iio Gczcltc-Ncwsl"' severe?1 rect,nt teet by ,he inva- schepps. hearing Zvtzizz Kews Pttlliilsj Co SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Aaheville and Blltmore. Ona Week ... Three Month Biz Months .. Twelve Months BT MAIL IN ADVANCE: Three Months Six Months ................. Twelve Months ....... 10c. fl.2 1 COO $1.00 i.co 4.00 Any matter offered (or publication tnat is not classified as news, glvingr uouc. or appealing for support of any entertainment or project where an ad mittance or other fee la charged, i aaverusing ana will be accepted at regular rates only. The same applies to cards or thank, obituary notices. political announcement and the like Xrtltltstltltltlttir t The Gasette-News is mem- st l Per of The Associated Press. i its telegraph news Is there, st i lore complete and reliable. 5 - st sntatBss:ttitiBiBiKstltKiti entered at the Postofflce In Ashevllle a second-class matter. Tuesday, September 24, 1912, THE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE'S ; ,: IHCTVM. "A man who votes the ticket from President to constable," is not the definition of a Democrat, and every member of the State executive com mittee knows It Is not In so far therefore as their recent dictum pur ports to define Democracy It Is an ab surdity. But of course it merely provides the qualifications for participation In a Democratic senatorial primary. As such it invades no one's right of cit izenship. The only question is as to sion of Mcaragua and the Issuance of the instruction pertaining thereto. The proposal that some measure be devised whereby the forest on Ml Mitchell may be preserved should en list the attention of all North Caro lina's conservationists. AH the argu ments In favor of watershed protec tion appiy nere. In addition, as la pointed out in an article published elsewhere, there , are strong senti mental and historical reason why this magnificent summit Bhould be pre served In Its primeval beauty. : This timber tract, like others, can be preserved without cost A timber tract can be made to produce revenue cviutwe favorable to the Ikvkt-r Defense Brought out at Hot Spring. HOI springs. Ark., Sept, 24. After a stormy day in which District Attor ney Whitman of New York was called a "liar" and a "shrimp," the hearing u ax-'eriain WW Sam Schepps told local persons concerning the Rosen thal murder case when he was held here as a witness, bfoueht out -h.i the defense claims Is Important tes timony. ; J ust before the hearing was re sumed last night John W. Hart, at torney for Police Lieutenant Charles Becker, announced he had found two witnesses who will swear r.Arr Yum Mud Hare Clares Made Siri. ll, aiioruinx to the Need of Vow Rma. There 1 only one way to Sod out what your eyes need. A thoroughly accurate axamlnarkni of your eyea. . . Classes made accordlnar to th. maria oi your eyes aa shown bT nnp thnr. ouglily accurate examination will help ivur ryes. Every pair of classes sunnlled hv m is oacaea hy endorsement nf hn tor wnom we have made glasses. UHAKLES H. HONESS Optometrist and Ontlrlan "PP. rostoffloe. S4 Patton Atr. wur ce-Klto Torle tenses are. Best. to state. without being destroyed, as is proved I ment made by Schepps, exculpating by those German municipalities whose tB!ker-w". Ia understood District At- revenues ro Arix, . .i I 7 :. ' .m ...ir.puse no oo- . u... .uu.x-e section to the Introduction of the wit maicau ui taxation. On learning that Col. . Roose velt was Quoted aa hnvinu said in effect that anyone support ing President Taft Is dishonest and not fit to associate with honest men, Uncle Lige remarked: "Whaffoh dat man want to be so mealy moufed? Ef he got anything agin' anybody whyn't he .come out and sesso?" SQUIBB 'S SPICES Absolutely, pure and packed In sifter-top canisters as follows. Black and Red Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger. Mustard, Allspice, Mace and