fife Slfei A A THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DEL TOES -2. . LAST EDITION 4:00 P. 12. Weather 3 orecast: PROBABLY TAIX. r VOL. XVII., NO. 184. ASHE7ILLE, N .0., TUESDAY- AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1912. PRICE THREE CENTS The Board of Trade Is Winning Its Battle IS - 7 FULFILL GET SHI ITS PROMISES 0F1S KBIS MOTHER THE GAZETTE-NEWS reprints herewith again today the names of those who are showing their faith In the future of the city by help ing supply the funds needed, by the board of trade. It 1b seldom that such a list of names has been joined to a single purpose In Ashevllle. Here are competitors in business, schools,, physicians, women, men, banke, and preachers all uniting !ln this great effort to make the city big ger and more prosperous. the builders the backbone of the city. , ; Many names have been added since yesterday and we are nearly two thou sand dollars closer to our' goal than we were on Saturday. If your name is not on this Civic Honor roll wont you think the matter over and see if you haven't as great desire as anyone to see Ashevllle kept to the front and let the board of Trade know how strong Is that desire? Ashevllle can do what she sets out to do. ' . Ashevllle can win. . She will win. "Let's all pull together then and make her win, now." Ashevllle Grocery Co. E. W. Grove J. E. Rankin Tench C. Coxe Citizens Bank Bon Marche Battery Park Bank ' Asheville Power & Light Co. O. D. Revell J. L. Alexander, (Battery Park Hotel) ' Wachovia Bank F. I j. Seely Langren Hotel C $60.00 Ashe. Steam Laundry P. H. Branch Central Bank & Trust Co. W. H. Westall & Co. American National - Bank (L. L. Jenkins) D $48.00 Southern Land & Auction Co. 1 Blue Kldge Building & Loan Assn. Ray-Campbell Co. C. A. Raysor M. V. Moore Western Carolina Au to Co. (McCormlck Lynch). Carolina Amusement Co. ' Ashevllle Supply & Foundry Co. E $36.00 J. H. Oates . " W. W. Barnard Klayden Fakes & Co H. Redwood & Co. Sternberg Co - F $30.00 Brown Northup Co. McKay's Pharmacy Albemarle Park Co, W. T. Weaver C. Sawyer Hollar Motor Co. G $24.00 M. H. Kelly Rogers Grocery Co. Ashevllle Milling Co. Brown-Miller Shoe Co. American Furniture Mfg. Co. Hackney & Moale Co. 'Moale, Chiles & Red wood ' Stanley Howland Nichols Shoe Co. Ashevllle Ice Co, P. W. Lowe & Son Arthur M. Field & Co. F. S. Kennett IX L. Jackson Piedmont Electric Co. Ottls Green Hdwe. Co. Asion Rawls Co. Julian A. Woodcock T. C. Smith Patton 4k Stlkeleathe.- W. C. Carmlchael Theobold ft Brandt ' C. A. Walker J H. Greenwood Balfour Quarry Co. J. I Smathers A Sons J. M. Westall & Co. J. R. Rich Co. W. B. Valentine L, Blomberg Green Bros. Burton & Holt Dr. Jno. Hey Wil liams The Inland Press. Carolina Machinery Co. , H $18.00 Cherokee Inn Hill's Market Henry B. Hood Mountain City Laun dry Carolina Coat ft Ice Co. T. S. Morrison ft Co; Ashevllle Coal Co. Waddell ft Coxe ' N. 8. Trakas H. B. Bru R. B. Mumpower Dr. E. Rcld Russell J. C. Wllbar 8. A. Lynch W.. R. Whiting Swannanoa laundry Earle ft Nelson I. W. Plummer F., Zimmerman (Ashe vllle Packing Co.) Dr. C. V. Reynolds r.d Ur. J. K. Cocke. I $12.00 J. A. Graves T. M. Duekett Star Market I-utx Meat Co. Kllbler ft Whlteheal ft Zimmermen Ashevllle Klsci r0. Rev. Dr. Calvin 13. Waller It. M. F.itzpatrlck C. A. Klutz H. Taylor Rogers I. J. Abbott S. T. Logan Jones & Williams Mrs. M. H. Harris Wells & Swain Langren Drug Co. J. Bay lias Rector S. O. Bradley Dr. C. P. Ambler McConnell Bros. Dr. J. A. Sinclair Donnahoe ft Bledsoe R. E. Bowles 8. I. Bean Co. M. M. Sullivan Brown Book Co. E. L Burns F. O. Johnston Ashevllle Steam Bak ery Dr. J. W. Faucette Dr. L. B. McBrayer E. E. Galer S. A, Barbee Ashevllle Auto Co., (SaiVyer) T. P. Johnson & Co. F. M. Messier J. Lee Sams Chambers ft. Weaver W. A. Ward C. C. Seawell M. Myers ' Dr. W. P. Whlttington G. F. Stradley Red Cross Undertak- Co. W. B. Nixon M. Erwln Robert R. Reynolds Evening - News Pub lishing Co. ' Frederick Rutledge Lee ft Ford H. K. Northup J. H. Law Dr. R. G. Buckner Dr. 8. L. Whitmore W. U Moore. Li L. Malllcote. 