Wednesday, Octoher 2, 1912. PAGE EIGHT ftff. A cniixTTt GAZETTE NEWS. t. It. F- If". : IV- i ' i ; I ! I i 1 .1-' -1' f FOR EVERY SEASON Not only for summer, but for Fall and Winter M & W INDIAN COAL Maintains its supremacy for real fuel, quality for every purpose. Phone 130.' Carolina Coal & Ice Company COMPLETE PHH1 . FOR IV. I. C. FH COUGH SYRUP I For couifhs, colds, Hoarseness, bronchitis 1 croup, iniiuonza I Order of Events That Will In- whoopinsr coueh augnrate the Exhibit Which Begins Oct. 8. NEW HERRING Per dozen 50c. B. C. Jarrett Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. : Store rhoiics 1920 anil 11)21. Market Phone 473. MEN, HAVE YOU NOTICED Tho'synuiiotri'enl lines, and the comfort shapes of. the New Fall Shoos shown in our hig window? Tn plain, lan ui'd pat ent leathers, lace amMmtton; and $f). GuaranteeShoeStore 4 South Main 8i We Can Meet Your wants At the fairest prices. Our chl- k na, glass and crockery the A foremosit tin enameled ware store. The I. X. L. Dept. Store 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107. J. E. Carpenter JEWELER ' Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty KVES TESTKD GLASSES FITTED . PH. Z. F. HIGHSMITJI OITOMETKIST 9 Grnly Street. Phone 1127. ASIIKVILLE, N. C. FOR RENT Offices, on second floor. In Palace Theater Building at "8 Patton Ave. These offices are well Hunted, and ventilated. Hardwood floors, steam heat. Water in rooms. Five good rooms In the Maxwelton Building. Steam heated, bath on third floor. Prices attractive. Apply to W. T. WEAVER Ttoom 1, Maxwelton r.uililing. 202-fit A GHEAT IiACXDUY PLANT EQUIPPED WITH SEW MACHINERY THROt'GHOVT Catering to those who de- mnnd quality In all things es pecially in their laundry work, the ASIIEV1M.E LAUNDRY J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 05 W. College St. Ashevllle, N.C. Invites patronage solely on the basis ,of. Merit. High quality Laundry work, Prompt and oourteous service. The phrase "THE NimuLS WAY" In Ashevllle brings Instantly to the minds of all "Best Laundry Service." !' Asheville Laundry Wiipre Linen lire Longer. 9. A. KICIIOLS, Ugr. I Od2s EL T ' T T'TT1Ttf I The program committee of the Western North Carolina Fair associa tion met yesterday afternoon and pre pared a complete program of the events of the fair to take place at Riverside park October 8 to 11. The lair opens at 11 o'clock October 8 with a parade by the school children. The program follows: i October 8. 11 a. m.- Educational parade on! principal streets of the city. i I 1 p. m. Aerial performance, be fore the grand stand, by the Great Calvert. ., . l.:S0 p. m. Address, by Hon. J. Y. Joyner. 2 p. m. Trick riding, by Wild West show. 2:30 p. m. Military Fraternal and Industrial parade, marching from county court house for fair grounds. 4 p. m. Address, by Hon. Locke Craig. t p. m. -Close of day's session. 7 p. m. Night session opens with concert, First Regiment band. 7:30 p. m. Trick wire walking, be fore the grand stand, by The Great Calvert.. 8 p. nr. -Cowboy's free exhibition, before the grand stand. llig fireworks display, immediately after the close of Wild West show. Oetoler 9. 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.- Concert. First Regiment. I'd nil.. 10 a. m, Aerial performance, The limit Calvert, 10:30 a. m, Free exhibition, before the grand stand, by Wild West show. Trapese performance by Mine, the noted expert. 2 p. m. Horse show. 2 p. m. Concert, by First Regiment bend. ... 7 p. "m. Concert, by First Regiment band. ; 7:30 p. m. The '.Great Calvert cake walks on high wire in evening dress. S p. in.- Cowboys' free ' exhibition before the grand stand. .Trapese per formance by Rlne. the noted expert. I!ig fireworks display immediately after the close of Wild West show. Fair grounds open at 11 a. m.; day sessions close at fl p. m.: night ses sions open at 7 p. m., daily. tneasles cou?h, ana for. i as tk mat? j and con sumptive coughs In all : Plages of thit disease. i Good for man, woman 'nd child. Nothing better. Price, 25 cts. NO MORPHINB OR CHLOROFORM "I had a cough for fotr ttalr. hiat aflur folrinc td. kottle ot Dr. Hull's ComA" 'UMiUkli yrup the ooiurb was all Vone." Jamos W. ByrtL S. JCth St., Philu.ltlt.liia, Pa. SAMPLE SENT FREE Write lor 11 today. Mention thli paper. Addiaae . C WEVBJt at CO... BAU1MOKK. iU x 4 s-- :y Chase Motor TrucKs Are -eJsy to operate and the expense Is smallest of nil becaiiH; They have fewef parts. Iie.ause you cannot run motor without oil. IU a use all plumblnf; Is eliminated. Because there's no valves to get noisy, leaky and have to be ground In at a cost of time and labor. Heoause Chase Trucks have been tried and made good tor several years throughout the county. Come in and see one. Scuffer Shoes for Boys Tan buttons, all size. $1.50 to $2.50. