Tuesday, Cctotcr S, 1C12. . r-rrwvrvT V r. "TtiTTf WITT! "vlutt Declined To Be Broken Of His Rest By "Bud" Fisher Cowc reft WANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Bargain In beautiful, safe gentle pany, pony buggy and harness. Pony perfectly city broke not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can handle or drive him anywhere, without fear bf accident. Apply 67 Charlotte street, city, or writs Luke Dixon, care Gazette-News. Asheville. 187-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of fine hard wood timber in Towns county, Ga., Many trees will cut six thousand feet Apply to Mrs. S. H. VanVorst Clarkston, DeKoIb county, Georgia. 193-30t FOR SALE Good clear newspapers, K0 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. tf. FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, Including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles in neat boxes, only a few left. While they last, only 75c per set. Gazette News office. tf. FOR SALE Three, new Osgewo wheat drills at half price. Room 9 Revell Bldg. F. P. Ingle. FOR KALE Cheap, new boy's bicy cle. Apply to Henry Harris, Knick erbocker. 206-3t WANTS WANTED T. H. McGINNESS haa moved to room 4 Masonic building, Market street, opposite T. M. I. Steam dyeing, tail oring and cleaning. Phono I860, tf WANTED Tour Notary Public work. Residence. 12 1 Asheland avenue. Phone 18. Jas. W. Albright t-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, t or JA. Inquire of C W. Capell at Gazette-News. tf WANTED A position as collector. good at general office work, can use a typewriter. Address P. O. Box No. 84, Asheville, N. C. 141-tf. MISSION CLOCK NOW $2.25 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 inches high, 12 Inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 day wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price is only for those who call at the office, and pay cash; we do not deliver. Only one clock sold to each person. Apply at The Gazette News office. tf. FOR SALE. We will sell for spot cash at 82.25, not delivered, a few MISSION CLOCKS, have been left ; over as premiums. We are going out of the premium business, consequently we are offering these clocks at a reduced price. Apply at the Gazette News office. A New Course to Be Taught at the Asheville Business College. Salesmanship and Business Effi ciency is the New Course to be taught at the A. B. C. This course Is to be gin as soon as possible. It will be Riven separately from the other courses. It has been taught In thu north five years. The A. B. C. Is the first In this state to adopt this course. It is exceedingly beneficial and inter esting. Ail the books have come and we would be glad to have you call and let us explain to you what the course really is. HENRY S. SHOCKNEY, 203-3t Principal. NOTICE WANTED Cash register, must be In good condition and cheap. See C. H. Bartlett, City Hall. 107-3t. MISCELLANEOUS ROCK LEDGE, 61 Haywood Street St room thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, lira P. J. Cocoran, Prop. LOST Near Busbee lodge knuckle from speedometer (small brass at tachment). Finder will be paid for trouble by returning same to PUB LIC SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY, Langren hotel. 176-tf. IF YOU wish to learn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear scrutiny write "Investment," care Gazette-News. l3-tf vnTTND Sum of money. Monday eve ning. Sept 23, on Southern train '.No. 13, between Asheville and Ma- vlnn Owner fan arptt mnnev bv de scribing same and paying for this adv. Dr. J. F. Whisnant, Henrietta, N. C. 202-7t SAVE MONEY Buy your standard and popular fiction, Bibles, Religious Books. Histories. Dictionaries and Biographies at Ye Old Bookshop, No. 114 Patton avenue. 205-26t FOR RENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur. nlshed for housekeeping; first and second floor. Sink-and gas in kit chen. 26 Btarnes Ave. 183-tf WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, must be reasonable. Address "Permanent", care Gazette News. 188-tf WANTED Position by young lady who can operate the typewriter and thoroughly familiar with all kinds of office work. Four years experi ence. Salary expected, 810 per week. Best of references. Address F. E care Gazette-News. 205-tf. WANTED A good, medium-sized soft coal heating stove. Inquire of C. W. Capell, at Gazette-News. tf WANTED To buy two farms one about 40 acres and one about 125 acres. Write care Box. 3 3 9, Ashe vine, N. C. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Asheville, as required by law, that the city" engineer has made a survey and filed his report in the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work done and the cost thereof in the mat ter of paving and otherwise improving on Furman avenue, from the inter section of Balrd street to the inter section of College street and on Chestnut street from the intersection of Furman avenue 154 feet west in said city, and also showing the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street improvement to be assessed against such real estate. And notice is hereby further given that at the first regular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the expiration of ten (10) days from this date, said board of aldermen will consider said report and if no valid objections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approved by said board and the liens and assessments of said board of said street improve. ment will then become complete and operative. Asheville, N. C, Sept 20, 1912. L. W. YOUNG, 51-10t City Clerk. At the expiration of thirty days, the City Clerk will Issue executions to the City Tax Collector, .for all unpaid as sessments account of paving on the following streets: ' i Pack Square, paving, laid 1904. - . Orange Street, paving, laid 1904. South Krench Broad, paving, laid 1904. ' Water Street, paving, laid 1904. Buttrick Street, paving, laid 1905. Charlotte I .reet. No. 2, paving, laid 1905. Flint Stree.t, No. 2, paving, laid 1905. Lexington Ave.i paving, laid 1905. N. French Broad, paving, laid 1905. Spruce Street, No. 2, paving, laid 1905. . . ;. Stamps Avenue, paving, laid 1905. Woodfin Street, No. 2, paving, laid 1905. Southside Avenue, paving, laid 1906. . Central Avenue, paving, laid 1906. Depot treet, paving, laid 1906. Philip Street, .paving, laid 1906. Sou. Main St., repair, laid 1906. Vanre Street, paving, laid 1906. West College St.; paving, laid 1906. Church Street, paving, laid 1907. Grove Street, paving, laid 1907. East Street paving, laid 1907. L. W. YOUNG. j City Clerk. 207-3t NOTICE WANTED If you are going to build a new house you should get our estimate on painting the outside and roof, also calcimlning, paper ing and painting the Interior wood work; we do satisfactory work, and our prices are reasonable. R. L. Flczpatrik & Son, 63 North Main St Phone 157. WANTED We do repair work well as tailoring; dresses and cloaks made over with unerring correct. ness as to style and workmanship. Ladles cleaning and dyeing done In most satisfaxitory manner. Phone 889, J. C. Wllbar. FOR RENT Two connecting rooms, furnished; gas range and lights. Phoue 804 or apply 179 Woodfin " street 206-3t CONNECTING tlOOMS furnished for light housekeeping, on first and sec ond floors, with electric light and gas. Phone 839. 18 Grady Street 162-tf FOR RENT Connecting rooms, for llxht housekeeping, near the High school on new street See (Miss) P. L. Holman, 801 Legal building. ROOMS WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms for housekeep Ing, with sink in kitchen. Address C. C, care Gazette-News. tf At the expiration Of thirty days, the City Clerk will Issue executions to the City Tax Collector, for all unpaid as sessments account-of sidewalks on the following streets: College Street Sidewalk, laid 1907. Roberts Street Sidewalk, laid 1908. Central Avenue sidewalk, laid 1909. Depot Street sidewalk, laid 1909. Merrimon Avenue sidewalk, laid 1910. L. W. YOUNG, City Clerk 207-8t The Ebbitt House Washington, D. C. No matter what you cant to Washington for burinew or pleasure THE EBBITT la nost centrally located to every where. Recently remodeled, refurnished and redecorated throughout thoroughly mod ern la every feature. Booms, single or en suite, with or without bath. Bates i ! American Flu $1,041 to St.ee ar lay. Earopean Plan, $1M to M.00 cr day. G. F SCHUTT. Proprietor. PATTON HOUS1 Mnrnhv H f! ' :r " ... . e log Deot ana mosi reasonaDie nouee in town, good table, clean beds and home cooking. Rates 81 per day. " MISS ROSA PATTON TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS la our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FINEELSTEIN Loan Office. 23 S. Main St Phone 887. Asheville. SALESMANSHIP LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. 8 Pack S Phone tl. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, 17 North Main St I carry a nice ,llne of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. " Satisfaction guaranteed. Hotel Sterling Hotels and Boarding House Swann an o aB e rlieley v Asheville 'a Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. THE L ANGREN Luxury Without Extravagance. ASHEVILLE 'S NEW UP-TO-DATE, FIREPROOF CONCRETE HOTEL. . Cafe with popular prices 6 a. m. to 10 p." m. Grill . Room Quick lunch service, open all night Conference. Rooms for business meetings. Sample Rooms. Private Dining Rooms., . , Harry L. Langel and J. Baylis Rector, Managers. HELP WANTED v7 ANTED Salesman for paints, auto, mobile oils and lubricant. Excel lent Inducements. The Middle State Oil Co., Cleveland, O. Its Science, Application, Educational Benefits, Ett This splendid course Is to be given at the Asheville Business College. Business men endorse it strongly and urge Its Introduction at once. The first class is being made up. One young man who has completed a sim ilar course will take our course. About ten are ready now to start. We want ten more. me oooks ior me entire course have come and we would be pleaded to snow you what the course really consists of. Call at the Asheville Busi ness College any day. HENRY a SHOCKLEY, Principal. 