EOS SALS FOR SALE Old newspaper this office. Call at tf. FOR SALE A nice saddle broke pony, partly broke to harness. F. P. Ingle, Room 8, Revell Bids. FOR SALE New National Cash Reg isters. $20.00, $35.00, and 150.00. 78 Patton avenue. Upstairs. 173-26t FOR SALE Bargain In beautiful, safe frentle Dany. pony buggy and harness. Pony nerfectly city broke not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can nanaie or drive him anywhere, without fear of accident. Apply 57 Charlotte, street, city, or write LuKe Dixon, care Gazette-News. Ashevllle. 187-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of fine hard wood timber in Towns county, Ga., Many trees will cut six thousand feet. Apply to Mrs. S. II. VanVorst Clarkston, DeKolb county, Georgia. 193-30t FOR SALE 121 acres of land for sale, good house and barn, 50 acres of level bottom on the farm, station on the place, fine chance for a good farm. Price J6000. Phone 91 S. D, Hall, 32 Patton avenue. OHIO 40 ROADSTER Powerful, sturdy, silent. Subject to tests on hill and level by buyer, will equip with touring ear body . If deslredv Complete factory overhaul. DenYon stration call or write I A. Prince, Langren Hotel. . ' 195-3t. FOR SALE A refrigerator and meat block, cheap, at 51 East St. 196-3t MISCELLANEOUI FURNITURE bought, sold and ex changed. Easy payment. Globe Furniture Co IS South Main St Phone 815. ROCK LEDGE, t Haywood Street s' S rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mrs. P. J. Cocoran, Prop. LOST Child's small neckchain at Baptist church or between there and 39 Charlotte street via Central avenue. Reward. O. L. Fitzgerald. 195-Ht. LOST Near Busbee lodge knuckle from speedometer (small brass at tachment). Finder will be paid for trouble by returning same to PUB LIC SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY, Langren hotel. 176-tf. IF YOU wish to letirn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear scrutiny write "Investment," care Gazette-News. 193-tf DON'T PAY MORE 30c, buys a pound of coffee tit Kroger's fit for a king. New Pack, Pink Alaska Sal mon, 10a per can. Imported Sar dines In finest Olive Oil, Dingly : 1 -4s., 13c per can. Selected Spanish Olives, Quarts, 35c The Famous Felicity Brand, Extra Lucca Olive Oil, gnllon tins $2.60, quarts 75c. Kroger's Grocery & Coffee Store, 240 Patton avenue. FOUND American Beauty Lotion, the stuff that makes you pretty. Get it vt Raysor's Drug Storv. 196-it LOST On Wednesday morning, tockct and chain. Finder please return to Gladstone hotel, near depot and re ceive reward. E. O'Neill. 197-lt PRESCRIPTIONS on Paragon Phar macy and Seawell's Pharmacy will be refilled at Langren Drug Store. Phone 292. 196-7t HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman for paints, auto, mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent Inducements. The Middle States OH Co., Cleveland, O. YOUNG MEN OR BOYS Can learn Jewelry letter engraving at night This Is a good, well paying trade. No other place in the south to learn. In six months you can be earning money. Terms very reasonable. Ashevllle Engraving School, i N. W. Pack Square. WANTED Several boys or young men to coach in college and high school work. Experienced Instruc tor. Individual attention. Reasona ble terms. Address Box 716, Ashe vllle, N. O. ll-6t HERE Is a splendid opportunity for an honest man or woman to enter partnership and take up the man agement of my Cafe and Lunch business; nicely equipped; only lit tie money needed. Apply American Dairy Lunch, Park Square. 190-tf. A BARGAIN 1 New Three story brick business Mock in center of the town renting for 10 per cent on price asked, locat ed In a thriving town In Western North Carolina. See CANADAY REALTY CO. TLone 874 10 N. Pack Sq, fOG'AN MERCHANT TAILOR ;h1 lllilff. s pack 4. 