Wednesday, Sept., 25, 1912. TUS'ASITEVn T.T ft ijZZ TTE-rTE'WS. t Jwery package is dependable. . That's' the reason for its great sale. - INDIA AND CEYLON OR MIXED North State Fitting School A Select school for boys. Experienced Teachers Prepares for College, thorough work, manly conduct, sane athletics, number limited. Ap: ly at once to J. m: tmyrf.tth. PHninai .rnone 1374 Asheville, N. C. , A I J 1G7 Church St. SOCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal - News Societies, Meetings, Etc. Mention, I I of the 1 1 - Wolfe Wagner. An elaborate dinner was given last evening by Mrs. ,8. M. Wolfe at her home, in .honor of Miss AVilmer Wolfey whose marriage to Dr. J. H. Wagner takes place this evening at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Wolfe's dinner guests Included 18 of her friends and the affair was given for Miss Wolfe in place of the usual wedding recep tion after the ceremony, as the bridal couple will leave. Immediately after the .wedding, having ; Just time to catch the westbound train. Mrs. Wolfe's home was beautifully decorat ed for the dinner and the following menu was served: Baked flBh, baked turkey with nut dressing, potato salad on lettuce with olives and pickles, hot rolls and butter," fruit salad, ice cream, ribbon cake and coffee. .!... ; I'he ceremony will take place "this evening In the reception room of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe's residence under an arch of golden rod, supported by mass es of ferns, the entire room being gracefully arranged in gblden rod and fprns.; The bride, whose only attend - ant: will 4e. the matron of honor, Mrs. S. M,' Wolfe, will enter on the arm of her 'brother.' ind will be met at the altar by Dr. Wagner, the ceremony being performed by Dr. Byrd. The bride will be gowned In a traveling suit of dark blue of the new weave diagonally shot, with a blue of a light cr shade and trimmed in old gold, and will wear a picture hat of blue to match with ostrich plumes of old gold. ; The matron of honor will be gowned In pink charmeuse with crys tal trimming. , Dr. Wagner will have no beat man. , Immediately after the ceremony; Dr. and Mrs.- Wagner 1 will leave for Nashville and New Orleans, going freni tlrtf latter 'place by water to Miami, Fla., and then to Arizona, where they "will visit Dr. Wagner's sinter. After this visit Dr. and Mrs. Wagner will go to California where they will make their future home. Miss Wolfe has many friends and is. a young lady of much accomplish ment, having been graduated from the following colleges: Washington college in Tennessee, Bulling college in Ilristol, Southern Female college of Petersburg, Va., and studied elocu tion under the Instruction of Mr. Chartrand of the Cummock school of expression of Los Angeles, afterward teaching elocution for two years In Weaverville college. Miss Wolfe has received many handsome bridal gifts of silver, cut -glass, " hand painted china and linen, among , the hand somest of her gifts being a cedar chest." 1 ' H t ' -. Creditable Presentation. "Xantippe the Witch", the play glv en last evening at the Auditorium un der the auspices of the U. D. C, was presented by Ashevll!e's local talent in a manner worthy of the play as a historic production. The decoration of the Auditorium In regalia symbol ic of the organization under whose au spices the event took place and the staging of the play. Including the scenery, moonlit-lit effects, and clever Introdutlon of the fairy scene in the first act were excellent, as was " the more than unusually good part Inter pretation by the performers. The rule of witch was cleverly carried out by Mlas Kathleen Ware, whose ama teur talent Is well known to the Ashe vllle public; and the witch's daught er, Zan, was welt Interpreted, a was confidently expected. Miss Ida Hamil ton, the only professional of the cast. . The audlem was enthusiastic In their praise of Student Rabbi Morris Laza ron's work, as shown In his dramatic force and clear and pleasing voice. " Mrs. Charles M. Piatt as Mrs. Ward, John Staley Hursey as Berton Carroll, C. T. f arr as David Ward, Dr. J. A. Sinclair as Thomas Patterson, Constus Oudger as Ezra Carrlngton and John Jordan, Jr., as Tobe, the lady servant, were all good, as were also the pretty . little