FOR SALE FOR SALE Old newspaper this omoe. Call FOR SALE New National Cash Reg isters, 20.00, S35.00, and 150.00. 78 Patton avenue. Upstairs. 173-26t FOR SALE Bargain In beautiful safe gentle pany, pony buggy and harness. Poriy perfectly city broke -not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can handle or drive him anywhere, without fear of accident Apply 57 Charlotte street, city, or write Luke Dixon, care Garette-News. AshevlHe. l7-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of fine hard wood timber in Towns county, Ga, Many trees will cut six thousand feet. Apply to Mrs. S. H. VanVorst Clarkston, DeKolb county, Georgia. 193-30t FOR SALE A stock of general mer chandise; one of the best stands In the town of Hendersonville, N. C. also nice modern dwelling on best residence street in town. For full particulars addres ' S. J. Harris, Hendersonville. N. C. . 197-6t FOR SALE Nice lot on Liberty St 66x100, $1100. Easy terms. See Donnahoe & Bledsoe, Phone 649. 201-3t NOTICE $300 cash and $20 per month will buy a new 4-room mod em bungalow near car line. Lot 50x110. Price $2300. See Donna hoe & Bledsoe, Phone 649, Pack square and South Main. 201-3t. FOR SALE Six room modern house, nice lot, Baird street, near Char lotte street, for quick sale, $3150. See Donnahoe & Bledsoe, Phone 649. 201-3t FOR SALE Berkshire pigs, 2 months old, $4 and $5 each. Get first choice. J. H. McConnell, Phone 1434. 201-3t FOR SALE New seven room mod ern house, nice, lot paved street, $3400. See Donnahoe & Bledsoe, Phone 649. 201-3t. MISCELLANEOUS BOCK LEDGE, 6t Haywood Btreet 18 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Perk koteL Mr . P. J. Cocoran, Prop. LOST Near Busbee lodge knuckle from speedometer (small brass at tachment). Finder will be paid for trouble by returning same to PUB- . L1C SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY, Langren hotel. 176-tf. IF YOU wish to earn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear scrutiny write "Investment," care 'Gazette-News. 193-tf FINE. MELLOW, old crop RIO COF FEE 25c per pound. Kroger's Grocery & Coffee Store, 240 Pat ton Ave. Phone 1746. PRESCRIPTIONS on Paragon Phar macy and Seawell's Pharmacy will be refilled at Langren Drug Store. Phone 292. 196-7t HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman for paints, auto, mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent Inducements. The Middle States Oil Co., Cleveland, O. YOUNG MEN OR BOYS Can learn Jewelry letter engraving at night This is a good, well paying trade. No other place In the south to learn. In six months you can be earning money. Terms very reasonable. AshevlHe Engraving School. 6 N. W.. Pack Square. HERE Is a splendid opportunity for an honest man or woman to enter partnership and take up the man agement of my Cafe and Lunch business; nicely equipped; only lit tle money needed. Apply American Dairy Lunch, Park Square. 190-tf. WANTED An experienced jounij white woman for general houseworl: and cook, where a second girl Is kept In family of two. Steady em ployment and good waes for com petent and settled person. Address Lock Box 36, Asheville, N. C. 198-Ct A BARGAIN 1 New Three story brick business block In center of the town renting for 10 per cent on price asked, locat ed In a thriving town In Western North Carolina. See CANADAY REALTY CO. Phone 974 10 N. Pack Sq. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS I3 our specialty. Money to loan on diamonda, watches, jewelry and anything of value. IL L. FHIKELSTEIN Lean Office. 23 S. Main St, Phone Z71; Asheville. SPECIAL SALS J'TZVZ EUIT3 1 r 1 AidL) WANTED I, H. McGINNESS has moved to room , 4 Maaonlo building. Market street opposite T. M. X. Steam dyeing, tall- orlng and cleaning. Phone 1850. ti WANTED Tour Notary Public work. Residence 18 Aaheland avenue. Phone 88. Jas. W. Albright 66-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special. 