8. I. Blomherg. B. T. Tiller. J. K. Chambers. Brown Hardware Co. L. I. Alexander. Miss Johnnie Cruise C. 8. Alley. H. G. McFarland ft Co Ashevllle Dry Cleaning Co. Brown Carter Realty Co. Beaumont Furniture Co. A. K. Akerg. 11. a. Fortune. ' Ashevllle Printing and Engraving Co. R. P. Robinson. H, L. Flnkelsteln. John A. Guffey. American Wagon Co. O. K. Auto Supply and Transit Co. Peter P. Yates. Peerless Fashion Stores Co. Hodges, Mitchell and Reynolds. Charles H. Honeaa. S. H. Kress ft Co. Storage Supply Co. Ashevllle Transfer Co. Noland Brown ft Co, Aibogast Motor Co. J. W. Wolfe. ' J. M. Stoner E. T. Adams Central Labor Union Per R. L. Fltipatrlck B. M. Jones W. B. Merrltt H. J. Olive Felmet Bros. E. Carland . Dr. F. T. Meriwether H. A. Dunham Dr. S. W. Battle Dr. Cha. L. Minor Dr. W. L. Dunn Zeb. F Curtis Geo. C. Bheehan Dr. Joseph B. Greene Merrlmon, Adams ft Adams D. 8. Hlldobrand Ewenkuy Rales Co. II. F. Grant Really Co. A. Blomberg. A. H. Cobb. A. H. Jarksnn. William M. Jones. Union Plumbing Co. J $0.00 Miss Blanche Wutson Rllas ft Hopson. W. E. Johnson. W. C. Hawk. M. Ivltt Dr. J. A. Purefoy J. Powell Tucker. Mrs. K. N. Tyack. , F. M. Jones. Have Majority on Joint Ballot in Maine Legislature a Re sult of Yesterday's Overturn. THE FACTIONAL FIGHT IS TO BE RENEWED Ed. Whitesldes D. K. Lyerly C. H. Bartlett. J. W. Eidson. W. R. Gudger. J. A. Brandl, W. L. Lowe. H. C. Chedester. B. J, Jackson. .. U M. McCormlck. Mrs. Eliso L. Dunn Dr. W. B. Meacham J. B. Sumner. J. J. Mackey. J. M. Chiles. D. R. Millard. W. G. Borne. H. D. Gentry. H. A. Brown ft Co. H. D. Child. Excelsior Paint and Paper Co. Dr. C. C. Orr M. Hyams. ' R. L. Fltzpatrlck Son. W. J. Cocke. R. J. Tighe. Mrs. O. L. Neville. Dr. P. R. Terry, R. C. Parkins. Mrs. I D. Hammond. S. a. Bernard. Ashevllle Paint and Glass Co. G. R. Little. T. W. Grimes. W. R. Whltson. Charles N. Malone. J. D. Murphy. Mrs. M. D. Wright Gilmer Bowden. C. F. Williams 3. Scroop Styles. J. D. McPherson. T- Miss Pearl Holman ' H. Petrle. G. H. Lambert. J. R. Patterson ft Son. Beaumont Fur. Co. Hare ft Co. F. B. Whatley. Chas.. E. Henderson, Howard Hllllard. Ideal and Quick Serv ice Pressing Club. Miss Q. M. Carson Wrenn & Garland. Ashevllle Dry Goods Co. J. H. Leonard!. W. A Davis. Emanuel School Short' hand. W. C. Jones. II. M. Frost. II. M. Moody Sales Co. C. Falk. J. M. Lorlck. F. A. Walton. , R. E. Currence. Mrs. J. K. Kroman. Wm. H. Lord. O. M. Coston. T. Perry Young. Guy Weaver. E. E. Brown. S. F. Chapman. R. R. Rawla, Zebu ion Weaver, B. M. Shepherd. Dr. B. J. Durham Dr. J, Ml Parker. ,W. B. Shuford. Vonno Gudger, D. H. Fater. O. P. Lotslech. Dr. Paul H. Ringer. C. D. Beadles. Frank B. Miller . M. Y. Angell E. O. George Geo. A. Powell A. B. Swayne J. P. Starnes Cluude D. Thorps Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. J. W. Arthur Walter Toms Wray J. pllalas Chas. French Toms W. E. Merrill Dr. J. Wohlforth J. Drayton Miller J. 8. Forster 8. D. Pelham A. H. Kata John G. Robinson Dr. F. Webb arlfllth J. M-lHearn ft Co. Tho J. Rlchman Dr. W. C. Brownson , Dr. W. P. Herbert Frank A. Mesrs Joseph ftolhy. Ml E. J. K. Moore J. W. Diivli Charles Lee Rykes J. C. Hennlnger- B. II. Cosby R. U Mi'Irsn Auditorium Program Co, II. K. Crowell MIhs O. M. Wallon Taft and Roosevelt Men Part ing Company After Putting . Through the State Ticket. Portland, Sept. 10. The '.political overturn in yesterday's Maine state election, in which the republicans won back the governorship by more than 3000 plurality and a sufficient majority on a joint ballot of the leg islature to assure the election of a republican United States senator and secured three of four congressmen be