The Gazette-News PCBLISHED BY ETeEiug Newt Pufcliihiif Co ASnETILLE, If. C. TTTT. ASTTr.TTTJ.T. n7TTTir. "" " W1" be " in mini! I yet, ha claimed one victim boy 1 .,. sprang rrom me main propo- yearn old. "What with football, hai SrBSCRIPTIOX RATES: Ashevllle and Biltmora. On Week loe. Three Monthi 8IX Month ... Twelve Month .... BY MAIL IX ADVANCE: Three Month , Six Month . Twelve Monthi .$1.25 . 1.60 . 1.00 1.00 i I.CO 4.00 Any matter offered for publication that ! not classified aa news, giving uotlce or appealing for support of any entertainment or project where an ad mittance or other fee la charged, la advertising and will be accepted at regular rate only. The same applies to card of thank, obituary notices, political announcement and the like. iittrtitititRitititx: l The Oasette-News la mem- t bar of The Associated Preea. at t Its telegraph new la there at t for complete and reliable. at at Catered at the Postofflce in Ashevllle aa aecond-clasa matter. Wednesday, Sept., 25, 1912. sition upon which Mr. Kitchin is baa ing hla campaign that Senator Sim mons la no Democrat. Whatever In ,1 ! ...... I ... . , . . . u.Auaiiun me inaiviauai voter may feel on account of this drastic rule he should bear In mind that the respon slbillty for It lies at the door of M Kitchin's friends. KITCHIN FORCES STARTED IT. The , Charlotte Observer review : some recent history. July 13, E. L. Harris of Raleigh one of Governor Kitchin's "job hold er and pass toters, saw proper to propound two questions to The Ob server, to-wit: " '1. If a man should this fall vote the national Republican electoral ticket, and the State, congressional and county Democratic tickets, would he or would he not. In your opinion be entitled, under these rules, to vote In the Democratic primary for Sena tor? . " '2. If a man should this fall vote no national electoral ticket, but should vote the State, congressional and coun ty Democratic tickets, would be or would he not, in your opinion, be en titled, under these rules, to vote in the Democratic primary for Sena tor?" And demanded an answer. To the first, the Observer answered, "No." To the second, "Yes." "Half an hour or so after the Observer reached Ral eighHarris and the Governor no doubt waiting for the train to come in" Governor Kitchin sent a telegram to State Chairman Webb, at Asheville, demanding that he at once call the committee together In the Interests of sound Democracy, for the purpose of , giving a plain and definite construc tion of the words "Democratic ticket." The Governor gave as his reason that "The Charlotte Observer has declared editorially that a voter who declines to vote for the Democratic national ticket Is entitled to vote In the Demo crane primary for Senator." "The Kitchin papers followed this up by a great hue and cry, roundly denounc ing both Mr. Webb and the majority members of the committee as cop- splrators," says the Observer. "Mr. Webb made a gentlemanly an awer and agreed to call the commit tee in August. Meanwhile, however. the howl for this meeting subsided The Kitchin managers had heard few things and were willing for the meeting not to be held at all, AX ADVERTISER OF SOAP. Ordinarily the paradox is a pleaslne thing. Frequently It benefits others than candidates for public office to prove that white Is black or, more commonly, that black is white. Some times the true meaning Is revealed with a suddenness which furnishes a satisfying shock to the mentality and n other cast9 the powers of reasoning which might otherwise suffer from disuse are afforded beneficial exercise and exertion in seeking the hidden trutn. However, when Sir