8 or SA. Inquire of C, W. Capell atj Gasette-News. tf WANTED A position as collector, good at general office work, can use a typewriter. Address P. O. Box No. 364. Asheville, N. C 141-tf. MISSION CLOCK NOW $2.25 We are making a special offer for short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 inches high, 12 Inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 day wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto- gether very attractive. Suitable forJelPhia 2- hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price Is only for those who call at the office, and pay cash; we do not deliver. Only one clock sold to each person. Apply at The Gazette News office. tf. WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or I un.'urnished, must be reasonable. Address "Permanent", care Gazette- News. ; 188-tr WANTED Position in vaudeville or moving picture show, by expert pianist. Address Mrs. Ruley, San gatuck, Mich. 188-6t. WANTED Your farms for sale. 1 have a number of customers. Room 9, Revell Bldg. F. P. Ingle. WAIViUU ine tourists ana visitors in Asnevwe to Know mat uie asiib- ville Cleaning and Pressing club HIs sons. Worth and Frank, al gives a fine service from every thouh tney have Deen ill only a few point of view. Automobile service. Modern equipment Thoroughly trained workers, Phone 389, J. C. Wilbar, Prop., North Pack Square, Asheville, N. C. WANTED By permanent couple 3 or 4 furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address A. B., care Gazetted-News. 201-St WANTED To buy two farms one about 40 acres and one about 125 acres, writs care Jtsox 33, Asne ville, N. C. ANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. An other rush for barbers this season. Best trade in existence today. Good money. Light, clean, Inside work. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 200-6t WANTED Phone 3S9,Ashevllle Cleaning & Pressing Club ror a quick service that is perfect in every respect. Ladies work given special attention. Automobile ser- ffeS8 nad a part more admirably adapt vice. J. C. Wllbar, under big elec- ed t0 her abilities than that of "Mary" trie sign. North Pack Square. the servant girl, in George M. Co WANTED To paint your house; the man buil;ling a new nouse can get a mightygood job and possibly save money on It by getting our bid on the work. Phone 157 or call at store 53 N. Main St R. L. Fitzpat- rlc & Son. WANTED You to know that we I have the old prescription files of Seawell's and Paragon Pharmacy. Langren Drug Store. Phone 292. 196-7t WANTED Your prescriptions from Paragon and Seawell Pharmacies refilled at Langren Drug Store. Phone 292. 196-7t I A YOUNG LADY wants a position In I an office to do typewriting and bookkeeping in the morning from I 8 to 13 o'clock; wages expected per week. Address "Typewriting," P. O. Box 601, Asheville, N, C. tf POSITION WANTED by young lady to do typewriting and bookkeeping. Wages expected $7 per week. Ad dress "Bookkeeping," P. O. Box 601, Asheville, N. C. tf ROOMS WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, with sink in kitchen. Address C. C, care Gazette-News. tf WANTED Board in northern private family, in quiet part of city, not on car line. A. B. K., care General Delivery, City. 200-3t FOR RENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nlshed for housekeeping; first and secona noor. oinK ana gas in Kit chen, 26 Starnaa Ave. 183-tf CONNECTING ROOMS furnished' for light housekeeping, on flrst and sec ond Boors, with electric lights and gas. Phone 889. 18 Grady Street 162-tf FOR RENT Rooms near the High school on new street See (Miss) P. U Holman, SOI Legal building. FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath, North Main street J. H. Mc Connell, Phone 122 or 1434. 201-tf r-UK kent Choice and room flats, close in, IU per month. Cot. tage 6 rooms $21 per month. All have modern Improvement - Apply w. A. Nltser, omce II Revell bldg, I W. Pack square. A. II GOODLAKE Contractor & Builder Concrete Work a Specialty 22 5. Pack Square. ' -v Plena C73 - v. :.l f-1 r- T9 Cx STANDING OP THE CLP BS. National Leasrue. ' i Won. Lost Pet. New York .. . . . . ..101 45 .692 Pittsburg .. 81 57 .615 Chicago . . 89 58 .605 Cincinnati .. .. .. 74 T .493 Philadelphia ...... 70 77 .476 St. Louis .. .. .I .. 