Lillian Weaver, Catherine Beadles, Brazleton, of Texas, Laura Meares, Helen Taylor, Mary Elgin Ventrlss, Margaret Cowan, Mabel Stone, Myrtle Rollins, Emily Camp bell, Mary Hamilton, Exum Meares, Hortense Jones, Elizabeth Williamson, Virginia Williamson, Byrd Henderson, Elsie Alexander, Grace Thames, Byrd Alvey, the Misses Payne, Lula Alex ander, Lillian Ailams. Alice Hazzard, Margaret Millender, F. wift, P. Greeg T. Varnon, A. Chambers, Vonno Gud ger, Bennett Randolph, Robert Red wood, James Taylor, Parker, Edward Atkinson, Berry Brazelton, Jack Wes tall, R. D. McDonald, Fagg Malloy, Mr. Payne, William Oatts, of Hender sonvlile, Donald Randolph, Eugene Hill, De Costa Clarke, Charles Mil lender, .Mason Alexander, Albert Low, Charles Milliard, Harry Scheusslor, Harry Hartsell, Qerald Cowan, Larry Rarber, George Loughran, Ben Meri wether, Charles Westall, Francis Bourne, ' Richard' Loughran, John' Car roll, Leicester Chapman, Fred Oates, Eugene Cocke, Ralph Millard and Mr. Schilds. It K Misses Rollins' Tea. Miss Sadie Rollins and Miss Myrtle Rollins entertained yesterday after noon at their home on Chestnut street with one of the largest teas that has been given in Ashevllle this season, over 100 guests being present. The tea was given from B to 7 o'clock, the hour of 5 to 6 being for the young society girls and their visiting friends and the hour 6 to 7 being for the married set. The guests of honor for the guests present, among whom whom the Misses Rollins entertained i were: Mrs. Mallory, Mrs. Thayer, will be made for turtle eggs, and also bathing parties will be In order. Sun day all ,wlll attend the churches on the boat In the afternoon. t t Costumes Seen on the Stage. "Drecoll has just furnished two cos tumes for the new French play 'Din don' by George Feydeau, and they added considerably to the success of the play. One was a handsome after noon frock of white lace over white liberty satin. The tunic was made of net and malirie laces, and caught to gether at one side and held In place by a net scarf. Net points decorated the front and back of the corsage and the whole costume was marvellously well planned The other costume was of black velvet with a short draped train. The sleeveless x waist was cut out low in front and In back and held together on the shoulders by bands of pearls. An evening coat was worn over this of 'prune-blue lame' material that was made In wonderfully artistic folds that com pletely covered tha figure and had as Its only trimming a cord on the draped back." K K Dinner for Miss Fountain. Miss Frances Fountain will be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given. this evening at the Battery Park for her by Mrs. Arthur Wllliford of Ral eigh. The color scheme for the din ner Is pink and green and the arrange ment of the table most artistic. The center piece will be filled with a large bum i act of pink carnations, surroun.l- ed at the base- with asparagus fern from which streams go out to the plates? of each of the 12 guests In vited and are attached to the place cards and to bouquets of pink carna tions fcr the ladles and Egyptian cigarettes for the gentlemen. Mr Willlford's guests, who have accepted her dinner Invitation are: Misses France Fountain, Medora Duncan Mary Bonebrake, Mildred Beall, Helen Knox Spain, Mrs. Sarah Siebels; anil Dr. J. O. Fountain, Arthur O. Willi ford, J. M. Strong, Francis Gilman Frederick Oates and Turner Fitten. ac K Bridge Party. Mrs. Sarah Seibels of Columbia en tertaincd with bridge last evening in the green room of the Battery Pari hotel. The drawing room was beau tifully decorated with flowers, th color scheme being yellow and green Mrs. Pollock of Mobile won the first prize, a handsome bridge set, and th second piize. a. bouquet, was present ed to Mrs. Ewing of Houston. Punc and refreshments were served an I cne cara game was mucn enjoj ea n i were: Mrs. Robert Seizor of Concord, Miss Blanche Holt of Oak Ridge, Miss Mat Baynes of Winston-Salem and the Misses Monk of Selma. The color scheme of the parlor was pink and wnlte, and the entire house was dark ened and the lights shaded In the colors prevailing in each room. In the dining room the color scheme was yellow and white, and these colors were carried out in the punch served on the verandah by Miss Catherine