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 S. MAIN ST. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment ot Sanford't az minstcr rugs and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. ' Come In and see these rugs before placing your order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for cash. . ASIIEVILLB CARPET nOUSB 18-20 Church St. Pione tin. 228. CITY NEWS IS Asheville Automobile Co. by by PLANS AHEPEPFEGTED There Are 27 Entries for Eight Events Course to Be Policed. Plans are now all perfected for the first annual hill climbing contest to be held in Asheville, and the events will begin tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock on South French liroad ave nue, the course beginning just below Southside avenue and extending over French Broad avenue for one-half mile. The grades vary from 2 'to 12 per cent. There are 27 entries for the eight events, all of which were in last Sat urday night. Other owners have tried to enter their cars since that date, but this could not be done, as the contest is to be held under the auspices and with the sanction of the American Automobile association and all en tries have to be completed five days before the event. Some of the entries that have been offered since the books closed have been from as far away as Atlanta, but none of them could be accepted. The cups that are to be offered as first prizes in each event are very handsome and are now on display In the show windows of Fields' jewelry store. They are all prizes to be cov eted, and the light for them promises to be a warm orie. Those who have entered their cars are enthusiastic and are making ready for the first five events by stripping their cars of every surplus pound that can be tak en olT. They are figuring on added speed. The course will be roped off for the spectators and will be properly policed and patroled by the two military com panies here. There will be no danger of accidents if cautious preparation can prevent them, and as there will be no admission fee It is exDected that the events will be witnessed by a largo crowd. The committee in charge of the hill climbing contest Will test the gasoline in the cars entered,-and if anything besides gasoline is found in a will be debarred from entering. It has been reported that some contest ants are .putting "nitro" In the gaso line, V. W. Iyf.'ve & Son have received a shipment oi ginseng, the lirst of a large amount they bought some time ago from parties near Murphy. They have one show window lilled with ginseng, and it makes a very inter citing exhibit,' one root especially be ing in the shape of the human body. At the request of W. F. Randolph in behalf of E. . Grove that a propo sition be made to hini by the city for furnishing the water for his new hos telryc City Engineer Leo is preparing profiles and blue prints for a ten-inch pipe from the College street main di rectly to the site of the building, a distance or about fiOOO feet. The registration books for the No vember, election will Open tomorrow at C o'clock and will remain open until October 211. The books will be at the polling places which remain the same us heretofore with the exception of the creation of the West Asheville precinct, and Hie polling place at Georgetown has been moved to lilack stoeU's si tt re. 15 and II Soatb Lexington Avenue, LEAFLETS GOOD PRINTING We' 'are-well equipped with good presses, new type and skilled printers for ..turninsr out social find .commercial printing of the highest quality. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. The lirst annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Chess club will be held in the association building tonight at 8 o'clock, and cards of invitation have been sent out to a number of the chess players of the city to be pres ent. All those who have chess men that they can bring with them are asked to do so, as there will be sev eral games In progress at once, A large sign with the words, "Dem ocratic Headquarters," was erected on the front of the building In which the headquarters will be maintained this fall the building on Pack square in which is Sullivan's cafetarian. The rooms are on the second door, hack. The sign Is quite attractive. It Is about three feet high and stretches the full, length of the building. II was painted by C. 1. Hard and also erected by him above the third story. Frank Wilson, colored, who is ac cused of attempting to poison his wife, Fanny Wilson, was captured this morning near the Southern station by Patrolman Wyatt. It Is charged thai the negro put some rat p. coffee, which he thong", would drink, lie has bci since Monday wlo-n be is attempted the crime. The kept the coffee to use a the prosecution. ison in the t h is will it in hitl it: 4 ;ti'i to H.iM' police have L'VUIence i,i FRESH CRISP NUT BRITTLES CANDY KITC SEN WEST VIRGINIA Stands second place in coal producing states. Its produc tion in 1910,59,274,533 tons. Monarch Coal sold by us in Asheville is the equal of any fine coal in the country. Right now is a good time to lay in your winter supply. Get our prices on five ton lots. Southern Coal Co. Pbona 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq "5 TONS M & W PLEASE". - That's the way the or ders for tbis justly fa mous coal are coming in daily many times daily. M & W is just good, clean coal. I I'lioiH' 40. t Asheville Coal Co. tlHMUimiDIMMI LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bids. 8 Pack Sq. Phone 707. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, 17 North Main fit I carry a nice Una ot Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFCTCE BLOM BERGS For your Cigars, Tobaccos, riprw, Smokers Sporting Goods. 17 Pat ton Ave. Articles and Buicli Trucks Simple! Durable! Economical! Especially adapted to hilly country. Will reduce your delivery costs. ' Arbogast Motor Co Phone 1728.- No. GO to C8 North Main St. BEEF VIE COOKED ORNED HILL'S MARKET . "Ask Your Neighbor." Phones 4359 M BKianaaraiaiiimfiiii Vanity Cases--Coin Pursesl Sollu Oe rm tin Silver, handsomely engraved and embossed, polished or antique linish: unusually cheap. Vanity Cases $1.50. .Purses $1.00, Your nitial In Old English engraved free and money back If you say so. In the court of luxthv ,jf (lie pence V .A. James, jr.. I hi, aftcri .mm, pr able cause was found iiuitinst II. !', Cludius on the charge of defrauding Frederick Kutle.lge and others out of $5500 and he was bound over to the October term of Superior lourt under a bnnd of $500. The case had been continued several times, was begun yesterday morning, resumed again this morning at 11 o'clock and was concluded at 3 o'clock this afternoon. l'roIiablyJadf of the horses in and around Asheville will oat. Ports Arab Horse Feed tomorrow for Break- , liisl. Dinner and Supper. Thats Horse sense. A hint : to- the wise is sufficient. All Grocers but a few sell it. " I FLASH LIGHTS ; Why go feeling your way through the dark when at very I ittle expense you can have a flash light that will furnish'; all the light you need. $1.25 to $3.75. See our window. i PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice S4 Patton Ave.! The Best Picture House in the State. nccss Theatre i TREASURER'S REPORT. Shows ltalaiues of In General I'liml ami $1679 In School I'lllKl. Grant's No. 24 Cures Colds. County Treasurer T. M. Duckett has completed his report for the month of September, showing the condition of the Buncombe county finances on October 1. There Is a balance in both the general and the school fund. In the former of $1762.83 and the latter of $1678.97. The report follows: General Fund. Heceplts In Septemlier $14,072.70 Overdraft Sept. 1. $4, 204. 54 25 cents. Disbursements . ., 8,105.23 12,309.77 COMFORTS I FINE WARM $1.50 to $7.50 GASH OR CREDIT Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main Street. "The Home of Furniture Values." Loyalty to your favorite st ore is a fine trait. Be also, loyal to yourself by keeping1 in const ant touch with its advertising. On anil after Jifonday, September 30th, 1912, the following schedule will be In effeot until further notice: WANTS FOR SAL.K Good clear newspapers, 50 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. tf. FOH, RENT 3 choice rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, hall and front porch, price right. 117 ' Proad street. 