1'hone 797. u 3 YUl Hail Yea U 'i f t of old fnNe teeth sent prlres paid for old gold, 1 watrhes, broken Jewelry ' i t i f Return Mall r Il'-llnlng 'niiinj ' . I 2 0 yo u ... I his., I WANTS T7ABTS3. T. H. McGINN ES3 ha moved to room t Masonlo building. Market street opposite Y. M. L Steam dyeing, tail oring and cleaning. Phone I860, tf WANTED Your Notary Public work. Residence 12S Asheland avenue. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright 16-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special. or SA. Inquire ot C W. Capell at Gasette-News. tf WANTED A position as collector, good at general office work, can use a typewriter. Address P. O. Box No. 364, Asheville. N. C 141-tf. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. An other rush for barbers this season. Best trade, in existence today. Good money. Light clean. Inside work. Write for catalogue.' Holer Barber College Atlanta, Ga. 153-tf REGISTERED druggist, 15 years ex perience, now manager of (store, wishes to change, excellent refer ences. Address Croton OH, care Gazette-News. 194-3t. MISSION CLOCK NOW $2.85 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 day wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, Jiving-room, or dining-room. This price is only for thosewho call at the office, and pay cash; we do not deliver. Only one clock sold to each person. Apply at The Gaiette News office. tf. WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, must be reasonable. Address "Permanent", care Gazette News. 188-tf WANTED Position In vaudeville or moving picture show, by expert pianist. Address Mrs. Ruley, San gatuck, Mich. 188-6t WANTED Your farms for sale, 1 have a number of customers. Room 9, Revell Uldg. F. P. Ingle. WANTED To "buy two farms one about 40 acres and one about 125 acres. Write care Box 339, Ashe vllle, N. C. WANTED Papers to write for clubs. Strictly confidential. Charges reas onable. Address P. O. Box No. 2(19. Asheville, N. C. 195-3t WANTED Phone 389.Ahevllle Cleaning & Pressing Club for a quick service that Is perfect In every respect. Ladies work given special attention. Automobile ser vice. J. C. Wllbar, under big elec tric sign, North Pack Square. WANTED To paint your house; the man building a new house can get a mighty good job and possibly save money on It by getting our bid on the work. Phone 157 or call at store S3 N. Main St. R. L. F.Upat rlc & Son. WANTED You to know that we have the old prescription files of Seawell's and Paragon Pharmacy. Langren Drug Store. Phone 292. 196-7t WANTED Your prescriptions ffom Paragon and Seawell Pharmacies refilled at Langren Drug Store. Fhone 292. 19-7t A YOUNQ LADY wants a pcsitldn In an office to do typewriting and bookkeeping In the morning from 8 to 12 o'clock; wages expected $6 per week. Address "Typewriting." P. O. Box 601, Ashevllle, N. C. tf POSITION WANTED by young lady to do typewriting and bookkeeping. Wages expected $7 per week. Ad dress "Bookkeeping," P. O. Box 601. Asheville, N. C. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur- nlshed for housekeeping; first and second floor. Sink and gns in kit chen. 24 Starnes Ave. 183-tf CONNECTING ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping, on first and sec ond floors, with electrio lights and gas. Also unfurnished t room cot tage. Phone 8S9. IS Grady St 162-tf FOR RENT Rooms near the High school on new street See (Miss) P. L. Holman, 301 Legal building. FOR RENT House 68 Flint street Coal and Gas Ranges. Rent very reasonable. F. M. Messier, Ameri can National Bank Bldg. . 193-t FOR RENT Four room cottage, 63 Asheland avenue, on carllne, all modern conveniencea An Ideal place for a small family. J. E. Smathers, 45 Patton avenue. Phone 45. 196-2t FOR RENT Half of office, furnished Pack square. P. O. Box 730. Cheap 196-tf. TO RENT A room suitable for bar. ber's chair or cobbler's stand. No. 61 East St. Also stable. 196-lt FOR RENT No. S Aston Place; 20 bedrooms. Phone 708 or see F , RUkeleather. 