came apparent today with revised and additional returns. ' Political observers were doubtful as to the effect of the republican victory and the attitude of the progressive leaders regarding the national elec tion next November. All the progres sive headers were actively Identitled with the republican party In yester- ay's election. A number of republi can leaders have announced their In tention of taking the stump for Col. Roosevelt for president In opposition to Taft for re-election. Charlotte and Greensboro Con vention Committee Assem bles to Unite on Plan of Campaign. EXPECT EM SESSION CALL Cabinet Officers Believe Presi dent Will Convene Congress Soon to Consider Mexican Situation. ANTI-LOCAL OPTION REBELS GATHERING PLANK IS PROBABLE ! FOR FORCED MARCH Move to Offset Settle's Expect de . Liquor Vote Colonel Lusk Mentioned for State Chairman. Disquieting Reports from Can- anea are Received at the War Department Today. Tal"t Delighted Willi News. Beverly, Sept. 10. President Taft was greatly pleased with the republi can victory In Maine. It was the best political news, his friends said today, that he had heard since entering the white house. The president remained uo until an earlv hour this morning reading bulletins. He smiled with de- light and was .' especlaHy cheerful! wfieli he learned that the legislature would be republican on a joint bal- ot. After breakfast, he golfed. His pleasure was so manifest thut appar ently he forgot his lame ankle. : : " , : Gazette-Newa Bureau, ' Dally Newt Building, -V Greensboro, Sept. 10. The progressives are rapidly arriv ing for the state' committee meeting this afternoon and the hotel lobbies are seething with gossip. To offset Mr. Settle's expected liquor vote. It is be lieved a 'plank severely attacking lo cal option , will be. Inserted in the plat form, it is also urged that an old lino republican, who can hold the old re publican strength be named as state chairman. Virgil S. Lusk is mention ed frequently in this connection. Both the Charlotte and Greensboro convention committees are here and, after holding separate sessions, they will meet Jointly to ratify the tick ets, redraft the platforms and attend to many matters which at this time are in such shape as to be Impossible to forecast. Richmond Pearson, Ma rlon Butler, Zeb Vance Walser, Chas. Washington, Sept. 10. Mexican rebels under Salussar who yesterday be t?an a concerted attack upon the town of Ojinaga, opposite Presidio, Tex., were driven off by federals and are now retreating toward San Bernar dino, according to dispatches received here from General Stecver today. , : Washington, Sept. 10. More dls Declares Governor Wilson of the Third Party in New York Press Club Address. SAYS THE CONGRESS. WOULD BE DIVIDED Only Hope, He Declares, Is for the Democrats to Control All Governmental ' Branches. Woman on Whose Waiver of Citation Lawyer Got Es tate Located by Detectives. - SAY GIBSON DECEIVED CLIENT AS TO WILL New York, Sept. 10. Gov. Wilson in an address before the New York Press club last night questioned the ability of leaders of the Progressive party, if elected, to carry out any part of the policies of Its platform. Much of the speech was devoted to an analysis of the progressive party plans, although he gave some atten tion to the record of the republican quieting reports of the situation along party an(1 predicted a victory for the Arizona border continued to reach united democracy. v, A.m-,mt tAav Mevinun He said in part: . , , "I have come here tonight for the rebels are reported gathering in the purpoge of dlscu8sing just a8 candid- vicinity or cananea, wim suppues, ,y as possible the political situation preparing for a long and forced and I hope that in doing so I shall march. The objective point Is not re- do injustice to no one. l am noi one 01 inose wniO oeiieve uiai luc ufi. Mrs. Szabo