BeadleB and Miss Magdalen von Ul man, and in the refreshments, which consisted of a salad course and Ices, served by the little Misses Dorothy Parker, Mary Frances Shuford and Mary English. The receiving line was composed of the Misses Rollins and their guests of honor. In the parlor Mrs. Joseph T. Sevier and Mrs. R- J. Tlghe received, and In the din ing room Mrs. Thomas S. Rollins pre sided. An orchestra was stationed In the library and played delightful musi cal selections during the hours of the iea. The affair waB most delightful and a charming compliment to the guests of honor and their friends. K House Party. Miss E. Godfrey of Ashevllle Is a member of a house party In South Port, given by Sergt J. O. Bailey at the Grimes house. There are 20 Kuestp attending the house party. Wednesday the party visited tho dif ferent departments at Fort Caswell and was entertained, and In the even ing Joy rides on the Cape Fear were given, a regular boat carnival being hld. Yesterday Included for the Party a trip to Smith's Island, the lighthouse, a basket picnic and a fish ry. In the evening a party was pi von In the Garrison grounds In honor of the guests. Today a trip will be made to the black fish grounds In the morning and horseback riding, car rage and auto driving trips In Pie j arternoon. Saturday the party will ' make a trip to Fort Fisher and Old ) Brunswick. In tho evening a hunt Mrs. ' Arthur Wllliford, Mrs. Smith Mrs. Talley, Mrs. Pollock of Mobile, Mrs. Richard Needham of Columbus Ga., Mrs. McSorley, Mrs. J. E. Law rence, Mr. and Mrs. Outhman, Mrs Ewing, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Francis J Clemenger, Miss Bonebrake, Mrs. Milli ken. Miss Spain, Miss Frances Foun tain of Texas and Mr, Sclbert. K It spend Honeymoon Here. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Plckelt of Dur ham, who were married Wf dnesda morning in Raleigh at the home of Mrs. Greene on Salisbury street, are spending their honeymoon In Ashe ville. Mrs. Pickett, who was Miss Buna 1eigh. was united In marriage wit Mr. Pickett by Rev. Dr. T. W. O'Kel ley. The bridal couple, who are hot well-known and popular In Durham left Immediately after the ceremon for Ashevllle. It It The Ashworth family held their an nunl reunion yesterday at Falrvlew at the home of S. J. Ashworth. There were 60 relatives and friends pres ent. and the dinner was served In th large grove adjoining the Ashworth property. The minutes of the last rounlon were read and a record mad of all new members who have en tered the family by birth or marriage Judgn Phillips and J. B. Freema made brief addresses. Among thoeo attending the reunion were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MeC'all, t lytffe Reed and mother of Blltmore, Mra Ray and daughter of Ashevllle, Mr. and Mrs George Garren of Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Freeman of Chimney Rock. n West Ashevllle. The affair was a harming social success, and tpfea much enjoyed by the guests present, among whom were: Misses Beulali, Bessie and Lottie Roper, May am! Lucy Ledford, Bessie Atkins, Lizzie Corn, Essie Black, Lucile Kretch, Martha Goelet, Cordie Bailey, and S. Moore George Pennell, Burgln Pen nell, Frederick Zimmerman, Carl En- der, Earl Grice, Frank Rymer, Oscar Howard, Herbert James, Marlon Bai ley and Mr. Burgess. It It The picnic given last evening on the banks of Lake Juanita. near Wcavcrville, by the Phtlathea class of the First Presbyterian church was a delightful success. The members of the class left Pack square at 6 o'clock on special cars and were served a ba-skct lunch shortly after their ar rival at the lake. The class enjoyed rowing upon the lake and other amusements, and the occasion was voted an entire success. It It Miss Kate Wilson, who Is .well known here, was a recent guest at a small party given in Charleston by Miss Nonie Wilson for, her school friends. After tea was served, the party motored to Hampton park, the navy yard and other places of interest around Charleston. It It Miss Eleanor Harris of Wilmington who is the guest of Mrs. Robert John ston at her home on Grove street, will be the guest of honor this eve ning at a cubical heart party given for her by Miss Helen Meares at her home on Atkin street. It K Mfss Ruth Creede of Greensboro Miss Helen