ASHEVILLE 0A22TT2-1: v Don't smoke through mere habit! Chew mouth-refreshing cz2szz first! Now light up! Notice how clear your throat is taste the better r flavor of your tobacco. Keep ;the beneficial morsels in yourpocket. Give f regular; help to palate, breath, teeth to appetite, nerves and digestion. BOXi BUY IT BY THE of any dealer. It costs little by the package but less by the box. LookJor the spear The flavor lasts rti LT. S. Department of Agriculture. t0, WEATHER BUREAU. 5 V Jiy WILLIS L. MOORE. Chief. 510 I '. ,C....0f AS'V- v .hi n ,1 m .. ;n 1 ri ;Y3 W I Y-.-' .' hi. I v ?sp ; ( ,Wl ..p: . i i r"i f V . U8 43 ASHIVILLI, N. 0. Sept., 25, 1912. EXPLANATORY MOTES. or tl" w'eur"e l5Kh.rir,ri5nV,i!V7."-. fr?aT? rdS ed 1 ,M '"d" ,inh"f!, (contlntioo lines) throng!. Wat. r,7 lLi'rl,iU;- '"er"s luel linei.) piuwthrough poiuu of equal temperature; dnwa ouly for ier. frewing. W. ualu. ,iLT P1,"",c,"'""': ttoud': "I": mlln. Arrow, flywitbiho wind. F1rt deurw. trmpermtttre; ttcoii(i. prwlpliutlon of .01 imh or mora tor ymfit houra; third, maximum wind velocity. t"'"Diii, MEDICAL MEN TELL OF WORK! (Continued from patfc one.) Kiu-pona, who sacritlocd their lives in tho work, have been produced for the mtvst part by Huropeann, more partic ularly tn Germany. Austria, France hinl Switxerland. Aside from the new illnruvcries by Dr. Hrieirer many more will be disclosed this week by other foreign Hiiecialtsta. but several of equal if not ureater Importance are being laid before thp world by Amcri cans partlcipatinfr in the eontfress. While many medical universities Rre repiTsented, the lead Is perhaps taken by the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital service, officials of which have been worktnsr for years on certain lines in order to cope with diseases On which they are specialising;. Two of the officials, Irs. Joseph Holdberirer and John fV Anderson, announced two important discoveries which they have made Jointly at the (peninK pension of the section on lUKlene microbiology and pnrnsltoloBj of which Pror. Theobold Smith of the Harvard Medical school Is president and Prof. William H. Park of the' New York health department Is vice presi dent In a joint paper they announced that the parasite pediculns vestimenti L the least known vnrrler and per- hiios the irreatest of nil carriers of typhus fever. They Btiulled their nu lience by announcing that their in vestiKatlons Just completed have d ! closed nearly 300 cases of typhus in New York alone, all traceable to this cause. There are also runny a mrne number of such cases in t'hlcano, Philadelphia. Baltimore and ashlim- tn-in fact In every city where they have made investigations. This announcemcut Wiis siirprtslnit to the medical world, since It was thought that typhus had not Visited America for some years. Monkeys Sonne of Minnie. Another Important discovery made by them is that the monkey is one of the lending carriers of measles. "If you don't want measles keep away from the monkey cnKe," was their motto. They exploded the old theory that the conUiKion is carried by scales, de claring the Rerms are transferred only through nose and mouth secretions. Only, persons comlnK in close contact with a patient may contract the dis ease in this way. ; When a monkey sneezes, which he does frequently when he has the measles, beware, for he throws off mlllionB of germs into the crowd about his caKe. : They said that former attempts to infect animals with measles in order to study the disease had failed so completely that It was thouKht the Kerm was harmless to the lower ani mals. The peculiar ailment of moni keys In the New York oo attracted their attention and measles scale's were found. While ndults are subject to measles, the disease is confined almost wholly to '.children, who are most easily In fected. Tho greatest ilansrer of infec tion, it was declared, Is in the earMrr stum of the disease, when Slieerinj? and cuuKhiiiff are more common. In that stane the disease Is . com niiinicat.Hj through drinking cups, entniK dishes,' Ac, T!iis accounts for Jlie epidemic of mea!e In Schools. These epidemics ciwfc he. prevented to some extent by pluclne a sponae or sainruted cloth- over the nose and month of the patient and taking prop er care of handkerchiefs and drink iim and eating utensils, Can't Kind