Thomas Oliver, F. R. C. P., professor of the practice of medicine. University of Durham college and physician to the Royal Victoria college, informed the congress of hygiene and demography that the dust, grime, soot, smut, smoke and fumes seeming inseparable from our progression In trade and manufac turing makes for cleanliness he put himself decidedly on the defensive and his defense Is not happy. Says Sir Thomas: In trying to combat their begrim ing effects we have become a well washed people. The dispersion of these waste products has led to the manufacture and use of soap In pro portions hitherto unparalleled In the nistory or man, while these again have indirectly added to employment. weann ana neaith. Blessed with stock In no soap fac tory or laundry, having no monopoly on North Fork water and beyond the reach , of any enactment for smoke consumers we are not moved to kind ness toward the astute Sir Thomas by this ghastly reasoning. In fact his utterances read suspiciously like the emonatlons of an agent for " soap, the greatest ever compounded, gentlemen, and a sure cure for bald ness and bunions," or the sophistry of a corporation lawyer confounding a broup of blear-eyed suffocating citi zens before a common council. Ing and other things, the parents of boys who have gone off to school hav a pretty uncomfortable time of it. The President gives it out aa his opinion that the nominee of the Be publican party will be elected Presi dent this fall. Wonder what news papers they take at the White House This is the harvest moon' season and Cupid expects to get a lot of his fall harvesting done. The enthusiastic admirers of Colo nel Roosevelt can hardly- wait for next Tuesday. V Another halt In the progress of pro pressive Jim Smith. Sad Affair That Ended Hannllv. WHENEVER he can be prevail- vv : Vcl:::,!qy Cett.. 23, 1312. fo Must Haw Gtamc Made BWolyf Your Ere. Thera la only one way to And out wnai your eye need. A thoroaghly accurate examination oi yonr eye. Glaasca made acrordtna to th. nml. yonr eyea as shown by our trior onghly accurate examination will help four eyea. Every pair of alasaea aunDlled b la oackea by endorsement of those tor wnom we have made glasses. UtfAKLES H. HONESS Optometrist and Ontlclan. 'PP. roatofftoe, S4 Pattort Ave. var l e-Kite Torlc Lensee are Beat. SQUIBB'S SPICES Absolutely pure and packed in sifter-top canisters a follows. Black and Red Pepper, Cinna mon. Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Allspice, Mace and Nutmeg. Every thing In drugs and seeds. ' Grant! Pharmacy 8,000 acres Including this v-ry timber as soia only It months airo for 112 per acre, land and all. If anything is done bv anv mihllr authority to preserve any part of the .m. amcneii forest or any other of similar character quick action will hp required as the prices now urn nhnn.t prohibitive. S. MONTGOMERY SMITH. Ashevllle, Sept 25, '12. Join the V. M. C. A. today. 2t THE XEW MONEY. You want to be careful not to change a $10,000 bill with the por trait of Geonre Washin irtnn nr Thomas Jefferson on It There- will be a separate portrait for each 6e- nomination, as follows: The face of George WTashington will appear the SI bills; Thomas Jefferson on th $2 bills; Abraham Lincoln on the $5 Grover Cleveland on the $10; Alexan der Hamilton, $20; Andrew Jackson $50; Benjamin Franklin, $100; John Marshall, $500; Henry Clay, $1000 ana u. S. Grant $10,000. All of the bills of the same denomination, under the new plan, will bear the facea of the same men. Officials at the treas ury department admit that the most dangerous form of counterfeiting is bill raising. By having bills of