Tuesday, August 6, lii2. PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. BP 1 WANTS ?0R SALE FOR SALES Dry kWdlmg wood, J1.50 per load, delivered. Phone 1643 Blltmore Box Factor. ll-tf WANTS Gems In Terse HELP WANTED FOR SALE Old newspapers, this office. Call at tf. ""OR SALE Attractive bargains In runabouts, top buggies, surreys, blackboards, single and double har ness; and ladies driving horse. Pat ton & Stikeleather's Stables. lzO-tf WANTED Salesman for paints, auto mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent Inducements. The Middle States Oil Co., Cleveland, O. W ANTED At once, several huiies good pay. Address W., care of Gazette-News. 151-tf WANTED Kripht tiov about 16 yt'ars old, to carry paper route. Apply to Gazette-News. 3t FOR SAT.E Balsam Lodge, one of the hest small summer hotels in western N. C, close to R. R. sta tion, splendid reputation, always filled, all modern improvements, gas, water, etc.; highest R. R. point east of the Rocky mountains. Splen did location for a sanitarium. Easy terms If sold at once. Reason for Rpllin?. owners have other business For particulars write or see, Dr. F. F. C. Woodward, Balsam, N. C. 129-30t PELLAGRA CAN BE CURED T have the Remedy and Sanitarium Private Formula to reputable phy sicians $10 each. Dr. Lee Seam- ster, Mineral WeUs, Tex. 130-30t FOR SALE Celery. White Plume, transplanted at 50 cents per hun dred, small plants 25 cents per hun dred, $2.00 for 1000. Order early. Address G. Campiche, R. F. D. 3, Blltmore, N. C. 140-26t FOR SALE Five lots, good dwelling, outbuildmgs, blacksmith shop, well located In center of town on Main street, very desirable property. Price $1700. W. H. Poteat, Andrews, N. C. 122-40t. FOR SALE 1000 acres 7 miles of Asheville, suitable for orchard or pasture. Room 9 Revell Bldg. T. P. Ingle. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS one dol lar each. Munnimaker Poultry Farm, Normandy, Tenn. Sat-tf. FOR SALE My grain, feed, wagon, buggy and coal business. Other business takes all my time. Come If you mean business and Investi gates. C. J. Jeffress, Canton, N. C. 152-6t MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE bought, sold and ex changed. Easy payment. Olobe Furniture Co.. 61 Bouth Main 8t Phone 886. 141-tf ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood Street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mrs. P. J. Cocoran, Prop. I. H. McGINNESS has moved to room 4 Masonic building, Market street, opposite Y. M. I. Steam dyeing, tail orlng and cleaning. Phone 1860. tf WANTED Tour stenographic work Frlces reasonable; satisfaction given. Bee Miss Pearl Holman, 10 Pack square. Phone 874. tf WANTED Tour Notaiy Public work Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright 66-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, or 3A. Inquire of C. W. Capell at Gazette-News. tf WANTED A position as collector good at general office work, can use a typewriter. Address P. O. Box No 304, Asheville, N. C. 141-tf WANTED At once, 50 old feather beds; will pay highest cash price Address New York Feather Co. General Delivery, Asheville. N. C 150-Tt EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires position; can furnish excel lent reference. Address, J. M., Gazette-News. 150-tit ORANGES, juicy and tine flavored; Salisbury (Rockford) Cantaloupes, Alberta Peaches. Kroner's Grocery & Coffee Store, 240 Patton avenue. LOST One pocketbook containing $18.06, between Pack Square Book store and Union depot; and also one identification card. Finder please return to Fred Hardlu, room No. 14 Carrier Bldg., and receive reward. 153-31 CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR SHOP Your old shoes made like new ones. Men's shoes half-soled, sewed, and heels straightened, 90c. Ladles' shoes half-soled, sewed, 50c. B. A. Vinlarskl, 30 West College street 136-26t. FRUIT JARS 1 Quart, 55 cents; 1-2 Gallon, 80 cents dozen. Brown Hardware Co., 25 North Main, 136-26t REMANUFACTURED TYPEWRIT ERS, like brand new ones. All makes at a saving of one half the price of new machines. A stock of sixty machines to select from. A year's guarantee on every type writer. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. MASSAGE Facial, body and scalp Massage using vacuum machine. Treatment given at your home, or 106 Haywood street. Phone 1954. Hours 10 a. m to 12 m., and 2 to 6 p. m. 150-6t. BATTLE CREEK METHODS OF MASSAGE Corrective movements and electric treatment for Nervous ness, Insomnia, Rheumatism, Asth ma, Malnutrition, Constipation, Bil iousness and other troubles arising from displaced digestive organs, weakened muscles and poor circula tion. No. 14 Temple Court, Phone 832. 