Meaalea fitTiii. I'reyentinK epidemic entirely tg not likely, since many elites are delevoped in school and the ' fiatient continues clrnilat -nsr with other children and members of the family until It Is Cora- pelled to ,t:ilte; to 1ml, with the re ispltiint fevr. The measles Kcrm Is so siniill that it cannot be found, be- li;K able to pa- throUKh the pores of n borcelnln filter. SlieakliiB of the surprising appear ance or typhus, the public health doe tors said it ha been found only in a mild form bo far, hut "mild forms of disease have a habit of becoming ma lignant on the least provocation. The best preventive Is cleanliness." ' It was said thut typhus fever Is one of the six diseases that the I'ntt ed States Kovernment considers so dangerous that special quarantine reg ulations have tfen imposed against them. It Is a poor man's disease, however, and mostly invades crowded and unsanitary habitations. So far peduculus vestimenti appears to he the only insect that carries thta disease, although the fly has been under suspicion. r?,,;, , - -- t7e3nesday?Sep21in I IWItY-IMHll SALE NOW GOING ON Peerless-Fashion 51 Patton Ave. Unusual Bargains Are Offered HIE Mi i Si f At!h,vl" 67 . 80 A,h,"" , 70 82 v"t-sl 70 M t' UUiiiore . . ., 04 HVfinehsm in M ' "' ' ..72 6 ' S -"SI ....... ..I. ... R)j f,,, B I ... ... i .... 2 """'Itl'. . ..' 74 SO ' R0 8)1 " S 2 " 3 70 71 ltd ' v lis ss 'V'" i if ;,f y-i Wlttnlnuton 70 stf iVorulal for thia date: Temperature i)2 degrees. Precipitation .08 Inch. I'"orec Hls until 8 p. m. Thursday for Ashevllle and vicinity: Cnwttied weather, probably showers tonight or Thursday. , , for North Carolina: Unsettled weather, probub'y showers In extreme west portion tonight or Thnrsday, light to moderate west wlmK (enernl CondilbMiM (Pit 21 liour-1. The storm that was over Colorado Tuerdiiv morning has moved north eastward to the western lke region and Its movement has been trttended by general ruins In the northern Plains states, the upper and central peJon Of the MlKslwdnpl vnlley, and (n the Luke region. The pressure has risen rapidly In the rear of this storm nnd the weather Is much colder with r:-ft-.liiK temperature In I'oU. ratio, K i. riHHrt. M inn.--.rtn. South tutkota, Ne buml.a, VomlnH and rtah. Heavy r in- are r.-pm led In the mbblbi At l''lie Stilt". f,.lle hi-ivv I.;.- t.lMi;. It ( li. I, h.M b., , I..., it ,e ' I ! " llll' I I .. , f,1P 4.1::.!. weather Is Indlcl.teil for this vlclrflty and probably showers tonight or Thursday. T, R. TAYUIR. " .' ' " . , OIerver. CASTOR I A , For Infant and Children. Tta Ihi YcaK:T3.!::;5 r: ;f.t Beam the yT "" " ' Blgntr of Ca.J'u Kasj- payments on memberships In the V. M. C. A. by joining this week. .''':. '' ' '!' - ' ., t. Citlliolie t'onfcri'iiof- (ItiMllig. Washington, Hept. Modern treatment of Inebriety and the rare of dependent and delinquent children were among t h subject!' seheduli d for iliHi iisKlon at the (ln.l geanlon of the National conference or Catholic churl. Ih s here IniblV. 'I'. the mm New York, Sept., 25. Considerable activity nnd an Irregular undertone marked the opening; dealing In the stock exchange this morning. Oreat Northern ore nnd Western Maryland were up n point, with fractional ad vances in some specialties. Reading, (Jreat Northern. Lehigh Velley and Atchison were fractionally lower. Realising continued in Its leading Issues, with the continuance of yes terday's brisk inquiry for low-priced metal stock. Including P.ethlehem steel and lend. After some hesita tion, Mock continued to advance, al though the movement was largely In j litihetrlcls and specialties. Coppers rc well to the fore. Reading. Colon Piiclhc and H!ll t-hnn-s reflected fur ther realizing cuh-M. .Steel, which made up a large part cf the 250.000 shares i;obl In the Hrt hour, yielded a ftilsiintial fraction of lis price of the year. Call money opened at 5 per cent. Honda were steady. I urge buying orders wi re distribut ed In important stocks at midday and the eiilb-e imirket moved upward In timorous fashion. Union Pacific cross in iTS. Cotton Market ViimHII. iI. . Nw York. Hept. 25. Cotton opened sternly today rt a decline of S points 1 t an advance ot 2 points, with near I months relatively easy under scatter-1 Ing llquldai 'on. Khii'tiiutlon vr ' rather Irregular right after the . ,,n. but leporls of very cold "weather In the western belt and predictions ot still lower temperatures tinltlit caused a spurt of covering, pn which pilcea went 4 to "x points nei higher. I tllerlm.'