the same denomination bear the same portrait It would be impossible for any one to add another cipher to ju mil ana pass It as a $100 bill. Another plan of the treasury depart ment to check counterfeiting is to have the backa of the bills alike. ed upon to talk Adjutant Bouters of the Salvation rmy can relate many interesting things in connection with his work. Many times the workers have been able to right wrongs. This morning e told of a 6a d affair that ended hau- plly a woman who was badly treated ut who is now. through the efforts of the Army, well and comfortahlv situated. : About two years ago. - he beeun. there was a couple with two small children. The husband owned a small acht at Charleston. This vacht wan lost in a storm and the family wna left destitute. In Charleston thev met with a representative of the American " Yestldday aftir suppir I stuck my taJrhtl0.1. Army' an or8anlzatln nngh-s In the appel pie wen ' thawt no- which the adjutant anys exists only ,,..,, . ' ' f . " 11 no for the purpose of collecting money, ' oMng, pop looking wlth- and Is often confused with the real out "m noln It. umi he sed verry Sulvatlon Army. The man and his 'd, Heer, heer. wire were taken in by this represents- Sir, I sed tlve. Hnd thinking that he was a mem- kWk,k icguiur Army, tney agreed v to solicit money for him. They work- Tou wl" PIb remane In the house ed for several months, until one day tonlte, yung man, sed pop. preewus the husband ant drunk and n-i. ai. i .... . . ' . . - " " I uiiensmns anu nirmr.m .i. .-i .r....viiiniia lu 1 tl I 1 Little Benny'.s Note Book For Outdoor Vear We Lave a splendid Indies shoe in Russia tan leather, low heel, lace model, - and high licel button model, in the new October styles ideal for street and general wear. . PRICED s $5.oo.- : Brovn Miller Shoe Co. Leaden in Fine Footwear 47 Patton A venae. , Pho 71. CASH SAVES tou SOilETmNGONEv PURCHASE Our first invoice of Imported CI leese is C T r . mm JW163. Auaueion ann r.iiipnator .,,i r n . v a iun line nf T v 1 Jams. We call attention to our new blend of C & g ready-ji '"Ported Your Money back is the guarantee we sell, as to its price and quality. Teas, we Rive on evervt! llDj; MTllllimMtimHimnini",,,,' llMMmn-- BATTERY PARK BANK Capital Earplug and Profit! . OFFICERS -.1100,000 .........1100,000 Jamea P. Sawjer, Chairman of the Bouh ' T. a Cose, President 1 ' j vT'. . C Rankin, A. Cuhto licking my fingens verrv ALLISON'S Drug Stores 43 Patton Ave. "A Good Drug Store." Hot Blast Heaters That senatorial committee of In- Butlqulry Into the Mi lire nf pAn.iUin. Chilrman Webb and his committee- campaign funds in 1904 and 1908 Is .., smarting unaer tne indignity approaching oult ,mm v.. that had been heaped upon them, in- Hearst is scheduled to appear day slsted upon Betting things straight, after tomorrow and re.a . .... This they did at Thursday night's of letters, and mayhap tell how he meeting in Raleigh and over the pro- got them. Col. Hnnv.i ,m testa of the v ery men who had de- the following day. John D. Archbold nouneed them as conspirators. That is to follow him. 'William Rockefei- seems to be the why of the proceed- ler being In bad health, the commlt-lnSS- i ten will m hi. k t Too drastic. ' It is generally admit- gan has accepted servlr. o. ted. comment tho Statesvllle Land- John D. Rockefeller may possibly be' nark. Irniiort vi i.... . .. "' up in tne railway wmie personally the Landmark ha world .r.,: ... . J. " " "mere are it unwise' and loc p-rg. B. Cortelyou, th. .on of Cor. elude thtwe who may vote for ll t. nellu" N- Bliaa who will exhibit cer fept a few namea on the ticket and taln of hl deceased father's papers Whn.".