196-lt TO RENT A room suitable for bar bers chair or cobblers' stand. No. 61 East-street; also stable. For sale A refrigerator and meat block, cheap, at No. 51 Lust street m-jt (nil jik.nt A small store room suitable for grocery, prenlng club or shop. Kent cheap with IIkM end water furnished. Apply at 24 Pen land street 19S-3L LiliuT BELIEVE IT When Well Known Asheville Feople TeU It So Plainly. When public endorsement is made by a representative citizen ot Ashe' vllle the proof is positive. You must believe it. Read this testimony. Ev ery sufferer of kidney backache, ev ery man, woman or child with kid ney trouble will do well to read the following: Mrs. H. M. Debruhl, 181 Asheland Ave., Asheville, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly a good medicine, especially in women's cases and I willingly confirm all I have previously said In their praise. At one time I was weak and nervous and the action of my kidneys was Ir regular. My back pained me and I did not sleep well, feeling all tired out in the morning. Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills advertised, I obtained a supply at Smith's Drug . Store and they acted as a tonic to my entire system. After using them, I felt bet ter in every way." For sale by all 'ttealera" Price 50 cents. Koster-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Careful attention to details Is the mother of art; a well served meal necessitates a sharp knife with the proper course. We sharpen knives for hotels, restaurants, boarding hous es and families. Do our work well and charge reasonably. ASHEVILLE BARBER SUPPLY CO. 23 X. Main. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS, Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry and anything of valne. H. L. FTNK.ELSTEIN Loan Office.' 23 S. Main St. Phone SS7. Asheville. FOR SALE. We will sell for spot cash at $2.25, not delivered, a few MISSION CLOCKS, have been left over as premiums. We are going out of the premium business, consequently we are offering these clocks at' a reduced price. Apply at the Gazette . News office. Ford Cars For Sale or Hire. Hollar Motor Co. 56 S. Main St. Phone 672. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Ashevllle, as required by law, that the ity engineer hns made a survey and filed his report In the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work done and the cost thereof In the mat ter of paving and otherwise improving on Furman avenue, from the Inter section ot Balrd street to the Inter section of College street and on Chestnut street from the Intersection of Furman avenue 154 feet west. In said city, and also showing the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street Improvement to be assessed against such leal estate. And notice hereby further given that at the first regular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the expiration of ten 10) days from this date, said board oi aldermen will consider said report and If no valid objections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approved by said board and the liens and assessments of satd board of said street Improve ment will then become complete and operative. Ashevllle, N. C, Sept 20, 1912. L. W. YOTTNfV 61-10t City Clerk. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the United States, 620S, as amended by Act June 10th, 1876, Chapter 156, Section 4, The American National Bank of Ashevllle will sell, for cssh, at public auction, at the Court House door In the City of Ashe vllle, County -of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, at 19 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, the S5Ui day of Septem ber, ii a, to pay the assessment levied upon the capital stock of the Bank to restore said capital Flock, the holders of the same having failed to pay the assessment within the time prescribed by law, the shares of the par value of $100.00 each, evidenced by the certificates therefor numbered as here inafter set forth: Shares. Certificate No, SS 275 I 421 I 161 16 Ill 10 172, 171. 