Wednesday, Sept., 11, 1912. PAG2 TERM MS. THE HI MAKES IT RjmiTiFiii-ifi rput "nsfinfRirif" UUIIUIHUk LU UUII UMIIUL.IIIIIL. In a Few Moments Your Hair Looks Soft, Fluffy, Lustrous and Abundant No Falling Hair or Dandruff. Surely try a "Danderlne Hair every particle of Dandruff; cleanses. Cleanse" if you wish to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and draw It carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this ..hi nionnga the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos sess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance, the beautly and shim mer of true hair health. Besides beautifying the hair, one nuullcation of Danderlne dissolves purines and Invigorates the scalp, for ever Mopping Itching and falling hair, Danderlne is" to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhlllaratiri'g, stimulating and life-pro ducing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter and try It as directed THE ViEATIIEQ MMPMRATTJttB. ! . Si Is Ahhevllle . . . . . . S:i 75 Atlanta .. . TO 78 Atlantic City .. . . , 12 82 Augusta ............ 72 80 Baltimore .. '. ,, 70 92 Birmingham .. .... .i .. .. 72 82 Ruffalo .. .. .... . . . . 70 80 Charleston . . v . . 76 SO Charlotte , .. . . 70 84 Chicago . . .. . . ... . . . . 70 94 Galveston , .: .,, .;. , .... . . 78 90 Chicago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 94 Galveston....... 78 90 Hatteras .. . . .. ...... 74 86 Jacksonville .. .. .. .. .. 7G 82 Key West .. .. .. .. ,. .. 82 S8 Knoxvllle .... . . ...... 68 90 Louisville.. .. .. .. .. .. 70 96 Miami .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 80 81 94 ;;8 90 90 90 88 92 SI 7 92! 82 U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. WILLIS U MOORE. Chief. A iTC WILLIS L. MOORE. Chief. . jZ "K yky - u v' .JrE uuyyi& y cK ASHIVILLI, N. 0 Sept., 11, 1912. RXPlAlNATORY NOTES. Observations" taken'it 8 sTmSUi'merWUn time Air sressure reduced to set level. Isobara (continuous lines) pass toroueft points ol equal air pressure. Isotherms (doited lines) pass t&rouKu points or equal temperature; urawu uuijr u . ....u, , r .!. Cl .riiv oim.rtu- A ,inrt- f3 rain: fs) snow: 671 renort mission. Arrows fly with the wind. ; Fltat figures, temperature; 'second, precipitation of .01 Inch or more for past 24 hours; third, maximum wind velocity. TtSSMOm aHaaC - Montgomery . i . . . . 72 Ne Orleans vj-.' .. .. 78 New .York 70 Oklahoma . . . . 72 Phoenix . . ........ . . 68 Pittsburg ,. .. .. .. .. .. 70 Haieigh .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 St. Louis . . . . 72 Savannah . . . . 76 Tampa . . 74 Washington .. . . . . ... 68 Wilmington 72 Normal for this date: Temperature 66 degrees. Precipitation .11 Inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Thursday for Ashevllle and vicinity: Probably rain tonight and Thursday. For North Carolina: Probably rain tonight and Thursday, moderate to brisk east and southeast winds. . . General Conditions (Past 24 hours). The storm that was over the Great Ijilies has moved to the New England coast with increased energy and its movement has been attended bv rain In the Lake region and the north At iantic states. The barometer contin ues low over the east Gulf states and rain has again occurred in that sec tion and in the south Atlantic states- Scattered showers have also occurred in the Plains states and the Ilocky Mountain region. An area of ilsjh pressure extends from the Plateau c!ls trict to the Mississippi valley. Frost is again reported in Utah. The foil iv ing heavy precipitation (in Inches) has been reported during the last 24 hours: Charleston, 4.00; Savannah 1.05; Thomasville, 1.26. There w probably be rain in this vicinity to night and Thursday. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. All BAI1UET L flWJCT.18 With Election of Directors- Business Transacted by Di rectors Last Evening. HEBREWS' NEW M BEG1NSTHIS EVENING The feast of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, will be observed In this city tonight and tomorrow by the members of both the orthodox temple on South Liberty street and the re formed temple on Spruce street. At the former services will be held to- night at 7:30 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. At the Spruce Street temple there will be services to plant at 8 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 10. All the services will be very elaborate in detail, according to the ancient customs of this faith. This date has been observed by the people of the Jewish faith since 3500 B. C. and the day is observed as a full holiday. The services are very beau tiful and are among the most impres sive observed during the year. This holiday and feast are