-0.16 for R.ePub''ns. George W. Perkins, Frank A. Munsey. it seemed to "be Imp'or. 7or the " w"0" W,"'am MCK'n committee to aaree on & fnrm f .... ,ej' We can aafely promise soma In lution that would admit the acrateh- tereBtng reading during the next fort -tw. me action or the committee, we night or so. fear, will be harmful and it will kk. I - aoiy materially reduce the vote in the Confidence, not to sv mri- xit. n7d;yie.,rdhoowtL:w,rr r: mor- ioni'n -i but It will cut-both wavs. I 1 oratlc """dquartera, after a spell of counties and localltlea It will reduce lrepmlt,on' Chairman Hlllea of the oimmona vote, while In other, it ReDubllran n.tinn.i will . . - - --I - vuiiiiiiiiica " .vuuv v liiw n ten M . Gov. Kitchin h-rf ..LaZ. ln" wmr"y to ask Joint debates be- cratlc State committee to define the twen KP"blkan and Democratic I " OI ln woro "Democratic "P"inaera on the aubject of the tar ticket, so as to make it clear whn Iff and thl i. th. .-.,u. v . . should vote in th. senatorial nr u "m mary. Now that the commit... V" ic . nairman McAdoo: adopted drastic resolution, providing . nt thlnk that a Jlnt debate be that only those who vote for .11 tv.. tween Imocratlc and Taft Reouhll names on the ticket can vote In the r" "rtor" on th tariff question, as f. ii oeing said that the com 7ur letter or the lth mlttee a action was Mm i... - MnsUnt, would be am. MnUArt aiasa 1 ka. d. slr. to punish the Governor and U1"? am afrald that w 'can't . inenus and to give them more '"rnl,n nra of th. audience. In than they wanted. Th. vote nf th. hort the democrats would draw th. committee, however, which was 11 t crowd and your oratora would set . . wb i i. r. wt. ai .a . l ui in. p vim. " " oimmons-i lHIhln line-up. Some Kltrhin Rhadea nf th. n r t . - V' ,h r'""j' Kme aa earnest Inoulrv'rev...'- . ,!. haa not had the heart to reply to the i..reu uy me Army man. Later the kontrary. "-.... "T-.H. tu irxiiiitt wun ner rnu-i o t .1 , . , " '"!' BfU ' "' "na ,n representative came to you herd m,t..H. Asnevme and started in the erocerv r nr. in .h. . ... ' p"' business. f?J J J h! eUln,l! room and do yre The woman was again unfortunate ' tL A I? ,esslns'. 1 ed- . and was wlthnnt mn. i.k ...k.-w ... I . V "en. sea pop, a les- n.. V . .. '" sin twise dun Is werth 2 In h hnni, t h-.r" v...lnl-ln6.Arm5: ma" O. G, I sed. and went ud In th. . "Ul" t? r. ue, lVe ra0re ihe rV ZY:h:TJ7 a"! "P'"?- my history Heat and . last longer. Let us charge for him, she came here and thinL.-- ".ZZ. ,"e.,-e IO" ln8ted of SllOW VOU. J Erwin Sluder. Tlce-Pi-M. TW WPPV ntPTATT OT3 ' Tmn - .wli41ullux no BliKVICE, whetW large or small, the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO n" M;rsnai service at aU Umem The mot llhoral V.-C. " u" I keeping with sound I-nUnTmeoXTUS "T " -B-iuivno U Ultl HI Kan III IJIWIP Biuutim - Hvvvuini, CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY South Pack Square.. WEDDING Ir.vitatiins, Annoance-a cnts and Cards EIG?JLTED " 0- t! I nck Square Book Co. Asheville DONALD & DONALD 14 S. Main Se. Phone 441. FOR SALE 121 acres of land a good farm. & 1). HALL 32 Patton Ave. on the 91. Fine penses, the man turned her out of hl uh ..,- IZ:" '"""5". PaP,r ' ixl CTe l'd for sale, good house in a drenching rain with her time. r ?. 1a k aout 20 house and barn, BO acres of level bot- dylng baby In her arms. anrthnmnV... I . lom on the farm, statlor Meanwhile she had learned the real tenth?,? 