Was Tricked Into Signing Wrong Document, Acording to Investigators. vealed. It is the most formidable or- tactlcs In politics Is to depreciate the ganlzation since Orozco's forces be- men you are opposed to and to be came scattered. The situation at Ojin- little and misrepresent the forces with aga. where there are several Amerl- which you have to contend. It ought Cowles, W. S. Pearson, S. Bailey and canS) )3 causing the American govern- to be a frank, straightforward, and lrede.1 Meares and . James Wl.liamsor ,1 t ome uneagme8g as ,t ,s learn- a e Upon and do and how j i f iu.. .i nhn.n.. i eu uie leuerui loihhiuuuci una uu we are - iu uu n in after was in conference with Rich- 200 men while the rebels are gather- our common action. My feeling about mond Pearson. His hand is being wat- lna , increased numbers in the vl- my,.own .c"dIi? ''l'lSS ched with Interest and a certain NATION'S BANKERS President Livingston Urges the Association to Stand by Aldrich Plan. amount of suspicion by the rank and tile. , '.; twelIIdicted PRIMARY FRRUD is that if I cannot be the peoples clnity. spokesman I don't want them to vote Dispatches to the war department! for me. I want to feel. If I am elected reported Salazar. the Mexican rebel to the office of president . that I am leader encamper'acrosT AriJ line opposite Lang ranch, threatening TT It rt states. We are men.we are a raid into American territory. OneL., nniiticians. We do not live our of his troopers, captured in a skir- (veg at tne pouSi -yve are interested mlsh, told American soioiers mat me ,n poiltog oniy as it is a means of aq raids upon American ranches were judglng the law to serve our life as it upon me perauimi uiuci. ui " ' should be served. who wanted beef for his marauders. Arms and ammunition which Taft I want to discuss the three parties nnw Koeklnif vour support. 1 Know ordered sent to Americans in danger tnere are more than three parties of rebels at Cananea, have been or- . iho TTnitprt states, and it is not out GeOr&ianS AcCUSed Of Vote dered neld "P at Douglas, Ariz., until Qf any dlBrespect to the parties that , Ihcr. urn nMlimnrPB thflt thfiV Willi. . 1 1 .. n am.ll nnmhitr ...... . - ----- ----- nave commanucu umj not fall Into the hands of rebels. . t ln the Dagt tnat I leave them That President Taft will call con- lt of the recKOning for the present. The Renuhlltan Party. Let us consider, first, the republi can party. There is a great oeai ui Detroit, Sept 10. The national convention of the American Bunkers' association, which began here today. brought to Detroit between two and three thousand delegates from the United States, the territories and Can ada. The association expects to com plete Its business at two sessions today nnd two Friday. During the interven ing time, subsidiary organisations will hold national meetings while the bankers ara. enjoying the hospitality of local financiers. After henrlng many addresses of welcome, the bank ers planned to dispose of several for mal reports by various ottlcers and then listen to the address of Robert W. Bonynge of Denver, member of the national monetary commission on "Banking and Currency Reform." This afternoon United States Senator Charles E. Towiut-nd of Michigan de. livers an address. President Livingstone delivered his annual address, approving the AUlrlch currency plan and declaring that the association should stand by its guns In this matter ln the fullest sense of the. word and should continue to sup port ths bill and go on record as rav orlng its adoption. ' The governor of Michigan and mayor of Detroit delivered addresses of welcome, which were responded V by Col. Robert J. Lowry of Atlanta, Ua. Madison, Ga., Sept. 10 Twelve men were indicted by the Morgan county bung uKTrS '" Pcan party, as represented by these i mpfi. is me very mi i.t "President Taft would have taken I D . trt