274. 400, 401 1 251 10 149 : I 141 11 411. 446 10 140 io m 75.. 126. 441, 449. 450. 461, 451 I 421 I 421 11 171 10 71. 271, lit It , 445, 447 11 190, 121, 341 I 17, 141 10 114 10 428, 421 122. .411, 474, 131, 140, 244, 248, 249, 257, 144 r order of the Pnnrd of Itrectora 1 his Aturnut 14ih, 1912, A. D. 111,5 AMKH1CAM NATIONAL BANIC Of A !H vn.i.n. i y J. o. J .t;:i-,ioM. i . ')' ') - 1 . ' I STAXDIXG OF THE CLUBS. American ' League. . Won. Lost Pet. New York ........ 97 44 .688 Chicago ... ....... 87 64 .617 Pittsburg .. .. .. .. 86 56 .0C Cincinnati , ,,'J! 18 .500 Philadelphia 67 74 .475 St. Louis ........ 59 85 .510 Brooklyn .. . . .... 64 88 .380 Boston.. 47 96 .329 National League. Won. Lost Pet. Boston i '. V .. i. 99 45 .688 Washington .. .. .. 87 68 .600 Philadelphia .. .. ..- 85 69 .590 Chicago .. .. .. ... 71 72 .49" Detroit.. ........ 68 76 .472 Cleveland.. . . 68 76 .472 New York.... .... 49 94 .343 St. Louis ...... .. 48 96 .336 RESULTS YESTERDAY. National League. At Brooklyn Brooklyn-St. Louis, no game, rain. . T At New York New York-Pittsburg, both games postponed, rain. At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Chicago, two gnmes declared oft on. ac count of rain. Season closed here. American League. At St Louis St. Louis 2; Chicago 6 (first game). St Louis 2; Chicago 2 (second gttme, called tenth, darkness.) At Boston Boston 2; New York 6 (first fame). Boston 3; New York 1 (second game, eighth Innings, dark ness.) ' V ,' Amusements THURSDAY, OCT. 3rd, , ? "The Pink Mask." .-" The Pink Mask." A brand new musical comedy, "The Pink Mask," is announced for pre sentation on Thursday, October 3, at the Auditorium. It Is R. It. Roberts' latest hit, and It is said to be making bigger hit than any of his former uccesses, which always proved so amusing when they have been shown n past seasons. Many novelties in surprising scenic effects furnish unusual surroundings to the prettily gowned girls who In terpret the clever music NOTICE. North Carolina, Buncombe County, In the Superior Court Uefore the Clerk. H. K. Merrill and. H. M. Reed, ad ministrators of J. A. Merrill, deceased. vs. w. Amanda Merrill, (Widow), Buren Dotson, and wife, Effle Dotson, Law rence Merrilli Sue Merrill, Henry Merrill, Ellen Merrill, Sallie Merrill. Lottie Merrill, Grace Merrill, Gordon Merrill, Alton Merrill and Clyde Mer rill, heirs-at-law of 3, Ji.. Merrill, de ceased. Notice of Sale By virtue of aif order and Judgment signed by the Clerk of the Superior court of Buncombe County, In tho above entitled cause, appointing the undersigned Commissioner, and di recting him to sell the lands herein after described, for the purpose of creating assets to pay-tho Indebted ness and cost of administration of the estate of J. A. Merrill, deceased, I will on Friday, the 4th dax. of October, 1912, between the hour of 12 o'clock M. and 1 o'clock P. M at the Court House Door of Buncombe County, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands, situ ate, lying , and being In Felrviow Township, on the waters of Cane Creek, Buncombe County, N, C. and bounded and more particularly de scribed as follows: to-wlt: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a White Oak, old corner on top of a Ridge, and runs with old line N. CO degrees W. 18 poles to a stake, old corner, Runs N t 1-2 degrees W. 28 poles to a Chestnut Oak: Runs N. 22 degrees W. 11 poles to a Chestnut Oak; Runs N. 47 degrees W. 11 poles to a stake; Runs N. 17 degrees W. 12 poles to a stake; runs N. 15 de grees E. 8 poles to a Water Oak, old corner; Runs with Mat Searcy's line N. 78 degrees E. 114 poles to a stake In outside line; Runs with outside line 8. 