fairies In their short scene. There were Beveral theater parties ' to witness the play, and much Interest was manifested In the cast by their many personal friends. Huiiilli'np Tournament, The playing In tho handicap golf tournament in progress at the Country club resulted, yesterday, as follows: In the first fllicht of the gentlemen's tournament, S. H. Brown defeated A. Barnard, 7, 2 up and one to go: C, Hobart, 3, defeated Judge J. O Adams, 13, four up and 3 to go. In the second flight, Tim Cocke, 18, de feated Dr. C. S. Jordan, IB, five up and four to go; Dr. Jere Cocke, 15, de feated H. B. King, 15, four up and two to go; Jake Chiles, 18, defeated C. H Racey. 18, on up. In the ladies' tour nament, Mrs. Vance Brown, 6, de feated Mrs. Jordan, 6, two up and One to go; jMl-e Reynolds, C. defeated Mrs. Rollins, 16, four up and three to go Mrs. A. S. Barnard, scratch, defeated Mrs. Todd, 18, fix up and four to go. The semi-finals in all events will be played today or tomorrow as contest ants elect. ,, Those taking part in the men's semi-finals are: First flight Mr. Brown vs. Mr." Hobart; Mr. Racey Mr. Ulmer; second flight O; V Henderson vs. Tim Cocke, Dr. Jere Cocke vs. Jake Chiles. In the ladles' semi-finals, the contestants aret Mrs. Hobart vs. Mrs. Vance Brown, and Mrs. Reynolds via Mrs.. A. S. Barnard Engagement Announced, "The, engagement of ., Miss Elspeth Calder, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Calder of this City to Charles M. Set ter of Ashevllle, was announced at a beautifully appointed luncheon given Saturday by Miss Adeline Calder at her home- in Piedmont." says the Charlotte.' Observer., "The- Wedding mine fcaini-saens will tiike nlnce Wednesday. October as Camille Salnt-Saens, who 16. The place cards represented a porn m raris,, uctooer , jsao. Allan Ames, and Mrs. Ames, who previous to her marriage was Miss Mary Pennlman of this city.- While resident of this city. Miss Ames has made many friends and has been highly esteemed In her business con nections. Miss Ames will not reside in New York city but in the imme diate vicinity and will continue in her business pursuits. Miss Ames' broth er ie a newspaper man of importance, having been -in responsible position for a number of years with the Asso ciated Press In the east. Miss Marguerite Canaday leaves this evening for Danville, 111., where she will enter school for the winter. Miss Canaday will study vocal music, re celvlng instruction In this branch lit Chicago. K 9. Miss Fay Baumgardner has return ed to the city from Bristol, where she nas been visiting friends. , t Mrs. Talbot Pennlman is spending two weeks with her Bister, Mrs. Ralph H. Johnston In Cheraw, S. C. Mrs. Emile Passailalgne of Jack sonville, Fla., is the guest of Miss Em ma R. Austin at her home, 102 S. Main street. . . - 1 ' ft Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Scott and Mrs. C. B. Rhlnehart of Saluda are In Ashevllle. Roy Patton and his sister. Miss Ida Patton, leave this afternoon for Tam pa. - . ... ft . '-..-, Thomas Settle leaves today for Greensboro and Raleigh. -C It ;.-,-.-. Miss Virginia Williamson left last night for New Orleans. Frank Coxe, the son of Mr. and Mm Tench Coxe, has entered the Ashevllle school. . Mrs. Sarah Seibles left yesterday for Nlew York. ' . ' ' " ft ft Rhett Dnfour has returned from a visit of two weeks to, New York. S. B. Clark, who has been spending several days In Charlotte with his sif ter. Mrs. B. J. Smith, left this week for Ashevllle, where he will Join his family and return home to Monticello, Fla.'- ft ft Mrs. Grace Westall has returned from a visit to Atlanta and will re sume her classes. ft ft MuHHcnct ami Suint-Saens. ' (By CARYL. FIX)R10.) Last August France lost two of her greatest musicians, each of whom has left a gap which cannot be filled by any French musician now living. These two were Jules Emile Frederic Massenet (usually spoken of as Jules Massenet), who was born at MouCh- ard, May 12, 1842, and Charles Ca- (generally known was Mas- St ft ft ft f. ft ft f? ft S ft It ft ft ft H t ft t? ft t! ft LKSSON IN KCIKNT1HC ft ft COMPLKXIOX KEXKWIXG. ft It ft Hftlltltltltlttftltlt' (From; The Family Physician.) Everyone has a beautiful skin un derneath the1 one exposed to view. Bear that In mind and it will