followed by an other, Yom Klppur, which will be ob served on Friday, September 20. Is Your Child Fed To meet the demands Study taxes the brain and nerves of the growing youngsters. Certainly, that's natural and expected; and if fed right, they grow rosy in body and hearty in brain. If a child droops under school training it is a Signal Flag. Something used up each day that is not replaced from the food. Don't neglect the signal! ! There is one absolutely dependable food, because it contains the certain parts of wheat and barley that rebuild, not only the body, but the gray matter in Brain and nerve centres. If you have any question ot the scientific truth of this statement, write us for analysis of brain and nerve centres and analysis of An important meeting of the di rectors of the Y. M. C A. was held In the auditorium of the association building lust night and it was decided at this meeting to have the annuul se nior and contributing members' ban quet on October 18 this year. The banquet will be served by the Ladles' uxiiiary and a list of speakers will be made up at an early date. This banquet is always the ,big event of the year for the association and it is at this time that new di rectors are chosen. Last year's ban quet was attended by about 200 mem bers and was a most enthusiastic af fair. It is planned to make it a still bigger event this year as the senior membership campaign will be carried on from September 5 to October 5 and all members, joining during this period will be eligible to attend the annual banquet. The resignation of Prof. E. P. Childs as a director or tne association was presented last night and was accept ed with regrets. Prof. Childs stated that he will be out of the city a great deal this year and will not have the time to give the association that he feels that he should In the capac ity of a director. However, he gave his assurance that he will do all in his power to promote the work of the association during the time that he is here. It was decided at this meeting of the board to establish a membership for business men, giving It special features that will prove attractive to the busy men of the city. Such a course has never before been taken by the association and it is believed thn this feature will prove a popular one. Plans were outlined to enlarge the extension work of the association greatly during the coming year and a special committee was appointed to formulate these plans more fully. A request will be made of the board of trade to aid in this work and it is believed that with the proper co-operation much can be accomplished in this line of the work. It was ordered that a larger drain pipe be lnstailled to. carry off the sur plus water from the shower baths nd the action of Secretary Ed. B. Brown in putting in individual cakes of soap for the baths was sanctioned. A number of other minor matters were taken up and disposed of at the meeting. Following the regular business re ports of the work during the past month, were heard and these reports proved most gratifying to the mem bers of the .board present. The report of work in the building showed that the weekly meetings had been attend ed by 515 men and that 160 boys had attended the Bible classes. There was an attendance- at the gymnasium classes of 753 and the baths were used 5300 times. The extension work report showed that 85 men had attended the Sun day meetings for men at the High land hotel; 22 had attended the morning meetings at the Salvation army hall; 106 had attended - like meetings at the Riverside club house; and 37 boys had attended the Bible classes held at the latter institution. New Fall Wearing Apparel for Men, Women and Children "We Lave Leen receiving new goods by every express. Such smart garments you have never seen here before. This is by far the broadest selection offered; View them. A Few More Norfolk Blazer Coats Our Fall lino of Peek Clothes for men are here. Also a wide range of Bovs' School Suits and Shoes. JMjYv"1.rSWtVOU MONEY" ft,.. --iStjtJ """" Established 1887. FOOD There is no guesswork here, but absolute dependable fact that can be made use of by any parent sufficiently interested in the child's development to in vestigate. A regular diet of Grape-Nuts and cream, as part of each meal, will tell its tale of health and (fortunately) the children like it. There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Groceru rOSTUM CEREAL CO., LTD., PUKE FOOL)' FACTORIES, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Films and Films Have your films de veloped by an ex pert and get better pictures than ever before. Kodaks Loaned Free ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE 0pp. Post Office. Ml FAIR