PAGH TWO THE" ASHE VILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Friday, Sent.. 2f) 1010 25 GENT "BliElE" FOB FALLING HI 1110 DAPRUFF--GRQWS HAIR Don't Pay 50 Cents for Worthless Hair Tonics Use Old Re liable, Harmless "Danderine" Get Results. Thin. brittle, colorless and aiiw)1 hair is mute evidence of u neglected scalp: of ilandrull' that awful setirl'. There is nolhinir so destructive to ..'the hair ns dandruff. It robs the hair it its luster, its strength and its very 1 i f L-; .eventually. producing a feVerish--w wis and itcliiitK of. the '.sculp, which IT not .remedied, causes the hair routs to Shrink, l.ioscri ami die then the hair talis out fast. A little I lamleiine tonight -now anytimewill surely save yoiir"hair. . Get a ." cent bottle of Knuwlton's Panditine from any - tints -toilet (nunliT, ami after the store-tirst ; plication vou will say it was the lust : investment you ever made. Yuiir hair ' will immediately lake on that life. luster .and luxuriance which is so I .heauiiful; It will become wavy . and i linft y . and have the appearance of aliondunec: an incomparable ths.s ami j softness; but ; what will please you I most will lie a.i't . r just a few weeks' j use, When you w ill actually see a lot I .of line., downy hair new- hair st ow -' lie; all over the sea I p. Loyalty to your favorite store is a fine trait. Be also, loyal to yourself by keeping in constant touch with its advertising. BIS CHINESE 1011 IS FINALLY HEB0T1ATE0 First Payment Made of 50 Mil lion Advanced by London Financiers. London, Sept. 2n A. Wendell ( Jackson, the American who lloated j the Chinese; loan tit' S.'id.lUHV.dOO, said! yesterday .that. China hail officially in- : st-riieliMl her minister at London, to In-'-; form Ureal r.rit.iin that the loan: enn-i tract had been completed and that he', had full - authority from his jiovern-! lient. China had also oll'lda'dy . netl- . lied Sir. J. X. Jordan, the liritish M,r e.l ivkin. ol the completion n the contract. . China, said Mr. Jackson, had not ii undiaied the loan and do.s not in tend to repudiate it. The business J was mm' ln'ins completed and itupor- j iunt bov.meiits were iieim; made. The. lust instalnn-ut of fS.r.mi.Oini had a I- f ' I PALAIS ? r-- ready been handed over. The syndicate which carried out the negotiations, said Mr. Jackson, is or ganized to operate in the strictest con formity to the principles of the free dom of the open door. It has quite adequate resources to meet Its en-saKement-s. It is understood, added Mr, Jackson, that neither Creat Frit ian nor America will approve tile new loan. .' Mr. Jackson's statement affects what are now generally known as Chinese treasury .Mils for $:f0ti.000 which has been placed on the lmdon mar ket. These bills arc repayable by china six months hence at the rate of li e per cent, Financiers are waichini; T'.irch, Crisp Co.'s bold stroke with intense interest.'. Notwithstanding the fact that the money is beim; actually raised many resard the final completion of the transaction as doubtful, . It is said that China, now would wiilinvly with draw. She' douldless wants, the money, but. she fears the pressure of tile six power group- The liritish government has said -'nothing and it is the opinion In the financial district that it ivili dt nothinu directly to vent the loan, althiiitcit. as it disap proves of the transaction, the creil llors need not expect th liritish' kov eriiinent to support them Iti'ureiiiK . laims which . might possibly-, arise in (onnection with the loan ,-mainst Cliina. At I'ekin it Is beli. i d in legation ouarters that the loan Is mainly di rected at eompidliiie tile Hongkong .ml ShiihgTiTil hanks to allow free Critfsh participation in Chinese loans. Tlie i.'hirese : Kovet'iimi ut's apparent doule'Mltitude Is resi irded as a diplo matic attempt to' keep two doors open, l.eiir: aide, as circumstances direct, to appeal to the former .' minister of finance, who authori;ied tin. loan, or the present minister, who disavows responsibility for its approval. The lenders credited China on September I. ". with a, OOO.OOi) tai ls, about $1,800, im)0, at the foreign bank at Tientsin. This sum as yet has not been drawn noon. The tirm of I'.ireh, Crisp & Co. re fused to make any statement regard ing the loan. IPffY-RAISIil SALE NOW GOING ON Peerless-Fashion 51 Patton Ave. Unusual Bargains Are Offered !f1!U0 Ladies' and Misses' Full Suits nt V $22.50 1 olios' mid Misses ' Fit II Suits at . , $25.00 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at . ir20.')0 Latlies' and Misses' Fall Suits at . $.'