140-30t. REMOVAL NOTICE Donnahoe & EUSdso haw moved their office from 1 and 2 Reed HUlg., So. Pack fiq. to New office In Burton & Mult Bldg., corner Sonth .Main St. and South Pack flq. FOR RENT FOR RENT Pleasant rooms; all modern conveniences; block and half of postofflce, fronting on large park; fine view; paved sidewalk; good table board nearby. No. 7 Aston Place; Phono 1136. 137-tf. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms near car line, all modern conven iences, rates reasonable. 12 Jeffer son drive. Phona 1730. 144-tf FOR RENT 31 Orove atiwt, twelve room house, $26.00 per month to permanent party. Phone 626. 161-Ct FOR BENT Three pleasant rooms for housekeeping, on first floor, with use of reception hall and front Plasxa. Apply at once at 8 College Park place, or room 301 Legal building. FOR RENT Choice t and room fiL, close In, (16 per month. Cot. tage 6 rooms 121 per month. All have modern Improvements. Apply W. A. Nltisr. office 16 Revell Bldg. WANTED A Name For $2.50. All next week there will be on sale at the following places: Carmichael's. Walker's and Y. M. 1. drug store and the Candy Kitchen, on Hay wood street, a nameless drink, a mixture of the soluble principles of coffee, essential oils, and delicate flavorings, with a little Acid Phos phate to make it palatable, price 5o per glass. The entire proceeds of the sale of this drink for the week will be donated to the public char ity that may receive a majority of the votes recorded on the cards that will be handed to the customers of this drink, one vote to each glass sold. $2.60 will be paid Saturday. AttgUBt 17th, to the person who suggests rn the cards the most suit able name for the drink. Only the purest materials arc used in com pounding this beverage, coffee, the base, being the most injurious In gredient. Donate a nickel to char ity and call at these stores for "the nameless drink" and vote for your favorite charity to get the proceeds. Ignore the drink thereafter If yon wish, but all pull together to make "charity week" net a handsome sum to be used in aiding the helpless ones. 152-tit WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. An other rush for barbers this season. Best trade In existence today. Good money. Light, clean, Inside work. Write for catalogue, Molcr Barber College. Atlanta, Ga. 152-tf WANTED One or two rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, by young woman. Burns, care Gazette News. 152-31 CAPABLE BUSINESS WOMAN would like situation; jeweler by trade; fancy salary not expected. Address Burns, Gazette-News. 152-3t WANTED Visitors at hotels and boarding houses to know about our cleaning and pressing club service; lifteen years In business here; auto mobile delivery service; special at tention given to ladies' apparel of every description. Satisfaction guar anteed. Phone 389. J. C. Wilhar. Pack Square. WANTED A home for ir 1 over sev enteen to help with housework for board, wh.ll. taking ten months' cours. at the A. B. C; also to ex change boarders for scholarship; also wanted to sell twenty more double-course scholarships for the fall term-beginning August 20. Buy your scholarship now and get it at the Summer Rates. Henry 8. Shockley, Asheville Business Col lege. 154-3t. WANTED By first class carpe iter, repair work. Prices reasonable. Painting taken. Address Less Smith, 100 Atkinson street. Phone 1241. 152-31. WANTED Big excursions are com ing this week and for balance of August. Have your rooms papered and calrlmlncd and your house painted and get your share of the room rent money. Phone 157 and we will send a man to estimate of rout. R. U Eltpatrick & Son, North Main street. W ANTED Young woman with good English education to study type writing (no shorthand required) to prepare for an excellent position. Can pay after learning. Apply at office, Room 16, Dhrumor Hklg. (over Field's). Emmanuel School of Shorthand. 160-61 WANTED Hoarders; country fare. $4 per week; 10 miles from Weav ervllle; three hacks dally. Mrs. W. It. Mancy, Democrat N. C. 16S-6t TO THE WOMAN THAT'S GOOD. HO, gpntlemeii, lift your glasses up. Bach gallant, each swain and lover A kiss to the beads that brim In ' the cup. A laugh for the foam split over! For the soul is a-lllt. and the heart beats high. And care has unloosened Its tether. 