MEETING 10 BE HELD T i There will be an important meeting of the executive committee ot the Western North Carolina Fair associ ation tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in the office of Secretary Guy Weaver. Some very important matters will be taken up at that time, chief among which will be arrangements for a big parade Just preceding the opening. It is planned to make this one of the big events of fair week. As at present outlined this parade will include the military cornpanles, the First regiment band, the uniform rank of the various fraternal orders of the city and mem'oers of the local labor organizations. Besides these, of course, will be carriages carrying the city and county officials and the prom inent men attending the opening. Hon. Locke Craig has been invited to make the opening address immediate ly following the parade and although he has not yet accepted the invita tion it is practically certain that he will. There will be a district meeting of the K. of P. and V. C. T. lodges held here during fair week t will great ly add to the attendants from out of the city and there is a possibility that other meetings will be arranged before the date of the fair. At the meeting of the executive committee tomorrow the horse depart ment premium list will Anally passed upon. This department has been up for consideration on a number of oc casions, some of the directors wishing to introduce special horse show fea tures into the department. This would prove rather costly and It will be definitely decided tomorrow wheth er or not these features are to be adopted. Maine Fight toe Klrvtor. Portland, Me., Sept 11. Maine emerged from the state election in which the republicans were victorious, to find herself facing another political contest with five parties Instead of four In the race for the six presidential electoral vote. The progressive party, whose lead ers had joined with the republicans In the state election has come Into be ing, after the announcement of the election of William T. Ilalnns for gov ernor, thres out of four representa tives to congress and a majority of the legislature which will choose a United States senator.' Former Congressman Kdwln C. Hurleltth lecelved the re publican preferential vols for senator at ths recent prlmurius. wJ rcWi'-U 7 JMfiMM Ml! mm mmm Improved Progress Gas ranges Cash or Time $15.50 to $25 Try Gas for Cooking It Means Satisfaction Asheville Power & Light Co. " PHONE 69. ' I Another Thins Kntlrely. "I always sympathize with the un der dog." "But do you bet on him?" Judge. Fine airy rooms En and 75 cents at the Phoenix hotel, in heart of the city. ltcxrt of the Condition of T1IK COMMONWEALTH 11AXK, at Black Mountain, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness September 4. 1912. ItKSOl'HCKS. Loans and discounts $52, 362.32 Overdrafts secured. . .$20.14 Unsecured 60.84 80.98 All other Stocks, Bond and Mortgages 600.00 Banking Houses. . .12,500.00 , 1 Furniture and Fixtures. . . . 1,800.00 4.300.00 Demand loans 600.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 37,487.83 Cash items 25.30 Cold coin 195.00 Silver coin. Including all minor coin currency .... 261. B0 National bunk notes and other U. S. notes 2,900.00 ' Total ..198,712.93 MAB1L1TIKS. Capital stock paid in 10,000.00 Surplus fund 1.000.00 Undivided profits, less cur- rent expense and taxes paid 1,620.20 Deposits subject to check.. 79.479.79 Demand Certificates of De posit ' 8,303.44 Cashier's Checks outatand- , Ing 307.50 Total $98,712.93 Slate of North Carolina, County of ' Buncombe, as: 1 I, Adrian A. liegeman, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowllg and be lief. ADRIAN A. HEOKMAN, , Cashier . Subscribed and sworn to bfor me. this 9th dny of September, l'il2. . WAtTKR 1 OAUOHEHTV. Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. W. McKOY. W. C. II ALU I C. C. LoltD. ' J- Directors. SILKS MessaUnn, Pcau do Sole, Taf feta, and Foulards, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 a yard. Big demand for the new patterns. MUMPOWER'S Soils for- Cash; Sells for Los 17 S. Main. More Butter Crust Bread used in Asheville that will be the logical result of the Board of Trade cam paign which means more peo ple for Asheville. Thone G22 for the bread or ask your gro cer. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY WHITE KID GLOVES CLEANED We have a special washer for cleaning ladies kid gloves and use distilloil gasolene for cleaning them. When we re turn them to you they are thor oughly clean 'and wllrite, and aside from the scratches you have given them, look like new gloves. Asheville Dry Cleaning Co. 8S N. telnifln Ave.

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