be easier to understand the correct principle in acquiring a lovely complexion. Nature is constantly shedding the top skin in fianky particles - dandruff, only much smaller In size. ,. In abnormal conditions, or in advancing age, these particles are not shed as rapidly as In robust youth. The longer they remain that's the immediate cause of a "bad 1 that the immediate cause of a "bad complexion"." It has been discovered that ordinary mercolized wax, to be had at any drug store, will absorb these worn-out par ticles. " The absorption, while hasten ing Nature's work, goes on gradually enough to cause ho inconvenience. In a. week or two the transformation is complete. The fresh, healthy-hued, youthful undorskin. is then wholly in evidence. You who are not satisfied with your complexions should get an ounce'of mercolized wax and try this treatment. Use the wax nightly, like cold cream, washing it off mornings, NEW BANK NOTES First Note of Smaller Klx-tl und fill- form Current ' to lie Issued ' " ill 10M. Washington, Sept., 25. The treasu ry department expects to Issue the first note of a smailer size and a uni form currency July' 1, If 14. The1 size will be reduced from 3.01 by 7.28 ln: ches to 2 1-2 by 6 inches. . The present method requires 12,000 plates to print the national bank notes for the individual banks and requires 166,000,000 Worth of national bank notes a year. ' The new method will not require more than two hundred plates. In ad dition to saving .considerable money for the banks there will be an ad dltional economy of about $150,000 a year In the printing. At present there are nineteen mis- celaneous portraits and historical de signs appearing upon the issues now In use. The secretary will- probably adopt the following ?, designs: 1 Washington; $2,' Jefferson; $!, Lincoln;- $10, Cleveland; $20, Jackson $50, Grant; $100, Franklin; $500 Chase and $1,000, Hamilton. ed and difficult score he saw and re produced. No other musician in he world could have performed such a feat; he is the greatest of living mu sicians." As a composer, Saint-Saens covered a much wider field than Mas senet. In addition to writing operas, cantatas and orchestral works, as MassenetTdld,' he wrote large works (such as concertos" and other compo sitions for various solo instruments withprchestra) for piano, for organ and for voices. He alio did so,me lit erary writing, on, musical subjects. J list of his principal works would fill too much space to be attempted here it would have to be selected from the various lines he followed, for he was great in all. The deaths of these two men have quenched the brightest musical lights of France; and dlmin ished the number of great musicians In .the world by two. Negro Slayer Iiynclicil, IS LEUSE ue II BOWELS. Carcaret Users Never Have Headache, Constipation, Bil liousness or Sick Stomach. Rhreveport, Sept. 25. Fifty masked men,- armed, overpowered two depu ties last night add took Sam Johnson, the half-witted negro who killed Per cy Alexander, a lawyer, last August and carried him Into the woods where it is believed he was lynched. The body has not been found. It is more - necessary that you keep your Bowels, Liver und Stomach clean, pure and fresh than it is to keep the sewers and drainage" of n large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean inside with Cascarets or merely forcing-a ias- sageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil'.' This is important. , Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system the constipated waste--mut ter and poison in the ..intestines nd vol of the shoemakers' art. The, nuweis. - 1 No odds how badly and upset you 1 feel, a Cascaret tonight will straight en, vou out by morning. Thev work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget thee hilelren their little ln sldes need a good, gentle cleansing, too. J ... ' Easy payments on memberships In the Y. M. C. A. by Joining this week. bridal party and were and attractive. The Misses Adeline and Eliabeth Calder Addle . HInson, Mary Holton, and Mesdames Elizabeth Calder, Duncan O. Calder, L. W. Poag Jefferson Mor rls. Edward Hoggard and J. A. Mc Mlllart:'"' tz-.r.i' st very . unique isanei was a successLut composer, in guests were I many forms; he wrote operas, can tatas ana