Nutmeg. Everything; In drugs and seeds. Grant'g Pharmacy THE MARKETS It would probably be good business for the Hospital Sunday association to employ a man for a few weeks next year to canvass the churches and Sunday schools of the county In the Interest of the hospital collection. to leave the number on the car.' Oppose Flowers at Funerals. New Haven. Sent. 24. a You cannot eat your cake and have has just been started by the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Shanley. pastor of st ine Cuban government has been experimenting with that old maxim, nesses, uilbert Hogaboom. a political leader of Hot Springs, and Michael Berkholtz of Argenta. As a preliminary to the calling of the witnesses Mr. Hart L'av h district attorney copies of affidavits sworn to by Hogaboom and Berk holts. The affidavit of Hogaboom set forth: "Schepps said that he (Rosenthal) would turn on his best friend and that he ought to have been bumped off long' ago and would have if nnihin. had happened. He did not say what! Nw York, Sept 24. The tendency ... ,,tul.nt was. we said the at the opening of the stock market gamblers did not like him (Rosen- . " market thai) because he would turn on h"s '"" WM downr'1'. although re best frienda SchePDS further aaid ceMlon did not go beyond fractions. one big mistake that was made wapSome weakness was shown by Union Pacific, Northern Pacific, Reading, St. Paul and American Sugar. Coppers moved Irregularly. Further profit taking and more del termlned opposition on the part of the short Interests combined to Kive mantel an irregular undertone Little Benny's Note Book You dident kum in till wun o klook this moarning, ma sed to pop at brek- I fist this monrninv T wao ... ... its wisdom or unwisdom in point of say enythlng, but I herd the klock policy. strike awl rite. Yure sents of heerlng is reelv ree- markibil, sed pop, thare must be sum ex-1 Indlun hind in vn ,.n tension of the oldfe Idea 'of 'political I look at the rubblr plant' I thawt it machine control of the individual at was H'n(f to dee and now I deeklare a time when there is almost univ.ri "s J no leev awn it It is in effect a sort of general read ing out of the party. It is an Peters Roman Catholic church in I the Danbury, which has been Indorsed by (during today's early session. Trading the leading Catholic clergy of this as again fairly large, approaches prK. me inaiura oi senainiMvv.uuv snares m the first hour, but unerais. mucn or the business was transact Dr. Shanley not only issued an or- ed at price concessions. Reading der prohibiting the carrying of flow, which was airain ,.!.,, r,. " ers Into the church but has announced the only leading Issue tojvary a full that In the future no flowers would point, but Union Pacific yielded sub be admitted into any Catholic ceme- stantlal fraction. Stee preferred Coin tery over which he has snv liiriadio. rado Pni - , ' ' . - -. . . m. sivi?ihhihs rose l,Un lone trt tt-rt rvr.ln.- . ... t, . ii i v fuiuis. Afiuainud leu lili. some time ago Dr. Shanley started I runtlv h,v.tKP?1'Kn, hJ9 PaH8h aKalnst thp ray'8 dividend meeting. Call money lavish dlftnlav nf flnwKc I r . . VH" i""t, v.. m. v-iuiiuui; nriu iu d per cent Ijefore nnun funerals. He took the ground that it were steady. n " uiiuiTL'pssary exnenuiture nnrt I Inw. """"u in narasniD to mtnv lumuies or nis parish. No For Outdoor Wear We have a splendid ladies shoe in Russia tan leather, low heel, . laee model, and high heel button 'model, in the new October styles ideal for : street and general wear. ; PRICED $o.00. ' . Brown-Miller Shoe Co. Leaden in Fine Footwear 47 Patton Arena Pbone Tit. ! TAKE ANY aticl, ;"in OURST0C2 and each'is the lost of its kind. The price von tt;n V , ages 10 per-cent less than, credit hnnQ rw aver- buy for cash and so must vou. , ..fause I Money back if you wish, is guarantee OF quality and MH i.. -t a iikx riiui BAMTf ABBEVILLE, N. C. 41 Cspit&I m irifitrwiw Burplus and Profits .: ....,.