AfTTH t o alette NT73. l! DO IT NOW Lay in winter coal now and bo sure it is M & W Indian Coal. BIG DOCKET TRIED POLICE COURT TODAY Stomach Misery Phone 130. Carolina Goal & Ice Company JndOTTlMlt V.nterol ir. Minutes Ml-o-n. Stomach o v- m xxjjoaujn,,; Tablet.- Kml lis Fermentation. burner anil Any liM'l Larceny, Etc., Cases Do ings of Day. Condition. NEW HERRING Per dozen 50c. E. C. Jarrett Groceries, Vegetables and fruits. Store l'liones 1020 ami VJit Market Phone 473. . 'And Only 50c and Money Back it Dissatisfied. r ... ... . p I eiumurn laoiets will re , ..."....nB .uugu a uiautwtu, puur or gassy r, '-:u large aocitei, tne ses- stomach In five minutes. lasting until 11:30 O'clock and I In thro- rlnv. Ih.v ,ill I fhon. .... .. - ........... .....n- nil- ...v. tit ins,, ma assault cases, three most miserable nr ,rar,l, larceny, seven emnhllno. ..., r.i v. .1 . "... " uu v. 1 ,um uirm is plenty ot unsnine . . v i.irg in n innr i ,........, . . i r. utinniniK. on in -v. 1 l'""KUU un assault 1 in a week he will have an appetite .......... .,,,, ,,i,rtueu iormer con- tor and will eat. without any bad af case was uu-missed. tor effects, food which now causes cuac-ne Aiarun whs found n.,t o-..ii, hi. .i,.n.a..i. . . .... of assaulting his wife. I If continued for from two week, .0 .Ififin V ..u ... f . .. " iiiviivia. vim 1 utwi ii'irn aaoaiiir J mri ntn ri i ft m a .111 . ' ... t.i.-w-iiA win iiiurtrUKni.v ir vvnue Colter both nesro boys renovate and cleanse the stomach and ,.,, 6.,,.,, judgment sus- put 11 in tip top shape. payment or costs: and th' If you have hearth,. .0... kanie judgment WHS Olllnre.t In tk ' llllhonvnl. .......... i ., .. t ... . 1 w - UH.W.1111W in Biuiiiifti-n. v" . 1 ""lie goiter against John aizziness, blliouxnegs, sick headache, , ,, I,a dreams or any kind of stomach .unm 1.1 ririiti . ... 411 . . 1 ....,. i . ... . ,, iUKu ai oore, 11 " lUl jour iann III A11U-NA .mu(m iin me larceny of a pair siomacn tablets, of trousers, the property of Kurgan I Eor men who eat. smoke or drink htepp. probable cause was found and 1 much two tablets before going to he Was bOUlld OVpr til Sinw.H..r I hed will moan it nlfaw U..A 1 k . under a JiOO bond. Under the name ful disposition In the morning, of Allen Moore he was Mrrumrari f.,-1 T'iftv ccnta U nil u iu-v i.-' Chase Motor TrucKs Ar easy to operate and the expense la smallest of all because They have fewer parts. Because you cannot run motor without oil. liecauae all plumbing Is eliminated. Because there's no valve, to et noisy, leaky and ' have to be ground In at a cost of time and labor. . Pecause Chase Truck, have been triod and made good for several years throughout the county. Come In and see one. j . i Asheville Automobile Co. 1.1 and 17 Soath LexJuion Attune. Scuffcr Shoes for Loys Jan brfttons, nil kiZ..s. jki nn to '.50. - . , GEO. W. JENKINS - 18 S. MAIN ST. JUST RECEIVED A larae flhlnmer.r nf minster rugs and are offering entire w mi uarffain prices, Co:ne In and see theae ruga before Placing jour order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for caah. asheyiujK CAitPirr norsr. 18-20 Cliun li tu Plione No. 828. HI Ml-o-NA stomaih tablets costs at Smith s Drug Store and leading drug gist everywhere. Write Month's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y., for free trial sample. . FOUR AND FIVE DOLLARS For men's Full shoes in the correct Fall Kt'yles; in all the leatliers that men wear plain tan and patent leathers Heal good shoes with a value great t-r than you usually get at these prices. GuaranleeShoeSlore 4 South Main 81 We Can Meet Your wants At the fairest prices. Our chl- guixs antl crockery the .oremost tin euumeled ware store. , . The I. X. L. Dept. Store CITY NEWS the larceny of a nair of fr,, ,...