orcnemrai works, his com positions were noteworthy on account of his flow of exquisite melody, his careful and detailed finish and his thorough acquaintance with orchestral effects. OP his Aperas his greatest MR. LYNCH KEEPS BUSY BUYING. SELLING DIRT No Buttons No Facings Just Tie the Tape Miss Calder Is one of Charlotte's success was --manon, mougn nis most 'cultured nrir attractive young ' Horodiade" ran it close; among nis women. Mr. Serser formerly resided cantatas it la aireicuit to cnoose; 01 in Charlotte where, he. made many his purely orchestral works his music friends. He now holds a responsible to the tragedy of "Lea Errinyes" had nositlon with the government as cost- prooaoiy me greatest general success, nffino inoneetor with henduunrterH in Saint-Saens was a great planlut, n Ashevllle. The wedding Will be an greet composer on yarious nnes anu. vont rf mnr than nrdlnrv interest, according to von BuelOW (who, as a H t luerman, was none too anxious 10 as Them will he a meetine of the sign to a Tencnman so exaneo. a po executive board of the W. C. T. U. sltlon) "tne greatest living an-rouna nn Thnrudnv mornlnir at 10:30 at the musician. This opinion ot von uue residence of Mrs. M. E. Hilllard on low's was founded upon the following S. A. Lynch continues to keep the real estate market lively, lie hasJust completed n deal for the Owens prop erty on Southsida avenue, .between Blanton and, Adams streets, being ten lots and the Owens home place. It is understood that the consideration In this deal was $12,500. Mr. Lynch ateo consummated a trade yesterday; .with T. F. Roland for his property on Adams, Blanton and Bartlett streets, the consideration being $7500. . ... Mr. Lynch has bought and sold during the past two .months more than $60,00 worth of Ashevllle real estate. He also purchased the Lubln theater at Richmond and the Casino theater ftt Washington for himself and his as sociates and disposed of them during the past month at a handsome profit. South Main stret. The meeting will be an Important one, as It will Include the consummation of all plans for the state convention to be held here Oc tober 3. ft W Mrs. Liell will give a card party to morrow evening at her cottage in Incident. Von Buelow and Saint Saens had gone together to call upon Wagner. Von Buelow and Wagner got talking together In German, which' language Saint-Saens did not speak. While hey were talking Saint-Saens noticed on the piano part of the man uscript orchestral , score of Sieg R.isscraggon park In Skyland to which Wed," on which Wagner was at that 111110 ai rt miM o-""u the Instrument and began playing from It. In a very few minutes Wag- a number of guests are Invited. ft ft . There will be a meeting of the board of managers of the Woman's ex change In the" tea' room at 10:30 to morrow morning.-' v ft ft Mfss Annie Ardeh Jervey, who with her mother, Mrs. Ida Jervey, is spend ing the summer near Ardcn, was in the city yesterday. " ft ft R. H. Staton. republican nominee for congress from the tenth district. Is In the city today. ft ner attention was attractea ana ne came and began turning' the leaves as, Salnt-Saens played. Von Buelow, In relating this fact afterwards, said, 'many musicians can play from score; I can myself, but no otner mu slclan could do what Salnt-Saens did then. Not an effect Was overlooked or lost; all that was In the and All Biltrnore WtieM-flearu. The ideal Cereal. Dellclout wholesome. Nothing like It: Mrs. VHltom Sidney Porter hus as grocera. & til... a U ,1,1.1a tl 1 - ner guesi mum c.-umt v. . ureensooro. 1 . . ,. v . T,., " ..... -M Airs, nun anu ner iiimliici, n ,, i have occupied one of the cottages In Rosscraggon park, the home of Miss Rose Chapman In Skyland, spent yes terday In the city. Mrs. Burt will re-i main in Skyland until the first of No- vombcr. after which she will move to Ashevllle, where she will lease a house for the winter. ft " The friends of Miss Helen Ames, who since her arrival In this city rtfnA no Xfoo-nin. some years ago from Albany, N. Y., uu """ ,vUUv. has resided with Mm Talbot Pennl man at Forest Hill, will learn with regrfet that she will leave this week : for New York, where In future she modern in everv WUV. will make her home with her brother, I ..