$100,000 ...... L$ioo,ooo, omcEM T. O. Cows, Prwident. . JT. . O- Bwldn, Ast Erwln 61nder, VlccPrm. tllllCllililllllll------. VWMf I ALLISON'S Drug Stored 43 Patton Ave. "A Good Drag Store.'? IN EVERY DETAIL OF ITS - SERVICE, 1 whetheT large or small, the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO aim to meet satisfactorily the individual required of its customers, v a . , , You are cordially Invited to caU and consult onr oBh er. "j lR your llnanclal affairs. Urns socoring riffloicnt co-orJ, Wfi?1 rt personal service at all times. The m't lihT " nd au in keeping U. sound rruJnTmeU. ers. r,-nll.s .1 . ?. 8 eitcuaed to our Caslnm- CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY soutn v&ck Square. Honda was 'he feature nf thl puurinonn nour on news of an lnr l were nermlftort t a, .1 I ""'"fiiu irom du to 75 . cm o uiurni I cenis. rne stork rnu. i?i I , " "",:.:r " ' . .. . at funerals, but the narishlnn.r. .; .-- ZTUSe. lo. .' mo" protest against this method of achiev- wat vou i? them still continued t. h.V . .i',rT" f" 1 Thf inir nnHtin.l , t. ... .. .m.,.',,. "- . "' B,,u at the funeral nH t !.,. .u I . I . . " 10 re- r .un ik ULLVII1PIS IO "'"III ILS IO Dfttl. nfflr mat Hot Blast Heaters hind me vuier nana and foot at n time when voters are thinking for themselves and demanding liberty. ised me, to. Its my opinion that th -mM.!,. plant is the hardiest of Dlanta. H I POD. if men hnil in . oa 1..... Party ties still hold. The majority out a drink as rubbir nlnt wm" of the voters in North Carolina like I hafr t0- "eny of them wood dye and to call themselves Democrats But wooaent he fit to live with. here is the committee ,mi,'. "T &m 1 tryln to br"K Benny arbitrary ruleof test, failing which, the voter is given to understand that he is not a Democrat and is refused permission to participate In a Demo I cratlc primary what step could par ty leadership take more surely de signed to alienate voters from the party, to loosen the real bounds of party fealty? oui wnat nas a general election to do with a party primary, anyway? To whom must the voter report how he votes, who can demand an ac counting save his Miker and his con science? Why this act to emphasize the crude manner In which we hold elections in this state, when all about us they have the protected ballot, wherein the voter makes his selec tion of the officers that are to gov ern him unhampered, uninfluenced; and In such manner as to preclude bribery or the temptation to corrup tion ? We give the members of the exec utive committee the credit of the be lief that none of them approves, en tirely, of what, collectively, they have done under the force of plainly awk ward circumstances. at the f..nrl H . 1 "l lne . iu irne I iirrn u 11. isnnnri ttia t 1 II.iIa th- 1 w IT"" raC'HlC iiiuiiii uurinv ine core i nhnw nv h,.!-,. Heart Beats by Wire. .y ioaay at a decline of 4 to 5 point under . , .llauldatlon. h,i... Cambridge, Mass.. Sent, it a a-, selling and a little local nrAuii.. in. vice to enable physicians to keep in 8D,red by lower cables than due and Burn Less Fuel, rrivo mnrp and Reading! J 1. .1. i. -r . ncui unu tasi ioniser, ijet us iwton Sonunvhat Iiun lyhnw vim ucpi. Lonon open- 2weetsSlecn VUUU1 DONALD & DONALD US. Main Se. Phone 441. touch with a patients pulse though he be miles away is on trial at the Harvard Medical school, A similar device has been employed In the Lon don Medical college. After electrical connections have been made the patient's hand is placed in a solution of warm it water, and electric currents from the lowest nana are carried by wires to an Birumeni which records the beats. reporis mat tne gulf storm had not been accompanied by damaging winds. Prices Bold about 7 to 8 points net lower shortly after the call, but met considerable demand at this de cline and after