62 88 .4.13 Brooklyn .. .. .. .. 57 91 .383 Boston , . . .. 48 100 .324 American League. Won. Lost Pet. Boston.. ......... 102 46 .689 Washington ... .. 89 ( 59 .601 Philadelphia . v . . . . 88 60 .595 Chicago .. .. .. .. 74 76 .493 Cleveland .. .. .. .. 71 77 .480 Detroit.. .. .. .. .. 69 79 .466 St Louis'..' .. .. .. 52 98 .347 New York .. .. . 49 99 .331 RESULTS TTSTERDAY. National Lcaffue. At Boston Boston 5; Brooklyn 6 At New York New York 4; Phila- At St Louis St Louis 6: Cinein nati 4. At Chicago Chicago 3; Pittsburg 9. American Lvague. At "Washington Washington ; Boston 7. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 11; New Yorki 10 (11 innings). HIS SONS ILL Joseph us Daniels 'Forced to Drop Work for Wilson by Typhoid In His Family. Raleigh, Oct. 1. Josephus Daniels, head of the Wilson publicity bureau anil wlitnr nf the- Rflloieh News nad hnJ, hppn frPMi to return to North onrolma bv tvDhold fever. davs are criticallv so and make doubtful the return of Daniels to New York durinir the campaien. In addl- tlon to hla interest in the publicity department of the national campaign Mr. Daniels is national committeeman. Amusements TUESDAY, OCT. 8, , "45 Minutes from Broadway.' WEDNESDAY. OCT. 9, "45 Minutes from Briadway.' THURSDAY, OCT. 10, Delia Clark in "Introduce Me." IRRKKKRKRMR KKkRKRKtl Forty.Flro Minutes from Broadway.' vever before has Miss Hazele Bur- han's successful and brilliantly en- tcrtaining play with music, "Forty- Five Minutes from Froadway," which Latimore and Leigh produce at the Auditorium on October 8 and 9. Miss Gordon's two song numbers, "Mary is a Grand Old Name," and "So-Long, Mary," both of which are written in Mr. Cohan's most characterletic vein, are so capitally rendered as to make them features of the performance. Bert Leigh will be seen In the famous role of "Kid Burns," a slangy retired prize fighter, with a first class cast and production. Delia Clark In "Introduce Mc." If there was a play, bright and harmonious in colors, pure In Its ev ery theme and moment and true la- tone to the last of Its text. It is the new comedy, "Introduce Me," which comes to the Auditorium on Friday, October 10, written by the talented young author, Delia Clarke. Miss Clarke has scored a number of suc cesses both as an author and an actor, but this, her latest achievement. Is re garded as the best of her career. Miss Clarke will appear in a dual role in the comedy, In which she is support ed by a capable company of players, among whom are Luella Smith, Hat tie Neville, Harriet Kingston, Pauline Woodward, P. S. Whitham, Gordon de Maine, G. S. Payton and William Barber. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ortable Lamps, Electric Iron and Heating Apparatus ' W. A. WARD 12 Church Si Phone 449 MRS. C. B. CAMPBELL. Is principal of the Shorthand and Typewriting Department this year at the Asheville Business College. Mrs Campbell Is the only certified teacher of the Isaac Pitman shorthand in the state. She has forenoon and after- noon recitations. Private or class In structions. NEW CLASS begins October 1st Please onll at the ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE. RevcH Bldg. ' ' ' Pack, Square. ford Cars For Sale or Hire. Hollar Motor Co. 53 CIT-ia 1. ; Thone til DANGER -FclilOD- -OFVOMINS'LIFE FROM 45 to 50 Interesting Experience of Two Women Their Statement Worth Reading, Asheville, N.C. "I suffered for years With female trouble while going through the Change of Life. I tried a local phy sician for a couple of years without any substantial benefit. Finally after re peated suggestions to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, I quit my physician and commenced using it with the happiest results. I am today prac tically a well woman and anxious to con tribute my mite towards inducing others to try your great medicine, as I am fully persuaded that it will cure the ailments from which I suffered if given a fair chance. "If you think this letter will contrib ute anything towards further Introducing1 your medicines to afflicted women who are passing through this trying period, it is with great pleasure I consent to its publication." Mrs. Julia A. Moore, 17 East St, Asheville, N. C. The Case of Mrs. Kirlin. Circleville, Ohio. "I can truthfully say that 1 never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better, and I have continued taking it My health is better than it has been for several years. If all women would take it they would es cape untold pain and misery at this time of life." Mrs. Alice Kirlin, 358 W. Mill St, Circleville, Ohio. The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Atsuch timeswomen mayrely upon Lydia E. P ink ham 8 Vegetable Compound. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Asheville, as required by law, that the city engineer has made a survey and Hied his report in the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work done and the cost thereof in the mat ter of paving and otherwise improving on Furman avenue, from the Inter section of Baird street to the inter section of College street, and on Chestnut street from the Intersection of Furman avenue 154 feet west, in said city, and also showing the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street improvement to-be assessed against such real estate. And notice Is hereby further given that at the first regular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the expiration of ten (10) days from this date, said board of aldermen will consider said report and if no valid objections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approved by said boan. and the liens and assessments of said board of said street Improve ment will then become complete and operative. " Asheville, N. C, Sept 20, 1912. I W. YOUNG, l-10t City Clerk. H. SEIGLE Low Price Groceries. It will be to your interest to nvestigate our prices. )4 Woodfin St. , T Phone 428 I ITTff STREET & 4 0NIYERS1TY PLACI One Block West or Broadway NEW YORK CITY CHeiij to Whnlmwl n Retail Vtj deedi Dutricu, Batiivaa ni MODERN (IBSOI.lTtXr FimirRoor 3U0 Kooms (200 with Bath) RATES $1.00 PER DAY UP EzmUwt Rtaitwnt and . Modarau rrUxis. : tta vt Ww Xork C117. JJi The Best Picture House in' the" biate.' Fine Theatre The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Hour. Delightfully Cool, Plenty of Pure, Fresh Air. PIECE ORCHESTRA PROGRAM "A California Twove Story" "The Puppet's Honor" "The Liar of the Wolf". Oci from 10 The Ebbitt House ' Washington, JVC No matter what yon came to Washington for business,. Or pleasure THE EBBITT It Boat centrally located to every where Recently remodeled, refurnished and redecorated throughout thoroughly mod ern Is every feature Rooms, tingle or en suite, with or without bath. Eaten American Flan S.M to fs.M per fay, European Flan, !.& to' 14.96 per day. G. P SCHUTT. Proprietor. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway Slat Street. MEW YORK CiTI Main Entrance on 31st St. Convenient iu uuta fa, and Gra Central Stations. Rates f 1.6 mi- trards. 'The Samuels" (formerly the Sher man), Jamestown, N. Y. Open for business, May 15, 1912. Also itif Greenhurst, on Lake Chau tauqua, epen July lst-Sept 1st. Write for Guide to New York (with nap) and Special Rate Card, Ft. GEO. P. HURIRERT, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin toh Park. Every ' room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, jeream, vegetables from our own farm. American . Plan,- -$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. v:.-.' E. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. Bttth, Mound and Kenyon Streets. i CHALSIERS CARS FOU HIRE 5 or J Passenger. Elegant cars, careful drivers. Get our prices by Jhe day. Special atten tion given to out of town trips. HENDERSOV MARTIN Par rhone 228, Nlgth Phone 683. TODAY Drama Lubin Comedy. Kalom Drama a. in. to 11 p. m. Hotel Sterling Asheville's Host Modern 'and Up-to-date Held. .' Hot and Cold Running Water ' ! . . . imimr t rtTTrTTt A w or it rivato Da.ui ux evoijr i uvu, ; . ! v THE LANGREN Luxury Without Extravagance. i ASHEVILLE 'S NEW UP-TO-DATE, FIREPROOF CONCRETE HOTEL. ... Cafe" with popular prices 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Grill