-. ., REG. U.S.. PAT. OFF NohuttonVe&t&and I Cannot gape in front Because there are no buttons. The dainty little ribbon tape draws the sides together snug and secure. Fit perfectly not a crease any where, and feel soft as silk because knit from softest, long fibre cotton. Neck opening is i plenty large fabric very elastic. Nohulton Vests ami Punts, 2"c. LEVITT'S 5, 10 & 25-" CENT STORE. A Good Investment for ' this winter. Invest In a Banner Smokeless Oil Heater A portable heating plant, costs little to operate, absolutely smokeless Buy one now and take the chill off your room these chilly mornings. J. II. LAW 35 Patton Ave. For Sale One of the handsomest homes cent view, practically new, You'll Regret It If You Don't firing ui all your old umbrellas that need re-covering, while the run shines," and be ready for the rainy days soon coming. , J. Al. IIKARV & .. Phone 448. Pattery Park Place, CASH PAID For Broken Pieces of Old Gold and Silver. Jewelry and Watches repair ed at moderate prices, The Store of Odd Designs. VICTOR STERN, Jeweler. Haywood BL, Opp. Battery Park. 20 1 Y t 1 4 I We are closing out our entire stock of umbrellas at 20 o(T the price. Our prices ore marked in plain figures on everything wo Fell You "are paving one-fifth of the regular price.' ' . " ', ' ARTHUR M nr.l D CO. t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 Moale, Chiles & - Redwood Heal Estate and Insurance . 27 Tatton Ave. Second floor. Villa Heights Watch It Grow. Lots $2 Cash find $2 per week. 52 American Hat. Bank Bldg. Best $2.50 Ladies' Shoes Comfort makes the foot go. but if you sjiiire the lit yon spoil ''the foot. See our $2.50 and $3 button Shoes in kid and dull calf . They are a mar- casli saving is noticeable on every pair. AVe do repairing. Nichols Shoe Co. Gash Shoesters. On the Square Authority on Clothes Styles 1 Select Your Fall Footwear TODAY AT The Boston Shoe Store The Cash Shoe Store I L Pictorial Map of Asheville We have a limited number of the new Aera Maps of Asheville that we will elve freo to anyone cnllltiK at our ofllco for same, Cull and get one. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. Telephone 479. 48 Patton Ave. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. Did you ever stop to thing that ready made clothing is styled six months before worn and the individual wearer never consider-' ed in the making? Now every; man lakes a certain pride in his "appearance and should have the very latest fashion ideas in corporated ih his clothes, also his indivduality built into the garments. - : Suit or overcoat made to individual order : emhodvs the special- requirements of the wearer. The latest metropolitan style ideas of now today are built into our clothes. Shirts to order-..:.; ... .......... .$2.00 up. ELIAS & HOPSON IK-19 Klcctrital liUlg Opp. Fostoflire. Why pay 30 to 40 cents per pound for a high-grade Baking Powder when by using you can obtain the highest of the high-grade Baking Powders at only 20 cent per pound ? Sold by all good Grocer. Insist on having it. DAINTY BATHROOM A Ms to your comfort A ilds to your convenience Enhances tlie selling value of yourliomc Get the fullest value out of yout investment hv nur .Ywrlrnce in nlanninc by our modern methods in executing the plant ...- -a A "$mir Mwlcn and the ute of ftandsnd" plumbing fixtures nubnxn j. c. Mcpherson, No, 85 & 87 E. Collesre St. w hi J MILLINERY Trimmed Ilats Reduced SPROAT'S Oatoa riullillnd. FRESH CHEESES BY EVERY EXPRESS . Olimento, riiiladelphinCream, Koquefort, Oomemhert, in Wood boxes, Imported Swiss. , . YATES Cz- McGUIR rhcrcs 1715 rr. 1 1713. 21 :3yond Zl. :: -s v i r "-r r.- 3 1:3 r..-. v Miss Cruise MANICURING and HAIRDRESSINO PARLOR IMione 16 23 Haywood St ONION SETS , The extra early "White Pearl is one of the best for fall planting. Turo while, mild and of deli cate flavor. Grows large and comes in earlier than any other variety. Trice 20o quart. Everything in Drugs and Seeds. Grant's Pharmacy Agency tor IdimlreUi'a F.e"Ts. Cream of the Harvest Flour Is as good an its name. Let mo prove M. HYAI.1S Phones 49243 Only the Best of Everything to Eat. it to you. tctttttttttttttttttttfttttssssi: KICPAIU.S ;iirnK Open lny und Mlt ( mi' v .. Aii und ' M 1. 0": t.,r .1 J ... ' WllIlMll 1111(1 1 ! I . : U . ; , . . ----- -- I ; --"' ,'