45 degrees) E. to poles to a White Oak, old corner; Runs with old line a 45 degrees W. 1$ poles U maple, old corner; Runs with old line W. 48 poles to the beginning. Containing 67 1-1 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the above tract Beginning at a stake, old corner; Runs with old line S. 11 de grees West 14 poles to a White Oak corner; Runs S. 20 degreeu E. 12 poles (o Stake; Runs 8. 18 degree E. 24 poles to a stake; Runs a 12 degrees E. poles to a stake In old line, on top of a Knob; Runs N. 41 degrees W. 45 poles to a stake; Runs N. 16 degrees E. 18 poles to a stake In old line; Runs with Old line East I poles to the beginning, containing three acres, more or less. This the 4 th day of September. 1911. B. P. MERRILL. Commissioner "AMERICA'S LAKE TOXAWAY, N. C. TOXAWAY INN, Now Open $75 000 Lmnrovemcnts ' Im ,aln 40 "" Bathroom. , ; ""'" i"W"ll"J 0) Ullk jo-mlle Lake Irl PAE3AC01TAWAY Jim, York CASs, tlaine Rraahor. snd Country combined A charming picturesque renort, directly on and overlooking the ocean, romblnrd with .very known Bummer pimtlm. GOLF, TF.NXIH, IlII.I.IMtim. IIOYIMNO, AITOMOHIt Jf, OAR AG F, lUTlIINU, I IMIIVtJ, KAIIJ.NU, F1XK OUtllUSTRA On direct line to Portland and the White Uauntulns, Opn June !7th. Vr booklet siblrciis ITOIT.M Horvr, Flftn Aeitue and 30Ui ktreft. New Turk. Cr.Cr.GIAN TZrr.ACrj, Atknta, Ca. Iteadqtinrtcri for Tiirlti from sll points of th. compnus FcrWcmca Who Care Of course vou rue an antiseptic Ir. your family and In the care of your own per son, and vou want the best. Instead of what yon have been using t.ich as liquid or tablet antiseptics or oeroxlde, won't you please try Paitine, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Paxtine is more toonomieal, -no re e'.eansing, more germicidal an 1 -nore healing than anything you erer vsed. - Antiseptic In the toilet to cleanse and whiten ti e teeth, remove tartar and prevent dt ca r. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease germs, and purify tha breath. To keep artificial tef th and bridgework clear and odorless. To remove ticotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspira tion odors by rponge bathing. An a medicinal agent for local treatment of feminine Ills where pelvic catarrh, fnflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches of Paxtine. For ion years the Lydia E, Pinkham Med. Co, has been regularly advising their patients to nse it because of its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal jpewer. For this pur pose alone Paxtioe ii worth its weight in gold, i Also for uasal catarrh, sore throat. Inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggists, 23 and 5-J cents a box. Trial box and testimony of 31 women iree on request, , PAXTON TOILCT OO .Bottom. Ms. SPECIAL SALE MEN'S SUITS $8.75 Values up to $22.50. GEM sie 6 PATTON AVE. , A. M. GOODLAKE Contractor & Builder Concrete Work a Specialty 22 S. Pack Square. Phone 772. WE BUY Sell and Exchange Furniture, Fixtures, etc Asheville Furniture Co. 29 South Main St. Phone 1831 When In Andrews Stop at tlie New HOTEL RUSSELL ANDREWS. N. C. The newest and coziest hotel In Wes tern North Carolina. Modern Improve ments. Electric lights, elegantly ap pointed rooms, sanitary plumbing, Cuisine the best. Prompt and ef ficient service. Rates 11 and 12.60 per day. American plan. Special weekly rates. - i... - A. IL SPEARS, Prop. HOTEL ENTELLA BRYMOU CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates $1 per day. Special rates by tho month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. A. W. A ALMA WHEELER, Propr. PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. 