th iffi-impa we are now try- '"-' I all. t. tf I,.,. ..fn1 that 1 . - - . i rt i it c u...h n. mis Bleu ueiuic uui nao ' H'"' In. n tret nut Of. I QO IIOl. imvc w vesication has been pursued for a h action would be 'Fnal 'or ' prove that, because we have got into . , . , B-nnprHl massacre of Americans in I A1 .n.M..,uua in th. lHHt Hfteen penlv oharKed that .successful candl-, k.u ......:.. . - yearg and aurlng me iasi . i thut nartv nas oeen in .. State, war and navy aeparimeni oi- ... , , ... .nto these dllficultles flcials were emphatic In asserting that I ho dl(1? In whatever rresiueni lan noes ie- -Mark you, I am not saying tnai trarding Mexico he will be actuated . . i, artv knew that solely by a sense of duty and not pol- . doln ug an evll or that they lflrn M V. Mnrdii now RlinrkH. I ItlCS. . I Intarwlr1 to do US an evil.. For my Bud , Haynes and Berry Farmer. The Indifference of the Mexican j am very much more afraid Glover Walker was Indicted on the government and its Inability to cope lf the man wno doe a bad thing and dates pooled finances which they dls trlbuted throughout the county to sellers. Among those Indicted, chanted with selling votes, are E. P. Hester, J. M and G. L. Hooper, W. W.'and W. 11. National Cotton Manufacturers Associ ation In KoxhIoii at New Lon don, Conn. NEW PRIMARIES HELD raiulltlates Who FbIIihI to Hwure Mujorttlcn In Koutli Carolina Make Another Trial. Futility p.imicil IMnylng hlinwinnil. Ttllll.1,1, I; Ull. -I,!.., 1, in, mil..'.v ! i 1 0. Allen I ;irt hi it The Ciilnm-I In S.tlli, F. ntMe, H' l't. 10. 'il'lli. -Kunij" vit .in ( i' ''V liuue crowd upmi liia li.-ri. t'"lnv. He mii , . , .! I, til.. I. .Ill t'V 11 ti'f I'H"H Columbia, H. C, Sept. 10. Those candidate! who failed to secure ma Jorles In the recent primary are run nlng against their nearest opponents In many counties In South Carolina todifY. The meeting of the sub-committee of ths state democratic executive committee investigating charges fraud In the recent primary, scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed The Investigation rnay continue until the general election In November un lva evidence of fraud develops too to warrant throwing out the primary lUyiiiiiiul Died of Fractured Skull i Chli'HKo, Sept. 10. City detectives I ml allm-hps of the coroner's offli tmlav n liorti'd trmt a tiimt mnrfin e n ml un I l"n uliiiwi'il ttmt Arthur lt in. ,n I. f .. hm r I i , Lull "tf h.-r fur tl Buying and Selling in ' Cour,y Election. gress In extra session by October 1 to consider whether the United States shall intervene in Mexico is the gen eral opinion among officials of the different between the republican state, war and navy departments. rty and certain groups of gentlemen these officials, whose names, for ob- who haye been aiiowed to lead and vious reasons, cannoi ne given, utm drect the republican party. Tne re Imrge of buying votes. TEXTILE MEN MEET New London, Conn., Sept 10. Ad dresses on subjects of trade Interest with the existing situation are what doeg not know ,t lg bad than of the have brought' matters to the present I an whQ dQes a bai, tnlnK and knows oass. The apathy of the Mexican gov-1 , ... W..B r thmit that In pub- ernment was ln reality the Impelling )c an.alr'g Cupidity is more dangerous force which resulted ln the sharp thajj knavery; because harder to tight words .01 i-resiuem inn w "' and dislodge. These gentlemen wimi- itor caiero, nu wnicn rnuutu ever may have Deen tneir inieniiun. the ambassador deciding on a bur-1,.. . .. . vornmPnt of the United tied trip from Washington to Mexl- lth wno control the big co. flnnn-e. of the United States. They Tne inioieraoie enromei jr u. have done lt Innocently, or um and the transaction of business oo- bell operating along the border was W"" . d lt corruptly, without cupled the attention of delegates to lmmed,ate cause. LTi.f-J