203-tf. FOR SAI.R Seven piece Kitchen Set, including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, poring knife and carborundum sharpener, itrand new articles In neat boxes, only a few left. While they hurt, only 75c per set. Gazette News office. tf. l'alance October 1 $ 1,762.93 School Fund. I Pnlance September 1......0 2.582.R2 Tleceplts 8,067.97 I Total .... $10,650.79 Disbursements 8,970.82 I,v Weavervllle. 6:45 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Ar. Ahevllle. ' 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. I.v Asheville. 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11 :00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.- , 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ' Ar Weavervllle. 7:15 a.m, 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Tlnlanre , . . .$ 1.679.97 HOTEL KENMORE In addition To the above schedule on Saturdays a car will leave Ashe ville for Weavervllle at 11 p. m. and' on Sundays cars will leave Asheville for Weaverllle lit 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. and 1 1 p. m. and will leave Weavervllto for Ashevllle at 6:15 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. " .' ' I On Sundays the. oars leaving Wea vervlllo fipri Asheville nt 5:45 a, tn.,' 7:15 a. in, and 8:15 a. in. and leaving Asheville for Weavervllle at 6:30 a, m. and 8:00 a. m. will be omitted. I Mrs. 1j. V. Knight ami Frank Thax Km Hare Kcximiod Con trol of the House. After using beef all summer try a l'ORK ROAST of west- FOn UENT Pleasant rooms for housekeeping, close In, furnished or unfurnished; rent reasonable. No. 34 Cherry street. . 208-61 WANTED Active colored boy, of neat appearance, at once. Apply Flnley's Drug Store, Depot trct. 203-lt TIIK POHTM, TF.LF.C.IUPH COM p.iny has a vacancy on Its meHM-n-per forc fur hoy with wheel. Ref erence required. Only an active In telligent bo-- that ineunu bnshon i neeii np,iv. ' 2 ':;-:: t- Thetravellng iinbllo will be pleas- or gOOU UUIICUIUMU pig, -ut! iHjr jiouiiu. ed -to learn that Mrs. U W. Knight) . and Frank Thaxton have resumed I , -control and induct of Hotel Ken-1 more at Waynesvtlle. Mrs. Knight an 1 "Uncle: Frank," as he la familiarly STAR MARKET Phone 1919. known, are too well known to need any comment upon their hotel man agement. Suffice to say that the Kn more under their control will be con ducted upon the same high standard . and with that eminent degree of eff I-' clency which has always her-eforo. cnaracterizeo this popular place un der their maniiKPment. They cnr llall' extend an Invitation to all of their old patrons to ' nim o- : i k," and new ones will receive , . inally cordial' weleonn. Citizens Transfer Company JCIjIAJT WOODCOCK, Owner. , FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by C O. T. and T. P. A. f'hrn r.r, v.',-uv,, IJvery. Phoneltl. FOR SALE , Two stores and ono dwelling. Corner property. Itents for $1)1.00 mouth. Price for quick sale, $4760.00. 1 IJARSTELLER & CO. IUal Instate. o Uajwood St. FOR RENT room cottage, Depot section Price $10.00 month. MARSTELLER & CO. 1 Heal E-latc SO Uaywo,d Si The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Hour. Delightfully v Cool, Plenty of Pure, Fresh Air, . PIECE ORCHESTRA PROGRAM TODAY "The Indian's Pity." ...... , . ... . C. G. P. 0. Drama , "The Live Wire" ....... r. . .. '. ..... Pahe Comedy "The Box Car Baby" . . ... . . .V. , . ..... Silg Drama Open from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. TUJ5 GKUNER BAmXAKlUJYL Aabevtlle, If. V No. M-tl Haywood Street. to..... j HYDRO-THERMO-ELECTItO and MRnnANn.iirviiv .. for selected ewe. of Nervouboeaa, Paralyala. Hayfever. Malaria, Asthma, Btomach. Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronic fli-.u. . The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium U opaa loth UiUlhM aud UK&TWMUii. ' puD,IC- ,l,r" "ndanU for , B Opendayand Wight. North State Fitting School A Select school for boys. Experienced Teachers . PrenfirAa fn r.illava . . wiwwugu wor k, manly conduct, tane athletic Apply at once to J. M. RODERTit Prinm,,.! t Asheville, N. C nufnber limited. 157 Church St, Phone 1374 Stove li Expert Men to Set up and Repair Stoves We keep in-connection with our complete line of stoves and, ranges all kinds of "repairs for stoves. Still its hnrdly worlh while fixing up nn old stove or range when we are selling new up-to-date stoves for $1.00 down. : Better come in and look tlioin over". Gi?oea B?o l. .In-t Co. '! Co. .i formerly eim I'alni 45 PATTCIT 7 I