208-3t FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath. North Main street J. II. Mc Connell, Phone 122 or 1434. 201-tf VR RENT Pleasant rooms for housekeeping, close In, furnished or unfurnished: rent reasonable. No. 34 Cherry street. 203-6t WANTED An experienced youn? white woman for general housework and cook, where a second glri Is kept in family of two. Steady em ployment and good wages tor com petent and settled person. Address Lock Box it, Asheville, N. C. 198-St FOR RENT 3 choice rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, hall flnd front porch, price right. 117 llioHd street. 203-tf. nois KOU RENT Suitable for lii ht housekeeping. Apply No. 90 lunch mri-ct. 207-6t. i i criiiice s no I room In, $l per month. Cot 's r....mg J'M per month. All ! ! ri 1m. i. roveinenta, Aimty . r, i. n IS Revell Ll'd. FOY8 WANTED Roys, you can earn lots of pocket money selling papem on the streets afternoons and eve nlngs. Apply at Gazette-News office. 207-tf. An Opportunity to learn candy mak ing and buy out a prosperous bus iness. Enquire Canaday Realty Co 207-St WANTED White woman for general houM! work and cook for small rnmiiy. Addreae Opportunity, care Onsotte-Newa 206-St H. SEIGLE ' Low Price Groceries. It will be to your interest to investigate our prices. 54 Woodfin St Phone 428 RAZOR STROPS? Yes, we have them. Over 63 patterns to select from. ' Asheville Earber Supply Co. : 23 North Main St. Ford Cars For Sale or Hire. Hollar Motor Co. 56 S. Main St. ,'. Phone 672. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with bath, or "hot and cold water. Milk, eream, vegetables from our own farm. American Plan, $2.00, 12.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. . R. B. Mills prop for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. " ' Sixth, Mound and Kenyon Streets. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway (1st Street. NEW XORK CITX llain Entrance oa 31st Ct. Buy your ticket and give order for baggage to be checked from your residence to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket CSce same room, CO Patton Ave. MOVING AND STORAGE. NEW COCttfr-At the A. R C HalfsttiurtMhlp PIcrtHo 11 at the colli-nre, Nirn Park S'luare and rx- amiim thin i-oi Al Cflll JtlHC'J l-rl liii.ikkc.'lnT t In i f...t-t .. . , I',, ( v. ,,, , CHALMERS CAUS FOIl HIRE 5 or 7 PaMcngcr. Elegant cars, careful drivers. Gnt our prices by the day. Bpeclal atten tion given to out of town trips. n;;i)i nsov & mahti.i ... Iy 11 e 2. M,;H I'lio-.rt'BM. A I 1 New Tllf I.Ih. K r.-nt. f.ir 1 u j..-r ( ' I in (i t Battery Parli Hotel ABHUVIIiLE, IT. O. - .'IfUS OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. . , Famous Everywhere FAKIELD ON LAKE r AIRFIELD, IN THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIR3 COUNTRY, Special Rates for October. The trout fishing la excellent at this season of the year, and iportamea will find at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a most delightful spot to spend a few day or weeks. For Information, rates, ate, address ,1 F AIRFIELD DOT. n. R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. BAFrniRE, h. a , FTtKR SAMPLE ROOMS BTEAM HEATED CANTON, N. C.1 THE IMPERIAL HOTEL Elf. GEI EB Prop. RATES 12.00 . ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATH HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat Hot and Cold Baths. Both commercial and tourist. Open year round. t CHAS. M. COOK. Jr., Proprietor. .. , - V. TL CT TA1JXT liieoi. juni n.a Th- center of social life and activity is at "The St. John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high clasB orchestra. ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. . . (.r th . .... lirli-k tin i town r ft p k 1 1 1 . n in ' Convenient to Ixith Fa. nd Gras Central tHatlout. i.te tilt ward. "1 he FHmiu'lH (formerly f e f hor niun). JiimfMown, N. Y. Cnmn for tiUHlllMMI, IH h v 15, 1112. Also the t,rv.i,tinrHt, on Lke Clu Inn-ia, open Ju'y 1st n j t. let. VUe f'.r Uui'd t. r -w T'.'K (wl'i n ) and Kmm- I ' 1 ; . " . '. J , . ... .', THE BON AIR : leading coi,:::i:r.ciAL and tourist hotel oj V7AYNE3VILLE, N C. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, rroprictrcs?. Open the Year Renal ' "FRES SAIIFLS R00:.J3"V D. J. TATUI1 Livery, Specialty. Pllnne SIC. r1 and Bales Stable. Comfortable Vehicles, baddle Horses a i: TIN DJCILSOS VILLE, If, O. ' Bflrlt-fl at All Hours. HOTEL KENMORE ' Vayncsville, N. C. Open All tlio Year Round. Strictly Ilih Clazs Ccrvico ways. . C. II. &, L. V. KNIGHT l'roin'iotors. Al- Ti::-: jk!,! rr mt.ivos iioti.Ij . ' ) 1 . Hot , fit- 1 C k- ' ' " " " 1 r 1 i i i ii i . . I ' ' .......

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