!2..")0 Latlies' and Misses' Fall Suits at. $.1.").00 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits nt . !r42.")0 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at . .$13.65 $15.08 . $17.50 .$19.77 .$21.78 ..$24.50 ,.$29.89 When you see our new Ladies' and Misses Fall Coats you will buy here.' An elegant array of Nvew Evonins downs, Street Dresses at asttaindiii" )riees. . '.' . '..' ;'.. Teniitin,o; reduction of all our higli -grade Ladies';' Muslin Fndeswear. low 5 and 7 South Main St. . f f f ? V ? V f y t ? ? f ? ? ? ? V ? y y v Watch for our .tiraml '.Millinery ojieiiiii"; Tuesday Morning Sept.. 24th. Our millin ers are woi'kiuu' on 'Extra time octtiim- things in readiness for our Millinery Opeii'iiii!; Conie and see the new Eats next Tuesday. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOP. T OMCRftOW. i'eail helow Our prii-es.' We want yoinv traile. . Cume and sre us 'and. we asui'e you we will see you aain: )iu fit us AiH'on (!iiio;liams, Oc o-rade, 'sjieeial .. . . . .. ... ... .. . 4 l-2c ' ' Fruit el' the Loom P.'oeliinsrs, spt-eial .. ...10c Harker Mills nieachin-s, ioci;il .". ... ....... 10c Hill IlU-a.diintr. spc-.-ial ... . ..... ...10c Xew line of Di'ess (linoinims .... 10c .'iil-ini'li Iiroad .('loth, !Se o-rade, special .. .. ... ... ... ...50c oOducli extra -Trade le-t .serire, $!.. .linle .. ...95c .j!-iiicli hand finish-seru'e. special 50c One lot l.'ic Hue!; Towels, special 10c One lot 1c I'.alli Towels .... .. ... ... ..12 1-2c (Jo inch TaMe Linen, ."He jrnulo. special .. .. .. ......... .. . ...25c 70 inch TaUle Linen, S!)c orade, special ...... ... ... . . .50c Thrce-iiuarter size Napkins. !t.."i0 do., orade special. .... $1.00 doz. One lot Ladies' 1.T)() -raiit" I'mlu'ellas, special .. .. ... ... ... 98c Come and see the children's L'uin ( Suits ami I Lit- L match. cor-ii: to our store nniT Hi i 1' tin m-.Hiili Ht The Pill. lis I I Ls In ,v o ,r : snrtment nt' tiaire I'isk ;t:... Wi.trli'.oi.- ..:r:ind M ;il in Totnurruw il,i . on x-ile .n ins in I'ri. e fruii, ii.(ni i i $ s. on tl-- Ae wont you tn iioic oim! oi.iUi nnii'imnii .l h.ns lor ! olie-. : :'. nil. the most j.opulor ori' s e'e tn'f r '.V'. In'ii vnur li;tt in HlloVll to tile IHlhlie. t'eme Jllld see the UH- leil e M l Jill Ml le r !-. If nt Ion mo eh.ililr.oi. tile ! ill -O' t'.li.-l HO Ml' ll. Hi rn liot.s. no tv o e like representing tliete .ieiiireH, r.ttvj ' ?-... f 0. ;ind we'll In ;:l:el to h! ow ym: Trinimi d and Thi3 Special Disl '.yo. 'Ue Eeaso's Best Models in Coats and Suits. Tomorrow moinioi.' at :,.l" Smis v. ill he shown in mni.'. ,' tweeds, zihelines, e h in ill 1! ills Co, of st ! h to i lioiiKe from. K'-elHle i.tlm in- ol '- - li. o thai lire toihni il to ' .t i d k c is', flyle I'l.ileres lire ineorpoi at Come in early and fee them. i' will own a r s' ru'-s, i'!t;; f.iorii.s ami i it iul three days' Style J". of iinnsiial in'ere.Ht. '. noveltiex and dlnronal twits. Separate emits in di loth. All colors; all sh'.e.y, and u wonderful variety Itisilo-f Riiriuei In slrii tly nein.ihO ' il, x -r Ireahle eoais ami milts li "' ! i,ipe. ,!i the vi ry latest innovations in trimmimt and the lat- d '1! them. f y f y v V V v 0 i y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y HOLDS MEETINSTBNIEHT Number and Size of Premiums to Ee Decided. Beginning Made on Catalogue. Tin re will he a moetititf of tlie Asln ille l'onltry and I'et Slock asso ciation tonight in tin- otliee of Wad. loll & t'oxe. at whleh plans will lie dia i ussed and preparations made for the poultry show tn he held here IVoem her .. t.i ii. Tlie number and size of t h premium 'will he determined, and tlie ("ttnioKitu eon; nlttee. will be iriven :. I ; i n whl- h to cuiiiplle tho pre o ! on i'st.