McCullough of Atlanta. and Miss Sadie Lipscomb of Gaffney, S, C, will be the guests of honor at a card party to be given this afternoon by Miss Margaret Millinder at her home on Pearson drive. t It A large crowd attended the weekly dance at the Lake Juanita pavilion, Weaverville, last night. Several Ashe vllle people went out and returned to the city on the late car. It It The annual reunion of the Pickens family will be held on August 8 at Grove park, better known as Reems Creek camp ground, Weaverville It It The usual Friday evening dance at the Battery Park hotel takes place this evening and dancing- will begin ai y o ciock. It It Miss Mabel Hartwell, who is at tending a house party in Madison Tenn., is expected home on Monday and will have as her guest for sev eral weeks Miss Eloise lbach of Mo bile, who will arrive Saturday. Mrs. Harry Hartwell and her two daugh ters, Misses Mabel and Irma Hart well, are spending the season in one of the Albemarle park cottages, where Miss lbach will be their guest. It It Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stone have eturned to Raleigh, after a visit to Ashevllle. Ml It Miss Sallle Zelgler of Ashevllle was among the guests present at a recent social function given in Durham by the Misses Levy in honor of a num ber of visiting young ladles. at ft Gray Gorham will leave Sunday af ternoon for, a visit of several weeks to his mother, Mrs. J. W. C. Gorham, who Is spending the summer In Adair vllle, Ky. It Judge Howard A. Foushee, who was recently operated on In the Johns Hopkins hospital In Baltimore, Is re ported as making rapid recovery. It It Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hennesseee and Mrs. C. C. Qulnn of Salisbury are ex pected In Ashevllle next week from Salisbury'. They will make tho trip by motor. k T. O. Wood, successor of Charles W. Mason as agricultural agent of the Southern railway, has arrived in Ashevllle to assume his duties. It It J. W. Grimes, formerly manager of the Paragon pharmacy, has accepted a position at the Langren pharmacy, t It Miss Garnett Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Williams, has as hr guest Miss Katherlne Dillard of Spartanburg and will also have as her guest Mis-- Katherlne Stepp of Spar tanburg, who has been at the Ken tucky home In Hendersonvllle for a few days and who will arrive In Ashe vllle on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liams also have as their guest their daughter, Mrs. S. B. Dillard, at their home. 180 Merrlmon avenue. t f. The Charlotte Observer: Among the guests registered at the Selwyn last night were Meters. C. P. Ambler, W. F Randolph, C. V. Reynolds. F. and G. Stlkcleather and R. R. Rey nolds of Ashevllle. . . . Miss Susan MADE MARVELOUSLY BEAUTIFUL IN A SINGLE NIGHT FREE PRESCRIPTION' DID IT. Grace Benson says: "Had anyone told me such wonderful results could be accomplished so quickly, I positive ly would not have believed It. My arms and hands were covered with freckles; my neck was dark and wrinkled from the use of high collars; my hands were tanned and the knuck les red. All these defects were removed by one application of a free prescription, which I am pleased to give to anyone. It's just as simple as It is effective. Go to any drug store and get an empty two-ounce bottle and a onc-ounee bottle of Kulux Compound. Pour the entire bottle of Kulux into the two ounce botle, add one-quarter ounce of witch hazel and till with water. Pre pare this prescription at your own home, then you know you are getting it right. Apply night and morning It makes the skin soft and beautiful no matter how rough and ungainly your hands and arms are. One appli cation will astonish you. I have given this prescription to thousands of worn en and they are all just as enthusi astic as I am. Try it on your neck and shoulders and you will be agree ably surprised." fDWOOD&(o C iii JJJ WJl -LP J-J Summers left yesterday morning for Ashevllle land Benton Springs, Tenn. to spend some time. . . . Miss Mary Bourne of Tarboro. who. has- hfeen vis iting Mrs. W. J. Smith, will leave Saturday morning for Asheville. . . J. C. M. Valentine of Asheville was Charlotte visitor Wednesday. t U Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Amiss leave this afternon for Bridgeport, Conn to be the guests of Mrs. Amiss' pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Banks. In Bridgeport Mr. and Mrs. Amiss will join Mrs. Amiss' brother, Dr. C. L. Banks, and with him motor through the Berkshire hills on an extended trip. Mr. and Mrs. Amiss will return to Asheville in one month's time. Wrightsvillc Notes. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Wrlghtsville Beach, Aug. 1. This has been the banner week of the sea son so far at the south's premier sea side resort, the hotels and cottages being crowded every day with visitors from all parts of North Carolina and other states. The week-end arrivals surpasses by far any week this sea son, , but all are being cared for at the resort. An unusually large num ber arrived yesterday from Atlanta to spend 10 days or longer. More North Carolinians than usual are noticed a the beach this year. Both the Seashore and Oceanic ho tels have about twice as many reser vations for the month of August as they had for the same month last year. This Is taken to mean that there will be an unusually large crowd at the beach all through the month and there is some probability that th season will be extended later than usual. Notwithstanding the coo weather that prevailed at interio points in June, 'this season lias bee the best In the'hlstory of the resor and but few conventions have been entertained, either, most of the peo pie coming here because they pre ferred Wrightsvillc to going else where. The weekly children's souvenl dance, given every Wednesday morn ing at the Oceanic hotel, Is provin very popular with the little folks the resort, the attendance grnwin from week to week. There were 15 "The Freezer with the Aerating Dasher" The most wonderful of all freezers. By means of its astonishing aerating spoons it whips air into every particle of the freezintr cream, making ice cream that is a revelation in texture and delicacy It breaks nil record! in speed- makes perfect Ice cream In 3 minutes. Requires much less labor and uses less ice and salt than any other freezer. Seo it before you buy a freezer. J. H. Law, 35 Patton Ave . DON'T IJCAVE ASHEVILLE Before having your Umbrella recov ered. You know there Is not one town In twenty-live where you can have this done. All grades of Twill Silk, Taf fetas, Gloria, and silk and cotton com bination. Prices from 40c to $3.25. J. M. HEAHX & CO., Battery Park Place. Phone 448 The warm days demand cold drinks, and iced tea in al most a necessity. Wc would like to show you our iced tea spoons. The handles are long enough to go into the deepest glass and still 'cave room A the top. In Sterling and Community plate. ARTHUR ,M. FIELLp CO. Church St. ft Patton Ave. FOR SALE Valuable suburban home, large building and grounds, commanding magnlflccnt view. Modern In every particular. This la an Ideal home for summer or winter, at a bargain If sold at once. CASH PAID For Broken Plccea of Old Gold and Sliver. Jewelry and Watches repair ed at moderate prices. The Store of Odd Designs. VICTOR STERN, Jeweler Haywood St., Opp. Battery Park, REMOVAL NOTICE H. M. Frost, Jeweler, is now located at 15 Church St. Hig grade repair work a specialty Moale, Chiles & Redwood Real Estate and Insurance 27 Patton Ave. nillMMIIIMtMMMUHIMIMtX MII MILLINERY Trimmed Hats Reduced SPROAT'S Oates Bunding. FRESH POTATO OHIPS These are thin and crisp as can he, direct from the fuctory to us. Half pound bo ;ch 15c each. YATES & McGUIRE, Phones 1715 and 1716. SI Haywood St. Where the Dollar Does Its Duty. lean I lislTTsTa! 'TTTT-JBJ k i .1 Tm -em mt -J Llatti met CREX RUGS AND MATTING In these we do a large sum mer business, because we have the values and these are appre ciated. Matting comes 40 yds. to the roll and is priced from 17c to 27c a yard. A variety of de signs, Crex Rugs from door mat hize at 50c up to 9x12 for $8.00. $2.00, $2.50 and $4.00 grades in smaller sizes. These are in Red, Blue and Green Mixtures. WHITE LOW SHOES CANVAS AND NU BUCK Just reduced from $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 fine goods in all sizes just now. We desire to make a quick clearance of these summer goods and so have divided them into two lots at the popular prices of $1.50 and $2.00. At these prices7 they should sell rapidly. Get your size while yon can. Don't forget the