the publication of the wpsiern neit roret astf the steadied up 4 oi 5 Dointa fm , FOE SALE in- 121 acres of land for sale, good nouse and barn, 50 acres of level hot iom on the farm, stutlon on the place. Price 16000. Phnna 91. Win- mantel i chance for a good farm. , K. I. HALL 32 Patton Ave. Failure of unfavorable heart I elt forecast to stimulate more ae- I tlv demand nnnin0A . . F R,i. vP OMlble' Perry of bear pressure late in the morning ; . v ' , ,'ny expert of Harvard, al Prices fell off 11 to 7 points, with for a physician to note the heart beat October relatively easy under llnnirt. m.t'.Wh0 hU"d ' n'xnt Vd.r' , """'A" hy the day: CHALMERS CARS FOR HIRE 5 or 7 Passenger. Elegant cars, careful drivers. Get Special atten- rriuay. l ovarlno- rhiri .u.l.i . . : I - STRAINING THE GOOD WILL OF SOUTHERN REPVBUCS. hL'" B.m?rrU 'tmusfeer and you kum .... iring or poklr chips. ow you do th v...ui injustlss. sed pop. the poklr c ha", absllootly no odof and I have awl- .0U. "eedent try to vd. the kwes- I. ku ma, Im not, my deer. t , Justlss for awl, not evin exkloodin. ine retiring and sensertive i Chip. 1 Thata rUa . .. k..m ho ouu' ea a, . t wun o Klock in th. "Dying" Suffragist Revives. Duhlln. Sept 24. Miss Mary Leigh, who was released from Mount Jtoy Prison because she was too 111 to be sept there any lona-er mvpdit.. ... noted physicians, is not too sick to Plan for a resumption of violence. She sent a letter to a suffragette meeting here in which she announced Mr. A, f'HOW Prta"er In the jail, Mrs. Gladys Evans, was not released aays sne (Miss Leigh) would decline Just before midday and de tailed weather reports showing heavy , k.-v.f.11,uh m me eastern belt helped a rally of or 4 tw.in. t. the lowest. Spot was steady, mid up lands 11.80 nominal. , ' HENDERSON MARTIN Day Hione S28. Nlgth Phono S8S. r World ; OTCffigEDS Beds 5 anyjcid,can STOCKS. Atchison ... ... mw. iocomotive 4gj Amer. Smelting g 7 a Atlantic Coast Line....'. 143J Open Close. 10J 109 led an assault on Mount 3o; prUon ' InlzS ' . Un 1431 when "the issue would only be aVVldad y" Rap'd Trnsl-. l lg by victory or death oeciaed Baltimore 4k Ohio log unrnAjqisklltriWir to 27( 46 871 1441 109J 0I 2778 H. SEIGLE ' Low Price Groceries. It will be to your interest to investigate our prices. 54 "VVoodfin St Phone 428 Big- Shipment just in CASH OR CREDIT J L. Smathers Sons Mammoth Furniture Ktore 15.17 N. Main SU A genuine, T&lue-givin ip eclaJ gale" ihonld make a host of NEW FRIEND3 for a store. But a ipedal tale hu no ii rertising of fact nnlesi it is effectively advertised of count The Instruction Issued by the State department outlining its policv in Central America, with especial refer- n?oarnlne reeking of poklr chips and ence tn mi.... . , . . I'hen joak about It. f u with th. SUte department, showed Jakr mattlr d $ ? kon-.d"? the Inflamed and alarmed temper of L 8 ar entn"aytlng serkumstanses Central America as a result of the TH? With mr tting In the iTnii..i o.. . . . aa me ainsnenta . aetermination to In-1 press It terven. when it is deemed necessary Thare can be no extenuaytlng " """"i ot "oraerly and aa. I " wen it kum tablished government - o...v poK,r' ma, and promised me, to. ' I a lnurnrnq tmi to lx- Amal. Copper Canadian Pacific M V .- - ... , f-emnu,,,,,,, 1171 Colorado Fuel ft Iron.... 381 40 vnesapease Ohio.,... Ill Erie ' Consolidated Gas "" Great Northern pfd . . . Illinois Central ....... Mo.. Kans. A Tex Louisville A Nashville. national Lead . , ., Missouri Pacific Norfolk Wtstera.,,.''. Northern Pacific ....... 12 ji People'a Gas Pennsylvania 1411 111 10J ser- to playing aftlr wat you government." How South - "Tru me latest effort of I May be not m. . ' . Acting Secrotary Wilson ,. Indicated I b"t I kdnsldlred th- fliT.0!l. . oy a cartoon nubllaharf D IIS do lira an !. xjutf ritiH i Ttanne. at 8unni Ayres in Caras y Caretas, the most Important weekly published in South America, which, according to a rable 'represents" Uncle Sam as a spider - ",,r" represented by Nica ragua, Mexico and other republics, while Argentina. Brasll and Chill and beside battleships, saying- 'If w. don't hold together we also .hall oYagged within the web.'