'Now drink." said the sage, "for tomor row we die!" So let's have a toast together! Swing the goblet aloft; to the lips let It fall; Then bend you the knee to address her And drink, gentle sirs, to the queen of us ail To the woman that's good God bless her! Oh. youth is a madcap, and time is a churl! Pleasure palls, and remorse follows after. The world hustles on in its pitiless whirl. With Its kisses. Its tears and its laugh ter, But there's one gentle heart In Its bosom of white Dear love with the tender eyes gleaming. Who has all the wealth of my homage to- night Where she lies in her Innocent dreaming. And a watch o'ei her ever my spirit shall keep. While the angels lean down to caress her, And I'll pledge her again in her beautiful sleep The woman that's good God bless her! Ah, Bohemia's honey was sweet to the sip. And the song and the dance were alluring (The mischievous maid with the mutinous lip y Had a charm that was very enduring). But out from the music and smile wreaths and lace Of that world of the tawdrily clever There floats the rare spell of the pure lit tle face That chased away folly forever. And I pledge my last toast ere I go to my rest Oh, fortunate earth to possess her! To the dear tender heart in the little white breast Of the woman that's good God bless her! -Tit-Bits. ROIAK FHJlb UEVELOPCD 10 Cents a Roll At! Sle. PRINTS 1 1-4x3 1-4 Sc each; 3 l-2xS 1-S, 2 1-2x4 1-4 and 3 l-4x- 4 1-4 4c eaih: 3 1-4x6 1-2. 4x6 and Post aarda 6c earn. I OK Mil. Ono of the lie.il larius In Western I North Carolina, containing il til itto j acres, of which 200 is niie bottom i ana balance grant, itu tru.it IkoO Clua io rtilrouii. JAM A Us Kfc.AI.lt V'O I'l.ooe U.I l. A -l,r. RESPONSIBILITY. TF the statue spoke 4" If it awoke From its cold, white dream, nd words rushed out in a living stream rpi-IE marble would say: "Chisel you may A' Beautiful or base The lines you cut I cannot efface. UTSHAT you would make me " That 1 shall be. Thy creature still God or satyr or what you wllL" QO cometh a day , M When the child shall say. Reading thy thought, "Behold the work that thou bast wrought." , Richard Scrace. FAME. rpHE heights by great men reached', and A kent Were not attained by sadden (light. But they, while their companions slept Were toiling upward in the night Longfellow. EUROPE AT THE PLAY. t O LANGUID audience, met to see The Inst, net of the Iruirpilv On that terrific stage afar, Where burning towns the footlights arel O listless Europe, day by day Callously sitting out the play! SO sat, with loveless count'nance coldi Round the arena. ItnmA of nld. Pain, and the ebb of life's red tide. So, with a calm regard, she eyed; Her gorgeous vesture, million pearled. Splashed with the blood of half the world. HIGH was her glory's noon. As yet She had nor rirn.nmpdl har urn hnd set Another j pangs she counted nought; Of human hearts she took no thought But God at nightfall in her ear Thundered his thought exceeding clear. -William Watson. EVENING. T KNOW the night Is near at hand. A The mists lie down on hill and bay. The autumn leaves are drifting by. But I have bad the day. VE3, I have had. dear Lord, the day. -- When at thy call 1 have the night Brief be the twilight as I pass From light to dark, from dark to tight a Weir MItcuelL M THE THREE SISTERS. ADAM VIRTUE and Miss Oenlus With their sister. Reputation, Traveled ones through distant countries On a tour of observation.) Ere they started Genius hinted That by some unlucky blunder As they traveled through the kingdoms They might chance to drift asunder.. Virtue said: "If I am missing I And you deem me worth t he trouble Seek me at the courts of monarcbs m Or the dwellings of the noble. . If among the high and mighty You should fall to find me present Tou may meet with better fortune In the cottage of the peasant Genius said, "If from my sisters I should chance to prove a roamer Seek me at the tomb of Shakespeare Or before the shrine of Homer." Ah," said Reputation, sighing, "It is easy of discerning Each of you may freely wander With the prospect of returning! But 1 pray you, guard me closely. I For despite your best endeavor If you miss me for a moment 1 am lost and gone forever." -Unldentlfie BUSINESS CHANCES. OET INTO BUSINESS Positively the beat business opportunity In the