Clearance Sale on our Ladies Ready-to-Wear Department. Radical Reduc tions on Dresses, Suits, Hats, Skirts, etc., etc. ttle folks in attendance Wednesday nd all were given attractive souve- Every other morning In the week except Wednesday a dance is given at the hotel for the young people. Harry T. Aitehison, business mana ger of the Winston-Salem Journal, Mrs. Aitehison and little daughter, Mildred, are spending some days at the Oceanic -hotel. Wade H Harris, editor of the Char lotte Observer, arrived to spend a few days at the resort, joining Mrs. Harris and daughter, Miss Clra Har- is, who arrived Thursday to spend some days at the Seashore hotel. Dr. Calvin H. Grainger of Winston- Salem is speeding some days at the Seashore hotel. Miss Jette Lanier of West Point Ga., one of the most popular visitors o the resort this season, returned to her home Wednesday. The Hundred Thousand Dollar club of the Security Life A Annuity com pany of Greensboro, composed of the agents of the company, held its an nual meeting at the Seashore hotel recently. This is the third annual meeting and all have been held at tho Seashore. The agents of the Jef ferson Standard of Raleigh will hold their annual meeting at the Seashore early In August. Mrs. W. J. Chapman and daughter. Miss Marjorie Chapman, and Miss Al len of Spartanburg, S. C., returned .to their homes Tuesday. Friends at the each and in Wilmington of Miss Chap. man have been interested in the an nouncement of her engagement to David Currle of Kayettevllle, the wed ding to take place in the fall. The Lumina concerts, especially those given on Sunday, have proved ore popular this season than ever. Thousands flock to the pleasure pavil- Uon every week. Mrs. Krank Pear son, a noted soprano singer of At lanta, Ga., last Sunday began an en gagement at Lumina and her solos have been as heartily enjoyed as those rendered by her during a brief stay last season. MANICURING and HAIRDRESSING Scientific facial and scalp massage. superfluous hair, moles, warts and all facial blemishes removed with the electric needle by expert operator. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 23 Haywood St. Ashevllle, N. C. ELIAS&HOPSON TAILORING 18-19 Electrical Bldg. Opp. I. O. SPECIAL CASH PRICES ALL THIS WEEK. GOLIGHTLY FUR. CO. On the Square. FOR SALE VALUE EXTRAORDINARY Very choice lot on old Ashevllle Female College Park. Owner wants money this week. Terms. Natt Atkinson & Sons' Co. Real Estate. Sanitary Soda Service on Roof of Langren Hotel. Free elevator ser vice. H7-6t Buckwheat i - upsed by a flour that makes better and more healthful cakes Wheat Heart Self-Rlnlna Pancake lour. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED Tho most desir able seven room house In Ashevllle. Has just been thoroughly overhauled; painted on tho outside and floors and walls gone over. Has a large sleeping porch In addition to other porches. One block from car line. Montford section. Prlco $25.00 per month. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. Telephone 479. 48 Patton Ave. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. TURNIP SEED Time for active planting. We can supply the Yellow Ruta Baga, White Egg, Purple Top, Cowhorn, White Dutch, Yellow Aberdeen, White and Yellow ( For alad, 7 Top, 14 Top and Southern Prise. One ounce to 100 feet of drill. Grant's Pharmacy Agency for LalKlrcth's Seeds. IF YOU LADIES Who haveheen improperly fitted and have not found your footwear perfectly satisfactory, will come to us, we will save you money and assure you comfort and sat isfaction. BOSTON SHOE STORE 30 Patton Ave. Ice Cold Melons and Cantaloupes M. HYAMS Cor. N. Main and Mer. Ave. Phones 49-243. S Rambler Cars HUPMOBELK 82 H. P. Tonrlng Car t0O. Illustrated booklet of 40.; An unequalled automobile value ?00 mlle ",u,nd wor d Journey of 20 H. P. Hupmoblle. CARS WITH AN ESTABLISHED REPUTATION We carry a complete line of AUTOMOBILE Supplies and ac cessories; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, wagons and machinery. Oarage open day and night. Repair work guaranteed; prices lowest for quality. Western .Carolina Auto Co. Walnut and Lexington. Pbooe 8o We BuyAnything Sell Eveirthing S. Sternberg & Co. Depot Street. .Phone SSI I KHiMIMMHHM

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