- .. mib lacat mat I wun extenuaytlng serkum- O, Sed ma. Of knraa T uai a man awt to have a llttil Plessure wu In a wile, let m. U. "a IV. ' General Camp iaptnred. 10 re?.. Ar'f" Pl- On. of th 10 rebels captqred by deputy sheriffs r.. " " . J" m'e eouth of Idan, ly- ha ben Positively ? E-nlIlo,Cmp the rebel It Is an unfortun. . k... "'. na- fr"" of Cam- , " -""-cMuence oi Mexican general adtnitii th- latest deveiopmenu of th. Mon- "tjr "n(1 iri roe doctrine that the United lute. 6 "'"" forever Involved with those countries TlTPrTMr a-n .JZZZT o the s.JUth who., friendship wouid ZZtJ0 0T3 ' -ueh a valuable saaet frora th. lc, Z ommerclal viewpoint alona. yroD hVmZSJP?? 00th,n l i- iu ji pint 01 th! uonar diplomacy- I. far-1 " 'U' " h,Kh" riM that any (h SiVK idleuK sum . So Ulm oil mtls Jbrcd i .ilttjp of ourCjffd arb vii rim i I V" SliVJL laibtuK Sum Ci S": ,"J - aaV w nai a. - tm a1 irnna 1HIUUU II I fl t Hi .0 . ' Readln, . Ill . " 171 Amer. Bugar Refining I Southern Pacific . . . . 1st. Paul Southern Railway Southern Railwav . I Tennessee Copper .. "" "gl I'nlon Pacific ' 7 112 108 til SI! 171 1471 121 1301 164 0 431 1171 130 117 125 281 174 1M 1121 lost I 111 8S1 tuur verv III i- iK- a. , . . jmnoisi nands now ''-ling mtllm , hi. ' department re . no , affrm thst nt ' ' 1 not Kvern th. routes of Ilu.t Itln-Amerla will buy in ! . ...t and se.l In th. d.-an-nt ti-.tlihHtnndlnif ,.lltltt dlf- O'h.-r thin,,. J.nf W)lulK ' !'l -f Hie ..,,ih..rn re : '''- " l'MM.rtn,.a t ..l. -1- Vr. ch!I1r t..thlnf- hu oth.r follows m th. 'fooff.p, lh:' B, Wln.lov-S so it kaa arona o. Fwio4 it for t. r ' ' ri Flo" 11 i V f '1 lIIS ii one of the threat a cries of anonymous letters received Ij Robert Cameron. Tne letters prominent part m a MsBBBSBBslaSBBlBalBBBBSsl Sable Lorcha tle new ftuj we are stout to r nuL You'3 f a j it tn unutuaHj fa. looting jilerj story. r rr. z to rr.o rr NEW YORK COTTOir. I September . , October . .. iJecemlwr .. January ... "rrh ... .. Spot 11.75. Opea Close. 1 1.19 I 1127 11.28 ll&l 11. S 11.50 11.51 11.14 I ilffiiW ?ret finings . ' oJRedJern Corsets ftedforn Superior goning in tha Corsaty ffha famous Designer has Snprotcd this Const lOondzrjul Putting Out a Fir, WFian l.ln. . . . uJU, lu pul oul a nft i.. ttcr that on .-allon of water at m. Dottom or tha U.xe will do mora to put It out th.n Un iralioo. at the top. nay low It the motto to follow while "u,,g nr.. A rew gnllons at the bofc torn of the Barnes will rle In clouds of mr. wnen th Br, j, rU,nf lit r w blal on the It-ewsrd " rearTul, bnt me wster on the bottt toe windward side lsz on th. leewsrd fl tnt plsy low with ttom of the Cre on J nd yoo htT. th. J Hungsry's Potitoaa. ft"T . : Tlie Tletlforn Corset np,K?nls to the woman who wants qual ity regardless of price. Al though not an expensive cor set by any means, it combines all the good points that can be desired in perfect corseting. The new boning nllnwa n fmo. dom of movement not obtainable in the ordinary corset. It gives that jrfect grace of iiguro so much wanted by fashionable dressers. ' Our Corsetiere has built up n large clinlcle bv her exiK-rt fittings of Kedfcrn Corsets. Won't you come in today and let her fit you in one of the sty lish new Fall Models," just in? An investment where by you improve your pcrrona! appearance from fit) to 100 per cent is worth investigating. Redfern Corsets, many new mod els, arc priced at $3.50 to $10. Warner Corcetr., . " ' ! our leader in the popnhr ,1 . . 14 - - for JfHT is ;;,, I, J t 1 J ) .., I T rr. I CJ to ;'3 -:r. lv.

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