0. The best and most reasonable house In. town, good table, clean beds and home cooking. Rates 11 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON The Ebbitt House 1 Washington, D. C No nutter what you e&ima to Washington for busineM or pleasure THE EBBITT U most centrally located to every where, Cecently remodeled, refurnished and redecorated throughout thoroughly mod ern In every feature. Boom, single or en suite, with or without bath. Bate i AbmHcm PIm SI M to t-M IMSf ? Caropeaa Plaa, S1.S4) to S4.M per f. O. F RCnUTT. Proprietor. SWITZERLAND" Hotels ana Boui diu House Svannano aB g rllele v 1 Ashsyille'i Host Modern and Up-to-date Hotel Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAK : Owner and Proprietor. THE LANGREN Luxury Without Extravagance. ' ' ASHEVILLE S NEW UP-TO-DATE, FIREPROOF CONCRETE HOTEL. Cafe with popular prices 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. . Grill Room Quick lunch service, open all night Conference Rooms for business meetings. Sample Rooms. Private Dining Rooms. Harry L. Langel and J. Baylis Rector, Managers. ( One of the most beautl ful drives around Ashevllle MOUNTAIN MEADOWS INN Ew.tion s,soo feet An Ideal place to spend the summer months. 1100 fMt ... vllle. Rates reasonable. Conveyance makes dally trips, starting from Ticket office, No. 60 Patton Ave., phone S28 or address MISS TEMPE Battery Pari! Hotel Famous Everywhere HOT SPRINGS" " Mountain Park Hotel and Baths Ideal mountain resort Golf, tennis, music, dancing. Nat ural hot mineral baths. Rates Mr. Wood, Southern Railway NO. 3 AS Cborcli STEAM HEAT. Milk and cream from our own cows, I make my guests comfortable. HIS3 MATT TIP: HARRIS rtmne 67. FAIRFIELD ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, IN COUNTRY, Special Rates for Sept. and Oct. The trout Ashing Is excellent at thla season of the year, and iportsmea will And at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spent a few days or weeks. For Information, rates eta add res , H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. FAIRFIELD TXN. . , 8APPHTRB, H. 0. NO HAY FEVKK AT EAGLE.S NEST and CAMP Above the Clouds. . , Elevation 6,050 ft, overlooks Southern Assembly Grounds, also Wey- nesvllle, 1 1-1 miles distant 1-1 mile hltrher than Asheville. Scenery, air and water unapproached, table and service uniurpassed. Hotel modern, clean and cosy. The one comfortable spot for the summer. Get located on a beautiful mountain, not merely In sight ot them. No an- noysnc. from unruly children. Positively no consumptives. iror foliler snd terms, ft. O. Satterthwalt. Kngles NstPX. W. 4V CANTON, N. C.i THE IMPERIAL HOTEL K. M. CX3EB, Prop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS . STEAM HEATED RATES 1.0 THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BRET A RD, W. C. Under new management The hotel has been thoroughly overhsuUd and renovated. Steam heated. Baths, Hot and Cold Water. Caters eepMlally to commercial men. D. C. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Formerly o( Tarborough House, Raleigh. N. C. HOTEL KENMORE WAYNESVTLLE, N. 0. Centrally located on, Main street. Under new manage ment; newly remodeled. Rooms with or without bath. ANDREW L. JACKSON, Prop. Formerly ot Hotel Sumter. 8. C. The ST. JOHN srBM' . The center of social life and activity ia at "The St John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. , THE JARRETT CPRHTC3 HOTEL I X)MM ERCIAIj AXD TOCKIST Rate. t.M per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Eperlal Rates by Week month. ( R, F. JARRLTT, Manages, Dli!sboro, If. C - - 'TOE DOM A LEADING COIIIILnCIAL AND TOUrJ HOTEL 0 YAYIILSVILLS, II C. ' MT.3. BALL1C R COHY, rrorrictrcrs. Opca the Year Round. "TZZZ CAIirLS E00r.:3" EAGLE, J. T. OMOHCNDRO, Prop. i:IUO. K. C Special attention to commercial m.n. All modern, convenience Rat, reasonable. Bummer bi.rlr wantf d by ' t or month. Hotel located In th. heurt of the Plue liljg. Mountlna Larg slry rooms, cool and comfortable. tie I-!'.'rj, r 1 . J r i in. HARRIS, Prop. reasonable. Write us or ask Ticket Office. TON PLACS Street. WTEULi COOKED FOOD. THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHR f,r. ELECTRIO LIGHT! FREE BATH HOT 111 ct n ' 1 ' a iiclla::d rcvi, cc.'i z ts ' Btwt .!;. !.t fully lo.-nt. v. t I' 1 lM.t.1 In r . w York.

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