.! In. tenlled i,n Ihe iHKatli e I. I t I I ! . t ( I .H $19.50 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at -. ... ft. $22.50 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at J-J $23.00 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at " 2 $29.50 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at . . ' - jfr, $.'52.50 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits nt ZiAi $35.00 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at ItAl $42.50 Ladies' and Misses' Fall Suits at ' '....".".' !$29 89 "When you see our new Ladies' and Misses Fall Coats you will buy here. An elegant array of New Evening Gowns, Street Dresses' at astoundSnn- low prices. Tempting reduction of all our high-grade Ladies' Muslin Underwear. --fi, TTTT . i i.ii m nu ui I,, the morning, owing to conflicting rn mors ns to the probable showing of the condition report of the National dinners' association. Prices nt mid day, however, were fairly steady and from I to a points net higher. Spot was .quiet, middling uplands 11.75 nominal. STOCR8. Open. Close. Atchison ... ... ....... 108 .' 109 Amir. Locomotive ...... 46J 40 Amer. Smelting ........ 88 89J Atlantic Coast Line..,.. .... 144 Mrooklyn Rapid Transit.; .... !H g Baltimore & Ohio ...... . .... 109 Amal. Copper ......... . 91 on Canadian Pacllic ....... 277 J 278. N". Y. Central ......... , .... 117 Colorado Fuel & Iron... 40 41 Chesapeake & Ohio.,... 82 813 Erie 3T, Consolidated tins ...... . 1 47 J 14RJ ("Jreat Northern pfd.. ... 142 14 lj Mo., Knns. Tex........ .... :t()J Louisville ft Nashville. . . . . , . 13'( National lyond ......... ft 1 fi Missouri Pacific ..... 43J 43 Norfolk & Western ..... 117t 117 Northern Pacitic 130J 1201 People's Una ........... .... 117 Pennsylvania ... ....... 125 125 Hock Island ... . ... jsj 2 m Rock Island pfd..... . R5 ,W,I Reading . 1733 n2J Amer. Kugar Hclinlng. . . , . . . 1281 Southern Pacilk" . , . ; . ,,. , , , , JJ3I St. Paul imi Southern Railway ...... S1J 31 Southern Railway pfd . . . sr,j sr,J Tenmwseo Copper ...... 47J 4i Cnioti Pacllic .......... 1744 17H V. S. Steel 7x 77, U. S. Kteel pfd u 5 Utah Copper ..v........ 67J SKi Wahash ... ; 4 i Wabash pfd , j 4 j njj NEW YORK COTTON, Onnn fins September ... n.23 n 25 Octolrer ... , 11.8S 11.23 December ... . 11.55 u.r,,-, January ... n,49 1IB3 M,,riI ...... 11.87 Kpot 11.7.1. -. . The Falace MOTION PICTURES PROGRAM FOR TODAY liiiby Hands Drama Tliaiilinuser. Kide to Death ; . .: .. )raina The Higher Thought Drama Majestic Three New Heels Each Day. Send your children, jUaby. carriage garage in lobby. Open for 2 to 11 o'clock. , Admission 5 cts. from 2 to 7; 7 to 11, 3 wid 10 (Is. ' r - - - RICH MAN TO MARRY v SISTER'S SECRETARY New York, Sept. 23. Townsend I-swrenee, jneniber of the New Vork Stock exchntige, member of many clutj, golfer and avion of one of Umg Island's oldest . families. Is to marry Miss Hermlnla Harnea, social secretary and aompanion to his sister, Miss Anita Lnwrenee. The story leading up to the engagement ts full of ro mance. At the Lawrence homw-lead It wua said that arrangements are now be ing made for the wedding, but the date decided upon could not be learned. 'Every man and boy In Ashevllle should be In the VVM. XI A, Join to- day. 2t Wonderful Men, Young M"en and Youth's will profit by Hit ex traordinary yMirchase; not odds ami ends; not a job lot or left over stock, hut all new, fresh, crisp suits, just from the manufacturer to us. Come and investigate." "We'll not stale here their real values. We'll let yon be the judge. , ...... , Sale Pripe 09.80 See Window Display ASHtVILLf, ht.C. I MMIMMMb, Establishetl 1887. 1 90 INCH LINEN SHEETINGS at $1.00 Yard. Some bargain that, but there are similar liar gains nil over the Ktore. EVERYTHING NEW Ami everything closely priced 'cause we sell for cash and KNOW we lose nothing. . A great showing of 27 inch Oinghiims in checks, stripes, plaids and solid colors. p 10 tr.l 12 l-2c a yard. ii.'."r.'"Dvcr'5 17 k. It Pays to Advertise' N Use an Electric L hi b; ' ii it . r W t 4 ft, n t i-l..ii. i-r t the Y. M. r - !--r tt I'll 1,:,,', !;.) i