- rrnm N. O. Gillespie, anil the ea fie U'MB I.T. tiniied until tomorrow morning- in the cai-ie of Ed. Yonnir fhamoH ..-tt u larceny, probable cause was found, and he was bound to Superior court. ' Krnest Stuman wan t.iH with in and the costs for assanitinir t.....k Edwards and t4 and the costs for be ing drunk in the city. MOWiird While was fminrl nnt .,,111,. or an n-sult on Bob Presley. . . Revenue At s.. k.. .. Men Morr sl W 1. v,ji- u.i inn L.L 7 " " - Hrri j , " i,r ' " "'e seizure or tnree Illicit morris Were lined S. unil thn ikKio Ui.,!n...i... . . ,,,., , i I,, , iiioiiucmcs m uu-Kinson county, yir- each, for indulg ng In n eam f ii r.. . ,!,... i.-iii ., , , "'i"""! "f iepuiy (.oiiectors j-iurt and chance. Will Morris apnea nir with xim c- ....,... ... bond H(l nt inn mv. . ,i , : " r-"iioye weaver; Domi lixed at 100.. The following and one In Wlxe county. Virginia bv young men wore fnnnrt n,. n. f i .. . """u. '"8inm, i uc same charge: CharKev Kn.,i t!m Grant, Georse Want, and Jack Blu- locn. Ada Early Was found not i-i.iim- ..... V. u worueriy conduct. Jonn seny was found nnt o-niii.- driving an automobile in a dangerous ana recKiess manner: and Jesse Crook wan declared not auiltv of rii-u-imr automobile on the wrong side of the WHEN YOU READ OF A NEW BOOK In the eastern markets, call for it always got it. We kinds, and get the new ones as tliev are put on the market ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. I MOVES INTO NEW HOME Deputy Collector Hurt. Letters addressed as follows, are at the office of The Gazetto-News and will be destroyed unless called for: "Miss D.," Permanent," "Invest ment," "A. Z.," "Manufacture," "W. H. P.." "J. H.," "R. M. B.," "A. n." U." M "II. f " "R. s" "E. B. M.,". "Iiurn-.." Bev. W. E. Poovev. nastop of tn North Asheville Methodist rhnr, h will be the speaker at the Y. M. C. A. men's meetinir Sumlnv ufirnn,.i, lie has KOnken there rn.Vi.riil II,,,.. and always has irooil special musical program has been ar ranged. The male Oltltrtet will Pundnp several selections, and them nin i,n numbers by the Boys' orchestra. Has Modern. Commririiniis Buick Quarters on North Main Street. SFA FArtn Served to Order 1 "w Any Style CANDY KITCHEN HATOOOD STMEftT NEAR roSTOFFICE BLOM BERGS ror jour Ugars, tobaccos, 1W Smoked Articles and iK)rting"C!oods. ' 17 Pat ton Ave. WE'LL ' BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU ORDER FOR A .TON, OR FIVE TONS OF OUR MONARCH COAL; PERFECT FUEL, AND WILL MAKE GOOD FOR EVERY USE. Southern Coal Co. Phona 114. No. 10 N. Pick Sq tallii 11 L' "TALKED ABOUT- about it wrint M & W COAL Of course. n,one 4o and try a ton-then you'U use it all winter. Asheville Coal Co. n a j-uiy WHEN YOU WANT : ice . You wat it, and that is our specialty-deliver, jng ICE when you m t. Pure Ice. Phone 72. ASHEVILLE ICE CO. The Market Of Quality The Market - - - Pf Cleanliness MARKET "Ask You r Neighbor" Phones 4-359 . . Asheville, N. C. aa Patton Ate. Phone 107. Milling l Photographs Of the better sort. Appointments Phone 388 I HIGGASON STUDIO I J 18 N. Pack Sq. - - - . J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty KYKS TKSTI-n .I..SSi;s KITTKI Z. F. IIIGIISMITII O PTt )M KTIt I ST Graily Sircct. PlNine 1127. ASHEVILLE, N. c. I lie ArDOEHSt Motnr Ralph Arhocast nronrletor hua mnv,i from fi9 South Main street Into a new ouuning, 60-K8 North Main rc. hullt for the company by tiie JohnRton estate. The building ia modern in every respect, has a fronrne of 70 ieet and a depth of ISO. - It I. h aiorios rni?n and of brick. There are two enormous show rnoma ti i- ki and roomy and looks as though It had --in ouiu ior tne future. I'll the ground Hoof Is the sturaee loom ior cars. This is paved, with brick. The second floor win lu, .m.i tor a repair department. This floor Is nusn witn