Eoom Quick lunch service, open all night. Conference Booms for business meetings. Sample Eooms. Private Dining Eooms. ' " . ' ' ' " Harry L. Langel and J. Baylis Rector, Managers. Battery ParK Hot el OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. V Famous Everywhere NO. 3 ASTON PLACE ' Chnrctt Street. . BTEAM HBAT, ; WEIX COOKBD FOOD. Hllk and cream from our own cows, I make my guests comfortable. MISS MATT TIE HARRIS V - - ' Phone 67. . FAIRFIELD ON LAKE FAIRFIELD, tN THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIR3 - COUNTRY, ,. , ' ..... . Special Rates for Sept. and Oct. The trout fishing is excellent at this season of the year, and sportamea will Dad at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spn4 a few day or weeks. For Information, rates, eta add ress ' ' ' ' ' H. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. FAIRFIELD INN. NO HAT EAGLE.S NEST and CAMP " " Above the Clouds. ". -' .., ,. 2; Elevation 6,050 ft, overlooks Southern Assembly . Grounds, also Way- nesvllle, I 1-2 miles distant 1-2 mile Scenery, air and water unapproached, table and service unsurpassed. Hotel modern, clean and cosy. The one comfortable spot for the summer. Qet located on a beautiful mountain, not merely In sight of them. No an noyance from unruly children. Positively no consumptives. for folder and terms. (L C Rattrrthwait. ICaelm N . 0 W. fl CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER, Proa, FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES THE HOTEL ATHELWOLD BREVARD, N. O. Under new management. The hotel ' baa been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Steam heated. Baths, Caters especially ' to commercial men. D. O. SINCLAIR, Mgr. Formerly of Tarborough House, Raleigh, N, C,' HOTEL KENMORE , . ; . WAYNESVDLLE, N. C. Centrally located on Main street. ' Under new manage ment; newly remodeled. Booms with or without bath. J ANDREW L. JACKSON, Prop. ' ' Formerly of Hotel Sumter,- B. C The ST. JOHN "r1" The center of social life John." A most attractive and high class orchestra. ST. JOHN and THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL COMMERCIAL 'AND TOURIST ' Rates per day Hot and Cold Baths, Special Rates by Week of month. -THE BON AIR- - - LEADINQ COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST . HOTELnBT WAYNES VILLE, N C, , ME3. SALLIB B. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. 1 "FREE SAMPLE R00M3M EAGLE, . T. OMOHCNDUO, Prop. ' Special attenqoa 'to commercial Rates reasonable. Bummer boarders located In the heart of the Blue cool and comfortable. ' D. J. TATUM Livery, Feed end Sales Stable. Comfortable Vehicles, Saddle Horses a Specialty. '. henpersonvellb; v. a Phone tVk, itarvlca al An Honrs. When lit Andrews Ktn at the New HOTEL RUSSELL ANDREWS, N, C. The newest and cozlent hotel In Wes tern North Carolina. Modern Improve ments. Electrlo lights, elegantly ap pointed rooms, sanitary plumbing, Culilne the bout Prompt and ef ficient service. Rates 11 and 12.60 per day. American plan. Special weekly rnten. A. II. SPEARS, Prop. Make every "f'it,cla Pule" really .trenn'hen your store by taking care Unit your ad rca li-rs ltinrn the U'uth t ijoi.t u. U s .: . iwui Mvnn Owner and Proprietor. - Iff ' SAPPHIRE, V. O, FEVER X , higher than Asheville. ELEOTRIO LIGHTS FREE BATH $3.00 Hot and Cold Water. and activity is 'at ' "The St. thoroughly modern hotel. A SON, Proprietors. , B, F, JARRETT, Manages, ,, . .... - ' DOWwr K, O, t HOTEL v ' MARION, If. C. men. An modern eonvenlenoea. wanted by week or month. Hotel Ridge Mountains. Large, airy rooms. , PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. C. The beat and moat reasonable house In town, good table, clean beds and home cooking." Rates tl per day. MIS3 ROSA PATTON HOTEL E3TELLA BRYBOI CITT. neadqtiarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates 1 per day. Special rates by thi, month. Bata room. Free sample room. Railroad I eating nouns fronting Southern depot. I Livery in connertlon. A. V. AUJA Vlii;rLCn, pro-

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