Jt argument at all. Pro- me semi-annuai meeung oi me 1 V: ".. ,ti. hnt thev tied the viaeu yuu - . New York, Sept. 1 0 Detectives em ployed by the Austrian consul-general to investigate the death of Mrs. Ru sena Menschik Szabo, who was drown ed in Greenwood lake July 16 while out rowing with her lawyer. Burton W. Gibson, have reported to the vice- consul, Dr. Fiseherauer, the case they had prepared was circumstantial enough to justify its presentation tu the grand Jury of Orange county, in which jurisdiction the death occurreo. The detectives reported they had found the woman who posed as the mother of Mrs. Szabo after the latter's death, and on whose supposed waiver of citation Gibson, aa executor of Mrs. Szabo's will, was able to obtain letters testamentary giving him possession o. Mr Szabo's estate. But the vice consul would not give any Inkling as to the Identity or residence of this woman, who, lt waa said, will be pro duced at the proper time. ( Dr. Flscherauer was also advised that the stenographer who typewrote the will of Mrs. Szabo had been found, and that her testimony concerning tha preparation of the instrument would- v be startling. - In'efleet It -to thai Mrs. SWiuo Instructed - Lawyer Gibson to draw a will which would provide that her estate be divided between her , brothers and sisters, and that Instead she signed, unknowingly, a will by which everything was left to her mother absolutely, with Gibson named as executor. The mother had been dead nearly two years then, the will being signed February 12, last. It Is believed Mrs Szabo knew of her mother's death at the time. It Is cer tain she knew her mother was dead shortly afterward, for letters have been turned over to Dr. Flscherauer received by Mrs. Szabo from her par ent's home in Vienna advising her of her mother's death. Her mother was Mrs. Petronella Menschik, and this Is the name signed by the woman to the waiver of citation filed by Gibson in the probate proceedings of the will. It has been definitely asceriainea that Gibson, on returning Wltnin a day of Mrs. Szabo's death to her apartment at No. 46 West Sixty-fourth Btrnet, whore she was Known aa wis. Hitter, did not tell the neignDors anu the housekeeper thnt Mrs. Ritter was dead, but informed them she had gone to Chicago and he had come to close un her Hat nnd forward her trunKs. The testimony of Mrs. Burke, Janitress of the Sixty-fourth street house, who talked with Gibson and received from him the balance of rent due by Mrs. Szubo, or Ritter, will be most material ln this respect. ' From Vienna comes a cable dispatch that Franz Menschik, brother of the dead woman, hius left to com here with conclusive legal proof of the death of his mother. Menschik virlll also bring 'letters received from his sister, showing that she knew of her mother's death, and will remain ltnre as long as necessary to see the Investi gation Into th death of his sister con cluded and whatever legal proceedings moy follow ended. WILSON ON MAINE tlonal Association of Cotton Manufac- turers here. President George Neville nf lha TJew York Cotton exchange - - ----- - . . . . i . . . . n t . a a 1 hi 1 1 1 spoke on spinning values of different Nominee Bays Ills Party More iiianiea Biaies, uu grades of cotton and J. Jefferson Held IU uroima .Agamm iw . I v..w.. Hayes of Letch worth, England, on the al Union. government of the United States to the big financial Interests of the Unit- have aumnieu in lithographic process of cotton print ing. Red Men Elect Today. Judge Declines Duel Challenge. -ii,.. K- T 111 AllSnilC lljr, 4 ... 