tne ground lit the back of the building, and elevators are un- necefMiry. The company handles tha Pi,i..u , h Olds plrasure cars and the Muntr o,,... irucas. a nve-ton truck has been or uereo ior the Citizens Transfer com pany. CAMPAIGN BANQUET About 50 Member are KiKtecl to .menu win work In lalrs. COURTESY Is one of the Ki'cial features of NICHOLS WAY LAUNDRY SERVICE. Over the phone, over the counter or by ojir drivers. Phone 05. Asv.cvll: Itund.y Whnrt linpa Live Longer. JT. A. KTCIIOLS, Mgr. c - : fx The supper at whb-h th v t r A. senior membership campaign will oo launcnecl will take no i.i,.ki and unite an elaborate menu has been prepared by the ladles' auxiliary. J. C. Martin will nresidef and it I. ... pected that about 50 men will lie present. Music will be furnished by the boys' orchestra. At the banquet tonight the lists of 1-iut.peciive members and those whose memberships have expired will be given to those who will carry on the campaign. J. c. Martin will make a short talk and there will be three or ...ur inner rhort talks. Secretary lirown stated this morning that this would be the easiest campaign ever conducted, and that he anticipated no u.,y wnaiever in getting the num ber desired at this time. Already li application have been received by mail. BANK STOCK AUCTION Nile of 2NM Kliarrs ,,f Tliow Who Fall 1 lo Pay AwewwHiit, at About 60. 1 At the court house at noon todav there were sold at public auction 2l shares of Mock of the American Na- 1 1 . b."nk' ,he Prm'"ty of those who had falle.1 to pay the 40 per cent re entry ...eased against the stock of th bank the slock having been placed on ale for the assessment It was sold In everal lota and br.,,ht 10 per cent. The blgret lot was bought' In by the bank. Thl. was W ihltr ,Mfd , the name of John M. Carter, and the price hlrl wa. $11,600. H. A. Lynch bought 75 shares for H5G0. Other successful bidders were Tit. P U. Moale. one share, $3; William Redwood, ten .hares, oa: Mrs. Henry Redwood, Ive haro. $.105. ' It 1 understor-J that after the sale was over Mr. Ijmch offered Mr. Jen tps II.3fi, a ,,rnt ,,f $300. for the V.'."00" ,M'"'" by the bsnk, which Mr. Jenkins refuMed. Chambers A Wavr. Lhery. rhonel! T. 1 n I liT'hone or c, k r.-r :,i,., . I,: -., ill lit the Y. M. '. A on nu n's anil h, At the prayer meptinir the f'lr.t HaiitlHt ihnr..h tonight at Dr. K. V. il II lard, noted exillnrer Ifui-nl... clentNt, will make the address, his ... ,llnne liM, Hii(ii-(ns, nia ' subject being, "The Test of Abraham with His Ti-n Sons." A large attend- m .ce is a -red. - Evnrvhnt- la w.,i come. Dr. Millurd delivered an In teresting address at the Y. M. C. A. luat night Diamond Rings 05 , Stoplel Durable! Economical! Lpcdall, ,d,pte, to hilly conntty. Will reduce your delivery cost! Arbogast Motor Go. Phone 1728. , vn nn , r.a v , . .. x ,u cj ivotiu .Main Kt. FLASH LIGHTS : v, 4Why go feeling your way through the dark when at very ,, eX?Se you can ,iave 8 f,a8h Hht thnt will furniji fill the light you need. $1.25 to $3.75. See our window PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice S4 Patton Ave LAdles Milid ;nld. Genuine; rHiim.mH mn. 'Ladles' GEllSLW SILVEK . Mesh Hags, fi-tn, ' Thes goottstirergimranteed by VOl'B I V.XT IT. . MONEY BACK A. M. Ooodlake, the contractor who lad chance or the gren hotel and who had the contract for tho improvements in the city jail, ias moved nts repair shop from West 'ollege street to 22 South P.nL square, at the corner of Market street Mr. Ooodlake's shoi froiita no Kin, et street. Besides repair -work. Mr. Ooodlake makes a ecialty of re-inforced concrete work. Said Xo Word of Wedding. Stamfor.t. Conn.. Ron s being married Mivt Adelalda Palcht Idest dauahter of Mr. t.u Paight of Stamford and Ernest Scott Bunce of New York drnnned In n the brides narenta ana iih.... lulnlng that they had been marrleH went away together. Mrs. Palht could not understand hor H...h...