9 "h ,he fnt wjndo and place. Price 6000. Phone character of the man's oceUa.i ItfJ S 'J. I If. - hon l,owlr "J'n of noi.e chance for a good farm. that there wan a real Salvation. Army wfrfc " I T;Lm. ,t th w,... Allny worn at tnia place, the ad- Wy noL sod Arti. t a ry Jutant saya I .nlli.ii Artie, and I aed, O, no tion Army headauarter, ," w"" tald look- succor. That nlsrht the hahv hih a " '.' it was burled at the expense of the out , runt and wt wa. iTw lTlT Pr.'Ce' by tho day- BcM Salvation Army. Mrs. Bouter. preach-t!?,."1.."" but. Pud "on given to out of town trloa hlstery book agen, and CHALMERS CARS FOR HIRE S or J I'asscngor. iiegani cars, careful drivers. Get Ing the funeral in the absene. of th. '""'nB Ior me- "Vn. adjutant - .- ..,, u,0enny, Keeping It up till trips. HENDERSON MARTIN Adjutant Boutera then beean t trv 0.n"w.M 1C" wat this, a Phone S28. Nlgth Phne 58S. to nnd th ...'. k.-w-.j - j l""1' - I several day. and ,o ureSlmlov. ""d,3.?" Jh""7 W,"n- 'ch ment Adjutant Bouter. av. th.t h. KIT" "y. "' voice, awn ak- now mnkln, " a il "l "'m navl" the lowd woman naa a comfortable home. fleet voice I H. SEIGLE Low Price Groceries. It will be to your interest to of eny of the fellas. at&rtM in .n l?nvr!ont nn "" " comronaoie home. I hoo R.nnv k o . 8uni um iitca. .i"vi-BL". Woodfia St . Phone 428 ,w fnr'h; u?:. "r""" u- "enny. a both of them toaethlr men vi.iefl again., It. In - latter llHt ar. su h "strong aup 't ..f the Senator as A. D. Watts . W.l.b and others. It may be ' -f the extreme Klmmons .nominee thnnKht they were ' 11,, (lovrnnr hy adopting the " I'ut It niHV be a of ' t'n n'.H. tn B.H the f,,ce." ' f. ntl,..n..n who hnv ' " 1 'in Mili,,n:i! " !-' i- h. VM I,. insult The postorric. d.partment apDeais to he about to admit Its Inability to enforce the n.w law regulating the newPnper business. And c com,... -nt l.yal authority h, written an "l.liil.m In whi. h h. !),! aston- I'1''" "f !":' H..n U i,,,..,,,,,,!. ,,!' !' '-t 17 .' ,.,,1 v. . little :J0r .J?. -?!-. to' nd a m;,7. priu I ,owroLlrw7 XT r mnym inaL an. 1. rirlvht nnt I .t . ... i ,. t . . fliur ney naa bin v.lllnv oh., il .rnu nu wen oenavea. Imlnit. v.m.. i j. ---- i He is In trouble about a wom.r, h ."'S' yf"'nB luvilr eetPh """"t. Pop Is there now, who recently came from sir, I aed. e-Z so aTshna" nlUr'.e o - Wl ftrt -Kgergayshln of . . . . w i Biue mo you dure to kum back agen, Th. most that can b. done for her, he Yes sir I me A .'.i . . say., la to give her nl.ntv of !LrI Ja- ntot my cap frum milk, and he cannot . w." "'7,1. ,'r "ol" a went out. and these, . I . "1 " "''". a. Are you deff or k? yemng out heer for Think' Polite Term "Grafter" Should lie Km ployed. There Is no little Indignation annar. ent among those to whom Chairman ll A U r.k I . wu. rwnii rrirrrwi in tha tnA.nU. I mmmtm " " " 1 "'rITI 111 I saaaaatmi-.......,,Mj 1 1 AVe bl.c fie lrn,est stock of - Solid Xaliogany Furniture To he found in tlie south. Complete suits and odd pieces. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth ' Furniture Store. - ;, 15-17 No. Main St. a&ai New Goods Arriving Daily Our fall and winter stock of furniture and home furnishings U now nt its nest YOUR INSPECTION 18 INVITED. The assortment and values will please you and our price, will prove very attractive. Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main Street. The Home of Furniture Values." imra-aa -nnaii " - m r k I Visitors lOtlcoma about an hour, and I sed. Have you. WM PERKINS. CoU'iEolEIaitRuUrit Ciariitfaail I. k.. . imper aa "vote sellera" .d there i. . r p.