1- . . Governor Wilson today declared hlm- l m self satisfied with the results of the national council of Improved .. L . "77"" - . I ,.i,t.,i,,i otoctlnn in Maine Yes. I rA., r iet Men. In session here. Berlin, sept. juuge Knuiei nas ----- ,-- - i .,, rnn wm be cart rosier, uiuni-i"'" advanced to great Incohonee, while James H. Rogers of New orn nu Thomas II. Jeffries of Chicago are o,n,tt.. tnr reat lunlor sagamore. A steamboat excursion is pianneu mi visitors today. Colorado Primary Today. refused to accept the challenge to alterday. II said: "I think the results duel sent to him by the seconds of I Ktlsfactory Indeed, based on the re Capt. Kammler, an army officer, who ju,u fj)Up and tw0 yettr, ag0, Two whs omereu iu wi" im i;iiuii uy mi Ai .nnrt r honor. Lyears ago the republicans were dl Judge Knlltcl was ostracized by I vlded. This year they are unitea. inai luful unfintv at rtvhnlli harausa ha I maVna a sreat difference, supported a Polish candidate for the I h added that the essential tning releliHtag and he blamed Capt Kamm-1 to consider was that wnne me r- ler for his troubles and openly charged I publicans had got together th aem- hlm with malice. The captain sued I ocrats had more than held tneir own for libel hut lost his ruse, as It was! reducing republican pluralities exten declared that the Judge had proved his I nVely. He thought also, that Maine's allegations. The court of honor then I vote showed the "same nrin as aio ordered the army officer to challenge I the Vermont VoK namely, that the him. ' I democrats are not losing but gaining votes In states ordinarily republican Vivlrliiiti Ins Ik-nnelt Tropliy. I Htatcmotit by Mi'Adoo, New York, Sept. 10. William wc- ChlcHgo, Sept. 10. France wonlidoo. acting chairman of tha demo' yesterday the world's aviation cham-lcratlc national committee, said this plunshlp. Jules Vedrlnes, champion of I morning: "We'ro dlsappolntel, of France, driving a Di-ponlussln mono-1 course, that Maine did not go aemo- tiliine- took from Ameilca the Jamesl crutin. but It whs too much to expect Gordon Bennett sliver trophy without I n n a republican stnte and the remilt a contest. Not an Anifrlnin aernpliinel whs determined wholly by local Iiwiips. rnn frmn thl. ground In defense of I t Is nellher barometer nor a tlier tln run won hy t li I - country from niometer of nntlnniil elections. ' In the I mtlntld lust year. I i I,lnv( 1 hum i- ( 'levelii ml CRIlipitlKn It Wen! r'iil litiin ll iilv Aim"' ii :i,( .-r wti" ll. v mi. re thiin II.IHIO. ) H. E. Nolan Involved with 16 ' Years Old Girl, Who Confesses. rw,nvr Sent. 10. Colorado awaits with Interest the result of the state's first primary election touay. nw"' n..n heavy. Nominations will b made for presidential , electors, two tiniiAH RtHtea senators four congress men and a complete ttate ticket- The progressives will not participate, nai ing nominated In convention. Wilson to AUsntto CltJ. New 'York. Pept. 10. After a day s jtny hwe, conferring with leaders on ramnnlgn Dlans, (5ov'"or Wilson, ae imrte.l for Atlantic City to review piiraile of HpiinlHh-Amerleiin war vet erims this sflemoon. The veterans urn holding their siiniml encampment Uu'fe. 'ttie di'tiiiicrittic nniSiiuiit i" in- New York. Sept 10. Harry E. Nb- lan of Washington, D. C. secreUry elect of the United States legation at Panama, failed to appear ln pollen court today to answer the chsrge of abducting Marlon McVlcker, aged 1, of Newport News and hi cash ball of $1000 wss declared forfaited. The court ordered him Immediately arrestHO. on sight, nlng Ms ball al iJDOO. De tectives later told the court that No lan was In the office of his bondsman, Humner Uertird, whereupon the Judg" ordered hlin brought Into court thin afternoon. It appears Gerard thought the case whs continued a week. The case was made upon the com plaint of the steHinililp rumimnv ui" -n which the rlrl whs to hive K ill I t Scotland, where h.-r f.ith.-r N 1 ' Ilk Inn keeper. I'l i ' I ,i .'.!,- I ' I : I t: I" tereil lit ii f i- , v, II... ') I" i '. -,- ,., k ."" ' : l"ll I : '' 1 t ' I i , r ;i I i. i i

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