-. uepanure and made an Investigation, mc-n oisi ioseo the wedding. The Best Picture House in the State. Pi r IB Hour, The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Cool Plenty of Pure, Fresh Air. t ontine Hague to San Juan. Porto Rico. Sent 25 Th is now considered well under control. It Is being confined to the city of Dan Juan through the moat naimtukinn precautions. The Infected district Is Isolatad hv a ratnrnof r,.n... am sons and luggage leaving the city are .iiwi.MiKiiiy aisinrectea. The health authorities retmrt that nu. .r. -t- veloplng at present at the low rtae of one every tnree weeks. PIECE ORCHESTRA re $.V00 H . . .$3.50 IE' YOU U DeUghtfully f II We Buy Anything WD it PROGRAM TODAY Even man and hot- In i.k.,.ii. snouia Be in the Y. M. " a. Join i. aay. Alevllle Paint M. niaaa ru. rhe Miller Kb-e Paint Co. Locaa Ialnl Join the Y. M. C. A. todav. WANTS 2t 'Mr, Pickwick's Predicament" Comedy "The Prison Ship" War Drama . . ... "The Minister and the Outlaw Comedy Edison . Kalem . .Lubin Open from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. WESSON Snowdrift, Oil, JOc per Ut. i gai, cans 11.10 I have Instant Postum. larjre. 60c. ! o. d. ALLian.v. rrr i - - l Phories, tl and 35. 195-St INSTANT POSTUM WANTED. I have It 60c per ran. Wesson Snowdrift Oil, SOc quart $1.10 per gallon, I Phones. 11 and tS. O. V. ALLISON. lt-3t. WANTED t or I furnlahed rooms for nam nnuseKeeping. three In family use in to Southern depot Florence hotel, 734. Call l7-3t APPLES FOR PALE300 bu. good sound fruit, 10c per bu. at orchard Orchard In 8tlans cove. G klnson. - 1 , I J WEAVER VILL E AND LAKE JUAN1TA Cars Leave Tack Square Every Hour on the Hour 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Also 6:30 a. m. At- l7-3t HOOMS WANTED Three or f,., unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, with sink In MtCh.n. Address C. C earn Qazetta-Newa tf WANTKD IMMEDIATELY, an . piflenred cook. Apply ,vlih refer ences at H7 Chestnut street 197-3t Citiccno Trannfcr Compr.n!; ILIA X WOOD ( K K. Owner. fuhxiture novnro Ft Ea--as:e Transfer Ccrvice. J l Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. Pro: FOK BALI-; A h ..f ...,r,.i rhandtse; one of (he l-at standa In Hie town of Hendersonvllle, N C als.. tilet niodei n dwelling 'on liei r..-iil...-e street in town. For full ' ! ti y j j r .,.. 1 ',;.('. j . ; FOR SALS Two storea and om, dweildm, Corner tro,.,ty. Horn, f,,r j- , n ,,,, h I rl.-n fr ,,,,1. i, , t J, 4 room rottnf , I'rl- $10 AO rr...h!h. I ;---t ' i' Sell Everything s. Sternberg & Co. Depot Street. A ft fmww. - .... AWURACY PR0MTNESS AVhen you want a real good iob of PRrNTIXC and want it quick bring or send your copy to us "The Shop for Rush Jobs of Printing." Phone us and our representative! will call .' ". ' ' ASHEVILLE PRINTING & ENGRAVING COMPANY W. A. STEELE Telenhone 050 : Manager , 15 Church Street WiU Pay 3 CENTS CASH . Each for any reasonable mmnlitv nt i.nein.i i.urr Da: livcred to . ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY COMPANY Depot and Roberts Sts. THE GHmiT!1? SAWTTATJTTTTt Vl.Z J?: No- Itayw.KHl Stree. Hn- Ml for .Ti! 'EL1X,1UO aod MECHANO-THEnAPT. PIETIOB, raraiyaia, Hayfever, Malaria, Astona. Stomach. Rheumatism. Disease, or Women and other chronlo dlesas TT. T) i. mnn a . . . .QilALtJ A.I1LI I.lAi;3AGSDPrt'ent of the Banltarlum Is ops i tn Ih. .i,kll BblirYnl altar, HanlB fof ana aaAittus aud t.LAILi.1 a-... . Olwn day and Night IP n '0 liiivfir r 5 down-and one dollar a veek on nn "O. k.".PanSfi. You can't afford to be without one. From 10 up. All kinds of Ktuves arriving.

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