state Is now open. The right man or woman will ba given exclusive control and will be required to in vest from $t00 to $1000. Honesty, energy and ability necessary. The business is high class, non-speculative, sxoeedlngly profitable, affords rare chance to manage a digni fied paying business from tbe start. Information at Interview only. Address V. O. Box tit. llt-tt THE CHOIR INVISIBLE. fll. may I join the choir invisible v Of those Immortal desd who UTS again In minds made better by their live In pulses stirred to generosity, In dead of daring rectitude. In Of miserable aims that end With self. In thoughts sublime that pierce tbe night like stsrs And wltb their mild perslstenoerurge men's minds Te vaster Issues. Oeorge Eliot The Ebbitt House Washington, D. C. No matter what you came to Washington for business or pleasure THE EBBITT is most centrally located to every where. Recently remodeled, redecorated W. A. WEBB & SON have reopened their livery stuble at ! refurnished nd their old stand, 38 East College St. j , Everything new and up-to-date. Sat- I throughout thoroughly DsOd Phone 1463. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Eloctric Irons and Heating Apparatus, W. A. WARD 12 Church St. Phone 449. A. M. 600DLAKE Contractor & Builder. Shop and Office Cor. N. Main and College, No. 9. Phone 976. PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. C. The best and most n asunable house in town, good tabl", clean beds and home cooking. Rates $1 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with Lath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vegetables from our own farm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. R. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. Sixth, Mound and Kenyon Streets. ! afvrL hikf IW UCA HTH STREET & 'f University place dine Block west or Broadway NEW YORK CITY Clojfi to Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Districts. Railroad and -w .steamship Lines. MODERN ABSOI.UTBXT FllrEfrtOOF 300 Rooms (200 with Bath) RATES $1.00 PER DAY UP Excellent Krstaarast and Cats. Moderate Prices. Bend for free lllnttratedGaldeasu stay di new xorctiiij. em in every feature. Booms, single or en suite, with or without bath. Batet: American Pisa S3.00 to ls.00 per day. European Plan, S1.5W to S4.00 per day. Q. F SCHUTT, Proprietor. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway Zlat Street, NEW YORK CITY . Main Entrance on 31st St. Convenient to both Pa. and Oread Central Stations. Kates $1.S It war da. "The Samuels" (formerly the Sher man), Jam.'Stown, N. Y. Open for business, May 15, 1312. Also the Greenhnrst, on Lake Chau tauqua, open July lat-Sept 1st. Write for Guide to New York (with map) and Special Rate Card, Free. GEO. P. HTTUXDERT, HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by tho month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. A. W. & ALMA WHEELER, Propra, VANCE'S HALL Is on the railroad at Alexander, N. C, ten miles north of Asheville. It ia surrounded by pretty grounds, trees, etc. It has five hundred feet of cool veranda. Large, cool rooms. Good service. Excellent table. Rates reasonable. Address, MRS. R. 14. and J. N. VANCE, Proprietors. NO HAY FEVER AT EAGLBS NEST and CAMP Above tlio Clouds. Elevation 5,050 ft., overlooks Southern Assembly Grounds, also Way- nesville, 2 1-2 miles distant 1-2 mile higher than Asheville. Scenery, air and water unapproached, table and service unsurpassed. Hotel modern, clean and cozy. The one comfortable spot for the summer. Get located on a beautiful mountain, not merely in sight of them. No an noyance from unruly children. Positively no consumptives. For folder and terms, S. C. Satterthwait, Eagles Nest P, O., N. C. THE LANGREN Luxury Without Extravagance ASHEVILLE 'S NEW, UP-TO-DATE FIREPROOF CONCRETE HOTEL ? 210 Rooms, with Connecting Baths; Club Breakfast 30c to 75c. Table de Hote Luncheoiji 75c. Visit ilio Roof Garden. Music from 7 to 11 every even ing. Meals served on the roof from 3 p. m. till 11 p. m. Harry L. Langel and J. Baylis Rector, Managers. KNICKERBOCKER NO. IT COLLEGE PHON8 las. DeUgtitfsl Sltsatioa. Appointment Complete. Central Locatioa. tsu-ge Shady Grounc. TERMS -According to Location of R,-,.., HOT SPRINGS Mountain Park Hotel and Baths Ideal mountain resort. Golf, tennis, .music, dancing. Nat ural hot mineral baths. Rates reasonable. Write us or ask Mr. Wood, Southern Railway Ticket Office. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESVILLE, N 0. MRS. SALLLE E. CORY, Proprietress. it.. r T.-J 'TWV OAaTDTV DftAMO" U uen me x ear awiuiu. s" umtu w vmu FREE SAMPLE ROOMS HTKWM HEATED CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M GEIER, Prop. RATES 2.00 ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATH GLADSTONE HOTEL MOUNTAIN The l(ilin commercial and tourist hotel. ( yards of depot Poii-,r masts trains. II par day; special rates by vesk and month and to famine. i WM. JEFF DAVIS, i?rov. . SwannanoaBerkeley Asheville 's Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. Mountain Meadows Inn NOW OPEN. MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. 9 - 1 mmsi Phone 32b. HOTEL OXFORD NOW OPEN Under new management. Thoroughly renovated and remodeled throughout. Modern equipment. European plan, cafe in connection. Special rates by the week or month. . C. H. BRANSON & SONS, Prop. Come Try BLUE RIDGE HOTEL, Hendersohville, N. 0 Transient, tourist and commercial patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newly remodeled. Rates $2 per day and np. Rooms with or without bath. Excellent sample rooms in building. S. W. MITCHELL, Prop, and Owner. Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. O. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. Famous Everywhere THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST Rates $2.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by Week or month. R. F. JARRETT, Manager, DiUsboro, N. O. NO. 3 AS TON PLACE Church Street. STEAM HfcAT. WELL COOKED FOOD. Milk and cream from our own cows. I make my guests comfortable. MISS MATT T1R HARRIS Phone 876. FAIRFIELD INN ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, IN THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY, NOW OPEN The trout fishing Is excellent at this season of the year, and sportsmen will find at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spend a few days or weeks. For informaUon, rates, etc., add resa FAIRFIELD INN. H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. SAPPHIRE, N. O. EAGLE, HOTEL J. T. OMOHTTNDnO, Prop. MARION, N. O. Special attention to commercial men. All modern conveniences. Rates reasonable. Summer boarders wanted by week or month. Hotel located in tho heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Large, airy rooms, cool and comfortable. MAGNOLIA COTTAGE All newly furnished, pleasantly located; rates reasonable. No. 72 College Street. Phone 1828. Asheville, N. C. A HTT 4 VrTTri IlTsT!?! MOREHEAD CITY i i Litxiy i ikj nu i EjIj north caroijna 1 t-H O : 1 a 31 o 8 O o NOW OPEN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS. NEW MANAGEMENT. FINEST FISHING IN AMERICA. Every variety of sea and fresh water fish abound In great abundance. The ATLANTIC HOTEL fronts the ocean beach, which runs east anO west, affording the much soaght southwestern water front, find Its guests enjoy an invigorating ocean breei throughout the summer. Here you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on the Atlantic coast SAILING upon the beautiful and placid Bogue Sound or the Atlantic. Still water and SURF BATHING. Incomparable Sound and Deep Sea FISHING. Many nearby points of traditional and historic Interest. DANCING, TENNIS, POOL, BILLIARDS, MUSIC. 1912 CONVENTIONS AT MOREHEAD 112 Meeting of the NorUi Carolina Press Association will be held at the AUanUo Hotel, Moreliead City, N. C, July 13-16. For handsome illustrated booklet and reservations ad dress Allen A. Dubois, Manager, Morehead City, N. C. THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BREVA RD, If. C. ' ' Under new management. The hotel has been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Steam heated. Baths, Hot and Cold Water. Caters especially to commercial men. D. C. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Formerly of Tarborougb House, Raleigh, N. C. HOTEL KENMORE WAYNESVILLE, N. 0. Centrally located on Main street. Under new manage ment; newly remodeled. Rooms with or without bath. ANDREW L. JACKSON, Prop. Formerly of Hotel Sumter, & C. The ST. JOHN Mimua The center of social life and activity is at "The St. John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. -a t nr a nr tiv u, J. 1 1. I Kjva. Livery, Feed an'd Bulos Stable. Comfortable Vehicles, 8adle Hor Specialty. HENDKIISONVILLE, n. o. . . ur-

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