- ' h .'ii,l(fa' .it the show will he (h ne hy i'l'of, K ir, head of the ponl o . i. partition! of the A. and SI. col li::" Already i ujiy letters have been le. oirl hy tin ,i. social ion with refer on In l!i i. piiremerits lor entry, ami the pui. pei It. for ll Rood show are very ol .isht. Tin association will use the s- etioti cone Oi.nt;ht liy the West . i a Ninth l.'ai' i iua Fair association, . i :. 1 1 . i. i mips w 11! Lie hoiiaht, so 1 Whereby City and County . Agreed to Improve Road From Mountain Top to River, .1 ali j iiirii '.ay he aeroininodated. i'AVOR 301 latlon l.inlorMHl S.Mt.. noil I'lopo-itloii fur s IhhiU ol lln City. At the all-tin nihers nu etinw of the Asheville Merchant association held last niKht in the assneiatiun roums there was very little business trans acted except t'.at of a routine nature. However, a resolution was passed en dorsing the proposition to vote a bond hsiic to the anient of " n.oml fur the beiietit of the city scliouls, fur whii h the nlderincn have authorized an election. The matter of the members of the association ilosimt their places ni business on Tuesday, Ootnber S. the openinif day of the Western North I'arolina l-'air, was taken tinder con sideration, mni a committee was un pointed to ask tlie members to clor on that date at 2 o'clock. It w thought by thou- pres.lil tlp-'.t sue action should be tnki n In roc tnittr f one of the buitest event.- df t' year for Asliesille and lit tun. utility. Apropos of the meeting which is to he held at Johnson's store in Chunn's dive this tifternoiin for the purpose ol disoussinu ways and means by which tin road from I leuueatcher to the Swaiiiiano.'i river may lie improved. Ir. C, I'. Ambler lias l.rotiKhl to littht a contract ni.nle more than 10 years ace by the county commissioners and the board of aldermen by which tlie commissioners aureed, on certain con ditions, tu Improve the road from the city rock ii:'rry to Swannanoa road hy April 1, l!nU. I'.y i lit- terms of the contract the eiiinmissioners siKrccd to urade the road, put ii bridge over ilaw creek and Macadamize the entire Ft retch, provided tlie aldermen would allow the commissioners to net the stone al the iiuiury nnd use the city's rock crusher, with the understanding! that the ity should remove the water mains fro in the road nnd Improve the stretch from the rock crusher to the In tersection of I'ollotre nnd oak rtrcets. The agreement was accepted by the city and sinned by SI. I Keed, (', 1'. Vc.Ver and II. S. lilciin for the coun ty, and 1". SI. Miller, niavor, and M. W. laiheitKon, clerk, for the city. THIEF IS DETECTED BY ODOR OF PERFUME .Marlon SlacVloker, a yoiiiiK Scotch ifirl. and later discharged by a court, eslerday formally declined his ap pointment in tlie diplomatic service. Mis action relieves the state depart ment, officials say, of tome embar rassment. -olan with his father, who came here from t,hicat;o, conferred With actinic Acting Secretary AVilson and it was said there was a probability that President Taft mlRht be asked to de cide the ipiestion. loiter, however, the problem was solved by Nolan declin ing the iiptudntment. Mr. tialloway KIIIihI. . Information has just bei'n received here of the death in tihio of l'"itd Gitliowny, which occurred a few days apo. Mr. tJallowoy was 21 ycurs of ilse. It Is said that his dofith was due In tin accident on a train on which he was employed. The deceased was formerly a resident of Asheville anil was a nephew of J. W. Xeely of this city. While here he was employed by liie Southern railway. The body was taken tu llrevard for burin!. Salary lm i-casoil. The ptuplij nf Asheville will lie 111 leresliil in the information that the First Itaptist church of St. Joseph, Mo., uf which Ir. W. SI. Vines is pas tor, has inert used his salary by $r,o per year. T'M'Il'M.T'MvTiMlIT Visitor stop nt tlie Thnenlx Kuro. pian Hotel. Fine room, CO nd 75 rents. tf Stole train i icplovcr to Hip ir (ihi ihionuli V. i urn Dctistlves (iul i:iilcoic. Xev Vork, Hid. (i, -A lileasant odur of peifunie wsl'ted from most of the nood looking ulrU liviim on l'.ast i;ii;lity-seinth ttrtet led to the ar-i-esi of chaiies lleilly, a lituck clerk in a droir ftore. The sloli- T'ad tiei : tnisiiv pcr iiime s'to e l i t May nod li - week Id tci lice I'd rm I n ..ham was put op the ease. lie trailed Kellly and suj 8 he iiotaid that the clerk had a p'nisint odor. lie uotil'ed, ill 111.' cour-i cf fi w