-obablllty that they will tak. ,m. I f,..i 10 third in ateps to let th. chlrm. w. , I "l. ,uwr ft "tov. ef their displeasure. H. thrtened to m 7SZ "iuturTVca puhHsh their name Mr. Swain plain- thu ,Bw:t amSSTZR Co'.a H ly state, that th' men who hav. Blaat burne any k,n4 2' ...,llru w ruming witn tne I i -"- ceaj. eruahMl eoka. tale that they ran deliver so many "T cob Don't wait antil the ,ul " mucn per need not go to the trouble of coming to headquarters to ask for money this year. Thla is not only plain talk, those concerned assert, but It is not polite nor politic. They do not object so much to what Mr. Swain says aa the manner in which ha says IL In other words, th.v h. Ject to the term "vote aelier." They aay that he could lust aa eajrflv h.v. referred to them aa "graftera," which Growing Better Daily uq win D (lad to .how Msy payments on t h. im . . . -r ..- in .... . . k A. oy joining thla week. would hav. h.n .t .. .w '.i... ""V . " "f110" en. 87o. Brown at th. asm. tlmi much morl T"a "araa' Co, 26 North Main. tf. ny would not hav. minded the term grarter- as applied to them. Graft ing, they aay, la fashionable and Is penormea In the best circle., while 1J .cr. ..m. . - Z vote selling is an ualv end unnoll.h.d att.nd.nt. h r."um"- room term to .av th. le... ,, ' " . "I'K". P-a hes. " M a.ieaaT'mi iUU Fl n A xb.n. . 1 I also, that Mr. Swain la gv. tools, cow. r . , . . - ,.u.. I "Jr mrmini l m l. I,n. . i. . . . ' " -' . V.I llll.. IVwIra FOR SALE ible Country i try Home, It la aald getting mighty Independent all of Bill il Man mw t. . .. I ' "t" -" nmm D.en rumored that Un automobile highway verv attV.. an indlirnat Ion m..iin m,in k.- k...lti.,. ....... - "'snway, very sttrac- and resolutions passed Insisting that Mr. Hwain change th. wordln of hi. statement. Quick Action Will Re NeixtMary.' Editor of The Oaiette-News: I was Interested ln th. anl.l. In r.sterday's paper In remrd to nr.. serving th. timber on ML Mitchell. Th. railroad now being built to oper ate th. limber on th. To. lilver ., i. of the Black Mountains, Inrluilinit Mt. oincneii. will b. In operation ln an- th-r month, ilor. thnn on. million t nf loga nr. already cut w.lti-. NATT ATKINSON SONS CO i"i lat. IXvlrn. FIEST! T?llffnf TV.. It 1 r ,i vJU.n iiii-au ior i no i meal, any and all of tlie three meals; for dosscrt at dinner, ana for parties try a lot of our lady fin,?ers, and n- (,.. ' Wool and Jillt fabrics of Established Merit Our showins isnglit; rigbt in color, in weave and in quality. This year tlie val ues are better than ever. A thorough comparison will prove the' superiority of onr showing we invito it. - ' Cliarmeusc, in all leading fall. colors, 40 inches wide, wlls for 2 and $2.50 yard. Changeable taffetas, 3G inches wide, best color combinations, are priced at $1 yd I Mescaline, all colors, beautiful quality, .G inches wide, for $1.00 yard. ? English worsted, two-toned and mingled effects, 5G inches wide, for $2.00 yard. Many novelty cloths, the rough effects greatly wanted, etc., are priced at $1.25, $1.50 and up. , Jailorcd Jiiits in Ilia $cst fall Jtijhs m 7 We prepared for this fall season with the largest stock of ladies' and misses tail ored suits ever brought to the city. When he saw the orders the boss shook his bend and said we would never sell that many. On the contrary, however, more buy ing was found necessary, so fast have our suits gone. We sell tho Wooltex line. There are no twoTsuits alike here. A fair idea of tho line may he obtained from tlie window display. To some people the name Wooltex may not mean nmtliiivf. J'-at to women v. lio read of fash ions it imiiiis the stand ard , f ! ;:. r. d K 'niients. V.'. ' .- i.. II fur i calces drlicious! Vim- (L'J. thn ror" I'M Ion of the tracks to it' suit i. . ii, v t t h I-!., w.g i 1 f.,r f for C! " t :

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