days, the same odor on nirls with whom Iteilly iissoi l.'teil, of whom there wi re many. , Ijist nil-ill he says lie saw a blilwe n Ihe clerk's pocket ami found three v"i buttles of "Mary Carden violette." In Keilly's room were $lini worth of nerfume, cold cream ami safety -HZom. "I iloirt net much money tn spend in ihe eirls,'' said the prisoner, who it ' r: .1 v,Hh j i'ind larceny, "so to r ' ' ! e.. ir; teiiil of t ikiiiK them to '" . l'.i- I in Kivini; them per- 'g.r.ion '.I'li'lHr)' Itcsluns. H ashiniiton, Kept. In. Harry F Nolan, recently appointed secretary to he leKiition at I'.mamn, who was re- ently arrested In New Vork with Ne- am. ilis-tin- I Praise This Remedy ,"' For Consumption If the Voluntarily written words of Krateful people, living In all partM of thi country, praislni; Feknum's Al terative." a remedy for the treatment oi couuhs, colds, throat nnd tuna troubles, are til be believed, this medi cine Is certainly doini; a vast amount of liood for sin h suiTi rvrs, We htate none but facts nnd nice to you the names and words of praise of those who declare it benefited them in many cas.s coupled wllh the writ it's statements that It restored thoin tu health. This Is a sample taken from many; St. Mary's Academy. O'Neill, braska. "Iciitlemen; About seven years 1 was attacked with the dreaded ease, Tuberculosis, I coiiuheil ccnsiiigly, could not sleep or eat, even could mil speak out loud and could do no work. I had three hemorrhages, raised blood most of. the time and suitered with nifcht sweats, fever and chills., A speeiMdst of Columbus, i ihio. pronounced my ens hopeless. "Nearly live years bko, I heard of your Alterative and procured sonip at once, with the result that 1 ooli found myself restored to health. For the past four years I have been irtde to continue my Jeachlnu and thoiiuh I have nhvays had heavy school work I am also able to perform much man ual labor. I cmvider your medicine. If faithfully taken, n most excellent reintidy for Consumption, , Mother Superior permits this testimonial." (SlKneil) SISTKU MA It IF. Histers of St. Francis, Kckman's Alterative Is effective in fsrnnchitls. Asthma. Hay Fever; Throat anil Lung Trouble and In up hiilhlinii the system. Tmcs not con tain poisons, opiates or hnblt-fornilng drus. For sale by all lending druK Kists. Ask for booklet tclllim of re covi rles and write to Kckman lnbor atory, I'hiladi lphla. I'a., for addition- I evidence. BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL DRESS GOODS Of the better qualities better because we sell for a very close margin for cash, with no book keeper -salary to pay, and no bad debts- to lose. WE SELL FOR CASH FOR LESS , llvnriettas, .Ti inches wid'v, black and colors, 50 ots. 40 inch all wool Ottoman cloth, black, navy, wine, $1 Corduroys :() inclies wide, white, purple, tan, $1; also a white corduroy for 50 eetits n yard. Manpower's ) Soil for Cash; Sells for Loss. IT 8. Slain. NOTICE. Notice is hurt-by Riven by Hie mayor and board of aldermen "f the city of Asheville, as reipilred by law, that the city eiiKineer has made n survey and tiled his report in the office nf the fit? clerk, showllii? the amount of wort done and the cost thereof In the mat ter of pnvInK and otherwise ImproviM! on Furman avenue, from the Inter section of r.aird street tu Hie Inter section of ColleBe street, and on Chestnut street from the Intersection or Furman avenue 154 feet west, la said city, and also snnwinit Ihe nnm ot each iihultinK owner thereon. th number of front feet of each lot ana the pro rata share of cot of u'n street Improvement to he usseasert ngnlnst ueh real estate. Anil notke Is hereby further KiVen that ut th first rc-Kulur meetiHK of h hoard of nldennen, to he held er the expiration of ten ! du.vx from this date, said hoard of lildermen win consider said report and If mi valid objMtloiiii he made thereto the K'me will he adopted nnd approved l y "n hoard and the liens and assessment of said board of said street Imple ment will then become complete na opcrnt've. Asheville, N. C Sept. I. W. VOl'MJ. ;i-i(,t city Cierk. ijy IXi' L-' iw T P W -S N J Jii .y V ' 1 i Jill mmm m site th TOMORROW nt- r P;T7 Made by the Vitnraph Company at Esmeralda Inn, near Asheville, Two Other Good Pictures.